Oracle® Secure Enterprise Search

Release Notes

10g Release 1 (10.1.8) for All Platforms


February 2007

Oracle Secure Enterprise Search (SES) 10g Release 1 (10.1.8) Release Notes includes the following topics:

10.1.8 Patches

Oracle SES provides several plug-ins to search additional source types. Each plug-in can be downloaded via an ARU patch. The following plug-ins are available for Oracle SES 10.1.8:

Table 1 Additional Plug-ins Available for Oracle SES 10.1.8

Plug-in ARU Connector Patch Number

Siebel 7.8


Documentum eRoom Server


Hummingbird DM Server


IBM DB2 Content Manager 8.3


Microsoft SharePoint Portal Server


Version Information

To identify detailed version information for your Oracle SES installation, run the following:

% $ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin/jar -xvf $ORACLE_HOME/search/lib/search_query.jar

% cd ./oracle/search/query

The file contains detailed build information that can be provided upon request to Oracle Technical Support.


$ORACLE_HOME represents the directory where Oracle SES was installed.

Supported Platforms

Oracle SES 10.1.8 supports the following platforms:

  • Linux x86

    • Enterprise Linux 4

    • Red Hat Linux 3

    • Red Hat Linux 4

    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9

  • Linux x86-64

    • Enterprise Linux 4

    • Red Hat Linux 3

    • Red Hat Linux 4

    • SuSE Linux Enterprise Server 9

  • Solaris SPARC (64-bit)

    • Solaris 8, 64-bit

    • Solaris 9, 64-bit

    • Solaris 10, 64-bit

  • HP-UX PA-RISC (64-bit)

    • HP-UX 11.11

    • HP-UX 11.23

  • AIX 5L Based Systems (64-bit)

    • AIX 5.2 ML01 (64-bit)

    • AIX 5.3 (64-bit)

  • HP-UX Itanium

    • HP-UX 11i v2 (11.23)

  • Windows

    • Windows Server 2003 - all editions

    • Windows 2000 with Service Pack 2 or later

    • Windows XP Professional


    Microsoft Exchange source type is supported on Windows 2003 Server Standard Edition and higher versions with the latest Service Pack.

Known Issues

For updated information on bugs, workarounds, and best practices, see:

This section contains the following topics:

Installation Issues


The Installation and Upgrade Guide states that release 10.1.8 includes the October 2006 CPU for the underlying database. If a later CPU is available, then install that.

This is incorrect. It is important that you do not install the January 2007 CPU.

  • On Red Hat Linux 4 Update 2, the included CPU patch fails.

    Workaround: Oracle strongly recommends that you upgrade to Red Hat 4 Update 3 or higher to avoid this error. Or, if "Secure Enterprise Search One-off Patch" fails:

    1. Go to ORACLE_HOME/.patch_storage.

    2. Delete patch_locked.

    3. Re-run "Secure Enterprise Search One-off Patch".

    4. Repeat steps 1 and 2 if the patch fails again.

    This is tracked with Oracle bug 5674128.

  • On Red Hat Linux 4.0 Update 2, there is an intermittent issue with install failure, as described in bug 5674128. This issue also affects silent installations.

    Workaround: Oracle strongly recommends that you upgrade to Red Hat 4 Update 3 or higher to avoid this error.

    This is tracked with Oracle bug 5682135.

  • On Red Hat Linux 4, the Oracle Universal Installer incorrectly reports that it is Red Hat Linux 3 and fails all prerequisite checks. The snippet from the installActions log is as follows:

    "Expected result: One of 
    Actual Result: redhat-3 
    Check complete. The overall result of this check is: Passed" 

    However, the Actual Result should be redhat-4.

    Workaround: No action is necessary. Ignore these messages and continue with the installation.

    This is tracked with Oracle bug 5683421.

  • The installation can hang at the point of hardening listener.


    1. Click Stop in Oracle Universal Installer. Do not quit from Oracle Universal Installer.

    2. Go to $ORACLE_HOME/bin.

    3. Set the $ORACLE_HOME and $ORACLE_SID.

    4. Execute the following:

      ./lsnrctl start
    5. Return to Oracle Universal Installer and press Retry.

    This is tracked with Oracle bug 5631752.

  • A TNS listener error appears if deinstallation is performed when Oracle SES is not up.

    Workaround: Start up Oracle SES before performing deinstallation.

    This is tracked with Oracle bug 5713136.

