Oracle Containers for J2EE Job Scheduler Java API Reference
10g Release 3 (10.1.3)



Job - class oracle.ias.scheduler.Job.
This system-supplied class serves as a handle that references a specific instance of a submitted job.
Job(String, String, Schedule, Trigger, Properties, Level, long, long, JobHandle) - Constructor for class oracle.ias.scheduler.Job
Constructs a Job using the parameters specified.
JobBlackoutEvent - class oracle.ias.scheduler.event.JobBlackoutEvent.
This event is raised every time a job execution occurs when a blackout is in effect.
JobBlackoutEvent(JobHandle, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.ias.scheduler.event.JobBlackoutEvent
Initializes a newly created JobBlackoutEvent with the job handle specified.
JobBlackoutEvent() - Constructor for class oracle.ias.scheduler.event.JobBlackoutEvent
JobCancellationException - exception oracle.ias.scheduler.JobCancellationException.
This exception is thrown by the a job class implementing the Executable interface to indicate acknowledgement of job cancellation.
JobCancellationException() - Constructor for class oracle.ias.scheduler.JobCancellationException
Constructs a new exception with null as its detail message.
JobCancellationException(String) - Constructor for class oracle.ias.scheduler.JobCancellationException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
JobCancellationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class oracle.ias.scheduler.JobCancellationException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
JobCancellationException(Throwable) - Constructor for class oracle.ias.scheduler.JobCancellationException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause.
JobCompletedEvent - class oracle.ias.scheduler.event.JobCompletedEvent.
This event is raised every time a job completes.
JobCompletedEvent(JobHandle) - Constructor for class oracle.ias.scheduler.event.JobCompletedEvent
Initializes a newly created JobCompletedEvent with the job handle specified.
JobCompletedEvent() - Constructor for class oracle.ias.scheduler.event.JobCompletedEvent
JobContext - interface oracle.ias.scheduler.JobContext.
This is the interface defines the contract between an executing job instance and the Job Scheduler.
JobCreatedEvent - class oracle.ias.scheduler.event.JobCreatedEvent.
This event is raised every time a job is created.
JobCreatedEvent(JobHandle, Schedule) - Constructor for class oracle.ias.scheduler.event.JobCreatedEvent
Initializes a newly created JobCreatedEvent with the job handle specified.
JobCreatedEvent() - Constructor for class oracle.ias.scheduler.event.JobCreatedEvent
JobExecutionCancelledEvent - class oracle.ias.scheduler.event.JobExecutionCancelledEvent.
This event is raised every time a job is successfully cancelled.
JobExecutionCancelledEvent(JobHandle, long, long, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.ias.scheduler.event.JobExecutionCancelledEvent
Initializes a newly created JobCancelledEvent with the job handle specified.
JobExecutionCancelledEvent() - Constructor for class oracle.ias.scheduler.event.JobExecutionCancelledEvent
JobExecutionErrorEvent - class oracle.ias.scheduler.event.JobExecutionErrorEvent.
This event is raised every time a job execution fails.
JobExecutionErrorEvent(JobHandle, long, long, boolean, boolean, Exception) - Constructor for class oracle.ias.scheduler.event.JobExecutionErrorEvent
Initializes the event with the parameters specified.
JobExecutionErrorEvent() - Constructor for class oracle.ias.scheduler.event.JobExecutionErrorEvent
JobExecutionEvent - class oracle.ias.scheduler.event.JobExecutionEvent.
This is the base class for all job execution-related events.
JobExecutionEvent(JobHandle, long, long, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.ias.scheduler.event.JobExecutionEvent
Initializes a newly created JobExecutionEvent with the job handle, execution begin time, and execution end time specified.
JobExecutionEvent() - Constructor for class oracle.ias.scheduler.event.JobExecutionEvent
JobExecutionException - exception oracle.ias.scheduler.JobExecutionException.
This exception is used by the a class implementing the Executable interface to identify problems during execution.
JobExecutionException() - Constructor for class oracle.ias.scheduler.JobExecutionException
Constructs a new exception with null as its detail message.
JobExecutionException(String) - Constructor for class oracle.ias.scheduler.JobExecutionException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message.
JobExecutionException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class oracle.ias.scheduler.JobExecutionException
Constructs a new exception with the specified detail message and cause.
JobExecutionException(Throwable) - Constructor for class oracle.ias.scheduler.JobExecutionException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause.
JobExecutionFailedEvent - class oracle.ias.scheduler.event.JobExecutionFailedEvent.
