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Oracle® Application Server Enterprise Deployment Guide
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Part Number B28184-02
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1 What is an Enterprise Deployment?



Enterprise Deployments In This Guide

Hardware Requirements


1.1 Description

An enterprise deployment an Oracle Application Server configuration that is designed to support large-scale, mission-critical business software applications. The hardware and software in an Enterprise Deployment configuration delivers:

High quality service

Built-in Security

Efficient software provisioning and management

1.2 Benefits

The Oracle Application Server configurations discussed in this guide are designed to ensure security of all transactions, maximize hardware resources, and provide a reliable, standards-compliant system for enterprise computing with a variety of applications. The security and high availability benefits of the Oracle Application Server configurations are realized through isolation in firewall zones and replication of software components.

1.2.1 Built-in Security

The Enterprise Deployment architectures are secure because every functional group of software components is isolated in its own DMZ, and all traffic is restricted by protocol and port. The following characteristics ensure security at all needed levels, as well as a high level of compliance with standards:

  • All external communication received on port 80 is redirected to port 443.

  • Communication from external clients does not go beyond the Load Balancing Router level.

  • No direct communication from the Load Balancing Router to the Data tier DMZ is allowed.

  • Components are separated between DMZs on the Web Tier, Application Tier, and the Data Tier.

  • Direct communication between two firewalls at any one time is prohibited.

  • If a communication begins in one firewall zone, it must end in the next firewall zone.

  • Oracle Internet Directory is isolated in the Data tier DMZ.

  • Identity Management components are in the DMZ.

  • All communication between components across DMZs is restricted by port and protocol, according to firewall rules.

1.2.2 High Availability

The Enterprise Deployment architectures are highly available, because each component or functional group of software components is replicated on a different computer, and configured for component-level high availability.

1.3 Enterprise Deployments In This Guide

This guide provides configuration instructions for two Enterprise Deployments:

Figure 1-1 shows the enterprise deployment architecture for J2EE applications that use JAZN/SSO-DAS for user authentication.

Figure 1-2 shows the enterprise deployment architecture for J2EE applications that use Oracle Access Manager or JAZN LDAP for user authentication.


The Load Balancing Router is not used in front of the Oracle Internet Directory servers; JAZN LDAP could be configured to individual Oracle Internet Directory servers, or a Load Balancing Router can be placed in front of the servers for high availability.

The servers in the myJ2EECompany system are grouped into tiers as follows:

Figure 1-1 Enterprise Deployment Architecture for with JAZN-SSO/DAS

Description of Figure 1-1 follows
Description of "Figure 1-1 Enterprise Deployment Architecture for with JAZN-SSO/DAS"

Figure 1-2 Enterprise Deployment Architecture for with Oracle Access Manager

j2EE with Oracle Access Manager
Description of "Figure 1-2 Enterprise Deployment Architecture for with Oracle Access Manager"

1.4 Hardware Requirements

Table 1-1, Table 1-2 and Table 1-3 list minimum hardware requirements for the Enterprise Deployments on Windows, Linux and Solaris operating systems, respectively. The memory figures represent the memory required to install and run Oracle Application Server; however, for most production sites, you should configure at least 1 GB of physical memory.

For detailed requirements, or for requirements for a platform other than these, see the Oracle Application Server Installation Guide for the platform in use.

Table 1-1 myJ2EECompany Hardware Requirements (Windows)

Server Processor Disk Memory TMP Directory Swap


300 MHz or higher Intel Pentium processor recommended

400 MB

512 MB

55 MB to run the installer; 256 MB needed for some installation types

512 MB


300 MHz or higher Intel Pentium processor recommended

2.5 GB

1 GB

55 MB to run the installer; 256 MB needed for some installation types

1 GB


300 MHz or higher Intel Pentium processor recommended

400 MB

512 MB


512 MB

Table 1-2 myJ2EECompany Hardware Requirements (Linux)

Server Processor Disk Memory TMP Directory Swap


Pentium (32-bit), 450 MHz or greater

520 MB

512 MB

400 MB

1.5 GB


Pentium (32-bit), 450 MHz or greater

2.5 GB

1 GB

400 MB

1.5 GB


Pentium (32-bit), 450 MHz or greater

520 MB

512 MB

400 MB

1.5 GB

Table 1-3 myJ2EECompany Hardware Requirements (Solaris)

Server Processor Disk Memory TMP Directory Swap


450 MHz or greater; Oracle recommends a multiple CPU computer

750 MB

512 MB

250 MB

1.5 GB


450 MHz or greater; Oracle recommends a multiple CPU computer

1.54 GB

1 GB

250 MB

1.5 GB


450 MHz or greater; Oracle recommends a multiple CPU computer

3.93 GB

1 GB

250 MB

1.5 GB


450 MHz or greater; Oracle recommends a multiple CPU computer

750 MB

512 MB

250 MB

1.5 GB

Production requirements vary depending on applications and the number of users. All Enterprise Deployment configurations described in this guide use two servers for each tier to provide failover capability; however, this does not presume adequate computing resources for any application or user population. If the system workload increases such that performance is degraded, you can add servers to the configuration by repeating the instructions for the installation and configuration of the second server on the tier (WEBHOST2, APPHOST2, INFRADBHOST2) to add a third server where it is needed.

To determine hardware needs with a greater degree of precision, you might consider the options presented in Table 1-4.

Table 1-4 Hardware Sizing Options

Option Benefit Disadvantage

Create a prototype of the deployment architecture and stress test it

  • Accurate estimate; provides ability to extrapolate

  • Accomodates custom scenarios and complex implementations

  • Incorporates third-party components (firewalls, load balancing router); exposes performance and network-specific issues

  • Time and effort required to configure

  • Additional software for load simulation required

Use the iSizer tool

  • Fast and easy to use

  • Works best in common implementations with one component for each server

  • Inexact results for systems with third-party components, many custom implementation details

  • Results difficult to extrapolate in multiple-component architectures

1.5 Variants

The variants described in this section enable you to achieve deployment goals using fewer servers, different software, or alternative configurations.

1.5.1 Multimaster Replication with Oracle Internet Directory

Multimaster replication is an Oracle Internet Directory software solution that ensures read and write access to Oracle Internet Directory at all times, if at least one of the directory servers in the system remains available. When an Oracle Directory server resumes functioning after being unavailable, replication from the surviving directory server resumes automatically and synchronizes the contents between the directory servers forming the directory replication group. In addition, any changes made on one directory server instance are reflected on the second directory server instance.

To implement multimaster replication in Oracle Internet Directory, follow the instructions in the Oracle Internet Directory Administrator's Guide, Oracle Internet Directory Replication Administration chapter, section titled "Installing and Configuring Multimaster Replication".

1.5.2 OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster (Identity Management)

The OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster (Identity Management) solution is a hardware cluster comprising two computers. The computer that is actively executing an Infrastructure installation at any given time is called the primary (hot) node. If this node fails, the hardware cluster automatically diverts Infrastructure operations to the secondary (cold) node.

Each hardware cluster node is a standalone server that runs its own set of processes, but accesses a shared storage subsystem. The cluster can access the same storage, usually disks, from both nodes, but only the primary node has active access to the storage at any given time. If the primary node fails, the hardware cluster's software grants the secondary node access to the storage.


For a detailed discussion of the OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster (Identity Management) solution, see the Oracle Application Server High Availability Guide.

The OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster (Identity Management) solution differs from the standard configuration in the following ways:

  • The Oracle Internet Directory server and the database are on the same computer, whereas in the standard configuration the first Oracle Internet Directory instance and a database instance occupy OIDHOST1 and INFRADBHOST1, while the second Oracle Internet Directory instance and a database instance occupy OIDHOST2 and INFRADBHOST2. Thus, the OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster (Identity Management) solution operates two fewer servers than the RAC configuration.

  • In the event of node failure, clients will experience a brief interruption of service while the workload is diverted to the cold node.

To implement the OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster (Identity Management) solution:

  1. Obtain and configure a hardware cluster.

  2. Install and configure the Oracle Application Server instances on the cluster computers to use the OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster (Identity Management) solution. Follow the instructions in the Oracle Application Server Installation Guide, "Installing an OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster (Identity Management) Configuration".

