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Oracle TopLink Developer's Guide
10g Release 3 (10.1.3)
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Table Errors (500 – 610)

This section lists TopLink Workbench table errors.

500: You cannot use joining because the source and target (reference) descriptors are the same type.
Cause: You selected the Use Joining option on a one-to-one mapping in which the source and reference descriptors are the same.
Action: You must either deselect the Use Joining option or select a difference Reference Descriptor on the One-to-One Mapping General tab.
510: No query key associations have been defined.
Cause: You created a variable one-to-one mapping, but did not define a key pair.
Action: Create or select a key pair on the mapping's Query Key Association tab.
511: Not all query key associations have foreign key fields specified.
Cause: You created a query key association without a foreign key.
Action: You must specify a foreign key field for each query key association on the Query Key Association tab for variable one-to-one mapping.
512: The following specified query key names are no longer valid: [query key]
Cause: The query keys listed for this mapping no longer refer to the reference descriptor for this mapping. The query keys are now invalid.
Action: You must either remove the invalid query keys, or change the reference descriptor so that it corresponds with the query keys.
513: No indicator field is selected.
Cause: You created a variable one-to-one mapping, but did not specify a database field in which to store indicator values.
Action: Select the Class Indicator Field on the Class Indicator Info tab.
514: No indicator values are specified.
Cause: You created a variable one-to-one mapping, but did not specify indicator values for each object type.
Action: Select the Indicator Type on the Class Indicator Info tab.
515: [descriptor name] is not an implementor of the [descriptor name] interface, so it cannot have an indicator value.
Cause: You included a descriptor on the Variable One-to-One Class Indicator Info tab that is an implementor.
Action: Unselect the descriptor on the Variable One-to-One Class Indicator Info tab or add the descriptor to the Implementor tab.
516: The chosen reference descriptor is not an interface descriptor.
Cause: This variable one-to-one mapping has a reference descriptor selected which is not an interface descriptor. The reference descriptor for a variable one-to-one mapping must be an interface descriptor for the mapping to be valid.
Action: You must either choose a reference descriptor that is an interface descriptor, or change the mapping to no longer be variable.
520: No attribute transformer is specified.
Cause: No attribute transformer is specified for this transformation mapping.
Action: Select an attribute transformer for this transformation mapping.
521: The attribute transformer class is missing.
Cause: No class has been specified for the attribute transformer for this transformation mapping.
Action: Select a class for the attribute transformer.
522: The attribute transformer class [class name] is not a valid transformer class.
Cause: The attribute transformer class that is selected is not a valid attribute transformer class.
Action: Select a valid attribute transformer class for the transformation mapping.
523: The attribute transformer method is missing.
Cause: No method has been selected for the attribute transformer for the transformation mapping.
Action: Select a method for the attribute transformer.
524: The attribute transformer method [method name] is not visible to the parent descriptor's class.
Cause: The selected attribute transformer method is not visible to the descriptor class for this mapping.
Action: You must either select a different method that is visible, or change the method in the class to make it visible.
525: The attribute transformer method [method name] is not a valid transformer method.
Cause: The selected attribute transformer method either has the wrong return type or accepts the wrong parameters to be a valid transformer method for this transformation mapping.
Action: You must either select a method with the correct return type and parameters, or change the selected method so that it meets these criteria.
526: No field transformer associations are specified.
Cause: No field transformer association has been specified for this transformation mapping.
Action: Specify at least one field transformer association.
527: No transformer is specified for the field [field name].
Cause: No transformer specified for the given field.
Action: Specify a transformer for this field.
528: There is a missing field in the field transformer association.
Cause: There is no field specified for a field transformer association for this transformation mapping.
Action: Specify a field for all the field transformer associations for this transformation mapping.
529: There is a missing transformer class for the field [field name].
Cause: The Transformer class is specified for this field transformer association, but the Transformer class is unspecified.
Action: Specify a Transformer class for the field transformer association for this field.
530: The transformer class [class name] for the field [field name] is not a valid transformer class.
Cause: The specified Transformer class for the field of this field transformer association is invalid.
Action: Specify a valid Transformer class for the field transformer association for this transformation mapping.
531: There is a missing transformer method for the field [field name].
Cause: A transformer method is specified for this field transformer association, but the transformer method is unspecified.
Action: Specify a transformer method for the field transformer association for this field.
532: The transformer method [method name] for the field [field name] is not visible to the parent descriptor's class.
Cause: The specified transformer method for the field transformer association for this field is not visible to the descriptor or the class of this mapping.
Action: You must either choose a method that is visible to the class, or change the method so that it is visible.
533: The field transformer method [method name] for the field [field name] is not a valid transformer method.
Cause: The specified method for the field transformer association for this field either has the incorrect return type, or accepts the wrong parameters.
Action: You must either select a method that has the correct return type and parameters, or change the currently selected method so that is has the correct return type and parameters.
540: No object type is selected.
Cause: You created an object type mapping, but did not select the type.
Action: You must select the Object Type and Database Type on the General tab of the mapping.
542: No object-type mappings have been specified.
Cause: You created an object type mapping, but did not create n object-to-database mapping.
Action: You must specify at least one mapping (Database Value and Object Value) on the General tab of the mapping.
545: NCharacter, NString, and NClob database types are currently supported only on the Oracle9i platform.
