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Oracle® Application Server Upgrade and Compatibility Guide
10g Release 2 (10.1.2) for UNIX
Part No. B14090-02
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A Component Upgrade Process Reference

This appendix provides details on the upgrade process for each component of the middle tier and the Infrastructure installations. The OracleAS Upgrade Assistant does the middle tier upgrade processing only; the Infrastructure upgrade processing is done by individual scripts for the components that require upgrades. This appendix has two major sections:

A.1 Middle Tier Upgrade Processes

This section describes the processing actions of the OracleAS Upgrade Assistant for each component upgrade. The order in which the actions are presented is not necessarily the order in which they are actually performed. When the order is known, or significant, the processing sequence is presented as numbered steps. Depending on installation type (that is, the components included), not all of these processes are performed.

A.1.1 The Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server (OPMN) Upgrade Process

The OracleAS Upgrade Assistant performs these steps when upgrading the Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server:

  1. Converts the following file to the 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) format:

  2. Merges the converted opmn.xml file with the opmn.xml file in the destination Oracle home.

    During the merge, OracleAS Upgrade Assistant moves all custom nodes into opmn.xml, except the node containing gid="dcm-daemon".

A.1.1.1 Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server (OPMN) Upgrade Items

The following files are changed or copied in the OPMN upgrade process:

  • DESTINATION_ORACLE_HOME/opmn/conf/opmn.xml

  • Custom process binaries defined in opmn.xml

  • Oracle wallets


Port values of particular interest for OPMN are the notification server ports (local, remote, request) and OC4J ports (ajp, rmi, jms).

The OPMN upgrade process does not upgrade any changes that were made to Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE instances in opmn.xml. This includes the instances created by the installer (home, OC4J_WIRELESS, OC4J_DEMOS, OC4J_PORTAL OC4J_BI_FORMS) and instances created by users. The OC4J upgrade process upgrades the home instance and any user-defined instances with applications deployed in the source Oracle home. The other installer-created OC4J instances adopt the Oracle Application Server 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) settings in opmn.xml. If you want to preserve settings from Oracle9iAS Release 2 (9.0.2), you must create them manually.

See Section, "Upgrading User-Created and Default OC4J Instances".

A.1.2 The Instance Configuration Data Upgrade Process

The OracleAS Upgrade Assistant performs these steps when upgrading instance configuration data:

  1. Loads the following file from the source Oracle home:

  2. Compares the version of this file in the source Oracle home with the version in the destination Oracle home.

  3. Writes any differences found in the source Oracle home file to the destination Oracle home file.

A.1.2.1 Instance Configuration Upgrade Items

The following file is changed in the instance configuration data upgrade process:


A.1.3 The Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE (OC4J) Upgrade Process

The Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE (OC4J) upgrade process consists of these steps:

  1. The OracleAS Upgrade Assistant creates a separate process, which connects to the source Oracle home.

  2. The process uses its Distributed Configuration Management version to examine the instances selected for upgrade.

  3. Distributed Configuration Management creates a list of the instances in the source Oracle home in which the applications are deployed. It ignores Oracle-specific OC4J instances, such as OC4J_Portal, defined in the following file:


    The instances are the OC4J upgrade candidates.

  4. Distributed Configuration Management builds a list of EAR files for the applications listed.

  5. The OracleAS Upgrade Assistant creates a backup of upgraded files, appending a preUpgrade suffix. If necessary, to create a unique file name, it appends an integer, for example, filename.preUpgrade.1.

  6. The OracleAS Upgrade Assistant copies principals.xml, data-sources.xml, jazn-data.xml, and jazn.xml to the destination Oracle home.

  7. Adds properties defined in the file to the opmn.xml file, using the SMI API.

  8. The OracleAS Upgrade Assistant rebuilds, and then redeploys the EAR files to the destination Oracle home. In this step, the OracleAS Upgrade Assistant searches for all orion-specific files in the application-deployments directory of the applications. It also searches for application-specific configuration files, such as principals.xml and jazn-data.xml.

  9. Distributed Configuration Management updates mod_oc4j.conf with the mount points associated with each deployed application.

