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Oracle® Application Server Metadata Repository Creation Assistant User's Guide
10g ( for Microsoft Windows

Part Number B28216-01
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A  C  D  E  F  H  I  J  K  L  M  N  O  P  R  S  T  U  V 


Automatic Storage Management (ASM) instances
using disk groups, 2.4.1
using for OracleAS Metadata Repository, 2.4
using regular files, 2.4.2


catpatch.sql in patch set,
checking registration with Oracle Internet Directory, 1.6.15
cleanMR script, 4.7
errors, 4.7
cluster file system, 2.3.2


options required, 1.6.8
requirements, 1.6
standard edition, 1.6.3
storage types supported, 1.1.1
support for local and remote, 1.1.2
unable to connect, C.1
unable to connect as SYS, C.2
using existing, 1.6
using file system-based databases, 2.1
using raw device-based databases, 2.2
using Real Application Clusters database, 2.3
versions supported, 1.6.2
with Automatic Storage Management, 2.4
with Oracle-managed files, 2.5
db_create_file_dest initialization parameter, 2.5
DBCA_RAW_CONFIG environment variable, 2.2
DBMS_LDAP package, 1.6.10
DBPrereqChecker tool, 1.6.1
DCM schema, unlocking after installation, 2.7.3
deinstalling OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant, A
deregistering OracleAS Metadata Repository, 4, 4.6, C.5
cancelling, 4.10
using the wizard, 4.4
disk groups for ASM instances, 2.4.1
disk space requirements
for running OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant, 1.3
for SYSTEM and UNDO tablespaces, 1.6.5
for tablespaces, 1.6.6
display requirement for running OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant, 1.3


existing database, loading OracleAS Metadata Repository into, 2


failed registration, cleaning up, C.5


harmless errors in log file, 2.6


initialization parameters required, 1.6.7
installActions.log, B.4
installing OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant, 1.4


Java Access Bridge
about, 1.5
JRE 1.4.2, 1.5


Knowledge Base requirement, 1.6.11


ldap.ora file, copying after installation, 2.7.2
loading failed, 2.8
local database support, 1.1.2
log files
from non-interactive installations, B.4
log files, harmless errors in, 2.6
logical drives, 2.2


memory requirement for running OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant, 1.3


non-interactive installations, B
log files, B.4
post-installation steps, B.4
security tips, B.5


operating system for running OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant, 1.3
No Data Found, C.6
Unhandled User-Defined Exception, C.7
ORA-2000 errors, 4.7
Oracle Database 10g, 1.6.2
Oracle Internet Directory
checking registration with, 1.6.15
deregistering OracleAS Metadata Repository, C.5
registering OracleAS Metadata Repository with, 3
removing objects, 4.9
versions supported, 1.7
Oracle Ultra Search, creating instance for, 2.7.4
Oracle9i Release 2 (9.2.x) databases,
OracleAS Metadata Repository
deregistering, 4, 4.6, C.5
installing in databases that use ASM, 2.4
installing in databases that use raw devices, 2.2
installing in databases that use the file system, 2.1
installing in Oracle-managed files, 2.5
installing in Real Application Clusters database, 2.3, 2.3.2
loading into existing database, 2
registering with Oracle Internet Directory, 3
re-installing, 2.10
removing, 4, 4.7
OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant
deinstalling, A
installing, 1.4
overview, 1.1
requirements for running, 1.3
starting, 1.8
troubleshooting, C
Oracle-managed files
using for OracleAS Metadata Repository, 2.5
ORU-10027 errors, 4.7


password file authentication, 1.6.13
PL/SQL packages required, 1.6.9
post-installation steps, 2.7
copying ldap.ora file, 2.7.2
for silent or non-interactive installations, B.4
updating sqlnet.ora file, 2.7.1
post-registration step, 3.2
prerequisite check tool, 1.6.1


raw devices
minimum sizes for existing database,
used by non-Real Application Clusters databases, 2.2
used by Real Application Clusters databases, 2.3.3
Real Application Clusters database
installation overview, 2.3.1
using for Oracle AS Metadata Repository, 2.3, 2.3.2
with cluster file system, 2.3.2
with raw devices, 2.3.3
with volume manager, 2.3.2
registering OracleAS Metadata Repository with Oracle Internet Directory, 3, 3.1
checking in Oracle Internet Directory, 1.6.15
cleaning up failed registration, C.5
deregistering, 4, C.5
exiting before completion, 3.3
post-registration step, 3.2
registration failed, 2.9, 3.3
re-installing OracleAS Metadata Repository, 2.10
remote database support, 1.1.2
removing Oracle Internet Directory objects, 4.9
removing OracleAS Metadata Repository, 4
using the cleanMR script, 4.7
using the wizard, 4.5
requirements (for database), 1.6
database options, 1.6.8
database version, 1.6.2
DBMS_LDAP package, 1.6.10
disk space, 1.6.5, 1.6.6
initialization parameters, 1.6.7
Knowledge Base, 1.6.11
password file authentication, 1.6.13
PL/SQL packages, 1.6.9
running the prerequisite check tool, 1.6.1
schemas, 1.6.14
swap space, 1.6.4
tablespaces, 1.6.14
requirements (for running OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant), 1.3
disk space, 1.3
display, 1.3
memory, 1.3
operating system, 1.3
virtual memory, 1.3
response files, B.1
creating, B.2
examples, B.2.2
specifying on command-line, B.3
templates, B.2.1
running against databases that use ASM, 2.4
running against databases that use Oracle-managed files, 2.5
running against Real Application Clusters database, 2.3
runRepca command, 1.8


schemas, 1.6.14
dropping using cleanMR, 4.7
in OracleAS Metadata Repository,
security tips for silent and non-interactive installations, B.5
silent installations, B.1
creating the response file, B.2
post-installation steps, B.4
security tips, B.5
silentInstall.log, B.4
sqlnet.ora file, updating after installation, 2.7.1
standard edition databases, 1.6.3
starting OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant, 1.8
storage types supported, 1.1.1
swap space requirement
for running OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant, 1.6.4
symbolic link names, 2.2
SYSTEM tablespace, disk space required for, 1.6.5


tablespaces, 1.6.14
dropping using cleanMR, 4.7
in OracleAS Metadata Repository,
sizes of,
troubleshooting, C
loading failed, 2.8
registration failed, 2.9


UNDO tablespace, disk space required for, 1.6.5


virtual memory requirement for running OracleAS Metadata Repository Creation Assistant, 1.3
volume manager, 2.3.2