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Oracle9iAS Wireless Administrator's Guide
Release 2 (9.0.4)

Part Number B10685-01
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Server Configuration

This chapter describes how to configure the Wireless server at both the current host level and at the site level. Each section of this chapter describes a different topic. The topics include:

Section 12.1, "Server Configuration for the Current Host"

Section 12.2, "Configuring the Server for the Entire Site"

Section 12.3, "Other Configuration"

Section 12.4, "Administering the Site"

12.1 Server Configuration for the Current Host

From the Wireless server screen, you can manage and configure the processes in the Processes section. To access functions to manage and configure a process, you first click on a processes in the Processes section, and then drill down to the detail screen for that process. You can also start and stop a process from this screen and view both the performance metrics for the selected process. For more information on starting and stopping processes, see Chapter 11, "Server Administration". For more information on performance metrics, see Chapter 13, "Server Performance Monitoring".

You perform such management tasks as creating or deleting a process, through the processes screen. You can access this screen by clicking a process type in the Processes section of the Wireless Server tab.

You configure a process on the server using the detail screen, which you access by either drilling down from a selected process or by clicking the View Details button in the processes screen.

Figure 12-1 The Detail Screen for a Wireless Process on the Server

Text description of con_srpd.gif follows.
Text description of the illustration con_srpd.gif

12.1.1 Managing Asynchronous Server Processes on the Server

The detail screen for an asynchronous server process on the server enables you to view the status of the selected asynchronous server process (stopped, started, or uninitialized) or the performance metrics for the selected process. For more information on asynchronous server process performance metrics, see Section 13.1.2 in Chapter 13, "Server Performance Monitoring".

12.1.2 Managing Messaging Server Processes on the Server

You can create or delete a messaging server process from the processes screen. Creating a Messaging Server Process on the Wireless Server

To create an messaging server process on the Wireless Server:

  1. In the Messaging Server screen, enter the name for the messaging server process in the Process Name field.
  2. Click Add. The new messaging server process appears as a hyperlink in the Messaging Server Processes section of the screen. Deleting a Messaging Server Process on the Wireless Server

To delete a messaging server process:

  1. From the Wireless Server screen, click the Messaging Server hyperlink. The Messaging Server screen appears.
  2. From the Messaging Server Processes section, select the messaging server process you wish to delete.
  3. Click the Delete button.

12.1.3 Configuring a Messaging Server Process

From the messaging server process detail screen, you can perform the following configuration tasks: Configuring the Process Identity

To configure a process identity:

  1. Enter the process name. This is a required field.
  2. Select, or clear the Process Enabled check box.
  3. Select Participate in Cache Synchronization to enable cache synchronization with other processes.
  4. Click Apply. In the General Status section of the detail screen, the enabled status for the process displays as true. If you wish to prevent the process from participating in cache synchronization, the enables status displays as false. Configuring the JDBC Connection Pool

To configure the connection pool:

  1. In the overview screen, click JDBC Connection Pool. The JDBC Connection Pool screen appears.
  2. Enter the following parameters in the JDBC Connection Pool screen:
    1. Enter the minimum number of connections for the JDBC connection pool. The default is 1.
    2. Enter the maximum number of connections for the JDBC connection pool. The default is 100.
    3. In the Connection Allocation Increment field, enter the number by which the allocation of new connections to the JDBC connection pool can be incremented. The default is 1.
  3. Click Apply.


    You configure the JDBC connection pool at either the site or the process level. If you do not specify the JDBC connection pool values at the process level, then the system uses the values set at the site level. Configuring the System Logging

To configure the system logging:

  1. Enter a name for the log file name pattern.
  2. In the Maximum Log File Size field, enter the file size (in bytes).
  3. Select a log level warning. The warning can contain any of the following: Warning, Error, or Notify.
  4. Click Apply.


    You configure the system logging at either the site or the process level. If you do not specify the logging values at the process level, then the system uses the values set at the site level. Configuring the Driver Instance

The site configuration of the messaging server driver defines a driver and its parameters (that is, the driver definition). The server configuration selects a driver and assigns the parameter values.

To configure the driver instance for a messaging server process:

  1. From a server process screen, click the Driver Instances Configuration hyperlink. The Driver Instances screen appears.
  2. Select a driver.
  3. Click Add Driver Instance, Delete, or Edit. To add a driver instance, see Section To edit a driver instance, see Section To delete a driver instance, see Section Adding a Driver Instance to a Messaging Server Process

You must create drivers for delivery type you use. To add a driver instance to a messaging server process:

  1. From messaging server process screen, select the Driver Instances Configuration hyperlink. The Driver Instances screen appears.
  2. In the Driver Instances screen, click Add Driver Instance. The Add Driver Instance screen appears.
  3. Complete the Add Driver Instance screen as follows:
    1. Enter a name for the driver instance.
    2. Select from the available drivers, which are defined at the Site level.
  4. Click Go.
    1. Enter the number of sending threads. This option appears if this driver is configured to send messages at the site level.
    2. Enter the number of receiving threads. This option appears if this driver is configured to receive messages at the site level.


      The site-level configuration for a driver dictates whether the driver can both send and receive threads. For more information, see Section 12.2.3 

  5. Enter the driver-specific parameters, which are defined for the selected driver at the site level.
  6. Click Create.


    The driver instance configuration applies only to the messaging server process. Editing a Driver Instance

To edit a driver instance:

  1. From a server process screen, click the Driver Instances hyperlink. The Driver Instances screen appears.
  2. Select a driver.
  3. Click Edit. The values for the selected driver appear.
  4. Change the driver's values as needed. For more information, see Section
  5. Click Apply to commit your changes. Deleting a Driver Instance

To delete a driver instance:

  1. From the messaging server process screen, click the Driver Instance Configuration hyperlink. The Driver Instance screen appears.
  2. From the drop-down list, select a driver.
  3. Click Delete.

