C DRDA-Specific Parameters

This appendix contains the DRDA-specific parameters that are defined in the Gateway Initialization File. The appendix contains the following sections:

Modifying the Gateway Initialization File

If you change any parameters in the Gateway Initialization File, then you must stop and restart the gateway in order for them to take effect. If you change certain parameters, then you must also rebind the DRDA package. Any parameters that affect the DRDA package have a note in their description that rebinding is required.

Setting Parameters in the Gateway Initialization File

Parameters that are specific to the gateway are stored in the Gateway Initialization File, initsid.ora.

Syntax and Usage

Parameters and their values are specified according to the syntax rules that are specified by Heterogeneous Services. The general form is:

[set] [private] drda_parameter = drda_parameter_value


drda_parameter is one of the DRDA parameters

drda_parameter_value is a character string with contents depending drda_parameter.

The set and private keywords are optional. If the set keyword is present, then the parameter and its value will be passed to the process environment. This might be necessary if parameters from the Startup Shell Script are moved into the Gateway Initialization File. If the private keyword is present, then the parameter and its value will not be uploaded to Oracle Database. In general, Oracle recommends that the private keyword unless the parameter contains sensitive information (a userID or password).

For further information on Heterogeneous Services and Initialization Parameters, refer to the section "Setting Initialization Parameters" in the Oracle Database Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide.

Gateway Initialization File Parameters

The following sections list gateway-specific initialization file parameters and their descriptions. In addition to these parameters, generic Heterogeneous Services initialization file parameters may be set. Refer to the Oracle Database Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide for a list of additional parameters.


Default value: TRUE

Range of values: {TRUE|FALSE}


DRDA_CACHE_TABLE_DESC directs the gateway to cache table descriptions once per transaction. This can reduce the number of table lookups requested by Oracle Database and can speed up the execution of SQL statements. You may wish to disable this option if you would be altering the structure of a remote table and if you would be examining it within the same transaction.


Default value: None

Range of values: Refer to "Native Semantics"


DRDA_CAPABILITY specifies which mapped functions of Oracle Database will be treated natively. In other words, no special pre processing or post processing will be done for these functions. They will be passed through to the DRDA Server unmodified.


Default value: codepage.map

Range of values: Any valid file path

Syntax: DRDA_CODEPAGE_MAP=codepage.map

DRDA_CODEPAGE_MAP specifies the location of the codepage map. You may specify only the filename, which will be searched for within the $ORACLE_HOME/tg4drda/admin directory, or you may specify the full path name of the file.


Default value: 32767

Range of values: 512 through 32767


DRDA_COMM_BUFLEN specifies the communications buffer length. This is a number indicating the size of the SNA send or receive buffer in bytes.


Default value: DRDACON1

Range of values: Any alphanumeric string 1 to 8 characters in length


DRDA_CONNECT_PARM specifies the Side Information name. Refer to Chapter 6, Chapter 6, Chapter 7, and Chapter 8 for details.


Default value: DRDACON1:446

Range of values: Any alphanumeric string 1 to 255 characters in length

Syntax: DRDA_CONNECT_PARM={hostname|ip_address}{:port}

DRDA_CONNECT_PARM specifies the TCP/IP hostname or IP Address of the DRDA Server and, as an option, the Service Port number on which the DRDA Server is listening. For more information about the port number, refer to "Port Number".


Default value: FALSE

Range of values: {TRUE |FALSE}


DRDA_CMSRC_CM_IMMEDIATE sets the SNA session allocation mode. A setting of FALSE causes the gateway to wait for a free session if no free sessions exist. A setting of TRUE causes the gateway to fail the allocation immediately if no free sessions exist.


Default value: None

Range of values: Any supported DRDA Server CCSID


DRDA_DEFAULT_CCSID specifies the default CCSID or character set codepage for character set conversions when the DRDA Server database indicates that a character string has a CCSID of 65535. DRDA Servers use CCSID 65535 for columns specified as "FOR BIT DATA". In most cases, this parameter should not be specified, allowing CCSID 65535 to be treated as an Oracle RAW data type.

This parameter is for supporting databases (in particular, DB2/400) that use CCSID 65535 as the default for all tables created. Allowing CCSID 65535 to be treated as another CCSID can save such sites from having to modify every table.


Specifying any value for DRDA_DEFAULT_CCSID causes all "FOR BIT DATA" columns to be handled as text columns that need character set conversion and, therefore, any binary data in these columns can encounter conversion errors (ORA-28527).


