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Oracle Internet Directory Administrator's Guide
10g (

Part Number B15991-01
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11 Directory Schema Administration

This chapter explains how to administer the Oracle Internet Directory object classes and attributes.

This chapter contains these topics:

11.1 About the Directory Schema

A directory schema:

The directory schema contains all information about how data is organized in the DIT—that is, metadata such as that for an object class, an attribute, a matching rule, and syntax. This information is stored in a special class of entry called a subentry. More specifically, Oracle Internet Directory, following LDAP Version 3 standards, stores this information in subentries of type subSchemaSubentry.

You can add new object classes and attribute types to a subentry of type subSchemaSubentry. You cannot add new matching rules and syntaxes beyond those already supported by Oracle Internet Directory.

Prior to 10g ( there was only one subSchemaSubentry, directly under the root DSE entry, called cn=subSchemaSubentry, and you always added object classes and attribute types directly to it. As of 10g (, the entry cn=subSchemaSubentry can now have subordinate entries. Any application using Oracle Internet Directory that needs to add schema components can create its own subSchemaSubentry under cn=subSchemaSubentry and add the schema components to it. Figure 11-1 shows some subSchemaSubentry entries that were defined by applications, such as cn=userdefined1,cn=subschemasubentry and cn=userdefined2,cn=subschemasubentry.

All the schema entries are listed in the root DSE attribute subschemasubentry.

Figure 11-1 Location of Schema Components in Entries of Type subSchemaSubentry

Described in text.

You cannot use bulkload to add subSchemaSubentry entries. You must use ldapadd.

11.2 Object Classes in the Directory

This section contains these topics:

11.2.1 About Object Class Management

This section explains how to add and modify an object class. Oracle recommends that you understand the basic concepts of directory components before attempting to add to or modify the base schema in the directory.

When you add an entry, you associate it with one or more object classes. Each object class contains attributes that you want to associate with the new entry. For example, if you are creating an entry for an employee, you can associate it with the person object class. This object class contains many of the attributes that you want to associate with that employee entry, including, for example, name, address, and telephone number. Inheritance

Each object class derives from a hierarchy of superclasses, and it inherits attributes from these superclasses. By default, all object classes inherit from the top object class. When you assign an object class to an entry, the entry inherits all of the attributes of both that object class as well as its superclasses. Mandatory and Optional Attributes in Object Classes

The attributes that entries inherit from a super class may be either mandatory or optional. Values for optional attributes need not be present in the directory entry.

You can specify for any object class whether an attribute is mandatory or optional; however, the characteristic you specify is binding only for that object class. If you place the attribute in another object class, you can again specify whether the attribute is mandatory or optional for that object class. You can:

  • Add a new, non-standard object class and assign it existing attributes

  • Select from existing standard object classes

  • Modify an existing object class, assigning it a different set of attributes

  • Add and modify existing attributes

See Also: Addition of Entries in Top-Down Sequence

Entries must be added in a top-down sequence—that is, when you add an entry, all of its parent entries must already exist in the directory. Similarly, when you add entries that reference object classes and attributes, those referenced object classes and attributes must already exist in the directory schema. In most cases this will not be a problem because the directory server is delivered with a full set of standard directory objects. Object Class Explosion

When you add or perform an operation on an entry, you do not need to specify the entire hierarchy of superclasses associated with that entry. You can specify only the leaf object classes. Oracle Internet Directory resolves the hierarchy for the leaf object classes and enforces the information model constraints. For example, the inetOrgPerson object class has top, person and organizationalPerson as its superclasses. When you create an entry for a person, you need to specify only inetOrgPerson as the object class. Oracle Internet Directory then enforces the schema constraints defined by the respective superclasses, namely, top, person, and organizationalPerson.

11.2.2 Guidelines for Adding, Modifying, and Deleting Object Classes

This section tells you what to keep in mind when adding, modifying, or deleting object classes.


Oracle Internet Directory does not enforce these rules. They are provided here as guidelines. Guidelines for Adding Object Classes

When you add object classes, keep the following in mind:

  • Every structural object class must have top as a superclass.

  • The name and the object identifier of an object class must be unique across all the schema components. The actual attribute name and any attribute name aliases must be unique across all attribute names and attribute aliases. The Object Identifier must begin with the unique identifier 2.16.840.1.113894 followed by either the Oracle-supplied prefix .9999 or a site-specific prefix.

  • Schema components referred to in the object class, such as superclasses, must already exist.

  • The superclass of an abstract object class must be abstract also.

  • It is possible to redefine mandatory attributes in a superclass into optional attributes in the new object class. Conversely, optional attributes in a superclass can be redefined into mandatory attributes in the new object class.


    Every schema object in the Oracle Internet Directory has certain limitations. For example, some objects cannot be changed. These limitations are explained as constraints and rules in this chapter.

    See Also:

    "Subclasses, Superclasses, and Inheritance" for a conceptual discussion of these terms Guidelines for Modifying Object Classes

This section discusses the types of modifications you can make to an existing object class. You can perform modifications through Oracle Directory Manager and through the command-line tools.