12.1.4 Managing Performance Monitor Processes on the Server

The Performance Monitor Processes screen enables you to create or delete a performance monitor process. Creating a Performance Monitor Process on the Wireless Server

To create a performance monitor process on the Wireless Server:

  1. In the Performance Monitor screen, enter the name for the performance monitor process in the Process Name field.
  2. Click Create. The new performance monitor alert process appears as a hyperlink in the Performance Monitor Processes section of the screen.


    You can have only one performance monitor process per host. Therefore, if one performance monitor process already exists, then the Create option does not appear. Deleting a Performance Monitor Process on the Wireless Server

To delete a performance monitor process:

  1. From the Wireless Server screen, click the Performance Monitor hyperlink. The Performance Monitor screen appears.
  2. From the Performance Monitor Processes section, select the performance monitor process you wish to delete.
  3. Click the Delete button.

12.1.5 Configuring a Performance Monitor Process

You can perform the following configuration tasks from the detail screen for a performance monitor process. Configuring the Process Identity

To configure a process identity:

  1. Enter the process name. This is a required field.
  2. Select, or clear the Process Enabled check box.
  3. Select Participate in Cache Synchronization to enable cache synchronization with other processes.
  4. Click Apply. In the General section of the detail screen, the enabled status for the process displays as true. If you wish to prevent the process from participating in cache synchronization, the enables status displays as false. Configuring the JDBC Connection Pool

To configure the connection pool:

  1. In the Administration section of the detail screen, click JDBC Connection Pool. The JDBC Connection Pool screen appears.
  2. Enter the following parameters in the JDBC Connection Pool screen:
    1. Enter the minimum number of connections for the JDBC connection pool. The default is 1.
    2. Enter the maximum number of connections for the JDBC connection pool. The default is 100.
    3. In the Connection Allocation Increment field, enter the number by which the allocation of new connections to the JDBC connection pool can be incremented. The default is 1.
  3. Click Apply. Configuring the Thread Pool

To configure the thread pool:

  1. Enter the number of threads. This is the number of threads that the performance monitor process uses to collect performance data and write to the data base. For more information, see Chapter 14, "Activity and System Logging".
  2. Click Apply.

12.1.6 Managing PIM Notification Dispatcher Processes on the Server

The PIM notification dispatcher processes screen enables you to create or delete a notification server process. Creating a PIM Notification Dispatcher Process on the Wireless Server

To create a PIM notification dispatcher process on the Wireless Server:

  1. In the processes screen, enter the name for the PIM notification dispatcher process in the Process Name field.
  2. Click Create. The new process appears as a hyperlink in the table.


    You must configure the TCP/IP port number for the calendar listener after you create a PIM notification dispatcher process. For more information, see Section Deleting a PIM Notification Dispatcher Process

To delete a PIM notification dispatcher process:

  1. Select the PIM notification dispatcher process
  2. Click Delete. Configuring a PIM Notification Dispatcher Process on the Wireless Server

You configure a PIM notification dispatcher through the Process Identity and Port screen, accessed by clicking the hyperlink in the Administration section of the detail screen. Using this screen, you can enable the selected PIM notification dispatcher process and synchronize its caching with other processes. In addition, you set the TCP/IP port number for the calendar listener used by a PIM notification dispatcher processes. The process listens on a TCP/IP socket for notifications sent by the calendar application. The calendar then connects, sends the notification, and then disconnects. To enable the calendar to connect to the PIM Notification Dispatcher (which in turn pushes the message to the Oracle9iAS Wireless transport layer) you must configure the TCP/IP port number for the calendar listener.

To configure a PIM notification dispatcher process:

  1. Enter the process name. This is a required field.
  2. Enable (or disable) the process by selecting or clearing the Enabled Process check box.
  3. Check the Participate in Cache Synchronization check box to synchronize the cache of this process with others.
  4. Enter the port number of the calender listener. This should be a port not in use, one in the range of 9000 - 9100.
  5. Click Apply. If you enabled the process, then true appears next to the Enabled label on the process detail screen. If you disabled the process, then false appears in the process detail screen.

12.2 Configuring the Server for the Entire Site

You use the Site tab to configure components across the entire site.

From the Processes section, you can configure the processes for the site. Clicking a process invokes a detail screen, from which you can access both performance data and configuration functions.

12.2.1 Configuring the Site Processes of the Wireless Web Server

From the Administration section of the Wireless Web Server's detail screen, you can perform the following tasks: Configuring the Process Attributes

To configure the process attributes, select (or clear) the Participate in Cache Synchronization check box and then click Apply. Configuring Folders

To configure the folder sorting order and display:

  1. Designate the sorting order for folders on the output devices by using the arrows to select (> or >>) or remove (< or <<). The settings include:
    1. ORDER_NAME_ASC (This is the default setting.)


      The ascending (ASC) and descending (DESC) sorting orders cannot be selected for the same property. For example, you cannot select both ORDER_NAME_ASC and ORDER_NAME_DESC. 

  2. Enter the control number of services displayed under a folder at one time in the Display Service Size under a Folder field.
  3. From the list box, select from among the following options, which dictate the order for the services in the user home folder for the default sorter hook:
  4. Enter, as needed, the URIs for the sound and image files for the following folder display and sound components:
    • Generic Title Icon
    • Home Icon
    • Help Icon
    • Login Icon
    • Logoff Icon
    • Register Icon
    • User Info Icon
    • User Profile Icon
    • Customize Service Icon
    • Global Preset Icon
    • Setup Icon
    • Top Bar Image
    • Bottom Bar Image
    • Generic Title Audio
    • Home Audio
    • Help Audio
    • Logoff Audio
    • Register Audio
    • Setup Audio
    • Setup Audio
    • Top Bar Audio
    • Bottom Bar Audio
  5. Click Apply. The Wireless Web Server screen reappears. Configuring the Applications Image Directory

To configure the applications image directory, enter the directory containing the system image files. Configuring Events and Listeners

Next, you configure the request, session, and response events using the Event and Listener screen. This screen, invoked by clicking the Event and Listeners hyperlink on the Wireless Web Server screen, displays event options and available listeners. Using this screen, you enable or disable event generation by selecting from among the event options and listeners. You also use the screen to add or remove a listener.

