4 Oracle Database Postinstallation Tasks

This chapter describes how to complete postinstallation tasks after you have installed the software. It includes information about the following topics:

You must perform the tasks listed in the "Required Postinstallation Tasks" section. Oracle recommends that you perform the tasks listed in the "Recommended Postinstallation Tasks" section after all installations.

If you install and intend to use any of the products listed in the "Required Product-Specific Postinstallation Tasks" section, then you must perform the tasks listed in the product-specific subsections.


This chapter describes basic configuration only. Refer to Oracle Database Administrator's Reference for Linux and UNIX, Oracle Database Administrator's Guide and product-specific administration and tuning guides for more detailed configuration and tuning information.

4.1 Required Postinstallation Tasks

You must perform the tasks described in the following sections after completing an installation:

4.1.1 Downloading and Installing Patches

Check the My Oracle Support (formerly OracleMetaLink) Web site for required patches for the installation.

To download required patches:

  1. Use a Web browser to view My Oracle Support (formerly OracleMetaLink) Web site:

  2. Log in to My Oracle Support (formerly OracleMetaLink).


    If you are not an My Oracle Support (formerly OracleMetaLink) registered user, click Register Here and follow the registration instructions.
  3. On the main My Oracle Support (formerly OracleMetaLink) page, click Patches and Updates.

  4. Select Simple Search.

  5. Specify the following information, then click Go:

    • In the Search By field, choose Product or Family, then specify RDBMS Server.

    • In the Release field, specify the current release number.

    • In the Patch Type field, specify Patchset/Minipack.

    • In the Platform or Language field, select your platform.

  6. Find the latest patch set for Oracle Database using OracleMetaLink.

  7. From the list of available patches, select a patch to download.

    Patch sets for Oracle databases are identified as x.x.x PATCH SET FOR ORACLE DATABASE SERVER.

  8. Review the README file before proceeding with the download.

    Each patch has a README file with installation requirements and instructions. Some patches install with Oracle Universal Installer; others require special procedures. Oracle recommends that you always read the README file before proceeding.

  9. Download and install the patch.

  10. Find the latest patch set for Oracle Database using Oracle Support (formerly OracleMetaLink).

  11. From the list of available patches, select a patch to download.

    Patch sets for Oracle databases are identified as x.x.x PATCH SET FOR ORACLE DATABASE SERVER.

  12. Review the README file before proceeding with the download.

    Each patch has a README file with installation requirements and instructions. Some patches install with Oracle Universal Installer; others require special procedures. Oracle recommends that you always read the README file before proceeding.

  13. Download and install the patch.

4.1.2 Configuring Oracle Products

Many Oracle products and options must be configured before you use them for the first time. Before using individual Oracle products or options, refer to the appropriate manual in the product documentation library.

4.2 Recommended Postinstallation Tasks

Oracle recommends that you perform the tasks described in the following section after completing an installation:

4.2.1 Creating a Backup of the root.sh Script

Oracle recommends that you back up the root.sh script after you complete an installation. If you install other products in the same Oracle home directory, then Oracle Universal Installer updates the contents of the existing root.sh script during the installation. If you require information contained in the original root.sh script, then you can recover it from the backed up root.sh file.

4.2.2 Configuring New or Upgraded Databases

Oracle recommends that you run the utlrp.sql script after creating or upgrading a database. This script recompiles all PL/SQL modules that might be in an invalid state, including packages, procedures, and types. This is an optional step but Oracle recommends that you do it during installation and not at a later date.

See Also:

Oracle Database Upgrade Guide for more information about database upgrade.

To run the utlrp.sql script, follow these steps:

  1. Switch user to oracle.

  2. Use the oraenv or coraenv script to set the environment for the database where you want to run the utlrp.sql script:

    • Bourne, Bash, or Korn shell:

      $ . /usr/local/bin/oraenv
    • C shell:

      % source /usr/local/bin/coraenv

    When prompted, specify the SID for the database.

  3. Start SQL*Plus, as follows:

    $ sqlplus "/ AS SYSDBA"
  4. If necessary, start the database:

  5. Run the utlrp.sql script:

    SQL> @?/rdbms/admin/utlrp.sql

4.2.3 Setting Up User Accounts

For information about setting up additional user accounts, refer to Oracle Database Administrator's Reference for Linux and UNIX.

4.2.4 Setting the NLS_LANG Environment Variable

NLS_LANG is an environment variable that specifies the locale behavior for Oracle software. This variable sets the language and territory used by the client application and the database server. It also declares the character set of the client, which is the character set of data entered or displayed by an Oracle client program, such as SQL*Plus.

See Also:

Appendix F, "Configuring Oracle Database Globalization Support" for more information about the NLS_LANG environment variable

4.2.5 Generating the Client Static Library

The client static library (libclntst11.a) is not generated during installation. If you want to link the applications to the client static library, you must first generate it as follows:

  1. Switch user to oracle.

  2. Set the ORACLE_HOME environment variable to specify the Oracle home directory used by the Oracle Database installation. For example:

    • Bourne, Bash, or Korn shell:

      $ ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1 
      $ export ORACLE_HOME
    • C shell:

      % setenv ORACLE_HOME /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1
  3. Enter the following command:

    $ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/genclntst

4.2.6 Direct NFS Client

Network-attached storage (NAS) systems use NFS to access data. You can store data files on a supported NFS system.

With Oracle Database 11g, instead of using the operating system kernel NFS client, you can configure Oracle Database to access NFS V3 servers directly using an Oracle internal Direct NFS client.

If Oracle Database is unable to open an NFS server using Direct NFS, then Oracle Database uses the platform operating system kernel NFS client. In this case, the kernel NFS mount options must be set up as defined in "Checking NFS Buffer Size Parameters" . Additionally, an informational message will be logged into the Oracle alert and trace files indicating that Direct NFS could not be established.

The Oracle files resident on the NFS server that are served by the Direct NFS Client are also accessible through the operating system kernel NFS client. The usual considerations for maintaining integrity of the Oracle files apply in this situation.

Some NFS file servers require NFS clients to connect using reserved ports. If your filer is running with reserved port checking, then you must disable it for Direct NFS to operate. To disable reserved port checking, consult your NFS file server documentation.