This event is raised every time a job execution fails.
JobExecutionFailedEvent(JobHandle, long, long, boolean, boolean, Exception) - Constructor for class oracle.ias.scheduler.event.JobExecutionFailedEvent
Initializes a newly created JobFailedEvent with the job handle, execution begin time, execution end time, and cause specified.
JobExecutionFailedEvent() - Constructor for class oracle.ias.scheduler.event.JobExecutionFailedEvent
JobExecutionPausedEvent - class oracle.ias.scheduler.event.JobExecutionPausedEvent.
This event is raised every time a job executes and the job is in the paused state.
JobExecutionPausedEvent(JobHandle) - Constructor for class oracle.ias.scheduler.event.JobExecutionPausedEvent
Initializes a newly created JobExecutionPausedEvent with the job handle specified.
JobExecutionPausedEvent() - Constructor for class oracle.ias.scheduler.event.JobExecutionPausedEvent
JobExecutionSucceededEvent - class oracle.ias.scheduler.event.JobExecutionSucceededEvent.
This event is raised every time a single action job completes.
JobExecutionSucceededEvent(JobHandle, long, long, boolean, boolean) - Constructor for class oracle.ias.scheduler.event.JobExecutionSucceededEvent
Initializes a newly created JobSucceedededEvent with the job handle, execution begin time, and execution end time specified.
JobExecutionSucceededEvent() - Constructor for class oracle.ias.scheduler.event.JobExecutionSucceededEvent
JobExecutionThresholdExceededEvent - class oracle.ias.scheduler.event.JobExecutionThresholdExceededEvent.
This event is raised every time a job execution is supressed as a result of exceeding the execution threshold.
JobExecutionThresholdExceededEvent(JobHandle, long) - Constructor for class oracle.ias.scheduler.event.JobExecutionThresholdExceededEvent
The source of the event is the job.
JobExecutionThresholdExceededEvent() - Constructor for class oracle.ias.scheduler.event.JobExecutionThresholdExceededEvent
JobHandle - interface oracle.ias.scheduler.JobHandle.
Handle that references a specific instance of a submitted job.
JobNotFoundException - exception oracle.ias.scheduler.JobNotFoundException.
This exception is thrown by the Scheduler API, when the specified job is not found
JobNotFoundException() - Constructor for class oracle.ias.scheduler.JobNotFoundException
Constructs a new exception with null as its message.
JobNotFoundException(String) - Constructor for class oracle.ias.scheduler.JobNotFoundException
Constructs a new exception with the specified localized message key.
JobNotFoundException(String, Object) - Constructor for class oracle.ias.scheduler.JobNotFoundException
Constructs a new exception with the specified localized message key and a single message parameter string.
JobNotFoundException(String, Object, Object) - Constructor for class oracle.ias.scheduler.JobNotFoundException
Constructs a new exception with the specified localized message key and two message parameter string.
JobNotFoundException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for class oracle.ias.scheduler.JobNotFoundException
Constructs a new exception with the specified localized message key and cause.
JobNotFoundException(String, Object, Throwable) - Constructor for class oracle.ias.scheduler.JobNotFoundException
Constructs a new exception with the specified localized message key and single message parameter and a cause
JobNotFoundException(String, Object, Object, Throwable) - Constructor for class oracle.ias.scheduler.JobNotFoundException
Constructs a new exception with the specified localized message key and two message parameters and a cause
JobNotFoundException(Throwable) - Constructor for class oracle.ias.scheduler.JobNotFoundException
Constructs a new exception with the specified cause.
JobPausedEvent - class oracle.ias.scheduler.event.JobPausedEvent.
This event is raised every time a job is paused.
JobPausedEvent(JobHandle) - Constructor for class oracle.ias.scheduler.event.JobPausedEvent
Initializes a newly created JobPausedEvent with the job handle specified.
JobPausedEvent() - Constructor for class oracle.ias.scheduler.event.JobPausedEvent
JobRemovedEvent - class oracle.ias.scheduler.event.JobRemovedEvent.
This event is raised every time a job is removed.
JobRemovedEvent(JobHandle) - Constructor for class oracle.ias.scheduler.event.JobRemovedEvent
Initializes a newly created JobRemovedEvent with the job handle specified.
JobRemovedEvent() - Constructor for class oracle.ias.scheduler.event.JobRemovedEvent
JobResumedEvent - class oracle.ias.scheduler.event.JobResumedEvent.
This event is raised every time a job is paused.
JobResumedEvent(JobHandle) - Constructor for class oracle.ias.scheduler.event.JobResumedEvent
Initializes a newly created JobResumedEvent with the job handle specified.
JobResumedEvent() - Constructor for class oracle.ias.scheduler.event.JobResumedEvent

Oracle Containers for J2EE Job Scheduler Java API Reference
10g Release 3 (10.1.3)

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