Cause: You attempted to map a database type that is not supported by your database.
Action: The database type for a type conversion mapping or direct-to-field mapping can be NCharacter, NString, or NCLOB only if you are using an Oracle9i database.
550: Attribute is typed as a ValueHolderInterface, but the mapping does not use Value Holder Indirection.
Cause: You did not specify indirection or transparent indirection for the mapping.
Action: If the class attribute is of type ValueHolderInterface, you must use ValueHolder indirection for the mapping.
551: Mapping uses ValueHolder Indirection, but its associated attribute is not a ValueHolderInterface.
Cause: You selected indirection without a ValueHolderInterface.
Action: If you select the Use Indirection (ValueHolder) option for a one-to-many, many-to-many, or direct collection mapping, the associated class attribute must be ValueHolderInterface.
560: The container class for this mapping must implement oracle.toplink.indirection.IndirectContainer.
Cause: This mapping uses transparent indirection, but the Container class selected for its container policy is not an IndirectContainer.
Action: You must either select a Container class that is an IndirectContainer, or remove transparent indirection from the mapping.
570: The chosen reference descriptor is not an aggregate descriptor.
Cause: This is an aggregate mapping, but the selected reference descriptor is not an aggregate descriptor.
Action: You must either select a reference descriptor for this mapping that is an aggregate descriptor, or change this mapping to no longer be an aggregate mapping.
571: Aggregate fields are not specified.
Cause: You created an aggregate mapping without specifying specific fields.
Action: Every Field Description on the Fields tab must contain a unique Field for aggregate mappings.
572: Aggregate mapping fields must be unique.
Cause: You created an aggregate mapping without specifying unique fields.
Action: Every Field Description on the Fields tab must contain a unique Field for aggregate mappings.
573: The selected field does not exist on this descriptor's associated tables.
Cause: The field selected for one of the aggregate-path-to-fields for this aggregate mapping does not exist on any of the descriptor's associated tables.
Action: You must either select a different field for the path-to-field, or add the field to the appropriate table.
580: No XML field specified.
Cause: You mapped an attribute in an XML or EIS descriptor, but did not select an XML field.
Action: You must complete the XML Field field on the General tab of the mapping.
581: The specified XPath is not valid within the current schema.
Cause: The XPath specified for this mapping does not resolve in the schema.
Action: You must either select a different XPath, or alter the schema so that this XPath will resolve.
582: The specified XPath does not represent text data.
Cause: The XPath specified for this direct mapping does not resolve to a direct field in the schema.
Action: You must either select a different XPath, alter the schema so that this XPath will resolve to a direct field, or change the mapping type.
583: The specified XPath does not represent a single xml field.
Cause: The XPath specified for this mapping resolves to a field which is a collection, but this is not a collection mapping.
Action: You must either select a different XPath, alter the schema so that this XPath will resolve to a singular field, or change the mapping type.
590: The chosen reference descriptor is not a root eis descriptor.
Cause: The reference descriptor selected for this EIS reference mapping is not a root descriptor. Reference mappings in EIS descriptors must be root descriptors.
Action: You must either select a different reference descriptor for this mapping which is a root descriptor, or change the mapping type.
591: No relationship partner is specified.
Cause: This mapping has Maintains Bidirectional Relationship selected, but no relationship partner is specified.
Action: You must either deselect Maintains Bidirectional Relationship, or select a relationship partner.
592: The relationship partner must be an EIS One-to-One or EIS One-to-Many mapping.
Cause: The relationship partner selected for this mapping is not of the type EIS one-to-one or EIS one-to-many.
Action: You must select an EIS one-to-one or EIS one-to-many mapping as the relationship partner for this mapping, or deselect Maintains Bidirectional Relationship.
593: The specified relationship partner mapping does not specify this mapping as its own relationship partner.
Cause: The mapping selected as the relationship partner for this mapping does not have this mapping selected as its relationship partner. For these relationships to be bidirectional, you must select the relationship partner for both mappings.
Action: You must either go to the mapping selected as the relationship partner for this mapping and select this mapping as its relationship partner, or select a different relationship partner mapping for this mapping to maintain this mapping as its relationship partner.
594: There is a missing source XML field.
Cause: No field has been specified as the source XML field for this mapping.
Action: You must specify a source XML field.
595: There is a missing target XML field.
Cause: No field has been specified as the target XML field for this mapping.
Action: You must specify a target XML field.
600: A foreign key grouping element is required if there are multiple field pairs.
Cause: No foreign key grouping element is specified for this mapping and multiple field pairs.
Action: You must specify a foreign key grouping element.
601: The foreign key grouping element does not contain all foreign keys fields.
Cause: The specified foreign key grouping element does not contain all the foreign key fields.
Action: You must either remove the foreign key fields not contained in this foreign key grouping element, or pick a foreign key grouping element that contains all the foreign key fields.
602: A delete all interaction is specified, but the mapping is not private owned.
Cause: A deleteall interaction is specified for this mapping, but the mapping is not private owned.
Action: You must either make the mapping private owned, or remove the deleteall interaction.
610: At least one field pair must be specified, unless the mapping has no selection interaction and is read-only.
Cause: No field pairs are specified, and this mapping has a selection interaction specified and/or is not read-only.
Action: You must either specify a field pair for the mapping, or make the mapping read-only and remove the selection interaction.