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Oracle® Access Manager Upgrade Guide
10g (

Part Number B25354-01
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2 Upgrade Concepts and Methods

This chapter introduces upgrade concepts, strategies, and methods. Topics include:


There are several important name changes that you should know about. Be sure to review "Product and Component Name Changes". This manual uses the new names, even when referring to earlier releases.

For an introduction to Oracle Access Manager, a road map to related manuals, and a glossary of terms, see the Oracle Access Manager Introduction.

2.1 Upgrade Terms and Concepts

The latest release provides significant enhancements and regulatory compliance over previous releases. For example, each major release provides new features and additional platform support, and may include changes to the schema, data, parameter, or message files.

The term upgrade refers to the process of installing the latest major product release over an earlier product release (whether the earlier release has been patched or not). This is known as an in-place upgrade.

Your existing data and configurations are made available to the new release. For example, suppose you have installed Oracle Access Manager 6.1.1 and added new object classes and panels; assigned or delegated administrative rights to key people; created workflows; protected resources with a policy domain; configured authentication schemes and authorization rules; customized the way the product looks or operates; and modified message files. After upgrading to 10g (, you do not need to replicate all the work you had completed on the earlier release. However, certain items must be handled manually.

Separate platform-specific packages are provided for each component. The same package is used to both install 10g ( and to upgrade to 10g ( For example:

Windows: Oracle_Access_Manager10_1_4_0_1_win32_Component.exe
Solaris: Oracle_Access_Manager10_1_4_0_1_sparc-s2_Component

Release 10g ( uses the Oracle product numbering scheme, where a major release is identified by the first three numbers (10.1.4, for example) of a five segment product number. The last two digits of an Oracle product number represent the maintenance and patch release numbers (, respectively:

Oracle Release Numbering:
n . n . n (Major) . Maintenance . Patch

A patch release is one that provides fixes to known problems. The upgrade process handles the differences between release numbering schemes seamlessly. During the upgrade, a minor release (or maintenance release or patch release) is recognized as a major release. Your earlier installation may include patches. However, you do not need to apply patches to the earlier installation before upgrading to 10g (

Earlier release numbers consisted of four elements:

Earlier Release Numbering:
Major_release . Minor_release . Maintainence_release . Patch_release


You do not need to apply any patch to an earlier installation before upgrading. To upgrade from releases earlier than 6.1.1, contact Oracle Support at

The program controls the upgrade process, which completes incrementally for each major release. Before 10g (, major and minor release numbers were used during incremental upgrade steps. In the sample process overview, the starting release is 6.1.1. While your environment may vary, the incremental upgrade from each major release to 10g ( occurs automatically during each component upgrade.

Process overview: Automatic Incremental upgrades

  1. The first increment brings your installation from release 6.1.1 to release 6.5.

  2. The second increment brings your installation from release 6.5 to release 7.0.

  3. Third increment brings your installation from release 7.0 to 10g (

2.2 About Upgrading the Oracle Application Server

If your system environment includes Oracle Application Server components, you can upgrade these to 10g ( by following the instructions in the Oracle Application Server Upgrade and Compatibility Guide.

The upgrade procedures for Oracle Access Manager are documented separately from the Oracle Application Server upgrade procedures because the two products are installed separately.

2.3 Backup and Recovery Strategies

In any environment, it is important to make back up copies before and after upgrading. Figure 2-1 illustrates the types of information that Oracle recommends you back up. Unless you have the Access System currently installed, ignore details for the Policy Manager, Access Server, and WebGate.

Figure 2-1 Back Up Strategies

Back Up Strategies
Description of "Figure 2-1 Back Up Strategies"

As discussed in Chapter 1, the product installation directory for each component includes the following information types:

A WebPass must also be installed with each Policy Manager on the same Web server instance, at the same directory level.

For more information, see:

2.3.1 Backup Strategies Before Upgrading

Oracle recommends that you perform certain back up activities before upgrading to help restore an earlier environment in the unlikely event that you want to do this following an upgrade. Table 2-1 provides more information.

