Oracle® Enterprise Manager

Grid Control Release Notes for Windows

10g Release 2 (


July 2006

These Release Notes identify differences between the delivered Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control 10g Release 2 ( product and its documented functionality.


To check for updates to this document and view other Oracle documentation, see the Documentation section on the Oracle Technology Network (OTN) Web site:

This document contains the following sections:

Installation, Configuration, and Upgrade Issues

This section addresses installation, configuration, and upgrade issues.

Unsuccessful SSH Setup

On Microsoft Windows, after installing the cygwin ssh server, one has to enable users to log in via ssh by using the mkpasswd command that adds passwd entry for that user in the /etc/passwd file.

For example:

mkpasswd -d -u userid >> /etc/passwd
mkpasswd  -l -u userid >> /etc/passwd

This is how a passwd entry looks in the /etc/passwd file:

aime1:unused_by_nt/2000/xp:36357:10513:U-ST-ADC\aime,S-1-5-21-22612181 -1167196868-26564730-26357:/home/aime:/bin/bash/

where "aime1" is the login id that is mapped to "aime/ST-ADC" on the machine.

After the /etc/passwd file is updated, the command "ssh -l userid m/c 'date'" to check the date may run successfully, but the may not succeed.

One of the reasons for the to fail is that your /etc/passwd file may have multiple entries for a particular login id. These multiple entries cause conflicts with the permissions on your home directory.

For example:

"aime/STINST03" and "aime/ST-ADC"

where "aime" is the login id for both STINST03 and ST-ADC.

To resolve this issue, do one of the following:

  1. Update the /etc/passwd file to specify different login names for different user accounts. This will ensure that you have unique login names.

    For example:

    "aime1" for aime/STINST03
    "aime2" for aime/ST-ADC
  2. Edit the /etc/passwd file to remove entries that are not required. This will ensure that you do not have multiple entries with the same login name.

    For example:

    If you have entries like aime/STINST03 and aime/ST-ADC in your /etc/passwd file, where "aime" is the login id for both STINST03 and ST-ADC, and if you want to setup ssh for "aime/STINST03" only, then edit the /etc/passwd file to retain the entry for "aime/STINST03" and remove the entry for "aime/ST-ADC".


    Ensure that you do not remove any other entries like the SYSTEM entries.

(Bug 5103331, 5090704)

Errors While Setting Up SSH Connection

When you set up an ssh connection from an Oracle Management Service running on Microsoft Windows to a remote machine, you may see a java exception if you do not have the /.ssh directory in the cygwin bash prompt ("/" here points to the cygwin directory).

To resolve this issue, manually create the /.ssh directory in the cygwin bash prompt. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Access the CD and navigate to c:\cygwin bash prompt.

  2. Create the directory by running mkdir .ssh.

  3. Run this command on the local machine:

    ./ -user <username> -localPlatformGrp win -asUser

    Your command should look like:

    ./ -user <username> -localPlatformGrp win -asUser <user for which setup needs to be done. For example: SYSTEM> [-asUserGrp <group, which the user specified in asUser belongs to>] -sshLocalDir <windows style full path of dir where keys should be generated on the local machine for asUser> -hosts <space separated hostlist> | -hostfile <absolute path of cluster configuration file> [-remotePlatform <platform id (linux:46, solaris:453, msplats:912>] [-shared] [-confirm]

    For example:

    ./ -user jwarne -localPlatformGrp win -asUser SYSTEM -asUserGrp root -sshLocalDir "C:\cygwin\.ssh" -hosts


    Always specify the path in double quotes.

(Bug 5144511)

Prerequisite for Agentpush on SSH Client

Sometimes, when you install an Agent Push on a machine where SSH client is set up, you may see the following error message:

Application Error  Message: Internal Application Error. Click Home to go to Application Home Page.

This may happen if the file located in the $OMS_HOME/sysman/prov/resources/ directory has incorrect path for cygwin binaries and ping binaries.

To resolve this issue, ensure that the file points to the correct location where cygwin and ping are actually located.

For cygwin binaries:

By default, cygwin gets installed in C:/ drive, and the file has the following entry:


However, if you choose to install cygwin in any other directory, that is after installing Enterprise Manager Grid Control, then update the file with proper values for the cygwin binaries.

