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Oracle TopLink Developer's Guide
10g Release 3 (10.1.3)
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Mapping Concepts

This section describes concepts unique to TopLink mappings, including the following:

Mapping Architecture

To define a mapping, you draw upon the following components:

  • The data representation specific to the data source (such as a relational database table or schema-defined XML element) in which you store the object's data

  • A descriptor for a particular object class

  • An object class to map


A mapping is the same regardless of whether your project is persistent or nonpersistent.

For an example of a typical TopLink mapping, see "Example Mapping".

The type of data source you define in your TopLink project determines the type of mappings you can use and how you configure them. In a persistent project, you use mappings to persist to a data source. In a nonpersistent project, you use mappings simply to transform between the object format and some other data representation (such as XML). For more information about data source and project types, see "TopLink Project Types".

A descriptor represents a particular domain object: it describes the object's class. It owns mappings: one mapping for each of the class data members that you intend to persist or transform in memory.


Persistence is applicable at the descriptor level.

For more information about descriptors, see "Understanding Descriptors".

TopLink provides mappings to handle a wide variety of data types and data representations. For more information, see "Mapping Types".

All mappings are subclasses of the oracle.toplink.mappings.DatabaseMapping class. For more information about the mapping API, see "Understanding the Mapping API".

Example Mapping

Although TopLink supports more complex mappings, most TopLink classes map to a single database table or XML element that defines the type of information available in the class. Each object instance of a given class maps to a single row comprising the object's attributes, plus an identifier (the primary key) that uniquely identifies the object.

Figure 33-1 illustrates the simplest database mapping case in which:

  • Table_X in the database represents Class_X.

  • Object_X1 and Object_X2 are instances of Class_X.

  • Individual rows in Table_X represent Object_X1 and Object_X2, as well as any other instances of Class_X.

Figure 33-1 How Classes and Objects Map to a Database Table

Description of Figure 33-1  follows
Description of "Figure 33-1 How Classes and Objects Map to a Database Table"

TopLink provides you with the tools to build these mappings, from the simple mappings illustrated in Figure 33-1, to complex mappings.

For an additional example of a relational mapping, see Figure 36-1, "Direct-to-Field Mapping".

For an example of a nonrelational mapping, see Figure 65-34, "XML Transformation Mappings".

Automatic Mappings

Typically, you use TopLink Workbench to define mappings on a class-by-class and data member-by-data-member basis manually (see "Creating Mappings Manually During Development").

Alternatively, you can take advantage of the following:

Automapping With TopLink Workbench at Development Time

You can use TopLink Workbench Automap feature to automatically define default mappings for every class and data member in your project (see "Creating Mappings Automatically During Development").

TopLink Workbench automapping is available for all project types and assumes that both the object model and database schema are already defined.

Default Mapping in EJB 2.0 or 3.0 CMP Projects Using OC4J at Run Time

Default mapping is a relational persistence framework term that refers to making the framework automatically generate the object descriptor metadata (including such things as mappings, login data, database platform, locking, and foreign keys).


You can apply default mapping to relational projects only.

TopLink can also optionally create or drop-and-create the tables associated with the entities during the deployment. This means that TopLink can handle the whole deployment process with the minimum requirements: a compliant EAR file and a valid data source. This frees you from creating tables and specifying mappings before you deploy your application.

TopLink default mapping supports the following features:

  • Direct-to-field mapping support for standard CMP (that is, not dependent object) fields

  • Serialized object mapping support for dependent objects

  • One-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many mappings support for CMR fields

  • Self-referencing, unidirectional and bidirectional relationship mappings

  • Optimistic version locking for each entity

  • Automatic table drop and create, platform-specified supported types, default size and subsize, and database-reserved keywords

  • EJB QL (EJB query language) queries, such as finder and ejbSelect

  • Unknown primary key class case (primary key-class type java.lang.Object.class)

Default mapping is available for EJB 2.0 and 3.0 CMP relational projects deployed to OC4J configured to use TopLink as the default persistence manager. In this configuration, the EJB container provides the entity bean descriptor data (from ejb-jar.xml) required by the persistence manager to generate the persistence descriptor file.