A.1.3.1 OC4J Upgrade Items

The following files are changed in the OC4J upgrade process:

DESTINATION_ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/<name of OC4J instance>/config/principals.xml
DESTINATION_ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/<name of OC4J instance>/config/jazn.xml
DESTINATION_ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/<name of OC4J instance>/config/jazn-data.xml

In addition:

  • Properties from the files in the source Oracle home are added to the opmn.xml file, which is stored in the following directory of the destination Oracle home:

  • EAR files for applications discovered in OC4J instances in the source Oracle home are also modified


Manual procedures may be required to complete the Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE upgrade. See Section 4.5.4, "Completing the Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE (OC4J) Upgrade".

A.1.4 The Oracle HTTP Server Upgrade Process

The OracleAS Upgrade Assistant performs these steps when upgrading Oracle HTTP Server (OHS):

  • Copies the httpd.conf file from the source Oracle home to the destination Oracle home, replacing the SOURCE_ORACLE_HOME path with DESTINATION_ORACLE_HOME, then applies 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) file changes, and customizations made since Release 2 (9.0.2), to the corresponding file in the destination Oracle home.

  • Searches the mod_oc4j.conf file in SOURCE_ORACLE_HOME for Oc4jMount directives and copies the Oc4jMount directives that contain the string ajp13://, cluster:// or instance:// to the mod_oc4j.conf file in DESTINATION_ORACLE_HOME.

  • Copies the mod_osso.conf file from the source Oracle home to the destination Oracle home, replacing the source Oracle home path with the destination Oracle home path. The osso.conf file referenced by the OssoConfigFile directive will be copied and converted into 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) obfuscated files.

  • Copies the moddav.conf file from the source Oracle home to the destination Oracle home, replacing the source Oracle home path with the destination Oracle home path.

  • Searches Include directives in the httpd.conf file recursively to locate user-defined configuration files; copies these files from the source Oracle home to the destination Oracle home. If the files were found in the source Oracle home, the OracleAS Upgrade Assistant replaces the source Oracle home path with the destination Oracle home path. If the files were found outside of the source Oracle home, the OracleAS Upgrade Assistant saves a copy of the original file with a .preUpgrade extension in the destination Oracle home, then replaces the source Oracle home file with the new file.

  • Searches the LoadModule directives recursively to find related module dynamic libraries; copies the libraries from the source Oracle home to the destination Oracle home.

  • Searches the SSLWallet directives recursively to find Oracle wallets; copies the wallets from the source Oracle home to the destination Oracle home.

  • Locates CGI and fastcgi scripts by searching all configuration files for directories and files named in ScriptAlias or ScriptAliasMatch directives, and the ExecCGI option in Options directives (defined in Directory or File containers). Copies the directories and files from the source Oracle home to the destination Oracle home.

  • Copies static document directories found in the (non-default) location specified by the DocumentRoot directive from the source Oracle home to the destination Oracle home. If the DocumentRoot directive is the default, static documents are not upgraded.


Web sites are often configured with Web Cache as the first listener; in these cases, the Oracle HTTP Server's Listen port may need to be synchronized with equivalent Web Cache port values after upgrade. The settings are shown in Table 4-6, "Oracle HTTP Server and Oracle Application Server Web Cache Port Settings".

The OracleAS Upgrade Assistant does not upgrade the oracle_apache.conf and mod_plsql.conf files.

Static files referenced by the Alias or mod_rewrite directives are not upgraded. Any such files in an Oracle home must be upgraded manually.

A.1.4.1 OHS Upgrade Items

The following files are changed or copied in the OHS upgrade process:


In addition, the following files are changed in the following ways:

  • User-defined configuration files named in Include directives (found in recursive search of all configuration files starting with httpd.conf)

  • Oracle wallets named in SSLWallet directives in all configuration files

  • CGI and fastcgi programs named in ScriptAlias, ScriptAliasMatch or Options (ExecCGI) directives in all configuration files

  • Static documents and directories


    Manual procedures may be required to complete the Oracle HTTP Server upgrade. See Section 4.5.3, "Completing the Oracle HTTP Server Upgrade".

A.1.5 The Oracle Application Server Web Cache Upgrade Process

The OracleAS Upgrade Assistant performs these steps when upgrading Oracle Application Server Web Cache:

  1. Locates webcache.xml and internal.xml in the source Oracle home.

  2. Moves configuration data from the webcache.xml in the source Oracle home to the webcache.xml file in the destination Oracle home. The webcache.xml file is located in the following directory of the Oracle home:

  3. Copies error pages and wallet files from the source Oracle home to the destination Oracle home.


    If you customized the directory location of the event log (specified by ACCESSLOG LOGDIR property in the webcache.xml file) in Oracle9iAS Release 2 (9.0.2), be aware that this customization will not be upgraded.