For example, if you choose to install cygwin in D:/cygwin1, then update the path from MKDIR_PATH=C:/cygwin/bin/mkdir.exe to MKDIR_PATH=D:/cygwin1/bin/mkdir.exe.

You can look into the following remote registry key to find out the correct cygwin path:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Cygnus Solutions\Cygwin\mounts v2\/

Also, if you want to include other command variables, you can either choose to specify these variables in any of these s* files, or create another properties file and specify its name in that these files are part of the file. If they are not, then Agent Deploy ignores the paths to the executables that you have specified in these files, and attempts to run the executables from their default locations.

Similar changes need to be done to all the cygwin entries in this properties file.

For ping binaries:

By default, the ping executable is located in C:\WINNT\system32\. However, the file may show the following entry:


So update the file by modifying the existing entry to:


(Bug 5068074) Script Displays an Error Despite Successful Execution

When you run the script to set up the SSH on a remote machine, you may see the following error even if the execution ends successfully:

chmod: getting attributes of `c:\\Documents and Settings\\aime\\.ssh\\authorized_keys': No such file or directory

Technically, the script checks for authorized keys in the specified location, and if they are not found, the script creates the keys in that location and completes the execution. However, it displays an error despite completing the set-up successfully.

If you see the date displayed at the end of the execution, consider this error to be harmless and ignore the message. Your set-up has been successful.

However, if you do not see the date displayed at the end of the execution, then your set-up has not been successful.

(Bug 5135679)

SSHCONNECTIVITY Script Asks for a Passwood at the End of the Execution Due To Home Directory Inconsistency

If the cygwin bash prompt home directory is set to /home/aime, and the actual home directory is something like C:\Documents and Settings\aime.ST -ADC, then due to this home directory inconsistency, the .sshconnectivity script asks for a password at the end of the execution. Ideally, this script should not ask for a password at the end of the execution. However, the password is asked only because of the home directory inconsistency.

Provide the password and proceed with the push install.

(Bug 5370763)

Exceptions While Starting CMSDK Domain Controller

When Management Agent and CMSDK's "ifsctl start" are installed on the same machine, you may encounter an exception when you run "ifsctl start" on that machine to start the CMSDK domain controller. This is because the Management Agent install prefixes its directories to the path of the system environment variable.


This issue occurs only if CMSDK is installed first and then Management Agent is installed.

To avoid this exception, manually remove $AGENT_ORACLE_HOME related entries from the system environment variable "PATH", and then run "ifsctl start".

(Bug 4883113)

Interview Page Displays an Error While Deploying Management Agent from Oracle Management Service

The interview page displays an error while deploying a Management Agent from Oracle Management Service on Microsoft Windows NT.

In the <OMS_HOME>/opmn/logs/OC4J~OC4J_EMPROV~default_island~1 log file, you will find this message:

The action 'runlocalprereqs' failed.

In the OMS_HOME>/sysman/prov/agentpush/<time-stamp>/cfgtoollogs/cfgfw/CfmLogger_<time-stamp>.log file, you will find this message:

INFO: CfwProgressMonitor:plugInEnd: PlugIn=RunLocalPrereq_msplatOMS in MicroStep=0, type=External Command PlugIn, status=Has been aborted

To resolve this issue, ensure that on the machine running Oracle Management Service, the localtion pointed by environment variable TEMP is writable, and all the directories under TEMP have read/write permissions.

(Bug 5246184)

Installation from a Non-Default Release Location Is Not Supported for Microsoft Windows NT

Installation from a non-default release location is not supported in case of Microsoft Windows NT. If the user selects Windows from the agentpush dropdown menu, the non-default release choice gets disabled.

(Bug 5097303)

Unclear Error Message for Passwords

While installing Enterprise Manager, you will be asked to specify the registration password for Management Service Security and the SYSMAN password for SYSMAN account.

If you provide invalid passwords, you may see the following message:

Note: Enterprise Manager implements a password policy requiring passwords to be at least 5 characters long, with at least one number.  Passwords must start with an alphabet character.  Re-enter the secure Management password.

