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Oracle Application Change Management Pack for Oracle E-Business Suite User's Guide
Release 3.1
Part Number E14530-03
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Introduction to Oracle Application Change Management Pack for Oracle E-Business Suite


Oracle Application Change Management Pack for Oracle E-Business Suite provides a centralized view to monitor and orchestrate changes (both functional and technical) across multiple Oracle E-Business Suite systems. Oracle Application Change Management Pack for Oracle E-Business Suite offers the capabilities to manage changes introduced by customizations, patches and functional setups during implementation or maintenance activities.

Oracle Application Change Management Pack for Oracle E-Business Suite is a part of the Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control system that provides top-down system management of the entire IT infrastructure. Please note that Oracle Application Management Pack for Oracle E-Business Suite is a prerequisite for Application Change Management Pack for Oracle E-Business Suite.

Oracle Application Change Management Pack for Oracle E-Business Suite contains three main components:

Application Change Management components can be accessed from the central Change Management dashboard.

Major Benefits

Application Change Management Pack thus helps to lower the total cost of ownership by providing these benefits from the central Oracle Enterprise Manager console which allows you to manage the entire application environment.

Change Management Dashboard

The Change Management Dashboard gives you quick access to the Change Management Pack's most commonly-used functions, as well as summaries of recent activity.

The Change Approval Requests region is available to users with the required roles. This Change Approval Dashboard shows the summary of recent change approval requests that have been updated. You can also search for a specific change approval request or navigate to the complete list by clicking the "Home" link.

For Patch Manager, recent patching activity is listed. The summary lists patch runs that have completed, that are in progress, or that are scheduled. You can click on the patch names to drill down to more information. You can also search for patches, go to the Patch Dashboard, or start/schedule a new patch application.

For Customization Manager, the most recently updated packages, for both Release 11i and Release 12, are shown. Recent activity regarding packages including their statuses is also shown. You can click on the package names to drill down for more information. You can search for packages, create new packages, set up your File Source and Oracle E-Business Suite mappings, or access reports. Also, you can manage custom applications and track requests pertaining to custom application registration/validation on one or more instances.

For Setup Manager, a summary of projects for Release 11i and Release 12 is shown, as well as recent activity on projects. You can click on the project names for more information on each project. You can also search for project or create a new project from the dashboard.

Setting Up Credentials

When using the Oracle Application Change Management Pack for Oracle E-Business Suite, you will need to access Oracle E-Business Suite instances. You can set up credentials for these instances for every user as a one-time setup step instead of entering them every time you need to access an instance.

Please note that preferred credentials are not shared across users.

To set up credentials

  1. Within Oracle Enterprise Manager, select the Preferences global link.

  2. Select Preferred Credentials.

  3. Select the Set Credentials icon to set the credentials for the desired target type.

Creating Roles

Application Change Management Pack supports segregation of duties to different users based on the roles assigned in Oracle Enterprise Manager.

This section describes how to set up basic user roles for Application Change Management Pack. For Approver roles under the Change Approval Framework, see: Change Approval Framework.

Note: In the steps below you update the configuration file "". The changes made to this file will take at least fifteen (15) minutes to take effect. If you want the changes to take effect immediately, restart the OMS.

Follow these configuration steps to enable role-based access:

  1. Ensure that the property "enableRoleBasedSecurity” is set to 'Y' within the "" file under $ORACLE_HOME/sysman/config on the Oracle Management Server.

  2. Create the "EBS_PM_ROLE" for Patch Manager:

    1. Click the Create button under Setup > Roles.

    2. Enter the role name as 'EBS_PM_ROLE'.

    3. Review and save the role.

  3. Repeat steps 1 and 2 for the Customization Manager and Setup Manager roles:

Once the role is created, you can assign the EBS_PM_ROLE to the users who intend to use Patch Manager. Likewise, you can do the same for Customization Manager and Setup Manager. This step can be done in Oracle Enterprise Manager using the navigation Setup (Global link) > Administrators > Edit button.

