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Oracle® Collaboration Suite Installation Guide
10g Release 1 (10.1.2) for HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit)

Part Number B25468-10
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K Troubleshooting

This appendix describes common installation problems and solutions.

This appendix contains the following sections:

K.1 Verifying Requirements

Review the following information before performing any of the troubleshooting steps in this appendix:

K.1.1 Checking Dependencies

If you are installing Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications, check that the Infrastructure that you want to associate the Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications with is running during installation.

K.1.2 Reading the Release Notes

Read the Oracle Collaboration Suite Release Notes for hp-ux prior to installing Oracle Collaboration Suite. The release notes are available with the platform-specific documentation. The most current version of the release notes is available on Oracle Technology Network at

K.2 Troubleshooting User Interface Problems

If you are serving non-English content and forgot to install additional languages as explained in Section 1.9, the user interface might not be displayed properly because the required fonts were not installed. You can fix this by installing the fonts from the Oracle Metadata Repository Creation Assistant and Utilities CD-ROM. The steps to do so are as follows:

  1. Insert and mount the Oracle Application Server Metadata Repository Creation Assistant 10g ( CD-ROM.

  2. Copy the contents of the utilities/fonts directory on the CD-ROM to the ORACLE_HOME/jdk/jre/lib/fonts directory.

K.3 Troubleshooting Installation Errors

This section describes the general tips for troubleshooting installation failures. See Section K.4 for specific failures and their solutions.

If you encounter an error during the installation of Oracle Collaboration Suite:

K.4 Installation Problems and Solutions

This section describes common installation problems and solutions:

K.4.1 Location of Log Files

There are two sets of log files:

  • The installer writes the following log files:

    • oraInventory_location/logs/installActionstimestamp.log

    • oraInventory_location/logs/oraInstalltimestamp.err

    • oraInventory_location/logs/oraInstalltimestamp.out

    • $ORACLE_HOME/install/make.log

  • The configuration assistants write log files in the $ORACLE_HOME/cfgtoollogs directory.

    Note that if you want to access the log files created by the configuration assistants, you need to exit the installer first. The log files are inaccessible if the installer is still in use.

K.4.2 Linking Failed, ORA Errors


Linking failed, and ORA errors were displayed during installation


Exit the installer and check the log files for any error message. In particular, check the $ORACLE_HOME/install/make.log file.

Remove the failed installation. Before reinstalling Oracle Collaboration Suite, make sure that your computer meets all the requirements listed in Chapter 2.

Check especially the following requirements:

  • Check that the kernel parameters are set to the proper values. Note that if you change the value of a kernel parameter, you must exit the installer and restart your computer for the new value to take effect.

  • Check that you are installing Oracle Collaboration Suite in a valid directory. For example, you cannot install Oracle Collaboration Suite in a database Oracle home. See Section 2.10 for a complete list.

K.4.3 Prerequisite Checks Fail at the Start of Installation


The prerequisite checks that are run at the start of installation failed


If the prerequisite checks display warnings about missing operating system patches or patch bundles, the patch may actually be missing, or it may have been superseded. If your computer contains the patch that supersedes it, you can ignore the warning.

K.4.4 Message About Installing in a Non-Empty Directory


The installer displays a message that you are installing into a non-empty directory.


If you started an installation and went beyond the Specify File Locations screen, but did not complete the installation, then the installer has already created the Oracle home directory that you specified. If you later try to install again in the same directory, which contains some files created by the installer, the installer gives a warning that the directory is not empty.

You must perform the following tasks:

  1. In the warning dialog, click No to return to the Specify File Locations screen.

  2. In the Specify File Locations screen, click Installed Products. This displays the Inventory screen.

    If your Oracle home is listed in the Inventory screen, then you have to deinstall the Oracle home. See Appendix J for details.

    If your Oracle home is not listed in the Inventory screen, then you can just delete the files from the Oracle home and continue with the installation.

K.4.5 Installer Disappears After Running the Preinstallation Checks


The installer disappears after running preinstallation checks


The directory that is the mount point of the CD-ROM or DVD-ROM was mounted with incorrect permissions, and this caused the pwd command to not work correctly. When you run pwd, it returns "cannot determine current directory".

To fix this problem, forform the following steps:

  1. Unmount the CD-ROM.

  2. Change permissions of the mount directory to 755.

  3. Remount the CD-ROM.

The installer should now run correctly.

