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Oracle® Collaboration Suite Release Notes
10g Release 1 ( for HP-UX PA-RISC (64-Bit)

Part Number B25476-20
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6 Oracle Content Services Release Notes

This chapter summarizes release note issues associated with Oracle Content Services and Oracle Drive. This chapter contains the following sections:


This document was updated on March 26, 2007. Additional updates and new information can be found in Note 415183.1 on

6.1 New in Oracle Content Services

Oracle Content Services is the new name for the product formerly known as Oracle Files. Except where noted, all of these features shipped with Oracle Content Services (10.1.1). In addition to having a new name, this version of the product ships with many additional key features that support the following benefits to your organization:

The following sections provide an overview of the new features in Oracle Content Services 10g:


Other new features can be obtained by applying Oracle Calendar server 10.1.2.x Cumulative Patches. These new features are listed in Section 2.2, "Oracle Calendar Server Cumulative Patches".

6.1.1 Web Services

Oracle Content Services ships with Web services that:

  • Support integration, automation, and functional extension

  • Are J2EE and .Net compatible

  • Provide support for file management, records management, searching, versioning, workflow, session management, virus scanning, and other functions

The Oracle Content Services Web services provide programmatic access to the following functionality:

See Oracle Content Services Application Developer's Guide for more information about the Oracle Content Services Web services.

6.1.2 File and Document Management

Oracle Content Services provides the following new features for file and document management:

  • Folder and file-level security

  • Fine-grained permissions

  • Role-based access control

  • Group access management

  • Multiple Sites per Oracle Content Services instance

  • File check-in/check-out

  • Policy-based versioning with a folder-by-folder policy, automatic or manual application, maximum version cutoff, and selectable version naming

  • Policy-based Category management (extended metadata) with a folder-by-folder policy, automatic or manual application, hierarchical categories, and default and/or enforced attributes

  • Integrated antivirus protection (partner solution required)

  • Ability to create and store links to files and folders

6.1.3 Business Process Automation

Oracle Content Services provides mechanisms to associate workflows with specific folders. These workflows:

  • Can elicit responses by a set of responders serially or in parallel

  • Can control the deleting, copying, moving, checking in, and checking out of documents by starting workflow requests that require approval

  • Can be configured to launch workflow requests when documents are uploaded or read

Oracle Content Services also supports custom workflows through Oracle BPEL Process Manager, an Oracle product that provides a framework for easily designing, deploying, monitoring, and administering processes based on Business Process Execution Language (BPEL) standards. These custom workflows:

  • Can be used to automate a wide range of business processes

  • Can be registered with Oracle Content Services so that users can define workflow-based folder policies

  • Can invoke the Oracle Content Services Web services to perform an extensive set of actions

  • Can be configured to get triggered upon any of the operations mentioned in the previous section.

    See Also:

6.1.4 Records Management

Records management features provide the ability to specify that a document is to be retained for a certain period of time, prevent or control changes to the document during the retention period, and dispose of the document in a prescribed way once the retention period has expired. Oracle Content Services ships with an optional product, Oracle Records Management, to support these records management capabilities.

The following features are provided:

  • File plan-based record organization

  • Record search

  • Flexible classification and retention policy management

  • Records declaration that can be:

    • Applied manually by users

    • Policy-based, applied on a per-folder basis

See Oracle Records Management Administrator's Guide for information about how to use the records management features in both Oracle Records Management and Oracle Content Services.

6.1.5 New Administration Features

The following new administrative features are provided in Oracle Content Services:

  • Integration with OPMN

  • Simplified installation and configuration

  • Simplified RAC configuration

  • Enhanced logging

  • Multiple Applications tiers on a single host

  • Option to configure and deconfigure Oracle Content Services from the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control

  • LYKE index to improve performance on filename searches (such as *minutes*)

  • Ability to manage SQL metric configuration

  • Automatic integration with Oracle Workflow

  • Easier mechanism to change the Oracle Content Services schema password

  • Additional default formats

For detailed information about changes and improvements to Oracle Content Services administration, see "What's New in Oracle Content Services Administration" in Oracle Content Services Administrator's Guide.

6.2 Resolved Issues in Oracle Content Services

Table 6-1 lists resolved issues in Oracle Content Services.

Table 6-1 Resolved Issues in Oracle Content Services

Description Resolved In Bug Number

You must have met Oracle Internet Directory user requirements for configuring Oracle Content Services through the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control.

An Oracle Internet Directory user must have had additional privileges to be able to use the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control to configure Oracle Content Services.



File not found errors appeared in install log file after silent installation.

The log file generated during the silent installation process displayed "File not found" errors.



Deinstalling Oracle Content Services did not remove the service registry entries for the product.

Because of this, subsequent attempts to configure Oracle Content Services failed.



Error occurred when pressing Enter for some fields in the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control.

If you are using Internet Explorer, you may have encountered an error if you pressed Enter after entering text in the Search fields for the Formats, Sites, Domain Properties, and Server Configurations pages in the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control.



On-demand provisioning through WebDAV/FTP failed for non-default realms.

Users should be automatically provisioned into Oracle Content Services when they first sign on. Users who were members of non-default realms, however, were not provisioned when they signed on through FTP or WebDAV.



The Oracle Content Services Configuration Assistant failed when running against Oracle 10.2 database server.

The Oracle Content Services Configuration Assistant failed when running against Oracle 10.2 database server because of syntax changes from Oracle 9i database server.



The Oracle Internet Directory Credential Manager Agent consumed 100% CPU when more than 10,000 users were first provisioned.

This problem occurred because a database query against the odmz_oidcredentialmanagerevnt table took more than ten minutes to return. If you experienced this problem, you saw the following entry in the node log:

[ CredentialManagerAgent] WARNING: IFS-45370: Unable to handle requests



Turning on BFILE aging caused the Content Agent to log exceptions.

Turning on BFILE aging resulted in the Content Agent to log the following exception: IFS-21011: Unable to dynamically invoke method DYNMoveContentToBfile on oracle.ifs.server.S_TieMediaBlob.

The file was not moved to BFILE, but remained stored as a LOB.



Users with multiple-byte or high-ASCII characters in their user names were not able to sign on to Oracle Content Services using service-to-service authentication.

This affected logins though the Content Searchlet and Web services, both of which use service-to-service authentication.



Description of DAV password prompt setting needed to be changed.

The documentation for this setting referred to all DAV clients but should have been stated for only WebFolders.



6.3 Known Limitations and Workarounds in Oracle Content Services

The following sections describe known limitations and workarounds, if applicable, for Oracle Content Services:

6.3.1 Oracle Content Services Web Client Caching Issues

If you have previously deployed the Oracle Content Services Web UI Enabler Beta 10.1.1 Patch or the Oracle Content Services Beta 10.1.2 Patch, you should clear your browser cache before using the production version of the Oracle Content Services Web client.