See Also:

Appendix A, "10.1.6 to 10.1.8 Upgrade" in Oracle Secure Enterprise Search Administrator's Guide for upgrade issues, including information about federated search with a 10.1.6 and 10.1.8 instance

UNIX Issues

  • On Linux only, in high I/O situations the system may hang if a large number of document conversion errors are encountered.

    Workaround: Turn off core file generation at the operating system level.

    This is tracked with Oracle bug 5199037.

  • On some UNIX platforms, the installation returns an error message: Skipping systeminfo.h: not a file or directory. This is because the systeminfo.h file is no longer present.

    Workaround: No action is necessary. This message is harmless.

    This is tracked with Oracle bug 5638453.

  • After installing Oracle SES on UNIX to a port number less than 1024, the Admin Web Services application is not available. (http://<host>:<port>/search/ws/admin/SearchAdmin)

    Workaround: When installing, choose a port greater than or equal to 1024. After installation, follow the instructions in the Oracle Secure Enterprise Search Installation and Upgrade Guide to change to the port less than 1024.

    This is tracked with Oracle bug 5587565.

Microsoft Windows Issues

Attention Windows Laptop Users:

If you frequently connect and disconnect your laptop from the network, or if you have your machine set to dynamically determine its IP address (DHCP protocol), then you must install a loopback adapter. See the Pre-Installation Steps in the Oracle Secure Enterprise Search Installation and Upgrade Guide for Microsoft Windows (32-Bit).
  • On Windows only: You must be part of the Administrators group on Windows to install Oracle SES.

    Workaround: Log on as a user with Administrator privileges to install.

    This is tracked with Oracle bug 5471204.

  • On Windows only, Oracle SES cannot allocate memory (SGA + PGA) correctly if the machine has more than 2G physical memory. The maximum memory usage Oracle SES can allocate is 800M.

    Workaround: You can manually increase the maximum memory usage to 40% of the machine physical memory. Detailed instructions for this workaround are provided in the "Post-Installation Tasks" section of the Oracle Secure Enterprise Search Installation and Upgrade Guide for Microsoft Windows (32-Bit).

    This is tracked with Oracle bug 4620102.

Generic Issues

  • There are query performance issues when the index optimization job coincides with the database GATHER_STATS_JOB.

    Workaround: Download the Oracle SES patch for bug 5646872 to disable the GATHER_STATS_JOB.

    This is tracked with Oracle bug 5643632.

  • The Home - Statistics - Summary of Crawler Activity page may show an Oracle SES error if the browser locale is set to Italian, Brazilian Portuguese, German, or French.

    Workaround: Change the browser locale to another language.

    This is tracked with Oracle bug 5675933.

  • Oracle SES does not support a default entity to attribute mapping mechanism for XML content.

    Workaround: A custom crawler plug-in is required to crawl and index XML. (see the Oracle Secure Enterprise Search Administrator's Guide for details).

    This is tracked with Oracle bug 4501161.

  • The e-mail message browser in the default query application is unable to display attached HTML files for crawled e-mail messages that were originally sent from certain mail clients (for example, Mozilla Thunderbird). An UnsupportedEncodingException will be shown instead.

    This is tracked by Oracle bug 5104659.

  • When title fallback is configured in the crawler.dat file, Oracle SES does not pick up expected Microsoft Office documents.

    • Font sizes 14 and 16 in Microsoft Word correspond to normalized font sizes 4 and 5 (respectively) in converted HTML. The Oracle SES crawler only picks up strings with normalized font size greater than 4 as the fallback title.

    • Title should usually contain more than five characters.

    This is tracked with Oracle bug 5618033.

  • Table sources cannot handle quoted identifiers for the table or column names. For example, table or column names containing spaces, lowercase characters, or non-alphabetic characters other than underscore (_), dollar sign ($), and pound sign (#) are not supported.

    Workaround: Create a view using nonquoted identifiers on top of the table having quoted identifiers. Then crawl that view.

    This is tracked with Oracle bug 5093512.

  • Limitations in the range of characters that can be used in the Suggested Links feature: Suggested links does not support keywords with a hyphen, such as e-travel. The characters +-!`~ in a query string are ignored while matching suggested links, and the characters ~`!@#$%^*()_+-=[]\{}|;:?,./<>"'& should be ignored in suggested links.

    This is tracked with Oracle bugs 4434993, 4280409, and 4280437.

  • When an end user changes the credentials (user name/password) for a subscribed (self service) source after it has been crawled, the previous documents crawled with the old credentials remain in the index. This may cause unexpected behavior for e-mail sources, in which the old documents may share the same URL with new e-mail documents from the most recent e-mail account. In this situation, some e-mail messages from the most recent crawl using the new credentials may not be indexed if an old message shares the same folder and message IDs.

