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Oracle® Containers for J2EE Configuration and Administration Guide
10g Release 3 (10.1.3)
Part No. B14432-01
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9 Application Clustering in OC4J

This chapter discusses the clustering framework provided in OC4J 10g Release 3 (10.1.3). It includes the following topics:

What Is Clustering in OC4J?

OC4J provides a flexible framework for creating a clustered environment for development and production purposes. In this context, a cluster is defined as two or more OC4J server nodes hosting the same set of applications. The OC4J clustering framework supports:

A new <cluster> element, which contains a number of new subelements, has been added to the XML schema definition for these files to provide a single mechanism for clustering management. See "Overview of the <cluster> Element" for descriptions of this element and its subelements.

How Does Clustering Differ from Previous OC4J Releases?

The following are no longer included in the clustering framework in OC4J 10g (10.1.3).

"Islands" No Longer Supported

The notion of islands, part of the clustering framework in previous OC4J releases, is no longer supported in OC4J.

In previous releases, an island was essentially a group of OC4J instances within a cluster across which HTTP session data was replicated. Although islands reduced overhead by not replicating data across the entire cluster, they increased configuration and management overhead. In addition, islands were only applicable to Web applications; EJB applications could not utilize the island configuration.

In OC4J 10g (10.1.3), you can still effectively limit the number of instances to replicate data by using the write-quota attribute of the <cluster> element. This attribute makes it possible to control the scope of state replication.

See "Overview of the <cluster> Element" for details on the write-quota attribute.

loadbalancer.jar No Longer Used

The loadbalancer.jar, which provided load balancing functionality in previous OC4J releases, was deprecated in the previous release of OC4J and has been removed from the current release.

Deprecated Clustering-Specific XML Elements

The following XML elements are deprecated in OC4J 10g (10.1.3) and should no longer be used to configure clustering:

  • The <cluster-config> element in server.xml, the OC4J configuration file

  • The cluster-island attribute of the <web-site> element in a *-web-site.xml Web site configuration file

The new <cluster> element is now used for all cluster management.

Configuring Application Clustering

Clustering is enabled by adding the <cluster> element to the orion-application.xml file of each application to be clustered within an OC4J instance. For deployed applications, this file is located in the ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/instance/application-deployments/applicationName directory. See "Overview of the <cluster> Element" for descriptions of this element and its subelements.

This section includes the following topics:

Enabling Clustering

Clustering can be enabled globally for all applications running within an OC4J instance, as well as on a per-application basis.

  • Enabling clustering for all applications

    Clustering can be enabled by default for all applications deployed to the OC4J instance through ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home/config/application.xml, the configuration file for the global default application. All other applications deployed into the OC4J instance inherit default properties from this application, including the clustering configuration.

  • Enabling clustering for a specific application

    Clustering is defined in the application-specific ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home/application-deployments/app_name/orion-application.xml file. Settings in this file override the global configuration, as well as the configuration inherited from a parent application.


Clustering can also be configured at the time the application is deployed by using Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Server Control Console, through either the deployment tasks or the deployment plan editor.

See the Oracle Containers for J2EE Deployment Guide for details.

Managing a clustered environment is an entirely manual process, as no distributed management tools are provided in the current release of Oracle Application Server. This means that any changes made to a particular application's orion-application.xml file on one OC4J server must be manually replicated to the corresponding XML file on all server nodes within the cluster.

At the application level, clustering can be configured at the time the application is deployed into an OC4J instance using the deployment plan editor, which sets values in the application's orion-application.xml file. See the Oracle Containers for J2EE Deployment Guide for details on using the deployment plan editor. Note that the deployment plan editor does not support configuration of the global default application, and configuration at the global level is completely manual.


An empty <distributable /> tag must be added to the web.xml file for all Web modules that are part of an application configured to use clustering.

Post-deployment, this J2EE standard Web module descriptor is found in the ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home/applications/app_name/web_module/WEB-INF directory within OC4J.

Setting Replication Policies

A replication policy defines when replication of HttpSession or a stateful session bean state occurs, and whether all attributes and variable values or only changed values are replicated. Replication can be an expensive process, and replicating data too frequently can affect server performance. On the other hand, replicating data too infrequently can result in lost data in the event of server failure.