6.3.2 Required Post-Upgrade Tasks

After upgrading from Oracle Content Services 10g (10.1.1) to Oracle Content Services 10g (10.1.2), the Background Request agent and Refresh Security agent are included in the Node Configuration but are not activated.

Manually activate these agents on the Node on which they are to be run.

6.3.3 Limitations in Multi-Site Configurations

  • Using e-mail addresses as nicknames for users in a multi-Site instance can cause problems in some cases, in particular with certain protocols for the non-default Site. This problem tends to affect WebDAV and FTP access to the Site.

    Oracle recommends that you do not use e-mail addresses as nicknames for users in a multi-Site implementation.

  • Custom workflows cannot be registered for Sites that correspond to non-default realms. This is because BPEL does not support multiple Oracle Internet Directory realms.

6.3.4 Setting Up Oracle Workflow for Use with Oracle Content Services

Some databases do not support the OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant. In this case, follow the procedure in the section titled "What if OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant Is Not Supported by My Database?" in Chapter 3 of Oracle Content Services Administrator's Guide to set up Oracle Workflow for use with Oracle Content Services.

6.3.5 Browser Limitations

Mozilla Firefox 1.5 is not certified against Oracle Content Services.

6.4 Known Issues in Oracle Content Services

Table 6-2 lists known issues for Oracle Content Services.


Fixes for known issues may be available in cumulative patches. For a list of available cumulative patch downloads and their installation order, see note 406284.1 on Each cumulative patch includes a README.html file that lists all bugs fixed.

See Also:

Chapter 2, "Oracle Collaboration Suite Cumulative Patch Release Notes", for information on cumulative patch new features and known issues.

Table 6-2 Known Issues in Oracle Content Services

Description Action Bug Number

Users cannot sign on to a new Oracle Content Services instance that is using an upgraded Oracle Internet Directory.

This problem occurs because of insufficient access rights set in the upgraded Oracle Internet Directory instance.

Grant browse access to Everyone on the user search base and group search base containers for each realm in Oracle Internet Directory. This needs to be done only for orclentrylevelaci.

Follow these steps to grant browse access:

  1. As the orcladmin user, connect to Oracle Internet Directory using Oracle Directory Manager.

  2. For each realm, browse to the user search base and group search base containers.

    The following examples show user search base and group search base containers for a realm named us and a realm search base dc=oracle,dc=com:

  3. For each container, click the Local Access tab, then grant browse access to Everyone in the Structural Access Items box by selecting Everyone and clicking Edit for the existing ACI.


Configuration of Oracle Content Services fails when Oracle Internet Directory is in SSL-only mode.

This problem occurs because registration of the database fails.

Install Oracle Database patch

If you have not installed that patch, ensure that Oracle Internet Directory is in non-SSL mode before configuring Oracle Content Services. You can change Oracle Internet Directory back to SSL mode after Oracle Content Services configuration is complete.

This issue will be resolved when the fixes for bugs 4478060 and 4690453 are available in the database layer.


Searches default to a folder-restricted search.

A folder-restricted search limits the results of the search to files and folders which reside under the specified folder restriction. A folder-restricted search can take longer to process than an unrestricted search. An unrestricted search will return files and folders which can be located anywhere within Oracle Content Services. By default, all searches are performed as a folder-restricted search. If a folder restriction is not specified for the search, a default folder restriction of the top level folder for the Site is used.

An option can be specified in the Web services call which overrides the default behavior and allows for an unrestricted search. Using this option can improve the search performance but can also result in additional files being returned. Additional files may be returned because an unrestricted search may also return system files, such as help files, which are stored in Oracle Content Services. The following option to allow an unrestricted search can be specified as follows:

options = new NamedValue[]
{ new NamedValue(Options.FOLDER_RESTRICT_TO_DOMAIN,Boolean.FALSE) }; 
result =, options, null); 


The Quota Administrator can set default Library quota to a value greater than the Site quota.

The Site quota, specified in Oracle Collaboration Suite Control, is not enforced.



User unable to login after backup or recovery of the database.

After a backup or recovery of the database, Oracle Content Services can enter an inconsistent state. In this state, Oracle Content Services generates IndexOutOfBoundsException errors in the logs. This can prevent users from logging into Oracle Content Services.

The administrator should restart all OPMN processes on the Applications tier after a database backup or recovery, or when the logs show IndexOutOfBoundsException errors.


BPEL Worklist URL specified in Oracle Collaboration Suite Control must begin with http://.

BPEL Worklist URL is specified by an administrator in Oracle Collaboration Suite Control. If this URL is present, BPEL workflow requests appear as links on the reports pages. If the specified URL is not absolute (if it does not begin with http://), it is appended to the Oracle Content Services URL, and clicking the request link generates a "Page not found" error.

To avoid this problem, the administrator must specify absolute URLs to Oracle Collaboration Suite Control, such as


Drag-and-drop not supported from client computer to the Oracle Content Services Web client.

The user cannot drag a file or folder from the client operating system and drop it into the Oracle Content Services Web client. The reverse is also not possible. The symptom end users will see is that the file is opened in the browser.

Users should not drag-and-drop content to or from the Oracle Content Services Web client. Use the Upload and Download commands in the Oracle Content Services Web client to copy files.


Unable to launch request dialog after a request is approved or rejected but the Oracle Content Services Web client is not refreshed.

On My Requests page, if there are multiple pending requests and the user approves or rejects a request (by clicking the request link and clicking Approve or Reject), the next click on a request link may not launch the request dialog until the table is refreshed. This is because the workflow actions are asynchronous: a request is sent to the workflow engine to process on clicking Approve or Reject and the result is returned after a delay. Because of this, the Oracle Content Services Web client and back-end data goes out of sync, which results in an error when clicking on the link.

Refresh the page by selecting View > Refresh or by pressing F5.


Zero-byte office documents do not open correctly.

Zero-byte Microsoft Office documents do not open correctly. Instead, the OracleAS Single Sign-On page opens. Internet Explorer sends two GET requests when zero byte Microsoft Office documents are opened. The second request does not include session state or authentication information, so the server tries to prompt for authentication.

See the Microsoft Knowledge Base article 185978 for more information.


On Windows 2000 clients, Download in Internet Explorer opens a document instead of downloading it to local file system.

On Windows 2000, The Download menu item in the Oracle Content Services Web client does not work. On Windows 2000 with Internet Explorer, once a document has been opened in the Oracle Content Services Web client, selecting the Download menu item displays the document in the browser instead of saving it to the file system.

Clear Internet Explorer's cache.


Overwriting a link overwrites the target instead of the link.

