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Oracle® Collaboration Suite Administrator's Guide
10g Release 1 (10.1.2) for Windows or UNIX

Part Number B25490-05
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13 Changing Oracle Collaboration Suite Network Configurations

This chapter provides procedures for changing the network configuration of an Oracle Collaboration Suite host.

This chapter contains the following sections:

Introduction to Changing Oracle Collaboration Suite Ports

Many Oracle Collaboration Suite components and services use ports. As an administrator, it is important to know the port numbers used by these services, and to ensure that the same port number is not used by two services on your host.

From time to time, you may need to change the port number used by a component of Oracle Collaboration Suite. Most commonly, this is because you have another application or service that needs to use a port which is already in use by Oracle Collaboration Suite.

Most port numbers are assigned during installation. Every Oracle Collaboration Suite component and service has an allotted port range, which is the set of port numbers Oracle Collaboration Suite attempts to use when assigning a port. Oracle Collaboration Suite starts with the lowest number in the range and performs the following checks:

If the answer to any of the preceding questions is yes, Oracle Collaboration Suite moves to the next highest port in the allotted port range and continues checking until it finds a free port.

You can override this behavior for some ports, and specify a port number assignment during installation. You can also specify a port range. To do this, you edit a template file called staticports.ini, and launch Oracle Universal Installer with special options. Alternatively, you can specify port ranges directly in the Oracle Universal Installer screens.

See Also:

Appendix A, "Default Port Numbers and Ranges" for a complete list of allotted port ranges.

Refer to "2.5.4 Using Custom Ports (The Static Ports Feature)" in Oracle Collaboration Suite Installation Guide for Solaris Operating System or Oracle Collaboration Suite Installation Guide for Microsoft Windows for directions on overriding port assignments during installation with staticports.ini.

Viewing Port Numbers

You can view port numbers on the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control Console Ports page. Click the Ports tab on the Oracle Collaboration Suite home page. The Ports page displays the current port numbers and is updated any time you change a port number. For selected components, it also provides links to pages that allow you to change port numbers.


Immediately after installation, you can view port number assignments in:
(UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/install/portlist.ini
(Windows) ORACLE_HOME\install\portlist.ini

This file is a static file generated during installation. If you change a port number, it is not updated in this file, so you can only rely on this file immediately after installation.

Changing Applications Tier Ports

This section provides instructions for changing port numbers in Applications tier instances. The instructions explain how to change the port number, and update any other components that might be affected.

See Also:


You can change a port number to any number you want, as long as it is an unused port. You do not have to use a port in the allotted port range for the component.

This section contains the following topics:

Changing Oracle Enterprise Manager Ports

After you have installed Oracle Collaboration Suite, you can change the following Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g ports associated with your Oracle Collaboration Suite instance:

  • The Oracle Management Agent port, which the port used for communications with the Management Agent

  • The Oracle Collaboration Suite Control Console port, which is the port used in the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control Console URL. For example:
  • The Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE (OC4J) Remote Method Invocation (RMI) port used by the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control OC4J instance

From the Ports page of the Oracle Collaboration Suite home page, you can view the current port values for these components, as well as the valid port number range for each component.

However, you cannot modify the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g port numbers from the Ports page. Instead, use the following procedure to change the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control ports:

  1. Change directory to the bin directory in the tier Oracle home.

  2. Stop the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control.

    On UNIX systems, enter the following command:

    emctl stop iasconsole

    On Windows systems, use the Services control panel to stop the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control service.

  3. Use the following command to change one of the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g port values:

    emctl config {agent port | iasconsole {port | rmiport}} port_number

    For example, to change the port used by the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control Console:

    emctl config iasconsole port 1812
  4. Start Oracle Collaboration Suite Control.

    On UNIX systems, enter the following command:

    emctl start iasconsole

    On Windows systems, use the Services control panel to start the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control service.

Table 13-1 describes the configuration changes that are automatically performed when you use the emctl config command to change an Oracle Collaboration Suite Control port number.

Table 13-1 Changing Oracle Collaboration Suite Control Ports Using the emctl Command Line

Port Command Line Actions Performed

Oracle Collaboration Suite Control port

emctl config iasconsole port port_number

Changes the port value assigned to the StandaloneConsoleURL property in following configuration file:

ORACLE_HOME/sysman/emd/targets.xml (UNIX)
ORACLE_HOME\sysman\emd\targets.xml (Windows)

Changes the port value assigned to the web-site tag in the following configuration file:

ORACLE_HOME/sysman/j2ee/config/emd-web-site.xml (UNIX)
ORACLE_HOME\sysman\j2ee\config\emd-web-site.xml (Windows)

Oracle Management Agent port

emctl config agent port

Changes the value assigned to the EMD_URL property in the following configuration file:

ORACLE_HOME/sysman/config/ (UNIX)
ORACLE_HOME\sysman\config\ (Windows)

OC4J Remote Method Invocation (RMI) port

emctl config iasconsole 
rmiport port_number

Changes the port values in the following configuration files:

ORACLE_HOME/sysman/j2ee/config/rmi.xml (UNIX)
ORACLE_HOME\sysman\j2ee\config\rmi.xml (Windows)

ORACLE_HOME\bin\ (Windows)

Changing OC4J Ports

This section describes how to change the following OC4J port numbers:

  • AJP

  • JMS

  • RMI

  • IIOP

  • IIOPS1 (Server only)

  • IIOPS2 (Server and client)

By default, Oracle Application Server does not use a single port number for each type of OC4J port. Instead, it uses a port range for each type of OC4J port and that range is the same for all OC4J instances on the host. During runtime, each OC4J instance on the host is assigned a single free port from the range. For example, if the default AJP range for every OC4J instance on a host is 3301-3400, then each OC4J instance is assigned a single free port from that range for its AJP port.

When changing an OC4J port number, you typically specify a new port range. The range may be a simple port range (3301-3400), a comma separated list of ports (3301, 3304, 3307), or a combination of both (3301-3380, 3383, 3390-3400). By default, the ranges contain 100 ports. If you specify a range that is too narrow, you may encounter problems when starting OC4J instances. The AJP and RMI port ranges are required; the others are optional.

You can change OC4J port ranges using the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control or manual steps:

  • Using the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control:

    1. Navigate to the Oracle Collaboration Suite home page.

    2. Click Ports.

    3. On the Ports page, locate the OC4J Instance and OC4J port range you would like to change. Click the icon in the Configure column.

    4. On the Server Properties page, enter the new port range in the appropriate field. Click Apply.

    5. On the Confirmation page, click Yes, you would like to restart now.

  • Using manual steps:

    1. Open the opmn.xml file:

      (UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/opmn/conf/opmn.xml
      (Windows) ORACLE_HOME\opmn\conf\opmn.xml
    2. Locate the element for the OC4J instance that contains the port range you would like to change. For example, if you want to change a port range for the home instance, locate this element:

      <process-type id="home" ...>
    3. Within the OC4J instance element, there is a port element for each type of port. For example:

      <port id="ajp" range="3301-3400"/>
      <port id="rmi" range="3201-3300"/>
      <port id="jms" range="3701-3800"/>
      <port id="iiop" range="3401-3500"/>
      <port id="iiops1" range="3501-3600"/>
      <port id="iiops2" range="3601-3700"/>
    4. Modify the range parameter for the port you would like to change, and then save the file.

    5. Reload OPMN:

      opmnctl reload
    6. Start the OC4J instance that contains the port number you changed:

      opmnctl startproc process-type=OC4J_instance

      For example, if you changed a port number in the home instance:

      opmnctl startproc process-type=home
    7. Run the following command:

      dcmctl updateConfig

Changing the Oracle HTTP Server Listen Port

To change the Oracle HTTP Server Listen ports, you change the Oracle HTTP Server Listen directive. When you do this, there are often dependencies that must also be set. For example, if you are using OracleAS Web Cache to improve the performance of your Oracle Collaboration Suite instance, you must modify the OracleAS Web Cache origin server settings whenever you modify the Oracle HTTP Server listen ports.

To be sure the port dependencies are modified correctly, you can use a single command to change the Oracle HTTP Server listen port. The portconfig command automatically modifies the necessary configuration files within the Oracle home and optionally restarts the required components within the Oracle home.

The following sections describe how to define the portconfig command and then use it to modify the Oracle HTTP Server HTTP or HTTPS port:


The following procedures allow you to change the HTTP Server Listen Port on any deployment using separate Infrastructure and Applications tiers. On a deployment where the Infrastructure and Applications tier share a single host, this procedure will fail. Please do not attempt to change the HTTP Server Listen Port on single-host deployments.

Enabling Oracle HTTP Server to Run as Root for Ports Set to Less Than 1024 on UNIX Systems

Perform this step before you change the Oracle HTTP Server listen port if you are on a UNIX system and you are changing the listen port to a number less than 1024.

By default, Oracle HTTP Server runs as a non-root user (the user that installed Oracle Collaboration Suite). On UNIX systems, if you change the Oracle Collaboration Suite HTTPS listen port number to a privileged port (with a value less than 1024), you must enable Oracle Application Server to run as root, as follows:

  1. Log in as root.

  2. Run the following commands in the Applications tier Oracle home:

    cd ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/bin
    chown root .apachectl
    chmod 6750 .apachectl

Using the portconfig Command to Change the Oracle HTTP Server Listen Port

Use the following procedure to change the Oracle HTTP Server HTTP or HTTPS port:

  1. Set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to the home directory of the instance where the Oracle HTTP Server resides.

    For example:

    setenv ORACLE_HOME /dev0/private/oracle/appserv1/ (UNIX)
    set ORACLE_HOME=D:\oracle\appserv1\ (Windows)
  2. On UNIX systems, set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64, LIB_PATH, or SHLIB_PATH environment variables to the proper values, as shown in Table 1-1. The actual environment variables and values that you have to set depend on the type of your UNIX operating system.

  3. Create an alias (on UNIX systems) or a DOSKEY macro (on Windows systems) to represent the portconfig command.

    For example, to execute the command as an alias on UNIX systems, enter the following command on one line:

    alias portconfig '$ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin/java -cp 
    $ORACLE_HOME/dcm/lib/dcm.jar: $ORACLE_HOME/sso/lib/ossoreg.jar \!*'

    In BASH shell, use the following command:

    alias portconfig='$ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin/java -cp $ORACLE_HOME/sysman/webapps/emd/WEB-INF/lib/emd.jar:$ORACLE_HOME/dcm/lib/dcm.jar:$ORACLE_HOME/sso/lib/ossoreg.jar

    Similarly, to execute the command as DOSKEY macro on Windows systems, enter the following at the DOS command line on one line:

    doskey portconfig=%ORACLE_HOME%\jdk\bin\java -cp
    %ORACLE_HOME%/dcm/lib/dcm.jar; %ORACLE_HOME%/sso/lib/ossoreg.jar $*
  4. Use the newly created portconfig command on one line, as follows:

    portconfig -oracleHome ORACLE_HOME -oldPort old_port 
    -newPort new_port [-sso -url http://applications_tier_host:port -user
    http_server_admin_user [-site name_of_sso_partner_application]
    [-admin mod_osso_admin_user] [-vHost  path_to_mod_osso_configuration_file]] [-webCache] {-start | -restart}

    For example, on UNIX systems:

    portconfig -oracleHome $ORACLE_HOME -oldPort 7777 -newPort 7778 -webCache

    For example, on Windows systems:

    portconfig -oracleHome %ORACLE_HOME% -oldPort 7777 -newPort 7778 -webCache

    Table 13-2 describes the arguments available when you use the portconfig command to automatically change the Oracle HTTP Server Listen port.