Direct NFS can use up to four network paths defined for an NFS server. The Direct NFS client performs load balancing across all specified paths. If a specified path fails, then Direct NFS reissues I/Os over any remaining paths.

Use the following views for Direct NFS management:

  • v$dnfs_servers: Shows a table of servers accessed using Direct NFS.

  • v$dnfs_files: Shows a table of files currently open using Direct NFS.

  • v$dnfs_channels: Shows a table of open network paths (or channels) to servers for which Direct NFS is providing files.

  • v$dnfs_stats: Shows a table of performance statistics for Direct NFS.

The following sections elaborate on enabling, disabling, checking the buffer size for a Direct NFS Client: Enabling Direct NFS Client

By default Direct NFS will attempt to serve mount entries found in /etc/filesystems. No other configuration is required. You can use oranfstab to specify additional Oracle specific options to Direct NFS. For example, you can use oranfstab to specify additional paths for a mount point.

Additonally, a new Oracle specific file oranfstab can be added to either /etc or to $ORACLE_HOME/dbs. When oranfstab is placed in $ORACLE_HOME/dbs, its entries are specific to a single database. However, when oranfstab is placed in /etc, then it is global to all Oracle databases, and hence can contain mount points for all Oracle databases.

Direct NFS determines mount point settings to NFS storage devices based on the configurations in /etc/mtab. Direct NFS looks for the mount point entries in the following order:

  1. $ORACLE_HOME/dbs/oranfstab

  2. /etc/oranfstab

  3. /etc/mtab

It uses the first matched entry as the mount point.

In all cases, Oracle requires that mount points be mounted by the kernel NFS system even when being served through Direct NFS. Oracle verifies kernel NFS mounts by cross-checking entries in oranfstab with operating system NFS mount points. If a mismatch exists, then Direct NFS logs an informational message, and does not serve the NFS server.

Complete the following procedure to enable Direct NFS:

  1. You can optionally create an oranfstab file with the following attributes for each NFS server to be accessed using Direct NFS:

    • Server: The NFS server name.

    • Path: Up to four network paths to the NFS server, specified either by IP address, or by name, as displayed using the ifconfig command on the filer.

    • Local: Up to four local paths on the database host, specified by IP address or by name, as displayed using the ifconfig command run on the database host.

    • Export: The exported path from the NFS server.

    • Mount: The local mount point for the NFS server.

    • Dontroute: Specifies that outgoing messages should not be routed by the operating system, but sent using the IP address they are bound to.


    • On Unix platforms, the location of the oranfstab file is $ORACLE_HOME/dbs.

    • The parameters local and dontroute are available from patchset onwards.

    The examples below show different possible NFS server entries in oranfstab. A single oranfstab can have more than one NFS server entries.

    • The following example uses both local and path. Since they are in different subnets, we do not have to specify dontroute:

      server: MyDataServer1
      export: /vol/oradata1 mount: /mnt/oradata1
    • The following example shows local and path in the same subnet. dontroute is specified in this case:

      server: MyDataServer2
      export: /vol/oradata2 mount: /mnt/oradata2
    • This example uses names instead of IP addresses. Also, note that you can have more than one export:

      server: MyDataServer3
      local: LocalPath1
      path: NfsPath1
      local: LocalPath2
      path: NfsPath2
      local: LocalPath3
      path: NfsPath3
      local: LocalPath4
      path: NfsPath4
      export: /vol/oradata3 mount: /mnt/oradata3
      export: /vol/oradata4 mount: /mnt/oradata4
      export: /vol/oradata5 mount: /mnt/oradata5
      export: /vol/oradata6 mount: /mnt/oradata6
  2. Oracle Database uses an ODM library, libnfsodm11.so, to enable Direct NFS. To replace the standard ODM library, $ORACLE_HOME/lib/libodm11.so, with the ODM NFS library, libnfsodm11.so, complete the following steps:

    • Change directory to $ORACLE_HOME/lib.

    • Enter the following commands:

      cp libodm11.so libodm11.so_stub
      ln -s libnfsodm11.so libodm11.so Disabling Direct NFS Client

Use one of the following methods to disable the Direct NFS client:

  • Remove the oranfstab file.

  • Restore the stub libodm11.so file by reversing the process you completed in "Enabling Direct NFS Client".

  • Remove the specific NFS server or export paths in the oranfstab file.


If you remove an NFS path that Oracle Database is using, then you must restart the database for the change to be effective. Checking NFS Buffer Size Parameters

If you are using NFS, then you must set the values for the NFS buffer size parameters rsize and wsize to at least 16384. Oracle recommends that you use the value 32768.

Direct NFS will issue writes at wtmax granularity to the NFS server. Direct NFS will not serve an NFS server with a wtmax less than 32768.

For example, if you decide to use rsize and wsize buffer settings with the value32768, then update the /etc/vfstab file on each node with an entry similar to the following:

nfs_server:/vol/DATA/oradata /home/oracle/netapp nfs\


Refer to your storage vendor documentation for additional information about mount options.

4.3 Required Product-Specific Postinstallation Tasks

The following sections describe platform-specific postinstallation tasks that you must perform if you install and intend to use the products mentioned:


You need only perform postinstallation tasks for products that you intend to use.

4.3.1 Configuring Oracle Net Services

If you have an earlier release of Oracle software installed on this system, you might want to copy information from the Oracle Net tnsnames.ora and listener.ora configuration files from the earlier release to the corresponding files for the new release.

The following sections describe about how to configure the Oracle Net Services:


The default location for the tnsnames.ora and listener.ora files is the $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/ directory. However, you can also use a central location for these files.

Modifying the listener.ora File

If you are upgrading from a earlier release of Oracle Database, Oracle recommends that you use the current release of Oracle Net listener instead of the listener from the earlier release.

To use the listener from the current release, you may need to copy static service information from the listener.ora file from the earlier release to the version of that file used by the new release.

For any database instances earlier than release 8.0.3, add static service information to the listener.ora file. Oracle Database releases later than release 8.0.3 do not require static service information.

Modifying the tnsnames.ora File

Unless you are using a central tnsnames.ora file, copy Oracle Net service names and connect descriptors from the earlier release tnsnames.ora file to the version of that file used by the new release.

If necessary, you can also add connection information for additional database instances to the new file.

4.3.2 Configuring Oracle Label Security

If you installed Oracle Label Security, you must configure it in a database before you use it. You can configure Oracle Label Security in two ways; with Oracle Internet Directory integration and without Oracle Internet Directory integration. If you configure Oracle Label Security without Oracle Internet Directory integration, you cannot configure it to use Oracle Internet Directory at a later stage.


To configure Oracle Label Security with Oracle Internet Directory integration, Oracle Internet Directory must be installed in your environment and the Oracle database must be registered in the directory.

See Also:

Oracle Label Security Administrator's Guide for more information about Oracle Label Security enabled with Oracle Internet Directory

4.3.3 Configuring Oracle Database Vault

If you have installed Oracle Database Vault, then you must register it in a database. Ensure that you create the Database Vault Owner and, optionally, Database Vault Account Manager administrative accounts before you can use it.

See Also:

Oracle Database Vault Administrator's Guide for more information on registering Oracle Database Vault.

4.3.4 Configuring Oracle Messaging Gateway

To configure Oracle Messaging Gateway, refer to the section about Messaging Gateway in Oracle Streams Advanced Queuing User's Guide. When following the instructions listed in that manual, refer to this section for additional instructions about configuring the listener.ora, tnsnames.ora, and mgw.ora files. Modifying the listener.ora File for External Procedures

To modify the $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora file for external procedures:

  1. Back up the listener.ora file.

  2. Ensure that the default IPC protocol address for external procedures is set as follows:

  3. Add static service information for a service called mgwextproc by adding lines similar to the following to the SID_LIST parameter for the listener in the listener.ora file:

      (SID_DESC =
        (SID_NAME = mgwextproc)
        (ENVS = "LD_LIBRARY_PATH=/oracle_home/jdk/jre/lib/i386:/oracle_home/jdk \
        (ORACLE_HOME = oracle_home)
        (PROGRAM = extproc)

    In this example:

    • The ENVS parameter defines the shared library path environment variable and any other required environment variables.

      In the settings for the shared library path environment variable, you must also add any additional library paths required for non-Oracle messaging systems, for example, WebSphere MQ or TIBCO Rendezvous.

    • oracle_home is the path of the Oracle home directory.

    • extproc is the external procedure agent executable file

      The following example shows a sample listener.ora file:

        (SID_LIST =
          (SID_DESC =
            (SID_NAME = PLSExtProc)
            (ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1)
            (PROGRAM = extproc)
          (SID_DESC =
            (SID_NAME = mgwextproc)
      (ENVS = "LD_LIBRARY_PATH =/u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/jdk/jre/ \
      lib/i386:/u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1/jdk/jre/lib/i386/server: \
             (ORACLE_HOME = /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/db_1)
             (PROGRAM = extproc)
      ) Modifying the tnsnames.ora File for External Procedures

To modify the $ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora file for external procedures:

  1. Back up the tnsnames.ora file.

  2. In the tnsnames.ora file, add a connect descriptor with the net service name MGW_AGENT, as follows:

    MGW_AGENT = 
       (CONNECT_DATA= (SID=mgwextproc)))

    In this example:

    • The value specified for the KEY parameter must match the value specified for that parameter in the IPC protocol address in the listener.ora file.

    • The value of the SID parameter must match the service name in the listener.ora file that you specified for the Oracle Messaging Gateway external procedure agent in the previous section (mgwextproc). Setting Up the mgw.ora Initialization File

To modify the $ORACLE_HOME/mgw/admin/mgw.ora file for external procedures, set the CLASSPATH environment variable to include the classes in the following table and any additional classes required for Oracle Messaging Gateway to access non-Oracle messaging systems, for example WebSphere MQ or TIBCO Rendezvous classes:

Classes Path
JRE runtime $ORACLE_HOME/jdk/jre/lib/rt.jar
Oracle JDBC $ORACLE_HOME/jdbc/lib/ojdbc5.jar
Oracle internationalization $ORACLE_HOME/jlib/orai18n.jar
SQLJ $ORACLE_HOME/sqlj/lib/runtime12.jar
JMS Interface $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/jlib/jmscommon.jar
Oracle JMS implementation $ORACLE_HOME/rdbms/jlib/aqapi.jar
Java Transaction API $ORACLE_HOME/jlib/jta.jar


All the lines in the mgw.ora file should consist of less than 1024 characters.

4.3.5 Configuring Oracle Precompilers

This section describes postinstallation tasks for Oracle precompilers:


All precompiler configuration files are located in the $ORACLE_HOME/precomp/admin directory. Configuring Pro*C/C++

Verify that the PATH environment variable setting includes the directory that contains the C compiler executable.

Table 4-1 shows the default directories and the appropriate command to verify the path setting of the compiler.

Table 4-1 C/C++ Compiler Directory

Path Command


$ which gcc


$ which icc Configuring Pro*FORTRAN

Verify that the PATH environment variable setting includes the directory that contains the FORTRAN compiler executable. You can verify the path setting by using the which xlf command. The path for the FORTRAN executable is /usr/bin.

4.3.6 Configuring Secure Sockets Layer

Oracle highly recommends you configure and use a Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) to ensure that passwords and other sensitive data are not transmitted in clear text in HTTP requests.

See Also:

4.3.7 Installing Oracle Text Supplied Knowledge Bases

An Oracle Text knowledge base is a hierarchical tree of concepts used for theme indexing, ABOUT queries, and deriving themes for document services. If you plan to use any of these Oracle Text features, then you can install two supplied knowledge bases (English and French).

See Also:

4.4 Postinstallation tasks for SQL Developer

This section describes tasks that you need to complete after you install the software:

4.4.1 Migrating User Settings from Release 1.0

The first time you start SQL Developer after installing it or after adding any extensions, you are asked if you want to migrate your user settings from a previous release. (This occurs regardless of whether there was a previous release on your system.)


Migration of user settings is supported only from SQL Developer release 1.0 to release 1.1. It is not supported for migration from a pre-release version of 1.1 to release 1.1.

These settings refer to database connections, reports, and certain SQL Developer user preferences that you set in a previous version by clicking Tools and then Preferences. However, some user preferences are not saved, and you must re-specify these using the new release.

To migrate user settings from SQL Developer release 1.0:

  1. Unzip the release 1.1 kit into an empty directory (folder). Do not delete or overwrite the directory into which you unzipped the release 1.0 kit.

  2. When you start SQL Developer release 1.1, click Yes when asked if you want to migrate settings from a previous release.

  3. In the dialog box that is displayed, do not accept the default location for the settings. Instead, specify the location of your release 1.0 settings, which might be a folder whose path ends with sqldeveloper/jdev/system.

See Also:

"Migrating Information from Previous Releases" for more information

4.4.2 Migrating Information from Previous Releases

If you have used a previous release of SQL Developer or a pre-release version of the current release, you may want to preserve database connections that you have been using. To preserve database connections, save your existing database connections in an XML file. To save the connections, right-click the Connections node in the Connections Navigator and select Export Connections. After you complete the installation described in this guide, you can use those connections by right-clicking the Connections node in the Connections Navigator and selecting Import Connections

If you want to use any user-defined reports or the SQL history from a previous version, see "Location of User-Related Information" for information about where these are located. If you want to use any user-defined reports or the SQL history from release 1.0 with both releases 1.0 and 1.1, you must save them before using release 1.1, because release 1.1 modifies the files to a format that is incompatible with release 1.0.

SQL Developer preferences (specified by clicking Tools and then Preferences) from a pre-release version of the current release cannot currently be saved and reused; you must re-specify any desired preferences.

4.4.3 Location of User-Related Information

SQL Developer stores user-related information in several places, with the specific location depending on the operating system and certain environment specifications. User-related information includes user-defined reports, user-defined snippets, SQL Worksheet history, and SQL Developer user preferences.

The user-related information is stored outside the SQL Developer installation directory hierarchy, so that it is preserved if you delete that directory and install a new version. This information is stored in or under the SQLDEVELOPER_USER_DIR location, if defined; otherwise as indicated in the following table.

The table shows the typical default locations (under a directory or in a file) for specific types of resources on different operating systems. (Note the period in the name of any directory or folder named .sqldeveloper.)

Table 4-2 Default Locations for User-Related Information

Resource Type Linux

User-defined reports


User-defined snippets


SQL history


SQL Worksheet archive files


SQL Developer user preferences


SQL Worksheet archive files contain SQL statements that you have entered. These files begin with sqldev and then have a random number (for example, sqldev14356.sql). If you close SQL Developer with a SQL Worksheet open that contains statements, then you will be prompted to save these files.

To specify a nondefault SQLDEVELOPER_USER_DIR location, do either of the following:

  • Set the SQLDEVELOPER_USER_DIR environment variable to specify another directory path.

  • Edit the sqldeveloper_install\sqldeveloper\sqldeveloper\bin\sqldeveloper.conf file and substitute the desired directory path for SQLDEVELOPER_USER_DIR in the following line:


If you want to prevent other users from accessing your user-specific SQL Developer information, you must ensure that the appropriate permissions are set on the directory where that information is stored or on a directory preceding it in the path hierarchy. For example, you may want to ensure that the ~/.sqldeveloper directory is not world-readable.

4.5 Postinstallation Tasks for Oracle Application Express

This section describes the following tasks that you need to complete after you install the software:


Within the context of this document, the Oracle HTTP Server home directory (ORACLE_HTTPSERVER_HOME) is the location where Oracle HTTP Server is installed.

4.5.1 Restarting Processes

After you install Oracle Application Express, you need to restart the processes that you stopped before you began the installation, such as listener and other processes. In addition, restart Oracle HTTP Server.

4.5.2 Choosing an HTTP Server

In order to run, Oracle Application Express must have access to either the embedded PL/SQL gateway or Oracle HTTP Server and mod_plsql.

Topics in this section include: About the Embedded PL/SQL Gateway

The embedded PL/SQL gateway installs with Oracle Database 11g. It provides the Oracle database with a Web server and also the necessary infrastructure to create dynamic applications. The embedded PL/SQL gateway runs in the Oracle XML DB HTTP server in the Oracle database and includes the core features of mod_plsql. About Oracle HTTP Server and mod_plsql

Oracle HTTP Server uses the mod_plsql plug-in to communicate to the Oracle Application Express engine within the Oracle database. It functions as communication broker between the Web server and the Oracle Application Express objects in the Oracle database. More specifically, it maps browser requests into database stored procedure calls over a SQL*Net connection.

Note that this configuration consists of three tier architecture: a Web browser, Oracle HTTP Server (Apache) with mod_plsql, and an Oracle database containing Oracle Application Express. About Password Security

If SSL is not used, then passwords could potentially be exposed, compromising the security of your Oracle Application Express instance.

Refer to "Configuring Secure Sockets Layer" for more information.

4.5.3 Configuring the Embedded PL/SQL Gateway

Although the embedded PL/SQL gateway installs with the Oracle database, you must configure it before you can use it with Oracle Application Express. To accomplish, you run a configuration file and unlock the ANONYMOUS account.

Topics in this section include: Configuring the Embedded PL/SQL Gateway in New Installation or When Upgrading Database

This section describes how to configure the embedded PL/SQL gateway by running the configuration script apxconf.sql. Running this script enables you to configure the port for Oracle XML DB HTTP server and the specify a password for the Oracle Application Express ADMIN account. Then, you unlock the ANONYMOUS account.

To configure the embedded PL/SQL gateway:

  1. Change your working directory to $ORACLE_HOME/apex.

  2. Start SQL*Plus and connect to the database where Oracle Application Express is installed as SYS. For example:

    $ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus 
    Enter password: SYS_password
  3. Run apxconf.sql as shown in the following example:

  4. When prompted, enter a password for the Oracle Application Express Admin account.

    Be sure to make a note of the password you enter. You will use this password to log in to Oracle Application Express Administration Services.

  5. When prompted, enter the port for the Oracle XML DB HTTP server. The default port number is 8080.

  6. Enter the following statement to unlock the ANONYMOUS account:

    ALTER USER ANONYMOUS ACCOUNT UNLOCK; Disabling and Enabling the Oracle XML DB HTTP Server

The embedded PL/SQL gateway runs in the Oracle XML DB HTTP server in the Oracle database. This section describes how to enable or disable the Oracle XML DB HTTP server.

