Oracle Security Developer Tools Crypto Java API Reference
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Facilities for reading and writing both BER- and DER-encoded ASN.1 structures.


Interface Summary
ASN1 Various constants used in ASN.1 notation.
ASN1Constructed Represents an ASN.1 object which consists of multiple components.
ASN1Object A streamable object which uses ASN.1 encodings as its input/output format.
ASN1TaggedObject An ASN.1 object for which the header is known.


Class Summary
ASN1BitString The universal ASN.1 bit string type.
ASN1Boolean The universal ASN.1 boolean type.
ASN1ConstructedInputStream A stream for reading one ASN.1 constructed encoding.
ASN1Date The universal ASN.1 UTCTime type.
ASN1GenericConstructed A class for ASN.1 DER constructed types with an unrecognized tag or a non-universal tag class (e.g., implicitly tagged sequences and sets, or explicitly tagged wrappers).
ASN1GenericPrimitive A class for ASN.1 DER primitive types with an unrecognized tag or a non-universal class.
ASN1Header Represents the header (tag, encoding method, and length) of an ASN.1 object encoding.
ASN1Integer The universal ASN.1 integer type.
ASN1Null The ASN.1 null value.
ASN1ObjectID The universal ASN.1 object identifier type.
ASN1OctetString The universal ASN.1 octet string type.
ASN1Sequence An ASN.1 sequence.
ASN1SequenceInputStream A stream for reading the components of an ASN1Sequence.
ASN1Set An ASN.1 set.
ASN1SetInputStream A stream for reading the components of an ASN1Set.
ASN1String Various universal ASN.1 string types.
ASN1Utils ASN1 auxiliary routines for performing I/O and interconverting ASN.1 format to Java formats.


Exception Summary
ASN1FormatException Signals that an error occured while parsing an ASN.1 encoded structure.


Package Description

Facilities for reading and writing both BER- and DER-encoded ASN.1 structures.

Oracle Security Developer Tools Crypto Java API Reference
10g (


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