    Workaround: Update the crawler re-crawl policy to Process All Documents on the Home - Schedules - Edit Schedules page, and re-crawl the source.

    This is tracked with Oracle bug 5048374.

  • After the crawler re-crawl policy is changed to Process All Documents, the matched hit count in the top right corner on end user Browse page is increased every time the schedule is run.

    Workaround: View the correct hit count in parentheses following the source group name.

    This is tracked with Oracle bug 5647166.

  • The documented restrictions about changing ACL policies only work if the Authorization page for the source in the administration tool is current. If the page is not current, then you may be able to update the ACL policy in a way that should be disallowed.

    Workaround: Before updating the ACL policy, ensure that the Authorization page is current by clicking the browser Refresh button.

    This is tracked with Oracle bug 5065426.

  • The Authorization page does not load if you activate the Oracle Internet Directory identity plug-in, create Oracle SES ACLs on a source, and then deactivate the identity plug-in.

    Workaround: If the intent is only temporary deactivation, then the page will load correctly when the identity plug-in is re-activated. If the intent is permanent deactivation, or if the plug-in will be reactivated with different parameters, then before deactivation follow the steps in the section "Restrictions on Changing the Oracle Internet Directory Identity Plug-in" in the Oracle Secure Enterprise Search Administrator's Guide. If the identity plug-in has been deactivated already, then reactivate it and follow those steps.

    This is tracked with Oracle bug 5645676.

  • When using the Active Directory identity plug-in, protected documents cannot be searched for up to 15 minutes after a forced re-crawl completes.

    This is tracked with Oracle bug 5638235.

  • If a source is configured to use the user-defined security model, then the AuthorizationManager plug-in class name and jar file name cannot be modified. This restriction is in place for security reasons.

    Workaround: If the AuthorizationManager plug-in details must be changed, then security for that source must be turned off to allow the change. After the ACL setting is changed to "No Access Control List" and applied, the AuthorizationManager details can be edited. Warning: While security is turned off, any user can access documents in the affected source. In addition, the new AuthorizationManager should share the same security attribute model as the previous one.

    This is tracked with Oracle bug 5602289.

  • Wildcard search inside a phrase is not supported.

    This is tracked with Oracle bug 4451462.

  • The Boolean OR operator is not supported between advanced search operators; for example, a site/filetype restricted term and other search terms.

    This is tracked with Oracle bug 4451445.

  • Very long search terms cause an exception in the Web service query interface.

    This is tracked with Oracle bug 4446793.

  • Browse results do not include file sources.

    This is tracked with Oracle bug 4285489.

  • Oracle SES does not give any results if looping with different machines is configured for federated search.

    This is tracked with Oracle bug 5461897.

  • Non-ASCII (for example, Japanese or Chinese) attachments in plain text or HTML format cannot be searched in e-mail sources. Attachments in other formats (such as pdf, doc, ppt) can be searched.

    This is tracked with Oracle bug 5191238.

  • The administration environment language is reset to English after having been set to another language if not properly logged out.

    This is tracked with Oracle bug 4424711.

  • Browse categories render incorrectly in BIDI.

    This is tracked with Oracle bug 4198113.

  • If the correct environment parameter (LANG, NLS_LANG and LC_ALL) was not set when Oracle SES was installed, then the following error occurs when a search result is clicked that contains data on a file source:

    Error : status = ERROR get file exception: file not found: 


    1. Run the following command:

      $ORACLE_HOME/bin/searchctl stopall
    2. Set the correct environment parameter. See the section "Crawling File Sources with Non-ASCII" in the Oracle Secure Enterprise Search Administrator's Guide.

    3. Run the following command:

      $ORACLE_HOME/bin/searchctl startall
    4. Update the crawler re-crawl policy to Process All Documents on the Home - Schedules - Edit Schedules page, and re-crawl the file source.

    However, if the file.encoding value listed in the error message is incorrect, then run the following procedure:

    1. Logon to SQL*Plus as eqsys/<SES admin password>

    2. Run the following command:

      exec eq_adm.use_instance('eq_inst') 
    3. Run the following command to force Oracle SES to pick up file.encoding from the current setting:

      exec eq_util.set_os_file_encoding
    4. Verify the result:

      SELECT ccd_pvalue FROM eq$crawler_config_default WHERE ccd_pname='CC_FILE_ENCODING';

      If step 3 does not set file.encoding to the correct value, then override it with the following command:

      exec eq_util.set_os_file_encoding('IBM-943') (On AIX5L)
    5. Run searchctl restartall to initialize file.encoding for Oracle JVM.

