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Oracle® Collaboration Suite Installation Guide
10g Release 1 (10.1.2) for Linux

Part Number B25465-12
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2 Preparing to Install Oracle Collaboration Suite

Before installing Oracle Collaboration Suite, ensure that your computer meets the requirements described in this chapter.

This chapter contains the following sections:

2.1 Hardware Requirements

This section lists the hardware configurations required to install Oracle Collaboration Suite.

Table 2-1 lists the system requirements for running Oracle Collaboration Suite.

The installer checks these requirements at the start of the installation process and warns you if any of these requirements are not met. Therefore, to save time, you can manually check only the remaining requirements.

You can also run the system checks performed by the installer without doing an installation by running the following command, where the runInstaller executable is on the Oracle Collaboration Suite DVD.

prompt> mount_point/runInstaller -executeSysPrereqs

The results are displayed on the screen as well as written to a log file. For more information about the subset of checks performed, refer to Section 2.10.

Table 2-1 Hardware Requirements for Linux Systems

Item Minimum Requirement Checked by Installer

Processor speed

450 MHz or faster



You can install Oracle Collaboration Suite on a "standalone" computer that is not connected to a network. If you later change the network configuration, refer to the Oracle Collaboration Suite Administrator's Guide for information on reconfiguring Oracle Collaboration Suite.



The IP address of a computer can be static or allocated using DHCP.

Note: It is recommended that you install Oracle Collaboration Suite Identity Management, Oracle Collaboration Suite Database, and Application tiers on systems with static IP addresses.

If you later change the IP configuration, refer to the Oracle Collaboration Suite Administrator's Guide for information on reconfiguring Oracle Collaboration Suite.



The installer checks the amount of memory on your computer and will not let you proceed if your computer does not meet the following minimum memory requirements:

Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Infrastructure: 1 gigabyte (GB)

Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Applications: 1 GB

Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Database: 1 GB

Note: For Oracle Collaboration Suite Infrastructure and Applications installation on a single computer, 2 GB or more is recommended.

To determine the amount of memory, enter the following command:

# grep MemTotal /proc/meminfo

These values assume you are running only one Oracle Collaboration Suite instance for each computer.

The memory requirements provided for the various installation types represents enough physical memory to install and run Oracle Collaboration Suite. However, for most production sites, you should configure at least 2 GB of physical memory. For sites with substantial traffic, increasing the amount of memory further may improve your performance.

To determine the optimal amount of memory for your installation, you should load test your site. Resource requirements can vary substantially for different applications and different usage patterns. In addition, some operating system utilities for monitoring memory can overstate memory usage (partially because of the representation of shared memory). The preferred method for determining memory requirements is to monitor the improvement in performance resulting from the addition of physical memory in the load test. Refer to your platform vendor documentation for information on how to configure memory and processor resources for testing purposes.


Disk space

The installer may display inaccurate disk space requirement figures. The disk space requirements are:

Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Infrastructure: 8 GB

Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Applications: 5 GB

Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Database: 5.4 GB

To determine the amount of free disk space, use the df command:

# df -k dir

Replace dir with the Oracle home directory or with the parent directory if the Oracle home directory does not exist yet. For example, if you plan to install Oracle Collaboration Suite in /private/oracle/infra, replace dir with /private/oracle or /private/oracle/infra.


Space in /tmp directory

250 MB

To determine the amount of free disk space in the /tmp directory, use the df command:

# df -k /tmp

If the /tmp directory does not have enough free space, you can specify a different directory by setting the TMP environment variable. Refer to Section 2.7.6 for details.


Swap space

1.5 GB of available swap space

To determine the amount of available swap space, enter the following command:

# grep SwapTotal /proc/meminfo

If necessary, refer to your operating system documentation for information on how to configure additional swap space.



256-color display

To determine the display capabilities of your monitor, enter the following command:

# /usr/X11R6/bin/xdpyinfo

Look for the "depths" line. You need a depth of at least 8 bits for each pixel.


2.1.1 Considerations for Real-Time Collaboration

The Oracle Real-Time Collaboration components perform load balancing as they handle communications between clients and servers. The Redirector determines which multiplexer or communication manager processes are available as it routes requests from clients. The multiplexer determines which Web Conferencing Server processes are available as it routes communications from and to the Web Conferencing clients.

You may also choose to use a Load Balancer to manage processes handled by your Oracle middle-tier servers. If so, then keep these considerations in mind:

  • All systems behind the load balancer should have intranet-routable IP addresses and must be directly accessible from the Internet at least on the standard HTTP and HTTPS ports (80 and 443).

  • If you use geographic load balancers – that is, load balancers to separate loads between geographic locations – then you must create Oracle Real-Time Collaboration clusters to partition the system based on geographical distribution.


Oracle Messenger also uses ports 5222 and 5223 which in some cases must be open to the Internet.

2.1.2 Tips for Reducing Memory Usage

To reduce memory consumption:

  • Configure only the components that you need.

  • After installation, start only the components that you need. Refer to the Oracle Collaboration Suite Administrator's Guide for details.

  • Choose the smallest Applications tier type that contains the components that you need.

  • Run Application Server Control only when you need to administer an instance. In most cases, you do not need Application Server Control running all the time.

    If you are running multiple Oracle Collaboration Suite Infrastructure instances on one computer, each Application Server Control can consume a lot of memory. Running Application Server Control only when you need it can free up memory for other components.

  • Configure Application Server Control so that it can manage multiple instances. Refer to the Oracle Collaboration Suite Administrator's Guide for details.

2.2 Software Requirements

The installer also checks that your computer contains the required operating system patches. If it determines that some required patches are missing, it displays an error.

In addition to the software requirements for the computer, you must have a compatible browser.

The following browsers are supported:


For the most current list of supported operating system-specific software, operating system version, and certified browsers, check OracleMetaLink at

Depending on your distribution of Linux, refer to one of the following sections for information on checking the software requirements:

Oracle does not support customized kernels or modules not supported by the Linux vendor.

You can install Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Release 1 (10.1.2) on a Linux system that is not on a network as well as on a Linux system that is configured to use DHCP. To install Oracle Collaboration Suite on a computer that is not on a network you must configure the computer to use either a static IP address or a loopback IP address. You should also configure the computer to resolve the host name of the computer to either the static IP address or the loopback IP address.

2.2.1 Software Requirements for Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 3.0 Systems

Table 2-2 lists the software requirements for Red Hat 3.0 systems and the procedure that follows the table describes how to ensure your system meets these requirements and any additional requirements for installing Oracle Collaboration Suite.

Table 2-2 Software Requirements for Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 3.0 Systems

Item Requirement

Operating System

Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 3.0

For more information on Red Hat, refer to:

The minimum supported kernel and glibc versions are:

  • kernel-2.4.21-27.EL

  • kernel-smp-2.4.21-27.EL

  • kernel-hugemem-2.4.21-27.EL

Red Hat Update

Update 4

Software packages

(check that these versions or later versions are installed)


Note: For Red Hat 3.0, the equivalent version of openmotif 2.1.30-8 is openmotif21-2.1.30-8. The openmotif21-2.1.30-8 package can be installed from disk number 3 of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 3.0 distribution by entering:

prompt> rpm -ivh openmotif21-2.1.30-8

To ensure that the system meets all the requirements, follow these steps:

  1. Log in as the root user.

  2. To determine which distribution and version of Linux is installed, enter the following command:

    # cat /etc/redhat-release
    Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 3 (Taroon Update 4)

    You can also use the preceding command to check that Update 4 is installed

  3. To determine whether any other package is installed, enter a command similar to the following:

    # rpm -q package_name

    If a package is missing, download it and install it using the following command:

    # rpm -i package_name
  4. If the hugemem kernel is used, set the architecture using following command:

    # setarch i386

    The hugemem kernel is used in case if you are installing the software on a multiprocessor computer with more then 4 GB of main memory. This is because some applications and programs, such as older versions of Java, cannot deal with userspace of 3 GB. Using this kernel enables Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 3.0 to run on systems with up to 64 GB of main memory.