Note that although this message does not have a mention of the special characters, ensure that you DO NOT use any special characters in your password other than "-" (hyphen), "_" (underscore), and "$" (dollar).

(Bug 4917719)

Parent Directory Path Validation Rule

While installing Enterprise Manager, you are asked to specify the location for the parent directory. Note that the sub-directories you specify in the location should be an alpha-numberic value, and can have characters like "_" and "-". Besides these characters, you are not permitted to use any other special characters as the directory name. However, you can use ":" for specifying the drive. Also, ensure that directories and subdirectories you specify in your installation path begin with letters other than "u".

(Bug 4908224)

During Upgrade of Oracle Management Service with Seed Installation, the Old Services Do Not Get Disabled or Removed

On Microsoft Windows, for Oracle Management Service with seed installation, after the upgrade of Oracle Management Service is complete, the startup type of the old Listener in the previous version of database home would need to be switched to "Disabled". Once that is done, the startup type of the new Listener in the updated seed database for the upgraded Oracle Management Service would need to be switched to "Automatic".

(Bug 5186434)

Oracle Management Service Config Fails with Exception "The Pipe Is Being Closed"

Close the installer and run the config using this command:

<OH>/oui/bin/runConfig.bat ORACLE_HOME=<OH> MODE=perform ACTION=configure COMPONENT_XML={XML name} 

For EM Using New DB installs:

  • <OH> is <DB Home>

  • <XML name> is encap_emseed.1_0_0_0_0.xml

For EM Using Existing DB & Additional OMS installs:

  • <OH> is <OMS Home>

  • <XML name> is encap_oms.1_0_0_0_0.xml

(Bug 5203206)

ORACLE_HOME Has To Be Unset Before Invoking setup.exe

When Oracle Management Service installation is about to begin, an error message "ORACLE_HOME should not be set" appears if ORACLE_HOME is set.

To resolve this issue, delete ORACLE_HOME from system environment before invoking setup.exe.

(Bug 5022962)

Net Config Fails While Installing or Ugrading Enerprise Manager using 'EM Using New Database' Option

While installing or upgrading using the "EM using new database" option, the Net Config Assistant fails with the following error:

"UnsatisfiedLinkError exception loading native library: oranjni10"

To resolve this issue, reboot the machine and retry the config using this command:

<DB Home>\oui\bin\runConfig.bat ORACLE_HOME=<DB Home> MODE=perform ACTION=configure COMPONENT_XML={encap_emseed.1_0_0_0_0.xml}

(Bug 5236773)

Oracle Management Service Config Hangs While Dropping the Repository

While installing Enterprise Manager, the Oracle Management Service Config hangs while dropping the repository if there are active SYSMAN sessions connected to the database.

To resolve this issue, you have to end those active SYSMAN sessions connected to the database. To do so, follow these instructions:

  1. Stop the config.

  2. Shutdown the database.

  3. If database is on Microsoft Windows, then stop the OracleService<SID> service.

  4. If database is on Microsoft Windows, then start the OracleService<SID> service; else startup the database using "startup" command through sqlplus.

  5. Retry the config.

(Bug 5085466, 5260792)

10.1 Management Agent for Microsoft Windows Cannot Be Installed Against 10.2 Oracle Management Service

When you install a 10.1 Management Agent for Microsoft Windows against a 10.2 Oracle Management Service, the installation may hang at the Agent config phase while discovering the targets.

The workaround is to stop the installation and discover the targets from the console.

(Bug 5237309)

IAS Console Password Defaults to "WELCOME1" After the Upgrade Is Complete

The ias_admin password for the IAS Console will be defaulted to "welcome1" after the Enterprise Manager Grid Control 10.2 upgrade process is complete. The user should modify the ias_admin password by executing the following command:

<new_OMS_Home>/bin/emctl set password welcome1 <new_password>

(Bug 4650351)

Installation and Upgrade Fails if the Environment Variable Path Is Too Long

On Microsoft Windows 2000 and Windows NT, the install or upgrade operation may fail if the value of the environment variable path is more than 1023 characters.

Similarly, for Microsoft Windows XP, the install or upgrade operation may fail if the value of the environment variable path is more than 8191 characters.