Topics in this section include:

Disabling Oracle XML DB HTTP Server

To disable Oracle XML DB HTTP server:

  1. Start SQL*Plus and connect to the database where Oracle Application Express is installed as SYS. For example:

    $ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus 
    Enter password: SYS_password
  2. Run the following statement:


Enabling Oracle XML DB HTTP Server

To enable Oracle XML DB HTTP server:

  1. Start SQL*Plus and connect to the database where Oracle Application Express is installed as SYS. For example:

    $ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus 
    Enter password: SYS_password
  2. Run the following statement:


    For example:



Port numbers less than 1024 are reserved for use by privileged processes on many operating systems. To enable the XML DB HTTP listener on a port less than 1024, such as 80, review the following documentation:

4.5.4 Copying the Images Directory

Whether you are loading a new installation or upgrading from a previous release, you must copy the images directory from the top level of the $ORACLE_HOME/apex directory to the location on the file system containing the Oracle home for Oracle HTTP Server.


This section is relevant only if you choose Oracle HTTP Server with mod_plsql. However, if you choose Oracle XML DB HTTP Server with the embedded PL/SQL gateway, then these steps can be ignored.

Topics in this section include: Copying the Images Directory After an Upgrade

During an upgrade, you must overwrite your existing images directory. Before you begin the upgrade, to ensure that you can revert to the previous version, Oracle recommends that you create a copy of your existing images directory for Oracle Application Express, indicating the release number of the images (for example, images_2_0).

To locate the images directory on the file system, review the following files for the text alias /i/:

  • Oracle9i HTTP Server release 2, see the httpd.conf file

  • Oracle HTTP Server distributed with Oracle Database 11g, see the dads.conf file

  • Oracle Application Server 10g, see the marvel.conf file

When you locate the images directory path, Oracle recommends that you copy the existing images directory to a backup location. Doing this enables to revert to the previous release, if that becomes necessary.

After you copy the existing images directory, use the following command syntax to copy the apex/images directory from the 11g Oracle database home to the existing images directory path, overwriting the existing images:

  • Oracle Application Server 10g:

    cp -rf $ORACLE_HOME/apex/images ORACLE_HTTPSERVER_HOME/Apache
  • Oracle HTTP Server distributed with Oracle Database 11g:

    cp -rf $ORACLE_HOME/apex/images ORACLE_HTTPSERVER_HOME/ohs

In the preceding syntax example:

  • ORACLE_HOME is the Oracle Database 11g Oracle home

  • ORACLE_HTTPSERVER_HOME is the existing Oracle Application Server or Oracle HTTP Server Oracle home, such as /u01/app/oracle/db_2/ Copying the Images Directory After a New Installation

You can copy the apex/images directory by executing a command similar to the one shown in the following example:


In the preceding syntax example:

  • $ORACLE_HOME is the Oracle Database 11g Oracle home.

  • ORACLE_HTTPSERVER_HOME is the existing Oracle Application Server or Oracle HTTP Server Oracle home, such as /u01/app/oracle/db_2/.

4.5.5 Configuring Oracle HTTP Server in a New Installation

This section describes how to configure Oracle HTTP Server with mod_plsql in a new installation.

Topics in this section include: Configuring Oracle HTTP Server Release 9.0.3 in a New Installation

In Oracle HTTP Server release 9.0.3, the wdbsvr.app file contains information about the DAD to access Oracle Application Express. A DAD is a set of values that specify how the Oracle HTTP Server component modplsql connects to the database server to fulfill an HTTP request.

Topics in this section include:

Changing the Password for the ADMIN Account

To change the password for the ADMIN account:

  1. Start SQL*Plus and connect to the database where Oracle Application Express is installed as SYS. For example:

    $ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus 
    Enter password: SYS_password
  2. Run apxxepwd.sql. For example:


    When prompted enter a password for the ADMIN account.

Changing the Password for the APEX_PUBLIC_USER Database User

In order to specify the password in the DAD file, you have to change the password for the database user APEX_PUBLIC_USER. Please use the following steps to change the password for the APEX_PUBLIC_USER database user:

  1. Start SQL*Plus and connect to the database where Oracle Application Express is installed as SYS. For example:

    $ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus 
    Enter password: SYS_password
  2. Run the following command:

    Changing password for APEX_PUBLIC_USER
    New password: password
    Retype new password: password

Modifying the wdbsvr.app File in a New Installation

To create the DAD, you modify the file wdbsvr.app and add an entry for Oracle Application Express.

To modify the wdbsvr.app file, follow these steps:

  1. Using a text editor, open the following file:

  2. Add an entry for Oracle Application Express using the following syntax. Only change the settings indicated in italics.

     connect_string = localhost:1521:orcl 
     password = apex 
     username = apex_public_user 
     default_page = apex 
     document_table = wwv_flow_file_objects$ 
     document_path = docs 
     document_proc = wwv_flow_file_mgr.process_download 
     reuse = Yes 
     enablesso = No 
     stateful = STATELESS_RESET 
     nls_lang = American_America.AL32UTF8


    • connect_string refers to the host ID, port number, and Oracle9i database where Oracle Application Express was installed. Use the format host:port:sid.

      If the Oracle9i version of Oracle HTTP Server you want to use is installed in the same Oracle home as the database you specified for use with Oracle Application Express, leave this parameter blank.

    • password is the Oracle Application Express password for the Oracle Application ADMIN account you specified in Changing the Password for the APEX_PUBLIC_USER Database User.

    • nls_lang determines the language setting of the DAD. The character set portion of the nls_lang value must always be set to AL32UTF8, regardless of whether or not the database character set is AL32UTF8.

      If either the territory portion or the language portion of the NLS settings contains a space, you must wrap the value in double quotes as shown in the following example:

      nls_lang = "ENGLISH_UNITED KINGDOM.AL32UTF8"

      You can find information about the database character set by querying the view NLS_DATABASE_PARAMETERS as shown in the following example:

       SELECT value 
       FROM nls_database_parameters 
  3. Leave the remaining settings, including the username setting, as they appear in the previous example.

  4. Save and exit the wdbsvr.app file.

Modifying the Oracle9i httpd.conf

You need to modify the httpd.conf file to include an alias that points to the file system path where you copied the images directory. You may also need to modify the httpd.conf file to add two new MIME types to support SQL Workshop.

