Oracle® Database

Companion CD Quick Installation Guide

10g Release 2 (10.2) for Linux Itanium


November 2005

This guide describes how to quickly install products available on the Oracle Database 10g Companion CD on Linux x86-64 systems. It contains the following sections:

1 Reviewing Information About This Guide

This guide describes the installation procedure for the following installation types:

  • Oracle HTML DB Installation Type

    This installation type includes the following products:

    • Oracle HTTP Server

    • Oracle HTML DB

  • Oracle Database 10g Products Installation Type

    This installation type includes the following products:

    • Oracle JDBC Development Drivers

    • Oracle SQLJ

    • Oracle Database Examples

    • Oracle Text Supplied Knowledge Bases

    • Oracle Workflow Server

    • Oracle Ultra Search

    • Natively Compiled Java Libraries

    • JPublisher

  • Oracle Database 10g Companion Products Installation Type

    This installation type includes the following products:

    • Oracle Workflow middle-tier components

    • Oracle HTTP Server


In this guide, the term Companion CD products has been used to refer to the products available on the Oracle Database Companion CD installation media. In contrast, the term Oracle Database 10g Companion Products has been used to refer to the products available in the Oracle Database 10g Companion Products installation type.

The formal name of the operating system, Linux x86-64, has been shortened to Linux in this guide.

Information Not Provided in this Guide

This guide does not provide information about the following:

  • Detailed instructions for verifying that the installation requirements are met

  • Postinstallation tasks to be performed before using the Companion CD products

  • Instructions for using the Companion CD products

Where to Get Additional Installation Information

For more information about installing Oracle Database 10g Companion CD products, including information about the tasks not described in this guide, refer to Oracle Database Companion CD Installation Guide for Linux x86-64.

This guide is available on the installation media. To access it, use a Web browser to open the welcome.htm file, which is in the companion directory on the installation media. On the Welcome page, select the Documentation tab.

2 Requirements for Installing Companion CD Products

The following sections describe the requirements for installing Companion CD products:

2.1 Hardware and Software Certification

Because new platforms and operating system software versions may be certified after this guide is published, you must review the certification information on the OracleMetaLink Web site at

2.2 General Requirements for Installing Oracle Software

The following are the general requirements for installing Oracle software:

  • Logging in to the system as the root user

    Unless you intend to complete a silent installation, you must install the software from an X Window System workstation, an X terminal, or a PC or other system with X server software installed.

  • Setting up the required operating system group

    You must create the Oracle Inventory group the first time you install Oracle software on the system, if it does not already exist. This group owns the Oracle inventory, which is a catalog of all Oracle software installed on the system. Typically, the name chosen for this group is oinstall.

  • Setting up the required Oracle software owner user

    The Oracle software owner user owns all of the software installed during a given installation. This user must have the Oracle Inventory group as its primary group. You must create an Oracle software owner user if any of the following conditions is true:

    • An Oracle software owner user does not exist. This condition may be true if this is the first installation of Oracle software on the system.

    • An Oracle software owner user exists, but you want to use a different operating system user.

    If the Oracle software owner user exists, but its primary group is not the Oracle Inventory group, then you should modify it.


    In this document, the Oracle software owner user is referred to as oracle.
  • Setting up the Oracle base directory

    The Oracle base directory acts as a top-level directory for Oracle software installations. The Optimal Flexible Architecture (OFA) guidelines recommend that you use a path similar to the following for the Oracle base directory:


    In this example:

    • mount_point is the full path of the mount point directory for the file system that will contain the Oracle software.

    • oracle_sw_owner is a directory that is given the same name as the name of the operating system user that you intend to use to perform the installation.

  • Setting up the Oracle Inventory directory

    The first time you install Oracle software on a computer, Oracle Universal Installer prompts you to specify the path to the Oracle Inventory directory. For all subsequent installations of Oracle software, the same Oracle Inventory directory is used.

  • Setting up the Oracle home

    You must install different Oracle products, or different releases of the same Oracle product, in separate Oracle home directories. Every time you run Oracle Universal Installer, it prompts you to specify the path and a name for this directory.

  • Configuring the oracle user's environment

    To configure the oracle user's environment, you must:

    • Set the default file mode creation mask (umask) to 022 in the shell startup file.