For silent installation, there is no resolution for this issue. However for interactive installation on Microsoft Windows 2000 and Windows NT, you can resolve this issue by first reducing the value of the environment variable path to less than 1023 characters, and then retrying the install or upgrade operation. For interactive installation on Microsoft Windows XP, reduce the vaue of the environment variable path to less than 8191, and then retry the install or upgrade operation.

(Bug 5093853)

Oracle Universal Installer Displays Incorrect Secure Grid Control URL When Upgrading from 10.1

At the end of the Oracle Management Service upgrade install, Oracle Universal Installer displays incorrect secure Grid Control URL.

To access the secure Oracle Management Service Grid Control URL, open the file from the <UPGRADED OMS HOME>/sysman/config/ directory, copy the secure port provided for "oracle.sysman.emSDK.svlt.ConsoleServerHTTPSPort", and then paste that port number in the secure Grid Control URL, that is https://<hostname>:<portnumber>/em.


This will happen only if the base, that is 10.1, Oracle Management Service is not secure.

(Bug 5120305)

NFS Agent Installation Is Not Supported on Microsoft Windows

The NFS Agent installation is not supported on Microsoft Windows.

(Bug 5307539, 5178469)

Issues While Installing Management Agent on Shared Location

In order to install Management Agent on a machine that has Microsoft Windows operating system with RAC/OCFS on a shared location, the device SYMTDI (if there is any) needs to be disabled on all the nodes.

To do so, follow these steps:

  • Bring up Computer Management on each node.

  • Click Device Manager.

  • On Menu View, select Show hidden devices to display the legacy devices and the devices that are no longer installed.


  • In the right pane, right click SYMTDI and select Disable.

  • Click OK to reboot the machine.

(Bug 5117689)

NT Shared OH Cluster Upgrade Fails

The installation status page shows the following message for the local node:

"Upgrade : Success, Collection of Logs : Success"


Local node is the first node of the host list that you specify on the interview page, or the first node in Remote Host Names of the Session Details page.

And on the remaining nodes (or failed nodes), you get the following message:

"Upgrade : Not Executed, Collection of Logs : Not Executed"

To resolve this issue, do the following on each of the failed nodes, that is all the nodes other than the local node:

  1. Run <new_agent_home>/oui/bin/<node>.upgrade.bat

  2. Run <new_agent_home>/bin/emctl.bat start agent

  3. Run <new_agent_home>/bin/emctl.bat stop blackout Agent_Upgrade

(Bug 5312081)

Menu Lists Only Those Platforms That Are Supported by Agentpush

The Agentpush supports Linux (32 bit); Microsoft Windows NT, Microsoft Windows 2000 (32 bit) ; IBM-AIX ; HP - UX ; SOLARIS (32 bit).

Other platforms are not supported. So even if you add the other shiphomes in the Oracle Management Service, these platforms will not appear in the dropdown menu.

(Bug 5303864)

Only Host and Cluster Get Discovered During RAC Agent Install

When a RAC Agent is installed on Microsoft Windows, only the host cluster targets get discovered during install. After the install, the user can execute the following commnd on each node to discover all the targets:

<Agent Home>/bin/agentca -d -n <Cluster Name> -c <node name> 

(Bug 5362120)

Application Error Displayed When the Microsoft Windows NT Machine CYGWIN Is in a Location Other Than C Drive

Cygwin on a different location, may be c:\ABCD\. But this has to be same on all of the remote hosts and Oracle Management Service machines. To do this, you need to modify the file or the file.

(Bug 5037758)

Metric Collection Errors for Database Target

After a Management Agent discovers a database (at the final installation stage of a Management Agent) the status of that database is "unavailable". The reason is that Enterprise Manager does not know the password of "dbsnmp" to monitor and manage the database.

To resolve this issue, you need to login to Enterprise Manager, go to the Database List page, and configure the database again.

(Bug 4954787)

RAC Agent Not Secured

In the Real Application Clusters (RAC) Agent install, after you reconfigure a secured Management Agent using the <AGENT_HOME>/bin/agentca -f script, check its status. Ideally, the Management Agent should have regained its secured status in spite of being reconfigured.