    Table 13-2 Arguments for the portconfig Command

    Argument Description


    The Oracle home of the instance. The portconfig command modifies only components that are part of the selected Oracle home. You can use an environment variable to represent the Oracle home.


    The old (current) value of the Oracle HTTP Server Listen port.


    The new value for the Oracle HTTP Server Listen port.


    When this argument is included on the command line, the dependent OracleAS Web Cache port assignment will be changed automatically.

    Specifically, the port number of the origin server will be updated automatically so it points to the new Oracle HTTP Server listen port.

    The port number of the origin server is the port on which OracleAS Web Cache forwards requests to Apache (the HTTP Server Listen Port). This is different from the OracleAS Web Cache Listen Port, which is the port on which end users will normally access Oracle Collaboration Suite.

    Note: The portconfig command updates the OracleAS Web Cache instance only if it resides in the current Oracle home.


    When you use this optional argument, the portconfig command performs the configuration changes, and then stops and starts the instance. The instance must be stopped and started—or restarted—before the port changes will take effect.

    Note that during startup, all enabled components of the tier are started, even those that were originally down before you ran the portconfig command to change the Oracle HTTP Server Listen port.

    Compare with the -restart argument. Each time you run the command you can use the -restart or -start options, but not both.


    When you use this optional argument, the portconfig command performs the configuration changes, and then restarts the instance. The instance must be restarted—or stopped and started—before the port changes will take effect.

    With this option, only already running components are restarted after the configuration changes are complete. Components that were down before you ran the portconfig command to change the Oracle HTTP Server Listen port will remain down.

    Compare with the -start argument. Each time you run the command you can use the -restart or -start options, but not both.


    Use this optional argument if you want to display debugging information as the command executes. This argument can be useful if you are troubleshooting a problem or working with Oracle Support.


    Use this optional argument when the Listen port you are changing is protected by OracleAS Single Sign-On. The portconfig command re-registers mod_osso with the new Oracle HTTP Server Listen port value.

    When you use the -sso argument, then you must include the -url and -user arguments. In addition, you can optionally use the -site, -admin and -vHost arguments.

    For more information about registering mod_osso, see "Configuring and Administering Partner Applications" in the Oracle Application Server Single Sign-On Administrator's Guide.


    This argument is required when you use the -sso argument.

    Use this argument to provide the new Oracle HTTP Server URL, which is also used by OracleAS Single Sign-On and uses the new Listen port.

    For example:

    This URL is passed as the -mod_osso_url parameter in the and ssoreg.bat scripts.


    This argument is required when you use the -sso argument.

    Use this argument to enter the name of the account that is used to start Oracle HTTP Server. On UNIX systems, this is usually root. On Windows, it is usually SYSTEM.

    The value provided with this argument is passed as the -u parameter in the and ssoreg.bat scripts.


    This argument is optional; however, it can be used only when you also use the -sso argument.

    Use this argument to enter the site name of OracleAS Single Sign-On partner application. The site name is displayed by the OracleAS Single Sign-On administration pages.

    The value of this argument is passed as the -site_name parameter in the and ssoreg.bat scripts. If the -site argument is not specified, the instance name is passed to and ssoreg.bat scripts as the value of the -site_name parameter.


    This argument is optional; however, it can be used only when you also use the -sso argument.

    Use this argument to enter the account name of the mod_osso administrator. This value is displayed in the OracleAS Single Sign-On administration pages. In most cases, this value should be the same as the distinguished name (DN) of the user who installed Oracle Collaboration Suite. The value of this argument is passed as the -admin_info parameter in the and ssoreg.bat scripts.


    This argument is optional; however, it can be used only when you also use the -sso argument.

    Use this argument to enter the path to the osso.conf file for the virtual host being configured. For example:


    Use this argument only when you are registering an HTTP virtual host with the OracleAS Single Sign-On server. The value of this argument is passed as the -config_file parameter, along with the -virtualhost parameter, in the and ssoreg.bat scripts.

  5. Update the Oracle Internet Directory Service Registry entries for all affected applications, changing the URIs to use the new port number.

    For complete instructions on editing the Oracle Internet Directory Service Registry, see "Using Oracle Directory Manager to Edit the Oracle Internet Directory Service Registry".

  6. Restart the Applications tier instance:

    ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl stop iasconsole
    ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopall
    ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl startall
    ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl start iasconsole
    ORACLE_HOME\bin\emctl stop iasconsole
    ORACLE_HOME\opmn\bin\opmnctl stopall
    ORACLE_HOME\opmn\bin\opmnctl startall
    ORACLE_HOME\bin\emctl start iasconsole

Changing the OracleAS Web Cache Listen Port

This section describes how to change the OracleAS Web Cache HTTP or HTTPS listen port. It involves changing the OracleAS Web Cache port number and updating other components in the Applications tier with the new port number. The relevant tasks include the following:

Task 1: Enable OracleAS Web Cache to Run as Root for Ports Less Than 1024 on UNIX

Perform this task only if you are changing the port to a number less than 1024.

By default, OracleAS Web Cache runs as a non-root user (the user that installed Oracle Collaboration Suite). On UNIX systems, if you change the OracleAS Web Cache listen port number to a privileged port (with a value less than 1024), you must enable OracleAS Web Cache to run as root, as follows:

  1. Log in as the user that installed Oracle Collaboration Suite and stop OracleAS Web Cache:

    opmnctl stopproc ias-component=WebCache
  2. Log in as root.

  3. Run the following command in the Applications tier Oracle home:

    ORACLE_HOME/webcache/bin/ setroot user_ID

    The parameter user_ID is the user ID associated with the OracleAS Web Cache processes. This is usually the user that installed Oracle Collaboration Suite. This user is listed on the Process Identity section of the Security page of Oracle Collaboration Suite Control Console. Navigate as follows:

    From the OracleAS Web Cache Home page, select the Administration tab. Then select Properties -> Web Cache -> Security -> Process Identity.

  4. Log in as the user that installed Oracle Collaboration Suite and start OracleAS Web Cache:

    opmnctl startproc ias-component=WebCache

Task 2: Change the OracleAS Web Cache Listen Port

Take the following steps:

  1. Using the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control Console, navigate to the Web Cache home page.

  2. Click the Administration tab to display the Administration page.

  3. On the Administration page, click Ports to display the Ports page.

  4. In the Listen Ports section, locate the appropriate port that has HTTP or HTTPS in the Protocol column.

  5. Enter the new port number in the Port field.

  6. Click OK to apply changes.

  7. When prompted, click Restart Web Cache to restart the cache.

Task 3: Change the OracleAS Web Cache Logical Site Port

If the OracleAS Web Cache listen port is the same as the logical site port, update the logical site port as follows:

  1. On the Administration page, click Sites to display the Sites page.

  2. Locate the appropriate sites using the old port number. If there is no site using the old port number, then the OracleAS Web Cache listener and site do not share the same port number.

  3. For each site using the old port number:

    1. Click Edit.

    2. In the Edit Named Site or Edit Unnamed Site page, enter the new port number in the Port field.

  4. Click OK to apply changes.

  5. When prompted, click Restart Web Cache to restart the cache.

Task 4: Update the Oracle HTTP Server Port Directive

If you are changing the OracleAS Web Cache HTTP listen port to be the same as the logical site port, update the Port directive in the Oracle HTTP Server httpd.conf file:

  1. Open the httpd.conf file:

    (UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/httpd.conf
    (Windows) ORACLE_HOME\Apache\Apache\conf\httpd.conf
  2. Update the Port directive with the new port number, and then save the file.

    Do not modify the Listen directive. The OracleAS Web Cache port must be the same as the Oracle HTTP Server Port directive.

  3. Run the following command:

    dcmctl updateConfig -ct ohs

If you are changing the OracleAS Web Cache HTTPS listen port, update the Port directive in the Oracle HTTP Server ssl.conf file:

  1. Open the ssl.conf file:

    (UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/ssl.conf
    (Windows) ORACLE_HOME\Apache\Apache\conf\ssl.conf
  2. Update the SSL Port directive with the new port number, and then save the file.

    Do not modify the Listen directive. The OracleAS Web Cache SSL port must be the same as the Oracle HTTP Server SSL Port directive.

  3. Run the following command:

    dcmctl updateConfig -ct ohs

Task 5: Update the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control Console

Update the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control Console with the new port number:

  1. Open the targets.xml file:

    (UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/sysman/emd/targets.xml
    (Windows) ORACLE_HOME\sysman\emd\targets.xml
  2. Update each occurrence of the old OracleAS Web Cache listen port number with the new port number, and then save the file.

    Depending on your configuration, this file may not contain any occurrences of the OracleAS Web Cache listen port, or it may contain many occurrences. The listen port may occur as a parameter on its own, or it may be part of a URL. The easiest way to edit this file is to search for all occurrences of the old OracleAS Web Cache listen port number, and replace them with the new port number.

  3. Reload the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control:

    emctl reload

Task 6: Update mod_osso

If you have registered your virtual host as an OracleAS Single Sign-On partner application, follow these steps to re-register your virtual host with the new port number:

  1. On UNIX systems, set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64, LIB_PATH, or SHLIB_PATH environment variables to the proper values, as shown in Table 1-1. The actual environment variables and values that you have to set depend on the type of your UNIX operating system.

  2. Re-register mod_osso with the new port number by running the following command in the Applications tier Oracle home:


    -oracle_home_path applications_tier_oracle_home
    -site_name applications_tier_hostname:new_port_number
    -config_mod_osso TRUE
    -mod_osso_url mod_osso_url


    -oracle_home_path applications_tier_oracle_home
    -site_name applications_tier_hostname:new_port_number
    -config_mod_osso TRUE
    -mod_osso_url mod_osso_url

    For example, if you want to change the OracleAS Web Cache listen port to 7779 on Applications tier host myhost:

    -oracle_home_path /disk1/oracleas
    -site_name myhost:7779
    -config_mod_osso TRUE
    -mod_osso_url http://myhost.mydomain:7779

    See Also:

    Oracle Application Server Single Sign-On Administrator's Guide for more information on registering mod_osso

  3. If you are changing the OracleAS Web Cache HTTPS listen port, perform the following steps. These steps do not apply if you are changing the OracleAS Web Cache HTTP listen port.

    1. Open the mod_osso.conf file:

      (UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/mod_osso.conf
      (Windows) ORACLE_HOME\Apache\Apache\conf\mod_osso.conf
    2. Replace references to osso.conf with applications_tier_hostname.applications_tier_domain.https-osso.conf, and save the file.