    • Set the DISPLAY environment variable.

    • Ensure that the ORACLE_HOME and TNS_ADMIN environment variables are not set.

2.3 Requirements for Installing Oracle HTTP Server from the Oracle HTML DB Installation Type

The following are the requirements for installing Oracle HTTP Server from the Oracle HTML DB installation type:

2.3.1 Oracle Database Requirement

Oracle HTTP Server must have access to an instance of Oracle9i Database release or later in order to run. Oracle Database can be on a separate system from Oracle HTTP Server, as long as it is accessible by using Oracle*Net. However, Oracle HTTP Server must be in its own home.

2.3.2 Hardware Requirements

The system must meet the following minimum hardware requirements:

  • 512 MB of physical RAM

  • 512 MB of swap space

  • 125 MB of free disk space in the /tmp directory

  • 530 MB of disk space for the software files

To ensure that the system meets these requirements:

  1. To determine the physical RAM size, enter the following command:

    # grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo

    If the size of the physical RAM installed on the system is less than the required size, then you must install more memory before continuing.

  2. To determine the size of the configured swap space, enter the following command:

    # grep SwapTotal /proc/meminfo

    If necessary, refer to your operating system documentation for information about how to configure additional swap space.

  3. To determine the amount of free disk space in the /tmp directory, enter the following command:

    # df -k /tmp

    If there is less than 125 MB of free disk space in the /tmp directory, then complete one of the following steps:

    • Delete unnecessary files from the /tmp directory.

    • Set the TEMP and TMPDIR environment variables when setting the oracle user's environment.

    • Extend the file system that contains the /tmp directory. If necessary, contact your system administrator for information about extending file systems.

  4. To determine the amount of free disk space on the system, enter the following command:

    # df -k
  5. To determine if the system architecture can run the software, enter the following command:

    # grep "model name" /proc/cpuinfo

    The expected output of this command is the processor type. Verify that the processor architecture matches the requirement for the current release.


    If you do not see the expected output, then you cannot install the software on this system.

2.3.3 Software Requirements

The system must meet the software requirements described in the following table.

Item Requirement
Operating system One of the following operating system versions:
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 3.0 (Update 4 or later)

  • Red Hat Linux 4.0 (Update 1 or later)

  • SUSE Linux Enterpreise Server 8.0 with SP4 or later

  • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9.0 with SP2 or later

Kernel version The system must be running the following kernel version (or a later version):

Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0:


Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.0:


SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8.0:


SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9.0:


Packages for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0
glibc-devel-2.3.2-95.20 (32 bit)
gnome-libs- (32 bit)
Packages for Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.0
Packages for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9
PL/SQL native compilation, Pro*C/C++, Oracle Call Interface, Oracle C++ Call Interface, Oracle XML Developer's Kit (XDK) Intel C++ Compiler 8.1 or later and the version of GNU C and C++ compilers listed previously for the distribution are supported for use with these products.


Intel C++ Compiler v8.1 or later is supported. However, it is not required for installation. On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3, OCCI is supported with version 3.2 of the GNU C++ compiler. This is the default compiler version. OCCI is also supported with Intel Compiler v8.1 with gcc 3.2.3 standard template libraries.

Oracle XML Developer's Kit is not supported with GCC on Red Hat Linux 4.0. It is supported only with Intel C++ Compiler (ICC).

On Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.0, Oracle C++ Call Interface (OCCI) does not support GCC 3.4.3. To use OCCI on Red Hat Enterprise Linux 4.0, you need to install GCC 3.2.3.

Oracle JDBC/OCI Drivers You can use any of the following JDK versions with the Oracle JDBC/OCI drivers. However, it is not required for the installation.
  • Sun JDK 1.4.2

To ensure that the system meets these requirements:

  1. To determine the distribution and version of the operating system, enter the following command:

    # cat /etc/issue
  2. To determine if the required kernel is installed, enter the following command:

    # uname -r

    On a Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3.0 system, the output is similar to the following:


    In this example, the output shows the kernel version (2.4.21) and errata level (20.EL). If the errata level is less than 20, then install the latest kernel update. Kernel updates are available from the Red Hat Network.