Default value: TRUE

Range of values: {TRUE|FALSE}


DRDA_DESCRIBE_TABLE directs the gateway to use the DRDA operation Table Describe to return the description of tables. This is an optimization that reduces the amount of time and resources that are used to look up the definition of a table.


This feature is not compatible with DB2 Aliases or Synonyms. If you use DB2 aliases, then be sure to disable this option.


Default value: TRUE

Range of values: {TRUE|FALSE}


DRDA_DISABLE_CALL controls stored procedure usage, and is also used to control how the package is bound on the target database. This parameter should be set to FALSE only for supported target DRDA servers and should be set to TRUE otherwise. See Chapter2, "DB2 Considerations" for supported target servers.


Any change to this parameter requires you to rebind.


Default value: SESSION

Range of values: {SESSION|COMMIT}


DRDA_FLUSH_CACHE specifies when the cursor cache is to be flushed. With DRDA_FLUSH_CACHE=COMMIT, the cursor cache is flushed whenever the transaction is committed. With DRDA_FLUSH_CACHE=SESSION, the cache is not flushed until the session terminates.


Default value: 4

Range of values: 1 through 4


DRDA_GRAPHIC_CHAR_SIZE is used to define the character conversion size to be used for GRAPHIC data types. It is a tuning parameter which affects the maximum size of a GRAPHIC data type when the column is described.


Default value: 0

Range of values: 0 through 127


DRDA_GRAPHIC_PAD_SIZE is used to pad the size of a Graphic column as described by the DRDA Server. This is sometimes necessary depending upon the character set of the DRDA database and Oracle Database. If the Oracle database is based on EBCDIC and the DRDA database is based on ASCII, then a pad size of 2 may be needed.


Default value: FALSE

Range of values: {TRUE|FALSE}


DRDA_GRAPHIC_LIT_CHECK directs the gateway to evaluate string literals within INSERT SQL statements in order to determine if they need to be converted to double-byte format for insertion into a Graphic column at the DRDA Server database. This is done by querying the column attributes of the table in the SQL statement to determine if a string literal is being applied to a column with a Graphic data type. If the table column is Graphic, and if this parameter is TRUE, then the gateway will rewrite the SQL statement with the literal converted to double-byte format. Existing double-byte characters in the string will be preserved, and all single-byte characters will be converted to double-byte characters.


Default value: FALSE

Range of values: {TRUE|FALSE}


DRDA_GRAPHIC_TO_MBCS directs the gateway to convert graphic data that has been fetched from the DRDA Server into Oracle multi-byte data, translating double-byte characters into single-byte characters where possible.


Default value: CHG for DB2/400, CS for DB2/OS390, DB2/UDB, DB2/VM

Range of values: {CHG|CS|RR|ALL|NC}


DRDA_ISOLATION_LEVEL specifies the isolation level that is defined to the package when it is created. All SQL statements that are sent to the remote DRDA database are executed with this isolation level. Isolation level seriously affects performance of applications. Use caution when specifying an isolation level other than the default. For information on isolation levels, refer to your IBM database manuals.

The following table lists the isolation levels and their descriptions. The levels are specified in ascending order of control, with CHG having the least reliable cursor stability and RR having the most. Note that higher stability uses more resources on the server and can lock those resources for extended periods.

Table C-1 Isolation Levels and Their Descriptions

Level Description


Change (default for DB2/400)


Cursor Stability (default for DB2/UDB, DB2/OS390, and DB2/VM)


Repeatable Read




No Commit


Any change to this parameter requires you to rebind.


Default value: AIX_RS6K

Range of values: any alphanumeric string 1 to 8 characters in length.


DRDA_LOCAL_NODE_NAME specifies the name by which the gateway will be known to the DRDA Server. This name is used internally by the DRDA Server to identify the local node.


Default value: FALSE

Range of values: {TRUE|FALSE}


DRDA_MBCS_TO_GRAPHIC directs the gateway to convert multi-byte data (that has been sent from Oracle to the DRDA database) into pure double-byte characters. This parameter is primarily intended to be used with bind variables in order to ensure that the data is properly formatted and will therefore be acceptable to the DRDA Server. It applies only to INSERT SQL statements that are using bind variables. When used in combination with the DRDA_GRAPHIC_LIT_CHECK parameter, this parameter can help ensure that data that is being inserted into a Graphic column is handled correctly by the target DRDA Server.


