2 Installation of Oracle Database Lite

This chapter describes all of the details for you to install Oracle Database Lite, including the following:

2.1 Starting Oracle Universal Installer

Oracle Database Lite uses Oracle Universal Installer to guide you through each step of the installation process. The Oracle Universal Installer provides the following features:

  • Describes installation options for Oracle Database Lite

  • Detects pre-set environment variables and configuration settings

  • Sets environment variables and configuration during installation

  • Offers configuration options for a customized installation of Oracle Database Lite

  • Deinstalls products

The Oracle Universal Installer automatically checks your computer prior to installation to verify that your system meets operational requirements. Table 2-1 lists the prerequisite checks that are performed.

Table 2-1 Oracle Universal Installer Automatic Prerequisite Checks

Prerequisite Checks See Also
Check for enough disk space for Oracle Home installation Table 1-7, "Minimum Hardware Requirements for UNIX Systems"
On UNIX systems, checks for TMP and TMPDIR variable and sufficient swap space Table 1-7, "Minimum Hardware Requirements for UNIX Systems"

You start the Oracle Universal Installer using different methods for each type of operating system, as detailed in the following steps:

2.1.1 Starting the Oracle Universal Installer on Windows

Insert the CD-ROM labeled Oracle Database Lite and double-click setup.exe. The Welcome screen appears.

2.1.2 Starting Oracle Universal Installer on UNIX

Follow these steps to start Oracle Universal Installer and install Oracle Database Lite:

  1. Insert the CD into the CD-ROM drive.

  2. Mount the installation CD-ROM. For information on mounting the installation CD-ROM for your platform, see Section 1.9, "Mounting the Installation CD-ROM For UNIX Systems".

  3. Run Oracle Universal Installer from the CD-ROM:


    Ensure you are not logged in as the root user when you start the Oracle Universal Installer.

    1. Log in as the oracle user.

    2. Start the installer by entering the following command:

      prompt> mount_point/disk1/runInstaller

    This launches Oracle Universal Installer, which installs Database Lite. Using the oraInventory Directory

The Oracle Universal Installer creates the oraInventory directory the first time it is run on a computer. The oraInventory directory keeps an inventory of products that the Oracle Universal Installer installs on your computer, as well as other installation information. If you have previously installed Oracle products, then you may already have an oraInventory directory.

When a UNIX group name is created and specified, the Oracle Universal Installer grants the specified group the permission to write to the oraInventory directory. If another group attempts to run the installer, then they must have permission to write to the oraInventory directory. If they do not have permission, then the installation will fail.

The location of oraInventory is defined in the oraInst.loc file. See Table 2-1 for the location of the orainst.loc file for your system.

The latest installation log file is stored in:


The your_base_directory identifier is the location for your installation files and todays_date_time is the date and time of installation. Log file names of previous installation sessions take the form installActionstodays_date_time.log.

Do not delete or manually alter the oraInventory directory or its contents. Doing so can prevent the installer from locating products that you have installed on your system. Location of Files on UNIX

The following table lists the location of the oratab and oraInst.loc file for each platform:

Table 2-2 File Locations for Each Platform

Platform oratab and emtab oraInst.loc
AIX /etc /etc
HP /etc /var/opt/oracle
Linux /etc /etc
Tru64 /etc /var/opt/oracle

2.2 Oracle Database Lite Installation Considerations

Note the following issues before you start your installation:

2.2.1 Installing Multiple Languages on a Single Solaris Machine

With Oracle Database Lite installed in a Solaris environment, you cannot install multiple languages on a single Solaris machine. Instead, you must perform a separate installation for each language.

2.2.2 Mobile Server on a DHCP Server is Not Supported

Mobile Server can only be installed on a server with a static IP address; thus, the Mobile Server does not function correctly if installed on a DHCP server.

2.3 Installing Oracle Database Lite

Oracle Database Lite consists of two main components: Mobile Server and Mobile Development Kit. Each is installed separately from the Oracle Database Lite CD-ROM. The following sections describe all of your installation options:


For instructions on how to install Branch Office, see Chapter 10 "Manage Your Branch Office," in the Oracle Database Lite Administration and Deployment Guide. For instructions on how to create a Mobile Client and download an application, see Chapter 4, "Quick Start for Oracle Database Lite".