    On a SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 system, the output is similar to the following:


    In this example, the output shows the kernel version on the system. If the kernel version is less than 2.6.5-7.201, then contact your operating system vendor for information about obtaining and installing the kernel updates.

  3. To determine if the required packages are installed, enter a command similar to the following for each package that you want to check:

    # rpm -q package_name

    If a package is not installed, then install it from your Linux distribution media or download the required package version from your Linux vendor's Web site.

2.4 Requirements for Installing Oracle HTML DB from the Oracle HTML DB Installation Type

If you want to install Oracle HTML DB from the Oracle HTML DB installation type, then you must ensure that the system meets the following requirements:

  • Oracle Database requirement

    Oracle HTML DB requires a release or later release of Oracle Database. You must install Oracle HTML DB in an Oracle home that contains Oracle HTTP Server. This Oracle home can be on a different physical server from the Oracle Database home, as long as Oracle HTML DB can access this database by using Oracle*Net.

  • Disk space requirements

    Verify that the file system that contains the Oracle home contains at least 355 MB of free disk space.

    To check that the Oracle home has enough space, enter the following command:

    # df -k /httpserver_oracle_home_path
  • Oracle HTTP Server requirement

    Oracle HTML DB must have access to Oracle HTTP Server and mod_plsql in order to run.

  • Oracle XML DB requirement

    Oracle XML DB must be installed in the database that you want to use.

  • Oracle Text requirement

    Oracle Text must be installed so that you can use the searchable online Help in Oracle HTML DB.

  • Browser requirements

    To view or develop Oracle HTML DB applications, the Web browser you use must support JavaScript and the HTML 4.0 and CSS 1.0 standards.

2.5 Requirements for Installing Oracle Database 10g Products

If you want to install Oracle Database 10g products, then you must ensure that the system meets the following requirements:

  • Oracle Database requirement

    Before you install products from the Oracle Database 10g Products installation type, ensure that your system has access to an Oracle Database 10g release 2 (10.2) Oracle home.

  • Disk space requirements

    Verify that the file system that contains the Oracle home has at least 1194 MB of free disk space.

  • Oracle Workflow Server requirements

    Requirements for Oracle Workflow Server are as follows:

    • A Web browser that supports frames, JavaScript, Java Development Kit (JDK) version 1.3.1, and AWT, such as Netscape Communicator version 4.76 or a later 4.7x version, or Microsoft Internet Explorer version 5.0x or 5.5x

    • An unzip utility to extract the Workflow HTML Help from the file

    • Java Development Kit (JDK) version 1.4, to run the Oracle Workflow Java Function Activity Agent and the Workflow XML Loader

    • An outbound SMTP mail server and an inbound IMAP mail server, if you want to send and receive e-mail notifications using an Oracle Workflow notification mailer

2.6 Requirements for Installing Oracle Database 10g Companion Products

If you want to install Oracle Database 10g Companion Products, then you must ensure that the system meets the following requirements:

  • Oracle Workflow Server requirements

    Before you install Oracle Workflow middle-tier components, you must verify that Oracle Workflow Server is installed in an Oracle Database 10g Oracle home.

  • Oracle HTTP Server requirements

    Oracle Workflow middle-tier components need access to Oracle HTTP Server in order to run. You can install Oracle Workflow middle-tier components with Oracle HTTP Server in a new Oracle home.

  • Disk space requirements

    The disk space requirements for the Oracle Database 10g Companion Products are shown in the following table.

    Products for Installation Disk Space Required (MB)
    Oracle HTTP Server 2100
    Oracle HTTP Server and Oracle Workflow 2400

3 Beginning the Procedure to Install Companion CD Products

This section provides screen-wise instructions for beginning the installation of each of the 3 installation types. Most of the Oracle Universal Installer screens are the same for all 3 installation types. However, before you install Oracle Workflow middle-tier components, you must first install and prepare Oracle Workflow Server.

Refer to "Beginning the Installation" if you want to install Oracle HTML DB or Oracle Database 10g Products.

If you have already installed Oracle Workflow Server and you want to install Oracle Workflow middle-tier components, then first perform the following procedure.