When uploading a file to the server through a WebDAV client (such as Oracle Drive), if a link exists with the same name, the target of the link is overwritten instead of the link itself.

Delete the link before uploading the new file.


Opening Microsoft Excel 2000 files with long file names that include multiple-byte characters opens read only.

Opening Microsoft Excel 2000 files with long file names that include multiple-byte characters displays the error "filename[1].xls is locked for edit" even though the file is not locked on the server. Typically, this happens the second time the file is accessed, but it does not prevent the file from being opened. Excel is reporting that the temporary file downloaded previously is locked.

Clear Internet Explorer's cache.


When the client is creating a URL, any + character in URL is not decoded.

Any + characters in the file name section of a URL are not treated as spaces. This is often a problem for clients that generate URLs with, which represents space characters as + characters.

Spaces must be represented as %20.


Upgrade process fails if references to deleted users exist.

If there are references to deleted users, the upgrade to Oracle Content Services 10.1.2 fails if the DanglingObjectAVCleanupAgent has not been run.

Run the DanglingObjectAVCleanupAgent in the Oracle Files source schema before upgrading to Oracle Content Services.


Upgrade process does not stop if the database contains multiple Oracle Files schemas.

The EnableDb option in Oracle Universal Installer and the script do not stop the upgrade process if more than one Oracle Files schema exists in the Oracle Files database.

All workflow schemas must be dropped manually except the one that was formerly integrated with Oracle Files.

Oracle Content Services supports one schema per database. If your existing Oracle Files installation has more than one schema per database, you must select one schema to upgrade to Oracle Content Services, and drop all other schemas when upgrading the database.


Unable to delete folders in Libraries where the security configuration is set to prevent subfolders from modifying the settings.

This occurs when the security configuration of a Library is modified to prevent subfolders from overriding these settings. In this case, users are unable to delete any folders in the Library.

Change the security configuration of the Library to allow subfolders to modify the security settings. Users can then delete the folders.


Some variables in workflow e-mail notifications are not substituted properly.

In some cases, the workflow notification e-mails have some information that is still in the form of unsubstituted variables. This is specific to the following variables - &SUBJECT, &MAILTO and &HISTORY.

Use SQL*Plus to recompile the existing wfmlrb.pls package:

sqlplus workflow_schema/workflow_password@tns_alias $ORACLE_HOME/wf/sql/wfmlrb.pls

The workflow schema password is typically stored in Oracle Internet Directory. Use the following steps to retrieve the password:

  1. Sign on to the Oracle Collaboration Suite Infrastructure computer.

  2. Enter the following command:

  3. Browse for the following DN:

    OrclResourceName=OWF_MGR,orclReferenceName=infrastructure_database_name,cn=IAS Infrastructure Databases,cn=IAS,cn=Products,cn=OracleContext 4.
  4. The value of orclpasswordattribute is the workflow schema password.


Some operations performed at the Site level run asynchronously and can take a significant amount of time to complete.

If you set security grants at the Site level or try to delete containers, the operation does not execute immediately. The operation can take some time to propagate down the folder hierarchy.

For example, if you assign a role to a user at the Site level, it will take some time before the user has obtained the role in a folder residing several levels deep in the hierarchy.

As a best practice, assign roles at the Site level early in the deployment of a new system so the assignment is faster. Additionally, expect that there may be a delay before Administrator operations are completed, and watch the logs to confirm that the actions are taking place.


Cannot check in a file resulting from copying one with file-level security.

If you try to copy a file with file-level security into a version-controlled folder and then try to check in a new version, the check-in process fails with the error "You cannot check in filename because it does not exist."

Revert to inherited security from the folder before copying the file.


Java metrics do not work after configuring the first Oracle Content Services Applications tier from Oracle Collaboration Suite Control.

This occurs when Oracle Collaboration Suite Control is used to configure the first Applications tier of an Oracle Content Services instance. The impact is that some of the Java metrics do not work as desired.

Stop and restart Oracle Collaboration Suite Control.


Nodes sometimes try to use the same port if there are multiple Applications tiers on the same host computer.

This is restricted to a situation where you have multiple Oracle Content Services Applications tiers on the same host computer. In some cases, the regular Node fails to start in one or more of the Applications tier instances. The log file indicates the following error: "Address in use"

Try to start the Applications tiers in a sequential manner. Start each Applications tier five minutes after starting the previous tier.

If that does not solve the problem, use the following steps to resolve the issue:

  1. Sign on to the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control on the Applications tier where the Node process is configured and is failing.

  2. Go to the Oracle Content Services home page and stop the Node.

  3. Go to the Node Configurations page and click the link of the Node Configuration of the Node that is failing.

  4. On the Edit Node Configuration page, in the General / OPMN Configuration section, change the value of Node Manager Port Range from 53140-53899 to 53240-53899.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Restart the Node.

If there are more than two Applications tiers, repeat the steps using a different range of port numbers.


The Oracle Collaboration Suite Database RMAN tool cannot back up and recover BFILEs.

The Oracle Collaboration Suite Database Recovery Manager tool provides a mechanism to handle the backing up of database data files in order to cater to disaster recovery requirements. However Oracle Content Services allows users to provide a mechanism to use BFILEs as a secondary storage for less frequently accessed content. This is currently not being handled by the Recovery Manager tool.

Do not use the Oracle Collaboration Suite Database Recovery Manager tool to back up and recover BFILEs. Users must back up and recover BFILEs manually.


After upgrading, archived files are stored in a different folder hierarchy.

Archiving files in Oracle Content Services has a different implementation than Oracle Files. The archived information is stored in a Category.

The administrator can find the archived files, not based on the original workspace, but by the date when the file was moved to the Archive.


With virus scanning turned on, opening a very large file through the Oracle Content Services Web client can cause errors.

A file is scanned synchronously for any viruses before downloading to the user's computer. For a very large file, this can take a long time and can cause the following errors to occur:

  • "No Response from Application Web Server. There was no response from the application web server for the page you requested. Please notify the site's webmaster and try your request again later."

  • "Error StatusCode(409) while performing Data Transfer request 409 Conflict Concurrent Requests On The Same Session Not Supported"

Use FTP to download the file.


An exception is thrown when submitting a record to a workflow.

When submitting a record to a workflow, the following exception is thrown: "An unexpected error has occurred. Try your operation again later."

A record is, by definition, immutable. Because a workflow can modify a file, the correct behavior is to refuse the record submitted. You can only submit files, and not records, to a workflow.

Make a copy of the record and submit that file to the workflow.


Storing an .eml file in Oracle Content Services cannot be searched by its content.

Oracle Content Services does not parse .eml files, so the content of e-mail is not indexed.

Search .eml files by their attributes, not by their content.