    This is tracked with Oracle bugs 5105043 and 5689407.

  • The Global Settings - Source Types page displays the source type descriptions that were preloaded when Oracle SES was installed or entered when the source type was created. Not all source type descriptions are translated.

    This is tracked with Oracle bug 5636034.

  • The logUserClick operation is not supported.

    This is tracked with Oracle bug 5090033.

  • When editing user-defined sources, the following pages in the administration tool do not apply to the crawler plug-in:

    • Authentication page

    • Crawling Parameters page: Only the following fields on this page can be set for user-defined sources: Number of Crawler Threads, Enable Language Detection, Default Language, Maximum Document Size.

  • In previous releases, crawler plug-ins were located in the $ORACLE_HOME/search/lib/agent/ directory. In 10.1.8, they are located in the $ORACLE_HOME/search/lib/plugins directory.

OracleAS Portal Source Issues

  • Secure OracleAS Portal crawling requires the latest version of OracleAS Portal.

    Workaround: The following table lists patch information necessary for each version of OracleAS Portal for which Oracle SES certifies. You can apply the one-off patch on top of the listed version, or you can wait to upgrade to the next patchset indicated. The one-off patches are available on Oracle Metalink at Enter the bug number for the appropriate OracleAS Portal release to get the patch.

    Table 2 OracleAS Portal Patch Necessary for Secure OracleAS Portal Crawling

    OracleAS Portal Release Patchset to Upgrade One-off Patch


    This is tracked with Oracle bug 4637116. This should be applied on top of


    This is tracked with Oracle bug 4637116. This should be applied on top of


    #1: This is tracked with Oracle bug 4995600. This should be applied on top of


    Not available

    #2: This is tracked with Oracle bug 5448253. This should be applied on top of

  • In a Portal crawl, if the crawler user specified in the Home - Sources - Authentication page does not have privileges to see certain Portal pages, then on subsequent incremental crawls, when privileges are granted to the user, the content is not picked up by the crawler.

    Workaround: Update the crawler re-crawl policy to Process All Documents on the Home - Schedules - Edit Schedules page, and restart the crawl.

    This is tracked with Oracle bug 5665224.

EMC Documentum Content Server Source Issues

  • On AIX 5L Based Systems (64-bit), crawl of a Documentum source requires C++ runtime version of 6.0, 8.0 or higher to be installed on the system. Version 7.0 of the C++ runtime library is not certified. If this version is installed on the system, consider upgrading to version 8.0 instead.

    This is a requirement of the Documentum Foundation Classes (DFC). Check the DFC documentation for the latest available certification information.

FileNet Content Engine Source Issues

  • FileNet Content Engine sources cannot be created from the Home - Sources page.


    1. Go to Global Settings - Source Types page.

    2. Delete the FileNet Content Engine source type.

    3. Click Create.

    4. Enter the following values:

      • Name: FileNet Content Engine

      • Description: FileNet Content Engine source type

      • Plug-in Manager Java Class Name:

      • Plug-in Jar File Name: fnetce/CEPlugin.jar

    5. Click Next.

    6. Click Finish.

    7. Create a source from the dropdown list on the Home - Sources page.

    This is tracked with Oracle bug 5673542.

NTFS Source Issues

  • The Use local display URL option, when used for both a file source and an NTFS source, does not work for files with multibyte characters in the path or file name when you use a non-Internet Explorer (such as FireFox) browser.

    This is tracked with Oracle bug 5704288.

  • Even when .NET Framework 2.0 is installed, you can encounter the following error: "NTFS sources require Windows .NET Framework 2.0. Try again after installing .NET." This is incorrect. This error should actually say, "Copy the file dsofile.dll to $ORACLE_HOME/search/lib/plugins/NTFS."

    Workaround: Download and install "Microsoft Developer Support OLE FileProperty Reader". Then copy the file dsofile.dll and Interop.Dsofile.dll to $ORACLE_HOME/search/lib/plugins/NTFS. Run regsvr32 to register dslfile.dll.

    This is tracked with Oracle bug 5705996.

  • The IP address of the Active Directory domain must be added to the hosts file.

    When connecting to Active Directory, Oracle SES will assume that the Active Directory domain name can be resolved to an IP address of the Active Directory Domain Controller. This is generally not the case. For example, to connect to an Active Directory domain called, you must add something similar to this to the hosts file: 123.321.1.2

    The hosts file is usually found at C:\Windows\System32\Drivers\etc\HOSTS on Windows, and /etc/hosts on UNIX.

