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Oracle® Voicemail & Fax Administrator's Guide
10g Release 1 (

Part Number B25458-03
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E Interactive Voice Response Manager Commands

This appendix contains the commands for the Interactive Voice Response Manager (ivrman).

See Also:

Note 416319.1 on for information discovered after this document was published.

IVR Manager

IVR Manager is a command-line tool to create and manage the different components of IVR deployments. Using IVR Manager, you can do the following:

The tool can be found on the machine where Oracle Voicemail & Fax is installed at the following location:


Type ivrman at the command line to get help on the command syntax. You can type ivrman followed by one of the modes (callflow, sfgroup, profile, deployment) and get the syntax for all the commands for that mode.

For example, if you type ivrman callflow, the IVR Manager tool displays the syntax for the ivrman callflow add, ivrman callflow delete, ivrman callflow dump, ivrman callflow list, and ivrman callflow replace commands.

ivrman callflow Commands

Use the ivrman callflow commands to create and modify IVR call flows.

ivrman callflow add

Takes the contents of the file_name file and loads the call flow in the Oracle directory server with the name flow_name


ivrman callflow add flow_name file_name


  • flow_name – name of the call flow

  • file_name – name of the XML document that describes the call flow


If a call flow with the specified name already exists or the contents of the file are in the wrong format, the tool displays an error message and makes no changes.

To update an existing call flow, use ivrman callflow replace.

ivrman callflow delete

Deletes a call flow and all profiles associated with the call flow.


ivrman callflow delete flow_name [-f]


  • flow_name – name of the call flow

  • -f – If the -f flag is not specified, the command deletes a call flow only if it is not referred to in a deployment. The -f flag deletes the call flow even if a deployment references the call flow.


If the -f flag is not specified and the call flow is referred to in a deployment, the tool displays a message telling the user to use the -f flag and it does not delete the call flow.

ivrman callflow dump

Saves the specified call flow description in the file_name file.


ivrman callflow dump flow_name file_name 


  • flow_name – name of the call flow

  • file_name – name of the XML document


If the specified call flow does not exist, the tool displays an error. If the file_name specified already exists, the tool overwrites the contents of the file.

ivrman callflow list

Displays a list of all call flows in the Oracle Voicemail & Fax system.


ivrman callflow list



ivrman callflow replace

Replaces the specified call flow with the contents of the file_name file.


ivrman callflow replace flow_name file_name


  • flow_name – name of the call flow

  • file_name – name of the text file


If the specified call flow does not exist or if the contents of the file are in the wrong format, the tool displays an error message and makes no changes.

Use the ivrman callflow replace command to make changes to an existing call flow. To create a new call flow, use the ivrman callflow add command.

ivrman sfgroup Commands

Use the ivrman sfgroup commands to create and modify sound file groups.

ivrman sfgroup add

Adds a new sound file group to Oracle Voicemail & Fax.


ivrman sfgroup add group_name  flow_name [-batch file_name]


  • group_name – name of the sound file group

  • flow_name – name of the call flow

  • file_name – name of the file that contains the entries for the sound file group


The ivrman sfgroup add command can be used in interactive mode or batch mode using the -batch flag.

In interactive mode, IVR Manager prompts you for the path location and coder type of the sound file for each role in the specified call flow.

In batch mode, the file_name file includes an entry for each role that is declared in the specified call flow. You must include an entry for each role. One role is specified per line, and entries are in the following format:

role_name, path_location, coder_type

role_name is the value of the sfRole tag, path_location is the location of the sound file for this role, and coder_type is the compression algorithm used to compress the sound file. The following coder types are supported.

