Oracle Security Developer Tools Crypto Java API Reference
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Class DigestRandomBitsSource


Direct Known Subclasses:
MD5RandomBitsSource, SHA1RandomBitsSource

public abstract class DigestRandomBitsSource
extends RandomBitsSource

A PRNG based on the design pattern in Schneier's Applied Cryptography, using a secure hash algorithm, such as SHA1 or MD5 as a mixing and output primitive.

IMPORTANT: Please note that the generator design relies crucially on the presence of a proper amount and "quality" of seeding entropy (see below). Optional use of the seed(byte[]) method with no arguments causes the generator to be seeded with 20 bytes of seeding material from SpinnerEntropySource.

It is presumed that users understand the crucial role that seeding entropy plays in the secure initialization of PRNGs. While it is not within the scope of the API documentation to explain how exactly PRNGs work, at the very least one would do well to observe that PRNGs do not "create" randomness so much as they "stretch" and "whiten" an initial pool of randomness. That is, a well-designed PRNG produces a uniform, uncorrelated output sequence, whose words are strongly non-computable from one iteration to the next. However, at their basic design level, they are still deterministic functions -- essentially (one-way) stream ciphers -- whose outputs are, (with some overhead) no more unguessable than their inputs. In this sense the starting value of a generator can be thought of as its "key", and should be strongly protected from eavesdropping or dictionary attacks.

Thus, seed values should never be transmitted in the clear, or stored in (non-secure) files; nor should they ever be re-used, and sources used to "generate" or gather seeding material should themselves be as non-deterministic as possible.

A few caveats about seeding:

See Also:
EntropySource, SpinnerEntropySource

Constructor Summary
protected DigestRandomBitsSource()


Method Summary
 void clear()
          Clears (zeroes) the pool state of the PRNG, in effect bringing it to the same state as a newly-constructed, unseeded instance.
protected  void initialize(AlgorithmIdentifier algID)
          Initializes this DigestRandomBitsSource.
 byte randomByte()
          Returns the next output byte.
 byte[] randomBytes(byte[] bytes)
          Fills the supplied array with the requsite number of output bytes.
 void seed()
          Seeds this PRNG with 20 bytes of seeding material from the default entropy source.
 void seed(byte[] b)
          Seeds this random bits source with a given array of bytes.
 void seed(EntropySource es)
          Seeds this PRNG with 20 bytes of seeding material from the specified entropy source.
 void seed(java.lang.Object o)
          Seeds the PRNG with the output of the hashCode and toString methods of the current object.


Methods inherited from class
getDefault, randomBigInteger, setDefault


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


protected DigestRandomBitsSource()

Method Detail


protected void initialize(AlgorithmIdentifier algID)
Initializes this DigestRandomBitsSource. Subclasses should call this method in their constructors.
algID - The algorithm identifier of the message digest to be used for this PRNG.
See Also:
AlgID, MessageDigest


public void seed(byte[] b)
Seeds this random bits source with a given array of bytes.
Specified by:
seed in class RandomBitsSource


public void seed(java.lang.Object o)
Seeds the PRNG with the output of the hashCode and toString methods of the current object. (The entropy available through such conversions is obviously quite variable, and should be estimated conservatively.)


public void seed()
Seeds this PRNG with 20 bytes of seeding material from the default entropy source.
seed in class RandomBitsSource
See Also:


public void seed(EntropySource es)
Seeds this PRNG with 20 bytes of seeding material from the specified entropy source.
Specified by:
seed in class RandomBitsSource
See Also:


public byte randomByte()
Returns the next output byte. (If the PRNG is in an unseeded state, a runtime exception will be thrown.)
Specified by:
randomByte in class RandomBitsSource


public byte[] randomBytes(byte[] bytes)
Fills the supplied array with the requsite number of output bytes. (If the PRNG is in an unseeded state, an exception will be thrown.)
randomBytes in class RandomBitsSource


public void clear()
Clears (zeroes) the pool state of the PRNG, in effect bringing it to the same state as a newly-constructed, unseeded instance. Accordingly, the generator will be insecure in this state, and will refuse to return output bytes until it has been re-seeded.
Specified by:
clear in class RandomBitsSource

Oracle Security Developer Tools Crypto Java API Reference
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