The Event and Listener screen includes the following configuration options. When you select the check box for one of these options, you enable it. If you do not select a check box, then the option is disabled, the default setting.

Table 12-1 Request, Session, and Response Event Options
Option  Definition 

Request Event 

Enable 'before request' Event 

Declares a request event to be "just received". 

Enable 'after request' Event 

Declares a request event as "request object has been released". 

Enable 'transform begin' Event 

Declares an request event to be "before the transformation". 

Enable 'request begin' Event 

Declares a request event to"begin being processed". 

Enable 'service begin' Event 

Declares a request event to be "before the adapter is invoked". 

Enable 'transform end' Event 

Declares a request event to be "transformation complete". 

Enable 'request end' Event 

Declares a request event to be "request has been completely processed". 

Enable 'service end' Event 

Declares a request event to be "adapter execution complete". 

Enable 'request error' Event 

Declares a request event to be "error occurs during request processing." 

Session Event 

Enable 'before session' Event 

Declares a session event to be "before session starts". 

Enable 'session authentication' Event 

Declares a session event to be "session has been authenticated". 

Enable "session begin" Event 

Declares a session event to be "session has been validated". 

Enable 'session end' Event 

Declares a session event to be "session has expired (implicitly and explicitly)". 

Enable 'after session' Event 

Declares a session event to be "session object has been released". 

Response Event 

Enable 'response error' Event 

Declares a response event to be "error in response" object. 

Adding a New Listener

To add a new listener:

  1. Click Add Another Row.
  2. Enter the name of the listener class For example, enter oracle.panama.rt.event.Listener.
  3. Select the row.
  4. Click Apply.

Deleting a Listener

To delete a listener:

  1. Select a listener.
  2. Click Delete.

Configuring the Request Event

  1. In the Request Event section, select from among the following options:
    • Enable 'before request' Event
    • Enable 'after request' Event
    • Enable 'transform begin' Event
    • Enable 'request begin' Event
    • Enable 'service begin' Event
    • Enable 'transform end' Event
    • Enable 'request end' Event
    • Enable 'service end' Event
    • Enable 'request error' Event
  2. Click Apply
  3. Select a runtime listener.
  4. Click Apply.

Configuring the Session Event

  1. Select from among the following options
    • Enable 'before session' Event
    • Enable 'session end' Event
    • Enable 'session begin' Event
    • Enable 'session authentication' Event.
    • Enable 'after session' Event
  2. Click Apply.
  3. Select, add, or delete a listener.
  4. Click Apply.

Configuring the Response Event

To configure the response event:

  1. Select the Enable 'Response Error' Event option.
  2. Click Apply.
  3. Select, add, or delete a listener.
  4. Click Apply.
  5. Click Done. The Wireless Web Server screen reappears. Configuring Hooks

You can select, or change the hook implementation class for a selected hook using the Hooks screen.

The screen includes the following hooks:

Table 12-2 Hooks Listed in the Hooks Screen
Hook  Description 


The hook to generate the sign-on page on the device. The default is oracle.mwa.core.omap.panama.MWASignOnPage


Declares the hook for which acquires the user's current location. The default is oracle.panama.rt.common.LocAcq


Declares the hook to check for the show or hide status when Wireless starts. The default is oracle.panama.rt.common.ServiceVisiblity


Declares the hook for the event registration listener. The default is oracle.panama.rt.common.ListenerRegistration


Declares the hook for sorting a user's home folder contents. The default is oracle.panama.rt.common.HomeFolderSorter. 

Declares a hook to acquire a mobile ID. The default is oracle.panama.rt.common.MobileIdHookImpl


Declares a hook to be invoked before device transformation. 


Declares the hook for user service authorization. The default is oracle.panama.rt.common.Authorizer 

Declares a hook to be invoked after device transformation. 


Declares the hook for identifying a logical device. The default is oracle.panama.rt.hook.DeviceModels


Declares the hook to show or hide the contents of a folder based on its current location. The Default is oracle.panama.rt.hook.Folder.RendererPolicy


Hook for a folder renderer. The default value is oracle.panama.rt.common.FolderRenderer 

Declares a hook for generating the session ID. The default is oracle.panama.rt.common.SessionIDGenerator. 


Declares the hook for user authentication. The default is oracle.mwa.core.omap.panama.OMAPAuthentication. 


Default implementation of the device recognition class. The default is oracle.panama.core.xform.UserAgentImpl


The hook for storing the address field of the DeviceAddress in normalized form, which is used to look up objects and to send the address by the transport. For example, the normalized form of an email delivery type can be lower-case letters, making the normalized form of into The normalized form of the SMS delivery type could be all non-numeric characters. For example, the normalized form for (650) 555-5000 is 6505555000. If some carriers have a space between the area code, then the normalized address logic converts the phone number to 650 555 5000. 

12.2.2 Configuring Site-Wide Processes of the Asynchronous Server

From the Asynchronous Server detail screen, you can perform the following tasks: Configuring the Asynchronous Server Process Attributes

To configure the process attributes:

  1. Select Participate in Cache Synchronization to enable cache synchronization with other processes.
  2. Click Apply. Configuring the Asynchronous Server

To configure the asynchronous server for the Wireless site:

  1. From the Processes section of the Site Screen, select Asynchronous Server. The Asynchronous Server screen appears.
  2. Select Asynchronous Server Configuration to access the Asynchronous Server Configuration screen.
  3. Complete the Command Format section of the Asynchronous Server Configuration screen as follows:
    1. Enter the Help command. The default value is !h.
    2. Enter the application Help command. the default value is help.
    3. Enter the Escape command. The default value is !e.
    4. Enter the Stop command. The default value is !s.
    5. Enter the Login command. The default value is !l.
    6. Enter the Logoff command. The default value is !o.
    7. Enter a text delimiter for the command line.
  4. Complete the Site-Wide Addresses section. You can enter both of the following addresses:
    1. Enter the site email address (for example,
    2. Enter the SMS address for the site.
  5. Enter the short name of the default service. If the asynchronous request does not specify which service to invoke, then the Asynchronous Server invokes this default service. The Asynchronous Server invokes Help if there is no default service has been set.
  6. Click Apply.