      For example, if you have the following entry in the mod_osso.conf file:


      You would make the following change for the HTTPS listen port on Applications tier host myhost.mydomain:

  4. If you are changing the OracleAS Web Cache HTTPS listen port, perform these additional steps:

    1. Open the mod_osso.conf file:

      (UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/mod_osso.conf
      (Windows) ORACLE_HOME\Apache\Apache\conf\mod_osso.conf
    2. Replace references to osso.conf with applications_tier_hostname.applications_tier_domain.https-osso.conf, and save the file.

      For example, if you have the following entry in the mod_osso.conf file:


      You would make the following change for OracleAS Web Cache HTTPS listen port on Applications tier host myhost.mydomain:


Task 7: Update OracleAS Portal Configuration

If you are changing the OracleAS Web Cache HTTP listen port in a configuration with OracleAS Portal, update OracleAS Portal configuration with the new port number:

  1. Using the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control, navigate to the Portal home page.

  2. In the Administration section, click Portal Web Cache Settings.

  3. In the Listening Port field, enter the new port number.

  4. Click Apply.

If you are changing the OracleAS Web Cache HTTPS (SSL) listen port in a configuration with OracleAS Portal, update OracleAS Portal configuration with the new port number:

  1. Update OracleAS Portal configuration:

    1. Using the Application Server Control Console, navigate to the Portal home page.

    2. In the Administration section, click Portal Web Cache Settings.

    3. In the Listening Port field, enter the new port number.

    4. From the Listening Port SSL Enabled list, select Yes.

    5. Click Apply.

  2. Update the httpsports parameter in the following file:

  3. Restart the OC4J_Portal:

    1. Using the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control Console, navigate to the OC4J: OC4J_Portal home page.

    2. In the General section, click Start.

    See Also:

    Oracle Application Server Portal Configuration Guide for more information on updating the Portal Web Cache Settings

  4. Re-register the OracleAS Portal. To do this:

    1. Ensure that the ORACLE_HOME environment variable is set.

    2. Register the URLs using the Portal Dependency Settings tool (available in ORACLE_HOME/portal/conf):

      ptlconfig –dad dadname –wc –site

      where dadname is the name of the OracleAS Portal Database Access Descriptor.

Task 8: Update Web Providers

If you are using Web Providers with OracleAS Portal, you must update them as follows (note that locally hosted Web Providers run on the same Applications tier instance as OracleAS Portal):

  1. Log in to OracleAS Portal as the administrator (for example, ocsadmin).

  2. Click the Administer tab.

  3. Click the Portlets sub-tab.

  4. Repeat this step for all locally hosted Web Providers registered in your Portal:

    1. In the Remote Providers portlet, enter the provider name in the Name field. Click Edit.

    2. Click the Connection tab.

    3. In the URL field, update the port to the new port number. Click Apply.

    4. Click OK.

Task 9: Update Oracle Mobile Collaboration

If you have Oracle Mobile Collaboration configured, update Oracle Mobile Collaboration with the new port number:

  1. Re-register Oracle Mobile Collaboration with OracleAS Single Sign-On by running the following command on the Applications tier host:

    (UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/wireless/bin/ new_wireless_url oracle_home administrator_dn
    (Windows) ORACLE_HOME\wireless\bin\reRegisterSSO.bat
     new_wireless_url oracle_home administrator_dn

    In the example:

    • new_wireless_url: Wireless HTTP URL with the new OracleAS Web Cache listen port.

    • oracle_home: Applications tier Oracle home whose OracleAS Web Cache port you are changing.

    • administrator_dn: Oracle Internet Directory administrator.

    For example, if you have changed the OracleAS Web Cache listen port to 7779 on the Applications tier installation in /home/oracle on UNIX host myhost:

    ORACLE_HOME/wireless/bin/ http://myhost:7779/ptg/rm /home/oracle cn=orcladmin
  2. Update the Wireless HTTP and HTTPS configuration information:

    1. Navigate to the Oracle Mobile Collaboration home page on the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control Console.

    2. Select the Site Administration link.

    3. In the General Configuration section, select the HTTP, HTTPS Configuration link.

    4. In the URL section, update each URL that contains the OracleAS Web Cache listen port with the new port number.

    5. Click OK.

  3. Update the instance URLs:

    1. Navigate to the Oracle Mobile Collaboration home page on the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control Console.

    2. In the Instance Configuration section, select the Instance URLs link.

    3. On the Instance URLs page:

      • If Use the Oracle Mobile Collaboration Site URLs is selected, you do not need to make any changes to this page.

      • If Use the Oracle Mobile Collaboration Instance URLs is selected, update each URL that contains the OracleAS Web Cache listen port with the new port number.

    4. Click OK.

  4. Update the Oracle Internet Directory Service Registry with the new port number. Perform the following steps:

    1. Start the Oracle Directory Manager and enter connection information for your instance of Oracle Internet Directory:

      Host: <>
      Port: 389
      Username: cn=orcladmin
      Password: <password>
    2. To access the Service Registry, select Entry Management, cn=OracleContext, cn=Services.

    3. Select each configured component in the System Objects pane to display its attributes. Components which have been configured will contain a cn=VirtualServices object, which in turn contains one or more child objects. These child objects contain virtual services URIs, including port numbers.

    4. Check each component, changing each URI containing connection information to the old OracleAS Web Cache Listen Port to the new port number. Save your changes and close Oracle Directory Manager.

Task 10: Restart the Applications Tier Instance

Restart the Applications tier instance:

emctl stop iasconsole
opmnctl stopall
opmnctl startall
emctl start iasconsole

Task 11: Run the Collaborative Portlets Configuration Assistant

Run the Collaborative Portlets Configuration Assitant. This will rebuild Collaborative Portlets with the new connection information.

To run the Collaborative Portlets Configuration Assistant, refer to "Changing the Host or Port on an Applications Tier hosting Oracle Collaborative Portlets".

Changing the OracleAS Web Cache Administration Port

The tasks to change the OracleAS Web Cache administration port include the following:

Task 1: Change the OracleAS Web Cache Administration Port

To change the OracleAS Web Cache administration port on any installation type:

  1. Using the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control, navigate to the Web Cache home page.

  2. Click the Administration tab to display the Administration page.

  3. On the Administration page, click Ports to display the Ports page.

  4. In the Operation Ports section, locate the Administration row.

  5. Enter the new port number in the Port field.

  6. Click OK to apply changes.

  7. When prompted, click Restart Web Cache to restart the cache.

Task 2: Update OracleAS Portal

If you have OracleAS Portal configured, update OracleAS Portal configuration with the new port number:

  1. Using the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control Console, navigate to the Portal home page.

  2. In the Administration section, click Portal Web Cache Settings.

  3. In the Administration Port field, enter the new port number.

    See Also:

    Oracle Application Server Portal Configuration Guide for more information on updating the Portal Web Cache Settings

Changing the OracleAS Web Cache Invalidation Port

The tasks to change the OracleAS Web Cache invalidation port include the following:

Task 1: Change the OracleAS Web Cache Invalidation Port

To change the OracleAS Web Cache invalidation port on any installation type:

  1. Using the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control Console, navigate to the Web Cache home page.

  2. Click the Administration tab to display the Administration page.

  3. On the Administration page, click Ports to display the Ports page.

  4. In the Operation Ports section, locate the Invalidation row.

  5. Enter the new port number in the Port field.

  6. Click OK to apply changes.

  7. When prompted, click Restart Web Cache to restart the cache.

Task 2: Update OracleAS Portal

If you have OracleAS Portal configured, update OracleAS Portal with the new port number:

  1. Using the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control Console, navigate to the Portal home page.

  2. In the Administration section, click Portal Web Cache Settings.

  3. In the Invalidation Port field, enter the new port number.

    See Also:

    Oracle Application Server Portal Configuration Guide for more information on updating the Portal Web Cache Settings

Task 3: Update Web Providers

If you are using Web Providers with OracleAS Portal, you must update them to use the new port as follows:

  1. Open the cache.xml file:

    (UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/portal/conf/cache.xml
    (Windows) ORACLE_HOME\portal\conf\cache.xml
  2. Update the port attribute to the new port, and then save the file.

  3. Restart OC4J_Portal:

    1. Using the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control Console, navigate to the OC4J: OC4J_Portal home page.

    2. In the General section, click Start.

Changing the OracleAS Web Cache Statistics Port

To change the OracleAS Web Cache statistics port on any installation type:

  1. Using the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control Console, navigate to the Web Cache home page.

  2. Click the Administration tab to display the Administration page.

  3. On the Administration page, click Ports to display the Ports page.

  4. In the Operation Ports section, locate the Statistics row.

  5. Enter the new port number in the Port field.

  6. Click OK to apply changes.

  7. When prompted, click Restart Web Cache to restart the cache.

If you change the statistics protocol to HTTPS, it is not possible to view performance statistics in Enterprise Manager until a certificate is uploaded in Base64 format named b64InternetCertificate.txt to ORACLE_HOME/sysman/config on UNIX and ORACLE_HOME\sysman\config on Windows.

Changing the DCM Discovery Port

This section describes how to change the DCM Discovery port number in any installation type. To change the DCM Discovery port number:

  1. Open the dcmCache.xml file:

    (UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/dcm/config/dcmCache.xml
    (Windows) ORACLE_HOME\dcm\config\dcmCache.xml
  2. Under the <communication> element, update the discovery-port parameter in the <coordinator> element with the new port number, and then save the file.

    For example:

    <coordinator discovery-port="7110" original="true" />
  3. In every Oracle Collaboration Suite tier in the farm, stop the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control Console and stop the DCM daemon:

    emctl stop iasconsole
    opmnctl stopproc ias-component=dcm-daemon

    It is important that you make sure all Oracle Collaboration Suite Control Console instances and DCM daemons in the farm are stopped before you proceed to the next step.

  4. In every instance in the farm, start the DCM daemon and the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control Console:

    opmnctl startproc ias-component=dcm-daemon
    emctl start iasconsole

Changing the Java Object Cache Port

This section describes how to change the Java Object Cache port number in any installation type. To change the Java Object Cache port number:

  1. Open the javacache.xml file:

    (UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/javacache/admin/javacache.xml
    (Windows) ORACLE_HOME\javacache\admin\javacache.xml
  2. Under the <communication> element, update the discovery-port parameter in the <coordinator> element with the new port number, and then save the file.

    For example:

    <coordinator discovery-port="7010" />
  3. Restart all OC4J instances which contain J2EE applications that use JavaCache:

    dcmctl restart -co OC4J_INSTANCE

Changing the Log Loader Port

This section describes how to change the Log Loader port on any installation type. To change the Log Loader port:

  1. Stop the Log Loader:

    1. Using the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control Console, navigate to the Oracle Collaboration Suite home page for the instance whose Log Loader port you would like to change.