However, if the Management Agent is not secured, you need to manually secure it by running the following script:

<AGENT_HOME>/bin/emctl secure agent <PASSWORD>

(Bug 4912661)

Patch Cache Needs To Be Increased For Patching/Upgrading From To Management Agent

We cannot patch Management Agent to using 10.1.0.x Oracle Management Service because the patch cache size is insufficient to accommodate the patch set.

(Bug 5211366)


This is happening only in the RAC environment. For RAC environment, place the wget.exe in the AGENT_HOME/bin directory.


This bug is only for Method 2, that is while using the file.

(Bug 5353343)

Oracle Management Agent Issues

This section addresses Oracle Management Agent issues.

High CPU Usage of NMUPM

If the process nmupm consumes too much cpu time, verify that the performance counters perfDisk, perfProc, and perfOS are not disabled.

For example to check PerfOS service, go to the registry location:


Check if there is an entry 'DisablePerformanceCounters' with a value of 1. If so, change the value of this entry to 0.

Similarly check and set the entries for perfDisk and perfProc.

More information on how to set these entries can be found at:

(Bug 4894672)

Application Errors When Oracle Management Agent Monitors OCS Targets

On windows, when you run out of desktop heap , you may encounter errors similar to:

The application failed to intialize properly (0xc00000142). Click OK to terminate the application. This sometimes makes the machine unusable.

To circumvent this issue, you need to increase the desktop heap size. To do this, open the registry key:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Session Manager\SubSystems\Windows

Look at the entry SharedSection . It usually has three values separated by commas. To increase the desktop heap size for non-interactive desktops, the third value has to be modified. Change this to 3072 and reboot the machine for the changes to take effect.

More detailed information about this can be found at:;EN-US;184802

A related microsoft KB article:;en-us;824422

(Bug 4768354)

Starting or Stoping a Wireless Component Using a Management Agent 10.2.x (GC10.2.x) on a Microsoft Windows Machine Results in Error

Enterprise Manager Grid Control displays an error when trying to start/stop a "Wireless" component. This isue is specific to Microsoft Windows operating system, and is due to an extra back-slash(\) character present in targets.xml file for Wireless targets. Please contact Oracle Support for resolving this issue.

(Bug 5367573)

Oracle Management Service Issues

This section addresses Oracle Management Service issues.

Additional Considerations While Configuring Shared File System Loader

On Microsoft Windows NT, Microsoft Windows 2000, and Microsoft Windows 2003, the Enterprise Manager install configures Oracle Management Service to run as a service using "LocalSystem" account. This is a local account that typically does not have access to the network drive for the shared file system that requires domain authentication.

To resolve this issue, configure Oracle Management Service service to run as a domain user. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Control Panel and open the Services panel.

  2. Select and open the appropriate service (Oracleoms10gProcessManager).

  3. Change the Log on as user from the "Local System Account" to "This Account".

  4. Specify the domain user that has access to the shared network drive.

  5. Click OK.

Do not use local drive letters for mapped network shares while configuring the shared file system on Microsoft Windows. Use UNC locations instead.


emctl config oms loader -shared yes -dir \\\\<host>\\<share-name>\\<recv-dir>


emctl config oms loader -shared yes -dir \\\\hostA\\vol1\\recv 


Note the use of double backslashes while specifying the directory location.

(Bug 5048048)

Error Occurs When Oracle Management Service Loader Loads An ECM Data File for a Deleted Target

On the Error Subtab of Management System (Management Services and Repository) tab, sometimes the following error is displayed:

Failed to load XXX.xml; moving to errors directoryORA-01400: cannot insert NULL into ("SYSMAN"."ESM_COLLECTION"."ECM_SNAPSHOT_ID") , File name:

This error occurs if Oracle Management Service loader is loading an ECM data file for a deleted target. This error does not break any functionality and can be ignored.

(Bug 5207978)

Provisioning Issues

This section addresses provisioning related issues.

Unable to Add Software Library Directory

In order to have the software library configured across multiple Oracle Management Services, you need to have a disk partition with the same name for all Oracle Management Service machines, and have a cluster file system running on the partition. This can be accomplished by installing OCFS via Oracle CRS version install.