Table 2-1 Back Up Strategies Before Upgrading

Back Up the Following As Described In

Oracle Access Manager Schema

Backing up the Earlier Oracle Access Manager Schema

Oracle Access Manager Configuration and Policy Data

Backing up Oracle Access Manager Configuration and Policy Data

Oracle Access Manager User and Group Data

Backing Up User and Group Data

Oracle Access Manager Workflow Data

Backing Up Workflow Data

Processed Workflows

Archiving Processed Workflow Instances

Existing Directory Instances

Backing Up Existing Directory Instances

Earlier Installed Component Directory (and any Customization Directories)

Backing Up the Existing Installed Directory

Web Server Configuration Files

Backing Up the Existing Web Server Configuration File

Windows Registry

Backing Up Windows Registry Data

2.3.2 Backup Strategies After Upgrading

After you have completed and verified each component upgrade, Oracle recommends that you back up the upgraded information in Table 2-2. This will enable you to restore an upgraded environment to the newly upgraded status should this be needed.

Table 2-2 Back Up Strategies After Upgrading

Back Up the Following As Described In

Existing Directory Instances

Backing Up Existing Directory Instances

Earlier Installed Component Directory (and any Customization Directories)

Backing Up the Existing Installed Directory

Web Server Configuration Files

Backing Up the Existing Web Server Configuration File

Windows Registry

Backing Up Windows Registry Data

2.3.3 Recovery Strategies

Should something unlikely occur and you find that a process did not complete successfully, you may use the strategies in Table 2-3 to recover.

Table 2-3 Upgrade Recovery Strategies

Task What to do If the Task Fails

Backing Up Existing Oracle Access Manager Data

Retry this task using instructions in Chapter 5, "Preparing for Schema and Data Upgrades"

Backing Up Existing Directory Instances

See your directory vendor documentation.

Adding An Earlier Identity System to Use as a Master (against Read/Write master directory instances, not against read-only replicas)

Note: You use this additional earlier setup as a master when upgrading the schema and data to ensure that your existing installation is not affected should any issues arise.

Retry this task using instructions in Chapter 5, "Preparing for Schema and Data Upgrades"

Adding an Earlier Access Manager to Use as a Master (against Read/Write master directory instances, not against read-only replicas)

Note: You use this additional earlier setup as a master when upgrading the schema and data to ensure that your existing installation is not affected should any issues arise.

Retry this task using instructions in Chapter 5, "Preparing for Schema and Data Upgrades"

Upgrading Identity System Schema and Data

Restore the directory instance you backed up before starting this upgrade (see "Backing Up Existing Directory Instances").

Locate your backup copy of the earlier master Identity Server installation directory (made before the upgrade) and make another backup copy. You will retain one to as a backup and use the other when you retry the upgrade. See "Backing Up Directories, Web Server Configurations, and Registry Details".

Retry the upgrade of the master Identity Server using instructions in Chapter 6, "Upgrading Identity System Schema and Data".

Enabling Multi-Language Capability when upgrading the master Identity Server from a starting release of 6.1.1.

Note: This process does not occur when your starting release is 6.5 or 7.x because those releases automatically supported multi-language capability.

Restore the directory instance you backed up before starting this upgrade (see "Backing Up Existing Directory Instances").

Locate your backup copy of the earlier master Identity Server installation directory (made before the upgrade) and make another backup copy. You will retain one to as a backup and use the other when you retry the upgrade. See "Backing Up Directories, Web Server Configurations, and Registry Details".

Retry the upgrade of the master Identity Server using instructions in Chapter 6, "Upgrading Identity System Schema and Data".

Upgrading Access System Schema and Data

Restore the directory instance you backed up before starting this upgrade (see "Backing Up Existing Directory Instances").

Locate your backup copy of the earlier master Access Manager installation directory (made before the upgrade) and make another backup copy. You will retain one to as a backup and use the other when you retry the upgrade. See "Backing Up Directories, Web Server Configurations, and Registry Details".

Retry the upgrade of the master Access Manager using instructions in Chapter 7, "Upgrading Access System Schema and Data".

Uploading Directory Server Index Files

Retry this task using instructions in "Uploading Directory Server Index Files".

Upgrading Components: Upgrading an earlier version of any Oracle Access Manager component (Identity Server, WebPass, Policy Manager (formerly known as the Access Manager component)), Access Server, or WebGate).