When using Cute Pro FTP Client to upload a file in the same directory as a link with the same name, the file overwrites the link.

The Cute Pro FTP client deletes the link before writing the file.

Do not use the Cute Pro FTP client to upload files.


Request for Archive Restore notification messages are not translated.

E-mails that are generated and sent to the administrators are not translated to the recipient's preferred language.



The e-mail notifications generated for workflow-driven operations do not contain sufficient information.

This is related to e-mail notifications that are sent to the users identified as responders for various workflow-driven operations. The e-mail notification does not contain sufficient information to make an immediate determination and the user is required to access the Oracle Content Services Web client to make an assessment on whether or not to approve the request.

The e-mail notification should be used more as an alert and the users are encouraged to respond to the request from the Oracle Content Services Web client.


Working copy is lost after move or destroy disposition.

For versioned documents where one version is recorded, if the working copy is checked out at the same time the record disposition of a move or destroy occurs, the working copy will be lost.

The move or destroy record disposition takes precedence over the checked-out working copy.



Copying a file from your local drive to the server over Web Folders or Oracle Drive does not retain the Last Modified Date.

There is no action because this is expected behavior, and is the same behavior when using other WebDAV servers, such as Microsoft IIS.


Site creation fails when orcladmin user is not present in Oracle Internet Directory.

If the realm orcladmin user has been deleted and does not exist in the Oracle 9iAS Infrastructure, upgrade of Oracle Files to Oracle Content Services will not proceed.

Prior to upgrading the tier containing Oracle Files, create a user in the realm with the name of orcladmin using oiddas (http://hostname:port/oiddas).


When the Symantec Anti Virus Scan Engine (SAVSE) server is down, users will get errors when trying to edit a document or will still be allowed to scan a document on demand, falsely.

When the SAVSE server is down, users will get an error when trying to edit a document using Web Folders, Oracle Drive, or through Oracle Content Services Web client Edit in Place. Users will also still be able to scan a document on demand through its document properties as the scanning button is still enabled.

When the IFS.DOMAIN.ANTIVIRUS.Enabled property is set to True in Oracle Collaboration Suite Control, SAVSE must be running. If SAVSE is switched off for any reason, this property must be set to False.

Restart SAVSE.


On the WebDAV folder listing page, the Launch button does not work for the Site folder.

On the WebDAV folder listing page, clicking the Launch button from the Site folder opens a new window displaying an error instead of the Oracle Content Services Web client.

To start the Oracle Content Services Web client, navigate to a folder other than the Site folder and click the Launch button.


AXIS converts Date objects to Calendar objects.

When accessing date values over Web services using AXIS, the Date objects are converted into Calendar objects. However, when accessing these same values locally, they remain Date objects.

When AXIS encounters a java.util.Date object, it converts it into an xsd:datetime XML Schema Type. The value is then deserialized into a java.util.Calendar object, which is the correct mapping as specified by JAX-RPC.

Converting Date objects into Calendar objects is an expensive operation, so the Oracle Content Services API does not do this automatically. If your appliation will be accessing the Oracle Content Services API both locally and over Web serivces, your application must be prepared to convert one datatype into the other when accessing Date attributes.


Cannot log in to WebDAV after upgrading from Oracle Files 9.0.x to Oracle Content Services 10.1.2.

When Oracle Files is upgraded to Oracle Content Services, the Oracle Files application entity is deleted and a new application entity for Oracle Content Services is created. As a result, the verifiers are not carried over from the Oracle Files instance to the Oracle Content Services instance.

Users must reset their passwords to regenerate their password verifiers. The old password can be retained, but a reset action must be performed.


Custom Workflow parameters that have more than 10 characters lead to unexpected errors.

The Workflow administrator can define custom workflows with parameters. However, if the length of the parameter names is too long, this will lead to errors in multi-byte locales.

Keep the parameter lengths to 10 multi-byte characters or less.


After copying a record, the content of a new document may not be in the expected storage device.

To optimize storage space, the ContentObject is shared across multiple documents when a document is copied to another document. For records, this is a problem because the Records Management Administrator (RMA) sets up the storage devices specifically.

After copying a record to a new document, rename the document. This forces a new ContentObject to be created.


Records Management administrator needs content admin role to be able to see or unrecordize records.

The Records Administrator role is not sufficient. An administrator must also have Content Administrator privileges to view and unrecordize files.

Add the Content Administrator role to the Records Management administrator.


Record retention in near-line storage does not work as expected.

After a record's content is moved to near-line storage, the subsequent lifecycle phases are not processed.

Do not use near-line retention as a lifecycle phase.

5010378, 5010382, 5010597

If there is no DESTROY at the end of a lifecycle phase, a record is changed back to a document.

A record is changed back to a document if it is not destoyed at the end of its lifecycle phase. It can now be deleted or modified.

Either make sure there is a DESTORY phase at the end of each lifecycle or file the document back into a record category with an extended RETENTION period.


Each lifecycle phase of a record is not logged completely.

Setting the log level at FINEST does not provide sufficent log information of the lifecycle phases of a record.



If a lifecycle phase fails, the Retry menu option does not work.

If a lifecycle phase fails, there is an error that must be addressed before retrying the processing of the failed record. The RMA must be notified of the failure and fix the problem.

Setting up the workflow e-mail notification is required to communicate the error to the RMA. The RMA can then address the problem and retry the failed record.


Moving the content that was previously stored on a Centera system or in SnapLock to the database of may fail in some circumstances.

If there is a MOVE phase after a RETAIN in retention storage phase, followed by a second RETAIN phase, the second RETAIN fails.

Set up the lifecycle phases such that the MOVE phase occurs after the two RETAIN phases.


Documents are purged out of the Archive sooner than expected.

Documents in the Archive are moved out and purged after a specified interval of time. An administrator specifies the time interval, as follows:

  1. Go into administration mode.

  2. Select Archived Content Expiration.

  3. Enter the desired time period.

Oracle Content Services incorrectly calculates seconds as milliseconds.

Enter the desired time period multiplied by 1000.


Workflow requests submitted in Oracle Content Services do not get moved to the Expired state.

This problem occurs because no Oracle Workflow background engines have been set up. The Oracle Workflow background engines are used to process requests that have expired, failed, or timed out.

Use the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control to create three Oracle Workflow background engines:

  1. Access the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control and go to the Collaboration Suite Home page.

  2. Click Oracle Workflow.

  3. Click the Background Engines status icon.

  4. Click Submit New.

  5. Specify the parameters and schedule options and click OK.

    See Also: Oracle Collaboration Suite Control online help for Oracle Workflow for information about which parameters to specify.

  6. Repeat steps 4 and 5 until you have created three background engines: one to handle deferred activities, one to handle activities that have timed out, and one to handle stuck processes.

  7. After you have created all three background engines, restart the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control.


Administration URL is incorrectly populated when Oracle Content Services is configured using Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g.

If Oracle Content Services is enabled using Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g after installation, the Oracle Content Services plugin does not have the capability to determine whether the Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications Tier has already been configured for SSL nor is the ability available to select SSL mode when enabling the component.

Modify the value of the administration URL for Oracle Content Services in the service registry using oidadmin, as follows:

  1. Log in to oidadmin as orcladmin.

  2. Go to the dn:

  3. Change the value of the labeleduri;adminurl attribute to change the administration URL.

    Note: For SSL enabled instances, the URL must start with https:// and include the appropriate port number.


Web client console log error when accessed from Oracle Collaboration Suite Portal if not logged out previous time.

Content Services Web client throws console error if you:

  • Access Oracle Content Services Web client from the Oracle Collaboration Suite Portal page

  • Close Oracle Content Services Web client screen without logging out

  • Log out of Oracle Portal and log in again

When you click the Oracle Content Services link in Oracle Portal, a Console log error occurs when the Web client diplays.

When the Oracle Content Services Web client is launched from Oracle Portal, do not close the browser without first logging out.


Close the browser window running the Oracle Portal page after you have closed the Oracle Content Services Web client browser window.


Back or Reload menu options do not work correctly in Accessible mode.

In Accessible mode, the default context menu of the browser is shown so that user can use options such as Send Link... and Bookmark this Page.... But menu options such as Back, Forward, and Reload may not work correctly, because they depend on the server, as well, instead of being a front-end option only.

The users are advised not to use browser's Back, Forward, or Reload menu options in Accessible mode.


Moving a folder with documents to another folder that has enforced recordization gives error.

Moving a folder (using cut and paste or copy and paste) containing documents to another Library or folder on which record category or record folder is specified (for enforcing recordization) causes an error.

Users are advised not to try moving a folder to another Library or folder that has enforced recordization.


User gets an unexpected error when trying to file a record.

When trying to file a record with a record category that has a custom attribute of user, an unexpected error occurs. This happens when the value for the user attribute is left blank.

Fill in the value with a valid user.


Before you configure Oracle Content Services through the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control, a grant option must be specified on the DBA_USERS table for the Oracle Workflow schema.

If you are configuring Oracle Content Services for the first time in Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g (, you must provide a grant option on the DBA_USERS table for the Oracle Workflow schema before you configure Oracle Content Services. Otherwise, the configuration will fail.

After you apply the Oracle Collaboration Suite Cumulative Patch, perform the following steps to provide the grant option to the Oracle Workflow schema:

  1. Connect to Oracle Database as the database user SYS.

  2. Run the following command:

    grant select on dba_users to OWF_MGR with grant option;

After completing these steps, proceed with configuring Oracle Content Services through the Oracle Collaboration Suite Control.


Granting Security Administrator Role using the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g user interface overwrites the user's existing roles.

A new Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g user interface has been added to address the situation where no user has the security administrator role in a Site. This happens when all users with security administrator roles have been removed or the role has been removed from all users. The new Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g user interface enables system administrators to assign the site security administrator roles to specific users. However, when doing this, it appears that other security settings for the specific users are being lost.

Take note of the security settings for the users before making the security changes through the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g user interface. Reapply the previous security settings after applying the security changes through the Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g user interface.


Wrong return type for getCeateDate and getFreeDate in ItemCertificate.

In Javadoc, under ItemCertificate, it states the following:

public java.util.Date getCreateDate()
public java.util.Date getFreeDate()

However, those two methods return java.util.Calendar.

Customers writing Oracle Content Services applications in Java using the FDK Web services API (content-ws-client.jar) must note that methods in the API documented as returning java.util.Date actually return java.util.Calendar:


Similarly, attributes in the oracle.ifs.fdk.Attributes class that are documented as having a datatype of Date actually have a datatype of java.util.Calendar.


Unexpected error occurs when deleting content from Archive.

Deleting any content from the Archive will result in an unexpected error, although the content actually is deleted.

Ignore the error.


Large PDF files sometimes get corrupted while uploading through Oracle Content Services Web client.

Large PDF files sometimes get corrupted while uploading them using the Oracle Content Services Web client. Their size after upload seems to be decreased by 1 byte.

Use Oracle Drive to upload such files if corruption is detected.


Upgrade from Oracle Files 9.0.3 or 9.0.4 to Oracle Content Services 10.1.2 fails.

The upgrade fails while upgrading the middle tier on a single-computer installation.

  1. Do not restart the upgrade.

  2. Contact Oralce Techncial Support for assistance in modifying the SQL script to work around this problem.



Upgrade from Oracle Files 9.0.3 or 9.0.4 to Oracle Content Services 10.1.2 on a single-computer installation fails.

The upgrade fails due to a failure in OC4J_RM deployment.

Click Retry to run the upgrade again.


When running the Oracle Records Management Lifecycle agent, you may experience Out of Memory (OOM) exceptions.

When copying a record into a folder that already has a versioned document of the same name, the versioned document is left in an inconsistent state. This inconsistent state causes the Oracle Records Management Lifecycle agent to spin and eventually run out of memory.

Before copying the record, rename the versioned document to avoid the name conflict.


Problems with Internet Explorer 7.0

Depending on the language and browser settings in Internet Explorer 7.0, table headers may not display correctly in some dialog boxes. Also, some strings may not display correctly in some dialog boxes.

Resize the dialog box until the table headers and strings start to display correctly.

5487036, 5487084, 5618036, 5680057, 5713209

6.5 Globalization Issues in Oracle Content Services

Content-Based Search for Thai Does Not Function

Because Oracle Text does not support Thai, Oracle Content Services is unable to perform content-based searches for Thai.

Table 6-3 lists Oracle Content Services globalization issues.


Fixes for known issues may be available in cumulative patches. For a list of available cumulative patch downloads and their installation order, see note 406284.1 on Each cumulative patch includes a README.html file that lists all bugs fixed.

See Also:

Chapter 2, "Oracle Collaboration Suite Cumulative Patch Release Notes", for information on cumulative patch new features and known issues.

Table 6-3 Globalization Issues in Oracle Content Services

Description Action Bug Number

Wrong mapping for e and s shortcut keys

If Oracle Content Services is installed in languages other than English, the characters e and s are mapped to the Delete key for the Web client. Because of this, pressing e or s in some circumstances can cause a selection to be deleted.

See Section, "Globalization Shortcut Keys for Oracle Content Services" for the installation workaround.


Cannot use FTP or WebDAV with multibyte or high ASCII user names and passwords.

Users with multibyte or high ASCII user names and passwords cannot sign on to Oracle Content Services using FTP or WebDAV.

Do not create user names or passwords that contain multibyte or high ASCII characters.


Multiple-byte characters in requests to restore items from the Archive appear as question marks.

This is related to the e-mail messages sent as a request for restore archives. All the multiple-byte characters in these notifications are replaced with question marks.



Unable to extract files from a zip file that contains files with names not in UTF-8 encoded format.

This is a known issue in Java unzip implementation. Java expects that all file names in zip files be encoded in UTF-8 format.



Oracle Content Services Web client defaults to English for zh-hk and zh-sg.

If users set their language to zh_hk (Hong Kong) or zh_sg (Singapore), the Web client displays English text.

Use zh_tw instead of zh_hk and use zh_cn instead of zh_sg.


Approve and Reject buttons not shown after user provisioned in Workflow.

If you install an Oracle Content Services instance in a non-U.S.-English environment, you will not be able to respond to any Workflow requests generated as part of the normal operations of Oracle Content Services.

To enable Workflow in a non-U.S.-English environment:

  1. Navigate to and download and install patch 4910503.

  2. On the Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications Tier, replace $ORACLE_HOME/wf/admin/sql/WFNLADD.sql with the new file contained in the patch, as stated in steps 1-3 of the patch readme.

  3. Enable the non-English language, as follows:

    Run wfnlena.sql. This can be run multiple times, each time against one language, as in the following command:

    % sqlplus owf_mgr/password@orcl @ wfnlena.sql language_code Y

    See Also: Appendix G, "Oracle Content Services Globalization Support" in Oracle Content Services Administrator's Guide for a list of language codes. Note, however, that all languages listed are not supported by Workflow.

    Run WFNLADD.sql.

    Note: The preceding commands must be run on the same database as the one used to configure the Oracle Content Services and owf_mgr schemas.

  4. Restart Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g.

  5. Restart Service_Component_Container from Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g.


Status for some Workflow processes shows Down.

After installing Oracle Collaboration Suite (10.1.2) in a non-U.S.-English environment, the following Workflow processes are shown as down in Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g:

  • Background Engines

  • Queue Propagation

  • Purge

Use the same workaround as for bug 4704521 (the preceding bug in this table).


Problems with Internet Explorer 7.0

In Internet Explorer 7.0, it is not possible to open the Norwegian Web interface.

In Internet Explorer 7.0, do the following

  1. In Internet Options, click the General tab, click Languages, then click Add to open the Add Language dialog box.

  2. Enter no in the "User defined" field and click OK.

  3. In the languages list, move the User Defined [no] entry to the beginning (top) of the list.

  4. Close the remaining open dialog boxes, then close and restart Internet Explorer 7.0.


6.6 Documentation Issues in Oracle Content Services

The following sections describe documentation issues for Oracle Content Services:

6.6.1 Location of the Oracle Content Services Command-Line Tools

The following additional information has become available and will be added to the Oracle Content Services documentation at the first available opportunity:

The Oracle Content Services command-line tools are included in the Oracle Content Services Web Services Development Kit. After extracting the Web Development Kit, the command-line tools are located in the following directory:


Where extracted_directory is the directory into which you extracted the Web Development Kit.

6.6.2 Cannot Copy or Create Links to Libraries or Containers

The following additional information has become available and will be added to the Oracle Content Services documentation at the first available opportunity:

In the Oracle Content Services Web client, users cannot copy or create links to Libraries or Containers.

6.6.3 Oracle Records Management Online Help Shows Only Out of Date English Help

When accessing Oracle Records Management online help in a non-English locale, the help content is in English, and is incomplete, with broken links. To work around this problem, please change the browser locale to English when accessing the Oracle Records Management application. This will display an up to date version of the help, in English only, with working links.


Installing Oracle Content Services Cumulative Patch will also fix this problem.

6.7 Oracle Drive Release Notes

This section summarizes release note issues associated with Oracle Drive.


The following Oracle Drive release note information supersedes that found in the file ReleaseNotes.htm that is included on DVD 3 of Oracle Collaboration Suite 10g Release 1 (10.1.2).

6.7.1 About Oracle Drive

Oracle Drive is the desktop client for Oracle WebDAV (Web Distributed Authoring and Versioning) servers, such as Oracle Content Services, Oracle Files, Oracle Content Management Software Development Kit (Oracle CM SDK) and Oracle Portal. Oracle Drive allows you to access Oracle WebDAV server files as if it were a mapped drive in Windows Explorer, as well as from any Windows application's Open and Save As dialogs. You can use the offline and synchronization capabilities of Oracle Drive to manage files when you are disconnected from the network, and Oracle Drive allows you to back up files from your hard disk to a server.

Oracle Drive is the functional replacement for SMB protocol support on Oracle Files and Oracle CM SDK Servers. The Server Message Block (SMB) protocol is how Microsoft Windows client PCs access file servers through regular Windows mapped drives. Oracle Drive is the functional replacement for SMB access to Oracle Files and Oracle CM SDK Servers. SMB access is not provided for Oracle Content Services or Oracle Portal.

Accessing Oracle servers using Oracle Drive provides these benefits over accessing Oracle servers using the SMB protocol:

  • Additional Capabilities

    • Offline, synchronization and backup capabilities. When you are disconnected from the network, Oracle Drive permits you to view and edit documents that you have recently accessed or that you have marked as being available offline. When you reconnect to the network, Oracle Drive will re-synchronize your offline edits. Oracle Drive also permits you to regularly back up files on your local machine to the server. SMB has no such capabilities built-in.

    • Right-click capabilities. Oracle Drive provides additional right-click menu options, such as Lock to lock a document for a number of days and Copy URL to Clipboard to e-mail file URLs to other people. In addition, when you use Oracle Drive to access Oracle Content Services and Oracle Portal servers, the Advanced Properties right-click menu provides access to additional server capabilities specific to that file or folder. SMB has no such capabilities.

    • Retention of custom metadata. Applications editing documents using Oracle Drive will retain custom metadata (such as categories) associated with the document, whereas applications editing documents using SMB will generally remove the metadata. This occurs because when SMB applications (especially Microsoft Word) save a file after editing it, the applications typically create a new file, delete the original file, and then rename the new file to be the original file. Because the original file has been deleted, any metadata associated with the original file has also been deleted. Oracle Drive retains metadata because it detects when Microsoft Office applications are editing documents and will avoid the create/delete/rename sequence, only sending the final updated file back to the server.