    Setting the architecture to i386, by using the setarch command, restricts the userspace to only 3 GB in size, which is compatible with the smp and uniprocessor kernels.

    You can determine if you are using the hugemem kernel, by using the following command:

    uname -r

2.2.2 Software Requirements for Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 4.0 Systems

Table 2-3 lists the software requirements for Red Hat 4.0 systems and the procedure that follows the table describes how to ensure your system meets these requirements and any additional requirements for installing Oracle Collaboration Suite.


Table 2-3 Software Requirements for Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 4.0 Systems

Item Requirement

Operating System

Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 4.0

For more information on Red Hat, refer to:

The minimum supported kernel and glibc versions are:

  • kernel-2.6.9-11.EL

  • kernel-smp-2.6.9-11.EL

  • kernel-hugemem-2.6.9-11.EL

Red Hat Update

Update 1

Software packages

(check that these versions or later versions are installed)


Note: The openmotif21-2.1.30-11.RHEL4.4 package can be installed from disk number 3 of the Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 4.0 distribution by entering:

prompt> rpm -ivh openmotif21-2.1.30-11.RHEL4.4

To ensure that the system meets all the requirements, follow these steps:

  1. Log in as the root user.

  2. To determine which distribution and version of Linux is installed, enter the following command:

    # cat /etc/redhat-release
    Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 4 (Nahant Update 1)

    You can also use the preceding command to check that Update 4 is installed

  3. To determine whether any other package is installed, enter a command similar to the following:

    # rpm -q package_name

    If a package is missing, download it and install it using the following command:

    # rpm -i package_name
  4. If the hugemem kernel is used, set the architecture using following command:

    # setarch i386

    The hugemem kernel is used in case if you are installing the software on a multiprocessor computer with more then 4 GB of main memory. This is because some applications and programs, such as older versions of Java, cannot deal with userspace of 3 GB. Using this kernel enables Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS/ES 3.0 to run on systems with up to 64 GB of main memory.

    Setting the architecture to i386, by using the setarch command, restricts the userspace to only 3 GB in size, which is compatible with the smp and uniprocessor kernels.

    You can determine if you are using the hugemem kernel, by using the following command:

    uname -r

2.2.3 Software Requirements for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 Systems

Table 2-4 lists the software requirements for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 Systems systems and the procedure that follows the table describes how to ensure your system meets these requirements and any additional requirements for installing Oracle Collaboration Suite.


For the most current list of supported Operating System specific software, for example JDK version, Operating System version, check OracleMetaLink at

Table 2-4 Software Requirements for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 Systems

Item Requirement

Operating System

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8

For more information on SUSE Linux, refer to:

SP3 is certified for Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Release 1 (10.1.2). For SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 SP3, the minimum supported kernel and glibc versions are:

  • k_smp-2.4.21-138k_deflt-2.4.21-138k_psmp-2.4.21-138

Software packages

(check that these versions or later versions are installed)


To ensure that the system meets all the requirements, follow these steps:

  1. Log in as the root user.

  2. To determine which distribution and version of Linux is installed, enter the following command:

    # cat /etc/issue
    Welcome to SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 8 (i586) - Kernel \r (\l)
  3. To determine the service pack version, enter the following command:

    # rpm -qf /boot/vmlinuz

    If the kernel version contains the string 2.4.19, SP2a is installed. Similarly, if the kernel version contains the string 2.4.21, SP3 is installed.

  4. To determine whether any other package is installed, enter a command similar to the following:

    # rpm -q package_name

    If a package is missing, download it and install it using the following command:

    # rpm -i package_name
  5. Create the following symbolic link for the Perl executable if it does not already exist:

    # ln -sf /usr/bin/perl /usr/local/bin/perl
  6. Create the following symbolic link for the fuser executable if it does not already exist:

    # ln -sf /bin/fuser /sbin/fuser
  7. If the orarun package was installed on a SUSE Linux Enterprise Server system, complete the following steps as the oracle user to reset the environment:

    1. Enter the following commands:

      # cd /etc/profile.d
      # mv oracle.csh oracle.csh.bak
      # mv
      # mv
      # mv alljava.csh alljava.csh.bak
    2. Use any text editor to convert the following line from the $HOME/.profile file in to a comment:

      . ./.oracle
    3. Log out of the oracle user account.

    4. Log in to the oracle user account for the changes to take effect.

  8. If any Java packages are installed on the system, unset the Java environment variables, for example JAVA_HOME.


    Oracle recommends that you do not install any of the Java packages supplied with the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server distribution.

  9. Check the /etc/services file to make sure that the following port ranges are available on the system:

    • ports 3060-3129 required for Oracle Internet Directory

    • ports 3130-3199 required for Oracle Internet Directory (SSL)

    • ports 1812-1829 required for Oracle Enterprise Manager (console)

    • ports 1830-1849 required for Oracle Enterprise Manager (agent)

    • ports 1850-1869 required for Oracle Enterprise Manager (RMI)

    If necessary, remove entries from the /etc/services file and restart the system. To remove the entries, you can use the perl script included with the patch 3167528. This patch is available from

    If these ports are not available, the associated configuration assistants will fail during the installation.

  10. If you use Network Information Service (NIS):

    1. Make sure that the following line exists in the /etc/yp.conf file:

      hostname.domainname broadcast
    2. Make sure that the following line exists in the /etc/nsswitch.conf file:

      hosts: files nis dns

2.2.4 Software Requirements for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 Systems

Table 2-5 lists the software requirements for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 Systems systems and the procedure that follows the table describes how to ensure your system meets these requirements and any additional Link requirements for installing Oracle Collaboration Suite.


For the most current list of supported Operating System specific software, for example JDK version, Operating System version, check OracleMetaLink at

Table 2-5 Software Requirements for SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 Systems

Item Requirement

Operating System

SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9

For more information on SUSE Linux, refer to:

For SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9 SP3, the minimum supported kernel and glibc versions are:

  • kernel-bigsmp-2.6.5-7.97kernel-default-2.6.5-7.97kernel-smp-2.6.5-7.97

Software packages

(check that these versions or later versions are installed)


To ensure that the system meets all the requirements, follow these steps:

  1. Log in as the root user.

  2. To determine which distribution and version of Linux is installed, enter the following command:

    # cat /etc/issue
    Welcome to SUSE Linux Enterprise Server 9.0 (i586) - Kernel \r (\l)
  3. To determine the kernel version, enter the following command:

    # uname -r
  4. To determine whether any other package is installed, enter a command similar to the following:

    # rpm -q package_name

    If a package is missing, download it and install it using the following command:

    # rpm -i package_name
  5. Create the following symbolic link for the Perl executable if it does not already exist:

    # ln -sf /usr/bin/perl /usr/local/bin/perl
  6. Create the following symbolic link for the fuser executable if it does not already exist:

    # ln -sf /bin/fuser /sbin/fuser
  7. If the orarun package was installed on a SUSE Linux Enterprise Server system, complete the following steps as the oracle user to reset the environment:

    1. Enter the following commands:

      # cd /etc/profile.d
      # mv oracle.csh oracle.csh.bak
      # mv
      # mv
      # mv alljava.csh alljava.csh.bak
    2. Use any text editor to convert the following line from the $HOME/.profile file in to a comment:

      . ./.oracle
    3. Log out of the oracle user account.

    4. Log in to the oracle user account for the changes to take effect.

  8. If any Java packages are installed on the system, unset the Java environment variables, for example JAVA_HOME.


    Oracle recommends that you do not install any of the Java packages supplied with the SUSE Linux Enterprise Server distribution.