    2. Click Logs in the upper-right corner.

    3. On the View Logs page, click Search Log Repository.

    4. On the View Logs page, click Log Loader.

    5. On the Log Loader page, click Stop.

  2. Change the Log Loader port number:

    1. On the Log Loader page, in the Administration section, click Log Loader Properties.

    2. On the Log Loader Properties page, enter the new port number in the Log Loader Port field.

    3. Click Apply.

  3. Start the Log Loader:

    1. At the top of the Log Loader Properties page, click Log Loader to get back to the Log Loader page.

    2. On the Log Loader page, click Start.

Changing OPMN Ports (ONS Local, Request, and Remote)

This section describes how to change any of the following port numbers:

  • ONS Local port

  • ONS Request port

  • ONS Remote port

To change these ports:

  1. Stop the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control Console, OPMN and all OPMN-managed processes:

    emctl stop iasconsole
    opmnctl stopall
  2. Open the opmn.xml file:

    (UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/opmn/conf/opmn.xml
    (Windows) ORACLE_HOME\opmn\conf\opmn.xml
  3. Under the <notification-server> element, modify the local, remote, or request parameter, as desired, in the <port> element, and then save the file.

    For example:

    <port local="6101" remote="6201" request="6004"/>
  4. Start OPMN:

    opmnctl start
  5. Reload OPMN:

    opmnctl reload
  6. If this is an Infrastructure with Oracle Internet Directory, start Oracle Internet Directory:

    opmnctl startproc ias-component=OID
  7. Start the rest of the processes:

    opmnctl startall
    emctl start iasconsole
  8. Update DCM:

    dcmctl updateConfig -ct opmn

Changing the Oracle HTTP Server Diagnostic Port

This section describes how to change the Oracle HTTP Server Diagnostics port number in any installation type. To change the Oracle HTTP Server Diagnostics port number:

  1. Open the dms.conf file:

    (UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/dms.conf
    (Windows) ORACLE_HOME\Apache\Apache\conf\dms.conf
  2. Change the old port number to the new port number everywhere it appears in the file, and then save the file. This update includes the Listen directive, OpmnHostPort directive, Redirect directive, and the VirtualHost.

  3. Restart Oracle HTTP Server:

    opmnctl stopproc ias-component=HTTP_Server
    opmnctl startproc ias-component=HTTP_Server

Changing the Port Tunneling Port

This section describes how to change the Port Tunneling port on any installation type. To change the Port Tunneling port number:

  1. Open the opmn.xml file:

    (UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/opmn/conf/opmn.xml
    (Windows) ORACLE_HOME\opmn\conf\opmn.xml
  2. Under the <ias-component id="IASPT"> element, update the range parameter in the <port> element with the new range. For example:

    <port id="ajp" range="7501-7503"/>

    Note that the port number range specified in opmn.xml overrides any port number specified in iaspt.conf. So you only need to update the port number in opmn.xml.

  3. Restart OPMN:

    opmnctl reload
    emctl stop iasconsole
    opmnctl stopall
    opmnctl startall
    emctl start iasconsole

Changing OracleAS Portal Ports

OracleAS Portal uses the OracleAS Web Cache HTTP server port on the instance.

Changing Oracle Mobile Collaboration Ports

Oracle Mobile Collaboration uses the OracleAS Web Cache HTTP server port on the instance.

Specifying Ports for DMS-Monitored Services

Dynamic monitoring services (DMS) collect performance metrics for the following Oracle Voicemail & Fax services: Routing, Retrieval, Recording, Telephony Monitor, and Message Delivery Monitor. By default, Oracle Voicemail & Fax assigns 46080 as the port number to the first process, and keeps assigning subsequent ports to each new process. There is no predefined range of ports. If you do not need to manage your port access, use the default port and the open-ended port range.

If you want to use a specific port range, you will need to edit the %ORACLE_HOME%\opmn\conf\opmn.xml file.

To specify a port range for the Oracle Voicemail & Fax Services:

  1. Open the opmn.xml file in an XML editor or text editor.

  2. Find the process type ID for the Oracle Voicemail & Fax service. The following are the process type ID values for the monitored services:

    • MsgDeliveryMonitorService

    • RecordingService

    • RetrievalService

    • RoutingService

    • TelephonyMonitorService

  3. In the <data> tag, append the following to the end of the string of values for the id="java-options" attribute:



    Parameter Description
    first_port_number First port number assigned to this service
    number_of_ports Total number of ports assigned to this service

    In the following example, a starting port of 56080 and a total of 50 ports is assigned to the Routing Service:

    <process-type id="RoutingService" module-id="oracle_ovf_routing" status="enabled">
            <category id="start-parameters">
      <data id="java-options"value="="... -Doracle.dms.publisher.classes=oracle.dms.http.Httpd


    Be careful not to change any of the other attributes in the <data> tag.

  4. Specify the ports for each of the Oracle Voicemail & Fax Services monitored by DMS.


Be sure that the port ranges for the services do not overlap with each other or with other port specifications for this system.

Changing Infrastructure Ports

This section contains the following topics:

Changing the OracleAS Metadata Repository Net Listener Port

First, determine if it is necessary to change the OracleAS Metadata Repository listener port number. If you are concerned about the fact that you have another database on your host using the same port, it is possible that the OracleAS Metadata Repository and the other database can use the same port.

The following are guidelines for port usage by multiple databases on the same host:

  • Multiple Oracle9i and Oracle Database10g databases can share the same Oracle Net listener port. If you install a OracleAS Metadata Repository on a host that contains Oracle9i and Oracle Database 10g databases, they can all use port 1521. There is no need to change the OracleAS Metadata Repository port number.

  • If the other databases on your system are Oracle8i databases running the Net8 listener, then the OracleAS Metadata Repository must use a different port. They cannot share the same port.


If you want to run two listeners that use the same key value on one host, refer to "Changing the KEY value for an IPC Listener".

If you determine that you would like to change the OracleAS Metadata Repository Listener Port, follow the steps in this section. An OracleAS Metadata Repository may be used in several different ways. Use the following table to determine the steps that are required for changing your type of OracleAS Metadata Repository:

Task 1: Stop Applications Tier Instances

Stop all Applications tier instances that use the Metadata Repository by running the following command in each Applications tier Oracle home:

(UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopall
(Windows) ORACLE_HOME\opmn\bin\opmnctl stopall

Task 2: Change the OracleAS Metadata Repository Oracle Net Listener Port

On the OracleAS Metadata Repository (Infrastructure tier) host:

  1. Make sure your ORACLE_HOME environment variable and ORACLE_SID are set.

  2. If OPMN is running, stop it:

    (UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopall
    (Windows) ORACLE_HOME\opmn\bin\opmnctl stopall
  3. Stop the OracleAS Metadata Repository listener:

    lsnrctl stop
  4. Open the listener.ora file:

    (UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora
    (Windows) ORACLE_HOME\network\admin\listener.ora
    1. Under the LISTENER entry, update the value for PORT.

    2. Add the following SID_DESC entry to the SID_LIST_LISTENER entry:

      (SID_DESC =
        (GLOBAL_DBNAME = service_name)
        (ORACLE_HOME = oracle_home_path)
        (SID_NAME = sid)
  5. Edit the tnsnames.ora file. The default location is:

    (UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora
    (Windows) ORACLE_HOME\network\admin\tnsnames.ora
    1. Update the PORT value in each entry that applies to OracleAS Metadata Repository.

    2. Add and entry like the following:

      newnetport =
        (DESCRIPTION =
          (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = tcp) (HOST = hostname) (PORT = port)))

      In the example, hostname is the fully-qualified hostname and port is the new port number.

  6. Start the OracleAS Metadata Repository listener:

    lsnrctl start
  7. Using SQL*Plus, log in to the OracleAS Metadata Repository as the SYSTEM user with SYSDBA privileges and run the following command:

    SQL> alter system set local_listener='newnetport' scope=spfile;
  8. Restart OracleAS Metadata Repository:

    SQL> shutdown
    SQL> startup

Task 3: Update Oracle Internet Directory

On the Identity Management host, update Oracle Internet Directory with the new Oracle Net listener port number:

  1. Restart the OracleAS Metadata Repository OPMN process by running the following command on the Infrastructure:

    ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl startproc ias-component=OID 
  2. Start Oracle Directory Manager:

    (UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/bin/oidadmin
    (Windows) Start > Programs > Oracle Collaboration Suite - OracleHome >
     Integrated Management Tools > Oracle Directory Manager
  3. Log in to Oracle Directory Manager.

  4. In the System Objects frame:

    1. Expand Entry Management.

    2. Expand cn=Oracle Context.

    3. Select the DBName for the OracleAS Metadata Repository. For example, if the DBName is the default, orcl, select cn=ORCL.

  5. On the Properties tab, update the PORT parameter in the orclnetdescstring field with the new port number.

  6. Click Apply.

  7. Start OPMN in the Oracle Internet Directory Oracle home:

    (UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl startall
    (Windows) ORACLE_HOME\opmn\bin\opmnctl startall

Task 4: Update OracleAS Single Sign-On

On the OracleAS Single Sign-On host:

  1. On UNIX systems, set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64, LIB_PATH, or SHLIB_PATH environment variables to the proper values, as shown in Table 1-1. The actual environment variables and values that you have to set depend on the type of your UNIX operating system.

  2. Update OracleAS Single Sign-On with the new repository port number by running the following command in the OracleAS Single Sign-On Oracle home:

    ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin/java -jar $ORACLE_HOME/sso/lib/ossoca.jar reassoc -repos $ORACLE_HOME
  3. In the OracleAS Single Sign-On Oracle home, restart OC4J:

    (UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl restartproc ias-component=OC4J
    (Windows) ORACLE_HOME\opmn\bin\opmnctl restartproc ias-component=OC4J

Task 5: Update OracleAS Certificate Authority

If the Identity Management installation has OracleAS Certificate Authority:

  1. Run the following command:

    (UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/oca/bin/ocactl updateconnection
    (Windows) ORACLE_HOME\oca\bin\ocactl updateconnection
  2. Restart OracleAS Certificate Authority:

    ocactl stop
    ocactl start

If you are not sure if OracleAS Certificate Authority is configured, examine the Oracle Collaboration Suite home page to see if it is listed in the Components section.

Task 6: Update the Application Server Control Console

Update the Application Server Control Console with the new port number:

  1. In the Identity Management Oracle home, edit the following file:

    (UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/sysman/emd/targets.xml
    (Windows) ORACLE_HOME\sysman\emd\targets.xml
  2. Update the old OracleAS Metadata Repository port number with the new port number, and then save the file.

    Locate the oracle_ldap target and update the PORT parameter in the ConnectDescriptor value with the new port number. The easiest way to find this is to search the file for the old port number.

  3. Reload the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control Console:

    emctl reload

Task 7: Update Oracle Discussions Configuration

If you change the OracleAS Metadata Repository Net Listener Port for an Oracle Collaboration Suite Database instance hosting the Oracle Mail schemas, and you have configured Oracle Discussions, you must take an additional step to update Oracle Discussions with the new port number.

