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Oracle9iAS Wireless Administrator's Guide
Release 2 (9.0.4)

Part Number B10685-01
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Managing Wireless and Voice Applications

The Content Manager enables you to create and organize repository objects. Each section of this document presents a different topic. These sections include:

8.1 Overview of the Content Manager

The Content Manager enables you to edit services, including mobile services. These reusable services can be invoked as a normal service, or by another service to return a result to that service. Wireless provides several mobile services that are ready for deployment, including those for such Personal Information Management (PIM) tools as calendar, address book, fax, and mail.

For the Oracle Collaboration Suite, you mainly use the Content Manager to edit the input parameters of a mobile service. However, the Content Manager enables you to to create and manage the following repository objects. For more information, refer to the Getting Started and System Guide for Oracle9iAS Wireless.


Folders enable you to organize such objects as services and bookmarks. When you assign a folder to a user group, you make its subfolders, services and bookmarks within it accessible to users.


A service inherits a master service or a mobile master service, enabling you to distribute service access to multiple users or groups. Services also enable you to specialize master services, as you can set default parameter values that override values initially set for the master service in the Service Designer. This function provides such benefits as enabling you to localize services. For example, in order for a master service to deliver restaurant information for an entire city, its adapter takes a single parameter (a location), and returns a list of restaurants throughout the city. While the master service can specify a broad location, such as the city, you can create services based on a specific parameter, such as a district within that city. You can then distribute the services, as appropriate, to user groups that you assemble based on the users' locations.


A bookmark gives the user quick access to an external resource, typically a Web page that delivers content in a format supported by the target device. End users can set bookmarks to external URLs at the Wireless Customization. The bookmark appears as a menu selection in the device-based customization tool. Wireless does not process the content of the URL target. The format of the target content must be supported by the user's device.

Alerts and Topics

An alert is a notification service delivered to users based on the trigger conditions they set when subscribing to an alert service. An alert inherits a master alert. Content managers create alerts from master alerts constructed using the Service Designer. Content Managers organize alerts by topics, containers that group alerts.

8.2 Logging Into the Content Manager

Before using the Content Manager, you must first log in to the Webtool as follows:

  1. Access the login page through the following URL:



    7777 is the default port number for Oracle9iAS Wireless. The port number range is 7777 to 7877. To ensure that you are using the correct port number, check the port number for Oracle9iAS Wireless stored in [Oracle home]/install/portlist.ini. For more information on port usage, see Oracle9i Application Server Installation Guide and the Oracle9i Application Server Administrator's Guide. 

  2. Enter your user name and then enter your password. If you are an administrator, enter orcladmin as your user name. (The password is set during installation, but can be changed with the User Manager.)


    You must be granted either the Administrator or Organizer roles to access the Content Manager. 

8.3 Configuring Mobile Service Parameters

The Services tab of the Content Manager enables you to access the mobile services.

Clicking the Services tab displays the Service Browse screen. When you first access the service tab after logging into the tool the Service Browse screen displays the folder and services at the root level.

Using this screen, you can search for folders, services, mobile services, bookmarks, and asynchronous services. The screen also enables you to create a service based on an existing master service, as well as add folders and bookmarks. In addition, you use the Service Browse screen to delete, debug, move, and edit these objects.

Figure 8-1 The Service Browse Screen

Text description of con_rfsc.gif follows.
Text description of the illustration con_rfsc.gif

8.3.1 Searching for Repository Objects

The Service Browse screen's search function enables you to search for and display the following repository objects:

The search field, when used in conjunction with drop-down lists of search options, enables you to either narrow or broaden your searches. The results display as follows in the Search Result screen.

Table 8-1 Elements of the Search Result Section of the Services Screen
Element  Description 


The name of the folder or service. Clicking the name of a folder displays its subfolders. 

Object ID 

The Object ID stored in the database. 

Full Path 

The route to a repository object, with Services as the root. Each node on the route is displayed as a hyperlink. Clicking a hyperlink reveals a browse screen, showing the subfolders, services, and bookmarks organized under the folder. Using this browse screen, you can perform such functions as creating and deleting services, bookmarks, and folders.  


If the column displays "true", the object is visible and therefore accessible to an end user. If "false", then the object is not visible. 


The order in which services and folders appear on output devices. By default, these appear in order by sequence number, then name. You can enter values in the sequence fields to rearrange the order in which the services and folder appear. By default, Wireless sorts services and folders in ascending order by sequence number, then by name. 

Last Modified 

The last time the folder or service was modified.  