  9. Check the /etc/services file to make sure that the following port ranges are available on the system:

    • ports 3060-3129 required for Oracle Internet Directory

    • ports 3130-3199 required for Oracle Internet Directory (SSL)

    • ports 1812-1829 required for Oracle Enterprise Manager (console)

    • ports 1830-1849 required for Oracle Enterprise Manager (agent)

    • ports 1850-1869 required for Oracle Enterprise Manager (RMI)

    If necessary, remove entries from the /etc/services file and restart the system. To remove the entries, you can use the perl script included with the patch 3167528. This patch is available from:

    If these ports are not available, the associated configuration assistants will fail during the installation.

  10. If you use Network Information Service (NIS):

    1. Make sure that the following line exists in the /etc/yp.conf file:

      hostname.domainname broadcast
    2. Make sure that the following line exists in the /etc/nsswitch.conf file:

      hosts: files nis dns

2.3 Kernel Parameters

Oracle Collaboration Suite installation requires you to configure your system kernel parameters. Compliance with this requirement is especially important for production environments. Review your kernel parameter settings to ensure that they meet Oracle Collaboration Suite requirements.


  • If the current value of any parameter is higher than the value listed in the table, then do not change the value of that parameter.

  • If the installer finds values that are different from the listed values, it displays a warning. You can continue the installation, but you may experience errors during installation or operational errors during run time.

  • If any kernel parameter values do not meet the requirements, the installer displays an error message. You cannot continue the installation until you update the kernel parameters to the required values.

Table 2-6 shows the kernel parameters and their required minimum settings.

Table 2-6 Kernel Parameter Settings for Linux Systems

Kernel Recommended Values Definition File

The maximum number of semaphore sets in the entire system.



The maximum number of semaphores on the system. This setting is a minimum recommended value for an initial installation only. The semmns parameter should be set to the sum of the initsid.ora PROCESSES parameter for each Oracle Database, adding the largest one twice, and then adding an additional 10 for each database.



The maximum number of operations for each semop call.



The minimum recommended number of semaphores for each id for an initial installation only. The semmsl parameter should be set to 10 plus the largest initsid.ora PROCESSES parameter of any Oracle Database on the system.



The maximum allowable size of one shared memory segment. It is 2 GB for SMP kernel. The recommended size is half the RAM size.



The maximum number of shared memory segments in the entire system.



The total amount of shared memory available.



The number of message queue identifiers.



The maximum message size.



The maximum number of bytes on the message queue.



The maximum number of files.


10000 65000

The range of local IP ports.



The semmns parameter should be set to the sum of the PROCESSES initialization parameter for Oracle Database, adding the largest one twice, and then adding an additional 10 for each database.

To view the current value or formula specified for these kernel parameters, and to change them if necessary, complete the following steps:

  1. Enter the commands similar to the following to view the current values of the kernel parameters:

    Parameter Command
    semmsl, semmns, semopm, and semmni # /sbin/sysctl -a | grep sem

    This command displays the value of the semaphore parameters in the order listed.

    shmall, shmmax, and semmni # /sbin/sysctl -a | grep shm
    msgmax, msgmnb, and msgmni # /sbin/sysctl -a | grep msg
    file-max # /sbin/sysctl -a | grep file-max
    ip_local_port_range # /sbin/sysctl -a | grep ip_local_port_range

  2. If the value of any kernel parameter is different from the recommended value, then complete the following steps:

    1. Login as root.

    2. Using any text editor, create or edit the /etc/sysctl.conf file and add or edit the lines similar to the following:

      kernel.shmall = 3279547
      kernel.shmmax = 2147483648
      kernel.shmmni = 4096
      #semaphores: semmsl, semmns, semopm, semmni
      kernel.sem = 256 32000 100 142
      fs.file-max = 327679
      net.ipv4.ip_local_port_range = 10000 65000
      kernel.msgmni = 2878
      kernel.msgmax = 8192
      kernel.msgmnb = 65535

      By specifying the values in the /etc/sysctl.conf file, the values persist when you restart the system.

    3. Enter the following command to change the current values of the kernel parameters:

      # /sbin/sysctl -p

      Review the output from this command to verify that the values are correct. If the values are incorrect, then edit the /ect/sysctl.conf file, then enter this command again.

    4. On SUSE Linux Enterprise Server only, enter the following command to cause the system to read the /etc/sysctl.conf file when it restarts:

      # chkconfig boot.sysctl on

Setting Shell Limits for the oracle User


Refer to Section 2.6 for detailed information on creating an operating system user, such as oracle.

To improve the performance or the software on Linux systems, you must increase the following shell limits for the oracle account, depending on the default shell of the user:

Bourne or Bash Shell Korn Shell Limit C or tcsh Shell Limit Hard Limit
nofile nofile descriptors 65536
noproc processes maxproc 16384

To increase the shell limits, complete the following steps:

  1. Log in as root.

  2. Add the following lines to /etc/security/limits.conf file:

    * soft nproc 4096
    * hard nproc 16384
    * soft nofile 16384
    * hard nofile 65536


    If you are using secure shell (SSH) to login to the computer on which you are installing Oracle Collaboration Suite, then perform the following steps:
    1. Edit the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file to reflect the following line:

      UsePrivilegeSeparation no.

    2. Restart the sshd daemon using the following command:

      /sbin/service sshd restart

  3. Add the following lines to the /etc/pam.d/login file, if it does not already exist:

    session required /lib/security/


    Add the preceding line to the /etc/pam.d/su file also, if you use su to switch to the oracle account.

  4. If you logged in by using the graphical interface, then you must add the following lines to the /etc/pam.d/xdm file, if it does not already exist:

    session required /lib/security/

    Restart the X server.

  5. Depending on the default shell of oracle account, make the following changes to the default shell start-up file:

    • For the Bourne, Bash, or Korn shell, add the following lines to the /etc/profile file:

      if [ $USER = "oracle" ]; then
              if [ $SHELL = "/bin/ksh" ]; then
                    ulimit -p 16384
                    ulimit -n 65536
                    ulimit -u 16384 -n 65536
    • For the C or tch shell, add the following lines to the /etc/csh.login file:

      if ( $USER == "oracle" ) then
              limit maxproc 16384
              limit descriptors 65536

Determining the Minimum Value for the Process Parameter for the Oracle Collaboration Suite Database

The processes parameter for the Oracle Collaboration Suite Database must be the sum of all connections from all components of all Applications tiers, plus any processes used by other applications.

The default value of the processes parameter for the Oracle Collaboration Suite Database is 250. This value for each Applications tier installation is approximately calculated as follows:

Additionally, a value of approximately 40 is reserved for internal processes, bringing the total to approximately 200. Providing for additional buffer of 50, the default value is calculated to 250.

This number will be smaller if fewer components are configured. However, in a production environment the processes parameter for the Oracle Collaboration Suite Databases must be configured as the sum of the Database connections for each configured component, specific to each deployment.

For example, a deployment may have 3 Applications tiers running Simple Mail Transfer Protocol (SMTP) and IMAP. SMTP and IMAP on each Applications tier may be configured by the administrator with 100 database connections each. Therefore, for these processes, the Oracle Mail Database processes parameter must be increased by 2 x 3 x 100 = 600 to ensure that the Database does not run out of processes.


The optimum number of processes and maximum connections per component is a tuning exercise, performed as more information is learned about usage patterns of the system.

Determining the Minimum Value for the semmns Parameter

If you are installing the Oracle Collaboration Suite Infrastructure on a computer that is not already running an Oracle Database (that is, the Infrastructure will be the only component running on the computer), then set the semmns parameter to a minimum of 256.

If you are installing the Infrastructure on a computer that is already running an Oracle Database, then set the semmns parameter to the sum of the processes initialization parameter for each Oracle Database (including the Infrastructure), then adding the largest value twice, and then adding an additional 10 for each database.