Preparing Oracle Workflow Server for the Oracle Workflow Middle Tier Installation

After you install Oracle Workflow Server, you must configure it before you install the Oracle Workflow middle-tier components. You can use Oracle Workflow Configuration Assistant to configure Oracle Workflow. The following steps explain how to run Oracle Workflow Configuration Assistant by using its graphical user interface (GUI):

See Also:

The "Running Oracle Workflow Configuration Assistant in Noninteractive Mode" section in Oracle Database Companion CD Installation Guide for Linux x86-64 for information about running Oracle Workflow Configuration Assistant in noninteractive mode
  1. Ensure that the Oracle Database that you plan to use for Oracle Workflow is accessible and running.

  2. To start Oracle Workflow Configuration Assistant, enter the following command:

  3. On the Welcome to Oracle Workflow Configuration Assistant screen, specify the following:

    • Install Option: Select the Server Only or Add Language installation option.

      If you select the Server Only option, then Oracle Workflow Configuration Assistant installs Oracle Workflow into the Oracle Database.


      To upgrade to Oracle Workflow release 2.6.4, ensure that the existing Oracle Workflow Server is release 2.6.2 or later.

      If you chose the Add Language installation option, then select the language abbreviation for the language that you want to add. You must install Oracle Workflow before you can add a language.

      See Also:

      Oracle Database Globalization Support Guide for a list of language abbreviations used by Oracle Database
    • Workflow Account: Enter the name that you want to use for the Oracle Workflow database account or accept the default name, which is typically owf_mgr.

      The default tablespace for this account is USERS and the temporary tablespace is TEMP. You can change the tablespace if required.


      If you are upgrading an existing installation of Oracle Workflow, then enter the name and password for the existing Oracle Workflow database account.
    • Workflow Password: Enter a password for the Oracle Workflow account.

    • SYS Password: Enter the password for the SYS account of the Oracle Database installation on the system.

    • TNS Connect Descriptor: Specify the database connection string, in TNS format:

      (DESCRIPTION =(ADDRESS_LIST = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = host_name)(PORT = port_number))) (CONNECT_DATA = (SERVICE_NAME = database_service_name)))

      The connection string is stored in the tnsnames.ora file, which by default is located in the $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin directory.

  4. If you want to integrate Oracle Internet Directory as the directory repository for Oracle Workflow, then select Enter LDAP Parameters and select Get LDAP Values.


    If you are upgrading an existing Oracle Workflow installation in which you have already implemented Oracle Internet Directory integration, then you must reenter the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) values here to preserve the Oracle Internet Directory integration during the upgrade.

    Enter the following LDAP server information for the LDAP directory to which you want to connect, and then click OK.


    If required, after the installation, you can update these values on the Global Workflow preferences Web page.

    Refer to the "Setting Up Oracle Workflow" section in Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide for more information.

    • LDAP Host Name: Enter the name of the host on which the LDAP directory is installed.

    • LDAP Non-SSL Port: Enter the port number that the host uses. This port must not be a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) port.

    • LDAP Admin Username: Enter the user name used to connect to the LDAP server. This user name must have write privileges and is required to bind to the LDAP directory. For example:

    • LDAP Admin Password: Enter the Oracle Internet Directory password for the LDAP user account. LDAP password values are masked as asterisks (*) in the display and are stored in encrypted form.

    • Changelog DN: Enter the LDAP node where change log files are located. For example:

    • User Base: Enter the LDAP node under which user records can be found. For example:

      cn=Base, cn=OracleSchemaVersion


      After setting up integration with Oracle Internet Directory during installation, you must use the WF_LDAP APIs to synchronize the Oracle Workflow directory service with Oracle Internet Directory. For instructions, refer to Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide.
  5. To enter configuration parameters for the seeded Java-based notification mailer service component Workflow Notification Mailer, select Enter Mailer Parameters and select Get Mailer Values.

    Enter values for the following parameters, and then click OK.

    • Inbound Email Account: Server Name: Enter the name of the inbound IMAP mail server.

    • Inbound Email Account: Username: Enter the user name of the mail account where the notification mailer receives e-mail messages.

    • Inbound Email Account: Password: Enter the password of the mail account specified in the Username field.

    • Outbound Email Account: Server Name: Enter the name of the outbound SMTP mail server.