    This is tracked with Oracle bug 5754814.

  • With NTFS sources, non-ASCII (such as Japanese) path and file names show as hexadecimal letters on the subgroup, such as %e3%81%ab%e3%81%bb.

    This is tracked with Oracle bug 5660243.

  • On Windows, the Oracle SES process must be run as domain administrator to crawl remote machines on the domain. This is an important prerequisite to crawl remote machines for NTFS. Follow these steps to run the Oracle SES process as the domain administrator:



    3. Go to Control Panel - Administrative Tools - Services.

    4. Select the process OracleService<Search Server Name that you specified during installation>.

    5. Stop this process.

    6. Right-click and select Properties.

    7. Select the Log on tab.

    8. Select the This account option and enter the domain administrator name and password.

    9. Restart Oracle SES with searchctl startall.

    If the following error appears:

    ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied please issue the following statements during startup and shutdown:

    Enter the following statement if the error appears after Oracle SES startup:

    > sqlplus eqsys/<admin passwd> 
    > EXECUTE eq_adm.del_passwd_cleanup;

    Or, enter the following statement if the error appears before Oracle SES shutdown:

    > sqlplus eqsys/<admin passwd> 
    > EXECUTE eqsys.eq_crw.stop_all_schedules(60,5);

    This is tracked with Oracle bug 5601413.

Open Text Livelink Source Issues

  • Open Text Livelink sources cannot be created from the Home - Sources page.


    1. Go to the Global Settings - Source Types page.

    2. Delete the Open Text Live Link CS source type.

    3. Click Create.

    4. Enter the following values:

      • Name: Open Text Live Link CS

      • Description: Open Text Live Link CS source type

      • Plug-in Manager Java Class Name:

      • Plug-in Jar File Name: llcs/LLCSCrawlerPlugin.jar

    5. Click Next.

    6. Click Finish.

    7. Create a source from the dropdown list on the Home - Sources page.

    This is tracked with Oracle bug 5685118.

Oracle Calendar Source Issues

With Oracle Calendar sources, when a proxy server is set on the Global Settings - Proxy Settings page, even with proper domain exclusion, the crawler fails. This is because the LDAP connection closes every 15 - 20 minutes.

Workaround: Remove the proxy setting.

This is tracked with Oracle bug 5643451.

Microsoft Exchange Source Issues

Following the instructions in the Oracle SES Administrator's Guide to configure the Exchange Agent to connect to native Exchange Server store, step 4d cannot be completed as required. It gives an error message.

Workaround: Edit the web.config file with the following:

    <add key="ExchangeServer" value="<ExchangeServerName>" /> 
    <add key="Superuser" value="Administrator" /> 
    <add key="ExserverUrl" value="http://<host>/exchsange" />
    <add key="PublicFolderUrl" value="http://<host>/public" /> 
    <add key="ServiceUserName" value="Service" /> 
    <add key="ServicePassword" value="Service" /> 
    <add key="tempFolder" value="" /> 

This is tracked with Oracle bug 5706524.

Oracle E-Business Suite Source Issues

  • Oracle SES supports Oracle Human Capital Management (HCM) employee directory search and Oracle Learning Management (OLM) class and course search.

    For employee directory search, Oracle SES indexes the following fields and returns results for any matches it finds within these columns:

    • Display Name

    • Email Address

    • Work Telephone Number

    • Discretionary Title

    • Job Name

    • Supervisor Name

    • Derived Locale

    • Location Name

    • Organization Name

    • Position Name

    • Employee Number

    • Previous Last Name

    For each result, it displays the name of the employee along with a description that includes the work telephone, e-mail, and derived locale. Each search result link takes you directly to the HCM Employee Directory page for that particular person.

    For OLM class and course search, Oracle SES indexes the following fields and returns results for any matches it finds within these columns.

    For classes:

    • Class Name

    • Offering Name

    • Offering Description

    • Resource Name

    • Derived Locale

    For Courses:

    • Description

    • Intended Audience

    • Objectives

    For each result, it displays the name of the course or class. Each link takes you directly to the HCM Learning Management course or class page for that particular person.

    To search Oracle Human Capital Management (HCM), see Note 400258.1 on Oracle Metalink:
  • To search Oracle iProcurement, download ARU patch number 5608131.

Upgrade Issues

  • On Windows, after upgrading, Oracle SES 10.1.8 uses the new listener service OracleSESHome<N>TNSListener (<N> indicates any integer). But the 10.1.6 Oracle listener service is still running.