The replication policy applied to all Web modules and EJB components within an application is specified in the <replication-policy> element within the application's orion-application.xml configuration file. The syntax of this element is as follows:

<replication-policy trigger="onSetAttribute|onRequestEnd|onShutdown" 
 scope="modifiedAttributes|allAttributes" />

  • The trigger attribute specifies when replication occurs. By default, the onRequestEnd policy is applied, as it provides frequent replication of data while ensuring that data is not lost if the JVM terminates unexpectedly.

    See Table 9-1 for an overview of trigger attribute values.

  • The scope attribute defines what data is replicated: Either all attribute or variable values, or only changed values. By default, only modified HTTP session attributes are replicated; for stateful session beans, all member variables are replicated.

    See Table 9-2 for an overview of scope attribute values.

Table 9-1 <replication-policy> trigger Attribute Values

trigger Value HttpSession Stateful Session Bean
onSetAttribute Replicate each change made to an HTTP session attribute at the time the value is modified. From a programmatic standpoint, replication occurs each time setAttribute() is called on the HttpSession object.

This option can be resource intensive in cases where the session is being extensively modified.

Not applicable.
onRequestEnd (default) Queue all changes made to HTTP session attributes, then replicate all changes just before the HTTP response is sent. Replicate the current state of the bean after each EJB method call. The state is replicated frequently, but offers higher reliance.
onShutdown Replicate the current state of the HTTP session whenever the JVM is terminated gracefully, such as with Ctrl-C. State is not replicated if the host is terminated unexpectedly, as in the case of a system crash.

Because session state was not previously replicated, all session data is sent across the network at once upon JVM termination, which can impact network performance. This option can also significantly increase the amount of time needed for the JVM to shut down.

Replicate the current state of the bean whenever the JVM is terminated gracefully. State is not replicated if the host is terminated unexpectedly, as in the case of a system crash.

Because bean state was not previously replicated, all state data is sent across the network at once upon JVM termination, which can impact network performance. This option may also significantly increase the amount of time needed for the JVM to shut down.

Table 9-2 <replication-policy> scope Attribute Values

scope Value HttpSession Stateful Session Bean
modifedAttributes (default) Replicate only modified HTTP session attributes; that is, values changed by calling setAttribute() on the HttpSession object. Not applicable.
allAttributes Replicate all attribute values set on the HTTP session. Replicate all member variable values set on the stateful session bean.

Note that the <replication-policy> element in orion-application.xml does not allow you to distinguish between Web and EJB components within an application. However, you can specify a different replication policy for an EJB component in the replication attribute of the <session-deployment> element within the component-specific orion-ejb-jar.xml configuration file.

See Table 9-3 for valid values for the replication attribute. For example:

<session-deployment name="MyStatefulVM" replication="onShutdown" />
<session-deployment name="MyEntity2" replication="onRequestEnd" />

The values in this file overrides the corresponding settings in orion-application.xml, effectively allowing you to set the replication policy for an EJB component in orion-ejb-jar.xml and the policy for Web components in orion-application.xml.

Table 9-3 Stateful Session EJB Replication Policy Configuration

replication Value Description
onRequestEnd (default) Replicate the current state of the bean after each EJB method call. The state is replicated more frequently, but offers higher reliability in the event of host failure. This is the default value.
onShutdown Replicate the current state of the bean whenever the JVM is terminated gracefully. State is not replicated if the host is terminated unexpectedly, as in the case of a system crash or a "kill -9" invocation in Unix/Linux.
none Do not replicate data.

Managing the Number of Nodes to Replicate To

You can effectively limit the number of group members to which state data is replicated by using the write-quota attribute of the <cluster> element. This functionality makes it possible to reduce network traffic and related overhead by controlling the scope of state replication.

The default value for write-quota is 1, indicating that state will be replicated to one other OC4J node within the cluster. Note that this value is valid only in a cluster with just two nodes; for clusters with three or more nodes, set this value to 2 or higher. This configuration ensures that in the event that one node goes down, state will be replicated to at least two other nodes.

To replicate state to all member nodes within the cluster, you must specify the total number of nodes within the cluster as the value of write-quota.

Synchronous versus Asynchnronous Replication

By default, OC4J nodes will replicate data to other nodes asynchronously. However, you can enable synchronous replication by including the <synchronous-replication> subelement within the <cluster> element. This will force a replicating OC4J node to wait for an acknowledgement that the data was received from at least one other peer node before continuing with replication.