2.3.1 GUI Install of the Mobile Server and MDK Components

Once the Oracle Universal Installer is initiated, perform the following steps to install Oracle Database Lite:

  1. On the Welcome screen, click Next.

  2. On the File Locations screen, enter the following:

    • In the Source field, either accept or enter a new location and name of the Oracle Database Lite products.jar file.

    • In the Destination field, enter the name and path of Oracle Home. The Oracle Home name CANNOT include spaces. Important: Read the following bulleted list for the appropriate Oracle Home.

      This is the Oracle Home where you want to install Oracle Database Lite. You may choose to install Oracle Database Lite into a new or existing Oracle Home. Take the following into consideration:

      • If you use Mobile Server in standalone mode for your middle-tier, do not use an Oracle Home that has any version of Oracle9iAS or OracleAS installed.

      • If you use Oracle9iAS or OracleAS as your middle-tier, then you must install Oracle Database Lite into the same Oracle Home where the application server is installed.

    Click Next .

  3. On the Installation Types screen, choose the components and the type of installation to execute. Your options are as follows:

    • Mobile Server

    • Mobile Development Kit

    • Custom

    The first two are the main components of Oracle Database Lite. The custom option is for advanced users only. Each of these Install options are discussed in the following sections: Installation of Mobile Development Kit

Install Mobile Development Kit from the Installation Types screen by choosing the Mobile Development Kit and clicking Next. On the Summary screen, click Install. Click Exit to return to the installation screen.

You have now installed the Mobile Development Kit. Installation of Mobile Server

Install the Mobile Server from the Installation Types screen, as follows:

  1. Choose Mobile Server and click Next.

  2. Provide the hostname, port, and SID for the back-end database for the Mobile Server Repository. Mobile Server installs its meta-data in the back-end database. If you are not sure, you can query the data dictionary to obtain these values. Connect as SYSTEM and run the following queries.

    To retrieve the SID, execute:

    select instance_name from v$instance;

    If you need to retrieve the port number, check the listener.ora file on the back-end database.

    Click Next.

  3. Click Yes to install the Mobile Server Repository. For this option, always click Yes to install the repository—even if one has already been created. If you are installing a Mobile Server on another host that shares an existing repository, selecting yes updates the repository with the shared Mobile Server information. You only select No if instructed to for a certain environment. Click Next.

  4. On the Mobile Server Configuration Options screen, enter the HTTP listener port for OC4J. Provide a port number for the OC4J HTTP listener if you are executing in standalone mode. The default value is 80. This screen only appears if you are using standalone. If you are using Oracle9iAS or OracleAS, the default ports are used. Click Next.


    If, after installation, you have port conflicts and need to change the port number for OC4J standalone, edit the file ORACLE_HOME\mobile_oc4j\j2ee\mobileserver\config\http-web-site.xml and modify the following with the alternate port number:
    <web-site port="80" display-name="OracleAS Containers for J2EE HTTP Web Site">

  5. Click Yes or No indicating if you want the demo applications installed on the server.

  6. On the Summary page, click Install to start the installation of Mobile Server, which is installed in your Oracle Home.

  7. If, previously, you clicked Yes to installing the Mobile Server Repository, then the Repository Wizard is now launched to create and populate the repository with the Mobile Server schema.

    The Repository Wizard asks for a user name and password which will be used to connect to the back-end database, create the schema and assign database privileges for the Mobile Server. Before you provide the username, this user has to have the following privileges to create the Mobile Server repository in the back-end database:


    • The following privileges are required with the Admin option:


    • Lastly, the SELECT_CATALOG_ROLE role is required with the Admin option.

    Click Next.

  8. If this is a new Repository, the following message is displayed:

    No existing Repository found. A new Repository will be installed.

    Click Next.

  9. Enter the schema name and password for the Mobile Server Repository. The default name is MOBILEADMIN. This schema contains all database objects used by the Mobile Server. Also, check whether you want to install sample applications or not. Click Next.

  10. Enter the username and password that you will use to log into the Mobile Server administration GUI.

  11. Enter the schema username and password for the schema where the demo applications are installed.

  12. A summary screen appears informing you if a repository is installed or not. Click Next.

  13. The installation screen appears. Wait until the install is completed. Click Next.

  14. Once the repository wizard is finished, click Finish to leave the wizard.

  15. Click Exit to complete the installation.

  16. Review the installation log files for any errors, which are located in ORACLE_HOME\mobile\server. The repository.log file contains the log file of all general installation errors; the samples.log file contains a log of the sample installation errors.