The default value of the processes parameter for the Oracle Collaboration Suite Database is 250.

Example: The computer is already running an Oracle Database, and its processes parameter is set at 250. In this case, you must set the semmns parameter to at least 920, which is explained as follows:

To determine the value of the processes parameter for an Oracle Database, enter the following command in SQL*Plus:

# sqlplus "sys/password as sysdba"
SQL> show parameters processes

In the preceding syntax, password specifies the password for the SYS user.

2.4 Ports

Components of Oracle Collaboration Suite Infrastructure (such as Oracle HTTP Server, OracleAS Web Cache, and Oracle Enterprise Manager) and Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications use ports. You can have the installer assign default port numbers, or use port numbers that you specify, including the port numbers under 1024.

This section contains the following topics:

Why the Default Port for Oracle HTTP Server Is Port 7777 and Not Port 80

By default, the installer configures Oracle HTTP Server to use port 7777, not port 80. Port 7777 is the default port because on UNIX, components that use port numbers lower than 1024 require additional steps to be done as the root user before the components can run. Because the installer does not have root access, it must use a port greater than 1024.

If you want Oracle HTTP Server to use a different port, such as port 80, use the static ports feature, which enables you to specify port numbers for components. Although you can change the port number after installation, it is easier to set the port number during installation.

2.4.1 Checking If a Port Is in Use

To check if a port is being used, you can enter the netstat command to show the used port as follows:

prompt> netstat -an | grep port_num


You can also use the /usr/sbin/lsof -i :port_num command for the purpose.

In the preceding syntax, port_num refers to the port number you want to check.

2.4.2 Using Default Port Numbers

To use the default port numbers for components such as Oracle HTTP Server, OracleAS Web Cache, and Oracle Enterprise Manager, you do not have to do anything. Refer to Appendix I for a list of default port numbers that the installer will assign to components.

If You Plan to Install Oracle Collaboration Suite Infrastructure and Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications on the Same Computer

If you plan to install multiple instances (such as an Oracle Collaboration Suite Infrastructure and an Applications tier, or multiple Applications tiers) on the same computer, only the first instance that you install on the computer will use the default ports. When you install additional instances, the installer will detect that the default ports are already in use by the first instance, and it will assign other ports to the additional instances.

The components where this is most visible are Oracle HTTP Server and OracleAS Web Cache, as shown in the following scenarios:

Table 2-7 Oracle HTTP Server Ports in Different Scenarios

Scenario Non-SSL Port SSL Port

Oracle Collaboration Suite Infrastructure and a Applications tier installed on the same computer.

Oracle HTTP Server on the Oracle Collaboration Suite Infrastructure: 7777

Oracle HTTP Server on the Applications tier: 80

Oracle HTTP Server on the Oracle Collaboration Suite Infrastructure: 4443

Oracle HTTP Server on the Applications tier: 443

Two Applications tiers installed on the same computer.

Oracle HTTP Server on the first Applications tier: 80

Oracle HTTP Server on the second Applications tier: 7777

Oracle HTTP Server on the first Applications tier: 443

Oracle HTTP Server on the second Applications tier: 4443

2.4.3 Using Custom Port Numbers (the "Static Ports" File)

Instead of using default ports, you can assign custom port numbers for Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications components during the installation. For this, you must create a file containing the component names and port numbers. Section describes the file format. This file is typically called the staticports.ini file, but you can name it anything you want.


The default listener port 1521 cannot be changed to any custom port.

To instruct the installer to assign custom port numbers for Applications tier components, you must specify the path to staticports.ini as a parameter to the runInstaller command as follows:

./runInstaller oracle.ocs.midtier:s_staticPorts=path_to_your_ini_file (for installing Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Applications)

./runInstaller oracle.ocs.onebox:s_staticPorts=path_to_your_ini_file (for installing Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Applications and Infrastructure)

If you do not specify the full path to the file, the installer cannot find the file. The installer will then assign default ports for all the components, and it will do this without displaying any warning.


If you specify custom port numbers using the staticports.ini file, then the installer will not show the Specify Ports Configuration Options screen.

In this case, the installer attempts to use the ports that you specified in the staticports.ini file. If the ports are already being used, an error is displayed. Also, if there are ports that the installer needs but you have not specified in the staticports.ini file, then it will automatically select them for you.

It is recommended that you always check the $ORACLE_HOME/install/portlist.ini at the end of installation to verify the ports that are assigned for the installation. Format of the staticports.ini File

The staticports.ini file has the following format. Replace port_num with the port number that you want to use for the component.

# staticports.ini Template File

# This file is a template for specifying port numbers at installation time.
# To specify a port number, uncomment the appropriate line (remove #) and
# replace "port_num" with the desired port number.
# You can then launch Oracle Universal Installer with special options to use this
# file.
# Please refer to Oracle Collaboration Suite 10.1.2 Installation Guide for
# instructions.

# Ports common to Infrastructure and Applications install

# Oracle HTTP Server port =  port_num
# Oracle HTTP Server Listen port = port_num
# Oracle HTTP Server SSL port = port_num
# Oracle HTTP Server Listen (SSL) port = port_num
# Oracle HTTP Server Diagnostic port = port_num
# ASG port = port_num
# Application Server Control port = port_num
# Application Server Control RMI port = port_num
# Java Object Cache port = port_num
# Log Loader port = port_num
# DCM Discovery port = port_num
# Oracle Notification Server Request port = port_num
# Oracle Notification Server Local port = port_num
# Oracle Notification Server Remote port = port_num
# Oracle Management Agent port = port_num

# Ports specific to Infrastructure install
# Oracle Internet Directory port = port_num
# Oracle Internet Directory (SSL) port = port_num
# Enterprise Manager Console HTTP port = port_num
# Enterprise Manager Agent port = port_num

# Ports specific to Applications install
# Web Cache HTTP Listen port = port_num
# Web Cache HTTP Listen (SSL) port = port_num
# Web Cache HTTP Administration port = port_num
# Web Cache Invalidation port = port_num
# Web Cache Statistics port = port_num
# Oracle Net Listener = port_num
# Oracle Mail IMAP4 port = port_num
# Oracle Mail IMAP4 Secure port = port_num
# Oracle Mail POP3 port = port_num
# Oracle Mail POP3 Secure port = port_num
# Oracle Mail SMTP port = port_num
# Oracle Mail NNTP port = port_num
# Oracle Mail NNTP Secure port = port_num
# Oracle Calendar server = port_num
# Oracle Calendar server manager (CSM) = port_num
# Wireless PIM Notification Dispatcher = port_num
# Wireless PIMAP UDC Dispatcher = port_num
# RTC Redirector Server port= port_num
# RTC Redirector MX port= port_num
# RTC Redirector XMPP port= port_num
# RTC Redirector Secure XMPP port= port_num
# RTC process monitor port = port_num
# RTC messenger director server first port = port_num
# RTC messenger director server second port = port_num
# RTC messenger multiuser chat port = port_num
# RTC messenger connection manager port = port_num
# RTC messenger statistics collection port = port_num
# RTC messenger server to server connection port = port_num
# RTC messenger group service port = port_num
# RTC messenger voice proxy port = port_num


If you plan to install Oracle Collaboration Suite Infrastructure and Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications on a single computer, then you must use the staticports.ini.onebox template.

The easiest way to create the file is to use the staticports.ini file on the DVD as a template:

  1. Copy the staticports.ini file from the DVD to your hard disk.

    Table 2-8 specifies the location of the staticports.ini file on DVD.

    Table 2-8 Location of the staticports.ini File on DVD

    Media Location of staticports.ini File


    Disk 1: mount_point/response/staticports.ini

  2. Edit the local copy (the file on the hard disk) to include the desired port numbers.

    You do not specify port numbers for all components in the staticports.ini file. If a component is not listed in the file, then the installer uses the default port number for that component.