A.1.5.1 Oracle Application Server Web Cache Upgrade Items

The following files and directories are involved in the Oracle Application Server Web Cache upgrade process:

A. Wallet File Upgrades

The OracleAS Upgrade Assistant upgrades wallets by copying them from the source Oracle home to the destination Oracle home. Wallets outside of the source Oracle home need not be copied.

Oracle Application Server Web Cache can have multiple listening ports, and each port can have a different wallet. When connecting to the origin server, it can use another wallet (OSWALLET in the example below).

Example A-1 Oracle Application Server Web Cache Wallet Configuration after Upgrade


In this example, Oracle Application Server Web Cache is using three wallets. The first and third are in the source Oracle home. The first wallet will be copied to the following directory:


The third wallet will be copied to this directory:


The second wallet will not be copied, since it does not reside in the Oracle home. After upgrade, the wallet in webcache.xml will be pointing to the original directory.


Web sites are often configured with Web Cache as the first listener; in these cases, the Oracle HTTP Server's Listen port may need to be synchronized with equivalent Web Cache port values after upgrade. See Section 4.5.3, "Completing the Oracle HTTP Server Upgrade".

A.1.6 The mod_plsql Upgrade Process

The OracleAS Upgrade Assistant performs these steps when upgrading mod_plsql:

  • Locates dads.conf, cache.conf, plsql.conf and oradav.conf in the source Oracle home.

  • Copies all the above configuration files from the source Oracle home to the destination Oracle home.

  • Parses cache.conf and plsql.conf in destination Oracle home and replaces all the occurrences of SOURCE_ORACLE_HOME with DESTINATION_ORACLE_HOME.

A.1.6.1 mod_plsql Upgrade Items

The following files are modified in the mod_plsql upgrade process:


A.1.7 The Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Upgrade Process

The OracleAS Upgrade Assistant performs these steps when upgrading Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g:

  1. Examines the following file in the following directory for port entries related to the targets in the file:

  2. Replaces the corresponding port entries in the targets.xml file in the destination Oracle home.

A.1.7.1 Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Upgrade Items

The following files is changed in the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g upgrade process:


A.1.8 The Oracle Application Server Web Services UDDI Registry Upgrade Process

The Oracle Universal Installer and the OracleAS Upgrade Assistant perform these steps during installation of the Portal and Wireless installation type:

  1. The OracleAS Upgrade Assistant extracts the uddiserver.config file from the following directory of the source Oracle home for later use:

  2. The OracleAS Upgrade Assistant extracts properties from the uddiserver.config file and applies them to the uddiserver.config file in the destination Oracle home.

A.1.8.1 Oracle Application Server Web Services UDDI Registry Upgrade Items

The following file is changed in the Oracle Application Server Web Services Registry upgrade process:



If the repository database schema was not upgraded before the Oracle Application Server Web Services upgrade, the UDDI registry for Oracle Application Server Web Services will run in compatibility mode.

You must restart UDDI applications after the upgrade so that the new configuration takes effect.

The path for the uddiserver.config file in 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) is different from the path in Oracle9iAS Release 2 (9.0.2).

In Oracle9iAS Release 2 (9.0.2), it was:


In Oracle Application Server 10g Release 2 (10.1.2), it is:


A.1.9 The Oracle Ultra Search Upgrade Process

The OracleAS Upgrade Assistant performs these steps when upgrading Oracle Ultra Search:

  1. Discover the data-sources.xml file in the source Oracle home.

  2. Copy the data-sources.xml file from the SOURCE_ORACLE_HOME to DESTINATION_ORACLE_HOME.

A.1.9.1 Oracle Ultra Search Upgrade Items

The following files are changed in the Oracle Ultra Search upgrade process:


A.1.10 The OracleAS Portal Middle Tier Upgrade Process

The OracleAS Upgrade Assistant performs these steps when upgrading the OracleAS Portal middle tier:

  • Parses the dads.conf file in the source Oracle home and creates configuration entries for each portal in the Portal dependency file (iasconfig.xml).

  • Enables monitoring of a OracleAS Portal Release 2 (9.0.2) with the 10g (10.1.2) Application Server Control Console.

  • Upgrades PPE settings in destination web.xml.