If a toplink-ejb-jar.xml descriptor file is not present, TopLink, working as the OC4J default persistence manager, generates a default persistence descriptor file for any EJB 2.0 or 3.0 project during deployment. In this case, TopLink applies default mappings and, optionally, automatic table generation. The generated descriptor file includes the following:

  • Mapping for each entity CMP and CMR field

  • Optimistic locking, foreign keys, target foreign key, and relation table

  • Transparent indirection for relationships

  • Database login and platform metadata

If a toplink-ejb-jar.xml descriptor file is present and specified in the orion-ejb-jar.xml file or if equivalent EJB 3.0 annotations are specified, TopLink does not apply default mapping: it honours the mappings specified in the toplink-ejb-jar.xml file. In this case, you can still configure automatic table generation.

For more information, see "Configuring default-mapping Properties"

JAXB Project Generation at Development Time

JAXB provides an API and a tool that allow automatic two-way mapping between XML documents and Java objects. The JAXB compiler generates all the Java classes and mappings based on the provided Document type Definition (DTD) and a schema definition.

For more information on JAXB, see Architecture for XML Binding (JAXB): A Primer at

For more information on XML mappings, see Chapter 65, "Understanding XML Mappings".


By default, when TopLink retrieves a persistent object, it retrieves all of the dependent objects to which it refers. When you configure indirection (also known as lazy reading, lazy loading, and just-in-time reading) for an attribute mapped with a relationship mapping, TopLink uses an indirection object as a place holder for the referenced object: TopLink defers reading the dependent object until you access that specific attribute. This can result in a significant performance improvement, especially if the application is interested only in the contents of the retrieved object, rather than the objects to which it is related.

Oracle strongly recommends using indirection for all relationship mappings. Not only does this lets you optimize data source access, but it also allows TopLink to optimize the unit of work processing, cache access, and concurrency.

Figure 33-2 shows an indirection example. Without indirection, reading the Order object also reads the dependent collection of LineItem objects. With indirection, reading the Order object does not read the dependent collection of LineItem objects: the lineItems attribute refers to an indirection object. You can access other attributes (such as customerId), but TopLink reads the dependent LineItem objects only if and when you access the lineItems attribute.

Figure 33-2 TopLink Indirection

Description of Figure 33-2  follows
Description of "Figure 33-2 TopLink Indirection"

TopLink supports the following types of indirection:

When using indirection with EJB, the version of EJB and application server you use affects how indirection is configured and what types of indirection are applicable (see "Indirection and EJB").

When using indirection with an object that your application serializes, you must consider the effect of any untriggered indirection objects at deserialization time (see "Indirection, Serialization, and Detachment").

For information on configuring indirection, see "Configuring Indirection".

Value Holder Indirection

Persistent classes that use indirection must replace relationship attributes with value holder attributes. A value holder is an instance of a class that implements the ValueHolderInterface interface, such as ValueHolder. This object stores the information necessary to retrieve the object it is replacing from the database. If the application does not access the value holder, the replaced object is never read from the database.

To obtain the object that the value holder replaces, use the getValue and setValue methods of the ValueHolderInterface. A convenient way of using these methods is to hide the getValue and setValue methods of the ValueHolderInterface inside get and set methods, as shown in the following illustrations.

Figure 33-3 shows the Employee object being read from the database. The Address object is not read and will not be created unless it is accessed.

Figure 33-3 Address Object Not Read

Description of Figure 33-3  follows
Description of "Figure 33-3 Address Object Not Read"

The first time the address is accessed, as in Figure 33-4, the ValueHolder reads and returns the Address object.

Figure 33-4 Initial Request

Description of Figure 33-4  follows
Description of "Figure 33-4 Initial Request"

Subsequent requests for the address do not access the database, as shown in Figure 33-5.

Figure 33-5 Subsequent Requests

Description of Figure 33-5  follows
Description of "Figure 33-5 Subsequent Requests"

If you are using method access ("Configuring Method Accessing"), the get and set methods specified in the mapping must access the instance of ValueHolderInterface, rather than the object referenced by the value holder. The application should not use these getter and setter, but use the getter and setter that hide the usage of value holders. For more information, see "Configuring ValueHolder Indirection With Method Accessing".

Transparent Indirect Container Indirection

Transparent indirect container (see "Configuring Container Policy") indirection lets you declare any relationship attribute of a persistent class that holds a collection of related objects as any of the following:

  • java.util.Collection

  • java.util.Hastable

  • java.util.List

  • java.util.Map

  • java.util.Set

  • java.util.Vector

TopLink will use an indirection object that implements the appropriate interface and also performs just-in-time reading of the related objects. When using transparent indirection, you do not have to declare the attributes as ValueHolderInterface.