    You cannot change the port used by the Infrastructure Database listener (port 1521) during installation, but you can do so after installation.

    The following example sets the Application Server Control port and some ports for the Web Cache. For components not specified, the installer will assign the default port numbers.

    Application Server Control port = 2000
    Web Cache Administration port = 2001
    Web Cache Invalidation port = 2002
    Web Cache Statistics port = 2003

    When installation is complete, you can check the ORACLE_HOME/install/portlist.ini file to refer to the assigned ports.

Notes on Choosing Port Numbers:

  • Port numbers cannot be greater than 65536.

  • If you use a port number less than 1024 for a component, you must run the component as the root user.

  • If you use a port number less than 1024 for a component, the installer cannot start the component at the end of installation. You may need to configure the component first before you can start it. Refer to the appropriate component documentation for details.

  • If you plan to set port numbers for Oracle HTTP Server and OracleAS Web Cache, be sure you read Section 2.4.4.

The installer verifies that the ports specified in the file are available by checking memory. This means that it can only detect ports that are being used by running processes. It does not look in configuration files to determine which ports an application is using.

If the installer detects that a specified port is not available, it displays an alert. The installer will not assign a port that is not available. To fix this:

  1. Edit the staticports.ini file to specify a different port, or shut down the application that is using the port.

  2. Click Retry. The installer rereads the staticports.ini file and verifies the entries in the file again.


The staticports.ini file uses the same format as the ORACLE_HOME/install/portlist.ini file, which is created after an Oracle Collaboration Suite installation. If you have installed Oracle Collaboration Suite and you want to use the same port numbers in another installation, you can use the portlist.ini file from the first installation as the staticports.ini file for subsequent installations. Error Conditions That Will Cause the Installer to Use Default Ports Instead of Specified Ports

Check your staticports.ini file carefully, because a mistake can cause the installer to use default ports without displaying any warning. Here are some things that you should check:

  • If you specify the same port for more than one component, the installer will use the specified port for the first component, but for the other components, it will use the default ports of the components. The installer does not warn you if you have specified the same port for multiple components.

  • If you specify different ports for one component on multiple lines, the installer assigns the default port for the component. The installer does not warn you if you have specified different ports for one component.

  • If you have syntax errors in the staticports.ini file (for example, if you omitted the = character for a line), the installer ignores the line. For the components specified on such lines, the installer assigns the default ports. The installer does not display a warning for lines with syntax errors.

  • If you misspell a component name, the installer assigns the default port for the component. Names of components in the file are case-sensitive. The installer does not display a warning for lines with unrecognized names.

  • If you specify a nonnumeric value for the port number, the installer ignores the line and assigns the default port number for the component. It does this without displaying any warning.

  • If you misspell the parameter on the command line, the installer does not display a warning. It continues and assigns default ports to all components.

  • If you specify a relative path to the staticports.ini file (for example, ./staticports.ini or just staticports.ini) on the command line, the installer will not find the file. The installer continues without displaying a warning and it will assign default ports to all components. You must specify a full path to the staticports.ini file.

  • If the parameter you specify on the command line does not match the type of installation that you are performing (for example, if you specify the parameter for Applications but you are installing the Infrastructure), the installer does not give a warning. It continues and assigns default ports to all components.

2.4.4 Ports for Oracle HTTP Server and OracleAS Web Cache

Be sure you understand the following when setting ports for these components.

In the httpd.conf file for Oracle HTTP Server, the Port and the Listen directives specify the ports used by OracleAS Web Cache and Oracle HTTP Server. The correct lines in the staticports.ini file for setting these ports depend on which components you are configuring.

If You Are Configuring OracleAS Web Cache and Oracle HTTP Server

If You Are Configuring OracleAS Web Cache and Oracle HTTP Server, as shown in Figure 2-1, then you must perform the following tasks:

  1. Set the port for OracleAS Web Cache.

    OracleAS Web Cache uses the port specified by the Port directive. To set this port, use this line in the staticports.ini file:

    Web Cache HTTP Listen port = port_number

    To configure the SSL port for OracleAS Web Cache, use the following line:

    Web Cache HTTP Listen (SSL) port = port_number

    You cannot set the port number using the Oracle HTTP Server port line in this case. If your staticports.ini file contains both Oracle HTTP Server port and Web Cache HTTP Listen port, the Oracle HTTP Server port line is ignored. For example, the Port directive would be set to 7979, if you had the following lines in staticports.ini:

    Web Cache HTTP Listen port = 7979
    Oracle HTTP Server port = 8080
  2. Set the port for Oracle HTTP Server.

    Oracle HTTP Server uses the port specified by the Listen directive. To set this port, use this line in the staticports.ini file:

    Oracle HTTP Server Listen port = port_number

    To configure the SSL Listen port, use the following line:

    Oracle HTTP Server Listen (SSL) port = port_number

Figure 2-1 Configuring Both OracleAS Web Cache and Oracle HTTP Server

Port Configuration
Description of "Figure 2-1 Configuring Both OracleAS Web Cache and Oracle HTTP Server"

If You Are Configuring Oracle HTTP Server Only (no OracleAS Web Cache)

If you are configuring Oracle HTTP Server only, then Oracle HTTP Server uses both Port and Listen directives, as shown in Figure 2-2, then you must set both directives to use the same port number.

To set these ports, use the "Oracle HTTP Server port" and "Oracle HTTP Server Listen port" lines in the staticports.ini file. For example:

Oracle HTTP Server port = 8080
Oracle HTTP Server Listen port = 8080

To set the SSL version of these ports, use the following lines. As in the non-SSL version, the port numbers must be the same.

Oracle HTTP Server SSL port = 443
Oracle HTTP Server Listen (SSL) port = 443

If you also specify the Web Cache lines in staticports.ini, they will be ignored because you are not configuring OracleAS Web Cache.

Figure 2-2 Configuring Only Oracle HTTP Server

Description of Figure 2-2 follows
Description of "Figure 2-2 Configuring Only Oracle HTTP Server" Examples That Use the staticports.ini File

This section describes some common scenarios for using staticports.ini.

Configuring Oracle HTTP Server to Use Ports 80 and 443 with OracleAS Web Cache as the Front End

In this scenario, create a staticports.ini file that includes the following lines:

Web Cache HTTP Listen port = 80
Oracle HTTP Server Listen port = 81
Web Cache HTTP Listen (SSL) port = 443
Oracle HTTP Server Listen (SSL) port = 444

The ports for Oracle HTTP Server Listen and SSL Listen can be any available port. The example uses ports 81 and 444. These port numbers must not be less than 1024. If you select port numbers less than 1024, you must start Oracle HTTP Server and OracleAS Web Cache as the root user.


Because you are using port numbers less than 1024, you must configure Oracle HTTP Server and OracleAS Web Cache to run as the root user. You can perform the configuration during installation or after installation.
  • To perform the configuration during installation, you must follow the steps listed in Section 4.4.4 after running but before clicking OK. You run near the end of the installation.

  • You can perform the configuration after installation, but the installer will not be able to start the components because they are not yet configured.

For details, refer to the Oracle HTTP Server Administrator's Guide and the Oracle Application Server Web Cache Administrator's Guide.

Configuring Oracle HTTP Server to Use Ports 80 and 443 without OracleAS Web Cache

In this scenario, create a staticports.ini file that includes the following lines:

Oracle HTTP Server port = 80
Oracle HTTP Server Listen port = 80
Oracle HTTP Server SSL port = 443
Oracle HTTP Server Listen (SSL) port = 443

2.4.5 If Port 1521 Is in Use

If port 1521 on your computer is already in use by an existing application, such as Oracle Database 10g listener or some other application, you might have to take some action before running the installer. Refer to the following sections for details: If Port 1521 Is Being Used by an Existing Oracle Database

If you are installing a new database for the Oracle Collaboration Suite Infrastructure on a computer that is already running an Oracle Database, ensure that the listeners for both databases do not conflict.