Note: Schema and data upgrades occur only when upgrading master components added for this purpose.

Locate your backup copy of the earlier component installation directory (made before the upgrade) and make another backup copy. You will retain one to as a backup and use the other when you retry the upgrade. See "Backing Up Directories, Web Server Configurations, and Registry Details".

Retry this step and specify the earlier component installation directory when asked for the installation directory. See Part III, "Upgrading Components".

Upgrading Your Identity System Customizations

Retry this task using instructions in Chapter 12, "Upgrading Your Identity System Customizations"

Upgrading Your Access System Customizations

Retry this task using instructions in Chapter 13, "Upgrading Your Access System Customizations"

Additional information on recovering from an upgrade failure can be found throughout this book and in Appendix F, "Troubleshooting the Upgrade Process".

2.4 Upgrade Start Methods

As mentioned earlier, you use the corresponding 10g ( component installer to begin each component upgrade. You may launch the installer using either the graphical user interface (GUI method) or the command-line interface (Console method).

Either Method: Regardless of the method you choose, the sequence of events and prompts are nearly identical. In later chapters, minor differences are identified as they occur during a specific sequence. If you see something that does not apply to your environment or installation, you may ignore it. Also, whether you launch the upgrade using GUI or Console method, you will be asked to choose a mode (Automatic versus Confirmed), as described in "Upgrade Event Modes".

For more information, see:

2.4.1 GUI Method

This method is the default for Windows systems when you select the installation package from the file system. For example:


2.4.2 Console Method

The command-line method (also known as Console method) is the default for Unix systems. For example:

./ Oracle_Access_Manager10_1_4_0_1_sparc-s2_Identity_Server

2.5 Upgrade Event Modes

Whether you launched the program using the GUI method or the Console method, after you accept the upgrade you are presented with the following choices and asked to select either Automatic mode or Confirmed mode:

     Please specify the mode for migration:
     '1' - Automatic (recommended)
               Each step is performed automatically.
               No interaction from the user is required.
     '2' - Confirmed
            Each step needs confirmation from the user.
     Enter choice ( '1' or '2' ) :

For more information, see:

2.5.1 Automatic Mode

Oracle recommends that you choose the Automatic mode. This mode provides declarative messages to keep you informed as the upgrade progresses. For example:

Creating original folders ...
   Copying general configuration files
   Updating parameter catalogs ...

From time to time in Automatic mode, you are asked to respond to specific queries that require your acceptance before being initiated (or simply acknowledging that you are ready to continue). For example when upgrading the master Identity Server and master Access Manager, you are asked to accept an automatic schema and data upgrade as indicated in this example:

Oracle Access Manager schema migration ...

   Retrieving Oracle configuration parameters ...
      The following directory server's schema will be updated:
         Port: port#
      NOTE:  If you do not want to migrate schema at this time,
             type 'SKIP'.
      Please type 'Yes" to proceed:

For more information about the sequence of events, see Chapter 3, "About Automated Processes and Manual Tasks".


In both Automatic and Confirmed mode, you are informed as the program completes each step of the upgrade process. This guide provides information using Automatic mode, both for brevity and because this is the recommended method.

2.5.2 Confirmed Mode

If you select Confirmed mode during a component upgrade, you are presented with a question before each and every event (not just those that require acceptance during Automatic mode). The types of messages you see in Confirmed mode are shown here:

Copy general configurations files?
         '1' - Yes
         '2' - No
     Enter choice ( '1' or '2' ) : 1

In Confirmed mode, each event is performed only after you accept by entering the number 1. If you enter the number 2, the event is skipped and you are then asked to accept or decline the next event.

Confirmed mode is recommended for use in only the following situations when you need to conditionally run, skip, and re-run certain event in a component upgrade. For example:

  • Upgrade Strategies When Support is Changed or Deprecated: Suppose a release 6.1.1 WebPass resides on a machine with a Web server version that is not supported by 10g ( In this case, you must upgrade the 6.1.1 WebPass incrementally, as follows.

    • Retain the Web server version that is supported for the release 6.1.1 WebPass.