    These are site-wide addresses for the specific asynchronous request. Configuring the Working Threads for the Asynchronous Server

To set the number of working threads for the asynchronous server:

  1. In the Number of Working Threads field, enter the number of threads that the asynchronous server uses to invoke services. The default is 10.
  2. Click Apply. Configuring the Messaging Server Client for the Asynchronous Server

The Messaging Server Client includes the following parameters:

Table 12-3 Parameters of the Messaging Server Client
Parameter  Value 

Thread Pool Size 

The total number of threads created by the transport for this client. The transport uses these threads to retrieve received messages and status reports for this client. Wireless uses the number of threads set at the site-level configuration as the default value if you do not set the thread pool size at the node level. The transport ignores this setting if the client neither receives status reports nor has any registered end-points at which to receive messages.  

Number of Queues 

The number of queues. The transport creates this value only if this client receives status reports or messages. The transport supports only one queue per client; the transport creates only one queue per client even if you specify more than one queue per client. The transport ignores this setting if the client neither receives status reports nor has any registered end-points at which to receive messages. 

Recipient Chunk Size 

The number of recipients that receive messages in one send call by the client. If the number of recipients is too big, then the transport may send recipients messages on a chunk-by-chunk basis. In such cases, some may receive messages while the transport processes other recipients. As a result, some recipients get messages earlier than others. Sending messages chunk-by-chunk can improve performance. The chunk size cannot be more than 500; the transport uses a 500 chunk size even if the chunk size is set at greater than 500. 

Carrier Finder Hook Class Name 

Wireless uses this hook to find the carrier name from a phone number. The carrier name is then used by the driver finder to find a proper driver to send a message to this phone number. Use this hook for situations where there are several carrier-specific drivers, as using a carrier's driver with a phone number of that carrier improves performance. If you do not specify the carrier finder hook class name at the node level, then Wireless uses the one set at the site level. If you do not specify the carrier finder hook class name at the site level, then the driver finder cannot find an appropriate driver because it does not have the carrier information. If you do not specify the carrier finder driver hook class at either the site or node level, then Wireless uses the transport's default driver finder.  

Driver Finder Hook Class Name 

The name of the hook that the transport uses to find an appropriate driver to send a message to a given destination. The driver finder hook uses such criteria as delivery type, cost, or speed to assign a driver. If you do not specify the hook at either the node or site level, then Wireless uses the transport's default driver finder.  

  • Pre-Send Hook
  • Post-Send Hook
  • Pre-Receive Hook
  • Post-Receive Hook

These hooks can be called before or after sending a message (the pre-send and post-send hooks) or before or after receiving a message (the pre-receive and post-receive hooks). These hooks, which are in the same category, are called in the sequence in which they are specified. You can use these hooks to enable special client functions, such as checking or filtering, rather than having to implement an application on top of the transport.  

To configure the messaging server client for the asynchronous server and alert engine process:

  1. Enter the number of processing threads in the Thread Pool field.
  2. Enter the number of queues. Wireless supports one queue per process type.
  3. Enter the number of message recipients in the Recipient Chunk Size field. The chunk size cannot be more than 500; the transport uses 500 even if you set this value at greater than 500.
  4. Enter the carrier finder hook class.
  5. Enter the driver finder hook class.
  6. Click Apply.
  7. Select, if needed, the Java classes for pre-send hooks, post-send hooks, pre-receive hooks, and post-receive hooks.
  8. Click Done.


    Wireless uses the values set at the site-level configuration as the default value if there are no values set specifically for the asynchronous server. 

Adding a Hook Class

To add another hook:

  1. Click Add Another Row.
  2. Enter the Java class for the hook.
  3. Select the row.
  4. Click Apply.

Deleting a Hook

To delete a hook:

  1. Select the hook you wish to delete.
  2. Click Delete.

12.2.3 Configuring the Site Processes of the Messaging Server

You can perform the following tasks from the detail screen of a messaging server process: Setting the Default Configuration for the Messaging Server

Clicking the Messaging Server Configuration hyperlink invokes the Messaging Server Configuration screen, which enables you set the default configuration for the messaging server.

To set the default configuration for the messaging server:

  1. Enter the GSM smart message encoder class.
  2. Enter the default number of queues for the driver. For example, enter 1.
  3. Enter the default number of sending threads for the driver.
  4. Enter the default number of receiving threads for the driver.
  5. Enter the number of send retry times.
  6. Click Apply. Configuring the Messaging Server Drivers for the Site

Message Server Drivers screen, invoked by clicking the Messaging Server Drivers in the Messaging Server detail screen, enables you to define a driver and its parameters. From this screen, you can add, delete, or edit the messaging server drivers for the site

Adding a Messaging Server Driver

To add a messaging server driver:

  1. From the Messaging Server Drivers screen, click Add Driver. The Add Driver screen appears. This is a required step.
  2. Enter a name for the driver (for example, EmailDriver). This is a required step.
  3. From the drop-down menu, select one of the following delivery categories:
    • Wap-Push
    • SMS
    • Voice
    • Email
    • Fax
    • Two-Way Pager
    • One-Way Pager

    This is required step.

  4. Enter the protocols for the driver. Use a comma (,) to separate your entries. You can select all protocols by entering an asterisk (*) or by leaving the field clear.
  5. Enter the carriers. Use a comma (,) to separate your entries.
  6. From the drop-down list, select a speed level.
  7. From the drop-down list, select a cost level.
  8. From the drop-down, select SEND, RECEIVE, or BOTH for capability.
  9. Enter the number of message queues.
  10. Complete the Default Encoding and Locales section as follows:
    1. Enter the content encoding method. For example, enter UTF-8. Use a comma (,) to separate multiple methods.
    2. Select a local from the drop-down list.
  11. Complete the driver class and parameters as follows. This is a required step.
    1. Enter the driver class. For example, enter
    2. Add or delete a driver class parameter as needed.
  12. Click Apply. The Messaging Server Driver screen reappears.