  17. If you are installing on top of any version of the application server, then restart the application server.

2.3.2 Silent Install of Mobile Server and MDK Components

You can execute a command-line tool that runs the installer in silent mode. That is, it installs either the Mobile Development Kit or the Mobile Server for you without having to use the Installation GUI. The following sections describe how to silently install these components on either the UNIX or Windows platforms: Silent Install Mobile Server or the Mobile Development Kit on UNIX

You can install the Mobile Server and/or the Mobile Development Kit by using the runInstaller command, which is on the top level of the CD or the downloaded ZIP file for the product.

There are two response files that contain variables that define how the Mobile Server or the MDK are installed, which are located in the stage/Response folder of the CD or ZIP file.


  • If you use Mobile Server in standalone mode for your middle-tier, do not use an Oracle Home that has any version of Oracle9iAS or OracleAS installed.
  • If you use Oracle9iAS or OracleAS as your middle-tier, then you must install Oracle Database Lite into the same Oracle Home where the application server is installed.

  • The response file for installing the Mobile Server is oracle.lite.install_type_2.rsp. The variables that you can modify in this file for defining your install are as follows:

    • Define the ORACLE_HOME destination directory, as follows:

    • Define the name for your Oracle Home, as follows:

    • Provide the hostname, port, and user for the back-end database, where the repository is to be installed, as follows:

    • Specify true or false if the repository is to be created on the back-end database, as follows:

    • Provide the Mobile Server port number, where incoming clients connect to it, as follows:

    • Provide the database system username and password, as follows:

    • Provide the Mobile Server schema name and password, as follows:

    • Provide the Mobile Server demo schema user name and password, as follows:

    • Provide the Mobile Server admin user name and password, as follows:

  • The response file for installing the MDK is oracle.lite.install_type_1.rsp. You can define two variables in this file for your install—the Oracle Home and the name for the Oracle Home—as follows:


If you want to install both the Mobile Server and the MDK, execute the runInstaller command twice; each execution is provided a different response file. The following installs the Mobile Server, as follows:

./runInstaller  -responseFile 
    -silent -nowelcome

where the options for this command are as follows:

Table 2-3 The runInstaller Command Options

Command Option Description
responseFile Provide the path and name of the response file for the component that you are installing. There are two response files: one for installing the Mobile Server and one for installing the MDK.
silent Always use this option, as it defines that this is a silent installation.
nowelcome Stops the GUI from displaying. Silent Install for Mobile Server or Mobile Development Kit on Windows

Command to run the installer in silent mode for Windows.

setup.exe  -responseFile 
-silent -nowelcome

Variables to be filled for silent install in the response file oracle.lite.install_type_2.rsp to install Oracle Database Lite are as follows:

  • Define the ORACLE_HOME destination directory, as follows:

  • Define the name for your Oracle Home, as follows:

  • Provide the hostname, port, and user for the back-end database, where the repository is to be installed, as follows:

  • Specify true or false if the repository is to be created on the back-end database, as follows:

  • Provide the Mobile Server port number, where incoming clients connect to it, as follows:

  • Provide the database system username and password, as follows:

  • Provide the Mobile Server schema name and password, as follows:

  • Provide the Mobile Server demo schema user name and password, as follows:

  • Provide the Mobile Server admin user name and password, as follows:


Variables in the oracle.lite.install_type_1.rsp response file to install Mobile SDK, are as follows:


2.3.3 Installation of Multiple Mobile Servers Against the Same Mobile Server Repository

In some cases, you may want to have multiple Mobile Servers using the same Mobile Server repository. For example, as Figure 2-1 shows, if you wanted to load balance your Mobile Clients across multiple Mobile Servers, you could add a load balancer, such as BIG-IP or Oracle WebCache, before the shared Mobile Servers, and then your clients would be balanced across these Mobiles Servers, of which each accesses the same data in the shared repository.

Figure 2-1 Multiple Mobile Servers Sharing a Repository

Multiple Mobile Servers sharing a repository
Description of the illustration loadbalance.gif

You can install multiple Mobile Servers, each on its own host, that use the same Mobile Server Repository, as follows:

  1. Install the first Mobile Server and the Mobile Server Repository following the instructions in Section, "Installation of Mobile Server".

  2. For each subsequent Mobile Server, follow the instructions in Section, "Installation of Mobile Server", supplying the same host name, port and SID where the Mobile Server Repository exists and select Yes for creating the repository, which registers the shared Mobile Server with the repository.