Newly created collection mappings use transparent indirection by default if their attribute is not a ValueHolderInterface.

Proxy Indirection

Introduced in JDK 1.3, the Java class Proxy lets you to use dynamic proxy objects as place-holders for a defined interface. Certain TopLink mappings (see Table 35-4) can be configured to use proxy indirection, which gives you the benefits of TopLink indirection without the need to include TopLink classes in your domain model. Proxy indirection is to one-to-one relationship mappings as indirect containers are to collection mappings.

To use proxy indirection, your domain model must satisfy all of the following criteria:

  • The target class of the one-to-one relationship must implement a public interface.

  • The one-to-one attribute on the source class must be of the interface type.

  • If you employ method accessing ("Configuring Method Accessing"), then the getter and setter methods must use the interface.

Before using proxy indirection, be aware of the restrictions it places on how you use the unit of work (see "Proxy Indirection Restrictions").

To configure proxy indirection, you can use TopLink Workbench (see "Using TopLink Workbench") or Java in an amendment method (see "Configuring Proxy Indirection").

Proxy Indirection Restrictions

Proxy objects in Java are only able to intercept messages sent. If a primitive operation such as ==, instanceof, or getClass is used on a proxy, it will not be intercepted. This limitation can require the application to be somewhat aware of the usage of proxy objects.

You cannot register the target of a proxy indirection implementation with a unit of work. Instead, first register the source object with the unit of work. This lets you retrieve a target object clone with a call to a getter on the source object clone.

For example:

UnitOfWork uow = session.acquireUnitOfWork();
Employee emp = (Employee)session.readObject(Employee.class);
// Register the source object
Employee empClone = (Employee)uow.registerObject(emp); 
// All of source object's relationships are cloned when source object is cloned
Address addressClone = empClone.getAddress();

For more information about clones and the unit of work, see Chapter 100, "Understanding TopLink Transactions".

Indirection and EJB

When using indirection with EJB, how TopLink handles indirection depends on the EJB version and application server you are using.

In addition, you cannot use proxy indirection (see "Proxy Indirection") for relationships to an EJB because EJB do not directly implement their remote or local interfaces.

When using indirection with an EJB that your application serializes, you must consider the effect of any untriggered indirection objects at deserialization time (see "Indirection, Serialization, and Detachment").

EJB 3.0 CMP and OC4J

­When using EJB 3.0 CMP with OC4J, if you specify the @Bean annotation attribute fetch=lazy, TopLink uses bytecode weaving to automatically configure the usage of value holder indirection (see "Value Holder Indirection") for all container-managed relationships (CMRs).


When using EJB 2.n CMP with any of the application servers for which TopLink provides CMP integration (see "Application Server Support"), TopLink uses code generation to automatically configure the usage of value holder indirection ("Value Holder Indirection") for all CMRs.

EJB 1.n CMP and BMP

When using EJB 1.n CMP or BMP, the usage of indirection is up to the application.

Indirection, Serialization, and Detachment

When using indirection, it is likely that a graph of persistent objects will contain untriggered indirection objects. Because indirection objects are transient and do not survive serialization between one JVM and another, untriggered indirection objects may appear as null values at deserialization time. This section describes how to address this depending on the EJB version and application server you are using.

For more information on serialization and TopLink, see "Merging Changes in Working Copy Clones".

EJB 3.0 CMP and OC4J

When using EJB 3.0 CMP with OC4J, indirection does not affect EJB passivation and activation nor does it affect detachment from and attachment to a persistence manager within the same JVM.

However, when you serialize an indirection-enabled EJB 3.0 beans from one JVM to another, (for example, from server to client), untriggered indirection objects appear as null values at deserialization time. To avoid this, configure your client to use the same Java agent that OC4J uses (see "Configuring ValueHolder Indirection With EJB 3.0 on OC4J").

EJB 1.n and 2.n CMP

When using EJB 1.n or 2.n CMP with any of the application servers for which TopLink provides CMP integration (see "Application Server Support"), indirection does not affect EJB passivation and activation within the same JVM.

However, when you serialize an indirection-enabled EJB 1.n or 2.n EJB from one JVM to another (for example, from server to client), untriggered indirection objects appear as null values at deserialization time. You must code your client to handle this scenario and to distinguish between an attribute that is null because it was null in the data source, and an attribute that is null because of an untriggered indireciton object.

Method Accessors and Attribute Accessors

By default, TopLink uses direct access to access public attributes. Using TopLink, you can configure field access at the project level (see "Configuring Mapped Field Access at the Project Level") and at the method level ("Configuring Method Accessing").