  • Copies data-sources.xml from the source Oracle home to the destination Oracle home.

  • Upgrades user specific applications deployed in source OC4J_Portal instance to destination OC4J_Portal instance. This includes Portal Development Kit Services for Java (JPDK) applications commonly deployed in that instance.

  • Upgrades the JPDK web providers. This includes migrating:

    • Extra user-created web providers created in the JPDK application under the OC4J_Portal instance.

    • Provider Groups, Providers, and URL Portlets that have been built using the OracleAS Portal user interface.

    • Configuration changes, customizations, or extensions that have been made to web provider applications in the OC4J_Portal instance.

  • Upgrades customizations made to the Omni Portlet and Web Clipping providers. The upgrade process automatically migrates current configurations and portlet customizations to the new installation. The upgrade process also updates the Web Clipping repository schema if upgraded from The following are migrated to the new installation:

    • Proxy settings

    • Repository settings

    • Preference Store settings

    • Locale personalization level setting

    • Trusted certificate location setting

    • Portlet customizations

  • Retrieves Oracle Enterprise Manager target data from the source Oracle home. Applies these details to the destination Oracle home.

  • Updates the Monitoring Services Link on the OracleAS Portal Administer Tab for all the portals being monitored by the middle tier

A.1.10.1 OracleAS Portal Upgrade Items

The following files are changed in the OracleAS Portal upgrade process.

  • DESTINATION_ORACLE_HOME/portal/conf/iasconfig.xml

  • DESTINATION_ORACLE_HOME/portal/conf/cache.xml

  • DESTINATION_ORACLE_HOME/portal/pdkjava/providerGroups/iasProviders.xml

  • DESTINATION_ORACLE_HOME/sysman/emd/targets.xml

  • DESTINATION_ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_Portal/config/data-sources.xml

  • DESTINATION_ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_Portal/applications/portal/portal/WEB-INF/web.xml

  • DESTINATION_ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_Portal/applications/portalTools/omniPortlet/WEB-INF/providers/omniPortlet/provider.xml

  • DESTINATION_ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_Portal/applications/portalTools/omniPortlet/WEB-INF/providers/omniPortlet/

  • DESTINATION_ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_Portal/applications/portalTools/webClipping/WEB-INF/providers/webClipping/provider.xml

  • DESTINATION_ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_Portal/applications/portalTools/providerBuilder/WEB-INF/deployment_providerui/progrp.xml

  • DESTINATION_ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_Portal/applications/portalTools/providerBuilder/WEB-INF/deployment_providerui/provideruiacls.xml

  • DESTINATION_ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_Portal/applications/jpdk/jpdk/WEB-INF/providers/PORTLETBLDGTOOLS/provider.xml

  • DESTINATION_ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_Portal/applications/jpdk/jpdk/WEB-INF/deployment_providerui/progrp.xml

  • DESTINATION_ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_Portal/applications/jpdk/jpdk/WEB-INF/deployment_providerui/provideruiacls.xml

  • DESTINATION_ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_Portal/application-deployments/jpdk/jpdk/orion-web.xml

  • DESTINATION_ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_Portal/applications/jpdk/jpdk/WEB-INF/providers/seeded_provider/providers.xml

  • DESTINATION_ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_Portal/applications/portalTools/providerBuilder/WEB-INF/providers.xml

All subdirectories created under the following directory in the source middle-tier Oracle home are copied to the destination midtier Oracle home:


In addition, all files and directories created under the following directories in the source Oracle home that are not part of the installation process are copied to the destination Oracle home:

  • DESTINATION_ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_Portal/applications/jpdk

  • DESTINATION_ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/OC4J_Portal/applications/portalTools/providerBuilder

A.1.11 The Oracle Application Server Wireless Upgrade Process

The Oracle Application Server Wireless upgrade process consists of the steps below.

  1. If you are upgrading a Release 2 (9.0.2) instance of Oracle Application Server that is using a Release 2 (9.0.2) OracleAS Metadata Repository, the OracleAS Wireless Configuration Assistant upgrades the OracleAS Wireless schema to 10g (9.0.4) in the OracleAS Metadata Repository during installation of the first OracleAS Wireless middle tier.

    You can then use the Metadata Repository Upgrade Assistant (MRUA) to upgrade the OracleAS Wireless 10g (9.0.4) schema to 10g (10.1.2) as described in Chapter 6.