After making the port change:

  1. Update the following file found on the Applications tier hosting Oracle Discussions with the new port number:

  2. On the same host, run the following command:

    dcmctl updateconfig

Task 8: Update Applications Tier Instances

In each Applications tier Oracle home that uses OracleAS Metadata Repository:

  1. Update the following file with the new Oracle Net listener port number:

    (UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora
    (Windows) ORACLE_HOME\network\admin\tnsnames.ora
  2. Check the following file:

    (UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/Apache/modplsql/conf/dads.conf
    (Windows) ORACLE_HOME\Apache\modplsql\conf\dads.conf

    Locate the line that begins with PlsqlDatabaseConnectString.

    • If the line ends with ServiceNameFormat or SIDFormat, update the line with the new OracleAS Metadata Repository port number, save the file, and restart Oracle HTTP Server.

    • If the line ends with NetServiceNameFormat, you do not need to do anything.

  3. Start the Applications tier instance:

    (UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl startall
    (Windows) ORACLE_HOME\opmn\bin\opmnctl startall

Changing the KEY value for an IPC Listener

It is not possible to run two listeners at the same time that are configured to use the same KEY value in their IPC protocol address. By default, the OracleAS Metadata Repository listener has its IPC KEY value set to EXTPROC. Hence, if your computer has another IPC listener that uses the EXTPROC key, you should configure the OracleAS Metadata Repository listener to use some other key value such as EXTPROC1.

To change the KEY value of an IPC listener:

  1. Stop the listener (make sure your ORACLE_HOME environment variable is set first):

    lsnrctl stop
  2. Edit the listener.ora and tnsnames.ora files. In each file, change the line that says:


    to something like:

  3. Restart the listener:

    lsnrctl start

Changing Oracle Internet Directory Ports

This section describes how to change the Oracle Internet Directory HTTP or HTTPS port on an Identity Management installation. When you change this port number, you must update any Applications tier instances that use the Identity Management installation.

The following procedures contain complete instructions for updating the Oracle Internet Directory port number on Identity Management, including updating other components in the Infrastructure and updating the Applications tier instances that use the port. The relevant tasks are as follows:

Task 1: Prepare the Applications Tier Instances

Follow this task only if the Identity Management installation is being used by Applications tier instances. On each Applications tier instance, stop the Applications tier instance as follows:

  1. On the Oracle Collaboration Suite home page of the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control Console, click Stop All.

  2. Leave the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control Console running.

It is important that you leave the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control Console running in each of the Applications tier instances while you perform this procedure.

Task 2: Prepare the Infrastructure Instances

  1. Make sure that Identity Management and its associated OracleAS Metadata Repository are up and running on the Infrastructure whose port number you are changing.

  2. If any Applications tier instances use a different OracleAS Metadata Repository for their product metadata and DCM repositories, make sure those are up. In short, make sure all Metadata Repositories in your environment are up.

Task 3: Change the Oracle Internet Directory Port

  1. On the Oracle Internet Directory host:

    1. Create a file named mod.ldif with the following contents. You can create the file in any directory:

      For For Oracle Internet Directory non-SSL port:

      dn:cn=configset0, cn=osdldapd, cn=subconfigsubentry

      For For Oracle Internet Directory SSL port:

      dn:cn=configset0, cn=osdldapd, cn=subconfigsubentry
    2. Run the following command:

      For For Oracle Internet Directory non-SSL port:

      ldapmodify -D cn=orcladmin -w password -p oid_port -f mod.ldif

      For For Oracle Internet Directory SSL port:

      ldapmodify -D cn=orcladmin -w password -p oid_port -U SSLAuth -f mod.ldif

      Note that oid_port is the old Oracle Internet Directory port number. If you are changing the Oracle Internet Directory SSL port, provide the additional -U argument to specify the SSL authentication mode. Use one of the following values for SSLAuth: 1 for no authentication required; 2 for one-way authentication required; 3 for two-way authentication required.

  2. On the Oracle Internet Directory host, stop the entire instance that contains Oracle Internet Directory, as well as the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control Console:

    emctl stop iasconsole
    opmnctl stopall
  3. Perform this step in the Oracle Internet Directory Oracle home. If you have OracleAS Metadata Repository installed in other Oracle homes that are registered with this Oracle Internet Directory, perform this step in each of those Oracle homes as well.

    1. Open the ldap.ora file:

      (UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/ldap/admin/ldap.ora
      (Windows) ORACLE_HOME\ldap\admin\ldap.ora
    2. Modify the following line to contain the new port number, and then save the file.

    3. Open the file:

      (UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/config/
      (Windows) ORACLE_HOME\config\
    4. Change the value of OIDport (for an Oracle Internet Directory non-SSL port change) or OIDsslport (for an Oracle Internet Directory SSL port change) to the new port number, and then save the file.

  4. On the Oracle Internet Directory host, start the instance that contains Oracle Internet Directory, as well as the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control Console:

    opmnctl startall
    emctl start iasconsole
  5. Perform this step in the OracleAS Single Sign-On Oracle home:

    1. On UNIX systems, set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64, LIB_PATH,or SHLIB_PATH environment variables to the proper values, as shown in Table 1-1. The actual environment variables and values that you have to set depend on the type of your UNIX operating system.

    2. Run the following command in the OracleAS Single Sign-On Oracle home:

      ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin/java -jar $ORACLE_HOME/sso/lib/ossoca.jar reassoc -repos $ORACLE_HOME

Task 4: Reconfigure OracleAS Certificate Authority

Follow this task if you are using OracleAS Certificate Authority:

  1. If OracleAS Certificate Authority is running in a different Oracle home, do the following step in the OracleAS Certificate Authority Oracle home:

    1. Open the file:

      (UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/config/
      (Windows) ORACLE_HOME\config\
    2. Change the value of OIDport (for an HTTP port change) or OIDsslport (for an HTTPS port change) to the new port number, and then save the file.

  2. Update OracleAS Certificate Authority with the new Oracle Internet Directory port number by running the following command in the OracleAS Certificate Authority Oracle home:

    ocactl changesecurity -server_auth_port port_number

    In the example, port_number is the OracleAS Certificate Authority Server Authentication Virtual Host (SSL) port; the default is 4400.

Task 5: Restart the Identity Management Instance

Restart the Identity Management instance:

emctl stop iasconsole
opmnctl stopall
opmnctl startall
emctl start iasconsole

Task 6: Update the Applications Tier Instances to Use the New Port Number

On each Applications tier instance that uses the Identity Management installation, run the Change Identity Management Services wizard and start the instance:

  1. Using the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control Console, navigate to the Oracle Collaboration Suite home page for the Applications tier instance.

  2. Click the Infrastructure link.

  3. On the Infrastructure page, in the Identity Management section, click Change.

  4. Follow the steps in the wizard for supplying the new Identity Management information (the new port number).

  5. When the wizard is finished, you must perform an opmnctl reload. Enter the following command from the Applications tier (after setting ORACLE_HOME to the Applications tier home):

    ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl reload
  6. Navigate to the Oracle Collaboration Suite home page and start the Applications tier instance by clicking Start All.

Changing the HTTP Server Port on Identity Management

This section describes how to change the Oracle HTTP Server HTTP or HTTPS listen port on an Identity Management installation. When you change this port number, you also effectively change the OracleAS Single Sign-On port number. This means you must update any Applications tier instances that use the OracleAS Single Sign-On port.

The following procedure contains complete instructions for updating the Oracle HTTP Server port number on Identity Management, including updating other components in the Infrastructure and updating the Applications tier instances that use the port. The relevant tasks are as follows:

Task 1: Prepare the Applications tier Instances

Follow this task only if the Identity Management installation is being used by Applications tier instances. On each Applications tier instance that uses Identity Management, stop the Applications tier instance as follows:

  1. On the Oracle Collaboration Suite home page of the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control Console, click Stop All.

  2. Leave the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control Console running.

It is important that you leave the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control Console running in each of the Applications tier instances while you perform this procedure.

Task 2: Prepare the Infrastructure Instances

  1. Make sure that Identity Management and its associated OracleAS Metadata Repository are up and running on the Infrastructure whose port number you are changing.

  2. If any Applications tier instances use different Metadata Repositories for their product metadata and DCM repositories, make sure those are up. In short, make sure all Metadata Repositories in your environment are up.

Task 3: Modify the Oracle HTTP Server Listen and Port Directives

If you are changing the HTTP port, change both the Listen and Port directives to the new port number in the Oracle HTTP Server httpd.conf file. You can perform this task using the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control Console or manual steps.

  • Using the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control Console:

    1. Navigate to the Oracle Collaboration Suite home page and click Ports.

    2. On the Ports page, locate the Oracle HTTP Server Listen port and click the icon in the Configure column.

    3. On the Server Properties page:

      • Enter the new port number in the Default Port field. This is for the Port directive.

      • Enter the new port number in the Listening Port column. This is for the Listen directive. There may be more than one listening port listed. The only way to tell which is the non-SSL listen port is to choose the one with the old non-SSL listen port value.

        The values for Listening Port and Default Port must be the same port number.

    4. At the bottom of the page, click Apply.

    5. On the Confirmation page, click No, you would not like to restart now.

  • Using manual steps:

    1. Open the httpd.conf file:

      (UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/httpd.conf
      (Windows) ORACLE_HOME\Apache\Apache\conf\httpd.conf
    2. Update the non-SSL Listen and Port directives with the new port number, and then save the file.

      The value for Listen and Port must be the same port number, for example, to change the listener port to 7779:

      Listen 7779
      Port 7779

      There may be multiple Listen and Port directives in this file. Modify the Listen and Port directives that are not enclosed in an SSL virtual host container. The easiest way to locate the proper Listen and Port directives is to search the file for the old port number.

    3. Run the following command on the Infrastructure:

      [ORACLE_HOME]/dcm/bin/dcmctl updateConfig -ct ohs

If you are changing the HTTPS port, change both the SSL Listen and Port directives to the new port number in the Oracle HTTP Server ssl.conf file. You must do this using the following manual steps:

  1. Open the ssl.conf file:

    (UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf/ssl.conf
    (Windows) ORACLE_HOME\Apache\Apache\conf\ssl.conf
  2. Update the SSL Listen and SSL Port directives with the new port number:

    The value for Listen and Port must be the same port number, for example, to change the listener port to 4445:

    Listen 4445
    Port 4445
  3. Edit the <VirtualHost _default_:4443></Virtual> directive. For example, if you were changing the port number to 4445, you would set the following:

    <VirtualHost _default_:4445></Virtual>

    All three directives must be set to use the same port number.

  4. Save the ssl.conf file.

  5. Run the following command on the Infrastructure:

    [ORACLE_HOME]/dcm/bin/dcmctl updateConfig -ct ohs

Task 4: Enable Oracle HTTP Server to Run as Root for Ports Less Than 1024 on UNIX

Perform this task if you are changing the port to a value less than 1024.

By default, Oracle HTTP Server runs as a non-root user (the user that installed Oracle Collaboration Suite). On UNIX systems, if you change the Oracle Collaboration Suite non-SSL listen port number to a privileged port (with a value less than 1024), you must enable Oracle HTTP Server to run as root, as follows:

  1. Log in as root.

  2. Run the following commands in the Infrastructure Oracle home:

    cd ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/bin
    chown root .apachectl
    chmod 6750 .apachectl

Task 5: Update the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control Console

Update the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control Console with the new port number:

  1. Open the targets.xml file:

    (UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/sysman/emd/targets.xml
    (Windows) ORACLE_HOME\sysman\emd\targets.xml
  2. Update each occurrence of the old Oracle HTTP Server listen port number with the new port number, and then save the file.