Table E-1 Supported Coder Types

Coder Type Name Description


48 kbps (6 kHz), 8-bit linear PCM


64 kbps (8 kHz), 8-bit linear PCM


88 kbps (11 kHz), 8-bit linear PCM


24 kbps ADPCM


32 kbps ADPCM


44 kbps ADPCM


48 kbps MuLaw PCM


64 kbps MuLaw PCM


88 kbps MuLaw PCM


48 kbps ALaw PCM


64 kbps ALaw PCM


88 kbps ALaw PCM

If the sound file group with the specified name already exists, IVR Manager displays an error message and exits without adding the sound file group.

ivrman sfgroup delete

Deletes the specified sound file group.


ivrman sfgroup delete group_name [-f]


  • group_name – name of the sound file group

  • -f – If the -f flag is not specified, the command deletes a sound file group only if it is not referred to in a deployment. The -f flag deletes the sound file group even if a deployment references the call flow.


If the -f flag is not specified and the sound file group is referenced by a deployment, IVR Manager displays an error message and does not delete the sound file group.

ivrman sfgroup describe

Displays a list of the sound file roles, coder types, and sound file sizes for the specified sound file group.


ivrman sfgroup describe group_name


  • group_name – name of the sound file group



ivrman sfgroup dump

Writes the sound file for the specified role and sound file group to the file_name file.


ivrman sfgroup dump group_name role file_name


  • group_name – name of the sound file group

  • role – name of the role in the sound file group

  • file_name – name of the file that contains the entries for the sound file group



ivrman sfgroup list

Displays a list of all sound file groups installed in the Oracle Voicemail & Fax system.


ivrman sfgroup list



ivrman sfgroup update

Replaces sound files in a sound file group.


ivrman sfgroup update group_name [-batch file_name]


  • group_name – name of the sound file group

  • file_name – name of the file that contains the entries for the sound file group


The ivrman sfgroup update command only allows you to update the existing sound files. If you change the call flow and add another role, you need to delete the old sound file group, then re-create the sound file group using the new call flow.

The ivrman sfgroup update command can be used in interactive mode or batch mode using the -batch flag.

In interactive mode, IVR Manager prompts you to enter a sound file and the coder type for each role in the sound file group. The current setting appears in brackets beside the prompt. You may change the value or keep the current setting by pressing Enter.

In batch mode, IVR Manager uses a batch file. Refer to the ivrman sfgroup add command for the format of this file. You need to specify only those roles whose settings have changed. The tool does not modify the settings for roles that are not included.

If the batch file includes a role that is not included in the sound file group, a message is displayed and the tool ignores the role.

ivrman profile Commands

A profile is associated with a specific call flow. Therefore, you can have two profiles with the same name if they are tied to different call flows. A profile and a call flow together are required to identify a particular profile. Therefore, all of the ivrman profile commands (except ivrman profile list) require that you specify both the name of the profile and the name of the call flow.

ivrman profile add

Adds a new profile to the Oracle Voicemail & Fax system.


ivrman profile add profile_name flow_name [-batch file_name]


  • profile_name – name of the profile

  • flow_name – name of the call flow for which the profile is being added

  • file_name – name of the file that contains the profile keys and profile settings for the named profile. Used in batch mode.


The ivrman profile add command can be used in interactive mode or in batch mode using the -batch flag.

In interactive mode, IVR Manager prompts you to enter a value for each profile key that is declared in the specified call flow. You must provide a value for each profile key.

In batch mode, the file_name file includes an entry for each profile key in the specified call flow. One profile key is specified per line, and entries are in the following format:

profile_key = value

The profile_key is the value of the profKey tag in the call flow and value is the setting for that key. If the batch file is missing settings for any declared profile key, IVR Manager prints an error and exits without adding the profile.

If the value is a phone number, the phone number must be entered in international format as a string of numbers with no spaces or punctuation, for example, 14152926000.

ivrman profile list

Displays a list of all profiles for the specified call flow.


ivrman profile list flow_name


  • flow_name – name of the call flow



ivrman profile delete

Deletes the specified profile.


ivrman profile delete profile_name flow_name [-f]


  • profile_name – name of the profile

  • flow_name – name of the call flow for which the profile is being updated

  • -f – If -f is not specified, the command deletes a profile only if it is not referred to in a deployment. The -f flag deletes the profile even if it is referenced in a deployment.