(Bug 5053969)

Identify Page Shows Incorrect Management Agent Release Number

The general instructions on "Hosts to Include in Cluster" on the Identify page require the hosts to be managed by Management Agents that are or higher. However, the Management Agents can also be, provided that the one-off patch 8506522 is applied on the Oracle Management Service as well as on the Management Agent.

To obtain the patch, access the Automated Release Updates (ARU) site at, click Patches, and search for patch request number 8506522.


This patch was originally provided for bug 5259565.

(Bug 5276665)

Refresh from Metalink Job Needed for Latest Product Versions

The RefreshFromMetalink job runs every 24 hours, and pulls information on new product versions released by Oracle. This job needs to be run before being able to search Metalink for patches on 10.2 product versions. If you would like to search Metalink for patches on 10.2 product versions within 24 hours of upgrading to EM, you should do a one-time explicit run of the RefreshFromMetalink job.

(Bug 5109061)

Repository Issues

This section lists all the issues pertaining to repository.

Inconsistent Database Behavior

When an Enterprise Manager repository is hosted on a database, Oracle Management Service connections to the repository are sometimes aborted with the following error message:

SQLException java.sql.SQLException: OALL8 is in an inconsistent state. 

This is caused by RDBMS Bug 5033488 - ORA-07445: exception encountered: core dump [kokmrwo()+86].

To resolve this issue, login to the repository as sysdba and execute the following command:

SQL> alter system set "_optimizer_connect_by_cost_based" = false;

(Bug 4962360)

Grid Control Hangs While Getting Database Connection to the Repository

Enterprise Manager Grid Control hangs while getting database connection to the repository.

To resolve this issue, kill and restart the tnslsnr processes on the repository.

(Bug 4714082)

Client System Analyzer Issues

This section addresses client system analyzer issues.

Latency And Bandwidth Checks Do Not Work In CSA In Grid Control

This bug affects the OS-registered software feature of CSA. In order to use this feature, the administrator must specify the full URL that the CSA applet will use to access the filter file. It is no longer sufficient to simply specify the file name."

(Bug 5095589)

CSA Collector Targets to Appear in "Status Pending" State

There is no response metric for the CSA Collector Target in this release. This causes CSA collector targets to appear in the "status pending" state. However, the collector target will still function normally.

(Bug 5058225)

Real Application Cluster (RAC) Management Isues

This section addresses RAC management issues.

Cluster Target Has Down Status

When you use 10.2 Management Agent with 10.1 Oracle Management Service, the status of the cluster target may be down, even if it is actually up and running.

To resolve this issue, run the following PL/SQL command on the 10.1 repository:

EMD_RAC.REGISTER_AVAILABILITY( 'cluster', 'Response', 'Status', 'host', '4.0');
EMD_RAC.REGISTER_AVAILABILITY( 'rac_database', 'Response', 'Status', 'oracle_database', '4.1');

(Bug 5259958)

Enterprise Configuration Management Issues

This section address enterprise configuration management issues.

SQL Exception While Deleting OOB Reports

The repository upgrade from production to patchset release may fail if the SYSMAN user has created new reports from out-of-the-box reports, that is by using the "Create Like" feature, with the same name as the out-of-the-box report. This failure may occur only if the release includes a new copy of the out-of-the-box reports.

To resolve this issue, as a Super Administrator of Enteprise Manager, you can either rename the newly created report so that the name is unique across the enterprise or delete the newly created report. Once the report is renamed or deleted, rerun the upgrade process.

(Bug 5225689)

Oracle Application Server Instance Issues

This section addresses application server status issues.

"Up Since" Field Is Displayed As "Unavailable"

Using Enterprise Manager Grid Control 10.1.0.x (,, if you visit the home page of an OC4J, Oracle HTTP Server, or OracleAS Web Cache target that is being monitored by a 10.2 Management Agent, the "Up Since" value in the General Section will always be "Unavailable".

(Bug 4882496)

Metric Collection Errors for 10.1.3 Oracle HTTP Server

In order to see accurate values on the "mod_oc4j Metrics Page" for a version 10.1.3 Oracle HTTP Server, you must patch your Oracle Application Server 10.1.3 installation with patch 5161311 and patch 5088239 (available on Oracle MetaLink). Refer to the patches' readmes for additional information.