    Depending on your configuration, this file may not contain any occurrences of the Oracle HTTP Server listen port, or it may contain many occurrences. The listen port may occur as a parameter on its own, or it may be part of a URL. The easiest way to edit this file is to search for all occurrences of the old Oracle HTTP Server listen port number, and replace them with the new port number.

  3. Reload the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control Console:

    emctl reload

Task 6: Update OracleAS Single Sign-On

Perform this task if OracleAS Single Sign-On is configured to use the Oracle HTTP Server HTTP listen port in the installation where you are changing the port.

  1. On UNIX systems, set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64, LIB_PATH, or SHLIB_PATH environment variables to the proper values, as shown in Table 1-1. The actual environment variables and values that you have to set depend on the type of your UNIX operating system.

  2. Run the following command in the OracleAS Single Sign-On Oracle home:

    To change the non-SSL port:

    (UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/sso/bin/ http hostname new_non_ssl_port_number
    (Windows) ORACLE_HOME\sso\bin\ssocfg.bat http hostname new_non_ssl_port_number

    To change the SSL port:

    (UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/sso/bin/ https hostname new_ssl_port_number
    (Windows) ORACLE_HOME\sso\bin\ssocfg.bat https hostname new_ssl_port_number

    In the example:

    • hostname is the host on which OracleAS Single Sign-On is running

    • new_port_number is the new non-SSL Oracle HTTP Server listen port number

Task 7: Re-register mod_osso

Re-register mod_osso as follows:

  1. On UNIX systems, set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64, LIB_PATH, or SHLIB_PATH environment variables to the proper values, as shown in Table 1-1. The actual environment variables and values that you have to set depend on the type of your UNIX operating system.

  2. On Windows systems, set PATH=%PATH%;$ORACLE_HOME%\bin;%ORACLE_HOME%\lib.

  3. Re-register mod_osso to take care of the default partner applications by running the following command in the Identity Management Oracle home:


    -oracle_home_path identity_management_oracle_home
    -site_name identity_management_hostname:new_port_number
    -config_mod_osso TRUE
    -mod_osso_url mod_osso_url


    -oracle_home_path identity_management_oracle_home
    -site_name identity_management_hostname:new_port_number
    -config_mod_osso TRUE
    -mod_osso_url mod_osso_url

    For example, if you want to change the Oracle HTTP Server listen port to 7779 on host myhost:

    -oracle_home_path /disk1/oracleas
    -site_name myhost:7779
    -config_mod_osso TRUE
    -mod_osso_url http://myhost.mydomain:7779
  4. If you have configured or modified any additional partner applications, you must also re-register those.

See Also:

Oracle Application Server Single Sign-On Administrator's Guide for more information on registering mod_osso

Task 8: Update Oracle Delegated Administration Services

If you have Oracle Delegated Administration Services configured, and Oracle Delegated Administration Services uses the new port number, follow these steps to update the Oracle Delegated Administration Services URL entry in Oracle Internet Directory.

You can find out what port Oracle Delegated Administration Services uses with the following command:

ldapsearch -h oid_host -p oid_port -D "cn=orcladmin"
-w "password" -b "cn=OperationURLs,cn=DAS,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext"
-s base "objectclass=*" orcldasurlbase

  1. Create a file named mod.ldif with the following contents (you can create the file in any directory):


    Note the slash at the end of the orcldasurlbase URL.

  2. Run the following command:

    ldapmodify -D cn=orcladmin -w password -p oid_port -f mod.ldif

Task 9: Update OracleAS Certificate Authority

If you are using OracleAS Certificate Authority:

  1. Re-register OracleAS Certificate Authority with the OracleAS Single Sign-On server by running the following command in the OracleAS Certificate Authority Oracle home:

    ocactl changesecurity -server_auth_port port_number

    In the example, port_number is the OracleAS Certificate Authority Server Authentication Virtual Host (SSL) port; the default is 4400.

  2. If OracleAS Certificate Authority is located in a different Oracle home than the OracleAS Single Sign-On server, restart Oracle HTTP Server and the oca instance in the OracleAS Certificate Authority Oracle home:

    opmnctl stopproc ias-component=HTTP_Server
    opmnctl stopproc process-type=oca
    opmnctl startproc ias-component=HTTP_Server
    opmnctl startproc process-type=oca

Task 10: Restart the Identity Management Instance

Restart the Identity Management instance:

emctl stop iasconsole
opmnctl stopall
opmnctl startall
emctl start iasconsole

Task 11: Restart OracleAS Certificate Authority

If OracleAS Certificate Authority is configured in this instance, restart it:

ocactl start

Task 12: Update the Applications Tier Instances to Use the New Port Number

Now that you have changed the Oracle HTTP Server port on the Identity Management installation, you must update all Applications tier instances to use the new port number.

  1. Update each Applications tier instance using the Change Identity Management wizard in the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control Console. Note that the wizard will not prompt you for the new port number; it retrieves the port number internally.

    On each Applications tier instance that uses Identity Management:

    1. Using the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control Console, navigate to the Oracle Collaboration Suite home page for the Applications tier instance.

    2. Click the Infrastructure link.

    3. On the Infrastructure page, in the Identity Management section, click Change.

    4. Follow the steps in the wizard.

    5. When the wizard is finished, you must perform an opmnctl reload. Enter the following command from the Applications tier (after setting ORACLE_HOME to the Applications tier home):

      ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl reload
    6. Navigate to the Oracle Collaboration Suite home page and start the Applications tier instance by clicking Start All.

  2. Run the following command on every Applications tier which is hosting an instance of OracleAS Portal:

    ORACLE_HOME/portal/conf/ptlconfig -dad <dad> -pw <Portal schema password or
    OID Admin Password> -sso -host <portal_site_name> -port <portal_site_port>

    In the above example, the <dad> should be portal. Use the new Applications tier SSL port number when you specify -port, and be sure to use the -ssl flag if you have enabled SSL.

  3. Refresh the Oracle Internet Directory cache in your applications:

    1. Log in to the Portal as the Portal master user ( [portal] by default).

    2. Click the Administer tab.

    3. Click the global settings link.

    4. Click the SSO/OID tab.

    5. Check the refresh Refresh cache for OID parameters box, and click Apply.

Changing a Hostname, Domain Name, or IP Address

After you have installed Oracle Collaboration Suite, there may come a time when you want to change the hostname, domain name, or IP address of a host. Depending on your installation type, you may perform some or all of these operations.

Table 13-3 summarizes the installation types that support hostname, domain name, and IP address changes, and provides pointers to the appropriate procedures.

Table 13-3 Supported Procedures for Hostname, Domain Name, and IP Address Changes

Installation Type Changing the Hostname or Domain Name Changing the IP Address

Applications tier


Refer to "Changing the Hostname or Domain Name of an Applications Tier Installation"


Change the address in your operating system. No updates to Oracle Collaboration Suite are required

Infrastructure tiers hosting both Oracle Internet Directory and OracleAS Metadata Repository

Not supported


Refer to "Changing the IP Address of an Infrastructure Tier"

Infrastructure tiers hosting Oracle Internet Directory only (OracleAS Metadata Repository is not hosted on this Infrastructure tier)


Refer to Changing the Hostname, Domain Name, or IP Address of an Infrastructure Installation


Refer to "Changing the IP Address of an Infrastructure Tier"

Changing the Hostname or Domain Name of an Applications Tier Installation

This section describes how to change the hostname, domain name, or both, of an Applications tier host.

The procedure contains the following:

Things to Know Before You Start

Review the following items before you start:

  • Because the Applications tier instance is registered with Oracle Internet Directory, you must supply the cn=orcladmin password during the procedure.

  • Consider changing the log level before running the chgiphost command so you can view more detailed information.

  • If your old hostname is a string that is likely to appear in a configuration file, the chgiphost script may encounter problems when trying to update the configuration files. Refer to "Customizing the chgiphost Script" for information on how to avoid this problem.

  • Write down the old hostname and IP address before you begin. You will be prompted for these values.

  • Oracle recommends that you perform a backup of your environment before you start this procedure. Refer to Chapter 11, "Backing Up and Recovering Oracle Collaboration Suite".

Task 1: Prepare Your Host

Prepare your host for the change by removing instances from OracleAS Clusters and stopping all processes.

  1. If the host contains a Applications tier instance that is part of an OracleAS Web Cache cluster, remove the instance from the cache cluster. You can add the instance back into the cluster at the end of the procedure.

    See Also:

    Oracle Application Server Web Cache Administrator's Guide for instructions on removing caches from a cache cluster

  2. Shut down each instance on the host by running the following commands in each Oracle home:

    • On UNIX systems:

      ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl stop iasconsole
      ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopall
    • On Windows systems:

      ORACLE_HOME\bin\emctl stop iasconsole
      ORACLE_HOME\opmn\bin\opmnctl stopall
  3. Make sure Oracle Collaboration Suite processes will not start automatically after restarting the host by disabling any automated startup scripts you may have set up, such as /etc/init.d scripts.

  4. Make sure the Oracle Internet Directory that the Applications tier is using is running.

Task 2: Change the Hostname

Update your operating system with the new hostname, domain name, or both. Consult your operating system documentation for more information on how to perform the following steps. You can also change the IP address, if desired.

  1. Make the updates to your operating system to properly change the hostname, domain name, or both.

  2. Restart the host, if necessary for your operating system.

  3. Verify that you can ping the host from another host in your network. Be sure to ping using the new hostname to make sure everything is resolving properly.

Task 3: Run the chgiphost Command

Follow these steps for each Applications tier instance on your host. Be sure to complete the steps entirely for one Applications tier instance before you move on to the next.


On Windows systems, the chgiphost.bat DOS batch file will close any DOS window you use to run it, by default, upon completion. If you want to keep the DOS window open, use the following modified command to run chgiphost.bat:
cmd /c chgiphost.bat [...]

  1. Log in to the host as the user that installed the Applications tier instance.

  2. Make sure your ORACLE_HOME environment variable is set to the Applications tier Oracle home.

  3. On UNIX systems, set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64, LIB_PATH, or SHLIB_PATH environment variables to the proper values, as shown in Table 1-1, "Oracle Collaboration Suite Environment Variables for UNIX". The actual environment variables and values that you have to set depend on the type of your UNIX operating system.

  4. Run the following commands in the Applications tier Oracle home:

    • On UNIX systems:

      cd ORACLE_HOME/chgip/scripts
      ./ -mid
    • On Windows systems:

      cd ORACLE_HOME\chgip\scripts
      chgiphost.bat -mid

    The chgiphost command prompts for information, as shown in Table 13-4. Note that the prompts may provide values in parentheses.You can enter a different value, or press the return key to accept the suggested value.

    Table 13-4 Prompts and Actions for chgiphost -mid

    Prompt Action
    Enter fully qualified hostname (hostname.domainname) of destination

    Enter the new fully-qualified hostname. This may be a new hostname, domain name, or both.