Configuring Multicast Replication

Multicast IP replication is the default replication protocol used in a standalone OC4J installation. In this mode, OC4J uses multicast packages to send and receive HTTP session and stateful session bean state changes. These packages are sent over the network to be picked up by other OC4J processes using the same multicast address and port. Lost messages are identified and retransmitted, providing a reliable transmission service.

The configuration must specify the same multicast address and port on all OC4J instances. The default values used by OC4J multicast are for the address and 45566 for the port. These values can be changed in the appropriate XML configuration file, if necessary.

Multicast replication can be enabled between multiple application instances simply by adding an empty <cluster> element to orion-application.xml file for each instance:

<orion-application ...>

The next example specifies a new multicast address and port, using the ip and port attributes.

Note the optional bind_addr attribute, which can be used to specify which Network Interface Card (NIC) to bind to. This is useful if you have OC4J host machines with multiple network cards, each with a specific IP address, and you wish to define which NIC is used to send and receive the multicast messages.

<orion-application ...>
  <cluster allow-colocation="false">
    <replication-policy trigger="onShutdown" scope="allAttributes" />
      <multicast ip="" port="45577" bind_addr="" />

Using an Existing JavaGroups Configuration for Multicast Replication

The multicast-based and peer-to-peer-based replication mechanisms provided by OC4J are built on the JavaGroups communication protocol stack. Ideally, you should use one of these OC4J mechanisms to provide in-memory replication of state data, as they utilize OC4J-specific configurations.

However, you do have the option of utilizing your own JavaGroups configuration within the OC4J clustering framework. This feature is enabled by specifying one of the following in the <property-config> subelement within the <cluster> element:

  • A string containing the JavaGroups configuration properties

  • A URL to an XML configuration file containing this information

See the description of <javagroups-config> in "Overview of the <cluster> Element" for details.

Configuring Peer-to-Peer Replication

OC4J supports replication in a peer-to-peer (P2P) topology, using TCP to establish connections between nodes within the cluster. The state data held in each application instance is then unicast to each node.

Two peer-to-peer configurations are supported:

  • Dynamic peer-to-peer, in which Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server (OPMN) is used to enable peer nodes to dynamically discover and communicate with one another. This configuration is the default used in an Oracle Application Server environment where OPMN is used to manage the various components, including OC4J.

    See "Configuring Dynamic OPMN-Managed Peer-to-Peer Replication" for details.

  • Static peer-to-peer, in which each node in the cluster is explicitly configured to recognize at least one other peer node. This configuration is supported only in a standalone OC4J environment, with a relatively small number of standalone OC4J instances clustered together.

    See "Configuring Static Peer-to-Peer Replication" for details.

Configuring Dynamic OPMN-Managed Peer-to-Peer Replication

In an Oracle Application Server environment, Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server (OPMN) is utilized to provide "dynamic" peer-to-peer replication. In this replication model, each OC4J node registers itself with OPMN. The node then queries OPMN for the list of available nodes, enabling it to dynamically discover and communicate with other nodes within the cluster.


To use this feature, all OC4J nodes hosting the application must be first be members of a cluster utilizing either the OPMN dynamic multicast discovery or static discovery server mechanisms.

See "Supported Clustering Models" for details.

Each OC4J process sends periodic ONS (heartbeat) messages to OPMN to inform OPMN of current status, enabling OPMN to maintain a real-time list of available peer nodes, and to notify nodes when one has failed. In the event that a node is lost, another node is able to service its requests.

<orion-application ...>
       <opmn-discovery />

Configuring Static Peer-to-Peer Replication

In this configuration, the host address and port of at least one other peer node are supplied to enable for peer-to-peer communication. As a node becomes aware of each of its peers, it also becomes aware each peer's peer(s) - with the end result that all of the nodes in the cluster become aware of one another.

The key challenge in this configuration is in ensuring that host and port definitions are kept up to date, which may present a significant management effort. The following elements and attributes affect the configuration:

  • The start-port attribute of the <peer> element specifies the initial port on the host that the local OC4J process will try to bind to for peer communication. If this port is not available, OC4J will continue to increment this port until an available port is found.