(Bug 5012790)

Patching Ultrasearch at the Instance Level Not Supported

You cannot patch Ultrasearch at the instance level from Grid Control. However, you can still use Grid Control to apply Ultrasearch patches at the Oracle Home or host level.

(Bug 4904980)

Error Dialog Garbled When Starting a 'home' Component Fails

The error dialog is garbled if starting a "home" component fails. For example, the home component is disabled.

To resolve this issue, enable the component before you start it.

(Bug 4638457)

Permission on Deployed Files Not Appropriate for Discovery When Enterprise Manager Grid Control User Is Different

Enterprise Manager Grid Control needs read permissions on certain files under the Oracle Home of an installed Oracle Application Server. This is needed for both discovery of the corresponding Application Server related targets in Grid Control and for monitoring of the Application Server.

This prevents Enterprise Manager Grid Control installed by a different user in the same Group as the iAS user, from discovering and monitoring the above 10.1.3 iAS instance.

(Bug 5171118)

CPU Memory Alerts Do Not Show Up For Forms

For Forms metrics to be collected, the EM_MODE configuration parameter in the formsweb.cfg file needs to be set to "1". Note that these Alerts in Enterprise Manager Grid Control will be generated only if this parameter is set to "1".

(Bug 5174982)

Host Management Issues

This section addresses host management issues.

Issues While Executing Host Command

On Microsoft Windows 2000 and Windows NT, when you try to execute host command in multiple target mode, the last command of the operating system script will fail. Also, malformed characters will occur in the running result when you execute host command in western European locale.

To resolve this issue, use an additional auxiliary command to the operating system script and ensure that you do not run it in western European locale.

(Bug 5305897)

Data Guard Management Issues

This section addresses data guard management issues.

Issues While Adding a Standly Database With Multibyte Characters

Add a standby database and enter multibyte characters for the target name of that standby database. If the primary database version is 9i (such as 9.1 or 9.2), then the Add Standby Database job will have the following error message at the Create Standby Database step:

LPX-00200: could not convert from encoding UTF-8 to UCS2 at - line 1132

However, this error is harmless and it does not affect on the process of adding a standby database. After the job is complete, the status of the standby database is set to normal in the Data Guard main page. And the multibyte characters of the target name get displayed properly.

(Bug 5250491)

Auto-Restart of Observer Is Disabled After a Fast-Start Failover

An automatic restart option can be selected for the Fast-Start Failover observer when configuring Fast-Start Failover from Enterprise Manager Grid Control. If there is a subsequent role change (either switchover or automatic failover) in the Data Guard configuration while Fast-Start Failover is enabled, the observer restart feature will be disabled. It can be re-enabled by re-running the Fast-Start Failover configuration process, as follows:

  1. On the Data Guard overview page for the configuration, click the Enabled link to re-run the Fast-Start Failover setup wizard.

  2. Select the "Attempt automatic restart of the observer" checkbox and click Next.

  3. Proceed through all subsequent screens and click Yes on the confirmation screen.

After the configuration process completes, re-run the Fast-Start Failover wizard again, select Edit Properties, and ensure the "Attempt automatic restart of the observer" checkbox is checked. This will verify that the restart option is enabled.

(Bug 4880147)

Oracle Collaboration Suite Issues

This section addresses Oracle Collaboraton Suite issues.

Issues While Creating Email-Specific Service Targets and Web Application Targets

The creation of Email-specific service targets and Web application targets needs "Service Test" to be defined, which in turn mandates creation of Beacon for verification of the service test. However, Management Agents do not support creation of beacons. So if you use Oracle Management Service with a Management Agent, you may be able to create Email-specific service targets and Web application targets, but you may not be able to configure the beacons.

To resolve this issue, you have to install a 10.2 (or higher) Management Agent and have the beacons configured against it.

(Bug 4962223)

Other Issues

This section addresses those issues that cannot be classified under a component or product.

Custom Date Format Does Not Support NLS Native Date Format

When you set a report's time period, the custom date format doesn't support the NLS native date format. So, it fails with invalid date format error because it is not UTF-8 encoded. The workaround is to use English as the browser language only when you set a time period.