Mapping Converters and Transformers

If existing TopLink mappings do not meet your needs, you can create custom mappings using mapping extensions. These extensions include the following:


You can use the mapping converters and transformers regardless of whether your data source is relational or nonrelational.

Serialized Object Converter

The serialized object converter is an extension of direct and direct collection mappings that lets you map complex objects into binary fields through Java object serialization. Serialized objects are normally stored in RAW or Binary Large Object (BLOB) fields in the database, or HEX or BASE64 elements in an XML document.

Figure 33-6 shows an example of a direct-to-field mappings that uses a serialized object converter. The attribute jobDescription contains a formatted text document that is stored in the JOB_DESC field of the database.

Figure 33-6 Serialized Object Converter (relational)

Description of Figure 33-6  follows
Description of "Figure 33-6 Serialized Object Converter (relational)"

Figure 33-8 demonstrates an example of a nonrelational mapping that uses a serialized object converter. The attribute jobDescription contains a formatted text document that TopLink stores in the JOB DESCRIPTION element of an XML schema.

Figure 33-7 Serialized Object Converter (nonrelational)

Description of Figure 33-7  follows
Description of "Figure 33-7 Serialized Object Converter (nonrelational)"

The serialized object converter relies on the Java serializer. Before you map a domain object with the serialized object converter, ensure that the domain object implements the interface (or inherits that implementation) and marks all nonserializable fields transient.

For more information, see "Configuring a Serialized Object Converter".

Type Conversion Converter

The type conversion converter is an extension of direct and direct collection mappings that lets you explicitly map a data source type to a Java type. For example, a Number in the data source can be mapped to a String in Java, or a java.util.Date in Java can be mapped to a java.sql.Date in the data source.

Figure 33-8 illustrates a type conversion mapping (relational). Because the java.util.Date class is stored by default as a Timestamp in the database, it must first be converted to an explicit database type such as java.sql.Date (required only for DB2–most other databases have a single date data type that can store any date or time).

Figure 33-8 Type Conversion Mapping (relational)

Description of Figure 33-8  follows
Description of "Figure 33-8 Type Conversion Mapping (relational) "

Figure 33-9 illustrates a type conversion mapping (nonrelational). java.util.Date object is mapped to a String in a XML schema.

Figure 33-9 Type Conversion Mapping (nonrelational)

Description of Figure 33-9  follows
Description of "Figure 33-9 Type Conversion Mapping (nonrelational)"

You can use a type conversion converter to specify the specific database type when that type must be handled specially for the database. This includes support for the special Oracle JDBC binding options required for NCHAR, NVARCHAR2, and NCLOB fields as well as the special Oracle Thin JDBC insert and update requirements for handling BLOB and CLOB fields greater than 5K.

TopLink uses the NCharacter, NClob and NString types in the package as the converter data type to support the NCHAR, NCLOB and NVARCHAR2 types. TopLink uses the java.sql.Blob and Clob types as the converter data type to support BLOB and CLOB values greater than 5K.

You can configure a type conversion converter to map a data source time type (such as TIMESTAMP) to a java.lang.String provided that the String value conforms to the following formats:





For more complex String to TIMESTAMP type conversion, consider a transformation mapping (see "Transformation Mappings").

For more information, see "Configuring a Type Conversion Converter".

Object Type Converter

The object type converter is an extension of direct and direct collection mappings that lets you match a fixed number of XML values to Java objects. Use this converter when the values in the schema differ from those in Java.

Figure 33-10 illustrates an object type conversion between the Employee attribute gender and the XML element gender. If the value of the Java object attribute is Female, TopLink stores it in the XML element as F.

Figure 33-10 Object Type XML Converter

Description of Figure 33-10  follows
Description of "Figure 33-10 Object Type XML Converter"

For more information, see "Configuring an Object Type Converter".

Simple Type Translator

The simple type translator is an extension of direct and direct collection mappings that lets you automatically translate an XML element value to an appropriate Java type based on the element's <type> attribute as defined in your XML schema.

You can use a simple type translator only when the mapping's XPath goes to a text node. You cannot use a simple type translator if the mapping's XPath goes to an attribute.

Using a simple type translator, you can make the XML document preserve type information. This is useful when your object model specifies generic object attributes such as java.lang.Object and, since they do not trigger specific type conversions in TopLink as do specific object attributes such as java.lang.Integer or java.util.Calendar.

