Oracle® Database Vault

Release Notes

10g Release 2 ( for hp OpenVMS


February 2009

These Release Notes describe issues you may encounter with Oracle Database Vault 10g Release 2 ( The Oracle Database Vault installation is covered in detail in the Oracle Database Vault Installation Guide for hp OpenVMS.

This document may be updated after it is released. To check for updates to this document and to view other Oracle documentation, see the Documentation section on the Oracle Technology Network (OTN) Web site:

This document contains the following sections:

1 Installation Issues and Recommendations

This section describes the known issues pertaining to installation. It also provides the workarounds that you can use.

This section contains:

1.1 Cannot Install Oracle Database Vault in a Data Guard Environment

Bug 5577503

The Database Vault installer fails to install Database Vault in an existing physical standby database.

You can create a new physical standby database by using the following steps:

  1. Install Database Vault on the primary database.

  2. Set up communications between the primary and the physical standby database. Redo logs communicate changes from the primary database to the standby database.

See Also:

Oracle Data Guard Concepts and Administration for more information on creating a physical standby database

1.2 Database Instance and Listener Do Not Start Automatically on the Remote Node After Database Vault Installation

Bug 6630191

After you install Database Vault, the database instances and listeners on the remote nodes do not start automatically. You must start these manually.

This is expected behavior. The DVCA utility configures the local node, and starts the database instance and listener processes on the local node. You need to start these processes manually on each of the remote nodes.

1.3 Cloned Database Vault Home Contains Invalid Objects

Bug 6658315

If you have cloned the Database Vault Oracle home and database, after you run the Database Vault Configuration Assistant (DVCA), the database contains invalid objects.

The workaround is to recompile the invalid objects, as follows:

  1. Log in to SQL*Plus using the SYSDBA privilege.

  2. Find the number of invalid objects in the database. For example:

  3. Run the utlrp.sql to recompile the invalid objects:


1.4 Error When Executing LOAD_NLS_FILES During Installation

The following error message may appear during installation:

Executing task LOAD_NLS_FILES
load(error):java.sql.SQLException: ORA-12541: TNS:no listener

You can safely ignore this error message.

2 Usage Issues and Recommendations

This section discusses usage issues that you may encounter with Database Vault. It also provides the workarounds for these issues.

This section contains:

2.1 Accounts with DV_OWNER, DV_ADMIN, or DV_SECANALYST Role Cannot Use the ALTER USER Command

Bug 5161953

Accounts with the DV_OWNER, DV_ADMIN, or DV_SECANALYST role cannot run the following command:


The workaround is to REVOKE the role from the account, run the ALTER USER command, and then GRANT back the role to the account. This works if the account is not the DV_OWNER account that was created during installation. If the account is the DV_OWNER account created during installation, then you would need to use the following steps:

  1. Disable the Database Vault command rule for the ALTER USER command.

  2. Run the ALTER USER command.

  3. Re-enable the Database Vault command rule for the ALTER USER command.

2.2 Enabling a Realm Fails When a Realm Secured Object Is Invalid

Bug 5582720

Enabling a realm fails with the following error:

ORA-00942: Table or view does not exist

This might happen if you try to enable a realm on an invalid object. The workaround is to make sure that all objects protected by the realm are valid, before trying to enable the realm.

2.3 CREATE SESSION Privilege Is Controlled by the Data Dictionary Realm

Use the following steps to grant the CREATE SESSION privilege:

  1. Temporarily disable the data dictionary realm.

  2. Log in as the SYSTEM user.

  3. Grant the CREATE SESSION privilege.

  4. Enable the data dictionary realm.

2.4 Enabling and Disabling Oracle Database Vault on hp OpenVMS

The instructions in Appendix B, "Enabling and Disabling Oracle Database Vault," in Oracle Database Vault Administrator's Guide for enabling and disabling Database Vault apply to the UNIX and Microsoft Windows platforms only. However, refer to that appendix for reasons why you may need to disable Database Vault and how to check if Database Vault has been enabled.

This section explains how to disable and then re-enable Database Vault for the hp OpenVMS platform. For Oracle Real Application Clusters, perform the tasks in this section on a single node in the cluster.

This section contains:

2.4.1 Step 1: Disable Oracle Database Vault

To disable Oracle Database Vault:

  1. Run the following commands to define the logical names ORACLE_HOME, ORA_SID, ORACLE_SID, and so on:

    $ @ORAUSER sid
  2. Shut down the Oracle Database processes.

