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Oracle TopLink Developer's Guide
10g Release 3 (10.1.3)
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Descriptor Errors (200 – 350)

This section lists TopLink Workbench descriptor errors.

200: The descriptor's class is not public.
Cause: The descriptor must use a public access modifier.
Action: On the descriptor's Class Info – Class tab, change the Access Modifier option to Public.
201: This class is a subclass of a final class.
Cause: If you select the Final option on the descriptor's Class Info – Class tab for a class, then the class cannot contain subclasses.
Action: See "Configuring Classes".
210: Two methods [method names] cannot have the same signature.
Cause: You created methods with identical signatures.
Action: On the Class Info – Methods tab, change the information for one of the methods. See "Configuring Classes".
220: An aggregate shared by multiple source descriptors cannot have one-to-many or many-to-many mappings.
Cause: You attempted to create multiple one-to-many and many-to-many, or one-to-one mappings in which the target is the aggregate.
Action: Aggregate descriptors that are shared by multiple source descriptors cannot have mappings that contain a target object that references the descriptor.
221: Classes cannot reference an aggregate target with one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many mappings.
Cause: You tried to select an aggregate descriptor as a reference.
Action: You cannot select an aggregate descriptor as the Reference Descriptor for a one-to-one, one-to-many, or many-to-many mapping.
225: The implementor [implementor name] no longer implements this interface.
Cause: One descriptor listed as an implementation method for this interface descriptor no longer implements this descriptor's interface.
Action: You must either remove the descriptor from the list of implementation methods or alter the descriptor's class so that it implements this descriptor's interface.
230: No primary table is specified.
Cause: The descriptor must be associated with a database table.
Action: On the descriptor's Descriptor Info tab, use the Associated Table field to select a primary table. See "Configuring Associated Tables".
231: No primary key(s) specified in [table name] table.
Cause: You must specify a primary key for each database table. When importing tables from a database into TopLink Workbench, the primary key information will be retained only if the JDBC driver supports the getPrimaryKeys method.
Action: Ensure that a primary key is specified for each descriptor on the Descriptor Info tab. See "Configuring Associated Tables".
232: The following primary key fields are unmapped: [field name].
Cause: Each primary key field must have a writable mapping.
Action: Ensure that the primary key(s) are mapped. See "Configuring Associated Tables".
233: The number of primary keys does not match the number of primary keys on the parent.
Cause: In an inheritance hierarchy, the child class must have the same number of primary keys as the parent class.
Action: Ensure that the parent and child class have the same number of primary keys on the descriptor's Descriptor Info tab. See "Configuring Associated Tables".
234: The primary keys do not match parent's primary keys.
Cause: In an inheritance hierarchy, the child's primary key(s) must match the root's primary key(s).
Action: Ensure that each child's Primary Key on the Descriptor Info tab matches the parent's primary key. Ensure that the parent and child class have the same primary keys on the descriptor's Descriptor Info tab. See "Configuring Associated Tables".
235: The following fields have multiple writable mappings: [field name].
Cause: Multiple mappings cannot write to the save database field.
Action: Each database field must have a single, writable mapping.
236: No sequence field name is selected.
Cause: You selected Use Sequencing on a descriptor's Descriptor Info tab but did not specify the sequence information.
Action: Specify a Name, Table, and Field. See "Configuring Sequencing at the Descriptor Level".
237: No sequence name is selected.
Cause: You selected Use Sequencing on a descriptor's Descriptor Info tab but did not specify the sequence information.
Action: Specify a Name, Table, and Field. See "Configuring Sequencing at the Descriptor Level".
238: No sequence table is selected.
Cause: You selected Use Sequencing on a descriptor's Descriptor Info tab but did not specify the sequence information.
Action: Specify a Name, Table, and Field. See "Configuring Sequencing at the Descriptor Level".
239: The selected sequence table is not one of the descriptor's associated tables.
Cause: The tabled used for sequencing is not associated with the descriptor.
Action: You must either associate the sequencing table with the descriptor, or select a table that is already associated with the descriptor. See "Configuring Sequencing at the Descriptor Level" and "Configuring Associated Tables".
240: Two queries [query names] cannot have the same signature.
Cause: Two queries for this descriptor share the same signature (query name + parameter names). This is not allowed.
Action: You must either remove one of the queries, rename one of the queries, or change the parameters so that the signatures no longer match.
241: The query [query name] has Cache Statement set to true, but does not bind parameters.
Cause: A named query that caches statements must also bind parameters.
Action: On the Named Queries – Options tab, either change the Cache Statements field to False, or change the Bind Parameters field to True.
242: The query [query name] does not maintain cache but does refresh the remote identity map results.