    • After initiating the WebPass upgrade and selecting Console mode, you accept activities to upgrade the WebPass from the release 6.1.1 to the next Oracle Access Manager release that supports the existing Web server version (to release 6.5 for example). You decline activities to upgrade WebPass further and accept updating the Web server configuration with 6.1.1 to 6.5 information.

    • After the incremental WebPass upgrade, you must upgrade the Web server to a version that is supported by the next WebPass release using your vendor documentation as a guide.

    • After upgrading the Web server, you complete another incremental WebPass upgrade in Console mode by skipping the release 6.1.1 to 6.5 events that were already completed and continuing to the next component release that supports the existing Web server.

      For more information, see "Upgrade Strategies When Support is Changed or Deprecated".

  • Correcting Information: Suppose you provide incorrect information during an component upgrade (or another problem arises). In this case, you may also use Confirmed mode to conditionally re-run a step. For example, suppose you entered incorrect information while upgrading the Identity Server. When the upgrade finishes, you can re-run it in Confirmed mode to skip events that completed successfully the first time (and enter correct information for unsuccessful events the second time). For instance, if you forgot to change the schema domain, you can re-run the upgrade using Confirmed mode and fix the problem.

    • Continue the component upgrade as far as you can despite entering incorrect information.

    • Restart the component upgrade and choose Confirmed mode.

    • Skip any events that completed successfully during the initial component upgrade.

    • Accept and perform any events that were not successful (and restate any incorrect information).

    • Confirm that the component upgrade was successful as described in Part III, "Upgrading Components".

    • Perform all other tasks in sequence, as described in "Upgrade Task Overview".

    • When all upgrade tasks are performed, validate the complete system upgrade as described in Part V, "Validating the Upgrade".

2.6 Support Deprecated

Table 2-4 describes the items for which support is not longer officially available.

Table 2-4 Deprecated in 10g (

Component Comments


Support was deprecated in release 6.1. If your earlier installation includes Oblix IDLink, you are notified while upgrading the Identity Server. To continue using Oblix IDLink, you must retain the earlier release.


Support was deprecated in release 6.0. Publisher cannot operate at the same time as release 6.1 or later. Oracle Access Manager 10g ( provides reporting, auditing, and logging enhancements. You can create, view, and configure reports within the User, Group, and Organization Manager applications. For more information, see the Oracle Application Server Release Notes.

NetPoint Certificate Process Server (CPS)

Support was deprecated in release 7.0. If your earlier installation includes the CPS, following the upgrade you will have to request and install any new certificates through a third-party vendor.

NetPoint Associate Portal Services (APS)

Support was deprecated in release 6.5 when NetPoint SAML Services (now Oracle COREid Federation) became the preferred method to provide access privileges across multiple associated portals and DNS domains. APS remains deprecated.

NetPoint SAML Services

There is no migration path from NetPoint SAML Services to any Oracle Federation product available with 10g (

NetPoint SAML Services was replaced with Oblix SHAREid.

Oblix SHAREid

Renamed to Oracle COREid Federation. This functionality is now accomplished with Oracle Identity Federation. There is no migration path. However, you can install Oracle Identity Federation after upgrading to Oracle Access Manager10g (

Oracle COREid Federation

This functionality is now accomplished with Oracle Identity Federation. There is no migration path. However, you can install Oracle Identity Federation after upgrading to Oracle Access Manager10g (

Oracle COREid Provisioning

Support for this feature is deprecated in 10g ( There is no migration path.

MIIS Provisioning

Provisioning external applications from Oracle Access Manager by integrating with Microsoft Identity Integration Server (MIIS) is deprecated in 10g ( This functionality is now accomplished with Oracle Identity Manager (Oracle Xellerate Identity Provisioning), and is no longer available in Oracle Access Manager. There is no migration path.

Microsoft .NET Passport

Support for this feature is deprecated in 10g (

Valicert Authentication plug-in

Support was deprecated in release 7.0.4 (also available as part of Oracle Application Server 10g Release 2 (10.1.2)). This is no longer distributed with the Access Server (including Authn_valicert authentication plug-in, authn_valicert.dll, and authn_valicert_d.dll).

Siemens DirX Directory

This directory is not supported in 10g ( Although the installation screen may still display DirX as a possible option.

NetPoint Connector for BEA Ready Realm

Support was deprecated in release However, the Security Provider for WebLogic SSPI is still supported. To upgrade an earlier Security Provider for WebLogic SSPI to the latest release, see"Upgrading Third-Party Integration Connectors". To integrate a new Security Provider for WebLogic SSPI, see the Oracle Access Manager Integration Guide.

2.7 Upgrade Strategies When Support is Changed or Deprecated

This discussion provides strategies to help you proceed with a component upgrade when support for a directory server or Web server version has changed or been deprecated.

The strategies presented here focus on a single component upgrade in a specific situation:


Before upgrading an Oracle Access Manager installation earlier than release 6.1.1, contact Oracle Support at

2.7.1 Upgrading When Third-Party Support Has Changed

When 10g ( supports a different Web server or directory server release than those in your earlier installation, you must complete the upgrade a little differently to accommodate upgrading third-party components.

The following overview outlines the sequence you need to complete when you must upgrade an Oracle Access Manager component in addition to upgrading a Web server (or directory server) instance to meet 10g ( requirements. This is provided to give you an idea of how to proceed in this situation and is not meant to provide all steps needed to accomplish the task. See your vendor documentation for information about third-party components and other chapters in this guide for details about Oracle Access Manager components and validation steps.

For example, when 10g ( supports the same Web server or directory server versions as your earlier installed Oracle Access Manager release, you simply upgrade each component once and accept changes to third-party configuration files. However, during an upgrade, third-party configuration files are not updated in their entirety. Instead, only the delta is applied (the difference between changes for the old release and changes for 10g ( For this reason, you may not simply install a new Web server instance and specify the path to it during an upgrade.


The strategies outlined here presume that you have completed all appropriate preparation tasks, and that you are following steps provided elsewhere in this guide. Preparation, verification, and recovery steps are not repeated here. Steps to upgrade the specific Oracle Access Manager component are not repeated here.

Task overview: Upgrading Oracle Access Manager together with third-party product versions

  1. Compare support requirements under the Certify tab at

    • Log in as directed.

    • Click the Certify tab.

    • Click View Certifications by Product.

    • Select the Application Server option and click Submit.

    • Choose Oracle Application Server and click Submit.

  2. Directory Server Upgrade: If this applies to your environment, perform the activities in the following list:

  3. Web Server Upgrades amid Oracle Access Manager Upgrades: If your environment includes an earlier Web server version than is supported by10g (, prepare components and perform upgrade activities as prescribed in this manual with the following differences:

    • Oracle Access Manager Web Component Upgrades: When you upgrade Web components, accept the automatic Web server configuration file update for the currently installed Web server.

    • Web Server Upgrade: Use your vendor documentation to backup an older third-party Web server then upgrade it to the new level supported by 10g (

    • Manually update the Web server configuration file for 10g ( following the Web server upgrade. For more information, see the Oracle Access Manager Installation Guide.


      You may not apply Oracle Access Manager-related Web server configuration changes to a new Web server instance.

  4. Complete other activities as described in this manual, then validate the upgrade as described in Chapter 14, "Validating the Entire System Upgrade".

2.7.2 Upgrading When Third-Party Support Has Been Deprecated

In some cases, you may discover that Oracle Access Manager 10g ( does not support an earlier Web Server or directory server release. For example, the release 6.1 Policy Manager supports Sun (formerly iPlanet) 4.x Web server. However, from Oracle Access Manager 6.5 onward this Web server release is not supported.

When 10g ( does not support an earlier Web Server or directory release, you must complete the upgrade as outlined in:


Before upgrading an installation earlier than release 6.1.1, contact Oracle Support at Upgrading with Manual Web Server Configuration When Support is Deprecated

When 10g ( support does not include your earlier release Web Server, you can use the strategy here to upgrade to 10g ( For example, from Oracle Access Manager 6.5 onward the Sun (formerly iPlanet) 4.x Web server is not supported. As a result, during the upgrade from Oracle Access Manager release 6.1.1 to release 6.5 the Web server configuration files are not automatically updated. Instead, you must install the Sun 6.x Web server and run EditObjConf and ManageObjConf manually to update the Web server configuration files for Oracle Access Manager release 6.5, 7.x, and 10g (

The following task overview is provided to give you an idea of how to proceed in this situation and is not meant to provide all steps needed to accomplish the task.


