
List of Figures

List of Tables

Title and Copyright Information


What's New in Pro*C/C++?

Part I Introduction and Concepts

1 Introduction

2 Precompiler Concepts

3 Database Concepts

4 Datatypes and Host Variables

5 Advanced Topics

6 Embedded SQL

7 Embedded PL/SQL

8 Host Arrays

9 Handling Runtime Errors

10 Precompiler Options

11 Multithreaded Applications

Part II Applications

12 C++ Applications

13 Oracle Dynamic SQL

14 ANSI Dynamic SQL

15 Oracle Dynamic SQL: Method 4

16 LOBs

17 Objects

18 Collections

19 The Object Type Translator

20 User Exits

Part III Appendixes

A New Features

B Reserved Words, Keywords, and Namespaces

C Performance Tuning

D Syntactic and Semantic Checking

E System-Specific References

F Embedded SQL Statements and Directives

G Sample Programs

H Integrating Pro*C/C++ into Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2002/2003