  2. The OracleAS Upgrade Assistant copies runtime customization classes such as listener hooks and customized folder renderers from the source Oracle home to the destination Oracle home.

    See Section A.1.11.1, "Oracle Application Server Wireless Upgrade Items (List A)".

  3. The OracleAS Upgrade Assistant copies the process configuration information for the OracleAS Wireless standalone processes from the Oracle Application Server Wireless source middle tier to the OracleAS Wireless 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) middle tier, and configures the 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) middle tier accordingly.

    See Section A.1.11.2, "Oracle Application Server Wireless Upgrade Items (List B)".

    The configuration information for the OracleAS Wireless Java processes is stored in the OracleAS Wireless schema in the OracleAS Metadata Repository. During the upgrade to 10g Release 2 (10.1.2), the OracleAS Upgrade Assistant copies the process configuration information from the source middle tier to the 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) middle tier by creating additional entries in the OracleAS Wireless schema.

    Because these processes are managed by Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server (OPMN) in 10g Release 2 (10.1.2), the OPMN configuration for the OracleAS Wireless middle tier is also upgraded.


    Regarding upgrade of OracleAS Wireless Java processes:

    In Release 2 (9.0.2), process information was node-specific. In 10g Release 2 (10.1.2), it is Oracle home-specific. Thus, if you have multiple Release 2 (9.0.2) middle tiers on one node, you will notice that the upgrade process copies the information for all Release 2 (9.0.2) to the 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) instance being upgraded,

    Instance names within a Web site must be unique. During upgrade, the names of copied processes are made unique by appending a number to the name.

    In addition to the Release 2 (9.0.2) processes, the upgraded 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) will contain new process types introduced in 10g Release 2 (10.1.2).

    The process type "Alert Engine" has been renamed to "Notification Engine". The "Industrial Device Portal (Release 2 (9.0.2)) and "PIM Notification Dispatcher" (Oracle Collaboration Suite v. 1) processes are obsolete and therefore not upgraded.

A.1.11.1 Oracle Application Server Wireless Upgrade Items (List A)

The following files are changed in the first phase of the Oracle Application Server Wireless upgrade process:


In addition, if you are upgrading from 10g (9.0.4), the following additional file is also changed during the upgrade:


A.1.11.2 Oracle Application Server Wireless Upgrade Items (List B)

The following file is changed in the second phase of the Oracle Application Server Wireless upgrade process:


A.2 Infrastructure Upgrade Processes

This section describes the upgrade processing of the Infrastructure. Infrastructure components and functionality are described in Chapter 6, "Upgrading the OracleAS Metadata Repository" and Chapter 5, "Upgrading Identity Management Services".

It contains the following subsections:

A.2.1 The Identity Management Upgrade Process

The Identity Management components Oracle Application Server Single Sign-On and Oracle Internet Directory are upgraded by the Oracle Universal Installer. There are two possible configurations upgraded: distributed, in which Oracle Application Server Single Sign-On and Oracle Internet Directory reside on different computers, each with its own metadata repository, and non-distributed, in which they share a metadata repository on one computer.

The upgrade processing is interactive, and performed by the Oracle Universal Installer in each scenario. The Oracle Universal Installer is aware of the configuration being upgraded, and prompts for the necessary information and launches the appropriate configuration tools.

The source and destination configurations are depicted in:

A.2.2 The Metadata Repository Container Schema Upgrade Process

The Metadata Repository Container schema upgrade is performed by the Metadata Repository Upgrade Assistant (MRUA). This part of the Metadata Repository Upgrade Assistant procedure adds support for new schemas in the metadata repository, and updates the Oracle Internet Directory entry. The script performs one or both functions, depending on the credentials supplied when it is executed.

During the Metadata Repository Container schema phase of the upgrade, MRUA performs these steps:

  1. Checks to determine whether the Oracle home is a Release 2 (9.0.2) or 10g (9.0.4) Infrastructure; if it is not, the process reports an error and exits.

  2. Connects to the metadata repository database; if unable to connect, the process exits.

  3. Checks to determine whether the database version is a supported version; if not, the process reports an error and exits.

  4. Creates these schemas: wcrsys, oca, oraoca_public, ip, wk_test and internet_appserver_registry (with the same password as the user name and corresponding tablespace) and these tablespaces: ias_meta, wcrsys_ts, ocats, ip_dt, ip_rt, ip_idx, ip_lob OLTS_SVRMGSTORE, oltsbattrstore. If the creation of any tablespace or user fails, the process reports an error and continues.