    • Ability to delete and rename versioned documents. Users accessing Oracle Files using Oracle Drive are permitted to delete and rename versioned documents; users accessing Oracle Files through SMB do not have this option. Because Oracle Files cannot distinguish between an end user versus an application issuing delete and rename requests, Oracle Files has explicitly turned off the ability for end users to delete and rename versioned documents through SMB. This prevents applications from performing unintended deletion of all previous versions of a document, which can happen when the application edits a versioned document through SMB, creates a new file, deletes the original versioned file, and renames the new file to be the original file (thereby deleting all previous versions of the original file). Generally, Oracle Drive will correctly detect this situation, skip the create/delete/rename steps, and save the versioned file successfully.

    • Increased security. Oracle Drive can securely access servers because Oracle Drive uses the WebDAV protocol, which supports HTTP proxies for access to servers through firewalls and encrypted communication using Secure Sockets Layer (SSL). SMB does not support proxies and therefore cannot access servers through firewalls and Oracle Files and Oracle CM SDK servers do not support encrypted SMB communication.

  • Faster end-user performance

    • Because Oracle Drive has a cache on the local machine, if you have accessed a document recently and it has not changed on the server, Oracle Drive will allow you to view and edit that document without having to retrieve the document from the server, thus improving end user perceived performance.

    • Because Oracle Drive uses WebDAV, Oracle Drive will use approximately one-tenth the network round trips that SMB uses to perform common end user operations. If your server is more than 100 miles (160 kilometers) from your client, the time necessary to process the SMB network requests can add up to the majority of the end user response time. At such distances, Oracle Drive will be significantly faster than SMB access.

    • The end user will perceive much faster response times when saving documents using Oracle Drive over typical networks. When an end user saves a document to an Oracle Drive mapped drive, the file is first put into the Oracle Drive cache on the local machine, and the user can continue doing work in the application while Oracle Drive begins uploading the file to the server asynchronously (in the background). With SMB access, the end user has to wait until the application has completely written the file to the server synchronously before the end user can continue using the application.

  • Reduced server-side resource requirements

    • Less server memory. Oracle Drive users will have fewer concurrent sessions in the server than SMB users. By default, Oracle Drive server sessions (and WebDAV, HTTP, and Oracle Content Services Web client server sessions) are disconnected and the server resources (about 1MB of memory per session) are freed up after 30 minutes of inactivity, whereas SMB sessions by default are only disconnected after 12 hours of inactivity. In addition, the overhead of the JVM (Java Virtual Machine) to serve Oracle Drive users is shared with Oracle Content Services Web client and other HTTP or WebDAV users, whereas SMB requires the memory overhead of a separate, non-HTTP JVM.

    • Less server CPU. CPU usage is less with WebDAV connections than with SMB connections because Oracle Drive consolidates all of the Windows operating system function calls into a much smaller number of WebDAV commands, and therefore there are many fewer operations being performed on the server.

    • Fewer temporary files uploaded to the server and filling up the trash. Oracle Drive detects when many common applications create temporary files which will be deleted soon, and avoids uploading those files to the server. Access using SMB typically creates those files on the server, and then deletes them, which fills up the Trash, which end users or Administrators need to empty.

6.7.2 Minimum Hardware Requirements for Oracle Drive

Oracle Drive has the following minimum hardware requirements:

  • Memory (RAM): 256MB

  • A TCP/IP network connection

  • Hard disk space (calculate by adding the following three items):

    • 20MB for initial installation

    • Twice the size of all files you will be editing at one time

    • Total size of all files you will require to be available offline

6.7.3 Downloading Oracle Drive

Download Oracle Drive from Oracle Technology Network at

6.7.4 Known Limitations and Workarounds in Oracle Drive

The following sections describe known limitations and workarounds for Oracle Drive. Installation Issues

If you have previously installed Oracle Drive, you must remove previous versions of Oracle Drive by selecting Start > Control Panel > Add or Remove Programs before installing this version of Oracle Drive.

During or after the installation, do not allow any Spyware or Adware removal tools to remove the Oracle Drive Helper Object. The Oracle Drive Helper Object is required for the Advanced Properties feature of Oracle Drive. The Oracle Drive Helper Object can be identified by one of the following registry keys:

  • HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Browser Helper Objects\{5D33B3E0-4FB3-4ED1-9106-B6EB06A3B7C2}

  • Oracle Drive Helper Object

  • ODriveHelper.dll File Operations

Performing file operations, such as insert, delete, or copy, in Oracle Content Services folders will fail if the folder requires the user to fill out information before completing the operation (for example, if the folder requires non-defaulted metadata or requires the user to fill out a workflow form). As a workaround, perform the operations on other folders if possible, and then use the Oracle Content Services Web client to move the files into the desired folder. Accessing Files

Oracle Drive locks, downloads and uploads entire files. Oracle does not recommend using Oracle Drive to access files which must be simultaneously edited by several people, such as Microsoft Access database files, because the other users will be prevented from locking the file until the first user closes the file. Oracle also does not recommend user Oracle Drive to access very large files which will have only small parts of them updated, such as Microsoft Access database files, because Oracle Drive will need to download and upload the entire file. Oracle Drive Version Number

The version number in the About box for Oracle Drive says "Oracle Drive Production Version 15M". This is also known as version

6.7.5 Known Issues in Oracle Drive

Table 6-4 lists known issues in Oracle Drive.


Fixes for known issues may be available in cumulative patches. For a list of available cumulative patch downloads and their installation order, see note 406284.1 on Each cumulative patch includes a README.html file that lists all bugs fixed.

See Also:

Chapter 2, "Oracle Collaboration Suite Cumulative Patch Release Notes", for information on cumulative patch new features and known issues.

Table 6-4 Known Issues in Oracle Drive

Description Action Bug Number

Access date is always 01 JAN 1986 12:00AM

This is due to a limitation in WebDAV.



The Oracle Drive Status Monitor displays the error "Error 58, The specified server cannot perform the requested operation."

Alternatively, the application logs display the error "MOD_OC4J_0053".

If Oracle Files or Oracle Content Services is the only component of Oracle Collaboration Suite currently running on your Applications tier, perform the following operations. If you are running multiple Oracle Collaboration Suite components, contact Oracle Support.

Perform the following steps on all Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications tier (middle tier) host computers:

  1. Stop the Oracle Files or Oracle Content Services domain.

  2. Stop the OPMN process.

  3. On Linux or UNIX, navigate to the directory $ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/conf, where $ORACLE_HOME is the Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications tier Oracle home.

    On Microsoft Windows, navigate to the directory %ORACLE_HOME%/Apache/Apache/conf.

  4. On Linux or UNIX, enter the following command at the command line (enter the command as a single line):

    cp mod_oc4j.conf  mod_oc4j.conf.pre3604573 

    On Microsoft Windows, copy the file mod_oc4j.conf. Rename the copy mod_oc4j.conf.pre3604573.