    Enter valid IP Address of destination

    If you changed the IP address of the host, enter the new IP address.

    Otherwise, enter the current IP address.

    Enter valid IP Address of source

    If you changed the IP address of the host, enter the old IP address.

    Otherwise, enter the current IP address.

    OIDAdmin Password:

    Enter the cn=orcladmin password for the Oracle Internet Directory in which this Applications tier instance is registered.

  5. Verify that the tool ran successfully by checking for errors in the files in the following directory:

    • On UNIX systems:

    • On Windows systems:


Task 4: Restart Your Environment

Restart the Applications tier instances and restore your configuration back to the way it was before you started the procedure.

  1. Start each Applications tier instance on your host by running the following commands in each Oracle home:

    • On UNIX systems:

      ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl startall
      ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl start iasconsole
    • On Windows systems:

      ORACLE_HOME\opmn\bin\opmnctl startall
      ORACLE_HOME\bin\emctl start iasconsole
  2. If you removed any instances from an OracleAS Web Cache cluster at the beginning of this procedure, add them back to the cache cluster.

    See Also:

    Oracle Application Server Web Cache Administrator's Guide for instructions on adding caches to a cluster

  3. If you disabled any processes for automatically starting Oracle Collaboration Suite at the beginning of this procedure, enable them.

Task 5: Update OracleAS Portal and Oracle Mobile Collaboration

This is a special step required for updating OracleAS Portal and Oracle Mobile Collaboration when you change the hostname.

When you change the hostname, the Oracle Mobile Collaboration server URL changes to use the new hostname. You must update the Oracle Internet Directory Service Registry with the new Oracle Mobile Collaboration service URL in order for other applications, such as OracleAS Portal, to access Oracle Mobile Collaboration.

Refer to "Managing the Oracle Internet Directory Service Registry" for instructions on updating the Oracle Internet Directory Service Registry.

After making this change, if you are using Oracle Collaborative Portlets, you must re-run the Collaborative Portlets Configuration Assistant. This will rebuild the portlets with the new hostname connection information.

Refer to "Changing the Host or Port on an Applications Tier hosting Oracle Collaborative Portlets" for instructions on running the Collaborative Portlets Configuration Assistant.

Task 6: Update Oracle Workspaces with New SMTP Server Hostname/Port

If you have changed the host name or port of an instance hosting the Oracle Mail SMTP server, then you must update Oracle Workspaces with this new information. To make this update, perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to the Oracle Workspaces as a user with the Application Administrator role.

  2. Select the Administration tab.

  3. Look in the section under Notification. Set the properties for the new SMTP Server hostname and port values.

  4. Click Update to commit the changes.

Task 7: Manually Update the Hostname in Files

If you edited a file and entered the hostname as part of a user-defined parameter such as the Oracle home path, the hostname is not automatically updated by running the script. To update the hostname in such cases, you need to edit the files manually. For example, the plsql.conf file may contain an NFS path including the hostname, such as: /net/dsun1/private/....

The script also does not edit the hostname references in the documentation files. You will need to manually edit these files to update the hostname. Examples of such files are the following files in the ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/htdocs directory.


  • index.html.es_ES



  • index.html.ja

  • index.html.ko

  • index.html.pt_BR

  • index.html.zh_CN

  • index.html.zh_TW

Changing the Hostname, Domain Name, or IP Address of an Infrastructure Installation

This section describes how to change the hostname, domain name, or IP address on an Infrastructure host that contains an Identity Management installation. This procedure applies to any Identity Management-only installation.

The procedure contains the following:

Things to Know Before You Start

Review the following items before you start the procedure:

  • Consider changing the log level before running the chgiphost command so you can view more detailed information.

  • If your old hostname is a string that is likely to appear in a configuration file, the chgiphost script may encounter problems when trying to update the configuration files. Refer to "Customizing the chgiphost Script" for information on how to avoid this problem.

  • Write down the old hostname and IP address before you begin. You will be prompted for these values.

  • Oracle recommends that you perform a backup of your environment before you start this procedure. Refer to Chapter 11, "Backing Up and Recovering Oracle Collaboration Suite".

Task 1: Shut Down Applications Tier Instances

For each Applications tier instance that uses Identity Management, stop the Applications tier instance as follows:

  1. On the Oracle Collaboration Suite home page of the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control Console, select Stop All.

  2. Leave the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control running.

It is important that you leave the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control running in each of the Applications tier instances while you perform this procedure.

Task 2: Prepare Your Infrastructure Host

Prepare your Infrastructure host for the hostname change by stopping all processes.

  1. Set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable.

  2. Shut down the Identity Management installation:

    • On UNIX systems:

      ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl stop iasconsole
      ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopall
    • On Windows systems:

      ORACLE_HOME\bin\emctl stop iasconsole
      ORACLE_HOME\opmn\bin\opmnctl stopall
  3. Make sure Oracle Collaboration Suite processes will not start automatically after a restart the host by disabling any automated startup scripts you may have set up, such as /etc/init.d scripts.

Task 3: Change the Hostname or IP Address

Update your operating system with the new hostname, domain name, or IP address. Consult your operating system documentation for more information on how to perform the following steps.

  1. Make the updates to your operating system to properly change hostname, domain name, or both.

  2. Restart the host, if necessary for your operating system.

  3. Verify that you can ping the host from another host in your network. Be sure to ping using the new hostname to make sure everything is resolving properly.

Task 4: Start Oracle Internet Directory

Start the Oracle Internet Directory:

  • On UNIX systems:

    ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl start
    ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl startproc ias-component=OID
  • On Windows systems:

    ORACLE_HOME\opmn\bin\opmnctl start
    ORACLE_HOME\opmn\bin\opmnctl startproc ias-component=OID

Task 5: Run the chgiphost Command

Perform these steps using the Infrastructure Oracle home:

  1. Log in to the host as the user that installed the Infrastructure tier.

  2. Set the ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID environment variables.

  3. On UNIX systems, set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64, LIB_PATH, or SHLIB_PATH environment variables to the proper values, as shown in Table 1-1, "Oracle Collaboration Suite Environment Variables for UNIX". The actual environment variables and values that you have to set depend on the type of your UNIX operating system.

  4. Run the following commands in the Infrastructure Oracle home:

    • On UNIX systems:

      cd ORACLE_HOME/chgip/scripts
      ./ -idm
    • On Windows systems:

      cd ORACLE_HOME\chgip\scripts
      chgiphost.bat -idm

    The chgiphost command prompts for information, as shown in Table 13-5. Note that the prompts may provide values in parentheses.You can enter a different value, or press the return key to accept the suggested value.

    Table 13-5 Prompts and Actions for chgiphost -idm

    Prompt Action
    Enter fully qualified hostname (hostname.domainname) of destination

    If you changed the hostname or domain name on your system, enter the new fully-qualified hostname.

    Otherwise, enter the current fully-qualified hostname.

    Enter fully qualified hostname (hostname.domainname) of source

    If you changed the hostname or domain name on your system, enter the old fully-qualified hostname.

    Otherwise, enter the current fully-qualified hostname.

    Enter valid IP Address of destination

    If you changed the IP address of the system, enter the new IP address.

    Otherwise, enter the current IP address

    Enter valid IP Address of source

    If you changed the IP address of the system, enter the old IP address.

    Otherwise, enter the current IP address

  5. Verify that the tool ran successfully by checking for errors in the files in the following directory:

    • On UNIX systems:

    • On Windows systems:


Task 6: Update Your Environment

This task contains the steps to update your environment for the new hostname, domain name, or IP address.

  1. Update the ldap.ora file in each Applications tier instance (J2EE and Web Cache, Portal and Wireless, and Oracle Business Intelligence) that uses Oracle Internet Directory.

    In each Oracle home:

    1. Edit the following file:

      (UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/ldap/admin/ldap.ora
      (Windows) ORACLE_HOME\ldap\admin\ldap.ora
    2. Update the DIRECTORY_SERVERS parameter with the new fully-qualified hostname.

  2. Run the following command (ORACLE_HOME in the Infrastructure Oracle home):

    • On UNIX systems:

      ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin/java -jar ORACLE_HOME/sso/lib/ossoca.jar reassoc -repos ORACLE_HOME
      ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin/java -jar ORACLE_HOME/sso/lib/ossoca.jar reassoc -midtier ORACLE_HOME old_hostname new_hostname
    • On Windows systems:

      ORACLE_HOME\jdk\bin\java -jar ORACLE_HOME\sso\lib\ossoca.jar reassoc -repos ORACLE_HOME
      ORACLE_HOME\jdk\bin\java -jar ORACLE_HOME\sso\lib\ossoca.jar reassoc -midtier ORACLE_HOME old_hostname new_hostname
  3. Run the following command to update Oracle Directory Integration and Provisioning:

    • On UNIX systems:

      ORACLE_HOME/bin/odisrvreg -h OID_hostname -p OID_port -D "cn=orcladmin" -w orcladmin_password
    • On Windows systems:

      ORACLE_HOME\bin\odisrvreg -h OID_hostname -p OID_port -D "cn=orcladmin" -w orcladmin_password
  4. Follow these steps to update the Oracle Delegated Administration Services URL entry in Oracle Internet Directory.

    1. Create a file named mod.ldif with the following contents (you can create the file in any directory):


      Where hostname is the new hostname and http_port_number is the Oracle HTTP Server port for the Infrastructure installation. Note the slash at the end of the orcldasurlbase URL.

    2. Run the following command:

      ldapmodify -D cn=orcladmin -w password -p OID_port -f mod.ldif
  5. In each Applications tier installation, run the Change Identity Management Services wizard:

    1. Using the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control Console, navigate to the Oracle Collaboration Suite home page for the Applications tier instance.

    2. Select the Infrastructure link.

    3. On the Infrastructure page, in the Identity Management section, select Change.

    4. Follow the steps in the wizard for supplying the new Identity Management information.

Task 7: Restart Your Environment

Restart the Infrastructure installation and restore your configuration back to the way it was before you started the procedure.

  1. Restart the Identity Management instance:

    • On UNIX systems:

      ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopall
      ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl startall
      ORACLE_HOME/bin/emctl start iasconsole
    • On Windows systems:

      ORACLE_HOME\opmn\bin\opmnctl stopall
      ORACLE_HOME\opmn\bin\opmnctl startall
      ORACLE_HOME\bin\emctl start iasconsole
  2. If you disabled any processes for automatically starting Oracle Collaboration Suite at the beginning of this procedure, enable them.

  3. Start all Applications tier instances.

Configuration 1: Oracle Internet Directory only 

  1. Update the ldap.ora file in every instance that uses Oracle Internet Directory. This includes other Identity Management instances (OracleAS Single Sign-On, Oracle Delegated Administration Services, Oracle Directory Integration and Provisioning) and Applications tier instances (J2EE and Web Cache, Portal and Wireless, and Oracle Business Intelligence).

    In each Oracle home:

    1. Edit the following file:

      (UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/ldap/admin/ldap.ora
      (Windows) ORACLE_HOME\ldap\admin\ldap.ora
    2. Update the DIRECTORY_SERVERS parameter with the new fully-qualified hostname.