To find a repository object:

  1. Enter the name of the object. Enter the full name of the object, or use a SQL Like clause pattern to return a partial match.
  2. From the drop-down list box, select one of the following options to narrow or broaden your search:
    • Service
    • Module
    • Asynchronous Service
    • Bookmark
    • Folder
  3. Select from among the following options to sort your search results by:
    • Name
    • Last Modified
  4. Click Search. The Search Result screen appears, displaying the matches for your query.


    In the Search field, you can find an object by entering a SQL LIKE clause pattern matching test (* or %). For example, entering Per% in the Search field returns all objects beginning with 'per'. 

Figure 8-2 The Search Result Screen of the Content Manager Tool

Text description of con_ssrv.gif follows.
Text description of the illustration con_ssrv.gif

8.3.2 Editing a Mobile Service

The Content Manager enables you to edit the basic information and parameters of a mobile service. For descriptions of the mobile service input parameter values, see Chapter 4, "Configuring Mobile Services for Voice and Wireless".

To edit a mobile service:

  1. From the Service Browse screen, select the mobile service you wish to edit.
  2. Click Edit. The General screen appears, which enables you to edit the basic information for a service.

Figure 8-3 Editing the Basic Information for a Mobile Service

Text description of con_mseg.gif follows.
Text description of the illustration con_mseg.gif

The General screen includes the following parameters.

Parameters of the General Screen

Parameter  Value 

Service Name 

The name of the service. This is a required field. 


A description of the service. 


The order in which services and services appear on output devices. By default, these appear in order by sequence number, then name. You can enter values in the sequence fields to rearrange the order in which the services appear and then set parent folder renderer type as System, and the parent folder sorting option as Sequence Number. By default, Wireless sorts services and services in ascending order by sequence number, then by name. 


The invocation cost to the user for accessing the service. If the service cost is not 0 (zero), then Wireless logs the service invocation in the tx_panama.log file.  


A drop-down list of display languages for the service. Users will not be able to access a services if their display language differs from that associated with this service.  

Title Icon URI 

The URI of an image used as the icon that appears on top of the screen when this service becomes the current service. You do not need to specify the format type in this URI, as Wireless selects the image format appropriate to the user's device. 

Menu Icon URI 

The URI of an image used as the icon that appears next to the service in a menu listing. You do not need to specify the format type in this URI, as Wireless selects the image format appropriate to the user's device. 

Title Audio URI 

The URI of the audio file (for example, a .wav file) read aloud by voice-reader software when users access a service. You do not need to specify the format type in this URI, as Wireless selects the audio file format appropriate to the user's device. 

Menu Audio URI 

The URI of the audio file (for example, a .wav file) read aloud by voice-reader software along with the service in a menu listing. You do not need to specify the format type in this URI, as Wireless selects the audio file format appropriate to the user's device. 

Region Name 

The area, such as a continent, country, or city, that is associated with the service. If you assign a region to a service, then users can only view that service and its contents when they are in the assigned region.  


Selecting this check box makes the service visible to the end user. If you do not select this option, then then end users cannot see or access this service. You may want to set the services that are under construction as invisible to end users. 


Selecting this option enables end users to customize their user views in the Wireless customization or on the device for reordering, hiding, or showing this service. 


Select Module to create a service that can be deployed as a mobile service; select Normal to create a service that is not a mobile service. Editing the OMP URL for a Mobile Service

If the content developer designed the master service on which this service is based as a mobile service, then you can edit the OMP URL address of the mobile service called in the Master Service screen. All mobile services are identified by the OracleMobile protocol (OMP). You can also enter the URL for the configuration page of the mobile service. Clicking Apply saves your changes; clicking Cancel returns the OMP URL and Module Configuration URL values to their original state. You cannot edit or select another master service from this screen.

Figure 8-1 Editing the URLs for Mobile Services Text description of con_mses.gif follows.
Text description of the illustration con_mses.gif Editing the Input Parameters

The input parameters for the service are those set for the master service (and its adapter) on which you based your service. The parameters that you edit using this screen include those created by the Service Designer, as well as parameters that are specific to the adapter used by the master service. For example, if the mobile service that you edit is based on a master service using the HttpAdapter, then the parameters would include the following:

Table 8-2 Input Parameters for an HttpAdapter-Based Master Service
Parameter  Value 

Application URL Address 

The URL to the data source. If there is a query in the URL, then its characters must be properly URL- encoded. For example: " 

Replace Relative URL 

Whether the adapter should replace the relative URLs inside the result with absolute URLs. You should set this parameter to "false" only if you are sure that there will be no relative URLs inside the result. The default value is "true". 