Cause: The query has Refresh Remote Identity Map selected but does not have Maintain Cache selected.
Action: You must either select Maintain Cache for the descriptor, or deselect Refresh Remote Identity Map.
243: The query [query name] does not maintain cache but does refresh the identity map results.
Cause: The query has Refresh Identity Map selected but does not have Maintain Cache selected.
Action: You must either select Maintain Cache for the descriptor, or deselect Refresh Identity Map.
245: The query [query name] refreshes identity map results but does not refresh remote identity map results.
Cause: Refresh Identity Map Results is selected for the query, but Refresh Remote Identity Map Results is not.
Action: You must either select Refresh Remote Identity Maps or deselect Refresh Identity Maps.
246: The query key [query key]does not have an associated database field
Cause: Each query key must be associated with a database field.
Action: On the Query Keys tab, use the Field option to select a database field for the query key.
247: The database field selected for query key [query key] does not exist on this descriptor's associated tables.
Cause: Each database field associated with a query key must exist on database table associated with the query key's descriptor.
Action: You must either change the database field associated with the query key, or associate the descriptor with a database table that includes the database field associated with the query key.
248: The expression [line number] on query [query name] is invalid because a parameter has not been specified.
Cause: One of the arguments in the query expression is missing or invalid.
Action: Edit the query and ensure that all query keys and parameters have been specified.
249: The expression [line number] on query [query name]is invalid because a query key has not been specified.
Cause: One of the arguments in the query expression is missing or invalid.
Action: Edit the query and ensure that all query keys and parameters have been specified.
250: The expression [line number] on query [query name] is invalid. When querying on a reference mapping, only unary operators (Is Null, Not Null) are supported.
Cause: You created an expression node that includes a reference mapping with an invalid operator.
Action: On the Expression Builder dialog box, select the node and change the Operator field to IS NULL or NOT NULL.
270: No schema context is specified.
Cause: Each descriptor in an XML or EIS project must be associated with an XML schema context.
Action: Select the EIS or XML descriptor in the Navigator and complete the Schema Context field on the Descriptor Info tab.
271: The descriptor represents a document root object, but no default root element is chosen.
Cause: Each root EIS descriptor must have a default root element.
Action: On the descriptor's Descriptor Info tab, complete the Default Root Element field.
290: No primary keys specified.
Cause: Although you have associated the descriptor with a database table, you have not identified the primary keys.
Action: Use the Primary Keys area of the descriptor's Descriptor Info tab to select the primary keys for the descriptor.
291–304: The event policy's [method type] method is no longer a visible member of this descriptor's associated class.
Cause: You changed the class hierarchy within the project, causing the method to no longer be visible to the class.
Action: Ensure that the selected method is visible to the class.
305: The write-lock field is stored in an object, but there is not a writable mapping to the field.
Cause: If the write lock field is stored in object, there must be a non-read-only mapping to it.
Action: On the mapping's General tab, ensure that Read-Only is not selected.
306: Database fields specified for Selected Fields type Locking Policy must be mapped: [field name]
Cause: You selected an unmapped database field for a descriptor's locking policy.
Action: On the descriptor's Locking tab, ensure that you have selected a mapped database field as the Selected Field. See "Configuring Locking Policy".
307: Database fields specified for Selected Fields type Locking Policy must not be primary key fields: [field name]
Cause: The database fields you selected for the optimistic locking policy (by fields) contains the primary keys for the database table.
Action: In the By Fields area of the descriptor's Locking tab, select different fields. See "Configuring Locking Policy".
308: Version locking is chosen as the Locking Policy, but the field is not specified.
Cause: If you select to use version locking with an optimistic locking policy, you must identify which database field to use for version control.
Action: Use the Database Field field on the descriptor's Locking tab to select a field to use for version control. See "Configuring Locking Policy".
309: The Version Locking database field selected does not exist on this descriptor's associated tables.
Cause: The database field you selected for optimistic version locking does not exist on the descriptor's associated table.
Action: You must either select a different database field on the descriptor's Locking tab, or associate the descriptor with a different database table. See "Configuring Locking Policy".
310: Database fields specified for Selected Fields type Locking Policy do not exist on this descriptor's associated tables: [field name]
Cause: The database fields you selected for the optimistic locking policy (by fields) do not exist on the descriptor's associated table.
Action: You must either select a different database field on the descriptor's Locking tab, or associate the descriptor with a different database table. See "Configuring Locking Policy".
311: The method you have specified for the instantiation policy's method on this descriptor is no longer a visible member of this class.
Cause: The method selected as the instantiation method has either been removed, or its visibility has been reduced so that it is no longer publicly visible.