    Workaround: This is not harmful, but you can shut down the 10.1.6 listener. To do this, from the Windows Control Panel, navigate to Administrative Tools, then Services. In the Service list, select OracleService<SID>TNSListener (<SID> is your Oracle SES instance name), and click Stop.

    This is tracked with Oracle bug 5701949.

  • Oracle SES 10.1.8 upgrade fails on Windows 2000 if the 10.1.8 ORACLE_HOME name is too long.

    Workaround: Restart the upgrade using a shorter 10.1.8 ORACLE_HOME. (The maximum length is 40 characters.)

    This is tracked with Oracle bug 5724619.

  • When an Oracle SES instance is upgraded to 10.1.8, documents in upgraded file sources are not shown in the browse hierarchy. (Documents in newly created file sources are shown in the browse hierarchy). This is due to bug fix 5486092 included in 10.1.8.

    Workaround: To make an upgraded file source consistent with a newly created file source, re-crawl the upgraded file source with the re-crawl policy set to Process All Documents.

    This is tracked with Oracle bug 5682329.

  • The upgrade can hang at the point of hardening listener.


    1. Click Stop in Oracle Universal Installer. Do not quit from Oracle Universal Installer.

    2. Go to the new $ORACLE_HOME/bin.

    3. Set the $ORACLE_HOME and $ORACLE_SID.

    4. Execute the following:

      ./lsnrctl start
    5. Return to Oracle Universal Installer and press Retry.

    This is tracked with Oracle bug 5631752.

  • When running a silent upgrade, the log file displays the following message:

    Warning:*** Alert: A configuration script needs to be run as root for the 
    installation to be complete. Please run /scratch/aime/SESHome/1018a/ as root at the end of install. *** 

    Workaround: No action is necessary. This warning is harmless.

    This is tracked with Oracle bug 5383095.

  • When an Oracle SES instance is upgraded from 10.1.6 to 10.1.8, uppercase STRING type attribute values, such as "ORACLE", cannot be searched in the advanced attribute search with the EQUALS (=) operator.

    • New installations are not affected.

    • Upgrade of an instance with all lowercase attribute values is not affected.

    • Upgrade of an instance with some uppercase attributes values with other operators, like CONTAINS, is not affected.

    Workarounds: After upgrade, either:

    • Update the crawler re-crawl policy to Process All Documents on the Home - Schedules - Edit Schedules page, and re-crawl the sources.

    • Use CONTAINS instead of EQUALS (=) in the advanced attribute search.

    This is tracked with Oracle bug 5616119.

  • Upgraded environments do not include all document types that Oracle SES can process. Oracle SES 10.1.8 can process the following document types:

    • Dca-Rft Document

    • Freelance Document

    • GNU ZIP Archive

    • JustSystems Ichitaro

    • Lotus 123 Document

    • Lotus Word Pro

    • Microsoft Access Document

    • Microsoft Project

    • Microsoft Visio

    • Microsoft Works Word Processor Document

    • MsWrite Document

    • Quattro Pro for DOS Document

    • Quattro Pro for Windows Document

    • RTF Document

    • StarOffice Calc Document

    • StarOffice Impress Document

    • Word Perfect 5.1 Document

    • Word Perfect 6 Document

    • X-Ami Document

    • XML

    • ZIP Archive

    Workaround: After upgrade:

    1. Go to $ORACLE_HOME/search/admin.

    2. Launch SQL*Plus and connect as EQSYS user.

    3. Execute eq0popl.sql.

    If any exceptions are thrown, no action is necessary. These messages are harmless.

    This is tracked with Oracle bug 5664707.

  • Upgraded environments do not include all default character sets that Oracle SES supports; for example, upgraded environments do not include Standard UTF-16 and Windows Japanese.

    Workaround: After upgrade:

    1. Go to $ORACLE_HOME/search/admin.

    2. Launch SQL*Plus and connect as EQSYS user.

    3. Execute eq0popl.sql.

    This is tracked with Oracle bug 5705232.

  • A Siebel 8 source cannot be created in an upgraded instance of Oracle SES from the Home - Sources page.


    1. On the Global Settings - Source Types page, edit the Siebel 8 source type.

    2. Delete the parameter Max. no. of connection attempts.

    3. Click Add parameter to add the following parameter:

      • Name: Maximum number of connection attempts

      • Description: Maximum number of connection attempts to access data feed or upload status feed

      • Encrypt Parameter: No

    4. Click Apply.

    This is tracked with Oracle bug 5673588.