Figure 33-11 illustrates a type translation XML mapping for the number attribute of the PhoneNumber class. Notice that the Java attribute is not specific enough to preserve the typing. The simple type translator adds the type information to the resulting document to preserve the typing.

Figure 33-11 Simple Type Translator

Description of Figure 33-11  follows
Description of "Figure 33-11 Simple Type Translator "

By default, TopLink uses built-in read and write conversion pairs (see "Default Read Conversions" and "Default Write Conversions").

You can override this behavior by specifying and configuring your own simple type translator, for example, to write XML binary data as Base64.

For more information, see "Configuring a Simple Type Translator".

Default Read Conversions

Table 33-2 lists the built-in conversion pairs for reading XML elements. When the schema <type> attribute is specified and the simple type translator is enabled, the value read is converted to the corresponding Java type.

Table 33-2 Simple Type Translator Read Conversions

Schema Type Java Type



































Default Write Conversions

Table 33-3 lists the built-in conversion pairs for writing XML. When a Java class attribute is of a type in Table 33-3 and the simple type translator is enabled, the corresponding schema type is specified on the element written.

Table 33-3 Simple Type Translator Write Conversions

Java Type Schema Type



























Transformation Mappings

In some special circumstances, existing mapping types and their default Java to data source type handling may be insufficient. In these special cases, you can consider using a transformation mapping to perform specialized translations between how a value is represented in Java and in the data source.

A transformation mapping is made up of the following two components:

You can implement a transformer as either a separate class or as a method on your domain object.

Within your implementation of the attribute and field transformer, you can take whatever actions are necessary to transform your application data to suit your data source, and vise versa.

For more information, see the following:

Mappings and XPath

TopLink uses XPath statements to efficiently map the attributes of a Java object in EIS mappings to XML records and in XML mappings to XML documents. When you create such a mapping, you can specify the following:

XPath by Position

In a relational database table, columns are uniquely identified by name. In an XML document, elements are uniquely identified by name and position. Figure 33-12 illustrates mapping to an XML document in which the first instance of the street element stores apartment information and the second instance of the street element stores street information. Figure 33-12 shows that TopLink XML mappings preserve the order in which mappings are persisted and allow you to map Java object attributes to XML elements by position using an XPath like street[2]/text().

Other XML technologies only recognize the name of XML elements (not their position) and force you to store the simple values from elements with the same name in a collection.

Figure 33-12 Mapping to an XML Document by Position

Description of Figure 33-12  follows
Description of "Figure 33-12 Mapping to an XML Document by Position"

XPath by Path and Name

In an XML document, attributes and elements are uniquely identified by a combination of name and path. Figure 33-13 illustrates that TopLink XML mappings can uniquely identify an XML element by name and path using an XPath such as item/name/text(). TopLink does not require a formal object relationship between XML elements lines and item.

Other XML technologies force you to provide an object relationship for every level of nesting, resulting in the inclusion of many XML elements and classes simply to organize the data to satisfy this restriction. This produces an unnecessarily large object model that does not properly reflect the domain space.

Figure 33-13 Mapping to an XML Document by Path and Name

Description of Figure 33-13  follows
Description of "Figure 33-13 Mapping to an XML Document by Path and Name"

XPath by Name

For simple XML documents, TopLink XML mappings can correctly place data in an XML document given an XPath of only an attribute or element name.

Figure 33-14 illustrates mapping to a simple XML document by name. You can map Java object attribute name to XML attribute name by specifying an XPath of only @NAME. Similarly, you can map Java object attribute age to XML text node AGE by specifying an XPath of only AGE.

Figure 33-14 Mapping to a Simple XML Document by Name

Description of Figure 33-14  follows
Description of "Figure 33-14 Mapping to a Simple XML Document by Name"

Specifying an XPath by name provides the worst performance of the XPath mapping options. Oracle recommends that you use XPath by position (see "XPath by Position") or XPath by path and name (see "XPath by Path and Name") instead.

Self XPath

For composite relationships, TopLink XML mappings can place data in the parent's element rather than an element nested within it given the self XPath (".").

Figure 33-15 illustrates mapping to an XML document using the self XPath.

Figure 33-15 Mapping to a XML Document Using Self XPath

Description of Figure 33-15  follows
Description of "Figure 33-15 Mapping to a XML Document Using Self XPath"

Using the self XPath, you can make TopLink perform all read and write operations in the parent's element and not an element nested within it (see "Mappings and the jaxb:class Customization").

