Oracle Security Developer Tools Liberty 1.1 Java API Reference
10g (

Class ProviderDescriptor


Direct Known Subclasses:
IDPDescriptor, SPDescriptor

public abstract class ProviderDescriptor

This abstract class contains provider metadata that are generic to both the service provider and the identity provider.

Field Summary


Fields inherited from class
node, systemId


Constructor Summary
protected ProviderDescriptor(org.w3c.dom.Document owner, java.lang.String nsURI, java.lang.String localName)
          Creates a new ProviderDescriptor instance.
protected ProviderDescriptor(org.w3c.dom.Document owner, java.lang.String nsURI, java.lang.String localName, java.lang.String providerId)
          Creates a new ProviderDescriptor instance.
protected ProviderDescriptor(org.w3c.dom.Element element)
          Creates a new ProviderDescriptor instance from the given Element node.
protected ProviderDescriptor(org.w3c.dom.Element element, java.lang.String systemId)
          Creates a new ProviderDescriptor instance from the given Element node.


Method Summary
 void addFederationTerminationNotificationProtocolProfile(java.lang.String fedTermProfURI)
          Adds an FederationTerminationNotificationProtocolProfile element to this structure.
 void addRegisterNameIdentifierProtocolProfile(java.lang.String regNameProfURI)
          Adds an RegisterNameIdentifierProtocolProfile element to this structure.
 void addSingleLogoutProtocolProfile(java.lang.String logoutProfURI)
          Adds an SingleLogoutProtocolProfile element to this structure.
 java.util.List getFederationTerminationNotificationProtocolProfiles()
          Returns a list of URIs identifying the Federation Termination Notification Protocol Profiles supported by the provider as specified in the FederationTerminationNotificationProtocolProfile elements in this structure.
 java.lang.String getFederationTerminationServiceReturnURL()
          Returns the provider's federation termination service return URI specified in the FederationTerminationServiceReturnURL child element in this structure.
 java.lang.String getFederationTerminationServiceURL()
          Returns the provider's federation termination service URI specified in the FederationTerminationServiceURL child element in this structure. getKeyInfo()
          Gets the KeyInfo element contained in this element.
 java.lang.String getProviderID()
          Returns the provider's URI-based ideitifier contained in the ProviderID child element in this structure.
 java.util.List getRegisterNameIdentifierProtocolProfiles()
          Returns a list of URIs identifying the Single Logout Protocol Profiles supported by the provider as specified in the RegisterNameIdentifierProtocolProfile elements in this structure.
 java.lang.String getRegisterNameIdentifierServiceReturnURL()
          Returns the provider's register name identifier service return URI specified in the RegisterNameIdentifierServiceReturnURL child element in this structure.
 java.lang.String getRegisterNameIdentifierServiceURL()
          Returns the provider's register name identifier service URI specified in the RegisterNameIdentifierServiceURL child element in this structure.
 java.util.List getSingleLogoutProtocolProfiles()
          Returns a list of URIs identifying the Single Logout Protocol Profiles supported by the provider as specified in the SingleLogoutProtocolProfile elements in this structure.
 java.lang.String getSingleLogoutServiceReturnURL()
          Returns the provider's single logout service return URI specified in the SingleLogoutServiceReturnURL child element in this structure.
 java.lang.String getSingleLogoutServiceURL()
          Returns the provider's single logout service URI specified in the SingleLogoutServiceURL child element in this structure.
 java.lang.String getSoapEndpoint()
          Returns the provider's SOAP endpoint URI contained in the SoapEndpoint child element in this structure.
 void setFederationTerminationServiceReturnURL(java.lang.String fedTermReturnURI)
          Sets the FederationTerminationServiceReturnURL child element in this structure.
 void setFederationTerminationServiceURL(java.lang.String fedTermServiceURI)
          Set the FederationTerminationServiceURL child element in this structure.
 void setKeyInfo( keyInfo)
          Sets the ds:KeyInfo child element of this element.
 void setProviderID(java.lang.String providerID)
          Sets the ProviderID child element in this provider descriptor.
 void setRegisterNameIdentifierServiceReturnURL(java.lang.String regNameReturnURI)
          Set the RegisterNameIdentifierServiceReturnURL child element in this structure.
 void setRegisterNameIdentifierServiceURL(java.lang.String regNameServiceURI)
          Set the RegisterNameIdentifierServiceURL child element in this structure.
 void setSingleLogoutServiceReturnURL(java.lang.String logoutReturnURI)
          Set the SingleLogoutServiceReturnURL child element in this structure.
 void setSingleLogoutServiceURL(java.lang.String logoutServiceURI)
          Set the SingleLogoutServiceURL child element in this structure.
 void setSoapEndpoint(java.lang.String soapEndpointURI)
          Set the SoapEndpoint child element in this structure.