You can also restrict users to a certain set of targets. For instance, with Customization Manager, you might want to restrict the customization developers to only the development Oracle E-Business Suite instance along with the host where checkout can be performed. This restriction can be achieved by associating only the required targets to the given administrator. Similarly, with Setup Manager, you might want to control target access to extract and deploy functional configuration data based on user roles such as implementation developer and implementation manager.

Notifications Setup

You have the option of sending e-mail notifications to users regarding updates to the Oracle E-Business Suite systems. To have these notifications sent successfully, you must have the system set up properly:

To set the SMTP information in Oracle Enterprise Manager

The Outgoing SMTP Server information must be entered in Oracle Enterprise Manager.

Note: If the SMTP information is not set correctly, notifications will not be sent.

  1. Within Oracle Enterprise Manager, navigate to Setup > Notification Methods.

  2. Set the Outgoing Mail (SMTP) Server value.

  3. Enter additional information as needed.

Change Approval Framework

The Change Approval Framework helps ensure that all changes done using any of the products of Application Change Management Pack for Oracle E-Business Suite (ACP) go through a change approval mechanism. This change control mechanism entails one level of approval for any change that results in a configuration or code change of an Oracle E-Business Suite instance. The Change Approval Framework provides tracking and auditing with respect to the change control requests and historical data. A common change control tracking dashboard is provided for tracking all change requests within ACP. Auto-approvals are possible if the requestor is a Super Administrator or has the respective approver role with approval target access.

All critical changes within Patch Manager, Setup Manager, and Customization Manager would need to go through the change control mechanism. These changes can be outlined as below for the respective products:

The main Change Management tab lists recent activity for change approval requests:

the picture is described in the document text

Click on the Home link to see the Change Approval Dashboard.

the picture is described in the document text

The Change Approval Dashboard for monitoring a change request originating from any of the above products is provided for users with approver roles. Only users with these approver roles are able to access the Change Approval Dashboard. These roles are:

Also, the requests view shown in the Change Approval Dashboard would be limited according to the role of the user. For instance, a user with EBS_CM_APPROVER role would only see Customization Manager-related pending requests.

The Change Approval Dashboard allows users with the proper roles to perform the following

Approver Roles

The following approver roles are supported:

Also, it is possible to have fine-grained control over the target access for approvals. The property "targetLevelPrivilegeForApproval" defines the minimum target privilege required for approval role user. By default it is same as that of normal user (VIEW). However, the valid Values are VIEW, OPERATOR, FULL. For instance, if this property is set to "OPERATOR", then only users with OPERATOR/FULL privileges over the target would be considered as valid approver for the given target.

User Scenarios in Change Approval

In the scenarios that follow, users can be of the type "Administrator" or "Super Administrator". The standard ACP user roles are EBS_PM_ROLE, EBS_CM_ROLE, EBS_AZ_ROLE, as described elsewhere. The approver roles, which are needed to access the Change Approval Dashboard are EBS_PM_APPROVER, EBS_CM_APPROVER, and EBS_AZ_APPROVER.

Approvals for a module are enabled via a property ("enableApproval_<module>") in the file, where <module> could be PM, CM, or AZ:

For example, enable approvals for Customization Manager with the following setting:


For Patch Manager, you would enable approvals with the following:


For Setup Manager, you would enable approvals with the following:


The following user scenarios are possible:

  1. User is of the type "Administrator" and has only one or more of the standard ACP user roles, and enableApproval_<module> is 'N':

  2. User is of type "Administrator" and has only one or more of the standard ACP user roles, and enableApproval_<module> is 'Y':

  3. User is of type "Administrator" and has one or more approver role(s), and enableApproval_<module> is either 'Y' or 'N':

  4. User is of type "Super Administrator" and enableApproval_<module> is either 'Y' or 'N':

  5. User is of type "Administrator" and enableApproval_<module> is 'Y' and the user has the respective approver role and approval target access to ALL targets associated with the change request.

  6. User is of type "Administrator" and enableApproval_<module> is 'Y' and the user does not have the approver role for the given module: