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Oracle® Collaboration Suite Release Notes
10g Release 1 ( for Microsoft Windows

Part Number B25474-09
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8 Oracle Mail Release Notes

This chapter summarizes release note issues associated with Oracle Mail. This chapter contains the following sections:


This document was updated on February 23, 2007. Additional updates and new information can be found in Note 415183.1 on

8.1 New in Oracle Mail


Other new features included with this release are described in Chapter 2, "Oracle Collaboration Suite Cumulative Patch Release Notes".

8.2 Known Limitations and Workarounds in Oracle Mail

Searches of Attachments in Different Character Sets

When you perform a search for attachment names, search behavior is determined by the character set used by the Oracle Mail server to build the search index. In other words, if the characters you are searching for are not found in the character set used by the Oracle Mail server to build the search index, the attachment will not be found.

Base Users with Multiple Mail IDs

Base users having multiple mail IDs cannot be managed from the centralized provisioning framework in Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g. Users that have multiple mail IDs cannot be managed from Oracle Delegated Administration Services, hence Oracle WebMail must be used to manage such users.

Sharing Public E-mail Folders with a Domain

Shared public e-mail folders available to an entire domain can be created using Oracle Connector for Outlook, only.

See Also:

"Creating Public Folders" in Appendix C of Oracle Mail Administrator's Guide for more information about creating shared folders

Attachments and Caching with Microsoft Internet Explorer and Oracle WebMail

By default, neither attachments nor inline images are cached on the client's disk (for security and privacy reasons). Due to a bug in Internet Explorer, this prevents users from opening attachments inline using that browser. For example, clicking on a text attachment and selecting Open from the attachment dialog will fail (the default text editor application for the user will launch, and then generate an error that the file could not be found).

If you have deployed SSL, attempting to download attachments to disk will also fail.

Documentation of the details of this Microsoft Internet Explorer bug can be found in the following Microsoft Knowledge Base articles:

There are two workarounds available for this issue; you can use a different browser, or, you can relax caching settings. For detailed instructions for relaxing caching settings, see "Security Issues Related to Microsoft Internet Explorer" in Chapter 2 of Oracle Collaboration Suite Security Guide.

8.3 Known Issues in Oracle Mail

The following table lists known issues in Oracle Mail.

See Also:

Chapter 2, "Oracle Collaboration Suite Cumulative Patch Release Notes", for known issues that are not described in this chapter.

Table 8-1 Known Issues in Oracle Mail

Description Action Bug Number

The mail server crashes during shutdown when an external filter is configured for the protocol server using Symantec AVSE ICAP Connector.

Do one of the following:

  • Configure the protocol server using Symantec AVSE Native Connector, or;

  • Ignore the crash, since it occurs during shutdown and is inconsequential.


Reconfirmation of an invitation to a distribution list fails if the reconfirmation is sent in Rich Text Format.

Use plain text to send reconfirmation of an invitation.


Oracle Discussions folders cannot be differentiated by case.

Do not use case to differentiate between folders.


Success, Failure, and Delay preambles do not appear in DSNs even when set.



IMAP cannot handle nested folder names, that exceed 990 characters.



Filters (such as virus scanners) no longer work after upgrading from Release 9.0.4. This is because in 9.0.4, filters needed to be defined for each server, while in 10gR1, filters can be defined in a central location and associated with multiple servers. The definitions of existing filters are converted to the new format but not automatically associated with the servers.

Use the Admin Policy pages to associate the filters with the SMTP servers.


DAS displays "Default" even when no archiving policy exists.



The number of lists for which a user is a member is displayed even when a search is performed by an individual with insufficient privileges to view that information. Because the searcher may not have the sufficient privileges to view all the lists for which a user is a member, there is a difference in the number of lists actually displayed to the count shown on the table.



Under heavy load, number of database connections from the Oracle Web Access client might be very high.

You can change the database connection pool scheme used by the application to a fixed scheme by setting the property oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.cache_scheme=2. The maximum number of connections can then be set by the property oracle.mail.sdk.esmail.connpool_max_limit. With the fixed scheme, the number of database connections from the Oracle Web Access client to the database will never exceed the maximum limit specified, but this might degrade the performance of the client significantly.


After a user is deprovisioned, changing the state of the user from inactive to active will not reprovision the user.

To reprovision the user, an administrator must use Oracle Delegated Administration Services.


Spam control Reject Reasons are displayed partially when there is a carriage return.

The Reject Reason after first carriage return is not displayed by Oracle WebMail.

Use a single line for the spam error rejection reason value.


Part of message headers sent by the List Server will appear in the message body.



Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Application Server Control Console online help was not working



Oracle Mail rejects messages that contain lines exceeding 4000 bytes.

Maximum limit on the MIME line lengths can be set in the SMTP server orclmailsmtprejectconditions parameter using the format maxlinelen=value.

For example, maxlinelen=10000 sets the line length limit to 10,000 bytes.

If no limit is set, the default maximum of 4000 bytes is assumed. If the limit is set below 1000 bytes (the RFC minimum), the default limit of 4000 bytes is assumed. If the limit is set above the maximum message size, the server rejects a message if its line size exceeds maximum message size.

Oracle recommends that administrators evaluate what kinds of messages the site receives and set the appropriate limit using the previously mentioned SMTP parameter, if the default limit of 4000 bytes is not sufficient.

While there is no limit on maximum line length, an unreasonably high limit is not recommended because it opens up the possibility of denial of service attacks.


When installing a new Oracle Mail ( on top of Oracle Mail (10.1.2) the configuration assistant fails because the install code expects an earlier version number (earlier than 10.1.2) from which to upgrade.

Set the Oracle Internet Directory parameter orclproductversion at EntryManagement>OracleSchemaVersion>EMAIL to


8.4 Globalization Issues in Oracle Mail

The following table lists Oracle Mail globalization issues.

See Also:

Chapter 2, "Oracle Collaboration Suite Cumulative Patch Release Notes", for known issues that are not described in this chapter.

Table 8-2 Globalization Issues in Oracle Mail

Description Action Bug Number

Traditional Chinese index entries in the Oracle WebMail administrator help page are displayed incorrectly with mixed Traditional Chinese characters and English words.



The subscription DSN message sent by an administrator is indecipherable.

To prevent this problem, the distribution list administrator should add members by invitation.


oesbkp does not successfully restore non-ascii rules.



Wrong encoding for Oracle WebMail online help in French, German, and Korean.



When sending a mail in Korean using the message character set ISO-2022-KR, the following error message displays: An error occurred: unable to create the new message.

Use the EUC-KR character set.


8.5 Documentation Issues in Oracle Mail

See Also:

Chapter 2, "Oracle Collaboration Suite Cumulative Patch Release Notes", for known issues that are not described in this chapter.

The following table lists Oracle Mail documentation issues:

Table 8-3 Documentation Issues in Oracle Mail

Description Action Bug Number

In situations where there is more than one Collaboration Suite Database, you must write an e-mail policy plug-in to create a user using Oracle Directory Integration and Provisioning in the second (not the default) Collaboration Suite Database.

Check back here regularly for updates to this document for instructions on writing the e-mail policy plug-in.