Methods inherited from class
addNSPrefixAttr, addNSPrefixAttr, addNSPrefixAttrDefault, addNSPrefixAttrDefault, getAttribute, getAttributeNode, getAttributeNodeNS, getAttributeNS, getChildElementsByTagName, getChildElementsByTagName, getChildElementsByTagNameNS, getChildElementsByTagNameNS, getDefaultNSPrefix, getElementsByTagName, getElementsByTagNameNS, getTagName, hasAttribute, hasAttributeNS, removeAttribute, removeAttributeNode, removeAttributeNS, setAttribute, setAttributeNode, setAttributeNodeNS, setAttributeNS, setDefaultNSPrefix


Methods inherited from class
appendChild, appendChild, appendTo, cloneNode, getAttributes, getChildNodes, getFirstChild, getLastChild, getLocalName, getNamespaceURI, getNextSibling, getNode, getNodeName, getNodeType, getNodeValue, getOwnerDocument, getParentNode, getPrefix, getPreviousSibling, getSystemId, hasAttributes, hasChildNodes, insertBefore, insertBefore, isSupported, normalize, removeChild, removeChild, replaceChild, replaceChild, setNodeValue, setPrefix, setSystemId, toBytesXML, toStringXML


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


protected ProviderDescriptor(org.w3c.dom.Element element)
                      throws org.w3c.dom.DOMException
Creates a new ProviderDescriptor instance from the given Element node.
element - A Liberty ProviderDescriptor XML element.


protected ProviderDescriptor(org.w3c.dom.Element element,
                             java.lang.String systemId)
                      throws org.w3c.dom.DOMException
Creates a new ProviderDescriptor instance from the given Element node.
element - A Liberty ProviderDescriptor XML element.
systemId - The URI string system ID for the ProviderDescriptor.


protected ProviderDescriptor(org.w3c.dom.Document owner,
                             java.lang.String nsURI,
                             java.lang.String localName)
                      throws org.w3c.dom.DOMException
Creates a new ProviderDescriptor instance.
owner - The owner document of the new ProviderDescriptor.
nsURI - The namespace URI in which the new ProviderDescriptor is to be created.
localName - The localName of the element represented by the class that extends this abstract class.


protected ProviderDescriptor(org.w3c.dom.Document owner,
                             java.lang.String nsURI,
                             java.lang.String localName,
                             java.lang.String providerId)
                      throws org.w3c.dom.DOMException
Creates a new ProviderDescriptor instance.
owner - The owner document of the new ProviderDescriptor.
nsURI - The namespace URI in which the new ProviderDescriptor is to be created.
localName - The localName of the element represented by the class that extends this abstract class.
providerId - The lib:ProviderID child element.

Method Detail


public void setProviderID(java.lang.String providerID)
Sets the ProviderID child element in this provider descriptor. This required child contains the provider's URI-based identifier.
providerID - The URI-based identifier of the provider.


public java.lang.String getProviderID()
Returns the provider's URI-based ideitifier contained in the ProviderID child element in this structure.


public void setKeyInfo( keyInfo)
Sets the ds:KeyInfo child element of this element. This optional child element contains the information on the provider's public key.


public getKeyInfo()
Gets the KeyInfo element contained in this element.
An XSKeyInfo object or null if not set.


public void setSoapEndpoint(java.lang.String soapEndpointURI)
Set the SoapEndpoint child element in this structure. This optional child element contains the provider's SOAP endpoint URI.
soapEndpointURI - The provider's SOAP endpoint URI.


public java.lang.String getSoapEndpoint()
Returns the provider's SOAP endpoint URI contained in the SoapEndpoint child element in this structure.
The provider's SOAP endpoint URI specified in the SoapEndpoint element or null if not set.


public void setSingleLogoutServiceURL(java.lang.String logoutServiceURI)
Set the SingleLogoutServiceURL child element in this structure. This optional child element contains the URL at the service provider or the identity provider to which single logout requests are sent.
logoutServiceURI - The provider's single logout service URI.


public java.lang.String getSingleLogoutServiceURL()
Returns the provider's single logout service URI specified in the SingleLogoutServiceURL child element in this structure.
The provider's single logout service URI or null if not set.