  • On Windows, the installer will list an already-upgraded Oracle SES 10.1.6 instance as a possible upgrade option on the first page of the upgrade.

    Workaround: None. The installer does not list this as an option on subsequent pages.

    This is tracked with Oracle bug 5728591.

Documentation Errata

This section corrects errors in the existing documentation.

Installation and Upgrade Guide for Linux x86

Under "Changing the Oracle SES Middle Tier Port", running the following step is incorrect:

chown -R <user> $ORACLE_HOME/oc4j/j2ee $ORACLE_HOME/search/opmn

The correct step to run is as follows:

chown -R <user> $ORACLE_HOME/search/opmn

Installation and Upgrade Guide for Windows

The following note should be included:


An error is encountered if the disk hosting Oracle SES is FAT32 formatted. The maximum file size limit of FAT32 is 4GB. Convert the disk from FAT32 to NTFS with the following:
convert D: /fs:ntfs

Administrator's Guide

  • Chapter 4, "Activating an Identity Plug-in" should include the following important note:

    The Active Directory identity plug-in requires that Oracle SES be installed on a machine that is part of the Windows domain. Check the /etc/hosts file for a full name entry for the local machine. Running the domainname command as root sets the domain name correctly. If necessary, add the IP address and Windows domain name map to this file.

  • Chapter 5, "Important Notes for EMC Documentum Content Server Sources" lists the following required task:

    • For UNIX, copy from <DFC destination directory>/dfc to ORACLE_HOME/product/<version>/<SES Instance Name>/lib.

    This is incorrect. Instead, copy the Documentum Foundation Classes (DFC) according to the following table:

    Table 3 DFC Files to Copy for UNIX Platforms

    Platform Copy File From To

    Linux x86

    <DFC destination directory>/dfc


    Linux x86-64

    <DFC destination directory>/dfc


    Solaris SPARC (64-bit)

    <DFC destination directory>/dfc


    HP-UX PA-RISC (64-bit)

    <DFC destination directory>/dfc


    AIX 5L Based Systems (64-bit)

    <DFC destination directory>/dfc


    HP-UX Itanium

    <DFC destination directory>/dfc


  • Chapter 5, "Important Notes for EMC Documentum Content Server Sources" includes the following note:


    The environment variables DOCUMENTUM_SHARED (DFC Program root) and DOCUMENTUM (DFC user directory) must be created before installing DFC on UNIX. See the DFC installation guide for more information.

    This note should also contain the following information:

    You must declare DOCUMENTUM and DOCUMENTUM_SHARED before restarting the middle tier with searchctl restartall.

  • Chapter 5, "Important Notes for EMC Documentum Content Server Sources" should include the following item as the last task under "Required Tasks":

    Restart the middle tier with searchctl restart. On Windows (after installing DFC), also restart the Windows machine.

  • Chapter 5, "Setting Up Secure NTFS Sources for Windows" should include the following item as Step 4 under "Required Tasks":

    4.) Copy dsofile.dll and Interop.Dsofile.dll to %ORACLE_HOME\search\lib\plugins\ntfs.

  • Chapter 5, "Setting Up Secure NTFS Sources for UNIX" should include the following in the 4th required task ("Configure NTFS Agent in IIS"):

    4. d.) Make the virtual directory accessible for the anonymous user.

  • Chapter 5, "Setting Up Secure NTFS Sources for UNIX" lists the following parameter descriptions:

    • USER NAME: User name to authenticate between Oracle SES and Microsoft Exchange: (configuration parameters similar to Exchange Agent in IIS)

    • PASSWORD: Password to authenticate between Oracle SES and Microsoft Exchange: (configuration parameters similar to Exchange Agent in IIS)

    This is incorrect. The following parameter descriptions are correct:

    • USER NAME: User name to authenticate between Oracle SES and NTFS (configuration parameters same as NTFS Agent in IIS)

    • PASSWORD: Password to authenticate between Oracle SES and NTFS (configuration parameters same as NTFS Agent in IIS)

  • Chapter 5, "Important Notes for Lotus Notes Sources" lists the following as a known limitation:

    During source configuration, if you enter multiple attributes with the same name, the crawler considers the first attribute and ignores the others with the same name.

    This is listed incorrectly. This is not an issue.

  • Chapter 5, "Important Notes for Lotus Notes Sources" should include the following item as the last task under "Required Tasks":

    Copy notes.jar and NCSO.jar to the [SES instance name]/search/lib/plugins/ln/directory. This must be done before activating the Notes identity plug-in.