K.4.6 Unable to Clean Up a Failed Installation

If your installation was not successful, you have to deinstall it first before you can install Oracle Collaboration Suite again. Refer to Appendix J for instructions.

K.4.7 Forgot the Password for the cn=orcladmin Account


You forgot the password for the cn=orcladmin account.


You can reset the password in the database. The DSE root attribute name is orclsupassword.


After a certain number of failed attempts to connect, the cn=orcladmin account becomes locked. In this case, you have to unlock the account. See the next section, Section K.4.8, for instructions on how to unlock the account.

K.4.8 cn=orcladmin Account Becomes Locked


The cn=orcladmin account becomes locked after 10 failed attempts to connect. This is controlled by the password policy. 10 failed attempts is the default value.


If you know the cn=orcladmin password, then you can unlock the account by running the following command:

prompt> $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oidpasswd connect=dbsid unlock_su_acct=true

In the preceding comamnd, dbsid is the SID for the database. For example:

prompt> $ORACLE_HOME/bin/oidpasswd connect=orcl unlock_su_acct=true
OID DB user password: enter_ODS_password
OID superuser account unlocked successfully.

The command prompts for the password of the ODS schema. By default, the ODS password is the same as for the cn=orcladmin and ias_admin accounts, which you entered during installation.

To change the password policy, see the Oracle Internet Directory Administrator's Guide.

K.4.9 Installer Does Not Display Correct Database Name for OracleAS Metadata Repository


During the Applications tier installation, in the Select OracleAS Metadata Repository screen, which is the screen where you select the OracleAS Metadata Repository that you want to use for the Applications tier, the installer does not display correctly the names of the available OracleAS Metadata Repository databases.


Check the log file oraInventory/logs/installActionstimestamp.log. Look for the following lines:

*** Select OracleAS Metadata Repository Page*** 
Error:*** Alert: Error validating repository on multiple hosts and ports.
A database hostname or port is missing.

If you see these lines, it means that your OracleAS Metadata Repository database name contains PORT or HOST in uppercase characters. To fix the problem, change the name of the database so that it does not contain PORT or HOST in uppercase characters.

K.4.10 Configuration Assistant Failures - General

This section describes the general tips for troubleshooting configuration assistant failures. See Section K.5 for specific configuration assistant failures.


Configuration assistant failed


Configuration assistants fail for a variety of reasons. Some things you can check are:

  • Check that the listener, database, and Oracle Internet Directory associated with the Oracle Collaboration Suite Infrastructure are up and running. If not, start them up and click Retry to rerun the configuration assistant that failed.

  • Check the log files for the failed configuration assistant to determine the problem. The log files are located in the $ORACLE_HOME/cfgtoollogs directory.

    Fix the problem indicated in the log file, and click Retry to rerun the failed configuration assistant.

K.4.11 OracleAS Randomize Password Configuration Assistant Failures

Before rerunning OracleAS Randomize Password Configuration Assistant, you need to perform these steps:

  1. Start Oracle Directory Manager.

  2. Enter the Oracle Internet Directory host name, port, user name, and password.

  3. Expand Entry Management, cn=OracleContext, cn=Products, cn=IAS, cn=IAS Infrastructure Databases.

  4. Select orclreferencename=your_globaldb_name.

  5. For each schema under the your_globaldb_name tree, there is an orclreferencename entry. For the orclreferencename entry:

    • Change the value of the orclpassword attribute to the schema name. For example, if wireless is the schema name, change the orclpassword attribute value to wireless.

    • Change orclflexattribute1 to false.

    Click Apply.

    Perform these steps for all the schemas except ODS and OEM_REPOSITORY.

  6. Using SQL*Plus, log in to the database where the OracleAS Randomize Password Configuration Assistant failure is occurring, and run the following script.

    prompt> sqlplus "sys/password as sysdba"
    SQL> @ORACLE_HOME/assistants/dbca/admin/unlock.sql

    In the preceding command, password specifies the password for the SYS user.