You might be able to use the same listener for both the existing Oracle Database and the Oracle Collaboration Suite Database. Consider the version of the existing listener as well as the port number. Table 2-9 shows the various scenarios and the respective outcomes.

You can change the Infrastructure listener to use a different port after installation. Refer to the Oracle Collaboration Suite Administrator's Guide for details.

Table 2-9 Scenarios and Outcomes While Installing Infrastructure on a Computer Already Having a Database

Version of the Existing Listener Existing Listener Uses Port 1521 Existing Listener Uses a Port Other Than 1521

Earlier than

You need two listeners: one for the existing Database and one for the Oracle Collaboration Suite Infrastructure.

Refer to "Scenario 1: Existing Listener Uses Port 1521 and Listener Version Is Earlier Than".

You need two listeners: one for the existing Database and one for the Oracle Collaboration Suite Infrastructure.

Refer to "Scenario 3: Existing Listener Uses a Port Other Than 1521" . or later

The existing listener supports both the existing Database and the Oracle Collaboration Suite Infrastructure.

Refer to "Scenario 2: Existing Listener Uses Port 1521 and Listener Version Is or Later" .

You need two listeners: one for the existing database and one for the Oracle Collaboration Suite Infrastructure.

Refer to "Scenario 3: Existing Listener Uses a Port Other Than 1521" Part .

To check the listener version, enter the following command:

prompt> $ORACLE_HOME/bin/lsnrctl VERSION

In this command, ORACLE_HOME is the home directory for your database.

You can also use the same command to check the listener port.

LSNRCTL for UNIX: Version - Production on 31-AUG-2005 19:10:54
Copyright (c) 1991, 2004, Oracle Corporation. All rights reserved.
TNSLSNR for UNIX: Version - Production
TNS for UNIX: Version - Production
Unix Domain Socket IPC NT Protocol Adaptor for UNIX: Version -Production
Oracle Bequeath NT Protocol Adapter for UNIX: Version -Production

Scenario 1: Existing Listener Uses Port 1521 and Listener Version Is Earlier Than

Listeners earlier than version are not compatible with the Infrastructure from this Oracle Collaboration Suite release (10.1.2). What you can do is to install Infrastructure, which installs a version listener, and use this new listener for both databases.

  1. Stop the existing listener before you install Infrastructure.

    ORACLE_HOME is the home directory for your existing database.

    If you do not stop the existing listener, the installation will fail.

  2. Install Infrastructure.

  3. Update the configuration file of the new listener, as necessary. The name of the listener configuration file is listener.ora, located in the ORACLE_HOME/network/admin directory.

    1. Check network address entries in the configuration file of the existing listener.

      Does the configuration file contain only the following network addresses?

      • TCP Port 1521

      • IPC key EXTPROC

      If so, you do not have to edit the configuration file of the Infrastructure listener for network addresses.

      If the configuration file contains other network addresses, you must add them to the configuration file of the Infrastructure listener.


      If your computer has a listener that uses the IPC protocol with the EXTPROC key, you should change the key to have someother value. This is because the OracleAS Metadata Repository listener requires access to the EXTPROC key.

    2. Check SID_DESC entries in the configuration file of the existing listener.

      If the configuration file of the existing listener contains SID_DESC entries for the existing database, you must add these entries to the configuration file of the Infrastructure listener.

    3. Do not start the existing listener (version earlier than The new listener supports both databases, so you do not must run the existing listener.


Step c in the preceding section is very important. You only must run one listener (the new listener) to support both databases.

Scenario 2: Existing Listener Uses Port 1521 and Listener Version Is or Later

The existing listener will support both the existing database and the Infrastructure. The installer will perform this configuration automatically. You do not have to do anything.

The existing listener must be stopped during installation.

Scenario 3: Existing Listener Uses a Port Other Than 1521

You will end up running two listeners: one for the existing database and one for the Infrastructure, regardless of the version of the existing listener.

The existing listener can be running during installation, because it is not using port 1521. If Port 1521 Is Being Used by Some Other Application

If another application is listening on port 1521, you must reconfigure it to listen on a different port. If that is not possible, shut it down while you install Oracle Collaboration Suite Database. After installation, you can reconfigure Oracle Collaboration Suite Database to use a port other than 1521. Refer to the Oracle Collaboration Suite Administrator's Guide for instructions.

2.5 Operating System Groups

Create operating system groups in the following situations:

To create a local operating system group, enter the following command:

# /usr/sbin/groupadd oinstall

This command creates the oinstall group.

For more information about operating system users and groups, refer to your operating system documentation or contact your system administrator.

2.5.1 Create a Group for the Inventory Directory

If you plan to install Oracle Collaboration Suite on a computer that does not have Oracle products already installed, create a group to own the inventory directory. The installer writes its files in the inventory directory to keep track of the Oracle products installed on the computer.

This guide uses the name oinstall for this operating system group.

By having a separate group for the inventory directory, you enable different users to install Oracle products on the computer. Users need write permission for the inventory directory. They can achieve this by belonging to the oinstall group.

For the first-time installation of any Oracle product on a computer, the installer displays a screen where you enter a group name for the inventory directory, and a screen where you enter the location of the inventory directory.

The default name of the inventory directory is oraInventory.

To determine if an inventory directory already exists on the computer, look in the /etc/oraInst.loc file. This file lists the location of the inventory directory and the group who owns it. If the file does not exist, the computer does not have Oracle products installed on it. To ensure that you have write permissions on that director run the installer as the same operating system user who installed the existing Oracle product.

2.5.2 Create Groups for Database Administrators

This section applies only if you plan to install Oracle Collaboration Suite Infrastructure in a new database created by the installer.

When the database is not mounted and database authentication is unavailable, the database uses operating system groups to determine user privileges. The database recognizes the groups and privileges listed in Table 2-10.

Table 2-10 Privileges for the OSDBA and OSOPER Groups

Group Description


This is the database administrator group. Users in this group are granted SYSDBA privileges.


Users in this group are granted SYSOPER privileges, which comprise privileges required for basic maintenance. These include database startup and shutdown, and other privileges required for database operation. SYSOPER privileges are a subset of SYSDBA privileges.

You must create operating system groups for these groups.

If you want an operating system group called dba to have SYSDBA privileges:

  1. Create the dba group.

  2. Ensure that the user running the installer is a member of the dba group.

If you want a different operating system group to have SYSDBA privileges, or to associate SYSDBA and SYSOPER privileges with different groups, ensure that the user running the installer does not belong to the dba group.

If the user running the installer does not belong to the dba group, the installer displays a screen where you can enter the names of groups to have the database administrator privileges. The screen has two fields: one for the OSDBA group and one for the OSOPER group (refer to Table 2-10). You can enter the same operating system group for both fields.

2.6 Operating System User

Create an operating system user to install and upgrade Oracle products. This guide refers to this user as the oracle user. The oracle user running the installer must have write permission for these directories:

If the computer contains other Oracle products, you might already have a user for this purpose. Look in the etc/oraInst.loc file. This file lists the location of the inventory directory and the group who owns it. If the file does not exist, the computer does not have Oracle products installed on it.

If you do not already have a user for installing Oracle products, create a user with the properties listed in Table 2-11.

Table 2-11 Properties of the Operating System User Who Runs the Installer

Item Description

Login name

You can use any name for the user. This guide refers to the user as the oracle user.

Group identifier

The primary group of the oracle user must have write permission for the oraInventory directory. Refer to Section 2.5.1 for more information about this group.

You can use any name for the group. This guide uses the name oinstall.

Home directory

The home directory for the oracle user can be consistent with the home directories of other users.

Login shell

The default login shell can be the C, Bourne, or Korn shell.