  • Chapter 5, "Creating an Open Text Livelink Source" should include the following parameter required for Open Text Livelink sources:

    Livelink URL: The Livelink URL for viewing objects from the Livelink Server. For example, for Windows, the URL should be (http or) https://<host_name>/<livelink_service>/livelink.exe. For other application servers like Weblogic, Tomcat, and WebSphere, the URL should be (http or) https://<host_name>:<port>/<livelink_service>/livelink.

  • Chapter 5, "Creating an Oracle E-Business Suite 11i Source" should include explain that the authorization plug-in should only have one placeholder for authorization query. For example:

    The placeholder for the user name in the query should be specified as '?'. The SQL query can only have one input placeholder for user name.

  • Chapter 6, "Tips for Using File Sources" should include the following items:

    • For file protocol-based sources, such as file or NTFS source types, you can control where to retrieve the file when a user clicks the search result. By default, the file is retrieved by Oracle SES and delivered to the browser. You can change this to redirect the file URL to the local browser and let the browser retrieve it from the local machine. Using a local browser for fetching the file will work for Internet Explorer if the browser and the file are in the same domain. If they are in different domains, then depending on the domain security setting, this option may not work. For all other browsers, this option only works for file URLs when the browser and the file are in the same domain, and the file name and path consist only of ASCII characters.

    • The Use local display URL option set to false does not work if Oracle SES is installed on a UNIX platform. This option does work if Oracle SES is installed on Windows, as long as the client browser is on a Windows machine with the same domain as the file system.

  • In Appendix A, "10.1.6 to 10.1.8 Upgrade", the section "Oracle SES 10.1.6 federating to Oracle SES 10.1.8" is incorrect.

    The following steps are correct:

    1. Get an entity name(DN) and password that is the application entity created for the Oracle SES 10.1.6 instance in Oracle Internet Directory. If the application entity is not found in Oracle Internet Directory, then connect the federation broker to the directory. For example, the application entity of the federation broker is:


      The password for this entity is same as the Oracle SES admin password when Oracle SES was connected to the directory.

    2. Create a federation trusted entity on the endpoint instance with the entity name and password obtained from the previous step. The Authentication Attribute should be the name of the attribute (in the directory to which endpoint is connected) corresponding to the orclguid attribute (in the Oracle Internet Directory the broker instance is connected to). If both broker and endpoint instance are connected to same Oracle Internet Directory, then the name of the attribute is orclguid.

      Only authentication by password will be used for this entity.

Online Help

  • The online help for the Global Settings - Source Types - Create Source Types page says the following: "In either case, the jar file or class files must be placed in the search/lib/agent directory under the Oracle SES installed location. If the class files are in a jar file, then you can create a subdirectory under this directory. For example, put the plug-in jar sample.jar in search/lib/agent/sample." This is incorrect. The correct directory is search/lib/plugins.

    The section should say the following: "In either case, the jar file or class files must be placed in the search/lib/plugins directory under the Oracle SES installed location. If the class files are in a jar file, then you can create a subdirectory under this directory. For example, put the plug-in jar sample.jar in search/lib/plugins/sample."

  • The Home - Sources - Create Table Source page states, "The following data types are supported for table sources: BLOB, CLOB, CHAR, VARCHAR, VARCHAR2." The BFILE data type is also supported.

  • Links to the Copyright in the online help pages of the in the end user search page and in the installation do not work. Here is the correct copyright notice:

    Copyright Notice

    Copyright © 2006, Oracle. All rights reserved.

    Trademark Notice

    Oracle, JD Edwards, PeopleSoft, and Siebel are registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners.

Documentation Accessibility

Our goal is to make Oracle products, services, and supporting documentation accessible, with good usability, to the disabled community. To that end, our documentation includes features that make information available to users of assistive technology. This documentation is available in HTML format, and contains markup to facilitate access by the disabled community. Accessibility standards will continue to evolve over time, and Oracle is actively engaged with other market-leading technology vendors to address technical obstacles so that our documentation can be accessible to all of our customers. For more information, visit the Oracle Accessibility Program Web site at

Accessibility of Links to External Web Sites in Documentation

This documentation may contain links to Web sites of other companies or organizations that Oracle does not own or control. Oracle neither evaluates nor makes any representations regarding the accessibility of these Web sites.

TTY Access to Oracle Support Services

Oracle provides dedicated Text Telephone (TTY) access to Oracle Support Services within the United States of America 24 hours a day, seven days a week. For TTY support, call 800.446.2398.

Oracle Secure Enterprise Search Release Notes, 10g Release 1 (10.1.8) for All Platforms


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