Mappings and xsd:list and xsd:union Types

TopLink supports mapping to xsd:list and xsd:union types in EIS mappings to XML records and XML mappings to XML documents as Table 33-4 shows.

Mapping an xsd:union Type

Use an EISDirectMapping (with XML records) or an XMLDirectMapping to map a Java attribute to an xsd:union type, such as:

    <xsd:simpleType name="size-type">
        <xsd:union memberTypes="xsd:decimal xsd:string"/>

When TopLink marshalls (writes) an object to XML, it uses its default conversion pairs to convert from the Java type to the appropriate xsd type.

In the case where the memberTypes map to the same Java type, TopLink marshalls using the first memberType in the union which allows a successful conversion. For example, if you map a Java type of byte[] to an xsd:union with memberTypes of hexBinary and base64Binary, then TopLink marshalls using the first memberType: hexBinary.

You can customize the default conversion pairs to control the Java type to xsd type conversion using XMLField method addConversion and configuring your mapping with that XMLField using EISDirectMapping or XMLDirectMapping method setField. For example, if the memberTypes were xsd:date and xsd:time and the Java attribute was of type java.util.Date instead of the JAXB 1.0 standard java.util.Calendar, you can modify the conversion pair for xsd:date to be java.util.Date.

When TopLink unmarshalls (reads) XML into an object, it tries each memberType in the order specified in the XSD until the first successful conversion is made.

If your XML document specifies the xsi:type attribute on an element, then TopLink converts according to the xsi:type instead of trying the memberTypes.

For more information, see "Mapping to a Union Field With an XML Direct Mapping". The same applies to an EISDirectMapping with XML records (see "EIS Direct Mapping").

Mapping an xsd:list Type

You can map a Java attribute to an xsd:list type, such as:

<xsd:simpleType name="sizes">
    <xsd:list itemType="xsd:int"/>

If you represent the xsd:list in your object model as a Java List type, use an EISCompositeDirectCollectionMapping (with XML records) or an XMLCompositeDirectCollectionMapping and use mapping method useCollectionClass to specify the List type of the Java attribute.

If you represent the list in your object model as a String of white space delimited tokens (for example, "aaa bbb ccc"), use an EISDirectMapping (with XML records) or an XMLDirectMappng to map this Java attribute to an xsd:list (for example, <item>aaa bbb ccc</item>).

In either case, you can configure whether or not the mapping unmarshalls (writes) the list to a single node, like <item>aaa bbb ccc</item>, or to multiple nodes, such as the following:


For more information on mapping to an xsd:list type using an XMLCompositeDirectCollectionMapping, see:

The same applies to an EISCompositeDirectCollectionMapping (with XML records).

For more information about mapping to an xsd:list type using an XMLDirectMapping, see "Mapping to a List Field""Mapping to a List Field With an XML Direct Mapping". The same applies to an EISDirectMapping with XML records (see "EIS Direct Mapping").

Mapping a List of Unions

Use an EISCompositeDirectCollectionMapping (with XML records) or an XMLCompositeDirectCollectionMapping to map a Java attribute to an xsd:list that contains xsd:union types, such as:

<xsd:element name="listOfUnions" type="listOfUnions"/>
    <xsd:simpleType name="listOfUnions">
                <xsd:union memberTypes="xsd:date xsd:integer"/>

When TopLink marshalls (writes) an object to XML, it does not rely on a single xsd:list itemType. Instead, for each item in the list, TopLink tries each memberType until the first successful conversion.

For more information, see "Mapping to a List of Unions With an XML Composite Direct Collection Mapping". The same applies to an EISCompositeDirectCollectionMapping with XML records (see "EIS Composite Direct Collection Mapping").

Mapping a Union of Lists

You can map a Java attribute to an xsd:union type whose memberTypes are xsd:list types where each xsd:list contains items of a single type, such as:

<xsd:element name="listOfUnions" type="UnionOfLists"/>
    <xsd:simpleType name="UnionOfLists">
        <xsd:union memberTypes="xsd:double">
                <xsd:list itemType="xsd:date"/>
                <xsd:list itemType="xsd:integer"/>

Note that in this example, valid XML documents contain either all xsd:double, all xsd:date, or all xsd:integer values.

If you represent the list in your object model as a String of white space delimited tokens (for example, "aaa bbb ccc"), use an EISDirectMapping (with XML records) or an XMLDirectMappng to map this Java attribute to an xsd:list (for example, <item>aaa bbb ccc</item>).