Use the oracle user only for installing and running Oracle products. Do not use root as the oracle user.

To create a local operating system user, perform the following steps:

  1. To create the oracle user, enter a command similar to the following:

    # /usr/sbin/useradd -g oinstall -G dba[,oper] oracle

    In this command:

    • The -g option specifies the primary group, which must be the Oracle Inventory group, for example, oinstall.

    • The -G option specifies the secondary groups, which must include the OSDBA group and if required, the OSOPER group, for example dba or dba,oper.

  2. Set the password of the oracle user:

    # passwd oracle

To check which groups an operating system user belongs to, enter the groups command with the name of the user. For example:

prompt> groups oracle

For more information about operating system users and groups, refer to your operating system documentation or contact your system administrator.

2.7 Environment Variables

The operating system user who installs Oracle Collaboration Suite must set or unset certain environment variables.

Table 2-12 summarizes whether you set or unset an environment variable.

Table 2-12 Environment Variables Summary

Environment Variable Set or Unset


Must not be set.

PATH, CLASSPATH, and Shared Library Path Environment Variables

Must not contain references to directories in any Oracle home directories.


Set it to the monitor where you want the installer window to appear.


Optional. If unset, defaults to /tmp.







2.7.1 Environment Variable Tips

Here are some tips when working with environment variables:

  • If you set environment variables in the .profile file, they might not be read. To ensure that environment variables are set to the correct values, check their values in the shell where you will be running the installer.

  • To check the value of environment variables, use the env command. This displays all the currently defined environment variables and their values.

    prompt> env
  • If you use the su command to switch users (for example, switching from the root user to the oracle user), check the environment variables when you are the new user because the environment variables might not be passed to the new user. This can happen even if you enter su with the - parameter (su - user).

    # /* root user */
    # su - oracle
    # env


ORACLE_HOME and ORACLE_SID must not be set.

2.7.3 PATH, CLASSPATH, and Shared Library Path Environment Variables

Edit your PATH, CLASSPATH, and shared library path environment variables so that they do not reference any Oracle home directories.

The library path variable that you must check is: LD_LIBRARY_PATH.


Set the DISPLAY environment variable to point to the X server that will display the installer. The format of the DISPLAY environment variable is:


Example (C shell):

prompt> setenv DISPLAY

Example (Bourne or Korn shell):

prompt>; export DISPLAY

You can test the display by running the xclock program:

prompt> /usr/openwin/bin/xclock &

Oracle Collaboration Suite requires a running X server during installation only. The frame buffer X server installed with your operating system requires that you remain logged in and have the frame buffer running during installation. If you do not wish to do this, then you must use a virtual frame buffer, such as X Virtual Frame Buffer (XVFB) or Virtual Network Computing (VNC).

For information about obtaining and installing XVFB or other virtual frame buffer solutions, visit Oracle Technology Network at

Search OTN for "frame buffer".


This section describes two requirements:

  • The TNS_ADMIN environment variable must not be set.

  • The /etc and the /var/opt/oracle directories must not contain a tnsnames.ora file.

These requirements are necessary to prevent conflicts between the Net configuration files for different Oracle products.

To set TNS_ADMIN or if you have the tnsnames.ora file in /etc or /var/opt/oracle, perform the following steps before installing Oracle Collaboration Suite.

  1. If the tnsnames.ora file is in the /etc or /var/opt/oracle directory, move the file to a different directory or you can rename the file.

  2. Make sure the TNS_ADMIN environment variable is not set.

    Example (C shell):

    prompt> unsetenv TNS_ADMIN

    Example (Bourne or Korn shell):

    prompt> unset TNS_ADMIN

After installation, you can merge the contents of the newly created tnsnames.ora file with your existing tnsnames.ora file.

2.7.6 TMP and TMPDIR

The installer uses a temporary directory for swap space. The installer checks for the TMP and TMPDIR environment variable to locate the temporary directory. By default, the installer uses the /tmp directory.

If you want the installer to use a directory other than /tmp, set TMP and TMPDIR to the full path of an alternate directory. The directory must meet the requirements listed in Section 2.1.

Example (C shell):

% setenv TMP /tmp2
% setenv TMPDIR /tmp2

Example (Bourne or Korn shell):

# TMP=/tmp2; export TMP
# TMPDIR=/tmp2; export TMPDIR

If you do not set this environment variable, and the default directory does not have enough space, then the installer displays an error message that says the environment variable is not set. You can either set the environment variable to point to a different directory or free up enough space in the default directory. In either case, you must restart the installation.


To ensure that the Oracle Collaboration Suite installation completes successfully on Linux systems, unset this environment variable.Example:

# unset LD_BIND_NOW

2.7.8 ORA_NLS

To ensure that the installation completes successfully, unset this environment variable:

# unset ORA_NLS

2.8 The /etc/hosts File

The contents of the /etc/hosts file affect the following:

The installer provides alternative methods for you to enter the values that you want without editing the hosts file as explained in Section 2.8.1 and Section 2.8.2.

2.8.1 Location of the Default Identity Management Realm

The installer reads the hosts file to construct the location of the default Identity Management realm. It displays this location in the "Specify Namespace in Internet Directory" screen.

The hosts file should use the following format:

ip_address   fully_qualified_hostname   short_hostname

Example:   primaryHost

In the preceding example, the location of the default Identity Management realm would display as "dc=mydomain,dc=com".

If the file uses a different format, the installer displays an incorrect value in the screen. For example, suppose the hosts file contains the following line:   primaryHost  <--- incorrect format

Then the installer would display "dc=primaryHost,dc=com" as the default Identity Management realm. This is probably not the value that you want for the default Identity Management realm.


If you need the hosts file to use a different format, you can edit the file to use the required format, perform the installation, then revert the file back to its original format after installation.

If you are unable, or unwilling, to edit the hosts file, you can enter the desired value for the default Identity Management realm in the Custom Namespace field on the "Specify Namespace in Internet Directory" screen.

2.8.2 Host Name for Oracle Application Server Single Sign-On

If you are installing Oracle Application Server Single Sign-On and your hosts file contains only the host name of your computer (without the domain name), then you will only be able to sign on to the OracleAS Single Sign-On server using the host name by itself (without the domain name).

To require a domain name when connecting to the OracleAS Single Sign-On server, you can edit the hosts file to include the domain name. If you do not want to edit the file, you can use the OUI_HOSTNAME command-line parameter to the installer to override the value in hosts. For example:

prompt> mount_point/runInstaller

2.9 Network Topics

Typically, the computer on which you want to install Oracle Collaboration Suite is connected to the network, has local storage to contain the Oracle Collaboration Suite installation, has a display monitor, and has an appropriate disk drive.

This section describes how to install Oracle Collaboration Suite on computers that do not meet the typical scenario. It covers the following cases:

2.9.1 Installing Oracle Collaboration Suite on a DHCP Host

If you are installing Oracle Collaboration Suite in a DHCP network you must use a loopback configuration. To access Oracle Collaboration Suite, you must use a local browser. Perform the following steps to install Oracle Collaboration Suite in a DHCP network:

  1. Find the IP address allocated from the DHCP server by running the following command:

    # /sbin/ifconfig -a

    The IP address is associated with the interface configured to use DHCP.

  2. Configure the host to resolve host name to loopback IP address:

    1. Configure the host to resolve host name to loopback IP address, by modifying the /etc/hosts file to contain the following entries: hostname.domainname hostname localhost.localdomain localhost 
    2. Check that the host name resolves to the loopback IP address by entering the following command:

      # /bin/ping hostname.domainname
  3. Complete the Oracle Collaboration Suite installation as described in this guide using the host name used in Step 2.

2.9.2 Installing Oracle Collaboration Suite on Multihomed Computers

If you are installing Oracle Collaboration Suite on a computer with multiple network cards, then the installer uses the first names in the /etc/hosts file to determine the host name to use for IP address lookup.