Action: Deselect this method as the instantiation method.

See "Configuring Instantiation Policy".

312: The method you have specified for the instantiation policy's factory instantiation method on this descriptor is no longer a visible member of this class.
Cause: The method selected as the factory instantiation method has either been removed, or its visibility reduced so that it is no longer publicly visible.
Action: Deselect this method as the factory instantiation method. See "Configuring Instantiation Policy".
313: The method you have specified for the instantiation policy's factory method on this descriptor is no longer a visible member of this class.
Cause: The method selected as the factory method has either been removed, or its visibility reduced so that it is no longer publicly visible.
Action: Deselect this method as the factory method. See "Configuring Instantiation Policy".
314: "Use factory" is specified for the Instantiation policy, but all required information is not specified.
Cause: You selected the Use Factory option on the descriptor's Instantiation Policy tab, but did not specify the Factory Class, Factory Method, or Instantiation Method fields.
Action: Complete the Factory Class, Factory Method, or Instantiation Method fields on the descriptor's Instantiation tab. See "Configuring Instantiation Policy".
315: "Use method" is selected for the Instantiation policy, but no method is selected.
Cause: You selected the Use Method option on the descriptor's Instantiation Policy tab, but did not specify the field.
Action: Select the Method on the descriptor's Instantiation tab. See "Configuring Instantiation Policy".
316: The class does not have an accessible zero argument constructor.
Cause: No accessible zero argument constructor exists for the class associated with this descriptor.
Action: Make the zero argument constructor accessible if it exists, or create a accessible zero argument constructor if it doesn't exist.
317: No method was specified for the copying policy.
Cause: You specified that the descriptor should use a specific clone method for copying, but you did not select a method.
Action: Complete the Use Clone Method field on the descriptor's Copying tab to select a method.
318: The method specified for the copy policy on this descriptor is no longer a visible member of this class.
Cause: You changed the class hierarchy within the project, causing the copy policy to no longer be visible to the class.
Action: Ensure that the copy policy is visible to the class.
319: Primary keys do not match across associated tables and no reference(s) specified in multiple table policy information.
Cause: You attempted to associate multiple tables using a primary key.
Action: Primary key field names must match across associated tables, or references must be defined from the base table to each derived table.
320: The multiple table reference should be defined from the base table [table name] to the derived table.
Cause: This descriptor has Inheritance and Multitable advanced properties defined on it.
Action: The multiple table relationship that is defined between the base class' table and this derived class' table must be defined from base to derived.
321: The multiple table reference should not be defined on the database.
Cause: When using multitables with differently named primary keys, you must set a reference from the TOP table to the BOTTOM table. This reference must not be an actual constraint on the database.
Action: Select the table in which this is defined, and deselect the On Database option.
322: A class containing the desired after loading method should be specified.
Cause: You added an after-load method to a descriptor, but you did not specify a class.
Action: Complete the After Load tab. See "Configuring Amendment Methods".
323: An after-load method must be specified.
Cause: You added an after-load method to a descriptor, but did not select an amendment method.
Action: Complete the After Load tab. See "Configuring Amendment Methods".
324: An interface class must be specified for the interface alias.
Cause: You added an interface alias to a descriptor, but did not select an amendment method.
Action: Complete the Interface Alias tab.
325: The inheritance hierarchy originating in this descriptor cannot contain both aggregate and nonaggregate child descriptors.
Cause: Aggregate and class descriptors cannot be in the same inheritance hierarchy.
Action: Ensure that the inheritance hierarchy contains either aggregate or nonaggregate children, but not both.
326: The inheritance hierarchy originating in this descriptor cannot contain both root and composite child descriptors.
Cause: There is a mixture of root and composite descriptors among the descendents of this descriptor.
Action: Make all descendents of this descriptor the same type by either making them all root, or making them all composite. You can do this by removing the differing descriptor from the hierarchy, or changing their type to be consistent with the other descriptors in the hierarchy.
330: The returning policy insert fields do not exist on this descriptor's associated tables: [field name]
Cause: The field you selected on the descriptor's Returning tab does not exist on the database table associated with the descriptor.
Action: Select a different database table in the Insert area of the descriptor's Returning tab.
331: The returning policy update field [field name] does not exist on this descriptor's associated tables.
Cause: The field you selected on the descriptor's Returning tab does not exist on the database table associated with the descriptor.
Action: Select a different database table in the Update area of the descriptor's Returning tab.
350: Descriptors with Unknown Primary Keys must use sequencing.
Cause: Unknown Primary Key Class is selected for this descriptor, but the descriptor does not use sequencing.
Action: Change the descriptor so that it uses sequencing, or so that it no longer uses an unknown primary key class.