  5. Writes message to standard output "Creation of new schemas successful" if all schemas were created successfully.

The Metadata Repository Container Oracle Internet Directory entry upgrade process performs these steps:

  1. Checks to determine whether the ORACLE_HOME environment variable is set; if not, the process reports an error and exits.

  2. Checks to determine whether the Oracle home is a Release 2 (9.0.2) or 10g (9.0.4) Infrastructure; if it is not, the process reports an error and exits.

  3. Connects to the metadata repository database using the following user names and passwords: oca/oca, oraoca_public, and wcrsys/wcrsys. (These should have been created by the first phase of the schema creation process performed by MRUA, which preceded the Oracle Internet Directory entry update.) If unable to connect to all of these users, the process reports an error and exits.

  4. Randomizes the password for the users.

  5. Creates all required security entries in Oracle Internet Directory and new schema entry, using randomized password.

  6. Changes the password of users in metadata repository.

  7. Writes message to standard output "Update of new OID entries successful" if creation of Oracle Internet Directory entries and update of randomized passwords was successful.

A.2.3 The Process Connect Upgrade Process

The Process Connect upgrade process creates Process Connect schema.

A.2.4 The Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority Upgrade Process

Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority (OCA) is an OracleAS Identity Management component.

The OCA files are upgraded by Oracle Universal Installer as part of the OracleAS Identity Management upgrade procedure and the Oracle Application Server Certificate Authority. The OCA schema in the OracleAS Metadata Repository are upgraded by the Metadata Repository Upgrade Assistant (MRUA).

When you run MRUA, the following OCA upgrade tasks are performed:

  • If you are upgrading from Release 2 (9.0.2), MRUA creates the OCA schema from scratch. This is because OCA was not available as a Release 2 (9.0.2) Oracle Application Server component.

  • When upgrading from 10g (9.0.4), no new schema is created, no tables are added, no columns changed. Instead, a few database rows are added or changed as a result of new or change OCA configuration parameters.

When you use Oracle Universal Installer to upgrade OCA as a part of an OracleAS Identity Management upgrade, the password store, wallets, customized email and screen templates, and custom policies are copied from the source Oracle home to the new Oracle home.

In addition, the upgraded OCA is registered with OracleAS Single Sign-On, added to Oracle HTTP Server, and registered with Distributed Configuration Management (DCM). The certificate usage types for all the certificates ever issued by OCA are changed to the new 10.1.2 certificate usage types.

A.2.5 The Oracle Ultra Search Schema Upgrade Process

The Oracle Ultra Search schema upgrade process performs these steps. Note that most of these steps are performed by the Database Upgrade Assistant (DBUA) when you upgrade the database:

  • Copies the Oracle Ultra Search 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) binaries to the Infrastructure database directories.

  • Connects to repository database as SYS.

  • Performs existence check for the WKSYS schema. Gets version number stored in the schema. If the version number is not 9.0.2 (or its patch release version), an error occurs and the process stops.

  • Runs the SQL*Plus script wkdbmig.sql to upgrade the schema and data in WKSYS.

  • Executes a loadjava command to load Java stored packages into the WKSYS schema.

  • Runs the SQL*Plus script to create the demo schema and create an Ultra Search instance based on the demo schema.

  • Updates the version number in the component registry.

  • If you are upgrading from Release 2 (9.0.2), configures the Oracle Ultra Search schema information stored in the Oracle Internet Directory.

A.2.5.1 Oracle Ultra Search Schema Upgrade Items

The following is changed in the Oracle Ultra Search schema upgrade process:

  • WKSYS schema

  • Any schema holding an Oracle Ultra Search instance will also be upgraded. For example, wk_test for the default schema WK_INST.

A.2.6 The OracleAS Portal Schema Upgrade Process

The OracleAS Portal schema upgrade process (the script) performs these steps:

  1. Runs a series of prechecks to ensure that the upgrade should proceed.

  2. Exports a subset of the OracleAS Portal tables to a dump file.

  3. Displays all invalid objects before the upgrade starts. (All OracleAS Portal packages must be valid at this stage.)

  4. Disables all provisioning profiles so that synchronizations between OracleAS Portal and Oracle Internet Directory are suspended.

