
List of Examples

List of Figures

List of Tables

Title and Copyright Information


Part I Getting Started with Oracle Database Gateways

1 Getting Started with Oracle Database Gateway

Part II Installing and Configuring Oracle Database Gateway for VSAM

2 Configuring Access to VSAM Data

3 Installing Oracle Database Gateway for VSAM

4 Configuring Oracle Database Gateway for VSAM

Part III Installing and Configuring Oracle Database Gateway for IMS

5 Configuring Access to IMS Data

6 Installing Oracle Database Gateway for IMS

7 Configuring Oracle Database Gateway for IMS

Part IV Installing and Configuring Oracle Database Gateway for Adabas

8 Configuring Access to Adabas Data

9 Installing Oracle Database Gateway for Adabas

10 Configuring Oracle Database Gateway for Adabas

Part V Installing and Working with Oracle Studio for IMS, VSAM, and Adabas Gateways

11 Installing Oracle Studio for IMS, VSAM, and Adabas Gateways

12 Working with the Oracle Studio for IMS, VSAM, and Adabas Gateways Workbench

13 Configuring Oracle Connect through Oracle Studio for IMS, VSAM, and Adabas Gateways

14 Managing Security for Oracle Connect for IMS, VSAM, and Adabas Gateways

Part VI Appendixes

A Using Response Files Non-Interactive Installation

B Initialization Parameters

C Oracle Database Gateway Troubleshooting