  7. Rerun the OracleAS Randomize Password Configuration Assistant.

K.4.12 Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA) Failures


DBCA fails with the following error:

Open wallet
at<init>(Compiled Code)
at<init>(Compiled Code)
at<init>(Compiled Code)
at oracle.sysman.assistants.util.NetworkUtils.registerDBWithDirSrvc(NetworkUtils.j ava:1137)
at oracle.sysman.assistants.dbca.backend.DirServiceStep.executePreReqImpl(Compiled  Code)
at oracle.sysman.assistants.dbca.backend.PrerequisiteStep.executeImpl(Prerequisite
at oracle.sysman.assistants.dbca.backend.Step.execute(Compiled Code)
at oracle.sysman.assistants.dbca.backend.PostDBCreationStep.executeImpl(Compiled Code)
at oracle.sysman.assistants.dbca.backend.Step.execute(Compiled Code)
at oracle.sysman.assistants.dbca.backend.Host$ Code)
ERROR :oracle.sysman.assistants.util.NetAPIException


This error occurs if the TNS_ADMIN environment variable is set. The TNS_ADMIN environment variable should not be set (see Section 2.7). If it is set, unset it and rerun DBCA by clicking Retry in the Configuration Assistants screen.

K.4.13 Harmless Error Message from Database Configuration Assistant (DBCA)

If you see the following "error copying OC4J config files" message in your log file, the message is harmless and can be ignored.

Nov 25, 2004 9:07:30 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMConfig updateReposVars
INFO: Updating file /ASInstalls/ASInfra/sysman/emdrep/config/repository.variables ...
Nov 25, 2004 9:07:35 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMConfig addPortEntries
INFO: Updating file /ASInstalls/ASInfra/install/portlist.ini ...
Nov 25, 2004 9:07:35 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMConfig updateEmdProps
INFO: Updating file /ASInstalls/ASInfra/sysman/config/ ...
Nov 25, 2004 9:07:35 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMConfig updateConfigFiles
INFO: targets.xml file is updated successfully
Nov 25, 2004 9:07:35 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMConfig updateEmomsProps
INFO: Updating file
/ASInstalls/ASInfra/sysman/config/ ...
Nov 25, 2004 9:07:35 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMConfig updateConfigFiles
INFO: file is updated successfully
Nov 25, 2004 9:07:40 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMConfig copyOC4JDir
WARNING: Error copying OC4J config files from
/ASInstalls/ASInfra/oc4j/j2ee/OC4J_DBConsole to
Nov 25, 2004 9:07:40 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMConfig startOMS 
INFO: Starting the DBConsole ...
Nov 25, 2004 9:08:26 PM oracle.sysman.emcp.EMConfig perform 
INFO: DBConsole is started successfully

K.4.14 OracleAS Certificate Authority Configuration Assistant Fails for Remote Metadata Repository


The OracleAS Certificate Authority Configuration Assistant fails with following error (in the oca_install.log file) for remote Metadata Repository:

checkAndClean : Error: Repository chosen for this oca installation is already used by other oca instance
 java.sql.SQLException: ORA-01017: invalid username/password; logon denied


Perform the following steps to resolve this error:

  1. End the installer session.

  2. Set the environment variables and run $ORACLE_HOME/cfgtoollogs/configToolCommands as follows:

    prompt> PATH=$ORACLE_HOME/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/dcm/bin:$ORACLE_HOME/oca/bin:$PATH
    prompt>  $ORACLE_HOME/cfgtoollogs/configToolCommands

K.4.15 OPMN Configuration Assistant - Start HTTP Server Failures


The OPMN Configuration Assistant - Start HTTP Server fails when you rerun it.


The problem is that Oracle HTTP Server is already running. Before rerunning the configuration assistant, stop Oracle HTTP Server with the following command:

prompt> $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopproc ias-component=HTTP_Server

Rerun the OPMN Configuration Assistant - Start HTTP Server.

K.4.16 OPMN Configuration Assistant - Start DAS Instance Failures


The OPMN Configuration Assistant - Start DAS Instance fails when you rerun it.


The problem is that the Oracle Delegated Administration Services instance is already running. Before rerunning the configuration assistant, stop the Oracle Delegated Administration Services instance by using the following command:

prompt> $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopproc ias-component=OC4J_Security

Rerun the OPMN Configuration Assistant - Start DAS Instance.

K.4.17 OPMN Configuration Assistant - Start OracleAS Certificate Authority Failures


The OPMN Configuration Assistant - Start OracleAS Certificate Authority fails when you rerun it.