To modify httpd.conf file, follow these steps:

  1. Using a text editor, open the following file:

  2. Add an alias entry that points to the file system path where you copied the images directory. The example is as follows:

    Alias /i/ "/home/oracle/OraHome1/Apache/Apache/images/" 
  3. Next, add two new MIME types to support SQL Workshop:

    Add the following lines if it does not currently exist:

    AddType text/xml             xbl
    AddType text/x-component     htc 

    If you are upgrading from Oracle HTML DB 2.0, these MIME types should already exist.

  4. Save and exit the httpd.conf file.

  5. To stop and restart the Oracle HTTP Server, run the following command.

    ORACLE_HTTPSERVER_HOME/Apache/bin/apachectl stop
    ORACLE_HTTPSERVER_HOME/Apache/bin/apachectl start

    Note that if the Oracle HTTP Server is listening on a port less than 1024, then these commands must be executed as a privileged user (such as root). Configuring Oracle HTTP Server distributed with Oracle Database 11g or Oracle Application Server 10g in a New Installation

Oracle Application Express must have access to Oracle HTTP Server with mod_plsql.


To install Oracle HTTP Server, use the Oracle Fusion Middleware Web Tier Utilities 11g ( media or download.

Perform the following postinstallation steps if:

  • This is a new installation of Oracle Application Express (that is, you are not upgrading from a previous release).

  • You run Oracle HTTP Server distributed with Oracle Database 11g or Oracle Application Server 10g.

  • Oracle HTTP Server is installed in an Oracle home.

  • You have not previously configured Oracle HTTP Server to work with Oracle Application Express.

These instructions do not apply if you run Oracle HTTP Server Release 9.0.3. For more information on configuring Oracle HTTP Server Release 9.0.3, see "Configuring Oracle HTTP Server Release 9.0.3 in a New Installation".

Topics in this section include:


The Oracle home directory (ORACLE_HTTPSERVER_HOME) is the location where Oracle HTTP Server is installed.

Changing the Password for the ADMIN Account

First, change the password for the Oracle Application Express ADMIN account.

To change the password for the ADMIN account:

  1. Start SQL*Plus and connect to the database where Oracle Application Express is installed as SYS. For example:

    $ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus 
    Enter password: SYS_password
  2. Run apxxepwd.sql. For example:


    When prompted enter a password for the ADMIN account.

Unlocking the APEX_PUBLIC_USER Database User

When configuring Oracle HTTP Server for Oracle Application Express in a new installation, the database user APEX_PUBLIC_USER must be an unlocked account. To unlock the account for database user APEX_PUBLIC_USER, execute the following steps:

  1. Start SQL*Plus and connect to the database where Oracle Application Express is installed as SYS. For example:

    $ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus 
    Enter password: SYS_password
  2. Run the following command:


Changing the Password for the APEX_PUBLIC_USER Database User

In order to specify the password in the DAD file, you have to change the password for the database user APEX_PUBLIC_USER. Please use the following steps to change the password for the APEX_PUBLIC_USER database user:

  1. Start SQL*Plus and connect to the database where Oracle Application Express is installed as SYS. For example:

    $ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus 
    Enter password: SYS_password
  2. Run the following command:

    Changing password for APEX_PUBLIC_USER
    New password: password
    Retype new password: password

Edit dads.conf File

If this is a new installation of Oracle Application Express, then you must edit the dads.conf file. The dads.conf file contains the information about the DAD to access Oracle Application Express.

To edit the dads.conf file, follow these steps:

  1. Using a text editor, edit the following file:

    • Oracle Application Server 10g:

    • Oracle HTTP Server distributed with Oracle Database 11g:

  2. Copy the following into the dads.conf file. Replace ORACLE_HTTPSERVER_HOME, host, port, service_name, and apex_public_user_password with values appropriate for the environment. Note that apex_public_user_password is the same password you defined in Changing the Password for the APEX_PUBLIC_USER Database User.

    Note that the path listed is only an example. The path in the dads.conf file should reference the file system path described in Copying the Images Directory.

    Alias /i/ "ORACLE_HTTPSERVER_HOME/images/"
    AddType text/xml       xbl
    AddType text/x-component       htc
    <Location /pls/htmldb>
     Order deny,allow
     PlsqlDocumentPath docs
     AllowOverride None
     PlsqlDocumentProcedure      wwv_flow_file_manager.process_download
     PlsqlDatabaseConnectString  host:port:service_name ServiceNameFormat
     PlsqlNLSLanguage            AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8
     PlsqlAuthenticationMode     Basic
     SetHandler                  pls_handler
     PlsqlDocumentTablename      wwv_flow_file_objects$
     PlsqlDatabaseUsername       APEX_PUBLIC_USER
     PlsqlDefaultPage            apex
     PlsqlDatabasePassword       apex_public_user_password
     Allow from all
  3. Locate the line containing PlsqlNLSLanguage.

    The PlsqlNLSLanguage setting determines the language setting of the DAD. The character set portion of the PlsqlNLSLanguage value must be set to AL32UTF8, regardless of whether or not the database character set is AL32UTF8. For example:

    PlsqlNLSLanguage            AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8
  4. Save and exit the dads.conf file.

Stop and Restart Oracle HTTP Server

To stop and restart Oracle HTTP Server,run the following commands:

ORACLE_HTTPSERVER_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopproc ias-component=HTTP_Server
ORACLE_HTTPSERVER_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl startproc ias-component=HTTP_Server

4.5.6 Enabling Network Services in Oracle Database 11g

By default, the ability to interact with network services is disabled in Oracle Database 11g Release 1 (11.1). Therefore, if you run Oracle Application Express with Oracle Database 11g Release 1 (11.1), you need to use the new DBMS_NETWORK_ACL_ADMIN package to grant connect privilege to any host for the FLOWS_030000 database user. Failing to grant these privileges results in issues with the following:

  • Sending outbound mail in Oracle Application Express.

    Users can call methods from the APEX_MAIL package, but issues arise when sending outbound email.

  • Using Web services in Oracle Application Express.

  • PDF/report printing.

  • Searching for content in online Help (that is, using the Find link).

This section contains the following topics:

Granting Connect Privileges

The following example demonstrates how to grant connect privileges to any host for the FLOWS_030000 database user.

In order to run the examples, the compatible initialization parameter of the database must be set to at least In a 11g database, the parameter is already set by default. However, you will have to set this parameter in case of a database upgrade to 11g from a prior version.

See Also:

"Creating and Configuring an Oracle Database" in the Oracle Database Administrator's Guide for information about changing database compatible initialization parameters.
-- Look for the ACL currently assigned to '*' and give FLOWS_030000
-- the "connect" privilege if FLOWS_030000 does not have the privilege yet.
-- Before checking the privilege, make sure that the ACL is valid
-- (for example, does not contain stale references to dropped users).
-- If it does, the following exception will be raised:
-- ORA-44416: Invalid ACL: Unresolved principal 'FLOWS_030000'
-- ORA-06512: at "XDB.DBMS_XDBZ", line ...
SELECT SYS_OP_R2O(extractValue(P.RES, '/Resource/XMLRef')) INTO ACL_ID
WHERE extractValue(P.RES, '/Resource/XMLRef') = REF(A) AND
'FLOWS_030000', TRUE, 'connect');
-- When no ACL has been assigned to '*'.
'ACL that lets power users to connect to everywhere',
'FLOWS_030000', TRUE, 'connect');

Troubleshooting an Invalid ACL Error

If you receive an ORA-44416: Invalid ACL error after running the previous script, use the following query to identify the invalid ACL:

REM Show the dangling references to dropped users in the ACL that is assigned
REM to '*'.

Next, run the following code to fix ACL:

  ACL_ID   RAW(16);
  CNT      NUMBER;
  IF (CNT > 0) THEN

               WHERE ACLID = ACL_ID AND
                                  WHERE USERNAME = PRINCIPAL)) LOOP


REM Commit the changes.

Once the ACL has been fixed, you need to run the first script in this section to apply the ACL to the FLOWS_030000 user. See "Granting Connect Privileges".

4.5.7 Running Oracle Application Express in Other Languages

The Oracle Application Express interface is translated into German, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Brazilian Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese. A single instance of Oracle Application Express can be installed with one or more of these translated versions. At runtime, each user's Web browser language settings determine the specific language version.

The translated version of Oracle Application Express should be loaded into a database that has a character set that can support the specific language. If you attempt to install a translated version of Oracle Application Express into a database that does support the character encoding of the language, the installation may fail or the translated Oracle Application Express instance may appear corrupt when run. The database character set AL32UTF8 supports all the translated versions of Oracle Application Express.

You can manually install translated versions of Oracle Application Express using SQL*Plus. The installation files are encoded in AL32UTF8.


Regardless of the target database character set, to install a translated version of Oracle Application Express, you must set the character set value of the NLS_LANG environment variable to AL32UTF8 before starting SQL*Plus.

The following examples illustrate valid NLS_LANG settings for loading Oracle Application Express translations:

Japanese_Japan.AL32UTF8 Installing a Translated Version of Oracle Application Express

Whether you are installing for the first time or upgrading from a previous release, you must run the load_lang.sql script to run a translated version of Oracle Application Express.

The installation scripts are located in subdirectories identified by a language code in the unzipped distribution apex/builder. For example, the German version is located in /apex/builder/de and the Japanese version is located in /apex/builder/ja. Within each of these directories, there is a language loading script identified by the language code (for example, load_de.sql or load_ja.sql).

To install a translated version of Oracle Application Express:

  1. Set the NLS_LANG environment variable, making sure that the character set is AL32UTF8. For example:

    • Bourne or Korn shell:

      $ NLS_LANG=American_America.AL32UTF8
      $ export NLS_LANG
    • C shell:

      % setenv NLS_LANG American_America.AL32UTF8
  2. Start SQL*Plus and connect to the target database as SYS.

    $ $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus 
    Enter password: SYS_password
  3. Execute the following statement:

  4. Execute the appropriate language specific script. For example:

    SQL> @load_de.sql

    Where lang is the specific language (for example, load_de.sql for German or load_ja.sql for Japanese).


JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES determine the maximum number of concurrently running jobs. In Oracle Application Express release 3.0, transactional support and SQL scripts require jobs. If JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES is not enabled and working properly, you cannot successfully execute a script.

Topics in this section include: Viewing the Number of JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES

There are currently three ways to view the number of JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES:

  • In the installation log file

  • On the About Application Express page in Oracle Application Express

  • From SQL*Plus

Viewing JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES in the Installation Log File

After installing or upgrading Oracle Application Express to release 3.0, you can view the number of JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES in the installation log files.

Viewing JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES in Oracle Application Express

You can also view the number of JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES on the About Oracle Application Express page.

To view the About Oracle Application Express page:

  1. Log in to Oracle Application Express.

  2. On the Administration list, click About Application Express.

    The current number JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES displays at the bottom of the page.


You can also view the number of JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES from SQL*Plus by running the following SQL statement:

sql> SELECT VALUE FROM v$parameter WHERE NAME = 'job_queue_processes' Changing the Number of JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES

You can change the number of JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES by running a SQL statement in SQL*Plus:

To update the number of JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES:

  1. Log in to the database as SYSDBA using SQL*Plus.

  2. In SQL*Plus run the following SQL statement:


    For example, running the statement ALTER SYSTEM SET JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES = 20 sets JOB_QUEUE_PROCESSES to 20.

4.5.9 Obfuscating PlsqlDatabasePassword Parameter

The PlsqlDatabasePassword parameter specifies the password for logging in to the database. You can use the dadTool.pl utility to obfuscate passwords in the dads.conf file.

You can find the dadTool.pl utility in the following directory:

 ORACLE_HTTPSERVER_HOME/ohs/modplsql/conf Obfuscating Passwords

To obfuscate passwords, run dadTool.pl by following the instructions in the dadTool.README file.

4.5.10 Logging In to Oracle Application Express

You access the Oracle Application Express home page in a Web browser. To view or develop Oracle Application Express applications, the Web browser must support JavaScript and the HTML 4.0 and CSS 1.0 standards. See "Browser Requirements".

