

Use the chhost command to change the attributes of a configured Oracle Secure Backup host. Use the mkhost command to configure a host.

See Also:

"Host Commands" for related commands


You must have the modify administrative domain's configuration right to use the chhost command.



chh•ost [ --access/-a { ob | ndmp } ] [ --inservice/-o | --notinservice/-O ]
[ [ --role/-r role[,role]... ] | 
  [ --addrole/-R role[,role]... ] |
  [ --rmrole/-E role[,role]... ] ]
[ [ --ip/-i ipname[,ipname]... ] |
  [ --addip/-I ipname[,ipname]... ] |
  [ --rmip/-P ipname[,ipname]... ] ]
[ --ndmpauth/-A authtype ]
[ { --ndmppass/-p ndmp-password } | --queryndmppass/-q | --dftndmppass/-D ]
[ --ndmpport/-n portnumber ] [ --ndmppver/-v protover ]
[ --ndmpuser/-u ndmp-username ] [ --nocomm/-N ]
[ --ndmpbackuptype/-B ndmp-backup-type ]
[ [ --backupev/-w evariable-name=variable-value ]...
  { [ --addbackupev/-W evariable-name=variable-value ]... |
    [ --rmbackupev/-x evariable-name ]... } ]
[ [ --restoreev/-y evariable-name=variable-value ]... |
  { [ --addrestoreev/-Y evariable-name=variable-value ]...
    [ --rmrestoreev/-z evariable-name ]... } ]
hostname ...


Refer to "mkhost" for options not included in this section.

--access/-a { ob | ndmp }

Specifies an access method for the host. Your choices are:

  • ob

    Use this option if the host has Oracle Secure Backup installed (UNIX, Linux, or Windows machine) and uses the Oracle Secure Backup internal communications protocol to communicate.

  • ndmp

    Use this option if the host does not have Oracle Secure Backup installed (for example, a filer/NAS device) and uses the network data management protocol (NDMP) to communicate.

--addrole/-R role ...

Adds a new role to a host. Refer to "role" for a description of the role placeholder.

--rmrole/-E role ...

Removes a role from a host. Refer to "role" for a description of the role placeholder.

--addip/-I ipname ...

Adds a new IP address to a host machine.

--rmip/-P ipname ...

Removes an IP address from a host machine.


Suppresses communication with the host machine. This option is useful when you have a host that is no longer connected to their network, but you have tape backups of the host that you may want to restore in the future.

--addbackupenv/-W evariable-name=variable-value ...

Adds the specified NDMP backup environment variables.

--rmbackupenv/-x evariable-name ...

Removes the specified NDMP backup environmental variables.

--addrestoreenv/-Y evariable-name=variable-value ...

Adds the specified NDMP restore environmental variables.

--rmrestoreenv/-z evariable-name ...

Removes the NDMP restore environmental variables.

hostname ...

Specifies the name of the host machine for which you want to make configuration changes.


Example 2-20 removes the role of mediaserver from host dlsun1976.

Example 2-20 Changing a Host

ob> lshost
brhost2          client                            (via OB)   in service
brhost3          mediaserver,client                (via OB)   in service
dlsun1976        mediaserver,client                (via OB)   in service
ndmphost1        client                            (via NDMP) in service
stadv07          admin,mediaserver,client          (via OB)   in service
ob> chhost --rmrole mediaserver dlsun1976
ob> lshost dlsun1976
dlsun1976        client                            (via OB)   in service