  5. Edit the file mod_oc4j.conf.

  6. Add the following after the </IfModule> line and before the Oc4jMount /j2ee/* line.

    Oc4jCacheSize 0
  7. Save and exit from the file.

  8. Start the OPMN process on the Applications tier.

  9. Start the Oracle Files or Oracle Content Services domain.

Repeat this process on all other Oracle Collaboration Suite Applications tier computers where Oracle Files or Oracle Content Services is the only configured component.


No search results returned.

On Windows XP SP2 and other versions of Windows XP, no search results are returned when searching on an Oracle Drive letter in either offline or online mode.

Apply Microsoft hotfix 885843. The Microsoft link for more information about this issue is

Note: After extracting the hotfix executable, run the file WindowsXP-KB885843-x86-enu.exe. Do not run WindowsXP-KB885843-x86-Symbols-enu.exe, as it is used only for debugging purposes.


Oracle Drive is only able to connect to a Portal Server running HTTPS on port 443.

Connection attempts to other ports fail.

Run your HTTPS Oracle Portal server on port 443.


Cannot perform operations on files or folders with long folder paths.

This affects files or folders with folder paths greater than approximately 256 chars.

Map the Oracle Drive disk to a point lower in the folder hierarchy, so that the drive letter path is shorter.

For example, if the patch is O:/d1/d2/d3/d4/d5/d6/doc1.doc, mount the drive as so that the path is O:/d6/doc1.doc.

4231708, 4418454, 4418790

Users cannot install and run Oracle Drive.

The user must have Administrator rights on their local machine to install and use Oracle Drive.

Use Oracle Drive as a user with the Administrator privilege.


External disk drives are not accessible.

External disk drives might not be accessible if added while Oracle Drive has mapped drives.

Windows might not recognize that Oracle Drive has already reserved specific drive letters. Map Oracle Drive disk letters to drives which will not be mapped by new disk drives.

Alternatively, remap the Oracle Drive service to a new, unused drive letter.


Users with the Administrative Assistant access role are not be able to complete the process of creating a new folder.

Oracle Content Services users with the Administrative Assistant access role can create folders, but cannot rename them.

Microsoft Windows Explorer (which generates the requests to Oracle Drive and Microsoft Web Folders) first creates a folder with the name New Folder, and then tries to rename it, but this operation fails.

If an Administrative Assistant tries to create a new folder, it is left with the name such as New Folder, New Folder (1).

To avoid this problem, use the Oracle Content Services Web client to create folders.


Deleting a folder does not delete the folder and its contents as a single transaction.

This issue includes numerous files displayed in the Trash folder without any hierarchy when deleting a folder through Oracle Drive.

When deleting a folder, Oracle Drive recreates the Windows Explorer operations that delete all the contents of a folder before attempting to delete the folder.

If the delete of the top-level folder or of any object in the folder hierarchy fails (because the folder is a container, or because a workflow is required before it can be deleted, or for any other reason), the folder contents may still be deleted.

If deleting a folder and its contents must be performed as a single transaction, use Web Folders or the Oracle Content Services Web client.

4370716, 4294649

Files do not immediately appear in the Trash folder.

When other users create files in folders, or when one user deletes files and then looks in the trash, the item may not appear for several minutes.

Right-click the Oracle Drive Icon and choose Refresh, and then press F5 while the Windows Explorer window is active.

Alternatively, change the service to use the Heavy sharing level. To do this, edit the service and change the sharing level to Heavy. Using Heavy invalidates the Oracle Drive cache every 15 seconds, so that most folder viewing will see new documents quickly.


Opening and closing files with Microsoft Word 2003 or Microsoft Excel 2003 modifies the file on the server even though the user did not change the content.

Microsoft Word 2003 and Microsoft Excel 2003 update a file with who last opened the file as soon as the file is opened. When you close the file, Oracle Drive writes this changed content to the server.

To avoid this issue, open the document using File > Open and then specify Open in Read Only.


User names in mixed-case or uppercase can fail to authenticate against regular (non-SSL) servers.

For regular HTTP (non-SSL) DAV servers, Oracle Drive and Web Folders avoid transmitting the actual password by submitting a digest of the password.

The algorithm used to generate the digest is sensitive to the case of the user name.

To avoid this issue, enter user names in lowercase only.


Cannot copy links.

Copying a link on the server makes it a normal document.

Use the Oracle Content Services Web client to copy a link to a new location.


Oracle Drive prompts you to store the file thumbs.db when viewing images in read-only folders.

If you view a set of images as thumbnails in a read-only folder, Oracle Drive prompts you to specify a location to store the file thumbs.db.

When prompted, store the file thumbs.db in a temporary folder on your local machine.

Alternatively, do not view images as thumbnails in folders that are specified as read-only.


Oracle Drive does not install in silent mode.

When the setup is run from the command line with a /? to show the install options (such as ODriveSetup.exe /?), an InstallShield dialog box displays "Command line parameters" and suggests one of the options is to run the install silently using the /S /V /qn switches. However, when this program is run, it does not install. When the event logs are viewed, pc MSIInstaller reports that Oracle Drive installed sucessfully, even though there are no new files or registry keys on the system.

Double click the setup file and run it with no switches and the install works correctly.


6.7.6 Documentation Issues in Oracle Drive

The following sections describe documentation issues in the online help for Oracle Drive.


Fixes for known issues may be available in cumulative patches. For a list of available cumulative patch downloads and their installation order, see note 406284.1 on Each cumulative patch includes a README.html file that lists all bugs fixed.

See Also:

Chapter 2, "Oracle Collaboration Suite Cumulative Patch Release Notes", for information on cumulative patch new features and known issues. Partial Downloads

In the Help, the information about partial downloads is incorrect. This feature is not available in Oracle Drive. Copy URL to Clipboard


Both this section and Section contain additional information that has become available and will be added to the Oracle Drive documentation at the first available opportunity.

The right-click popup menu contains the command Copy URL to Clipboard. This puts the HTTP URL into the Windows Clipboard, which lets you paste it into an e-mail message or into documents. Viewing the Offline Status of Files

To view the Offline Status of Files:

  1. In Windows Explorer, display the Oracle Drive drive that contains the files that you want to view.

  2. From the Windows Explorer toolbar menu, select View, then choose Details.

  3. Select Status in the Choose Details window.

  4. Click OK to return to Windows Explorer.

  5. To see the Status column for all folders, from Windows Explorer, select Tools > Folder Options > View > Apply to All Folders.

  6. Files that are marked Always available offline are now shown as Present offline in the Status column

6.8 Upgrading to Oracle Content Services 10g (10.1.2)

For information about upgrading to Oracle Content Services 10g (10.1.2), see Chapter 12, "Oracle Content Services Upgrade" in Oracle Collaboration Suite Upgrade Guide.