    • Email Processing: Processed Folder: Enter the name of the mail folder in the inbound e-mail account where the notification mailer places successfully processed notification messages.

    • Email Processing: Discard Folder: Enter the name of the mail folder in the inbound e-mail account where the notification mailer places incoming messages that are not recognized as notification messages.

    • Message Generation: HTML Agent: Enter the base URL that identifies the Web agent defined for Oracle Workflow in Oracle HTTP Server. The notification mailer uses this URL to support e-mail notifications with HTML attachments. By default, this parameter is set to the following placeholder value:

      If you have already installed Oracle HTTP Server, then replace with the server and TCP/IP port number on which the Web listener accepts requests. Otherwise, leave this parameter set to the placeholder value. In this case, you must set this parameter in the notification mailer configuration wizard in Oracle Workflow Manager after you install Oracle HTTP Server and Oracle Workflow.

    • Message Generation: Reply-To Address: Enter the address of the e-mail account that receives incoming messages, to which notification responses should be sent.

      After the initial installation, you can, if required, update the notification mailer configuration values in the Oracle Workflow Manager. You can also update the HTML agent value for Oracle Workflow in the Global Workflow preferences Web page.

      See Also:

      The "Setting Up Oracle Workflow" section in Oracle Workflow Administrator's Guide and Oracle Workflow Manager online Help for more information
  6. To change the tablespace assigned to the Oracle Workflow database account, first select Change Tablespace and then select an existing tablespace from the list of values.

  7. Select Submit to begin the configuration, or select Quit to exit Oracle Workflow Configuration Assistant without performing the configuration.

  8. When the configuration is complete, a confirmation window appears. Click OK.

    You can check the status of the configuration by reviewing the $ORACLE_HOME/wf/install/workflow.log file.

Refer to the following section for instructions about beginning the installation of Oracle Workflow middle-tier components.

Beginning the Installation

To begin installing Companion CD products:

  1. If you are installing from the installation media, then mount the disc if it is not already mounted.

  2. If required, log in as the Oracle software owner user (oracle) and set the DISPLAY environment variable.

  3. If you are going to install Oracle HTML DB, then verify that the Oracle Database that you plan to use for Oracle HTML DB is accessible and running.

  4. To start Oracle Universal Installer, enter the following commands:

    $ cd /tmp
    $ /directory_path/runInstaller

    In the preceding command, directory_path is the path of the companion directory on the installation media or the hard drive.

  5. On the Welcome screen, click Next.

  6. If this is the first installation of Oracle products on this system, then Oracle Universal Installer displays the Specify Inventory Directory and Credentials screen. Specify the following information, and then click Next:

    • Enter the full path of the inventory directory

      Verify that the path is similar to the following, where oracle_base is the full path of the Oracle base directory:

    • Specify operating system group name

      Verify that the group specified is the Oracle Inventory group, oinstall.

The following section provides instructions specific to each installation type.

4 Specifying Product-Specific Information During the Installation

To continue with the installation procedure, refer to one of the following sections:

Oracle HTML DB Installation Type

This section explains how to install Oracle HTML DB by using one of the following options:

  • Installing Oracle HTML DB with Oracle HTTP Server: If you select this option, then Oracle HTML DB is installed with Oracle HTTP Server in a new Oracle home.

  • Installing or upgrading Oracle HTML DB in an existing Oracle HTTP Server home: If you select this option, then depending on the preinstallation conditions, either Oracle HTML DB is installed or the existing Oracle HTML DB installation is upgraded.

To continue with the procedure for installing Oracle HTML DB products:

  1. On the Select a Product to Install screen, select Oracle HTML DB and then click Next.

  2. On the Select Installation Type screen, select one of the following and then click Next.

    • Oracle HTML DB and Oracle HTTP Server: Select this option to install a new Oracle HTML DB and Oracle HTTP Server in a new Oracle home.

    • Oracle HTML DB only: Select this option to install a new Oracle HTML DB in an existing Oracle HTTP Server home, or to upgrade an existing Oracle HTML DB installation.