    For single-instance installations, shut down the database instance:


    For Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) installations, shut down the database instance on each node:

    $ srvctl stop database "-d" db_name
  3. For both single-instance and Oracle Real Application Clusters environments, copy the non-Database Vault ORACLE image to oracle.exe as follows:

  4. Restart the Oracle database.

    For single-instance installations:


    For Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) installation, run the following commands on each node:

    $ srvctl start instance "-d" db_name "-i" instance_name
  5. Connect as SYS using the SYSDBA privilege, and then run the following ALTER TRIGGER statements:


2.4.2 Step 2: Perform the Required Tasks

At this stage, Oracle Database Vault is disabled. You can perform the following types of activities:

  • Use the Oracle Database Vault PL/SQL packages and functions. For example, to correct a login or CONNECT rule set error, use the DBMS_MACADM PL/SQL package or the Oracle Database Vault Administrator interface.

  • Use the SYSTEM or SYS accounts to perform tasks such as creating or changing passwords. When Oracle Database is enabled, you cannot use these accounts to change passwords or unlock user accounts. See Oracle Database Vault Administrator's Guide for a list of privileges that are changed when you install Database Vault.

  • Perform the installation, upgrade, or other tasks that require security protections to be disabled. If you must run Oracle Database Configuration Assistant (DVCA), ensure that the Oracle Database listener is running, as follows

    $ LSNRCTL STATUS listener_name

    To start the listener:

    $ LSNRCTL START listener_name

2.4.3 Step 3: Enable Oracle Database Vault

To enable Oracle Database Vault:

  1. Log into SQL*Plus as SYS using the SYSDBA privilege, and then run the following ALTER TRIGGER statements:

  2. Shut down the database instance.

    For single-instance installations:


    For Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) installations:

    $ srvctl stop database "-d" db_name "-i" instance_name
  3. Copy the Database Vault ORACLE image to oracle.exe as follows:

  4. In SQL*Plus, start the database.

    For single-instance database installations:


    For Oracle Real Application Clusters (RAC) installations:

    $ srvctl start database "-d" db_name"

3 Frequently Asked Questions About Installation

This section covers some of the frequently asked questions related to Database Vault installation. Oracle Database Vault installation is covered in detail in the Oracle Database Vault Installation Guide for hp OpenVMS.

How can I use Database Vault Administrator on the hp OpenVMS platform?

Oracle Database Vault Administrator is a graphical user interface for administering Oracle Database Vault. However, Database Vault Administrator is not available on the hp OpenVMS platform. It is only available in Oracle Database Release 11g Release 1 (11.1) as an installation option. If you have access to this release, you can remotely connect Database Vault Administrator to an Oracle Database Release 10g Release 2 ( installation on hp OpenVMS. See Oracle Database Vault Administrator's Guide for information about making this remote connection.

If you do not have access to Oracle Database 11g, then you can use the DVSYS PL/SQL packages and the PL/SQL interfaces described in Oracle Database Vault Administrator's Guide to manage Oracle Database Vault.

I have installed Oracle Database Vault into an Oracle home that has multiple databases. How do I secure the other databases in the Oracle home?

You must run Database Vault Configuration Assistant (DVCA) manually on the other databases. Refer to Oracle Database Vault Installation Guide for hp Open VMS for detailed instructions.

I have installed Oracle Database Vault on a Real Application Clusters (RAC) database instance. How do I secure the other nodes in the cluster?

You must run DVCA manually on the other RAC nodes. Refer to Oracle Database Vault Installation Guide for hp Open VMS for detailed instructions.

4 Miscellaneous Notes

This section contains miscellaneous notes not covered in the Oracle Database Vault documentation.

This section contains:

4.1 Snapshots and Materialized Views

The keyword SNAPSHOT is supported in place of MATERIALIZED VIEW for backward compatibility.

4.2 JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES Initialization Parameter

The JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES initialization parameter specifies the maximum number of processes that can be created for the execution of jobs. It specifies the number of job queue processes per instance.

This parameter must have a non-zero value. The default value for JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES is 10.

4.3 Language Support in Database Vault

Database Vault supports the following languages:

  • de: German

  • en: American English

  • es: Spanish

  • fr: French

  • it: Italian

  • ja: Japanese

  • ko: Korean

  • pt_BR: Brazilian Portuguese

  • zh_CN: Simplified Chinese

  • zh_TW: Traditional Chinese

Make sure that the NLS_LANG parameter in your database corresponds to one of these languages before installing Database Vault. If the language setting in the NLS_LANG parameter is not compatible, then the Database Vault Administrator (DVA) application interface cannot display properly.

5 Documentation Accessibility

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Oracle Database Vault Release Notes 10g Release 2 ( for hp OpenVMS


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