If this is not the name that you want to use, then you can:

  • Reorder the lines in the /etc/hosts file so the desired host name appears first, run the installer, then revert the file back to its original state after installation.

  • Start up the installer with the OUI_HOSTNAME parameter, if you do not want to edit the /etc/hosts file. Specify the host name that you want to use in this parameter. For example:

    # mount_point/runInstaller

2.9.3 Copying the DVD to a Hard Drive and Installing from the Hard Drive

Instead of installing from the Oracle Collaboration Suite DVD, you can copy the contents of the DVD to a hard drive and install the product from there. This provides for an easier solution if you plan to install many instances of Oracle Collaboration Suite on your network, or if the computers where you want to install Oracle Collaboration Suite do not have DVD-ROM drive.You can also install Oracle Collaboration Suite from remote DVD-ROM drives. Refer to Section 2.9.4 for more information.

Checking the Space Requirement

Ensure that the hard drive contains enough space to hold the contents of the Oracle Collaboration Suite DVD.

2.9.4 Installing Oracle Collaboration Suite from a Remote DVD-ROM Drive

If the computer where you want to install Oracle Collaboration Suite does not have a DVD-ROM drive, then you can copy the discs to the hard drive of a computer with the proper disk drive as described in Section 2.9.3 and then perform a remote installation from that computer using the instructions described in Section 2.9.5.

2.9.5 Installing Oracle Collaboration Suite on Remote Computers

You can run the installer on a remote computer (remote_computer), but display the installer screens on your local computer (local_computer). The installer will install Oracle Collaboration Suite on the remote computer.

  1. Allow remote_computer to appear on local_computer. Use the following command on the console of the local computer.

    local_computer> xhost +remote_computer

    If you do not run xhost, you might get an Xlib error similar to "Failed to connect to server", "Connection refused by server," or "Can't open display" when starting the installer.

  2. On local_computer, perform a remote login (using ssh, telnet, or rlogin) to remote_computer. Log in as the oracle user, as described in Section 2.6. Ensure that the user has set the environment variables correctly, as described in Section 2.7.

    local_computer> ssh -X -l oracle


    Use of SSH is recommended over rlogin or telnet because it is more secure than either. However, if you do not have SSH available, then use rlogin or telnet.

    The SSH server must be configured to allow forwarding X11 connections.


    local_computer> rlogin -l oracle


    local_computer> telnet
  3. This step is not required is you are using the ssh connection. Set the DISPLAY environment variable on remote_computer to point to local_computer.

    Example (C shell):

    remote_computer> setenv DISPLAY

    Example (Bourne or Korn shell):

    remote_computer>; export DISPLAY
  4. Run the installer. Refer to Section 3.4.

2.9.6 Installing Oracle Collaboration Suite on NFS-Mounted Storage

Currently, Oracle Collaboration Suite is certified to run on the following Network File Storage (NFS)-mounted storage system:

  • Network Appliance filers

The NFS-mounted system should be exported to at least the remote install user and remote root user. You can do this using exportfs command:

# exportfs -i /vol/vol1

To check the latest certification list for any updates, visit the Oracle Technology Network at

2.9.7 Support for NIS and NIS+

You can install and run Oracle Collaboration Suite in Network Information System (NIS) and NIS+ environments.

2.10 Prerequisite Checks Performed by the Installer

Table 2-13 lists the checks performed by the installer.

Table 2-13 Prerequisite Checks Performed by the Installer

Item Description

Operating system version

Refer to Section 2.2 for supported versions.

Operating system patches

Refer to Section 2.2 for a list of required patches.

Operating system packages

Refer to Section 2.2 for a list of required packages.

Operating system kernel parameters

Refer to Section 2.3 for a list of required kernel parameters.


Refer to Section 2.1 for monitor requirements.

Display permission

The installer checks that the user has permissions to display on the monitor specified by the DISPLAY environment variable.

Operating system version

Refer to Section 2.2 for supported versions.

Operating system kernel parameters

Refer to Section 2.3 for a list of required kernel parameters.


Refer to Section 2.1 for recommended values.

Swap space

Refer to Section 2.1 for recommended values.

TMP space

Refer to Section 2.1 for recommended values.

Oracle home directory name

The installer checks that the Oracle home directory name does not contain any spaces.

Path to the Oracle home directory

The installer checks that the path to the Oracle home directory is not longer than 127 characters.

Oracle home directory contents

The installer checks that the Oracle home directory does not contain any files that might interfere with the installation.

Oracle home directory

Always install Oracle Collaboration Suite in a new directory, unless you are expanding an Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications tier. Refer to Section 6.7. Here are some examples of installations that are not allowed:

  • Any type of Oracle Collaboration Suite in to an Oracle Database Release 8.0, 8i, 9.0.1, or 9.2 database Oracle home

  • Any type of Oracle Collaboration Suite in to an Oracle Management Service Oracle home

  • Any type of Oracle Collaboration Suite in to an Oracle HTTP Server standalone Oracle home

  • Any type of Oracle Collaboration Suite in to an OracleAS Web Cache standalone Oracle home

  • Any type of Oracle Collaboration Suite in to an Oracle9i Developer Suite Release 9.0.2 Oracle home

  • Any type of Oracle Collaboration Suite in to an Oracle Application Server Containers for J2EE standalone Oracle home

  • Any type of Oracle Collaboration Suite in to an Oracle9iAS Oracle home

  • Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications tier in to an Infrastructure Release 9.0.2 or 10g Release 1 (10.1.2) Oracle home

  • Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications tier in to an Oracle9iAS Release 9.0.2 or 9.0.3 middle tier Oracle home

  • Oracle Collaboration Suite Infrastructure in to any Oracle9iAS Release 9.0.2 Oracle home

Port 1521

The installer displays a warning if port 1521 is in use by any application, including database listeners of any version. You must stop the application that is using port 1521, then click Retry in the warning dialog.

If a database listener is using port 1521, you might be able to use it for Oracle Collaboration Suite Database. Refer to Section 2.4.5 for details.

If it is another application that is using port 1521, you must stop it or configure it to use a different port. Alternatively, you can change the database listener to use a port other than 1521, but you can do this only after installation. Refer to the Oracle Collaboration Suite Administrator's Guide for details.

Static port conflicts

The installer checks the ports listed in the staticports.ini file, if specified. Refer to Section 2.4.

DISPLAY environment variable

The installer checks that the DISPLAY environment variable is set.

TNS_ADMIN environment variable

The TNS_ADMIN environment variable must not be set.

There must not be a tnsnames.ora file in the /etc or /var/opt/oracle directories.

Cluster file system

The installer checks that you are not installing Oracle Collaboration Suite in a cluster file system (CFS).

Oracle Enterprise Manager directories are writable

The installer runs this check only if you are expanding Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Applications or if you are reinstalling Oracle Collaboration Suite in the same Oracle home. The installer checks that these directories are writable by the operating system user running the installer:

  • ORACLE_HOME/sysman/emd

  • ORACLE_HOME/sysman/config

  • ORACLE_HOME/sysman/webapps/emd/WEB-INF/config

Oracle Enterprise Manager files exist

The installer runs this check only if you are expanding Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Applications or if you are reinstalling Oracle Collaboration Suite in the same Oracle home. The installer checks that these files exist:

  • ORACLE_HOME/sysman/config/

  • ORACLE_HOME/sysman/webapps/emd/WEB-INF/config/consoleConfig.xml

Kernel check on Linux systems

Refer to Section 2.3 for a list of required kernel parameters..

glibc version check on Linux

Refer to Section 2.2 for the correct version of glibc.

Packages check on Linux

The installer runs this check only if you are installing on Linux. The installer makes sure that the mandatory packages are installed. For example, it checks the gcc, sysstat, and openmotif packages as specified in Section 2.2.