Editing a Messaging Server Driver

To edit a messaging server driver:

  1. From the Messaging Server Driver screen, use the select the driver you wish to edit.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. The Edit Driver screen appears, displaying the values for the selected driver.
  4. Edit the values as needed.
  5. Select, add, or delete the driver class parameters as needed.
  6. Click Apply. The Messaging Server Drivers screen reappears.

Deleting a Messaging Server Driver

To delete a messaging server driver:

  1. From the Messaging Server Driver screen, select the driver you wish to delete.
  2. Click Delete.

12.2.4 Configuring the Site-Wide Processes of the Performance Monitor

Clicking the Performance Monitor hyperlink on the site screen enables you to access the Performance Monitor Configuration screen. This screen enables you to configure the performance monitor.

The performance monitor of a Wireless process must point to a database schema to log the performance information.

The Performance Monitor Configuration Screen includes the following parameters:

Table 12-4 Parameters of the Performance Monitor Configuration Screen
Parameter  Description 

Basic Configuration 

Enable Performance Logging 

Selecting this check box enables performance logging. 

Delimiter for logged name/value pair 

The delimiter for the logged name/value pairs. The default delimiter is #%=%#. This is a required parameter. 

Delimiter for logger records 

The delimiter for the logged records. The default is ~#$. This is a required parameter. 

Wakeup Frequency (minute) 

The number of minutes after which the logger thread wakes up to check for any new files in the process directory. The default is one minute. This is a required parameter. 

Close Frequency (second) 

The number of seconds to close a file. The default is 300. This is required parameter. 

Batch Size for Performance logging 

The batch size for the performance logging. The default is 15. This is a required parameter. 

JDBC Driver 

By default, a repository connection is used for performance monitoring. The values (if specified in this screen,) are used to specify a database other than the repository. These values must match the values in targets.xml

Driver Type 

Select one of the following from the drop-down menu:

  • THIN -- Thin JDBC driver
  • V7 -- Orcale7 OCI driver
  • V8 -- Oracle database version 8.x OCI driver

User Name 

The name of the database user.  


The password of the database user. 

Host Name 

The host name of the log database (for example, 

Port Number 

The port of the database listener. The default is 1521. 


The server identifier (SID) of the log database. 

To configure the performance logger:

  1. Complete the Basic Configuration section of the Performance Monitor Configuration screen as follows:
    1. Select the Enable performance Logging check box to enable logging to the database.
    2. Enter the delimiter for the logged name/value pair. The default delimiter is #%=%#.
    3. Enter the delimiter for the logged records. The default delimiter is ~#$.
    4. Enter the interval, in minutes, in which logger thread wakes up to check for any new files in the process directory. The default is one minute.
    5. Enter the interval, in seconds, for closing a file.
    6. Enter the batch size for the database logging. The default is 15.
  2. Complete the JDBC Driver section if the performance data is stored in a different database other than the repository. To complete the JDBC Driver section:
    1. From the drop-down list, select one of the following JDBC driver types:
    • THIN (Thin JDBC driver)
    • V7 (Oracle database version 7 OCI driver)
    • V8 (Oracle database version 8.x OCI driver)
    • Enter the name of the database user.
    • Enter the password of the database user.
    • Enter the host name of the log database.
    • Enter the port number.
    • Enter the server ID.
  3. Click Apply. The Site screen reappears.


    You can specify a database other than the repository database to store the performance data. 

12.3 Other Configuration

This section describes the following configuration tasks:

12.3.1 Configuring the Logging Directory

From the Wireless Server tab (the top screen used for managing the Wireless sever processes), you can designate the location for the system logging and view the system log files.

To configure the logging directory:

  1. Click the Logging Directory link to invoke the logging screen.
  2. Enter the name of the logging directory.
  3. Click Apply.

12.3.2 Setting the Process Debug Flag

From the detail screen of a Wireless Web Server process, you can turn the process debug flag on or off:

  1. Select the Switch Debug Flag hyperlink.
  2. Select, or clear the Turn On Debug Flag check box.
  3. Click Apply.


    This configuration is not persistent; it is a runtime flag for Wireless Web Server processes. 

12.4 Administering the Site

The Administration section of the Site screen enables you to perform the following functions:

12.4.1 Configuring the Proxy Server

The Proxy Server screen, invoked by selecting Proxy Server in the Administration section of the Site screen, enables you to configure the proxy properties used by Wireless when either HTTP or FTP protocols are required. If Wireless does not use an HTTP or FTP proxy server, then you do not have to configure the proxy sever properties.

To configure the proxy servers:

  1. In the HTTP Proxy server section of the Proxy Server screen, select the Use check box if Wireless uses an HTTP proxy server.
  2. Enter the name of the HTTP proxy host. For example, enter
  3. Enter the proxy port number for the HTTP proxy server.
  4. Enter the exception addresses. The default setting is localhost| Do not use a proxy for these host addresses. Separate your entries with a pipe bar (|).
  5. In the FTP Proxy server section of the Proxy Server screen, select the Use check box if the Wireless uses an FTP proxy server. If you do not select this check box, then Wireless ignores the settings for both the FTP host and port.
  6. Enter the name of the FTP proxy host.
  7. Enter the FTP proxy server port number.
  8. In the Authentication section of the Proxy Server screen, select the Use check box if the Wireless FTP proxy server requires authentication. Do not select this check box if you do not wish the FTP proxy server to require authentication.
  9. Enter the authentication user name. This is a required parameter if the FTP proxy server requires authentication.
  10. Enter the authentication password. This is a required parameter if the FTP proxy server requires authentication.

12.4.2 Configuring the Wireless Site Locale

The Site Locale screen, invoked by selecting the Site Locale hyperlink in the Site screen, enables you to configure the language, country and time zone for the site.