  3. On the Specify Home Details screen, enter the following:

    • Name: If you select Oracle HTML DB and Oracle HTTP Server in the previous step, then specify the name for a new Oracle home. If you select Oracle HTML DB only, then select the name of the existing Oracle HTTP Server home. If you select Oracle HTML DB only and if there is an existing Oracle HTML DB installation, then specify the name of the Oracle home of this existing installation.

    • Path: Enter the directory location for the Oracle home that you specified under Name. If the directory does not exist, then Oracle Universal Installer creates it for you.

  4. Click Next.

  5. On the Product-specific Prerequisite Checks screen, check for and correct any errors that may have occurred while Oracle Universal Installer was checking your system. Then, click Next.

    When you click Next, a warning message may be displayed. If there is an existing Oracle HTML DB installation, then this message informs you that the database access descriptors (DADs) associated with this installation have insufficient or incorrect values for some of the required directives. This makes them unsuitable for upgrade. If you want to upgrade Oracle HTML DB under these conditions, then you must first fix the problem. If you want to install Oracle HTML DB, then continue with this installation session.

    See Also:

    Oracle Database Companion CD Installation Guide for Linux x86-64 for information about configuring DADs

    Click OK to continue.

  6. The screen displayed for this installation step depends on whether Oracle HTML DB is to be installed or the existing Oracle HTML DB installation is to be upgraded.

    • Installing Oracle HTML DB

      On the Specify HTML DB Database Details screen, enter the information required to configure Oracle HTML DB.

      Host Name

      Specify the host name of the system on which the database is installed. If the host name is the local host, then enter the name of the computer, not localhost.


      Specify the TCP/IP port number for the Oracle Net listener on the database system. The default port number is 1521. To find the default port number for your Oracle Database installation, check its tnsnames.ora file, which by default is located in the $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin directory.

      Database Service Name

      Specify the database service name for the database in which you want to install the Oracle HTML DB database objects, for example, sales. Alternatively, you can enter the domain name, which is usually the same as the global database name, for example,

      To configure Oracle HTML DB, you must install the Oracle HTML DB database objects in a release or later release of Oracle Database. If you plan to use the 10g release of Oracle HTTP Server, then based on the information that you specify during installation, Oracle Universal Installer automatically creates a database access descriptor (DAD) in the mod_plsql configuration file and directory aliases in httpd.conf, the Oracle HTTP Server configuration file.

      Tablespace Name

      Enter the name of the tablespace in which you want to load the Oracle HTML DB database objects, or accept the default (SYSAUX).

      SYS Password

      Specify the password for the SYS user in the database.

      HTML DB Password

      Specify the password that you want to use for the Oracle HTML DB schemas (users), which are created in the database during the installation.

      After the installation, you can use this password to connect to Oracle HTML DB as the administrative user. The password that you specify is also used for the HTMLDB_PUBLIC_USER schema, which is used by mod_plsql to connect to the database, and for the FLOWS_010600 and FLOWS_FILES schemas.

      Confirm HTML DB Password

      Enter the password again to verify that you have specified it correctly.

    • Upgrading an existing Oracle HTML DB installation

      On the Specify HTML DB Upgrade Information screen, select the Oracle HTML DB installation that you want to upgrade from the list of available DADs.

      When you specify the Oracle HTML DB installation that you want to upgrade, the host name, port, and database service name values are automatically displayed in their respective fields. You cannot change these values. The remaining fields are the same as those displayed on the Specify HTML DB Database Details screen.

  7. Click Next.

  8. Refer to "Completing the Installation" to continue.

Oracle Database 10g Products Installation Type

To continue with the procedure for installing Oracle Database 10g Products:

  1. On the Select a Product to Install screen, select Oracle Database 10g Products and then click Next.

  2. On the Specify Home Details screen, enter the following:

    • Name: In this field, the default Oracle home is displayed. Verify that the Oracle home specified is the Oracle Database Oracle home.

    • Path: In this field, the directory of the default Oracle home is displayed. Enter the directory location of the Oracle Database Oracle home in which you want to install the Oracle home files.

  3. On the Product-specific Prerequisite Checks screen, check for and correct any errors that may have occurred while Oracle Universal Installer was checking your system.

