5 Configuring a Domain and Devices on Linux and UNIX

This chapter describes configuring an administrative domain and configuring tape drives and libraries on Linux and Solaris media servers for use by Oracle Secure Backup. This chapter also describes configuring Network Attached Storage (NAS) filers and NAS libraries and tape drives.

This chapter covers the following topics:

5.1 Determining SCSI Device Parameters on Linux and UNIX

As part of installing Oracle Secure Backup and configuring your administrative domain, you will need to configure libraries and tape drives for use with Oracle Secure Backup. Collecting this information should be considered part of planning your administrative domain.

Oracle Secure Backup supports both SCSI and Fibre Channel devices for Linux and UNIX. The process of collecting the required parameters is the same for both device types.

To prepare for configuring each SCSI device, collect the device parameters required for your platform. On Linux this includes:

  • The host bus adapter number for the SCSI adapter

  • The SCSI bus address

  • The SCSI target ID

  • The SCSI logical unit number (or SCSI LUN)

On Solaris this includes:

  • The SCSI bus name-instance

  • The SCSI target ID

  • The SCSI logical unit number (or SCSI LUN)

Also assign each tape library and each tape device an Oracle Secure Backup logical unit number, as described in "Assigning Oracle Secure Backup Logical Unit Numbers to Devices".


Do not confuse the SCSI logical unit number with the Oracle Secure Backup logical unit number. The Oracle Secure Backup logical unit number is a number you assign that is used in generating device special file names.

The following sections describe how to probe different operating systems for the required SCSI parameters.

5.1.1 Determining SCSI Device Parameters on Linux

To obtain device information on Linux, use the cat command to view the contents of /proc/scsi/scsi. For example:

# cat /proc/scsi/scsi

Example 5-1 shows sample output for a host called storabck05 with two attached devices.

Example 5-1 Sample /proc/scsi/scsi Contents

Attached devices:
Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 02 Lun: 00
  Vendor: IBM      Model: ULTRIUM-TD2      Rev: 4772
  Type:   Sequential-Access                ANSI SCSI revision: 03
Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 04 Lun: 00
  Vendor: ADIC     Model: Scalar 24        Rev: 237A
  Type:   Medium Changer                   ANSI SCSI revision: 02

Devices of type Sequential-Access, such as the first device in the list, are tape drives. Devices of type Medium Changer, such as the second device, are tape libraries.

For each device, the information needed is found in the line that reads:

Host: scsi0 Channel: 00 Id: 02 Lun: 00

The output can be interpreted as follows:

  • The host bus adapter number is the numeric part of the value scsin. For example, for both devices in this output the host bus adapter number is 0.

  • The value for Channel is the SCSI bus address. For example, in this output the SCSI bus address is 0.

  • The value for Id is the target ID. For example, in this output the ID of the tape drive is 2, and the ID of the tape library is 4.

  • The value for Lun is the SCSI LUN. For example, in this output the SCSI LUN of both devices is 0.

By convention, the tape library and tape drive can each be assigned 0 as the Oracle Secure Backup logical unit number.

Based on the output shown in Example 5-1, Table 5-1 summarizes the device information for storabck05.

Table 5-1 storabck05 Device Summary

Device Host Bus Adapter SCSI bus address Target ID SCSI LUN






Tape drive





5.1.2 Determining SCSI Device Parameters on Solaris

To determine the SCSI device parameter information on Solaris, there are two major tasks required: Probing SCSI Target ID and LUN for Media Devices From Solaris Open Boot PROM

To view SCSI target ID and SCSI LUN parameters for media devices from the Solaris Open Boot PROM:

  1. Log into the media server as root.

  2. Bring the host to run level 0. For example:

    # init 0

    The system shuts down and eventually the Open Boot PROM ok prompt is displayed on the console.

  3. At the ok prompt, set the Open Boot auto-boot? variable to false. For example:

    ok setenv auto-boot? false
    auto-boot?     =    false
  4. At the ok prompt, run the Open Boot reset-all command. For example:

    ok reset-all

    The system resets and eventually returns to an ok prompt again.

  5. At the ok prompt, run the Open Boot probe-scsi-all command to display the SCSI parameters for all devices attached to this host. For example:

    ok probe-scsi-all

    Find the information in the output that corresponds to your SCSI devices. For example, this excerpt from the output for dlsun1976 includes the following information for the tape library and drive:

    Target 0
        Unit 0        Removable Tape        EXABYTE EXB-85058SQANXR1
    Target 1
        Unit 0        Removable Device type 8      EXABYTE EXB-10e      1.8

    The output can be interpreted as follows:

    • The device tree path for the SCSI bus to which both devices are attached is /pci@1f,4000/scsi@3,1. Make a note of this value.


      This value is not used directly in Oracle Secure Backup device configuration, but is needed when determining the SCSI bus name-instance parameter for each device, using the process in "Viewing SCSI Bus Name-Instance Parameter Values in Solaris".
    • The value for Target is the target ID. For example, in this output the target ID of the tape drive is 0, and the target ID of the tape library is 1.

    • The value for Unit is the SCSI LUN. For example, in this output the SCSI LUN of both devices is 0.

    For this example, assign each device the Oracle Secure Backup logical unit number 0.

    Record the discovered parameters and the assigned Oracle Secure Backup logical unit number for each device.

  6. To reboot the host into Solaris, enter the following commands at the ok prompt:

    ok setenv auto-boot? true
    ok reset-all Viewing SCSI Bus Name-Instance Parameter Values in Solaris

To determine the SCSI Bus name-instance parameter to use for each device in Oracle Secure Backup:

  1. Log into your media server as root.

  2. Change directory to the install subdirectory under the Oracle Secure Backup home. For example:

    # cd /usr/local/oracle/backup/install
  3. Run the installdriver script to install the Oracle Secure Backup driver. For example:

    # installdriver
    NOTE: /usr/local/oracle/backup/.drv.solaris64/ob copied to /usr/kernel/drv/ob
    NOTE: /usr/local/oracle/backup/.drv.solaris64/ob.conf copied to /usr/kernel/drv/ob.conf
    NOTE: /usr/local/oracle/backup/.drv.solaris64/ob64 copied to /usr/kernel/drv/sparcv9/ob 
    NOTE: The Oracle Secure Backup device driver has been successfully installed. 

    Once installed, the Oracle Secure Backup driver is associated with the media devices that it can control on this media server.

  4. Run the following command to view devices associated with the Oracle Secure Backup driver:

    # du -a /devices|grep ob|cut -f2 

    The output contains the needed device information.

  5. Parse the output from Step 4 using information from the output of probing the SCSI bus in "Probing SCSI Target ID and LUN for Media Devices From Solaris Open Boot PROM". For example, consider the line of output that reads:

    • To identify the SCSI bus used for each device in the du output, match the device tree paths in the probe-scsi-all output to the device tree paths in the output from Step 4 for each device.

      For example, in this case the bus used for both media devices is identified in the probe-scsi-all output as /pci@1f,4000/scsi@3,1, and in the du output as /devices/pci@1f,4000/scsi@3,1.

    • The ob@ in the path from the du output indicates that the device is controlled by the Oracle Secure Backup driver.

    • The two numbers (in this case, 1,0) following the ob@ are the SCSI target ID and SCSI LUN for each device. For this example, the SCSI target ID is 1 and the SCSI LUN is 0. These values correspond to the Exabyte tape library on dlsun1976, as identified in "Probing SCSI Target ID and LUN for Media Devices From Solaris Open Boot PROM".

    • The value following the colon (:) is the needed SCSI bus name-instance value for this device. For this example, the value is glm1.

For host dlsun1976, parsing both lines of output from Step 4 leads to the final SCSI parameters shown in Table 5-2.

Table 5-2 dlsun1976 Tape Device Summary

Device Oracle Secure Backup LUN SCSI Bus Name-Instance SCSI Target ID SCSI LUN

Exabyte library





Exabyte drive





5.2 Configuring an Administrative Domain on Linux and UNIX with obtool

After Oracle Secure Backup has been installed on the hosts in your network, you can configure your administrative domain. This task involves configuring all media servers, client hosts, and Network Attached Storage (NAS) filers.


You can also perform this task with the Oracle Secure Backup Web tool. See the Oracle Secure Backup Administrator's Guide for more information.

Use the --access ob option with the mkhost command to configure an Oracle Secure Backup host. The administrative server is configured by default during the installation process.


For help on an obtool command, enter:
ob> help command


In the following example, assume you have a Windows administrative server/media server called BELLA, a Linux media server called storabck05 and a Solaris client host called dlsun1976.

To configure an administrative domain:

  1. If you are already logged on to Oracle Secure Backup, skip to Step 3. Otherwise, log on as root.

  2. To open Oracle Secure Backup, enter obtool at a system prompt. For example:

    # obtool

    The ob> prompt displays.

  3. Configure each media server in your administrative domain. Specify options for access type, role, and IP address. For example:

    ob> mkhost --access ob --role mediaserver --ip storabck05
  4. Configure each client in your administrative domain. Specify options for access type, role, and IP address. For example:

    ob> mkhost --access ob --role client --ip dlsun1976
  5. To verify the results of configuring the administrative domain, use the lshost command in obtool to view the names and attributes of all the hosts in your administrative domain. For example:

    ob> lshost
    BELLA            admin,mediaserver,client          (via OB)   in service
    dlsun1976        client                            (via OB)   in service
    storabck05       mediaserver                       (via OB)   in service

5.2.1 Configuring Administrative Domain NAS Filers Using obtool

To configure a NAS filer as a member of the administrative domain, use the mkhost command in obtool with the --access ndmp option.


You can also perform this task with the Oracle Secure Backup Web tool. See the Oracle Secure Backup Administrator's Guide for more information.

Under NAS, storage devices are made LAN-addressable, freeing stored data from a direct attachment to a specific locale.

The administrative server communicates with and manages NAS filers, which do not have Oracle Secure Backup installed, over Network Data Management Protocol (NDMP). NDMP defines a standard TCP/IP-based protocol for backing up and restoring data on heterogeneous networks, regardless of operating system or platform.

NDMP provides the following features:

  • Minimizes demands on network resources

  • Enables local backups and restores to tape

  • Allows for centralized management and control


In the following example, assume you have an administrative server/media server called BELLA and an NAS filer called mynasfiler5.

To configure an NAS filer:

  1. If you are already logged on to Oracle Secure Backup, skip to Step 3. Otherwise, log on as root.

  2. To open Oracle Secure Backup, enter obtool at a system prompt.

    The ob> prompt displays.

  3. Include an NAS filer in your administrative domain. Specify options for access type, role, IP address, and NDMP password. For example:

    ob> mkhost --access ndmp --role mediaserver --ip --ndmppass mypassword


    • Oracle Secure Backup typically provides a default NDMP password for configuration of NAS filers. Alternatively, users can set the password as the --ndmppass option of the mkhost command.

    • For help on an obtool command, enter:

      ob> help command
  4. List the names and attributes of all the hosts in your administrative domain. For example:

    ob> lshost
    BELLA            admin,mediaserver,client          (via OB)   in service
    dlsun1976          client                            (via OB)   in service
    mynasfiler5      mediaserver                       (via NDMP) in service
    storabck05       mediaserver                       (via OB)   in service

5.3 Creating Device Special Files on Solaris and Linux

Device special files are required before devices can be configured for use with Oracle Secure Backup. Specifically, device special files are links that will be referenced as attachments when devices are configured for use with Oracle Secure Backup.

After the device special files are created for devices, you can use the mkdev command in obtool, the Oracle Secure Backup Web tool, or the Oracle Secure Backup interface in Oracle Enterprise Manager to configure devices for use with Oracle Secure Backup.

This section assumes that you have already performed the following tasks:

  1. Established your administrative domain so that media servers can be associated with their attached devices. See "Configuring an Administrative Domain on Linux and UNIX with obtool".

  2. Determined the operating system-specific SCSI (or Fibre Channel) device data required for device configuration. See "Determining SCSI Device Parameters on Linux and UNIX".

You can create the device special files either by using the installob script or the makedev tool.

Follow the instructions in the appropriate section:


It is generally most convenient to use installob to configure all SCSI devices immediately after the installation process.

5.3.1 Creating Device Special Files with makedev

The makedev tool is used to create device special files for a single media device that Oracle Secure Backup uses to access the device.

The makedev tool provides an alternative to creating device special files with installob. makedev does not require you to run the installob script again. It handles only device special file creation and configuration, and does not relate to other installation and configuration tasks. makedev can be used on media servers before they are added to the administrative domain. makedev only creates device special files for a single device at a time, so if you have multiple devices to configure, consider using installob.

See Also:

Oracle Secure Backup Reference for makedev syntax

This section assumes that you have already determined the operating system-specific SCSI (or Fibre Channel) device data required for device configuration and decided upon Oracle Secure Backup logical unit numbers for each device. See "Determining SCSI Device Parameters on Linux and UNIX" for details on performing this task on your operating system.

For this example, makedev is used to configure the single tape library attached to Solaris 64-bit host dlsun1976. As determined in "Determining SCSI Device Parameters on Linux and UNIX", the tape library is assigned Oracle Secure Backup logical unit number 0, and has SCSI bus name-instance glm1, SCSI target ID 1, and SCSI logical unit number 0.

To use makedev to create device special files for a device:

  1. Log on as root.

  2. Change to the Oracle Secure Backup home directory. For example:

    # cd /usr/local/oracle/backup
  3. Enter the makedev command at the shell prompt:

    # install/makedev
  4. makedev prompts for the Oracle Secure Backup logical unit number. For example:

    Enter logical unit number 0-31 [0]: 

    Enter the Oracle Secure Backup logical unit number for the device. For this example, enter 0.


    Do not confuse the Oracle Secure Backup logical unit number with the SCSI LUN.
  5. makedev prompts for the device type, tape drive or tape library. For example:

    Enter 'd' if this device is a tape drive or 'l' if a SCSI-2 addressable
        tape library [d]:


    For a tape library, enter a lower-case L, not a number 1.

    To specify a tape library, enter l.

  6. makedev prompts for the SCSI bus name-instance. For example:

    Enter SCSI bus name [glm1]:
  7. Enter the SCSI bus name-instance for this device. For this example, enter glm1.

  8. makedev prompts for the SCSI target ID. For example:

    Enter SCSI target id 0-15 [4]:

    Enter the SCSI target ID for this device. For this example, enter 1.

  9. makedev prompts for the SCSI logical unit number. For example:

    Enter SCSI logical unit number (lun) 0-7 [0]:

    Enter the SCSI logical unit number. For this example, enter 0.

  10. makedev creates the device special file, displaying messages indicating its progress. For this example, on Solaris the following output appears:

    NOTE: table for devlinks...
       type=ddi_pseudo;name=ob;addr=0,0;minor=glm1  obt0
    /dev/obt0 created

    makedev now exits. The device special file has been created.


    Oracle Secure Backup can also replace an old device, rather than adding a new one. If you re-use an Oracle Secure Backup logical unit number for a tape library or tape drive, the device special files for the old device are overwritten.

Before Oracle Secure Backup can access the device, you must still add the media server and the device to the administrative domain. See the following sections for the required tasks:

5.3.2 Creating Device Special Files with installob

You can create device special files using the installob installation script. The advantages of doing so include:

  • You can perform this task immediately after the software installation process, if you have collected the SCSI device parameters for your platform as described in "Determining SCSI Device Parameters on Linux and UNIX".

  • You can enter SCSI parameters for all of your devices during one session. Using makedev requires that you perform this task separately for each device.

Follow the instructions appropriate for your operating system: Configuring SCSI Devices on Solaris with installob


Although the following example describes SCSI libraries and tape drives, the same procedures apply to Fibre Channel devices.

To create device special files with installob on Solaris:

  1. Start the installob script. From a shell prompt, change your working directory to the Oracle Secure Backup home, and start installob in interactive mode. For example:

    # cd /usr/local/oracle/backup
    # install/installob
    Welcome to installob, Oracle Secure Backup's UNIX installation program.
    You can choose to install Oracle Secure Backup in one of two ways:
        (a) interactively, by answering questions asked by this program, or
        (b) in batch mode, by preparing a network description file
    Which installation method would you like to use (a or b) [a]? a

    Enter a to run the script in interactive mode.

  2. installob now prompts you about whether to reinstall the software. For example:

    Oracle Secure Backup is already installed on this machine (dlsun1976).
    Would you like to re-install it here [no]?

    Enter no to leave the current software installation intact and move on to device configuration.

  3. installob now prompts for whether to configure tape libraries and tape drives on this host. For example:

    Would you like to configure (or reconfigure) any Oracle Secure Backup devices that
    are attached to dlsun1976 [no]? 

    Enter yes at this prompt to configure tape drives or libraries.

  4. installob now prompts for the number of tape libraries attached to your host. For example:

    How many Oracle Secure Backup SCSI tape libraries are attached to dlsun1976 [1]?

    Enter the number of tape libraries to configure (or press Enter to accept the default). If there are no tape libraries, enter 0.

  5. If you have tape libraries to configure, installob now prompts you for information about each library. installob displays the following output:

    Please describe each tape library by answering the following questions.

    For each library, enter the device information you collected in "Determining SCSI Device Parameters on Solaris".

    For this example, the single tape library attached to dlsun1976 is assigned Oracle Secure Backup logical unit number 0, and has SCSI bus name-instance glm1, target ID 1, and logical unit number 0.


    When entering these values, do not confuse the Oracle Secure Backup logical unit number with the SCSI LUN.

    The installob program displays the following output:

    Oracle Secure Backup logical unit number [0]:

    If the default is correct, then press Enter. Otherwise, enter the desired Oracle Secure Backup logical unit number for this device.

    SCSI bus name-instance  [glm1]:

    If the default is correct, press Enter. Otherwise, enter the correct SCSI bus name-instance for this device.

    The installob program displays the following output:

    SCSI target ID [0]:

    If the default is correct, press Enter. Otherwise, enter the correct SCSI target ID for this device.

    The installob program displays the following output:

    SCSI lun 0-7 [0]:

    If the default is correct, press Enter. Otherwise, enter the correct SCSI LUN for this device.

    The installob program displays the following output:

    Is the information you entered correct [yes]?

    If the information is not correct, enter no. installob will prompt for the parameters for this library again. Otherwise, enter yes to continue to the next library.

  6. Once you have entered parameters for all tape libraries, installob prompts for information about tape drives. For example:

    Is dlsun1976 connected to any SCSI tape drives that you'd like to use with
    Oracle Secure Backup [no]?

    If there are tape drives to configure, enter yes. Otherwise, enter no.

    If you entered yes, then installob prompts for the number of tape drives. For example:

    How many Oracle Secure Backup SCSI tape drives are attached to dlsun1976 [1]?

    For this example, there is one tape drive attached, so enter 1 and press Enter.

  7. installob now displays the following output:

    Please describe each tape drive by answering the following questions.

    installob now prompts you for the parameters for each tape drive. Enter the device information you collected in"Determining SCSI Device Parameters on Solaris".

    For this example, the single tape drive attached to dlsun1976 is assigned Oracle Secure Backup logical unit number 0, and has SCSI bus name-instance glm1, SCSI target ID 0, and SCSI logical unit number 0.

    installob now displays the following output:

    Oracle Secure Backup logical unit number [0]:

    If the default is correct, press Enter. Otherwise, enter the correct Oracle Secure Backup logical unit number for this device.

    The installob program displays the following output:

    SCSI bus name-instance  [glm1]:

    If the default is correct, press Enter. Otherwise, enter the correct SCSI bus name-instance value for this device.

    The installob program displays the following output:

    SCSI target ID [0]:

    If the default is correct, press Enter. Otherwise, enter the correct SCSI target ID for this device.

    The installob program displays the following output:

    SCSI lun 0-7 [0]:

    If the default is correct, press Enter. Otherwise, enter the correct SCSI LUN for this device.

    The installob program displays the following output:

    Is the information you entered correct [yes]?

    If the information is not correct, enter no. installob will prompt for the parameters for this drive again. Otherwise, enter yes to continue to the next drive.

  8. Once parameters are entered for all tape libraries and drives, installob configures the device drivers for the devices and creates the device special files. It displays the following output:

    Beginning device driver configuration and device special file creation. 
    This will likely take between one and five minutes. 

    installob generates descriptive output for each device it configures during this process. For example:

    NOTE: table for devlinks...
       type=ddi_pseudo;name=ob;addr=0,0;minor=pci1000,f1    obt0
    /dev/obt0 created
    NOTE: table for devlinks...
       type=ddi_pseudo;name=ob;addr=0,1;minor=pci1000,f1    obl0
    /dev/obl0 created

    At the end of the process, device special files have been created for two devices: /dev/obt0 (the tape drive) and /dev/obl0 (the library).

    When the process is complete, installob generates the following output:

    NOTE: You must configure the new devices via the Web interface or via
          the command line using the obtool 'mkdev' command.


    Note that the name of the tape library device special file /dev/obl0 contains a lower-case letter L, not a number 1.
  9. installob now displays the following prompt:

    Would you like to install Oracle Secure Backup on another machine [yes]?

    Enter no. The installob script then displays the installation summary described in "installob Step 9: Final Installation Summary" and exits


    As stated in the output of installob, you must complete configuration of the devices as part of the administrative domain before they can be used. These tasks cannot be performed until the media server and its devices have been added to the administrative domain.

    The remaining tasks are described in the following sections: Configuring SCSI Devices on Linux with installob


Although the following example describes SCSI libraries and tape drives, the same procedures apply to Fibre Channel devices.

To create device special files with installob on Linux:

  1. Start the installob script. From a shell prompt, change your working directory to the Oracle Secure Backup home, and start installob in interactive mode. For example:

    # cd /usr/local/oracle/backup
    # install/installob
    Welcome to installob, Oracle Secure Backup's UNIX installation program.
    You can choose to install Oracle Secure Backup in one of two ways:
        (a) interactively, by answering questions asked by this program, or
        (b) in batch mode, by preparing a network description file
    Which installation method would you like to use (a or b) [a]? a

    Enter a to run the script in interactive mode.

  2. installob now prompts you about whether to reinstall the software. For example:

    Oracle Secure Backup is already installed on this machine (storabck05).
    Would you like to re-install it here [no]?

    Enter no to leave the current software installation intact and move on to device configuration.

  3. installob now prompts for whether to configure tape libraries and tape drives on this host. For example:

    Would you like to configure (or reconfigure) any Oracle Secure Backup devices that
    are attached to storabck05 [no]? 

    Enter yes at this prompt to configure tape drives or libraries.

  4. installob now prompts for the number of tape libraries attached to your host. For example:

    How many Oracle Secure Backup SCSI tape libraries are attached to storabck05 [1]?

    Enter the number of tape libraries to configure (or press Enter to accept the default). If there are no tape libraries, enter 0.

  5. If you have tape libraries to configure, installob now prompts you for information about each library. installob displays the following output:

    Please describe each tape library by answering the following questions.

    For each library, enter the device information you collected in "Determining SCSI Device Parameters on Linux".

    For this example, the single tape library attached to storabck05 is assigned Oracle Secure Backup logical unit number 0, and has host SCSI adapter number 0, SCSI bus address 0, SCSI target ID 2, and SCSI logical unit number 0.


    When entering these values, do not confuse the Oracle Secure Backup logical unit number with the SCSI LUN.

    The installob program displays the following output:

    Oracle Secure Backup logical unit number [0]:

    If the default is correct, then press Enter. Otherwise, enter the desired Oracle Secure Backup logical unit number for this device. For this example, enter 0.

    installob now displays the following output:

    Host SCSI adapter number [0]:

    If the default is correct, press Enter. Otherwise, enter the correct host SCSI adapter number for this device. For this example, enter 0.

    SCSI bus address [0]:

    If the default is correct, press Enter. Otherwise, enter the correct SCSI bus address for this device. For this example, enter 0.

    The installob program displays the following output:

    SCSI target ID [0]:

    If the default is correct, press Enter. Otherwise, enter the correct SCSI target ID for this device. For this example, enter 2.

    The installob program displays the following output:

    SCSI lun 0-7 [0]:

    If the default is correct, press Enter. Otherwise, enter the correct SCSI LUN for this device. For this example, enter 0.

    The installob program displays the following output:

    Is the information you entered correct [yes]?

    If the information is not correct, enter no. installob will prompt for the parameters for this library again. Otherwise, enter yes to continue to the next library.

  6. Once you have entered parameters for all tape libraries, installob prompts for information about tape drives. For example:

    Is storabck05 connected to any SCSI tape drives that you'd like to use with
    Oracle Secure Backup [no]?

    If there are tape drives to configure, enter yes. Otherwise, enter no.

    If you entered yes, then installob prompts for the number of tape drives. For example:

    How many Oracle Secure Backup SCSI tape drives are attached to storabck05 [1]?

    For this example, there is one tape drive attached, so enter 1 and press Enter.

  7. installob now displays the following output:

    Please describe each tape drive by answering the following questions.

    installob now prompts you for the parameters for each tape drive. Enter the device information you collected in"Determining SCSI Device Parameters on Linux".

    For this example, the single tape drive attached to storabck05 is assigned Oracle Secure Backup logical unit number 0, and has host SCSI adapter number 0, SCSI bus address 0, SCSI target ID 4, and SCSI logical unit number 0.

    For example:

    Oracle Secure Backup logical unit number [0]:

    If the default is correct, press Enter. Otherwise, enter the correct Oracle Secure Backup logical unit number for this device. For this example, enter 0.

    installob now displays the following output:

    Host SCSI adapter number [0]:

    If the default is correct, press Enter. Otherwise, enter the correct host SCSI adapter number for this device. For this example, enter 0.

    SCSI bus address [0]:

    If the default is correct, press Enter. Otherwise, enter the correct SCSI bus address for this device. For this example, enter 0.

    The installob program displays the following output:

    SCSI target ID [0]:

    If the default is correct, press Enter. Otherwise, enter the correct SCSI target ID for this device. For this example, enter 4.

    The installob program displays the following output:

    SCSI lun 0-7 [0]:

    If the default is correct, press Enter. Otherwise, enter the correct SCSI LUN for this device. For this example, enter 0.

    The installob program displays the following output:

    Is the information you entered correct [yes]?

    If the information is not correct, enter no. installob will prompt for the parameters for this drive again. Otherwise, enter yes to continue to the next drive.

