Oracle Containers for J2EE Job Scheduler Java API Reference
10g Release 3 (10.1.3)


Package oracle.ias.scheduler

Interface Summary
Cancellable Specifies the contract by which a job implementation is cancelled.
Executable Specifies the contract whereby a Java class is invoked by the scheduler.
JobContext This is the interface defines the contract between an executing job instance and the Job Scheduler.
JobHandle Handle that references a specific instance of a submitted job.
Scheduler Core interface of the OracleAS Job Scheduler.
SchedulerHandle Provides an opaque handle to the scheduler.
SchedulerHome OracleAS Job Scheduler EJB home interface.
SchedulerRemote OracleAS Job Scheduler EJB remote interface.

Class Summary
IntervalSchedule Repeating interval schedule used to specify how often a timer expiration notification is sent to the associated trigger.
Job This system-supplied class serves as a handle that references a specific instance of a submitted job.
Notification The application developer uses this system-supplied class to specify a notification.
Schedule Single-action schedule used to specify when a timer expiration notification is sent to the associated trigger.
Trigger This class is used to specify the conditions by which the associated job is executed.

Exception Summary
BlackoutException Generic exception thrown by all Blackout Window operation
IllegalOperationException This exception is thrown by the Scheduler API, when an operation that is not permitted is invoked
InvalidArgumentException This exception is thrown when one or more arguments to perform an operation is not valid
JobCancellationException This exception is thrown by the a job class implementing the Executable interface to indicate acknowledgement of job cancellation.
JobExecutionException This exception is used by the a class implementing the Executable interface to identify problems during execution.
JobNotFoundException This exception is thrown by the Scheduler API, when the specified job is not found
ListenerNotFoundException This exception is thrown by the Scheduler API, when the specified listener is not found
SchedulerException This the base exception class for all exceptions thrown by the Scheduler API
WindowNotFoundException This exception is thrown by the scheduler when the window name specified is not found.

Oracle Containers for J2EE Job Scheduler Java API Reference
10g Release 3 (10.1.3)


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