To configure the site locale:

  1. Select the language for the site locale from the drop-down list. This list contains all of the supported locales.
  2. Select the time zone for the site from the drop-down list.
  3. Click Apply. The Site screen reappears.
Add a Supported Locale to the Site

To add a supported locale:

  1. Select a locale from the drop-down list. This list contains all of the available locales.
  2. Click Add. The new locale appears in the list of supported locales for Device Portal Access and Webtool.
Delete a Supported Locale from the Site

To delete a supported locale:

  1. Select the appropriate locale from the list of supported locales.
  2. Click Delete.

12.4.3 Configuring the System Logging

To configure the system logging:

  1. Enter a name for the log file name pattern. The default is sys_panama.log.
  2. In the Maximum Log File Size field, enter the maximum number of bytes in the same file. The default is 10000.
  3. Select a log level. The log can contain any of the following: Warning, Error, or Notify. The default is Warning, Error.
  4. Click Apply. The Site screen reappears.

12.4.4 Configuring the Runtime

To configure the runtime:

  1. In the Runtime Session Expiration Time field, enter the time-to-live attribute of a session. The default is 600.
  2. Enter the time required for the session monitor to check an open session. The default is 60.
  3. In the Cache Object Life Time field, enter the time-to-live, in seconds, of a persistent object. After this time, Wireless reconstructs the object. The default is 600.
  4. Enter the time required for the cache monitor to check the cache in the Cache Object Check Interval field. If the time is set to -1, Wireless does not invoke the cache monitor and the cache is not cleared. The default is 60.
  5. Enter the number of seconds for the maximum execution time for threads. The default is 60. Wireless interrupts the threads for the request that take longer than this allotted time and returns an error.
  6. Click Apply. The Site screen reappears.

12.4.5 Configuring Devices

The Device-Related Configuration screen enables you to add, edit, or delete HTTP header names that can contain information on the device ID.

  1. Select from among the following options in the Wireless Web Server Menu setup section:
    1. Enable Login
    2. Enable Logout
    3. Enable User Info.
    4. Enable Service Customization
    5. Enable Global Preset
    6. Enable User Profile
    7. Enable Self-Registration
    8. Enable Home
    9. Enable Help. You must enter the URL of the help files if you select Enable Help.
  2. Click Apply.
  3. Complete the Device ID section of the screen as follows:
    1. Select a header name.
    2. Click Apply.
  4. Click Done.
Adding Header for Device IDs

To add a header name for subscription IDs:

  1. In the Device ID section, click Add Another Row. A new row appears.
  2. Enter the header name containing the subscription ID information.
  3. Select the row.
  4. Click Apply.
  5. Click Done. Deleting a Header Names

To delete a header name or cookie name:

  1. Select the header.
  2. Click Delete.
  3. Click Done.

12.4.6 Configuring the Site Processes of the WebCache Server

WebCache is a Wireless component that accelerates site performance by caching the content transformation performed by Oracle9iAS Wireless.

Wireless performs transformations at two levels. At the first level of transformation, Wireless converts the adapter result, which is obtained as a result of the adapter pulling content from an external data source. The runtime adapters convert this into SimpleResult XML. Wireless performs a second transformation (that is, content transformation) when converting the SimpleResult XML into a device-specific markup language.

The WebCache configuration screen enables you to set the cache policy and includes the following parameters.

Table 12-5 Parameters of the WebCache Configuration Screen
Parameter  Value 

Enable WebCache 

Selecting this check box enables caching.  

WebCache Server URL 

The URL of the WebCache server. 

Webcache Invalidation Port 

The port in the Webcache machine to which the invalidation messages are sent. 

Webcache Invalidation Password 

The invalidation password for WebCache. 

Webcache Timeout (second) 

The interval (in seconds) after which the Webcache times out. 

To configure the Web Cache:

  1. In the Basic Configuration section of the screen, perform the following:
    1. Enable caching by selecting the Enable WebCache check box. Clearing the check box disables caching
    2. Enter the URL of the WebCache server.
    3. Enter the WebCache invalidation port.
    4. Enter the WebCache invalidation password.
    5. Enter the number of seconds for the timeout.
  2. Click Apply. The Site screen reappears. If you do not wish to save your entries, click Cancel.

12.4.7 Configuring the WAP Provisioning

You can create, edit, and delete WAP profiles using the Profile screen, which you access by selecting the WAP Provisioning hyperlink. The Profile screen displays a list of current WAP profiles. You can also add a WAP profile by defining the following parameters:

Table 12-6 WAP Profile Parameters
Parameter  Value 

WAP Profile Name 

The name of the WAP profile. You can name the profile for the WAP provider.  

WAP Bearers 

A list of the transport technologies. 


Circuit-Switched Data (CSD) over a GSM (Global System for Mobile communication) network. This is the basic transfer protocol in GSM phones. 


Short-Messaging Service over a GSM (Global System for Mobile communication) network. Select this store-and-forward technology to enable alphanumeric messaging between mobile phones and such other platforms as email or voice mail.  


Unstructured Supplementary Service Data (USSD) over a GSM (Global System for Mobile communication) network. USSD is both session- and transaction-oriented. 


General Packet Radio Service (GPRS). Select this bearer technology to use WAP on a per-transaction basis. GPRS enables services to be on at all times; a GPRS customer does not have to invoke a service to receive content. 

WAP Gateway Proxy 

The address of the WAP proxy server. For GSM/CSD, it is an IP address. For GSM/SMS, this is service or phone number. For GSM/USSD, this is either an IP address or an MSISDN number. This is a required field. 


The port number. The default port numbers are:

  • 9200 (connection-less)
  • 9201 (connection-oriented)
  • 9202 (secure and connection-less)
  • 9203 (secure and connection-oriented)

Secure Wap Session 

Select if you want to enable WTLS (Wireless Transport Layer Security). 

Phone Model 

The brand and model of the wireless phone. 

Home Page 

The home page of the ISP provider accessed by the WAP user. 

GSM/CSD Parameters 

Call Type 

A drop-down list of the call types (analog or ISDN) used for the connection. 

Call Speed 

The call speed of the connection.  

Authentication Type 

Select one of the following protocols used for user authentication:

  • PAP (Password Authentication Protocol)
  • CHAP (Challenge Handshake Authentication Protocol) .