  8. Once parameters are entered for all tape libraries and drives, installob configures the device drivers for the devices and creates the device special files. It displays the following output:

    Beginning device driver configuration and device special file creation. 
    This will likely take between one and five minutes. 

    installob generates descriptive output for each device it configures during this process. For example:

    -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -
    Beginning device driver configuration and device special file creation.
    NOTE: table for devlinks...
       type=ddi_pseudo;name=ob;addr=0,0;minor=glm1  obt0
    /dev/obt0 created
    NOTE: table for devlinks...
       type=ddi_pseudo;name=ob;addr=1,0;minor=glm1  obl0
    /dev/obl0 created
    -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -  -

    At the end of the process, device special files have been created for two devices: /dev/obt0 (the tape drive) and /dev/obl0 (the library).

    When the process is complete, installob generates the following output:

    NOTE: You must configure the new devices via the Web interface or via
          the command line using the obtool 'mkdev' command.


    Note that the name of the tape library device special file /dev/obl0 contains a lower-case letter L, not a number 1.
  9. installob now displays the following prompt:

    Would you like to install Oracle Secure Backup on another machine [yes]?

    Enter no. The installob script then displays the installation summary described in "installob Step 9: Final Installation Summary" and exits.


    As stated in the output of installob, you must complete configuration of the devices as part of the administrative domain before they can be used. These tasks cannot be performed until the media server host has been added to the administrative domain.

    The remaining tasks are described in the following sections:

5.4 Configuring Devices on Linux and UNIX with obtool

This section illustrates the configuration of tape libraries and tape drives on your media servers. This step assigns user-defined names to these devices for use in later Oracle Secure Backup procedures. The following procedure uses obtool commands, although you can also use the Oracle Secure Backup Web tool or Oracle Enterprise Manager to assign Oracle Secure Backup device names.

For the following examples, assume that you are configuring devices on a Solaris system on which the following device special files have been created:

  • /dev/obl0 (the tape library)

  • /dev/obt0 (the tape drive)

While this example demonstrates performing this task on Solaris, the obtool commands on Linux are the same.


Disable any system software that scans and opens arbitrary SCSI targets before configuring Oracle Secure Backup tape devices. If Oracle Secure Backup has to contend with other system software (such as monitoring software) for access to tape libraries and drives, then unexpected behavior can result.

If necessary, log in as root, and then open Oracle Secure Backup, type obtool at a system prompt. When the ob> prompt is displayed, perform the following steps for each tape library on each media server:

  1. Create an Oracle Secure Backup device object with a user-defined name for each tape library. The device special file is the attach point for the library.

    For example, you can associate the name tc-lib with /dev/obl0 on host dlsun1976 as follows:

    ob> mkdev --type library --attach dlsun1976:/dev/obl0 tc-lib


    • If you attempt to assign device names to devices on a host that is not already configured as a media server, then Oracle Secure Backup automatically configures the host as a media server.

    • For help on an obtool command, enter:

      ob> help command
  2. For each tape drive attached to the library you defined in the previous step, create an Oracle Secure Backup device object with a user-defined name for the tape drive. The library for the drive is referenced using the library name that you created in the previous step.


    Oracle Secure Backup identifies each tape drive within a library by its data transfer element (DTE) number. You must assign each device a dte if library is specified. DTEs are numbered 1 through n. See Oracle Secure Backup Reference for more details on the --dte option to mkdev.

    The following example associates the name tc-tape with the tape drive /dev/obt0 in the library named tc-lib:

    ob> mkdev --type tape --library tc-lib --dte 1 --attach dlsun1976:/dev/obt0 tc-tape

You can verify the configuration information for your devices using the lsdev command in obtool. For example:

ob> lsdev

Oracle Secure Backup displays the following output:

library    tc-lib          in service
  drive 1  tc-tape         in service

See Also:

Oracle Secure Backup Administrator's Guide to learn how to use the Oracle Secure Backup Web tool

5.5 Taking Inventory of Devices on Linux and UNIX

After you have configured your devices, use obtool to take inventory of the volumes in your tape library.


You can also perform this task with the Oracle Secure Backup Web tool. See the Oracle Secure Backup Administrator's Guide for more information.

This example assumes that your devices have been named tc-lib (a library) and tc-tape (a tape drive) as described in "Configuring Devices on Linux and UNIX with obtool".

