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Oracle® Collaboration Suite Installation Guide
10g Release 1 (10.1.2) for HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit)

Part Number B25468-10
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12 End-User Documentation Portal Installation

The End-User Documentation Portal is a set of customizable HyperText Markup Language (HTML) pages that provides an overview of Oracle Collaboration Suite clients and the information for downloading, installing, and configuring each Oracle Collaboration Suite client. The End-User Documentation Portal also includes links to the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) and Troubleshooting site on the Oracle Technology Network (OTN) and Oracle Collaboration Suite end-user tutorials.

Oracle recommends that you install and use the End-User Documentation Portal to provide the end-users with all the information they need to run the Oracle Collaboration Suite clients.

This chapter contains the following sections:

12.1 Installing the End-User Documentation Portal

This section explains the installation process for End-User Documentation Portal. Installing the End-User Documentation Portal involves the following steps:

12.1.1 Testing PHP

PHP is an HTML embedded scripting language. The End-User Documentation Portal requires PHP version 4.3.x or later but will not work with PHP 5.0 or later version. It is installed with Oracle Collaboration Suite and is already compiled. The steps for testing PHP are as follows:

  1. Navigate to http://localhost and locate the name of the directory on your machine that the URL points to. By default, the directory is htdocs. In this directory, create a new file called info.php, that consists of the following test script:

  2. Check if the test script works by navigating to http://localhost/info.php. A PHP page comes up if the etst script is successful. A part of this page is shown in Figure 12-1:

    Figure 12-1 Default PHP Page

    Description of Figure 12-1 follows
    Description of "Figure 12-1 Default PHP Page"

    There are many other tables that follow the table shown in Figure 12-1. These tables describe the extensions that were installed in the PHP installation.

12.1.2 Performing Preinstallation Tasks

Before you install the DOM XML extension, you must perform the following tasks:

  • Ensure that the gcc and zlib packages are installed properly.

  • Ensure that the gettext package is also installed properly.

  • Ensure that the following environment variables are set to the correct location:


    • PERL5LIB

      This environment variable must be set to $ORACLE_HOME/perl/lib/5.6.1.


12.1.3 Installing the DOM XML Extension

DOM XML extension is a PHP extension. It is a compiled library.

The steps to install the DOM XML extension are as follows:

  1. Ensure that you have libxml version 2.4.14 or later installed on your system. If you do not have libxml, then download the GNOME XML library. To install libxml, from source, on your system, perform the following steps:

    1. Gunzip the libxml source using the following command:

      gunzip libxml2-2.4.x.x.tar.gz

      This will give you libxml2-2.4.x.x.tar.

    2. Untar the file using the following command:

      tar -xvf libxml2-2.4.x.x.tar
    3. In the extracted directory, run the following command to create the required makefiles:

    4. To create the libxml libraries and to place the files in appropriate positions, run the following commands:

      make install
  2. Download php-4.3.9.tar.gz from

    Place it at any location.

  3. Gunzip php-4.3.9.tar.gz using the following command:

    gunzip php-4.3.9.tar.gz

    This will give you php-4.3.9.tar.

  4. Untar using tar -xvf php-4.3.9.tar.

  5. Navigate to the php-4.3.9 directory. Execute the configure script for PHP.

    When you execute this script, you must add the option --with-dom[=DIR], where DIR is the libxml install directory. For example, if libxml is installed in the /usr/local/lib/ directory, then you must call the configure script as follows:

    ./configure --with-apxs=$ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/bin/apxs --prefix=$ORACLE_HOME --with-config-file-path=$ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf  --with-zlib-dir=/usr/lib --with-dom=/usr/local/lib/
  6. Run the following commands to create executable of PHP and to place the files in appropriate locations:

    make install
  7. Now that all the files are in the appropriate locations, Apache must be configured to load the PHP module and service the requests for the .php, .phtml, and .phps suffixes.

    1. Navigate to the $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf.

    2. Edit the httpd.conf file as follows:

      # Dynamic Shared Object (DSO) Support. . .
      LoadModule . . . 
      LoadModule php4_module libexec/
      # Document types.
      . . . 
      # And for PHP 4.x, use:
      . . . 
      AddType application/x-httpd-php .php .phtml
      AddType application/x-httpd-php-source .phps.
  8. Restart Apache for the changes to come in to effect.

  9. Navigate to the $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/bin. Run the following command:

    ./apachectl restart
  10. Check if the extension is installed by navigating to http://localhost/info.php and searching the domxml table. If you find the domxml table, then it means that the DOM XML extension has been installed.

12.2 Deploying the End-User Documentation Portal Package

The steps for unzipping and deploying the End-User Documentation Portal package are as follows:

  1. Unzip the contents of from the DVD/Doc/EUDP directory in to the htdocs directory, or the directory to which http://localhost/ points.

  2. In a browser window, navigate to http://localhost/eudp/admin/view.php to test whether the End-User Documentation Portal administration tool works.

    For instructions on how to use the End-User Documentation Portal administration tool and how to customize the content, refer to Chapter 5 of Oracle Collaboration Suite Administrator's Guide.

12.3 Restricting Access to the End-User Documentation Portal Administration Panel

To prevent users other than the administrator from accessing the End-User Documentation Portal administration panel, use htpasswd utility of Apache server to protect the eudp/admin directory. After you have protected this directory, users will see a dialog requesting a user name and password when they try to access view.php. See the documentation of Apache server for more information about restricting access to directories.

12.4 Securing the End-User Documentation Portal Administration Panel with Apache Authentication

The following steps show you how to secure the admin directory in eudp with Apache basic authentication.

When a user tries to access the admin directory (in particular, the view.php file), then the user will be prompted for a user name and password.

Performing the following steps on a local installation of the End-User Documentation Portal:


You cannot perform the following steps remotely.

  1. Create a file called.htaccess in the eudp/admin directory that contains the following directives:

    AuthType Basic
    AuthName "End-User Documentation Portal Administration Panel"
    AuthUserFile "/apache_directory/htdocs/eudp/.htpassword"
    AuthGroupFile /dev/null
    require user administrator

    /apache_directory is the location where you have installed Apache server and administrator is the user name of the administrator of the End-User Documentation Portal.

  2. Create AuthUserFile called.htpassword. You must create this file in the same directory as specified in "htaccess". Run the htpasswd utility as follows:

    /apache_directory/bin/htpasswd -c \
    /apache_directory/htdocs/eudp/.htpassword administrator

    The htpasswd command will prompt you for a password.

  3. Enable the directives found in htaccess files. Locate the <Directory> tag in the Apache httpd.conf file and change the AllowOverride directive to the AuthConfig option instead of None:

    <Directory "/apache_directory/htdocs">
    #........Other directives................
    AllowOverride AuthConfig
  4. Save the changes you made to the httpd.conf file.

  5. Restart the Apache server.