ISP Name 

The name of the internet service provider. 

ISP Login Name 

The user name. 

ISP Login Password 

The user's password. 

GSM/SMS Parameters 

SMSC Address 

The number of the SMSC (Short Message Service Center).  

USSD Parameters 

Proxy Type 

The phone number or IP address of the WAP provider. 

USSD Service Code 

The USSD code (for example, *555*), that precedes the destination number. 


The time, in seconds, after which the session expires. Adding a WAP Profile

To add a WAP Profile:

  1. From the Profiles screen, select Add Profile.
  2. Complete the Add Profile screen as follows:
    1. Enter the WAP profile name.
    2. Using the Bearers drop-down list, select from among the available transport types
    • GSM/CSD
    • GSM/SMS
    • GSM/USSD
    • GPRS
  3. Enter the WAP gateway proxy. This is a required field.
  4. Click Go. Complete the following parameters appropriate to the selected transport type.
    • Enter one of the following port numbers:
      • 9200 (connection-less)
      • 9201 (connection-oriented)
      • 9202 (secure and connection-less)
      • 9203 (secure and connection-oriented)
    1. Select the Secure WAP Session check box if you want to enable WTLS (Wireless Transport Layer Security). Selecting this option overrides port numbers 9200 and 9201.
    2. Enter the brand name and model of the phone.
    3. In the Access field, enter an access point for GPRS (for example, If you selected GMS, enter a telephone number.

GSM/CSD Parameters

  1. Select a call type from the drop-down menu:

GSM/CMS Parameters

  1. Enter the address for the (SMSC) Short Messaging Service Center.
  2. Enter the time out, in seconds.

GSM/USSD Parameters

    1. Enter the proxy type. For example, enter a phone number or IP address of a WAP provider.
    2. Enter the USSD service code.
    3. Enter the timeout, in seconds, after which the session expires.
  1. Click Create. Editing a WAP Profile

To edit a WAP profile:

  1. Select the WAP profile that you want to edit.
  2. Click Edit. The Edit screen appears, with its fields populated by the values set for the selected WAP profile.
  3. Edit the values as needed. See Section for information on entering values.
  4. Click Apply to confirm your changes to the WAP Profile. Deleting a WAP Profile

To delete a WAP Profile:

  1. Select the WAP profile that you want to delete.
  2. Click Delete.

12.4.8 Configuring the URLs for the Wireless Web Server

To configure the URLs for the Wireless Web Server

  1. Enter the Wireless Web Server's URL in HTTP mode. The default setting is http://localhost:7777/ptg/rm.
  2. Enter the Wireless Web Server's URL in HTTPS mode. The default setting is https://localhost:7777/ptg/rm.
  3. Enter the Asynchronous Server HTTP URL. The default setting is http://localhost:7777/async.
  4. Enter the Wireless Webtool URL in HTTP mode. The default setting is http://localhost:7777/webtool/login.uix. You must configure this URL before you can use the Repository Download and Upload Utility and WebCache Refresh.
  5. Enter the HTTP Adapter URL prefix. The default setting is http://localhost:7777.

    This is the URL prefix for the remote .jsp page that is invoked by the HttpAdapter. Entering the URL prefix enables the sever to automatically attach this prefix to a .jsp entered in the Input Parameters screen of the Master Service Creation Wizard. You need only enter the .jsp.

    For example, a remote .jsp, myAPP.jsp, has the following URL:


    The URL prefix is http://remotehost:port/apps/. You enter only myApp.jsp as the default value in the Input Parameters screen of the Master Service Creation Wizard. Wireless automatically attaches the prefix to the .jsp.

  6. Click Apply.

12.4.9 Configuring the Messaging Server Client

The Messaging Server Client includes the following parameters:

Table 12-7 Parameters of the Messaging Server Client
Parameter  Value 

Thread Pool Size 

The total number of threads created by the transport for this client. The transport uses these threads to retrieve received messages and status reports for this client. The transport ignores this setting if the client neither receives status reports nor has any registered end-points at which to receive messages.  

Number of Queues 

The number of queues. The transport creates this value only if this client receives status reports or messages. The transport supports only one queue per client; the transport creates only one queue per client even if you specify more than one queue per client. The number set at the site-level configuration is the default value if you do nor specify any value here. The transport ignores this setting if the client neither receives status reports nor has any registered end-points at which to receive messages. 

Recipient Chunk Size 

The number of recipients that receive messages in one send call by the client. If the number of recipients is too big, then the transport may send recipients messages on a chunk-by-chunk basis. In such cases, some may receive messages while the transport processes other recipients. As a result, some recipients get messages earlier than others. Sending messages chunk-by-chunk can improve performance. The chunk size cannot be more than 500; the transport uses a 500 chunk size even if the chunk size is set at greater than 500. . 

Carrier Finder Hook Class Name 

Wireless uses this hook to find the carrier name from a phone number. The carrier name is then used by the driver finder to find a proper driver to send a message to this phone number. Use this hook for situations where there are several carrier-specific drivers, as using a carrier's driver with a phone number of that carrier improves performance. If you do not specify the carrier finder hook class name at the node level, then Wireless uses the one set at the site level. If you do not specify the carrier finder hook class name at the site level, then the driver finder cannot find an appropriate driver because it does not have the carrier information. If you do not specify the carrier finder driver hook class at either the site or node level, then Wireless uses the transport's default driver finder.  

Driver Finder Hook Class Name 

The name of the hook that the transport uses to find an appropriate driver to send a message to a given destination. The driver finder hook uses such criteria as delivery type, cost, or speed to assign a driver. If you do not specify the driver finder hook class name at the node level, then Wireless uses the driver finder hook specified at the server-level configuration.  

  • Pre-Send Hook
  • Post-Send Hook
  • Pre-Receive Hook
  • Post-Receive Hook

These hooks can be called before or after sending a message (the pre-send and post-send hooks) or before or after receiving a message (the pre-receive and post-receive hooks). These hooks, which are in the same category, are called in the sequence in which they are specified. You can use these hooks to enable special client functions, such as checking or filtering, rather than having to implement an application on top of the transport.  