You can make these changes to an object class:

  • Change a mandatory attribute into an optional attribute

  • Add optional attributes

  • Add additional superclasses

  • Convert abstract object classes into structural or auxiliary object classes unless the abstract object class is a superclass to another abstract object class

When you modify object classes, keep these guidelines in mind:

  • You cannot modify an object class that is part of the standard LDAP schema. You can, however, modify user-defined object classes.

  • If existing object classes do not have the attributes you need, you can create an auxiliary object class and associate the needed attributes with that object class.

  • You cannot add additional mandatory attributes to an existing object class.

  • You cannot modify object classes in the base schema.

  • You cannot remove attributes or superclasses from an existing object class.

  • You cannot convert structural object classes to other object class types.

  • You should not modify an object class if there are entries already associated with it. Guidelines for Deleting Object Classes

There are also some limitations on deleting object classes:

  • You cannot delete object classes from the base schema.

  • You can delete object classes that are not in the base schema as long as they are not directly or indirectly referenced by other schema components. For example, there may be some directory entries referring to these object classes. Deleting these object classes renders these entries inaccessible.

11.2.3 Managing Object Classes by Using Oracle Directory Manager

This section tells you how to use Oracle Directory Manager to search for object classes, view their properties, add, modify, and delete them. Searching for Object Classes by Using Oracle Directory Manager

You can specify your search for an object class by:

  • Selecting an object class property, for example, a name or an object identifier

  • Entering a value for the property you selected

  • Selecting a search filter specifying the relationship between the object class property you selected and the value you entered, for example, Begins With or Exactly Matches

This section provides more details on how to enter an object class search.

To search for an object class:

  1. In the navigator pane, expand Oracle Internet Directory Servers, then directory server instance.

  2. Select Schema Management. The Schema Management tab pages appear in the right pane.

  3. In the right pane, choose Find Object Classes. The Find: Object Classes dialog box appears.

  4. On the search criteria bar, from the menu farthest to the left, select the property of the object class you want to search for. Options are listed and described in Table A-28.


    Not all attributes are used in every object class. Be sure that the attribute you specify actually corresponds to one in the object class for which you are looking. Otherwise, the search will fail.

  1. In the menu in the middle of the search criteria bar, select the filter you want to use for your search. Options are listed and described in Table A-29.

  2. In the text box at the right end of the search criteria bar, type the value of the property of the object class you are searching for. For example, to search for all object classes with names that begin with the letters orcl, type those letters in the text box at the right end of the search criteria bar.

  3. Below the Criteria field are five buttons described in the next table. Use these buttons to further refine your search.

  4. Choose Search. The results of your search appear in the window at the lower portion of the Find:Object Class dialog box. Viewing Properties of Object Classes by Using Oracle Directory Manager

To view all object classes in the schema:

  1. In the navigator pane, expand Oracle Internet Directory Servers, then directory server instance.

  2. Select Schema Management.

  3. In the right pane, select the Object Classes tab page.

    To examine an individual object class and its attributes, in the Object Classes tab page, choose the object class. The properties of the selected object class appear in the Object Class dialog box. Adding Object Classes by Using Oracle Directory Manager

To add object classes by using Oracle Directory Manager:

  1. In the navigator pane, expand Oracle Internet Directory Servers, then directory server instance.

  2. Select Schema Management.

  3. In the right pane, select the Object Classes tab and, in the toolbar, choose Create. The New Object Class dialog box appears.

    Alternatively, in the Object Classes tab page, select an object class that is similar to one you would like to create, and then choose Create Like. The New Object Class dialog box displays the attributes of the selected object class. You can create the new object class by using this one as a template.

  4. In the New Object Class dialog box, enter the information in the fields. These are described in Table A-31.

  5. Choose OK.

See Also: Modifying Object Classes by Using Oracle Directory Manager

To modify an object class:

  1. In the navigator pane, expand Oracle Internet Directory Servers, then directory server instance.

  2. Select Schema Management.

  3. In the right pane, select the Object Classes tab and choose the object class you want to modify. The Object Class dialog box appears.

  4. In the Object Class dialog box, modify or add the information in the fields. These are described in Table A-31.

  5. Choose OK.


    You can add attributes to an auxiliary object class or a user-defined structural object class.

    See Also: Example: Adding a New Attribute to an Auxiliary or User-Defined Object Class for an example of adding attributes to an auxiliary object class Deleting Object Classes by Using Oracle Directory Manager


Oracle recommends that you not delete object classes from the base schema. If you delete an object class that is referenced by any entries, those entries then become inaccessible.

Should you decide to delete an object class from the base schema, be careful not to delete one that is in use or that you might want to use in the future.

To delete an object class by using Oracle Directory Manager:

  1. In the navigator pane, select Schema Management.

  2. In the right pane, select the Object Classes tab page and select the object class you want to delete.

  3. Choose Delete.

11.2.4 Managing Object Classes by Using Command-Line Tools

You can use command-line tools to add or modify existing object classes in the directory schema. The command-line tools enable you to use input files. Furthermore, the commands can be batched together in scripts.

To add or modify schema components, use ldapmodify.

