Oracle Security Developer Tools Liberty 1.2 Java API Reference
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Class AuthnRequestEnvelope


public class AuthnRequestEnvelope

The AuthnRequestEnvelope element in the Liberty Single Sign-On and Federation protocol. An AuthnRequestEnvelope element wraps an AuthnRequest which allows for extra processing by an intermediary between the service provider and the identity provider in some Liberty profiles.

See Also:
AuthnRequest, AuthnResponse, AuthnResponseEnvelope, IDPList

Field Summary


Fields inherited from class
node, systemId


Constructor Summary
AuthnRequestEnvelope(org.w3c.dom.Document owner)
          Creates a new AuthnRequestEnvelope instance within the specified XML Document.
AuthnRequestEnvelope(org.w3c.dom.Document owner, java.lang.String providerId, java.lang.String acsURL)
          Creates a new AuthnRequestEnvelope instance within the specified XML Document.
AuthnRequestEnvelope(org.w3c.dom.Element element)
          Creates a new AuthnRequestEnvelope instance from the given Element node.
AuthnRequestEnvelope(org.w3c.dom.Element element, java.lang.String systemId)
          Creates a new AuthnRequestEnvelope instance from the given Element node.


Method Summary
 java.lang.String getAssertionConsumerServiceURL()
          Returns the service provider's URL contained in the AssertionConsumerServiceURL child element of this AuthnRequestEnvelope, or null if no AssertionConsumerServiceURL element is present.
 AuthnRequest getAuthnRequest()
          Gets the AuthnRequest element wrapped in this element.
 IDPList getIDPList()
          Returns the IDPList element contained in this element, or null if no IDPList element is present.
 boolean getIsPassive()
          Returns the boolean value contained in the IsPassive child element of this AuthnRequestEnvelope, or "true" by default if the IsPassive child is not specified.
 java.lang.String getProviderID()
          Returns the requestor's URI based ideitifier contained in the ProviderID child element of this AuthnRequestEnvelope, or null if no ProviderID element is present.
 java.lang.String getProviderName()
          Returns the identity provider's human-readable name contained in the ProviderName child element of this AuthnRequestEnvelope, or null if no ProviderName element is present.
 void setAssertionConsumerServiceURL(java.lang.String serviceURL)
          Set the value of the AssertionConsumerServiceURL child element in this AuthnRequestEnvelope element.
 void setAuthnRequest(AuthnRequest request)
          Sets the AuthnRequest child element of this element.
 void setIDPList(IDPList idpList)
          Sets the IDPList child element of this element.
 void setIsPassive(boolean isPassive)
          Set the IsPassive child element in this AuthnRequestEnvelope element.
 void setProviderID(java.lang.String providerID)
          Set the value of the ProviderID child element in this AuthnRequestEnvelope element.
 void setProviderName(java.lang.String providerName)
          Set the value of the ProviderName child element in this AuthnRequestEnvelope element.


Methods inherited from class
addNSPrefixAttr, addNSPrefixAttr, addNSPrefixAttrDefault, addNSPrefixAttrDefault, getAttribute, getAttributeNode, getAttributeNodeNS, getAttributeNS, getChildElementsByTagName, getChildElementsByTagName, getChildElementsByTagNameNS, getChildElementsByTagNameNS, getDefaultNSPrefix, getElementsByTagName, getElementsByTagNameNS, getTagName, hasAttribute, hasAttributeNS, removeAttribute, removeAttributeNode, removeAttributeNS, setAttribute, setAttributeNode, setAttributeNodeNS, setAttributeNS, setDefaultNSPrefix


Methods inherited from class
appendChild, appendChild, appendTo, cloneNode, getAttributes, getChildNodes, getFirstChild, getLastChild, getLocalName, getNamespaceURI, getNextSibling, getNode, getNodeName, getNodeType, getNodeValue, getOwnerDocument, getParentNode, getPrefix, getPreviousSibling, getSystemId, hasAttributes, hasChildNodes, insertBefore, insertBefore, isSupported, normalize, removeChild, removeChild, replaceChild, replaceChild, setNodeValue, setPrefix, setSystemId, toBytesXML, toStringXML


Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait


Constructor Detail


public AuthnRequestEnvelope(org.w3c.dom.Element element)
                     throws org.w3c.dom.DOMException
Creates a new AuthnRequestEnvelope instance from the given Element node.
element - A Liberty AuthnRequestEnvelope XML element.


public AuthnRequestEnvelope(org.w3c.dom.Element element,
                            java.lang.String systemId)
                     throws org.w3c.dom.DOMException
Creates a new AuthnRequestEnvelope instance from the given Element node.
element - A Liberty AuthnRequestEnvelope XML element.
systemId - The URI string system ID for the AuthnRequestEnvelope.


public AuthnRequestEnvelope(org.w3c.dom.Document owner)
                     throws org.w3c.dom.DOMException
Creates a new AuthnRequestEnvelope instance within the specified XML Document.
owner - The owner document of the new Liberty AuthnRequestEnvelope element.


public AuthnRequestEnvelope(org.w3c.dom.Document owner,
                            java.lang.String providerId,
                            java.lang.String acsURL)
                     throws org.w3c.dom.DOMException
Creates a new AuthnRequestEnvelope instance within the specified XML Document.
owner - The owner document of the new Liberty AuthnRequestEnvelope element.
providerId - The ProviderID child element.
acsURL - The AssertionConsumerServiceURL child element.

Method Detail


public void setAuthnRequest(AuthnRequest request)
Sets the AuthnRequest child element of this element. An AuthnRequest child is required in an AuthnRequestEnvelope element.


public AuthnRequest getAuthnRequest()
Gets the AuthnRequest element wrapped in this element.
An AuthnRequest object.


public void setProviderID(java.lang.String providerID)
Set the value of the ProviderID child element in this AuthnRequestEnvelope element. This child is required which contains the ProviderID of the requestor.
providerID - The URI-based identifier of the requestor.


public java.lang.String getProviderID()
Returns the requestor's URI based ideitifier contained in the ProviderID child element of this AuthnRequestEnvelope, or null if no ProviderID element is present.


public void setProviderName(java.lang.String providerName)
Set the value of the ProviderName child element in this AuthnRequestEnvelope element. This child, which contains the requestor's human-readable name, is optional.
providerName - The requestor's human-readable name.


public java.lang.String getProviderName()
Returns the identity provider's human-readable name contained in the ProviderName child element of this AuthnRequestEnvelope, or null if no ProviderName element is present.
The name in the ProviderName element or null if not set.


public void setAssertionConsumerServiceURL(java.lang.String serviceURL)
Set the value of the AssertionConsumerServiceURL child element in this AuthnRequestEnvelope element. This required child element contains the service provider's URI where the authentication response should be sent.
serviceURL - The service provider's URL.


public java.lang.String getAssertionConsumerServiceURL()
Returns the service provider's URL contained in the AssertionConsumerServiceURL child element of this AuthnRequestEnvelope, or null if no AssertionConsumerServiceURL element is present.
The service provider's URL specified in the AssertionConsumerServiceURL element.


public void setIDPList(IDPList idpList)
Sets the IDPList child element of this element. This optional child element contains a list of identity providers from which a provider may ne chosen to service the authentication request


public IDPList getIDPList()
Returns the IDPList element contained in this element, or null if no IDPList element is present.
An IDPList object or null if not set.


public void setIsPassive(boolean isPassive)
Set the IsPassive child element in this AuthnRequestEnvelope element. This child is optional. If not specified, "true" is presumed.
isPassive - If true, the intermediary must not interact with the Principal; if false, the identity provider may interact with the Principal.


public boolean getIsPassive()
Returns the boolean value contained in the IsPassive child element of this AuthnRequestEnvelope, or "true" by default if the IsPassive child is not specified.

Oracle Security Developer Tools Liberty 1.2 Java API Reference
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