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Oracle TopLink Developer's Guide
10g Release 3 (10.1.3)
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Mapping Errors (400 – 483)

This section lists TopLink Workbench mapping errors.

400: Method accessors have not been selected.
Cause: You selected Use Method Accessing for a mapping, but you did not select a method.
Action: You must select a Get and Set method on the mapping's General tab. See "Configuring Method Accessing".
401, 402: The [get/set access method] method for this mapping's method accessing field is no longer visible to this descriptor.
Cause: You changed the class hierarchy within the project, causing the method access type (get or set) to no longer be visible to the class.
Action: Ensure that the selected method is visible to the class.
403: Mappings for EJB 2.0 CMP descriptors that use Value Holder Indirection must not use method accessing.
Cause: You cannot use method accessing on mappings for EJB 2.0 CMP descriptors that use ValueHolder Indirection.
Action: Because EJB attributes are code-generated, reference mappings should not be set to use method access. The attributes are code-generated to be of type ValueHolder but the abstract methods are defined to return the local interface type of the related bean.
404: Mapping references a write-lock field, but it is not read-only.
Cause: You specified a locking policy for a descriptor, but one of the attribute mappings is not read-only.
Action: Select the Read Only option on the mapping's General tab.
410: No direct field is specified.
Cause: For direct collection mappings, you must specify the direct collection information.
Action: Select a Target Table and Direct Field that the direct collection specifies.
415: No direct key field is specified.
Cause: For direct map mappings, you must specify a direct key field in the reference table that stores the primitive data value of the map key.
Action: On the direct map mapping's General tab, select a Direct Key Field. See "Configuring Direct Key Field".
420: No database field is selected.
Cause: You created a direct-to-field or type conversion mapping without selecting a database field.
Action: For attributes with direct-to-field mappings, you must specify a Database Field on the mapping's General tab. For attributes with type conversion mappings, you must specify a Database Field on the mapping's General tab.
421: The selected database field does not exist on this descriptor's associated tables.
Cause: The database field mapped to an attribute is not included in the table associated with the attribute's descriptor.
Action: Ensure that the Database Field field on a mappings General tab is included in the table that you associated with the attribute's descriptor. See "Configuring Associated Tables" and "Configuring a Database Field".
430, 431: No null value type has been selected.
Cause: You selected to Use Default Value When Database Field is Null for a mapping, but did not specify the value.
Action: Specify a default Type or Value, or both on the mapping's General tab. See "Configuring a Default Null Value at the Mapping Level".

This message may also appear after using the Package Rename tool when upgrading an older TopLink Workbench project.