Default value: TRUE

Range of values: {TRUE|FALSE}


DRDA_OPTIMIZE_QUERY enables or disables the distributed query optimizer (DQO) capability. Refer to "Performing Distributed Queries" in Chapter 12, "Using the Oracle Transparent Gateway for DRDA". The DQO capability is useful for optimizing queries that access large amount of data, but it can add overhead to small queries.

This parameter is valid only if the DRDA Server is DB2/OS390 or DB2/VM. If the DRDA Server is DB2/400 or DB2/UDB, then you must set the value to FALSE.


Default value: ORACLE

Range of values: An alphanumeric string 1 to 18 characters in length

Syntax: DRDA_PACKAGE_COLLID=collection_id

DRDA_PACKAGE_COLLID specifies the package collection ID. Note that in DB2/400, the collection ID is actually the name of an AS/400 library.


Any change to this parameter requires you to rebind the package.


Default value: None, use the sample provided

Range of values: A 16-digit hexadecimal number


DRDA_PACKAGE_CONSTOKEN specifies the package consistency token. This is a 16-digit hexadecimal representation of an 8-byte token. Oracle Corporation recommends that you do not change the consistency token. The consistency token used at runtime must match the one used when the package is bound. The value depends on the DRDA Server being used.


Any change to this parameter requires you to rebind the package.


Default value: G2DRSQL

Range of values: An alphanumeric string 1 to 18 characters in length


DRDA_PACKAGE_NAME specifies the package name. Note that the package is stored in the DRDA Server under this name as a SQL resource. Refer to the DRDA Server documentation for length limitations package names. Many typical implementations restrict the length to 8 characters.


Any change to this parameter requires that you rebind the package.


Default value: None

Range of values: Any valid user ID


DRDA_PACKAGE_OWNER specifies the database user ID that owns the package. This enables the owner to be a user other than the connected user ID when the package is created. The package owner must be the same user as the owner of the ORACLE2PC table. This is not valid for DB2/VM.


Any change to this parameter requires you to rebind the package.


Default value: 100

Range of values: Any integer between 1 and 65535


DRDA_PACKAGE_SECTIONS specifies the number of cursors declared at the remote database when the package is bound. This is the maximum number of open cursors permitted at any one time. Change this parameter only if an application needs more than 100 open concurrent cursors.


Any change to this parameter requires you to rebind the package.


Default value: FALSE

Range of values: {TRUE|FALSE}


DRDA_READ_ONLY specifies whether the gateway runs in a read-only transaction mode. In this mode, SQL statements that modify data are not permitted.


Default value: none

Range of values: any valid password


DRDA_RECOVERY_PASSWORD is used with the DRDA_RECOVERY_USERID. The recovery user connects to the IBM database if a distributed transaction is in doubt. For more information, refer to "Two-Phase Commit Processing". Also, refer to Chapter 14 for information about security and encrypting passwords.


Default value: ORARECOV

Range of values: Any valid user ID


DRDA_RECOVERY_USERID specifies the user ID that is used by the gateway if a distributed transaction becomes in doubt. This user ID must have execute privileges on the package and must be defined to the IBM database.

If a distributed transaction becomes in doubt, then the Oracle integrating server determines the status of the transaction by connecting to the IBM database, using the DRDA_RECOVERY_USERID. If this parameter is missing,then the gateway attempts to connect to a user ID of ORARECOV. For more information, refer to "Two-Phase Commit Processing".


Default value: DB2V2R3

Range of values: An alphanumeric string 1 to 18 characters in length


DRDA_REMOTE_DB_NAME specifies the DRDA Server location name. This is an identifying name that is assigned to the server for DRDA purposes. A technique for determining this name by using a SQL SELECT statement is discussed in each of the server-specific installation sections in Chapter 5, "Configuring the DRDA Server".


Default value: PROGRAM

Range of values: {PROGRAM|SAME}


DRDA_SECURITY_TYPE specifies the type of security used for SNA communications. For more information about types of security and about setting DRDA_SECURITY_TYPE, refer to Chapter 14, "Security Considerations". Also refer to Chapter 15 for information on security and encrypting passwords.


Default value: TG4DRDA_DB2MVS

Range of values: Refer to the list below for valid values


FDS_CLASS specifies the capability classification used by Oracle Database and the gateway. These values may change from release to release, depending on whether the gateway capabilities change.