  1. Run the inventory command in obtool, specifying the name of the library of which you are taking inventory. This causes Oracle Secure Backup to actually inventory the device. For example:

    ob> inventory -L tc-lib
  2. To view the inventory information for the library, use the lsvol command in obtool. For example:

    ob> lsvol -L tc-lib

    The command generates the following output:

    Inventory of library tc-lib:
        in    3:             barcode 00000153
        in    4:             barcode 00000154
        in    5:             barcode 000005
        in    6:             barcode 00000151
        in    7:             barcode 00000134
        in    8:             barcode 00000133
        in    9:             barcode 00000131
        in    10:            barcode 00000130
        in    11:            barcode 00000129
        in    12:            barcode 00000128
        in    15:            occupied
        in    dte:           barcode 00000152, lastse 2

5.6 Configuring NAS Libraries and Tape Drives on Linux and UNIX

This section explains how to configure the libraries and tape drives attached to a Network Attached Storage (NAS) Filer so that the filer can communicate with Oracle Secure Backup.

Libraries and tape devices attached to NAS filers are automatically configured by the operating system on which the NAS device runs. Both SCSI device and Fibre Channel configuration occur behind the scenes, transparent to the user.

Nevertheless, you must still make libraries and tape drives accessible to the Oracle Secure Backup software. You accomplish this task by performing device discovery on each of the NAS filers in the administrative domain.


An administrative server can use an NAS filer with attached devices as a media server.

5.6.1 Making NAS Device Names Accessible to Oracle Secure Backup

Oracle Secure Backup can detect devices attached to NAS filers that are part of an administrative domain and, based on this information, automatically update the domain's device configuration.

See Also:

Oracle Secure Backup Administrator's Guide to learn how to use the Oracle Secure Backup Web tool to perform this task

To discover NAS device names and make them accessible to Oracle Secure Backup, log on to the administrative server as root and start obtool. Then complete the following steps:

  1. Use the obtool discoverdev command to detect changes in NAS device configuration and update the administrative domain with the correct information about your devices.

    This example illustrates using discoverdev in obtool on a NAS device called mynasfiler5, which was configured previously using mkhost.

    See "Configuring Administrative Domain NAS Filers Using obtool" for information on configuring hosts.

    ob> discoverdev --verbose --host mynasfiler5

    The command generates the following output:

    Info: beginning device discovery for mynasfiler5.
    Info: connecting to mynasfiler5
    Info: devices found on mynasfiler5:
       Info: ATL     1500            ...
          Info: mc3  attrs= [none]
             Info: WWN: [none]
             Info: SN:  PMC13A0007
       Info: Quantum SDLT220...
          Info: nrst7a  attrs= norewind raw
             Info: WWN: [none]
             Info: SN:  CXB45H1313
       Info: Quantum SDLT220...
          Info: nrst8a  attrs= norewind raw
             Info: WWN: [none]
             Info: SN:  PKB51H0286
       mynasfiler5_mc3  (new library)
          WWN: [none]
          new attach-point on mynasfiler5, rawname mc3
       mynasfiler5_nrst7a  (new drive)
          WWN: [none]
          new attach-point on mynasfiler5, rawname nrst7a
       mynasfiler5_nrst8a  (new drive)
          WWN: [none]
          new attach-point on mynasfiler5, rawname nrst8a


    • By convention, NAS library names are characterized by mc and NAS tape drives are characterized by nrst.

    • For help on an obtool command, enter:

      ob> help command
  2. List summary device information. For example:

    ob> lsdev

    The command generates the following output:

    library    mynasfiler5_mc3      not in service
    drive      mynasfiler5_nrst7a   not in service
    drive      mynasfiler5_nrst8a   not in service
    library    tc-lib               in service
      drive 1  tc-tape              in service

    Unless you change the default policy value for a device, every newly discovered NAS device is by default placed in the not in service state.


    The device names assigned automatically by Oracle Secure Backup are generated from the library and tape drive names reported by the NAS device. These names tend to be long and unwieldy. Consider renaming NAS library and tape drives to more concise names.

    The long names are used in this example.

  3. Specify the name of the library in which the first tape drive resides. For example:

    ob> chdev --library mynasfiler5_mc3 --dte 1 mynasfiler5_nrst7a
  4. Specify the name of the library in which the second tape drive resides. For example:

    ob> chdev --library mynasfiler5_mc3 --dte 2 mynasfiler5_nrst8a
  5. Put the library and tape drives in service.

    ob> chdev --inservice mynasfiler5_mc3 mynasfiler5_nrst7a mynasfiler5_nrst8a
  6. List the library and devices now in service. For example:

    ob> lsdev mynasfiler5_mc3

    The command generates the following output:

    library    mynasfiler5_mc3      in service
      drive 1  mynasfiler5_nrst7a   in service
      drive 2  mynasfiler5_nrst8a   in service

You may choose to take another inventory of your system at this point.