The strategies outlined here presume that you have completed appropriate preparation tasks, and that you are following steps provided elsewhere in this guide. Preparation, verification, and recovery steps are not repeated here. Steps to upgrade the specific Oracle Access Manager component are not repeated here. Release numbers in examples are provided for illustration only.

Task overview: Upgrading when Web server support was deprecated

  1. Upgrade your earlier Oracle Access Manager installation to 10g (, including all Web components (WebPass, Policy Manager, and WebGate).


    Web server configuration files are not automatically updated.

  2. Create an instance of the Web server that is supported by 10g ( using your vendor documentation as a guide.

  3. Run the EditObjConf tool for WebPass, Policy Manager (formerly the Access Manager component), then WebGate, as needed.

  4. Run the ManageObjConf tool for WebPass, Policy Manager, then WebGate, as needed.

  5. Perform the component validation step to ensure that it upgraded properly as described in Part III, "Upgrading Components". Upgrading Oracle Access Manager Incrementally When Third-Party Support is Deprecated

The following method describes an incremental upgrade that you can use when the latest Oracle Access Manager release is not compatible with both the currently installed Web server (or directory server) release, and the currently supported release.

In this case, the goal is to use Confirmed mode to upgrade the Oracle Access Manager component incrementally to a release that supports both the earlier Web server (or directory server) release and a later interim Web server (or directory server) release. You repeat the process to incrementally upgrade the Oracle Access Manager component and the third-party component until both are in sync with 10g (

As you complete this task in confirmed mode, you accept appropriate processes while skipping those that take the Oracle Access Manager component too far. Then, you migrate your earlier Web server (or directory server) to the newer supported release. This may involve a sequence of manual stpes to true up the configuration files for the new instance. You may need to repeat this sequence until you have upgraded both the third-party component to a release supported by 10g (, and the Oracle Access Manager is upgraded to 10g (

In the following task overview, a WebPass upgrade is interspersed with a Web server upgrade. The strategies outlined here presume that you have completed appropriate preparation tasks, and that you are following steps provided elsewhere in this guide. Preparation, verification, and recovery steps are not repeated here. Steps to upgrade the specific Oracle Access Manager component are not repeated here. See also "Console Method".


Release numbers in examples are provided for illustration only. Before upgrading an installation earlier than release 6.1.1, contact Oracle Support at

Task overview: Upgrading incrementally when Web server support is deprecated

  1. On the machine hosting the earlier Oracle Access Manager Web component (WebPass, Policy Manager, or WebGate), start the upgrade using 10g ( installers. For example:

    Start Upgrading: WebPass 5.2 on Sun ONE Web Server 4.1

  2. In Confirmed mode, accept processes that upgrade the Oracle Access Manager Web component only to the next major release that supports the current Web server. For example, in this case you upgrade only to 6.0:

    From: WebPass 5.2

    To: WebPass 6.0


    Skip any processes that would upgrade this component to a release that does not support the current environment.

  3. Accept the automatic Web server configuration file update, and finish the component upgrade for this incremental release.

  4. Migrate the current Web server to the latest level supported by the interim WebPass release, using your vendor documentation as a guide. For example:

    From: Sun ONE Web Server 4.1 (supported by Oracle Access Manager 5.2)

    To: Sun ONE Web Server 6.0 (supported by Oracle Access Manager 6.0)

  5. Restart the WebPass upgrade, use Confirmed mode to skip processes already completed and accept upgrade processes that upgrade WebPass to a later release that supports the upgraded Web server. For example:

    From: WebPass 6.0

    To: WebPass 6.1.1

  6. Accept the automatic Web server configuration file update, and finish this incremental component upgrade.

  7. Repeat steps in this list as needed until you reach and meet 10g ( support requirements for the third-party component and upgrade the Oracle Access Manager component to 10g (

  8. Validate the WebPass upgrade as described in "Finishing and Verifying the WebPass Upgrade".

For more information, see Appendix D, "Upgrading Sun Web Server Version 4 to Version 6 on Windows 2000". If needed, see "Preparing a Directory Server when Its Release is Deprecated".