The valid default values for FDS_CLASS are as follows:

For a DB2/OS390 database: TG4DRDA_DB2MVS

For a DB2/VM database: TG4DRDA_DB2VM

For a DB2/400 databaseTG4DRDA_DB2400

For a DB2/UDB database: TG4DRDA_DB2UDB


Default value:

Range of values:


FDS_CLASS_VERSION specifies the version of the FDS_CLASS capabilities. Do not specify this parameter unless directed to do so by Oracle Support Services.


Default value: DRD1

Range of values: the name of the gateway SID

Syntax: FDS_INSTANCE=drdahoa1

FDS_INSTANCE specifies a subset of the FDS_CLASS capabilities that may be modified by the user, based on initialization file parameters. If you do not specify this parameter, then its value will be the Oracle SID that is defined in the TNS Listener entry.


Default value: 20

Range of values: Any integer between 1 and 1000


HS_FDS_FETCH_ROWS specifies the fetch array size. This is the number of rows to be fetched from the DRDA Server and to return to Oracle Database at one time. This parameter will be affected by the HS_RPC_FETCH_SIZE and HS_RPC_FETCH_REBLOCKING parameters. For further information on these parameters, refer to the section "Controlling the Array Fetch Between Agent and Non-Oracle Database" in the Oracle Database Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide.


Default value: none

Range of values: any valid language specification

Syntax: HS_LANGUAGE=language[_territory.character_set ]

HS_LANGUAGE specifies the language and the character set that the gateway will use to interact with the DRDA Server. Care must be taken in choosing the value of these parameters, especially when the gateway will be accessing GRAPHIC data. For additional details, refer to Appendix D and to the Oracle Database Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide.


Default value: None

Range of values: Any valid character set specification

Syntax: HS_NLS_NCHAR=character_set

Hs_nls_nchar specifies the character set that the gateway will use to interact with the DRDA Server when accessing Graphic data. Set this parameter to the same value as the character set component of the HS_LANGUAGE parameter. For additional details, refer to Appendix D and to the Oracle Database Heterogeneous Connectivity Administrator's Guide.


Default value: $ORACLE_HOME/tg4drda/log/gateway sid_pid.log

Range of values: Any valid file path

Syntax: LOG_DESTINATION=logpath

LOG_DESTINATION specifies the destination for gateway logging and tracing. This parameter should specify a file. If the file already exists, it will be overwritten.

After any failure to open the logpath, a second attempt to open the default is made.

Usually, LOG_DESTINATION should specify a directory. If it is specified as a file, and if two or more users simultaneously use the same instance of the gateway, then they are writing to the same log. The integrity of this log is not guaranteed. If you do not specify this parameter, then the default is assumed.


Default value: 4712-12-31

Range of values: Any valid date less than 4712-12-31

Syntax: ORA_MAX_DATE=yyyy-mm-dd

ORA_MAX_DATE specifies the gateway maximum date value. If the fetched date value is larger than 4712-12-31, the gateway replaces the date value with the value defined by the ORA_MAX_DATE parameter. Any date between January 1, 4712 BC and December 31, 4712 AD is valid.


Default value: $ORACLE_HOME/nls/data

Range of values: Any valid NLS directory path

Syntax: SET ORA_NLS10=nlspath

ORA_NLS10 specifies the directory to which the gateway loads its character sets and other language data. Normally this parameter does not need to be set. Some configurations, however, may require that it be set.


Default value: None

Range of values: Any valid file path

Syntax: ORACLE_DRDA_TCTL=tracecontrolpath

ORACLE_DRDA_TCTL specifies the path to the DRDA internal trace control file. This file contains module tracing commands. A sample file is stored in $ORACLE_HOME/tg4drda/admin/debug.tctl. This parameter is used for diagnostic purposes.


Default value: value specified for LOG_DESTINATION

Range of values: any valid file path

Syntax: ORACLE_DRDA_TRACE=logpath

ORACLE_DRDA_TRACE is used to specify a different log path for DRDA internal tracing. This tracing is separate from the rest of the gateway tracing, as specified by the LOG_DESTINATION parameter. By default, this parameter will append the DRDA internal trace to the gateway trace. This parameter is used for diagnostic purposes.


Default Value: 0

Range of values: 0-255

Syntax: TRACE_LEVEL=number

TRACE_LEVEL specifies a code tracing level. This value determines the level of detail which is logged to the gateway logfile during execution. This parameter is primarily used for diagnostics.