If you represent the list in your object model as a Java List type, use an EISCompositeDirectCollectionMapping (with XML records) or an XMLCompositeDirectCollectionMapping.

For more information, see the following:

Mapping a Union of Unions

Use an EISDirectMapping (with XML records) or an XMLDirectMapping to map a Java attribute to an xsd:union that contains xsd:union types, such as:

<xsd:simpleType name="UnionOfUnions">
                <xsd:list itemType="xsd:date"/>
                <xsd:list itemType="xsd:integer"/>
                <xsd:list itemType="xsd:string"/>
                <xsd:list itemType="xsd:float"/>

Note that in this example, valid XML documents may contain any of xsd:date, xsd:integer, xsd:string, or xsd:float.

For more information, see "Mapping to a Union of Unions With an XML Direct Mapping". The same applies to an EISDirectMapping with XML records (see "EIS Direct Mapping").

Mappings and the jaxb:class Customization

Using the jaxb:class customization, you can declaratively specify an application-specific subclass of a schema-derived implementation class. This lets you write your own classes that extend JAXB's generated implementation classes. The JAXB runtime binding framework can then access your subclasses.

When you create an EIS composite object mapping to XML records or an XML composite object mapping to XML documents, you can configure the mapping's XPath ("Configuring XPath") to accommodate jaxb:class customizations with the following XSD structures:

When mapping to jaxb:class customized structures, consider the limitations of TopLink support for this customization (see "Limitations of jaxb:class Customization Support").

all, choice, or sequence Structure

You can use the jaxb:class customization with an all, choice, or sequence structure. Example 33-1 shows a jaxb:class customization of an all structure.

Example 33-1 jaxb:class Customization of an all Structure

<xsd:element name="employee">
                    <jaxb:class name="period"/>
            <xsd:element name="startDate" type="xsd:date"/>
            <xsd:element name="endDate" type="xsd:date"/>

This directs the JAXB compiler to create an inner class named Period in the owning element's class for the all structure. Use an EISCompositeObjectMapping (with XML records) or an XMLCompositeObjectMapping to map a Java attribute to this inner class.

For more information, see "XML Composite Object Mapping". The same applies to an EISCompositeObjectMapping with XML records (see "EIS Composite Object Mapping").

group Structure

You can use the jaxb:class customization with a group structure as Example 33-2 shows.

Example 33-2 jaxb:class Customization of a group Structure

<xsd:group name="G1">
            <jaxb:class name="period"/>
        <xsd:element name="startDate" type="xsd:date"/>
        <xsd:element name="endDate" type="xsd:date"/>

<xsd:element name="employee">
        <xsd:group ref="G1"/>

This directs the JAXB compiler to create an external wrapper class named Period for the group structure. Use an EISCompositeObjectMapping (with XML records) or an XMLCompositeObjectMapping to map a Java attribute to this external wrapper class.

For more information, see "XML Composite Object Mapping". The same applies to an EISCompositeObjectMapping with XML records (see "EIS Composite Object Mapping").

sequence or choice Structure Containing a group

You can use the jaxb:class customization with a sequence or choice structure that contains a group. Example 33-3 shows a jaxb:class customization of a sequence structure containing a group structure.

Example 33-3 jaxb:class Customization of a sequence Structure Containing a group

<xsd:element name="employee">
                    <jaxb:class name="EmploymentInfo"/>
            <xsd:element name="id" type="xsd:int"/>
            <xsd:group ref="G1"/>

<xsd:group name="G1">
            <jaxb:class name="Period"/>
        <xsd:element name="startDate" type="xsd:date"/>
        <xsd:element name="endDate" type="xsd:date"/>

This directs the JAXB compiler to create an inner class named EmploymentInfo in the owning element's class for the sequence structure and an external wrapper class named Period for the group structure. The inner class references the external wrapper class. Use an EISCompositeObjectMapping (with XML records) or an XMLCompositeObjectMapping to map a Java attribute to this inner class.

For more information, see "XML Composite Object Mapping". The same applies to an EISCompositeObjectMapping with XML records (see "EIS Composite Object Mapping").

group Structure Containing a sequence or choice

You can use the jaxb:class customization with a group structure that contains a sequence or choice. Example 33-4 shows a jaxb:class customization of a group structure containing a sequence structure.