  2. In the OracleAS Single Sign-On installation, run the Change Identity Management Services wizard and supply the new Oracle Internet Directory information:

    1. Using the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control Console, navigate to the Oracle Collaboration Suite home page for OracleAS Single Sign-On.

    2. Click the Infrastructure link.

    3. On the Infrastructure page, in the Identity Management section, click Change.

    4. Follow the steps in the wizard for supplying the new Identity Management information (new hostname).

  3. In each Applications tier installation, run the Change Identity Management Services wizard and supply the new Oracle Internet Directory information, as described in the preceding step.

Configuration 2: OracleAS Single Sign-On, Oracle Delegated Administration Services, and (optionally) Oracle Directory Integration and Provisioning 

  1. Run the following command (ORACLE_HOME is the OracleAS Single Sign-On Oracle home):

    • On UNIX systems:

      ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin/java -jar ORACLE_HOME/sso/lib/ossoca.jar reassoc -midtier ORACLE_HOME old_hostname new_hostname
    • On Windows systems:

      ORACLE_HOME\jdk\bin\java -jar ORACLE_HOME\sso\lib\ossoca.jar reassoc -midtier ORACLE_HOME old_hostname new_hostname
  2. Re-register OracleAS Single Sign-On (ORACLE_HOME is the OracleAS Single Sign-On Oracle home):

    • On UNIX systems:

      ORACLE_HOME/jdk/bin/java -jar ORACLE_HOME/sso/lib/ossoreg.jar
      -oracle_home_path applications_tier_oracle_home
      -site_name applications_tier_hostname:http_port_number
      -config_mod_osso TRUE
      -mod_osso_url mod_osso_url
      -u user
    • On Windows systems:

      ORACLE_HOME\jdk\bin\java -jar ORACLE_HOME\sso\lib\ossoreg.jar
      -oracle_home_path applications_tier_oracle_home
      -site_name applications_tier_hostname:http_port_number
      -config_mod_osso TRUE
      -mod_osso_url mod_osso_url
      -u user

    See Also:

    Oracle Application Server Single Sign-On Administrator's Guide for more information on running the preceding command

  3. If Oracle Directory Integration and Provisioning is configured, run the following command:

    • On UNIX systems:

      ORACLE_HOME/bin/odisrvreg -h OID_hostname -p OID_port -D "cn=orcladmin" -w orcladmin_password
    • On Windows systems:

      ORACLE_HOME\bin\odisrvreg -h OID_hostname -p OID_port -D "cn=orcladmin" -w orcladmin_password
  4. If you have Oracle Delegated Administration Services configured, follow these steps to update the Oracle Delegated Administration Services URL entry in Oracle Internet Directory.

    1. Create a file named mod.ldif with the following contents (you can create the file in any directory):


      Where hostname is the new hostname and http_port_number is the Oracle HTTP Server port for the Identity Management installation. Note the slash at the end of the orcldasurlbase URL.

    2. Run the following command:

      ldapmodify -D cn=orcladmin -w password -p OID_port -f mod.ldif
  5. In each Applications tier installation (J2EE and Web Cache, Portal and Wireless, or Oracle Business Intelligence), run the Change Identity Management Services wizard:

    1. Using the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control Console, navigate to the Oracle Collaboration Suite home page for the Applications tier instance.

    2. Click the Infrastructure link.

    3. On the Infrastructure page, in the Identity Management section, click Change.

    4. Follow the steps in the wizard for supplying the new Identity Management information.

Changing the IP Address of an Infrastructure Tier

This section describes how to change the IP address of a Infrastructure tier. The procedure contains the following:

Things to Know Before You Start

Review the following items before you start the procedure:

Task 1: Shut Down Applications Tier Instances

Shut down all Applications tier instances that use the Infrastructure installation, even if they are on other hosts.

Task 2: Prepare Your Infrastructure Host

Prepare your Infrastructure host for the change by stopping all processes.

  1. Set the ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID environment variables.

  2. Shut down the Infrastructure:

    emctl stop iasconsole
    opmnctl stopall
    lsnrctl stop
    sqlplus /nolog
    SQL> connect SYS as SYSDBA
    SQL> shutdown
    SQL> quit
  3. Verify that all Oracle Collaboration Suite processes have stopped.

  4. Make sure Oracle Collaboration Suite processes will not start automatically after a restarting the host by disabling any automated startup scripts you may have set up, such as /etc/init.d scripts.

Task 3: Change the IP Address

Update your operating system with the new IP address, restart the host, and verify that the host is functioning properly on your network. Consult your operating system documentation for more information on how to do this.

  1. Make the updates to your operating system to properly change the IP address.

  2. Restart the host, if required by your operating system.

  3. Verify that you can ping the host from another host in your network. Be sure to ping using the new IP address to make sure everything is resolving properly.

Task 4: Update the Infrastructure

Update the Infrastructure on your host with the new IP address.

  1. Log in to the host as the user that installed the Infrastructure.

  2. Set the ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID environment variables.

  3. On UNIX systems, set the LD_LIBRARY_PATH, LD_LIBRARY_PATH_64, LIB_PATH, or SHLIB_PATH environment variables to the proper values, as shown in Table 1-1, "Oracle Collaboration Suite Environment Variables for UNIX". The actual environment variables and values that you have to set depend on the type of your UNIX operating system.

  4. Start the database:

    sqlplus /nolog
    SQL> connect SYS as SYSDBA
    SQL> startup
    SQL> quit
    lsnrctl start
  5. Start OPMN:

    opmnctl start
  6. Start Oracle Internet Directory:

    opmnctl startproc ias-component=OID process-type=OID
  7. Run the following commands in the Infrastructure Oracle home:


    On Windows systems, the chgiphost.bat DOS batch file will close any DOS window you use to run it, by default, upon completion. If you want to keep the DOS window open, use the following modified command to run chgiphost.bat:
    cmd /c chgiphost.bat [...]

    cd ORACLE_HOME/chgip/scripts
    ./ -infra
    cd ORACLE_HOME\chgip\scripts
    chgiphost.bat -infra

    The chgiphost command prompts for the old and new IP address.

  8. Verify that the tool ran successfully by checking for errors in the files in the following directory:


Task 5: Restart Your Environment

Finish starting the Infrastructure and start any Applications tier instances that use it.

  1. Finish starting the Infrastructure:

    opmnctl startall
    emctl start iasconsole
  2. If a Applications tier instance is on the same host as the infrastructure, then you need to run the chgiphost script on the Applications tier instance before restarting the Applications tier processes. See "Changing Applications Tier Ports" for details.

  3. If you disabled any processes for automatically starting Oracle Collaboration Suite at the beginning of this procedure, enable them.

Special Topics for Changing Your Hostname or Domain Name

This section contains the following special topics that apply to changing the hostname or domain name of an Oracle Collaboration Suite host:

Setting the Log Level for chgiphost

By default, the console log level for the chgiphost command is SEVERE. This causes only critical information to be printed while running chgiphost. If you would like to view additional progress information, set the console log level to CONFIG as follows:


See Table 13-6 for a complete listing of standard Java log levels, which you can use for configuring the log level.

  1. Edit the following file:

    (UNIX) ORACLE_HOME/chgip/config/
    (Windows) ORACLE_HOME\chgip\config\
  2. Change the java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level parameter to CONFIG:

    java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level = CONFIG

Table 13-6 Log Levels Supported for chgiphost

Log Level Description


Special level that indicates all messages should be logged


Serious failure notices will be logged


Potential errors will be logged


Informational messages will be logged


Static configuration messages will be logged


Tracing information will be logged


Detailed tracing information will be logged


Highly detailed tracing information will be logged


Special level used to turn off all logging


The log-levels are different for the log-file and the console (stdout). Since the log level for the console is SEVERE by default, only SEVERE-level messages and above will be passed. However, in the log file (where the default FileHandler level is CONFIG), all messages with level CONFIG and above are logged. chgiphost does not use levels FINE and below, so for chgiphost purposes, all messages will be logged in the log file.

Customizing the chgiphost Script

By default, the chgiphost script updates key configuration files in the Oracle home with the new hostname. If either of the following cases apply to your installation, you may want to consider customizing the behavior of the chgiphost script:

  • You have created additional configuration files that contain the hostname and would like the chgiphost script to update those files.

    In order to update these files, add their full path name to the following file before running chgiphost:

    • On UNIX systems:

    • On Windows systems:

  • Your old hostname is very short (one or two letters) or is a string that is likely to appear in a configuration file

    Before running chgiphost, examine each of the files listed in hostname.lst to determine if the old hostname exists in any settings in those files. If you find a match, you can correct those settings after you run chgiphost.

  • Your Oracle home contains the hostname in its full path.

    In this case, the chgiphost script may not update your configuration files properly. You can avoid this problem by using a Java utility called FileFixer, which searches for specific text strings in a file by matching regular expressions, and updates them to their new values. Note that FileFixer searches for patterns one line at a time. It cannot match patterns across lines.

    To use FileFixer:

    1. Make a copy of the following file:

      • On UNIX systems:

      • On Windows systems:

    2. Edit your copy of the file to specify the regular expression matching required for your old and new hostnames. The file contains an example of how to do this.

    3. Specify the file when running the chgiphost script:

      chgiphost option -hostnameShortXml full_path_to_your_xml_file

      For example, if you named your file /mydir/my_sample.lst.xml, and you are updating a Applications tier installation, run chgiphost as follows:

      chgiphost -mid -hostnameShortXml /mydir/my_sample.lst.xml

Changing your Hostname after Upgrading from Windows 2000 to Windows 2003

When you upgrade from Windows 2000 to Windows 2003, lower-case letters in your hostname may be changed to upper-case letters. For example, if your hostname is "myhost" before the upgrade, it may be changed to "MYHOST". If this occurs, some Oracle Collaboration Suite processes may not function properly.

To resolve this problem, you do not need to run the chgiphost command to update Oracle Collaboration Suite. Add an entry with the lower-case hostname to the hosts file:


For example, if your fully-qualified hostname was myhost.mydomain before the upgrade, and your IP address is, add the following line: myhost.mydomain myhost

Recovering from Errors When Changing Your Hostname

This section describes how to recover from typical errors you might encounter when using the script. It contains the following scenarios:

Scenario 1: You Specified the Wrong Destination Name

Suppose you ran the script but specified the wrong destination name. In this case, you can remedy the error by running again. Here are the details.

Suppose the current source hostname is loire985, the incorrect destination hostname you specified is mqa985, and the correct destination hostname is sqb985. Initially, you ran with source = loire985 and destination = mqa985.

To recover from this error:

  1. Run with source = mqa985 and destination = sqb985.

  2. Run again with source = loire985 and destination = sqb985.

Scenario 2: You Encountered an Error when Running

For example, you will get an error message if you enter the wrong password for Oracle Internet Directory. In this case, you should run again, with the same source and destination hostnames as before, and make sure to supply the correct password when prompted.

If you encounter an error when running, you should fix the error and run again.