2.3.4 Custom Install

The custom install option enables a user to install separate components within the Mobile Development Kit and Mobile Server. This is only for the user who is familiar with these components and not for the beginner.

2.3.5 Client Install

See "Installing Mobile Clients" chapter in the Oracle Database Lite Administration and Deployment Guide for instructions on how to download the Mobile client onto the device.

2.4 Post-Installation Configuration Requirements

The following describes any post-installation requirements:

2.4.1 Setup DISPLAY Variable for UNIX Systems in Oracle Application Server

If you are using a UNIX system, you may have to configure the DISPLAY variable. Mobile Manager uses UIX to create the graphics in its display, which requires access to your XServer. If you have the XServer on the local machine where the Mobile Manager is executing, then you do not have to perform any configuration. However, if the XServer is on another machine, then set the DISPLAY variable in the OPMN component of the Oracle Application Server to point to that machine. In the opmn.xml file, modify the <environment> section and add the following property:

<prop name="DISPLAY" value="hostname:display_number.screen_number"

where the host is the machine where the XServer is available. For example, if the XServer is on myhost, then set the DISPLAY environment variable, as follows:

 <prop name="DISPLAY" value="myhost:0.0"

2.4.2 Enabling Branch Office on Windows XP Service Pack 2

When you install Windows XP Service Pack 2, the Internet Connection Firewall (ICF) defaults to ON. In order for the Branch Office Server to work properly, you either need to turn the ICF OFF or enable port 1531 within the ICF. To enable port 1531, go to the Windows Firewall control on your Windows machine. Select the Exception tab. Click Add Port. Add port 1531 with any name.

2.5 Starting Mobile Server

You can start the Mobile Server through the Windows All Programs item or automatically when you start the middle-tier. Both options are described below:

  • Select All Programs->Oracle Database Lite 10g->Mobile Server

  • Mobile Server is automatically started when you start the middle-tier, as follows:

    • If you are using standalone Mobile Server, which uses OC4J standalone, start the standalone version by executing the following:

      cd ORACLE_HOME\Mobile\Server\bin


      The runmobileserver script contains the default Java flags for starting OC4J. If you want to modify the flags for how Mobile Server is started, you can modify the runmobileserver script.

      You should no longer use the webtogo.exe to launch the standalone version of the Mobile Server.


    • Start Oracle9iAS (9.0.4) or OracleAS through the Windows Services panel. Alternatively, you can start the application server from the Oracle9iAS or OracleAS GUI.


      If you have installed the Web Cache with your application server installation, then you must always start the Web Cache in order for Mobile Server to execute properly. If Web Cache has not been started, you will receive a Page Not Found when directed to the http://<application server host>:7777/webtogo/index.html page.

2.6 Testing Your Mobile Server Installation

To test whether your Mobile Server was installed correctly, test it in one of the following ways:

  • If you are using the standalone version, test your Mobile Server through a browser with the following URL:



    If, after installation, you have port conflicts and need to change the port number for OC4J standalone, edit the file ORACLE_HOME\mobile_oc4j\j2ee\mobileserver\config\http-web-site.xml and modify the following with an alternate port number. For all UNIX and Linux platforms, if you are not running as root or superuser when you start the server, then use a port number greater than 1024.

    The following shows the port set to 80:

    <web-site port="80" display-name="OracleAS Containers for J2EE HTTP Web Site">

  • If you are using Oracle9iAS or OracleAS as your middle-tier, test Mobile Server through a browser with the following URL:


For more information on testing your installation using the samples, see Chapter 4, "Quick Start for Oracle Database Lite".

2.7 Removing Demo Applications

Before you use Oracle Database Lite in a production environment, you may wish to remove the demo applications. To remove the demo applications, execute the following batch file:

demoinstaller [-i | -u] <sys_user> <sys_pwd> <mobile_user> <mobile_pwd>

where the options are as follows:

Option Description
-i or -u -i: install the demos

-u: remove the demos

<sys_user> <sys_pwd> Provide the system username and password that are used to drop the schema in which the demos are installed.
<mobile_user> <mobile_pwd> Provide the Mobile Server log on username and password, which is necessary to remove the demos from the repository.

The removal process enables you to delete the schema into which the applications were installed. If you did not use the schema for any other purpose, then allow the batch file to remove the demo application schema.