To configure the messaging server client for the asynchronous server and alert engine process:

  1. Enter the number of processing threads in the Thread Pool field.
  2. Enter the number of queues. Wireless supports one queue per process type.
  3. Enter the number of message recipients in the Recipient Chunk Size field. The chunk size cannot be more than 500; the transport uses 500 even if you set this value at greater than 500.
  4. Enter the carrier finder hook class.
  5. Enter the driver finder hook class.
  6. Click Apply.


    Wireless uses the values set at the site level as the default values if no values are set at the node level. 

  7. Select, if needed, the Java classes for pre-send hooks, post-send hooks, pre-receive hooks, and post-receive hooks.
  8. Click Done. Adding a Hook Class

To add another hook:

  1. Click Add Another Row.
  2. Enter the Java class for the hook.
  3. Select the row.
  4. Click Apply. Deleting a Hook

To delete a hook:

  1. Select the hook you wish to delete.
  2. Click Delete.

12.4.10 Configuring the Wireless JDBC Connection Pool

The JDBC Connection Pool screen, invoked by selecting the JDBC Connection Pool hyperlink in the Site screen, enables you to configure the JDBC connection for the site. If no JDBC connection pool values are set at the server level, then the values set at the site level become the default values for the server level

To configure the JDBC connection:

  1. Enter the minimum number of connections for the JDBC connection pool. The default is 1.
  2. Enter the maximum number of connections for the JDBC connection pool. The default is 100.
  3. In the Connection Allocation Increment field, enter the number by which the allocation of new connections to the JDBC connection pool can be incremented. The default is 1.
  4. Click Apply. The site screen reappears.

12.4.11 Configuring User Provisioning

The User Provisioning screen enables you to set the properties used by the Provisioning adapter, which enables you to integrate your repository with an existing provisioning system.

To set the properties for the provisioning adapter:

  1. Enter the name of the parent folder for the user's home folder. A new subfolder is created for every new user. The default is /Users Home.
  2. From the drop-down list, select the default groups to which the user belongs. The default is Users. (You can select or de-select groups using Control + click).


    A virtual user is a user who accesses a Wireless site, but does not register. When such a user accesses a Wireless site, Wireless detects the user and creates a virtual user account for that user.  

  3. Select Disclose User Location to enable the users' location to be disclosed to a third-party application
  4. Select Disclose User Identity to enable the users' identities to be disclosed to a third party application.
  5. Complete the Virtual User Provisioning Section as follows.
  6. Enter the parent folder for the home for virtual users.
    1. Select the groups to which the virtual users belong. You can select or de-select groups by using Control+left click.
    2. Select Enable Virtual User to enable a virtual user to create an account
  7. Click Apply. The Site screen reappears.

12.4.12 Configuring the Secure Sockets Layer (SSL)

The SSL Configuration screen enables you to configure your security certificates as either Base64 or PKCS#7-formatted certificate files to enable use of the HTTPS protocol. Adding a Base64 Certificate File

To add a Base64 Certificate file:

  1. In the Base64 Certificate Files Section, click Add another row:
  2. Enter the absolute file name. All Base64 certificate files are bounded at the beginning with '--BEGIN CERTIFICATE--' and at the end with '--END CERTIFICATE--'.
  3. Click Apply. Adding a PKCS#7-Formatted Certificate File

To add a PKCS#7-formatted Certificate file:

  1. In the PKCS#7-Formatted Certificate Files Section, click Add another row:
  2. Enter the absolute file name.
  3. Click Apply. Editing a Certificate File

To edit a certificate file:

  1. Select the certificate file.
  2. Change the file name as needed.
  3. Click Apply. Deleting a Certificate File

To delete a certificate file:

  1. Select the certificate file.
  2. Click Delete.


    You must configure the Secure Sockets Layer to use HTTPS in the HttpAdapter. 

12.4.13 Configuring the Object Cache Synchronization

The Object Cache screen enables you to configure the thread pool that handles the cache synchronization messages.

To configure the Object Cache Synchronization:

  1. Enter the minimum number of threads in the thread pool.
  2. Enter the maximum number of threads in the thread pool.
  3. Enter the timeout, in minutes, for the threads in the thread pool.
  4. Click Apply.

12.4.14 Configuring Oracle Applications

The Oracle Applications configuration screen, invoked by selecting Oracle Applications in the Administration enables you to configure the Oracle Application properties used by Wireless. If Wireless is not running Oracle Applications, then you do not have to configure the Oracle Applications properties.

Figure 12-2 Applications Configuration

Text description of image20.gif follows.
Text description of the illustration image20.gif

To configure Oracle Applications:

  1. Enter the name of the log file for Oracle Applications to use in the Log File Name Field.
  2. Enter the max size (in bytes) that the log file can reach in the Max Log File Size Field.
  3. If the log should be rotated after reaching the max file size, click on Enable Log Rotation?.
  4. Enter the location of the DBC Folder in the DBC Folder Field.
  5. Enter the name of the DBC File in the DBC File Name Field.
  6. Enter the number of initial Application's database connections in the Initial Pool Size Field.
  7. Enter the location of APPL_TOP in the APPL_TOP Field.
  8. Enter the comma-delimited list of .jar or .zip files that should be in the Classpath of the Wireless Server into the Applications Classpath Field.

12.4.15 Refreshing the WebCache

From the Utilities section of the site screen, you can perform the following WebCache-related tasks: Refreshing the WebCache for Master Services

This utility enables you to explicitly purge the pages of a selected master service. For example, you would use this utility if you wish to clear stale content from a master service at a time other than that one set programmatically with the Service Designer.

To purge and refresh the pages for a selected master service:

  1. Select a master service.
  2. Click Refresh Content. Refreshing the WebCache for Logical Devices

Using this utility, you can explicitly purge the pages of a specific logical device from the WebCache.

To purge and refresh the pages of a selected logical device:

  1. Select a device.
  2. Click Refresh Content.