  • The <node> element specifies a peer node. The host and port attributes of the element define the name of the node address and the port that will be used for peer communication.

  • The range attribute of the <peer> element applies to the ports specified in each <node> element - not to the value of the start-port attribute. The range attribute defines the number of times to increment the port value if the specified port is not available on a node.

The following example illustrates static peer-to-peer configurations as specified in the orion-application.xml application deployment descriptor deployed with the sample application to three cluster nodes.

In this configuration, each node specifies one other node as its peer. The result is that all of the nodes within the cluster are able to establish connections with one another. Note that this scenario will work only if each node is started in succession; that is, must be started before Otherwise, will not be able to "see"

  1. First, specifies as its peer:

    <orion-application ...>
          <peer start-port="7900" range="10" timeout="6000">
            <node host="" port="7900" />
  2. Next, specifies as its peer:

    <orion-application ...>
          <peer start-port="7900" range="10" timeout="6000">
            <node host="" port="7900" />
  3. Finally, specifies as its peer:

    <orion-application ...>
          <peer start-port="7900" range="10" timeout="6000">
            <node host="" port="7900" />

An alternative configuration could have all of the nodes specifying the same node as a peer. For example, you could have the and nodes both specify as a peer. In this configuration, would have to be the first node started; the other nodes would then connect to this node, and establish connections with one another.

Configuring Database Replication

The new clustering framework provides the ability to replicate an HTTP session and stateful session bean state to a database. Data is persisted outside of the clustered OC4J framework, enabling the entire session to be recovered in the event of a catastrophic failure of all of the OC4J instances within the cluster. Note that the full HTTP session or stateful session bean object is replicated to the database.

The connection to the database is created using a data source, which is specified in the data-source attribute of the <database> subelement of <protocol>. Set the value of the data-source attribute to the data source's jndi-name as specified in data-sources.xml.

The data source specified must already exist within the OC4J instance. See the Oracle Containers for J2EE Services Guide for details on creating and using data sources.

The following example configures the application to replicate data to the database accessed through the "MyOracleDS" data source.

<orion-application ...>
      <database data-source="jdbc/MyOracleDS"/>

Session data is persisted to the following tables in the database:

  • OC4J_HTTP_SESSION, which stores metadata for an HTTP session

  • OC4J_HTTP_SESSION_VALUE, which stores the values set by the application user on the HTTP session

  • OC4J_EJB_SESSION, which stores the current state of a stateful session bean

The tables are created by OC4J the first time database replication is invoked. See Appendix C, "Overview of the Session State Tables" for details on the table schema.

The length of time session data is stored in the database is based on the session's time-to-live (TTL) value. A session is considered expired when the difference between the current database time and the time the session was last accessed is greater than the session timeout value. The actual equation for determining a session's TTL is:

(Current Database Time - Last Accessed Time) > Max Inactive Time

Expired sessions are removed from the database on the next execution of the OC4J task manager. See "Configuring the OC4J Task Manager" for instructions on setting the task manager interval.

In the event that the OC4J server terminates without proper session termination, orphan records will be created in the database. These records will also be deleted the next time the task manager runs.

Disabling Clustering

Clustering can be disabled globally or for a specific application using the Boolean enabled attribute of the <cluster> element. Note that setting this attribute to false in an application's orion-application.xml file effectively removes the application from the cluster.

Overview of the <cluster> Element

The <cluster> element serves as the single mechanism for clustering configuration. It is used exclusively in the ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home/config/application.xml file to configure clustering at the global level, and in application-specific orion-application.xml files for application-level clustering configuration.


Contains the clustering configuration for an enterprise application running within an OC4J instance.

Subelements of <cluster>:



  • enabled: Whether clustering is enabled for the application. The default is true. Note that setting this value at the application level overrides the value inherited from the parent application, including the default application.

  • group-name: The name to use when establishing the replication group channels. If not supplied, the application name as defined in server.xml, the OC4J server configuration file, is used by default, and new group channels are created for each enterprise application.

    If a value is specified, the application and all child applications will use the channels associated with this group name.

    Note that this attribute is ignored if the <database> tag is included.

  • allow-colocation: Whether to allow application state to be replicated to a node residing on the same host machine.

    The default is true. However, this attribute should be set to false if multiple hosts are available.