440: XML type mappings are supported only on the Oracle9i Platform.
Cause: You created a Direct to XML Type mapping in relational project that uses a non-Oracle9i database.
Action: Select an Oracle9i platform as the database platform for the data source. See "Configuring Relational Database Platform at the Project Level".
450: No reference descriptor is selected.
Cause: You created a mapping, but did not specify the reference descriptor
Action: You must select a Reference Descriptor for each relationship mapping on the mapping's General tab.
451: [descriptor name]references [descriptor name], which is not active.
Cause: You tried to select an inactive descriptor as a Reference Descriptor on the mapping's General tab.
Action: You must either select a new Reference Descriptor, or make the descriptor active.
460: No table reference is selected.
Cause: You created a relationship mapping, but did not specify a reference table.
Action: Select (or create) a table reference for each relationship mapping on the mapping's Table Reference tab.
461: Table reference is invalid.
Cause: The table reference selected for this mapping is invalid.
Action: Select a different table reference for this mapping.
462: The reference [table reference] does not have any field associations.
Cause: You selected a table reference for a mapping, but did not add a key pair.
Action: You must specify source and target key pairs for the reference.
463: A key pair has not been completely specified for a reference.
Cause: You created a table reference without a key pair.
Action: You must specify a foreign key reference for the database table. Use the database table's Reference tab to add a key pair.
464: No relationship partner is specified.
Cause: You selected the Maintains Bidirectional Relationship option for a relationship mapping, but did not select a mapping to use as the relationship partner.
Action: Select a mapped attribute (from the reference descriptor) for this relationship. See "Configuring Bidirectional Relationship".
465: The relationship partner must be a one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many mapping.
Cause: You selected an invalid attribute as the Relationship Partner in a bidirectional relationship.
Action: In the Relationship Partner field, select a one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many mapping. See "Configuring Bidirectional Relationship".
466: The specified relationship partner mapping does not specify this mapping as its own relationship partner.
Cause: Maintains Bidirectional Relationship is selected for this mapping, but the mapping selected as the relationship partner does not have this mapping selected as its relationship partner.
Action: You must either select a different mapping for this mappings relationship partner, which has this mapping selected as it bidirectional relationship partner, or select this mapping as the bidirectional relationship partner of the mapping selected as the bidirectional relationship partner for this mapping.
467: The chosen reference descriptor is not a valid reference descriptor for this mapping.
Cause: The descriptor selected as the reference descriptor for this mapping is not a valid reference descriptor.
Action: Select a valid reference descriptor for this mapping.
470: No container class is selected.
Cause: No container class has been selected for this collection mapping.
Action: Select a Container class for this Collection mapping.
471: The container policy uses a Collection class, but the container class is not a Collection.
Cause: The selected container class for this collection mapping is not a Collection, but Use Collection Class is selected.
Action: Select a Container class that is a Collection for this mapping.
472: The container policy uses a Map class, but the container class is not a Map.
Cause: The selected Container class for this Collection mapping is not a Map class, but Use Map Class is selected.
Action: Select a Container class that is a Map class.
473: The container class must be instantiable.
Cause: The selected Container class for this Collection mapping is not instantiable.
Action: Select a Container class this is instantiable, (not an Interface, Abstract class, or Primitive class).
474: The container class does not agree with the instance variable.
Cause: The selected Container class for this Collection mapping, does not agree with the instance variable that is associated with the mapping. Either the variable is a Map class and the selected Container class is a Collection or vice versa.
Action: You must either select a Container class that agrees with the type of instance variable with which it is associated, or change the instance variable to agree with the selected Container class.
475: The container class is a Map, but the key method is not selected.
Cause: Use Map Class is selected for the Container policy for this Collection mapping, but a key method has not been selected.
Action: You must either select a key method for this Container policy, or change the Container policy to not use a map class.
4 76: The key method specified for this mapping is no longer visible to the owning descriptor's class.
Cause: The selected key method for the Container policy for this Collection mapping policy is not visible to the descriptor's class.
Action: You must either select a different method that is visible to the descriptor's class, or change the selected method so that it is visible.
477: The key method specified for this mapping is not valid.
Cause: The selected key method for the Container policy for this Collection mapping is invalid because it does not have the correct return type, or it does not accept more than zero parameters.
Action: You must either select a different method that is valid, or change the selected method so that it will return the correct type and accept more than zero parameters.
478: One-to-Many and Many-to-Many mappings in EJB 2.0 CMP descriptors may not use ValueHolder indirection.
Cause: A one-to-many or many-to-many mapping in an EJB 2.0 CMP descriptor is using ValueHolder indirection.
Action: You must either change the mapping to use no indirection or non-ValueHolder indirection.
480: No relation table is selected.
Cause: You created a many-to-many mapping, but did not specify a relation table. The relation table represents the relationship between the primary keys of the source table and target table.
Action: Select or create a Relation Table on the mapping's General tab.
481: The relation table is not dedicated to single, writable many-to-many mapping.
Cause: More than one many-to-many mapping in the project are using the same relation table.
Action: Each relation table should be used in one and only one many-to-many mapping.
482: No source reference is selected.
Cause: You created a many-to-many mapping, but did not select (or create) a source table reference on the mapping's Source Reference tab.
Action: The source table reference must contain a Source field (from the mapping's relation table) and a Target field (from one of the descriptor's associated tables).
483: No target reference is selected.
Cause: You created a many-to-many mapping, but did not select (or create) a target table reference on the mapping's Source Reference tab.
Action: The target table reference must contain a Source field (from the mapping's relation table) and a Target field (from one of the descriptor's associated tables).