HTTP Method 

The HTTP method used by the adapter to get the content of the URL. The methods are GET and POST; the default method is GET. 

Input Encoding 

The encoding scheme of the remote web server. Use IANA character set names.The list of names is published at:"" For example: ISO-8859-1, UTF-8. 

The parameter values which the Service Designer set as default values are read-only in this screen and cannot be edited.

Editing the Parameters for a Mobile Service

For information on the PIM mobile service or location mobile service parameters, see Chapter 4, "Configuring Mobile Services for Voice and Wireless".

The address book mobile service includes four configuration parameters that pertain to all asynchronous-enabled mobile services:

The values set for these parameters affect all asynchronous-enabled services.

After you have edited the input parameters, click Apply to save your changes. Clicking Cancel returns the input parameter values to their original values.

Figure 8-2 Editing Input Parameters

Text description of con_emsi.gif follows.
Text description of the illustration con_emsi.gif Editing the Asynchronous Agent Capabilities

Edit the values as follows:

Click Apply to save your changes; click Cancel to set the values back to their original state.

Figure 8-3 Editing Asynchronous Service Information

Text description of con_msea.gif follows.
Text description of the illustration con_msea.gif Configuring a Mobile Service

You can configure a mobile service by entering the URL of its configuration page in the Module Configure URL field of the Service Creation Wizard's Master Service screen. After you complete the creation of the service, you can access the configuration URL through the service editing screen.

To access a mobile service's configuration page:

  1. Select the service.
  2. Click Edit. The Service Editing screen appears.
  3. From the left panel, select Master Service.
  4. In the Master Service screen, click Configure. The configuration page appears. Deleting a Mobile Service

To delete a service:

  1. From the browse screen, select the mobile service you wish to delete.
  2. Click Delete.


    You can access the functions for creating, editing, and deleting services by selecting a hyperlink in the Full Path column of the Search Result screen. 

8.3.3 Testing a Mobile Service

The Content Manager enables you to test a mobile service and display it on a phone simulator.

To test a service:

  1. From the Service Browse screen, select the mobile service you wish to test.
  2. Click the telephone icon in the Run Services column that is located in the same row as the selected mobile service. The phone simulator appears, displaying the service.


    To test or debug an OC4J adapter service, you must copy the .jsp into the web-application/modules directory. For example, if the input parameter URL is apps/myservice.jsp, then myservice.jsp must be copied to .../wireless/j2ee/applications/webtool/webtool-web/modules/apps/ 

8.3.4 Debugging Services

The Content Manager enables you to simultaneously view a service on a phone simulator and in Wireless XML or device markup languages.

Transformers, in the form of XSLT stylesheets or Java classes, convert the content returned by Wireless adapters into the format best suited to a particular platform.

To test a service:

  1. On the Browse Service screen, select a service.
  2. Click Debug. The Debug Service screen appears.
  3. Select from among the following output formats:
    • Adapter XML Result

      Selecting this result type enables you to see Wireless source content in the AdapterResult format, the intermediary format between the source and the target output device. Source content in the AdapterResult format must be converted into SimpleResult format before it can be delivered to a target device. If no text displays in the The Result panel, then no AdapterResult has been produced.

    • Wireless XML Result

      Selecting Wireless XML Result displays the source content in Wireless' SimpleResult format of the output that is returned by an adapter.

    • Device Result

      The DeviceTransformer drop-down menu lists the logical devices in the repository. Selecting a logical device enables you to see the final markup language for that device.

  4. Click Set Parameters.
  5. Click Run Service. The service appears on a phone simulator. The selected result appears in the Service Result window.

Setting the Display Length of the Logging File

The System Log section enables you to set the number of lines from the end of the server's system log file that you want to see.

To set the number of lines from the server: displays from the end of the system log.

  1. Enter the number of lines from the end of the system log that you want to review:
  2. Click Refresh Log. The specified number of lines from the end of the system log appear.

8.3.5 Moving Mobile Services

You can organize mobile services, folders, and bookmarks in a business context appropriate to a user group by using the Content Manager's Move function.

To move mobile services, folders, or bookmarks:

  1. From the Service Browse screen, select the folder, service, or bookmark you want to move.
  2. Click Move.
  3. Select the new folder for the object. If necessary, click the folder to drill down to the appropriate subfolder. Wireless tracks your position in the hierarchy through the navigation path.
  4. Click Move Here. The Content Manager displays the selected object in its new folder.