    If multiple OC4J instances are instantiated on the same machine, different listener ports must be specified for each instance in the default-web-site.xml, jms.xml and rmi.xml configuration files.

  • write-quota: The number of other group members the application state should be replicated to. This attribute makes it possible to reduce overhead by limiting the number of nodes state is written to, similar to the "islands" concept used in previous OC4J releases.

    The default is 1 node.

    Note that this attribute is ignored if the <database> tag is included.

  • cache-miss-delay: The length of time, in milliseconds, to wait in-process for another group member to respond with a session if the session cannot be found locally. If the session cannot be found, the request will pause for the entire length of time specified.

    The default is 1000 milliseconds. In installations where heavy request loads are expected, this value should be increase, for example to 5000. Setting this value higher also prevents the OC4J instance from creating a replica of session data within itself if allow-colocation is set to true.

    Note that this attribute is ignored if the <database> tag is included.


Contains data required to use the JavaGroups group communication protocol to replicate session state across nodes in the cluster.


  • url: A link to a JavaGroups XML configuration file.

  • property-string: A string containing the properties that define how the JavaGroups JChannel should be created.


The replication policy to apply, which defines when replication of data occurs and what data is replicated.


  • trigger: The frequency at which replication occurs. See Table 9-1 for the values for this attribute.

  • scope: What data is replicated. See Table 9-2 for the values for this attribute.


Defines the mechanism to use for data replication. Note that only one can be specified.




Contains the configuration required to use multicast communication for replication. This is the default protocol used.


  • ip: The multicast address to use. The OC4J default is

  • port: The multicast port to use. The OC4J default is port 45566.

  • bind_addr: The Network Interface Card (NIC) to bind to. This is useful if you have OC4J host machines with multiple network cards, each with a specific IP address.


Contains the configuration required to use peer-to-peer (P2P) communication for replication.




  • start-port: The initial port on the node to attempt to allocate for peer communication. OC4J will continue to increment this value until an available port is found. The default is port 7800. Valid only for configuring static peer-to-peer replication in a standalone OC4J installation.

  • range: The number of times to increment the port value specified in each <node> subelement while looking for a potential peer node. The default is 5 increments. Valid only for configuring static peer-to-peer replication in a standalone OC4J installation.

  • timeout: The length of time, in milliseconds, to wait for a response from a peer while looking for a potential peer node. The default is 3000 milliseconds. Valid only for configuring static peer-to-peer replication in a standalone OC4J installation.

  • bind_addr: The Network Interface Card (NIC) to bind to. This is useful if you have OC4J host machines with multiple network cards, each with a specific IP address.


Configures OC4J to use "dynamic" peer-to-peer replication in an Oracle Application Server environment.


Contains the host name and port of a node to poll if using static peer-to-peer communication. One or more instances of this element can be supplied within a <peer> element.


  • host: The host name of the peer node as a URL.

  • port: The port on the node to use for peer-to-peer communication. The default is port 7800.


Contains the connection information required to persist state data to a database.


  • data-source: The name of a data source containing the database connection information. This must be the value of the data source's jndi-name as specified in data-sources.xml.


Controls the amount of memory to allocate to the handling of clustering messages during replication. This element is intended to prevent out-of-memory errors by gating the amount of data (bytes) sent from one OC4J node to another during replication.


  • enabled: Whether flow control is enabled. The default is true.

  • max-bytes: The maximum number of bytes the receiving OC4J node can accept. After this value is reached, the sending OC4J node must wait for an acknowledgement from the receiver before additional messages can be received. The default value is 500000.

  • min-bytes: The minimum number of bytes the receiving OC4J node can accept without triggering an acknowledgement that more bytes should be sent. If the bytes received is below this value, the receiver will acknowledge that it can accept more bytes from the sender. The default is 0.

  • threshold: If min-bytes is not specified, this factor value is applied to incoming requests to determine the value of that attribute. The default value is .25.


If included, an OC4J node replicating application data will wait for an acknowledgement that the data update was received from at least one other peer node before continuing with replication. This element is optional; the default behavior is for nodes to continue replicating data to other nodes asynchronously.


  • timeout: The length of time, in milliseconds, to wait for a response from a peer node. If this value is exceeded, replication should continue, although no acknowledgement will be sent. The default value is 10000 milliseconds (10 seconds).