The problem is that the OracleAS Certificate Authority instance is already running. Before rerunning the configuration assistant, stop the OracleAS Certificate Authority instance with the following command:

prompt> $ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopproc ias-component=OC4J instancename=oca

Rerun the OPMN Configuration Assistant - Start OracleAS Certificate Authority.

K.4.18 WARNING: DCM Service May Not be Available at This Time


When installing the first node of a cluster, the Java Security Configuration Assistant may return the following message:

WARNING: DCM service may not be available at this time to synchronize $ORACLE_HOME/j2ee/home/config/jazn-data.xml file.

This is due to a failure in updating the DCM repository and could happen if your load balancer virtual server is not configured to return immediately to the calling client when the backend services to which it forwards traffic are unavailable.


Perform the following steps to correct the problem:

  1. Run the following command after installation completes:

    prompt> $ORACLE_HOME/dcm/bin/dcmctl updateConfig -ct jazn
  2. Verify that the dcmctl updateConfig command did not return any errors.

K.5 Troubleshooting Configuration Assistants

This section contains the following topics:

K.5.1 General Tips

To troubleshoot errors that occur when configuration assistants are running:

  • Review the installation log files listed in Section K.3.

  • Review the configuration assistant log files located in the ORACLE_HOME/cfgtoollogs directory for a specific Oracle Collaboration Suite configuration assistant. Try to fix the issue that caused the error.

  • If you see a "Fatal Error. Reinstall" message, try to find the cause of the problem by analyzing the log files. Refer to Section K.5.4 for further instructions.

K.5.2 Configuration Assistant Result Codes

Configuration assistant failures are noted at the bottom of the installation screen. The configuration assistant interface displays additional information, if applicable. The execution status of the configuration assistant is identified by these result codes:

Status Result Code
Configuration Assistant Succeeded 0
Configuration Assistant Failed 1
Configuration Assistant Cancelled -1

Result codes are written to the following log file:



K.5.3 Failure During Component Configuration and Startup

During the installation, configuration assistants run when the Configuration Assistants screen appears. If a configuration assistant fails, try the following procedure to correct the problem:

  1. Review the installation log files.

  2. Review the log files for each configuration assistant located in the ORACLE_HOME/cfgtoollogs directory (Example: /data/mtier/cfgtoollogs or /data/infra/cfgtoollogs ).

  3. Refer to the following:

    1. If the failed configuration assistant has any dependencies, then run the dependencies again. You must do this even if the dependency completed successfully.

    2. Run the failed configuration assistant again. If you are using the installer, select the configuration assistant and click Retry.

      If the configuration assistant fails again after you click Retry, then remove the /temp/ file and try rerunning the configuration assistant.

      If the configuration assistant fails again after you click Retry, then remove the component entry from the ORACLE_HOME/sysman/emd/targets.xml file.

    3. If an optional configuration assistant fails, and it does not have any dependencies, run the remaining configuration assistants. Uncheck the cancelled optional configuration assistant, highlight and check the next listed configuration assistant, and click Retry.

    4. If configuration assistant failure occurs when you are running configuration assistant execution commands from Oracle Universal Installer or on the command line, then rerun the configuration assistant execution command again.

      You can use the generated script file named configToolCommands located in the ORACLE_HOME/cfgtoollogs directory to execute the failed configuration assistant again. The configToolCommands script is generated after you exit the installer. During silent or noninteractive installation, the configToolCommands script is generated immediately after configuration assistant failure.

      You must perform the following tasks before using the generated script:

    1. Open the autogenerated $ORACLE_HOME/cfgtoollogs/configToolCommands script in an editor. Search and replace all occurrences of *Protected value, not to be logged* with the passwords you specified during the installation. If it is a common password, then it becomes simpler and you just have to replace all occurrences of the preceding string with that common password.

    2. Set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to the ORACLE_HOME path.

    3. Append the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable with $ORACLE_HOME/lib:$ORACLE_HOME/lib:$ORACLE_HOME/network/lib:$ORACLE_HOME/network/lib.

    4. Run the $ORACLE_HOME/cfgtoollogs/configToolCommands script to rerun all the failed and skipped configuration assistants.

    • Set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to the ORACLE_HOME path.

    • Append the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable with $ORACLE_HOME/lib32:$ORACLE_HOME/lib:$ORACLE_HOME/network/lib32:$ORACLE_HOME/network/lib.