If the -f flag is not specified and the profile is referenced by a deployment, IVR Manager displays an error message and does not delete the profile.

ivrman profile dump

Displays the settings for the specified profile.


ivrman profile dump profile_name flow_name


  • profile_name – name of the profile

  • flow_name – name of the call flow for which the profile is being updated


IVR Manager displays the settings for a profile using the following format:

profile_key = value

profile_key is the value of the profKey tag in the call flow and value is the setting for that key.

ivrman profile update

Changes the settings for the profile keys in an installed profile.


ivrman profile update profile_name flow_name [-batch file_name]


  • profile_name – name of the profile

  • flow_name – name of the call flow for which the profile is being updated

  • file_name – name of the file that contains the profile keys and profile settings for the named profile. Used in batch mode.


The ivrman profile update command can be used in interactive mode or in batch mode using the -batch flag.

In interactive mode, IVR Manager prompts you to enter a value for each profile key that is declared in the specified call flow. The current setting appears in brackets next to the prompt. You may change the value or keep the current setting by pressing Enter.

In batch mode, a file with the profile keys and settings is specified with the -batch flag. Refer to the ivrman profile add command for the format of this file. You need to specify only those profile keys whose settings have changed.

ivrman deployment Commands

Use the deployment commands to create and modify your IVR deployments.

ivrman deployment add

Adds a new deployment to the Oracle Voicemail & Fax system.


ivrman deployment add deployment_name


  • deployment_name – name of the deployment


The command prompts you to provide a locale for the deployment. This locale setting is the language in which callers to your system will hear the Oracle Voicemail & Fax voicemail prompts. This setting is optional; the default is United States English. Use the ovfucr displaylanguagelist command to display a list of the supported languages and their codes. See "ovfucr displaylanguagelist" for more information on using this command.

The locale setting should not be confused with the language in which you record your sound files. There is no locale setting for the IVR. To create an IVR in different languages, you need to provide a different set of sound files, recorded in the languages you want to support. See the LanguageChoiceAutoAttendant sample IVR deployment for an example.

The ivrman deployment add command prompts you to provide the name of the call flow, sound file group, and profile for each time category (Open, Closed, Holiday, and Special). The call flow, sound file group, and profile for each time category in your deployment must be created and added before you create a new deployment.

You must provide a call flow, profile, and sound file group for each time category. For some deployments, the same call flow, sound file group, and profile may be used for more than one time category. Some call flows may not have sound files associated with them, for example, a call flow that sends a call directly to a voicemail mailbox. Or in the case of the Special time category, you cannot create a sound file in advance. In this situation, create a placeholder sound file group or profile.

ivrman deployment delete

Deletes the named deployment.


ivrman deployment delete deployment_name


  • deployment_name – name of the deployment


The ivrman deployment delete command does not give you a warning before deleting the deployment.

ivrman deployment dump

Displays the deployment locale and the call profile, call flow, and sound file group for each category.


ivrman deployment dump deployment _name


  • deployment _name – name of the deployment



ivrman deployment list

Displays a list of all IVR deployments on the Oracle Voicemail & Fax system.


ivrman deployment list



ivrman deployment update

Updates an existing deployment and assigns a different call flow, profile, or sound file group to the deployment.


ivrman deployment update deployment_name


  • deployment_name – name of the deployment


Use the ivrman deployment update command to assign a call flow, profile, or sound file group with a different name to one or more of the time categories. If you want to make a change to a call flow, profile, or sound file group that is currently assigned to a deployment, you do not need to update the deployment.

The command prompts you to provide a locale for the deployment. This locale setting is the language in which callers to your system will hear the Oracle Voicemail & Fax voicemail prompts. This setting is optional; the default is United States English. Use the ovfucr displaylanguagelist command to display a list of the supported languages and their codes. See "ovfucr displaylanguagelist" for more information on using this command.

The ivrman deployment update command prompts you to provide the name of the call flow, sound file group, and profile for each time category (Open, Closed, Holiday, and Special). You must first use IVR Manager to create and add any new call flows, sound file groups, or profiles to Oracle Voicemail & Fax before you update the deployment.