Example 33-4 jaxb:class Customization of a group Structure Containing a sequence

<xsd:group name="G1">
            <jaxb:class name="EmploymentInfo"/>
                <jaxb:class name="Period"/>
        <xsd:element name="startDate" type="xsd:date"/>
        <xsd:element name="endDate" type="xsd:date"/>

<xsd:element name="employee">
            <xsd:element name="id" type="xsd:int"/>
            <xsd:group ref="G1"/>

This directs the JAXB compiler to create an external wrapper class named EmploymentInfo for the group structure and an inner class named Period in the external wrapper class for the sequence structure. The owning element references the external wrapper class. Use an EISCompositeObjectMapping (with XML records) or an XMLCompositeObjectMapping to map a Java attribute to this external wrapper class.

For more information, see "XML Composite Object Mapping". The same applies to an EISCompositeObjectMapping with XML records (see "EIS Composite Object Mapping").

group Structure Containing a group

You can use the jaxb:class customization with a group structure that contains another group structure as Example 33-5 shows.

Example 33-5 jaxb:class Customization of a group Structure Containing a group

<xsd:group name="G1">
            <jaxb:class name="EmploymentInfo"/>
        <xsd:element name="id" type="xsd:int"/>
        <xsd:group ref="G2"/>

<xsd:group name="G2">
            <jaxb:class name="Period"/>
        <xsd:element name="startDate" type="xsd:date"/>
        <xsd:element name="endDate" type="xsd:date"/>

<xsd:element name="employee">
        <xsd:group ref="G1"/>

This directs the JAXB compiler to create a wrapper class named EmploymentInfo for the group structure that the owning element's class references and another wrapper class named Period for the group structure that the EmploymentInfo class references. Use an EISCompositeObjectMapping (with XML records) or an XMLCompositeObjectMapping to map a Java attribute to these wrapper classes.

For more information, see "XML Composite Object Mapping". The same applies to an EISCompositeObjectMapping with XML records (see "EIS Composite Object Mapping").

Limitations of jaxb:class Customization Support

When mapping to jaxb:class customized structures, consider the following limitations:

  • Unbounded structures are not supported.

  • Partial validation is not supported.

  • When mapping sequence elements to a composite object, the XML schema must order the elements so that the elements you map to the composite object are kept together.

    The sequence structure forces all elements to occur in the order in which they are specified in the XML schema. Consider the XML schema shown in Example 33-6. A valid XML instance must contain the sequence elements in the specified order:

    street, customerName, city

    In this example, you want to map the customerName attribute with a direct mapping and you want to map the street and city attributes to a composite Address object. Depending on the order in which you define the mappings, TopLink will marshall invalid XML document instances in the order

    customerName, street, city


    street, city, customerName.

    Example 33-6 XML Schema With Unsupported Sequence Element Order

    <xs:element name="customer">
                <xs:element name="street" type="xs:string"/>
                <xs:element name="customerName" type="xs:string" />
                <xs:element name="city" type="xs:string"/>

    To correct this problem, modify the XML schema to keep the elements you want to map to the composite object together (see Example 33-7) and define the mappings in the order specified by the XML schema.

    Example 33-7 XML Schema With Supported Sequence Element Order

    <xs:element name="customer">
                <xs:element name="customerName" type="xs:string" />
                <xs:element name="street" type="xs:string"/>
                <xs:element name="city" type="xs:string"/>

Mappings and JAXB Typesafe Enumerations

JAXB binds a typesafe enumeration class to a named simple type definition with a basetype that derives from xsd:NCName and has enumeration facets (see Example 33-8).

Example 33-8 Schema Fragment with Typesafe Enumeration Declaration

<simpleType name="NISTSchema-NCName-enumeration-1-Type">
    <restriction base="NCName">
        <enumeration value=""/>
        <enumeration value=""/>

You can map a Java attribute to such an enumeration using the JAXBTypesafeEnumConverter with an EISDirectMapping or EISCompositeDirectCollectionMapping with XML records or with an XMLDirectMapping or XMLCompositeDirectCollectionMapping with XML documents.

TopLink Workbench does not support the JAXBTypesafeEnumConverter directly: to configure a mapping with this converter, you must use a descriptor amendment method (see "Configuring a JAXB Typesafe Enumeration Converter").

If you create a project and object model using the TopLink JAXB compiler (see "Creating an XML Project From an XML Schema"), the compiler will create the type safe enumeration class and a class with descriptor amendment methods and register the required amendment methods automatically (see "Typesafe Enumeration Converter Amendment Method DescriptorAfterLoads Class").