  5. Disables the DBMS jobs in the OracleAS Portal schema. These will be re-enabled at the end of the upgrade.

  6. Drops statistics gathered on all tables in the OracleAS Portal schema. The statistics supported by the OracleAS Portal will be gathered near the end of the upgrade.

  7. Installs OWA packages, if necessary.


    This step is executed only the current version of the OWA packages is not the latest expected version. This step causes invalidation of all packages in the instance that depend on the OWA packages. In particular, most OracleAS Portal packages in all OracleAS Portal schemas on the instance will become invalid. For this reason, after upgrade, you may need to recompile packages on other affected schemas after the upgrade. The upgrade script only recompiles packages in the Portal schema being upgraded.

  8. Loads new versions of OracleAS Portal Java objects into the schema.

  9. Deletes all product messages in all languages.

  10. Loads all of the latest product messages in all languages that were previously installed.


    If any product messages were altered before the upgrade, you must manually re-apply the changes.

  11. Changes the schema and compiles all OracleAS Portal packages.

  12. Exports temporary tables created during the upgrade.

  13. Recompiles any invalid non-OracleAS Portal objects. Warnings are issued if any invalid non-Oracle9iAS Portal objects remain after this step.

  14. Updates the OracleAS Portal version if there are no fatal compilation errors.

  15. Enables all provisioning profiles so that synchronizations between OracleAS Portal and Oracle Internet Directory resume.

  16. Searches for errors and warnings in the upgrade log file and displays those encountered; if there were no errors, the process displays a success message.

A.2.6.1 OracleAS Portal Schema Upgrade Items

The following schemas are part of OracleAS Portal. During the upgrade, only the Portal schema is changed:

  • PORTAL (Portal schema)

  • PORTAL_DEMO (Portal demonstration schema)

  • PORTAL_PUBLIC (Portal public schema)

  • PORTAL_APP (Portal JSP Access)

A.2.7 The Oracle Application Server Web Services UDDI Registry Schema Upgrade Process

The Oracle Application Server Web Services schema upgrade script wuru9023.sql (used for Oracle Application Server Release 2 (9.0.2) with the UDDI patch) performs these steps:

  • Connects to repository database.

  • Performs pre-upgrade validations (such as proper UDDI version) to determine whether the upgrade can proceed. If any of the checks fail, the upgrade stops.

  • Performs initial structural changes, such as creating and dropping tables, columns, and indexes.

  • Performs upgrades to the UDDI server properties and configuration, inserting new rows and updating existing rows in the configuration tables.

The Oracle Application Server Web Services schema upgrade helper script wuru9020.sql (used for Oracle Application Server Release 2 (9.0.2)) performs these steps:

  • Performs pre-upgrade validations (such as proper UDDI version) to determine whether the upgrade can proceed. If any of the checks fail, the upgrade stops.

  • Destroys all schema contents, such as tables, PL/SQL packages, and so on, in the UDDI database schema.

  • Invokes the 9.0.4 installation script to install the 10g Release 2 (10.1.2) database schema.

A.2.7.1 Oracle Application Server Web Services Schema Upgrade Items

The following is changed in the Oracle Application Server Web Services schema upgrade process:

  • UDDISYS schema


The UDDI middle tier upgrade must precede the UDDI schema upgrade.

A.2.8 The Web Clipping Upgrade Process

Web Clipping is a new component, so there are no dependencies on other upgrade processes in the middle tier or Infrastructure. The upgrade process creates new tables and constraints, defines a package with functions and procedures, and seeds the tables with randomized data.

A.2.8.1 Web Clipping Schema Upgrade Items

The WCRSYS schema is created in the Web Clipping schema upgrade process.

A.2.9 The Oracle Application Server Wireless Schema Upgrade Process

MRUA upgrades the OracleAS Wireless schema from 10g (9.0.4) to 10g (10.1.2), but it cannot upgrade the OracleAS Wireless schema from Release 2 (9.0.2).

As a result, if you are upgrading from 10g (9.0.4), or if you are upgrading Release 2 (9.0.2) and you did not configure OracleAS Wireless, then MRUA upgrades the OracleAS Wireless schema successfully.

However, if you are upgrading from Release 2 (9.0.2) and you configured OracleAS Wireless in a Release 2 (9.0.2) middle tier, then you must install and configure OracleAS Wireless 10g (10.1.2) before running MRUA to upgrade the OracleAS Metadata Repository to 10g (10.1.2).