See Also:

The ldapmodify command-line tool reference in Oracle Identity Management User Reference Example: Adding a New Object Class

In this example, an LDIF input file, new_object_class.ldi, contains data similar to this:

dn: cn=subschemasubentry
changetype: modify
add: objectclasses
objectclasses: ( 2.16.840.1.113894.9999.12345 NAME 'myobjclass' SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST ( cn $ sn )  
 MAY ( telephonenumber $ givenname $ myattr ) )

Be sure to leave the mandatory space between the opening and closing parentheses and the object identifier.

To load the file, enter this command:

ldapmodify -h myhost -p 389 -f new_object_class.ldi

This example:

  • Adds the structural object class named myobjclass

  • Gives it an object identifier of 2.16.840.1.113894.9999.12345.

  • Specifies top as its superclass

  • Specifies cn and sn as mandatory attributes

  • Allows telephonenumber, givenname, and myattr as optional attributes

Note that all the attributes mentioned must exist prior to the execution of the command.

To create an abstract object class, follow the previous example, replacing the word STRUCTURAL with the word ABSTRACT. Example: Adding a New Attribute to an Auxiliary or User-Defined Object Class

To add a new attribute to either an auxiliary object class or a user-defined structural object class, use ldapmodify. This example deletes the old object class definition and adds the new definition in a compound modify operation. The change is committed by the directory server in one transaction. Existing data is not affected. The input file should be as follows:

dn: cn=subschemasubentry 
changetype: modify 
delete: objectclasses 
objectclasses: old value 
add: objectclasses 
objectclasses: new value

For example, to add the attribute changes to the existing object class country, the input file would be:

dn: cn=subschemasubentry
changetype: modify 
delete: objectclasses 
 ( 2.16.840.1.113894.9999.12345 NAME 'country' SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST c MAY 
 ( searchGuide $ description  )  ) 
add: objectclasses 
 ( 2.16.840.1.113894.9999.12345 NAME 'country' SUP top STRUCTURAL MUST c MAY 
 ( searchGuide $ description  $ changes )  )

11.3 Attributes in the Directory

This section contains these topics:

11.3.1 About Attribute Management

You need to understand attributes from a conceptual standpoint before attempting operations involving attributes.

In most cases, the attributes available in the base schema will suit the needs of your organization. However, if you decide to use an attribute not in the base schema, you can add a new attribute or modify an existing one.

By default, attributes are multivalued. You can specify an attribute as single-valued by using either Oracle Directory Manager or command-line tools.

See Also:

"Attributes" for a conceptual discussion of attributes Rules for Adding Attributes

The rules for adding attributes are:

  • The name and the object identifier of an attribute must be unique across all the schema components.

  • Syntax and matching rules must agree.

  • Any super attributes must already exist.

  • The length of an attribute name must not exceed 127 characters. Rules for Modifying Attributes

The rules for modifying attributes are:

  • The name and the object identifier of an attribute must be unique across all the schema components.

  • The syntax of an attribute cannot be modified.

  • A single-valued attribute can be made multi-valued, but a multi-valued attribute cannot be made single-valued.

  • You cannot modify or delete base schema attributes. Rules for Deleting Attributes

The rules for deleting attributes are:

  • You can delete only user-defined attributes. Do not delete attributes from the base schema.

  • You can delete any attribute that is not referenced directly or indirectly by some other schema component.

    If you delete an attribute that is referenced by any entry, that entry will no longer be available for directory operations.

    See Also:

    "About LDAP Attribute Syntax" in Oracle Identity Management User Reference for information about using syntax to specify the size of the attribute value

11.3.2 Managing Attributes by Using Oracle Directory Manager

This section tells you how to use Oracle Directory Manager to search for, view, add, modify, delete, and index attributes. Viewing All Directory Attributes by Using Oracle Directory Manager

To view attributes by using Oracle Directory Manager:

  1. In the navigator pane, expand Oracle Internet Directory Servers, then directory server instance.

  2. Select Schema Management.

  3. In the right pane, select the Attributes tab page This tab page displays a table containing the attribute properties. The columns in this table are described in Table A-32.

    See Also:

    "Viewing Attributes for a Specific Entry by Using Oracle Directory Manager" for instructions about how to view attributes for a specific entry Searching for Attributes by Using Oracle Directory Manager

To search for attributes by using Oracle Directory Manager:

  1. In the navigator pane, expand Oracle Internet Directory Servers, then directory server instance.

  2. Select Schema Management. The corresponding tab pages appear in the right pane.

  3. Select the Attributes tab page.

  4. Choose the Find Attributes button in the lower right corner. The Find Attributes dialog box appears

  5. In the menu at the left end of the search criteria bar, select the property of the attributes for which you want to search. Options are described in Table A-32.

  6. In the menu in the middle of the search criteria bar, select the filter you want to use for your search. Options are described in Table A-33.

  7. In the text box at the right end of the search criteria bar, type part or all of the value of the attribute for which you want to search. For example, to search for all attributes whose names begin with the letters orcl, you would type those letters in the text box at the right end of the search criteria bar and create the phrase Name Begins With orcl.

  8. To further refine your search, use the buttons in the Search Criteria box to enhance the search criteria bar. These are described in Table A-34.

  9. Choose Search. The results of your search appear in the window at the lower portion of the Find Attributes dialog box. Adding an Attribute by Using Oracle Directory Manager

You can add a completely new attribute, or copy from an existing one.


Because equality, syntax, and matching rules are numerous and complex, it may be simpler to copy these characteristics from a similar existing attribute. See "Creating a New Attribute from an Existing One by Using Oracle Directory Manager". Adding a New Attribute by Using Oracle Directory Manager

To add a new attribute:

  1. In the navigator pane, expand Oracle Internet Directory Servers, then directory server instance.

  2. Select Schema Management.

  3. In the right pane, select the Attributes tab, then choose the Create button in the toolbar. The New Attribute Type dialog box appears. It contains two tab pages—General and Advanced—with fields in which you either enter values or select from menus.

  4. In the General tab, enter values in each of the fields. These are described in Table A-35.

  5. Select the Advanced tab, and enter values in each of the fields. These are described in Table A-36.

  6. Choose OK.


    To use this attribute, remember to declare it to be part of the attribute set for an object class. You do this by selecting Schema Management in the navigator pane, then, in the right pane, selecting the Object Classes tab page. For further instructions, see "Guidelines for Modifying Object Classes". Creating a New Attribute from an Existing One by Using Oracle Directory Manager

To add an attribute by copying an existing attribute:

  1. In the navigator pane, expand Oracle Internet Directory Servers, then directory server instance.

  2. Select Schema Management.

  3. In the right pane, select the Attributes tab.

  4. In the Attributes tab page, select the attribute you want to copy.

  5. Choose Create Like. The New Attribute Type dialog box for that attribute appears. This dialog box contains two tab pages—General and Advanced.

  6. Select the General tab and enter values in each of the fields. These are described in Table A-35. You must always change the DN to that of the new attribute.

  7. Select the Advanced tab and enter values in each of the fields. These are described in Table A-36.

  8. Choose OK.


    To use this attribute, remember to declare it to be part of the attribute set for an object class. You do this by selecting Schema Management in the navigator pane, then, in the right pane, selecting the Object Classes tab page. For further instructions, see "Guidelines for Modifying Object Classes". Modifying an Attribute by Using Oracle Directory Manager

To modify an attribute by using Oracle Directory Manager:

  1. In the navigator pane, expand Oracle Internet Directory Servers, then directory server instance.

  2. Select Schema Management.

  3. In the right pane, select the Attributes tab, then select an editable attribute in the list.

  4. Choose Edit. The Attribute dialog box displays two tab pages—General and Advanced—with fields in which you enter values either by typing or selecting from menus.

  5. Select the General tab and enter values in each of the fields. These are described in Table A-35.

  6. Select the Advanced tab and enter values in each of the fields. These are described in Table A-36.

  7. Choose OK. Deleting an Attribute by Using Oracle Directory Manager


You can delete only user-defined attributes. Do not delete attributes from the base schema.

To delete an attribute:

  1. In the navigator pane, expand Oracle Internet Directory Servers, then directory server instance.

  2. Select Schema Management.

  3. In the right pane, select the Attributes tab, then select an editable attribute in the list.

  4. Choose Delete. Indexing an Attribute by Using Oracle Directory Manager

Oracle Internet Directory uses indexes to make attributes available for searches. When Oracle Internet Directory is installed, certain attributes are already indexed. If you want to use additional attributes in search filters, you must index them.


You can use Oracle Directory Manager to index an attribute only at the time when you create it. You cannot use Oracle Directory Manager to index an already existing attribute. To index an already existing attribute, use the Catalog Management tool as described in "Indexing an Attribute by Using Command-Line Tools".

You can index only those attributes that have:

  • An equality matching rule

  • Matching rules supported by Oracle Internet Directory as listed in "About LDAP Attribute Matching Rules" in Oracle Identity Management User Reference

  • Less than 128 characters in their names Viewing Indexed Attributes by Using Oracle Directory Manager

To view indexed attributes:

  1. In the navigator pane, expand Oracle Internet Directory Servers, then directory server instance.

  2. Select Schema Management.

  3. In the right pane, select the Attributes tab page. This tab page displays all of the attributes in the schema. A selected check box in the Indexed column indicates an indexed attribute. Adding an Index to an Attribute by Using Oracle Directory Manager

To add an index to an attribute:

  1. Create an attribute as described in "Adding an Attribute by Using Oracle Directory Manager".

  2. In the New Attribute Type dialog box, on the Advanced tab page, select the Indexed check box. Dropping an Index from an Attribute by Using Oracle Directory Manager

To drop an index from an attribute:

  1. In the navigator pane, expand Oracle Internet Directory Servers, then directory server instance.

  2. Select Schema Management.

  3. In the right pane, select the Attributes tab.

  4. Select the indexed attribute. Note that this must be an attribute that is editable as indicated by the icon to the left of the attribute name.

  5. Choose Drop Index.

11.3.3 Managing Attributes by Using Command-Line Tools

This section discusses adding, modifying, and indexing attributes by using command-line tools. Adding and Modifying Attributes by Using ldapmodify

To add a new attribute to the schema by using ldapmodify, type a command similar to the following at the system prompt:

ldapmodify -h host -p port -f ldif_file_name

The LDIF file contains data similar to this:

dn: cn=subschemasubentry
changetype: modify
add: attributetypes
attributetypes: ( NAME 'myattr' SYNTAX
                 '' )

To specify an attribute as single-valued, include in the attribute definition entry in the LDIF file the keyword SINGLE-VALUE with surrounding white space.

You can find a given syntax Object ID by using either Oracle Directory Manager or the ldapsearch command line tool.

See Also: Deleting Attributes by Using ldapmodify


You can delete only user-defined attributes. Do not delete attributes from the base schema.

To delete an attribute by using ldapmodify, type a command similar to the following at the system prompt:

ldapmodify -h host -p port -f ldif_file_name

The LDIF file contains data similar to this:

dn: cn=subschemasubentry
changetype: modify
delete: attributetypes
attributetypes: ( NAME 'myattr' SYNTAX
                 '' )

You can find a given syntax Object ID by using either Oracle Directory Manager or the ldapsearch command line tool.

See Also: Indexing an Attribute by Using Command-Line Tools

Oracle Internet Directory uses indexes to make attributes available for searches. When Oracle Internet Directory is installed, the entry cn=catalogs lists available attributes that can be used in a search.

If you want to use additional attributes in search filters, you must add them to the catalog entry. You can index only those attributes that have:

  • An equality matching rule

  • Matching rules supported by Oracle Internet Directory as listed in "About LDAP Attribute Matching Rules" in Oracle Identity Management User Reference

  • No more than 128 characters in their names

You can index a new attribute—that is, one for which no data exists in the directory—by using ldapmodify. You can index an attribute for which data already exists in the directory by using the Catalog Management tool. You can drop an index from an attribute by using ldapmodify, but Oracle recommends that you use the Catalog Management tool. Indexing an Attribute for Which No Data Exists by Using ldapmodify

Once you have defined a new attribute in the schema, you can add it to the catalog entry by using ldapmodify.

To add an attribute for which no directory data exists by using ldapmodify, import an LDIF file by using ldapmodify. For example, to add a new attribute foo that has already been defined in the schema, import the following LDIF file by using ldapmodify:

dn: cn=catalogs 
changetype: modify 
add: orclindexedattribute 
orclindexedattribute: foo

You should not use this method to index an attribute for which data exists in the directory. To index such an attribute, use the Catalog Management tool. Dropping an Index from an Attribute by Using ldapmodify

To drop an index from an attribute by using ldapmodify, specify delete in the LDIF file. For example:

dn: cn=catalogs 
changetype: modify 
delete: orclindexedattribute
orclindexedattribute: foo

See Also:

The ldapmodify command-line tool reference in Oracle Identity Management User Reference Indexing an Attribute for Which Data Exists by Using the Catalog Management Tool

Use the Catalog Management tool to index an attribute for which data already exists and to drop an index from an attribute.

See Also:

The catalog command-line tool reference in Oracle Identity Management User Reference


Unless you are absolutely sure that the indexes were not created by the base schema that was installed with Oracle Internet Directory, be careful not to use the catalog delete=T option to remove indexes from attributes. Removing indexes from base schema attributes can adversely impact the operation of Oracle Internet Directory.

11.4 How to Extend the Number of Attributes Associated with Entries

You can extend the number of attributes for entries. The method you use depends on whether the entries already exist.

For an existing entry, there are two ways to extend the attributes associated with it. One way is to add names of object classes to the list in the objectclass attribute for each entry. If your directory is relatively small, then this can be a desirable method because it enables searches for entries based on that attribute. However, if your directory is large, then entering the names of object classes to the objectclass attribute can be very painstaking. In this case, the second way, namely, using content rules, may be a more efficient way to extend the content of entries.

This section contains these topics:

11.4.1 Extending the Number of Attributes Prior to Creating Entries in the Directory

At installation, Oracle Internet Directory provides standard LDAP object classes and several proprietary object classes. You cannot add mandatory attributes to the sets of attributes belonging to these predefined object classes. If a given object class does not contain all the attributes that you want for an entry, then you can do one of the following:

  • Define a new (base) object class

  • Define an object subclass

    See Also:

11.4.2 Extending the Number of Attributes for Existing Entries by Creating an Auxiliary Object Class

You can create an auxiliary object class containing the additional attributes you want for your entry, and then associate that auxiliary object class with the entry. You associate the auxiliary object class with the entry by specifying it in the objectclass attribute for the entry.

See Also:

11.4.3 Extending the Number of Attributes for Existing Entries by Creating a Content Rule

A content rule, following your specifications, determines the kind of content allowed in any entry that is associated with a particular structural object class. For example, you can specify that any entry associated with the person object class must have, in addition to the attributes in that object class, other attributes as well. The additional attributes can be those of an auxiliary object class, and they can be either mandatory or optional.

Whereas you must list auxiliary classes in the entry—which can be an administrative burden—you do not need to list content rules in the entry.

In addition to the structural object class to which it applies, a content rule can also indicate:

  • Auxiliary object classes allowed for entries governed by the rule

  • Mandatory attributes, in addition to those called for by the structural and auxiliary object classes, required for entries governed by the DIT content rule

  • Optional attributes permitted for entries governed by the DIT content rule, in addition to those called for by structural and auxiliary object classes Rules for Creating and Modifying Content Rules

Content rules are defined as values of the DITContentRule attribute in the subschema subentry (cn=subschemasubentry). They must conform to these rules:

  • The structural object class of the entry identifies the content rule applicable for the entry. If no content rule is present for a structural object class, then entries associated with that object class contain only the attributes permitted by the structural object class definition.

  • Because a content rule is associated with a structural object class, all entries of the same structural object class have the same content rule regardless of the their location in the DIT.

  • The content of an entry must be consistent with the object classes listed in the objectClass attribute of that entry. More specifically:

    • Mandatory attributes of object classes listed in the objectClass attribute must always be present in the entry.

    • Optional attributes of auxiliary object classes indicated by the content rule can also be present even if the objectClass attribute does not list these auxiliary object classes.

      See Also:

      "Managing Content Rules" for instructions on creating and managing content rules Schema Enforcement When Using Content Rules

When validating an object for schema consistency, the directory server uses the content rule for the structural object class of the entry. It also uses all the other object classes listed in the entry.

If more than one content rule exists for an object class, then, when adding or modifying an entry, or when bulkloading data, the following rules apply.

  • An entry can have attributes from all the auxiliary object classes listed in the various content rules. Not specifying an object class in the content rule does not restrict a client from explicitly adding an auxiliary object class in directory entries.

  • An entry must contain values for all the mandatory attributes listed in:

    • The content rules

    • The object classes associated with the entry

    • The auxiliary object classes listed in the content rule applicable to the entry

  • Optionally, an entry can contain values for any or all the optional attributes listed in:

    • The content rule

    • The object classes listed in the entry

    • The auxiliary object classes listed in the content rule applicable for the entry

  • If any attribute is specified as mandatory, then it overrides any other definition that defines it as optional. Searches for Object Classes Listed in Content Rules

Because the auxiliary object classes listed in content rules are not listed in the objectclass attribute for an entry, you cannot list those object classes as filters when you search for entries. Instead, base your searches on the structural object class that you are interested in. If you need to base your search on an auxiliary object class, then add that auxiliary object class to the objectclass attribute in the user objects explicitly.

For example, a content rule for structural object class inetOrgPerson may specify an auxiliary object class orclUser. However, this does not mean that every inetOrgPerson entry in the directory contains orclUser as a value of the objectclass attribute. As a result, the search with the filter objectclass=orclUser fails. Instead of querying for an auxiliary object class contained in the content rule, you should query for structural object classes—for example, objectclass=inetOrgPerson.

To base a search on objectclass=orcluser, add orclUser as one of the values of objectclass attribute in each entry.

These considerations apply also to filters used in access control policies. If you are using a content rule to associate additional auxiliary object classes, then use only the structural object classes in the search filters. Managing Content Rules

This section tells you how to manage content rules by using Oracle Directory Manager and command-line tools. Managing Content Rules by Using Oracle Directory Manager

This section tells you how to use Oracle Directory Manager to create and modify content rules.

Creating a Content Rule by Using Oracle Directory Manager

To create a content rule:

  1. In the navigator pane, expand Oracle Internet Directory Servers, then directory server instance.

  2. Select Schema Management.

  3. In the right pane, select the Content Rules tab.

  4. Choose Create. The New Content Rule dialog box appears.

  5. In the New Content Rule dialog box, enter values in the appropriate fields. These fields are described in Table A-38.

  6. Choose OK.

Modifying a Content Rule by Using Oracle Directory Manager

To modify a content rule:

  1. In the navigator pane, expand Oracle Internet Directory Servers, then directory server instance.

  2. Select Schema Management.

  3. In the right pane, select the Content Rules tab.

  4. Select the content rule you want to modify, then choose Edit. The Content Rule dialog box appears.

  5. In the Content Rule dialog box, enter values in the appropriate fields. The fields for this dialog box are described in Table A-39.

  6. Choose OK. Managing Content Rules by Using Command-Line Tools

The format of a content rule is:

DITContentRule  ::=  SEQUENCE  {
oids                             ALPHA-NUMERIC-OID,
structuralObjectClass            OBJECT-CLASS,
LABEL                            CONTENT-LABEL OPTIONAL,
auxiliaries                      SET (1..MAX) OF OBJECT-CLASS OPTIONAL,
mandatory                        SET (1..MAX) OF ATTRIBUTE OPTIONAL,
optional                         SET (1..MAX) OF ATTRIBUTE OPTIONAL,
precluded                        SET (1..MAX) OF ATTRIBUTE OPTIONAL

Table 11-1 describes the parameters. Note that the attribute and object class names are case-insensitive.

Table 11-1 Content Rule Parameters

Parameter Description


A unique object identifier (oids) for the content rule similar to the one for an object class or attribute definition. It must be a unique numeric value that begins with 2.16.840.1.113894 followed by .9999 or a site-specific prefix.


The content label of the content rule as applied in the directory


The structural object class to which the content rule applies


The auxiliary object classes allowed for an entry to which the content rule applies


User attribute types contained in an entry to which the content rule applies. These are in addition to those mandatory attributes that the entry contains as a result of its association with its specified structural and auxiliary object classes.


User attribute types that may be contained in an entry to which the content rule applies. These are in addition to those that the entry may contain as a result of its association with its specified structural and auxiliary object classes.

During the process of defining a new content rule, the directory server validates the syntax and ensures that the attributes and object classes listed in the content rule have been defined in the directory.

Content rules can be specified for structural object classes only. The name of the object class is case-insensitive.

You can specify more than one content rule for each structural object class provided the content rules have different labels associated with them.

To modify an existing definition of a content rule, the client must first delete the existing definition and then add the new definition. Simple replacement of a content rule by using the replace command is not allowed.

To delete a content rule, the client needs to specify only the structural object class and the alphanumeric object identifier of the content rule. Optionally, the client can also specify the associated version of the content rule to be deleted.

11.5 Attribute Aliases In the Directory

This section includes the following topics:

11.5.1 Features of Attribute Aliases

As of 10g (, you can create aliases for attribute names. For example. you could create the user-friendly alias surname for the attribute sn. Once you create an alias for an attribute name, a user can specify the alias instead of the attribute name in an LDAP operation.

You define an alias for an attribute in the LDAP schema definition of the attribute. The directory schema operational attribute attributeTypes has been enhanced to allow you to include aliases in the attribute name list. In previous releases, the format for an attribute name list was:

attributeTypes=( ObjectIdentifier NAME 'AttributeName'  ... )

As of 10g (, you may optionally specify:

attributeTypes=( ObjectIdentifier NAME ( 'AttributeName' 'Alias1' 'Alias2' ...) ... )

This is consistent with the LDAP protocol as specified by RFC 2251 and RFC 2252. In the attribute name list, the first item is recognized as the name of the attribute and rest of the items in the list are recognized as attribute aliases. For example, to specify the alias surname for the attribute sn, you would change the schema definition for sn from:

attributeTypes=( NAME 'sn' SUP name )


attributeTypes=( NAME ( 'sn' 'surname' ) SUP name )

11.5.2 Attribute Alias Rules

The following rules apply to attribute aliases:

  • An attribute alias name must be unique throughout all the actual attribute names and other attribute aliases across all the schema components.When you define an attribute, the first value in the attributeTypes definition NAME field must be the actual attribute name. You define attribute aliases in the NAME field after the actual attribute name.

  • Attribute alias names follow the same syntax rules as attribute names.

  • You delete an attribute alias by redefining the attribute without the alias.


DN is not an attribute. You cannot define dn in the schema. Therefore you cannot create an alias for dn.

11.5.3 Managing Attribute Aliases by Using Command-Line Tools

As of 10g (, you cannot use Oracle Directory Manager to manage attribute aliases. You add, modify, or delete attribute aliases by creating an LDIF file, then using ldapmodify with the following syntax:

ldapmodify -h host -p port -f ldif_file_name

The following examples show LDIF file formats you would use to perform these tasks: Adding a New Attribute With Attribute Aliases

The following LDIF file adds the attribute myattr with the attribute aliases myalias1 and myalias2:

dn: cn=subschemasubentry 
changetype: modify 
add: attributetypes
attributetypes: ( NAME ( 'myattr' 'myalias1' 'myalias2' ) SYNTAX
                  '' ) Adding or Modifying Attribute Aliases in Existing Attributes

The following LDIF file adds the attribute aliases surname and mysurName to the existing attribute sn:

dn: cn=subschemasubentry
changetype: modify
delete: attributeTypes
attributeTypes: ( NAME 'sn' SUP name )
add: attributeTypes
attributeTypes: ( NAME ( 'sn' 'surname' 'mysurName' ) SUP name ) Deleting Attribute Aliases

The following LDIF file deletes the attribute alias mysurName but not the attribute alias surName from the attribute sn:

dn: cn=subschemasubentry 
changetype: modify
delete: attributeTypes
attributeTypes: ( NAME ( 'sn' 'surname' 'mysurName' ) SUP name )
add: attributeTypes
attributeTypes: ( NAME ( 'sn' 'surname' ) SUP name )

The following LDIF file deletes both attribute aliases, surname and mysurName, from the attribute sn:

dn: cn=subschemasubentry 
changetype: modify
delete: attributeTypes
attributeTypes: ( NAME ( 'sn' 'surname' 'mysurName' ) SUP name )
add: attributeTypes
attributeTypes: ( NAME 'sn' SUP name )

11.5.4 Using Attribute Aliases

Once you have defined attribute aliases in the LDAP schema, users can substitute the aliases for attribute names in LDAP operations. The following examples show the commands to use and the results to expect:

Table 11-2 shows the aliases used in the examples and the attributes names they represent:

Table 11-2 Attribute Aliases Used in Examples

Alias Attribute Name














telephonenumber Using Attribute Aliases with ldapsearch

The LDAP server recognizes attribute aliases in the search filter string, in the base DN, and in the required attributes list in ldapsearch operations. The search result will contain the actual attribute names, unless the user explicitly asks for an alias using the required attributes list. For example, suppose the user specifies the following search, using the aliases organizationalUnit, country, and organization in the base DN and the alias surname in the filter string:

ldapsearch -p 389 -h myhost \
   -b "organizationalUnit=dev,country=us,organization=myorg" \
   -s sub "surname=brown"

The search will return a result similar to this:

cn=Mark Brown

Now suppose the user specifically asks for the aliases surname, commonname, and userid by including them in a required attributes list, like this:

ldapsearch -p 389 -h myhost \
   -b "organizationalUnit=dev,country=us,organization=myorg" \
   -s sub "surname=brown" surname commonname userid phone

Because the user specifically included the aliases, the search will return a result similar to this:

commonname=Mark Brown
phone;mobile=555006 Using Attribute Aliases with ldapadd

The LDAP server recognizes attribute aliases in place of attribute names during the add operation. When the LDAP server stores the entry, it replaces the alias with the actual attribute name.

The command-line format is:

ldapadd -h host -p port -f ldif_file_name

The user could provide an LDIF file like this:

dn: userid=mbrown,organizationalUnit=dev,country=us,organization=myorg
objectclass: account
objectclass: organizationalPerson
userID: mbrown 
surname: Brown
commonName: Mark Brown
userpassword: welcome
phone;office: 444006
phone;mobile: 555006

The entry will be stored as if the file contained the attribute names instead of the aliases. On subsequent LDAP searches, however, the DN will be returned as it was entered when added or modified:

dn: userid=mbrown,organizationalUnit=dev,country=us,organization=myorg

This is standard behavior for LDAP search results. The DN is always returned with the same format that was used when the entry was created. Using Attribute Aliases with ldapmodify

The LDAP server recognizes attribute aliases in place of attribute names during the modify operation.

The command-line format is:

ldapmodify -h host -p port -f ldif_file_name

The user could provide an LDIF file like this:

changetype: modify
replace: surname
surname: davis

The entry will be stored as if the file contained the attribute names instead of the aliases. On subsequent LDAP searches, however, the DN will be returned as it was entered when added or modified:

dn: userid=mbrown,organizationalUnit=dev,country=us,organization=myorg

This is standard behavior for LDAP search results. The DN is always returned with the same format that was used when the entry was created. Using Attribute Aliases with ldapdelete

The LDAP server recognizes attribute aliases in the DN provided for delete operations. For example, suppose the user provides a request like this, with the aliases userid, organizationalUnit, country, and organization in the search filter:

ldapdelelete -p 389 \
   -h myhost  "userid=mbrown,organizationalUnit=dev,country=us,organization=myorg"

The server will delete the entry as if the user had typed:

ldapdelelete -p 389 \
   -h myhost  "uid=mbrown,ou=dev,c=us,o=myorg" Using Attribute Aliases with ldapmoddn

The LDAP server recognizes attribute aliases in the DN, the new RDN, and the new parent DN options. For example, suppose the user types the command line:

ldapmoddn -b "userid=mbrown,organizationalUnit=dev,country=us,organization=myorg"\
   -R "userid=mdavis"

The LDAP server interpret the command line as if the user had typed

ldapmoddn -b "uid=mbrown,ou=dev,c=us,o=myorg"\
   -R "uid=mdavis"

The entry will be stored as if the file contained the attribute names instead of the aliases. On subsequent LDAP searches, however, the DN will be returned as it was entered when added or modified:

dn: userid=mbrown,organizationalUnit=dev,country=us,organization=myorg

This is standard behavior for LDAP search results. The DN is always returned with the same format that was used when the entry was created.

11.5.5 Object Identifier Support in LDAP Operations

Users can substitute object identifiers for attribute names in the same way as attribute aliases.

11.6 Matching Rules in the Directory

This section contains these topics:

11.6.1 Viewing Matching Rules by Using Oracle Directory Manager

  1. In the navigator pane, expand Oracle Internet Directory Servers, then directory server instance.

  2. Select Schema Management.

  3. In the right pane, select the Matching Rules tab. The fields in this tab page are shown as column heads. They are described in Table A-37.

11.6.2 Viewing Matching Rules by Using ldapsearch

Use ldapsearch on the subentry cn=subSchemaSubentry.

See Also:

The ldapsearch command-line tool reference in Oracle Identity Management User Reference

11.7 Syntaxes in the Directory

This section contains these topics:

11.7.1 Viewing Syntaxes by Using Oracle Directory Manager

To view syntaxes by using Oracle Directory Manager:

  1. In the navigator pane, expand Oracle Internet Directory Servers, then directory server instance.

  2. Select Schema Management.

  3. In the right pane, select the Syntaxes tab. The fields in this tab page are shown as column heads. They are:

    • Description: Name of the attribute syntax

    • Object ID: Unique identifier of this syntax

11.7.2 Viewing Syntaxes by Using by Using ldapsearch

Use ldapsearch on the subentry cn=subSchemaSubentry.

See Also:

The ldapsearch command-line tool reference in Oracle Identity Management User Reference