  4. Refer to "Completing the Installation" to continue.

Oracle Database 10g Companion Products Installation Type

To continue with the procedure for installing Oracle Database 10g Companion products:

  1. On the Select a Product to Install screen, select Oracle Database 10g Companion Products and then click Next.

  2. On the Specify Home Details screen, enter the following:

    • Name: Enter a name for the Oracle home. You can install the Oracle Database 10g Companion Products in a new Oracle home. Alternatively, you can install Oracle Workflow middle tier only in an existing Oracle HTTP Server Oracle home. You cannot install the Oracle Database 10g Companion Products in an existing Oracle Database home.

    • Path: Enter the directory location for the Oracle home. If the directory does not exist, then Oracle Universal Installer creates it for you.

  3. On the Available Product Components screen, select one of the following products:

    • Apache Standalone

    • Oracle Workflow Middle Tier


    The Apache Standalone option installs Oracle HTTP Server. If you are installing Oracle Workflow middle tier in a new Oracle home, then you must select the Apache Standalone option.
  4. On the Product-specific Prerequisite Checks screen, check for and correct any errors that may have occurred while Oracle Universal Installer was checking your system.

    If you are installing Oracle Workflow middle tier only in an existing Oracle HTTP Server Oracle home, then you may need to manually verify that the selected Oracle home exists. Then, click Next.

  5. On the Oracle Workflow Middle Tier Configuration screen, specify the configuration settings needed for the Oracle Workflow middle tier.

    To configure the Oracle Workflow middle tier, you must create a DAD in the mod_plsql configuration files and directory aliases in the Oracle HTTP Server configuration file. Oracle Universal Installer completes these tasks for you using the information that you specify. Enter the following information:

    • Workflow Schema

      Specify the user (schema) name that you used when installing the Oracle Workflow Server database objects in the database. The default user name is owf_mgr.

    • DB Hostname

      Specify the host name of the system on which the database is installed. If the host name is the local host, then enter the name of the computer, not localhost.

    • Port Number

      Specify the TCP/IP port number for the Oracle Net listener on the database system. The default port number is 1521.

    • Oracle SID

      Specify the database instance identifier (SID) for the database on which you installed the Oracle Workflow Server database objects.

  6. On the Oracle Workflow Middle Tier Configuration screen, enter a password for the Oracle Workflow schema that you created in the previous step. Then, click Next.

  7. On the Oracle Apache Installation screen, enter the following information and then click Next.

    • Enter Password

      Specify the password for the Workflow user (typically, owf_mgr) that you specified on the previous screen. This password is used for the mod_plsql DAD.

    • Confirm Password

      Enter the password again to verify that you have specified it correctly.

  8. Refer to "Completing the Installation" to continue.

5 Completing the Installation

This section provides instructions for Oracle Universal Installer screens that are common to all installation types. To complete the installation:

  1. On the Summary screen, check the list of products to be installed, and then click Install.

  2. If prompted, run the following scripts in a separate terminal window as the root user:


    This screen is not displayed for the Oracle Database 10g Products installation type.

    In the preceding directory paths, oracle_base and oracle_home are the paths to the Oracle base and Oracle home directories, respectively.

    After both scripts are run, click OK.

  3. On the End of Installation screen, make a note of the URLs used by Oracle HTTP Server.

  4. Click Exit, and then click Yes to exit from Oracle Universal Installer.

6 What to Do Next?

After you install the Companion CD products, complete the following steps:

  • Follow the instructions in the "Starting, Stopping, and Restarting Oracle HTTP Server" section of Oracle Database Companion CD Installation Guide for Linux x86-64 to start Oracle HTTP Server.

  • Use a Web browser to access the Oracle HTTP Server home page, using the URL displayed at the end of the installation. The default URL is similar to the following:

  • Use a Web browser to access the Oracle HTML DB administration page:


    Log in to Oracle HTML DB by using the user name ADMIN and the password that you specified during the installation.

  • Refer to the online Help and Oracle HTML DB User's Guide to learn about using, developing applications with, and administering Oracle HTML DB.

  • Refer to Chapter 5, "Oracle Database Companion CD Postinstallation Tasks" of Oracle Database Companion CD Installation Guide for Linux x86-64 for information about other postinstallation steps.

7 Documentation Accessibility

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Oracle Database Companion CD Quick Installation Guide, 10g Release 2 (10.2) for Linux Itanium


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