public void setSingleLogoutServiceReturnURL(java.lang.String logoutReturnURI)
Set the SingleLogoutServiceReturnURL child element in this structure. This optional child element contains the URL to which the provider redirect at the end of user-agent-based Single Logout Protocol Profiles..
logoutReturnURI - The provider's single logout service return URI.


public java.lang.String getSingleLogoutServiceReturnURL()
Returns the provider's single logout service return URI specified in the SingleLogoutServiceReturnURL child element in this structure.
The provider's single logout service return URI or null if not set.


public void setFederationTerminationServiceURL(java.lang.String fedTermServiceURI)
Set the FederationTerminationServiceURL child element in this structure. This optional child element contains the URL at the service provider or the identity provider to which federation termination notifications are sent.
fedTermServiceURI - The provider's federation termination service URI.


public java.lang.String getFederationTerminationServiceURL()
Returns the provider's federation termination service URI specified in the FederationTerminationServiceURL child element in this structure.
The provider's federation termination service URI or null if not set.


public void setFederationTerminationServiceReturnURL(java.lang.String fedTermReturnURI)
Sets the FederationTerminationServiceReturnURL child element in this structure. This optional child element contains the URL used by the service provider or the identity provider when redirecting the user-agent at the end of the federation termination notification profile process.


public java.lang.String getFederationTerminationServiceReturnURL()
Returns the provider's federation termination service return URI specified in the FederationTerminationServiceReturnURL child element in this structure.
The provider's federation termination service return URI or null if not set.


public void addFederationTerminationNotificationProtocolProfile(java.lang.String fedTermProfURI)
Adds an FederationTerminationNotificationProtocolProfile element to this structure.
fedTermProfURI - An URI identifying a Federation Termination Notification Protocol Profile supported by the provider.


public java.util.List getFederationTerminationNotificationProtocolProfiles()
Returns a list of URIs identifying the Federation Termination Notification Protocol Profiles supported by the provider as specified in the FederationTerminationNotificationProtocolProfile elements in this structure.
A List object containing String objects, or an empty List if no FederationTerminationNotificationProtocolProfile element has been set.


public void addSingleLogoutProtocolProfile(java.lang.String logoutProfURI)
Adds an SingleLogoutProtocolProfile element to this structure.
logoutProfURI - An URI identifying a Single Logout Protocol Profile supported by the provider.


public java.util.List getSingleLogoutProtocolProfiles()
Returns a list of URIs identifying the Single Logout Protocol Profiles supported by the provider as specified in the SingleLogoutProtocolProfile elements in this structure.
A List object containing String objects, or an empty List if no SingleLogoutProtocolProfile element has been set.


public void addRegisterNameIdentifierProtocolProfile(java.lang.String regNameProfURI)
Adds an RegisterNameIdentifierProtocolProfile element to this structure.
regNameProfURI - A URI identifying a Register Name Identifier Protocol Profile supported by the provider.


public java.util.List getRegisterNameIdentifierProtocolProfiles()
Returns a list of URIs identifying the Single Logout Protocol Profiles supported by the provider as specified in the RegisterNameIdentifierProtocolProfile elements in this structure.
A List object containing String objects, or an empty List if no RegisterNameIdentifierProtocolProfile element has been set.


public void setRegisterNameIdentifierServiceURL(java.lang.String regNameServiceURI)
Set the RegisterNameIdentifierServiceURL child element in this structure. This optional child element contains the URL at the service provider or the identity provider to which register name identifier requests are sent.
regNameServiceURI - The provider's register name identifier service URI.


public java.lang.String getRegisterNameIdentifierServiceURL()
Returns the provider's register name identifier service URI specified in the RegisterNameIdentifierServiceURL child element in this structure.
The provider's register name identifier service URI or null if not set.


public void setRegisterNameIdentifierServiceReturnURL(java.lang.String regNameReturnURI)
Set the RegisterNameIdentifierServiceReturnURL child element in this structure. This optional child element contains the URL to which the provider redirect at the end of user-agent-based Register Name Identifier Protocol Profiles..
regNameReturnURI - The provider's register name identifier service return URI.


public java.lang.String getRegisterNameIdentifierServiceReturnURL()
Returns the provider's register name identifier service return URI specified in the RegisterNameIdentifierServiceReturnURL child element in this structure.
The provider's register name identifier service return URI or null if not set.

Oracle Security Developer Tools Liberty 1.1 Java API Reference
10g (


Copyright © 2005, 2006 , Oracle. All rights reserved.