  3. Manage the OracleAS Cold Failover Cluster (Identity Management) solution, following the instructions from the Oracle Application Server High Availability Guide, "Managing Oracle Application Server Cold Failover Cluster (Identity Management)".

1.5.3 Forward and Reverse Proxies for Oracle HTTP Server

Proxies change the way the Oracle HTTP Server processes client requests.

A forward proxy is an intermediary server between a client and the origin server containing the content. Forward proxies are usually used to provide Internet access to internal clients that are otherwise restricted by a firewall. To get content from the origin server, the client sends a request to the proxy, naming the origin server as the target. The proxy requests the content from the origin server and returns it to the client. The client must be configured to use the forward proxy to access other sites.

A reverse proxy is a server that appears to outside clients to be the content server. It relays requests from outside the firewall to servers behind the firewall, and delivers retrieved content back to the client. A firewall rule allows access only to the proxy server, so that the content servers are protected. The proxy server changes URLs listed in the headers of any messages generated by the content servers, so that external clients are given no information about the servers behind the firewall. No configuration of clients is necessary with a reverse proxy (the client makes requests for content in the name-space of the reverse proxy). The reverse proxy decides where to send the requests, and returns the content as if it was the origin server.

1.5.4 Variants for J2EE Applications

For certain types of J2EE applications, such as JMS-based or EJB-based applications, there may be other variants to these architectures. Refer to the Oracle Containers for J2EE Configuration and Administration Guide, and the Oracle Containers for J2EE Developer's Guide for more information on these variants.

1.6 How to Use This Guide

Table 1-5 summarizes the process by which you install and configure myJ2EECompany with each of the user authentication methods. Follow the procedures indicated in the column for the configuration of your choice.

Table 1-5 Enterprise Deployment Configuration Procedures

Perform the steps in this section... To configure myJ2EECompany with OracleAS Single Sign-On To configure myJ2EECompany with Oracle Access Manager To configure myJ2EECompany with JAZN LDAP

Section 2.1, "Installing the Oracle Application Server Metadata Repository for the Security Infrastructure"




Section 2.2, "Installing the Oracle Internet Directory Instances in the Data Tier"




Section 2.3, "Configuring the Virtual Server to Use the Load Balancing Router"




Section 2.4, "Testing the Data Tier Components"




Section 3.2, "Installing and Configuring the Application and Web Tiers"




Section 3.4, "Configuring the Oracle HTTP Server with the Load Balancing Router"




Section 3.5, "Configuring OC4J Routing"




Section 3.6, "Managing Oracle Application Server Component Connections"




Section 3.7, "Configuring Application Authentication and Authorization"




Section 4.1, "Setting up the Load Balancing Router"



Section 4.2, "Installing and Configuring Oracle Application Server Single Sign-On"



Section 4.3, "Reconfiguring Oracle Application Server Single Sign-On and Oracle Delegated Administration Services with the Oracle HTTP Servers"



Section 4.5, "Configuring Session State Replication for the OC4J_SECURITY Instance"



Section 4.6, "Disabling the Oracle HTTP Server on the Identity Management Tier"



Section 5.3, "Preparing to Install Oracle Access Manager Components"




Section 5.5, "Installing WebPass on WEBHOST1"




Section 5.6, "Configuring the First Identity Server"




Section 5.7, "Installing the Second Identity Server on IDMHOST2"




Section 5.8, "Installing WebPass on WEBHOST2"




Section 5.9, "Configuring the Second Identity Server"




Section 5.10, "Installing the Access System"




Section 5.11, "Configuring the Access Server with the Load Balancing Router"




Section 5.12, "Installing the Access Server SDK"




Section 5.13, "Configuring Oracle Access Manager Single Sign-On for OC4J Applications"




Section 5.14, "Configuring the Second Identity Server as a Failover Server"




Section 5.15, "Configuring the Second Access Server as a Failover Server"




Section 5.16, "Mitigating Identity Server Product Installation Failures on Linux"




Section 5.17, "Configuring Directory Server Failover"




Section 5.18, "Configuring Access Server Directory Failover for Oracle and Policy Data"




Section 5.19, "Configuring Policy Manager Failover"




Section 5.20, "Creating Failover LDAP Directory Server Profiles for the Identity and Access Servers"




Section 5.21, "Verifying the Status of the Identity Servers"