(Bug 4922931)

Error While Processing Purge Policy

An error is generated in the Grid control TAB Management services and Repository everyday at 12.00 AM.

To resolve this issue, login to SQL as the repository owner and execute the following command:

SQL> exec em_purge.disable_purge_policy('MGMT_POLICY_ERRORS') ; commit ;

(Bug 4770372)

Performance and Usage Graph Missing

After an upgrade, the performance and usage graph on the Service home page will be missing. You will need to go to Monitoring Configuration, then to Performance Metrics to add the metric and select the chart to be displayed on the home page. You can follow similar steps for Usage Metrics.

(Bug 4655690)

Links Under Web Application Tasks Are Disabled

A new Enterprise Manager Oracle Application Server stack is installed during a Management Service upgrade, and corresponding targets are deleted and recreated (e.g., from "EnterpriseManager0" to "EnterpriseManager1", etc.). The "EM Website" Web Application does not detect this change during an upgrade, so it no longer has the new Application Server as one of its key components, and disables the licensed Application Server Diagnostic Pack for "EM Website."

The workaround is to perform the following:

  1. Identify the system associated with the "EM Website" Web Application.

  2. Add the new Application Server target as a member of this system.

  3. Mark the new Application Server target as a key component of the "EM Website" Web Application.

(Bug 4652602)

Issues with Multibyte Character Names for Web Applications

Multibyte webapp name does not display correctly in Root Cause Analysis page. All three fields in RCA page "Step", "Target Name" and "Message" will display multibyte string as garbage characters and square boxes.

(Bug 4614984)

Interactive Transaction Trace and Request Performance Functionalities Are Not Supported

The Interactive Transaction Trace and Request Performance functionalities are not supported for Web Applications running on Oracle Application Server release A fix for this problem will be available with Oracle Application Server release and GC

(Bug 4999766, 5150067)

Null Pointer Exception Occurs on Clicking a Patch on the Policy Page

To workaround this bug, perform the following steps:

  • After Refresh From Metalink job is run(scheduled or manually), refresh the browser if it was active before the job was started.

  • After Refresh From Metalink job is run(scheduled or manually), users can re-login to Enterprise manager if they were logged in before the job started.

  • After Refresh From Metalink job is run(scheduled or manually), users can go to CPF main page by clicking on "Critical Patch Advisories for Oracle Homes" link on Enterprise Manager Home page. From CPF main page, users can click on "Refresh Data" button provided on top right side of the screen. This will restore the CPF session data.

(Bug 5174330)

Online Backup Job for 9.0.4 Oracle Application Server Targets Fails

When you are backing up iAS mid-tier installation types of 9.0.4.x versions, you may encounter the following error:

Could not copy file /scratch/904/Apache/Apache/conf/osso/osso.conf to /scratch/904/conf1/2005-08-09_06-52/Apache/Apache/conf/osso/: No such file or directory.

To resolve this, follow the steps described in the iAS Release Notes and retry the backup process.

(Bug 4517767)

SGA Functionality Not Supported

SGA Functionality is not supported in GC.

(Bug 5012484)

Documentation Accessibility

Our goal is to make Oracle products, services, and supporting documentation accessible, with good usability, to the disabled community. To that end, our documentation includes features that make information available to users of assistive technology. This documentation is available in HTML format, and contains markup to facilitate access by the disabled community. Accessibility standards will continue to evolve over time, and Oracle is actively engaged with other market-leading technology vendors to address technical obstacles so that our documentation can be accessible to all of our customers. For more information, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program Web site at

Accessibility of Code Examples in Documentation

Screen readers may not always correctly read the code examples in this document. The conventions for writing code require that closing braces should appear on an otherwise empty line; however, some screen readers may not always read a line of text that consists solely of a bracket or brace.

Accessibility of Links to External Web Sites in Documentation

This documentation may contain links to Web sites of other companies or organizations that Oracle does not own or control. Oracle neither evaluates nor makes any representations regarding the accessibility of these Web sites.

TTY Access to Oracle Support Services

Oracle provides dedicated Text Telephone (TTY) access to Oracle Support Services within the United States of America 24 hours a day, seven days a week. For TTY support, call 800.446.2398.

Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control Release Notes for Windows, 10g Release 2 (


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