If the description of a configuration assistant includes an "Initial Tasks" section, you must perform these tasks before running the configuration assistant.

K.5.4 Irrecoverable Errors

Some configuration assistant failures are Irrecoverable (fatal). You cannot recover from an Irrecoverable error by correcting the problem and continuing. You must remove the current installation and reinstall Oracle Collaboration Suite. The following tasks describe the recovery procedure:

  1. Deinstall the failed installation using the procedure described in Appendix J.

  2. Correct the cause of the Irrecoverable error.

  3. Reinstall Oracle Collaboration Suite.

  4. If the error reoccurs, then you must remove all Oracle installations from your computer.

K.6 Troubleshooting Administration Errors After Installation

This section explains some errors that you may encounter after installation.

K.6.1 Failure to Restart Oracle Calendar

This error may occur if you shut down the system after installation and try running opmn to restart all processes.

You must run ocasctl to restart Oracle Calendar clients.

K.7 Troubleshooting Oracle Collaboration Suite Web Client Configuration

If a user logs in to Oracle Collaboration Suite and sees a generic OracleAS Portal page instead of the Oracle Collaboration Suite Home page, do the following:

  1. Ensure that the user is a member of the Oracle Collaboration Suite Users group, as follows:

    1. Log in to Oracle Delegated Administration Services as orcladmin at the following URL:



      In a typical installation, Oracle Delegated Administration Services is located where the Infrastructure is installed.

    2. Click the Directory tab.

    3. Search for the user by user ID (orclguest, for example).

    4. Select the user from the search results, and click Edit.

    5. Scroll down to the Public Groups Assignment section, and ensure that the user is a member of the Oracle Collaboration Suite Users group.

      If the user is not a member, select the Oracle Collaboration Suite Users box, and click Apply.

    6. Log out of Oracle Delegated Administration Services.

  2. Ensure that the Oracle Collaboration Suite Users group is the user's default group, as follows:

    1. Log in to OracleAS Portal as the user in question. For example, go to http://host_name:port_number/, click End User Login, and log in as orclguest.

    2. If the Oracle Collaboration Suite Home page appears, the user is now correctly provisioned and the rest of this procedure is unnecessary.

    3. If the OracleAS Portal Welcome page appears, click Account Info.

    4. On the Account Info page, ensure that the user's default group is set to OCS_PORTAL_USERS.

      If it is not, manually enter OCS_PORTAL_USERS for the user's default group, and click Apply.

    5. Ensure that the user's Default Home Page is blank.

    6. Click the Home global button. You should see the Oracle Collaboration Suite Home page. If not, proceed to Step 3.

  3. If the Oracle Collaboration Suite Home page still does not appear, do the following:

    1. Log in to OracleAS Portal as the user in question. For example, go to http://host_name:port_number/, click End User Login, and log in as orclguest.

    2. When the OracleAS Portal Welcome page appears, click Account Info.

    3. On the Account Info page, ensure that the user's default group is set to OCS_PORTAL_USERS.

      If it is not, manually enter OCS_PORTAL_USERS for the user's default group, and click Apply.

    4. Click the Browse Pages icon next to the Default Home Page field.

    5. Locate the OCS_V2_PAGE_GROUP page group, and click to expand it.

    6. Locate the Oracle Collaboration Suite Home page, and click Return Object.

    7. Click Apply.

    8. Click the Home global button and the correct home page should appear.

K.8 Troubleshooting Oracle Real Application Clusters

To ensure that the installation succeeds on the remote nodes you choose, select a path for Oracle home that is the same on all chosen nodes and is writable. Otherwise, installation on the remote nodes fails. No error message indicates this failure.

K.9 Need More Help?

If this appendix does not solve the problem you encountered, try these other sources:

If you have a support contract with Oracle, then the steps to download a patch from the OracleMetaLink site are:

  1. login to OracleMetaLink at

  2. Click Patches & Updates on the left side of the page.

  3. Ensure that Patch Number is selected in the Simple Search list.

    Enter the required patch number in the adjacent box.

    If you do not know the patch number that you need to download, then select Product or Family in the Simple Search list.

  4. Select the appropriate operating system from the Platform or Language list.

  5. Click Go.

  6. Under Results, click Download to download the patch or click View Readme to go through the information in the readme before downloading the patch.

If you do not find a solution for your problem, open a service request.