Topics in this section include: Oracle Application Express User Privileges

In the Oracle Application Express development environment, users log in to a shared work area called a workspace. Users are divided into four primary privileges:

  • Workspace administrators are users who perform administrator tasks specific to a workspace such as managing user accounts, monitoring workspace activity, and viewing log files.

  • Developers are users who create and edit applications. Developers can have their own workspace or share a workspace.

  • End users have no development privileges. You define end users so that they can access applications that do not use an external authentication scheme.

  • Oracle Application Express administrators are superusers that manage an entire hosted instance using the Oracle Application Express Administration Services application. Setting Up Your Local Environment

How you set up Oracle Application Express depends upon your user privilege. If you are a developer accessing a hosted development environment, then an administrator must grant you access to a workspace. If you are an Oracle Application Express administrator, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Log in to Oracle Application Express Administration Services. Oracle Application Express Administration Services is a separate application for managing an entire Oracle Application Express instance. You log in using the ADMIN account and password created or reset during the installation process.

  2. Specify a provisioning mode. In Oracle Application Express Administration Services, you need to determine how the process of creating (or provisioning) a workspace will work in your development environment.

  3. Create a Workspace. A workspace is a virtual private database allowing multiple users to work within the same Oracle Application Express installation while keeping their objects, data and applications private. Each workspace has a unique ID and name. An Oracle Application Express administrator can create a workspace manually or have users submit requests.

  4. Log in to a Workspace. Once you create a workspace in Oracle Application Express Administration Services, return to the Oracle Application Express Login page and log in to that workspace.

4.5.11 Patching Oracle Application Express 3.0

If you are already running Oracle Application Express 3.0, then check the Oracle Application Express page on the Oracle Technology Network (OTN) at (http://www.oracle.com/technetwork/developer-tools/apex/overview/index.html) URL for information about patch set releases or later versions of Oracle Application Express:

Upgrading to Oracle Database 11g will not patch an Oracle Application Express 3.0 instance to Oracle Application Express 3.0.1.

4.6 Postinstallation Database Configuration for Oracle Configuration Manager

If you have installed Oracle Configuration Manager in a home that contains a database, you must run a script to create a database account to collect database configuration collections. You must create this account in both Connected and Disconnected modes. Refer to "Oracle Configuration Manager" for further information on these modes. The database account stores the PL/SQL procedures that collect the configuration information, and the account owns the database management system (DBMS) job that performs the collection. After the account has been set up, as login privileges are no longer required, the account is locked.


  • Because the collected configuration data is not stored in the database, additional disk space is not required for the database.

  • Because database configuration collections are performed using the database jobs, the job_queue_process initialization parameter must have a value greater than 0 for pre-10g databases only.

This section contains the following topics:

4.6.1 Preparing Pre-9.2 Databases

Before running the installCCRSQL.sh script to prepare the database for configuration collection, you must perform the following steps for pre 9.2 databases:

  1. Edit the initsid.ora file where sid is the database system identifier, and set the UTL_FILE_DIR parameter to include $ORACLE_HOME/ccr/state as one of the directories.

    If a server parameter file (spfile) is used, alter the UTL_FILE_DIR parameter using the following SQL*Plus command:

    SQL>alter system set utl_file_dir=value scope=spfile 

    where value is equal to $ORACLE_HOME/ccr/state

  2. Restart the database.

4.6.2 Instrumenting the Database for Configuration Collections

To configure the database for configuration collection, run the following script:

  • Run the following command to create the admin directory

  • Run the following script, to configure the database for configuration collection:

    $ORACLE_HOME/ccr/admin/scripts/installCCRSQL.sh collectconfig -s SID -r SYSDBA-USER -p SYSDBA-PASSWORD

However, only to configure the database for configuration collection, run the following script:

$ORACLE_HOME/ccr/admin/scripts/installCCRSQL.sh collectconfig -s SID -r SYSDBA-USER -p SYSDBA-PASSWORD

The installCCRSQL.sh script creates an Oracle Configuration Manager user and loads the PL/SQL procedure into the database defined by the ORACLE_SID. You can also specify the database SID by using the -s option in the command line as in the following example where the SID is orcl:

$ORACLE_HOME/ccr/admin/scripts/installCCRSQL.sh collectconfig -s orcl

By default, the connection to the database is through operating system authentication, "/as sysdba." To specify a different SYSDBA user and password, you can use these options:

-r SYSDBA-USER: The login name of the SYSDBA user

-p SYSDBA-PASSWORD: The password for the SYSDBA user


  • If you specify the SYSDBA user without specifying the password, you will be prompted to enter the password.

  • If you specify only the SYSDBA password without specifying the user name, the user SYS is used by default.

  • If the Oracle Configuration Manager account already exists, when you run the installCCRSQL.sh script, it will be dropped and re-created.

  • If you are upgrading from a 9.x database version to a 10.x version, you must run the installCCRSQL.sh script again to record the upgraded version.

4.6.3 Additional Step for E-Business Suites

If the database is used as a repository for an Oracle E-Business Suite, you must also run the following script from the ORACLE_HOME in which the E-Business database has been hosted:

$ORACLE_HOME/ccr/admin/scripts/installCCRSQL.sh ebs_collectconfig -u Oracle_Applications_User 

The -u parameter is mandatory. If you do not specify this parameter, the application prompts you for the Oracle Applications User. If the -u parameter is specified, you will be prompted for the Oracle Applications Password.

If you want to automate the install, you can run the installCCRSQL.sh script with an additional -w option to specify the Oracle Applications Password. For example:

$ORACLE_HOME/ccr/admin/scripts/installCCRSQL.sh ebs_collectconfig -u Oracle_Applications_User -w Oracle_Applications_Password

You can add the -s SID command to specify the SID of the Oracle Applications Database instance.

If you are not using operating system authentication to connect to the database, you must use the -r and -p parameters to specify the following:

-r SYSDBA-USER: The login name of the SYSDBA user

-p SYSDBA-PASSWORD: The password for the SYSDBA user

If the -r parameter is specified, the -p parameter is optional and will be prompted for.

4.6.4 Additional Step for Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control

If the database is used as a repository for Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control, you must also run the following script:

$ORACLE_HOME/ccr/admin/scripts/installCCRSQL.sh collectemrep

When you run this command, then the application prompts you for the SYSMAN password. If you want to automate the install, you can run the installCCRSQL.sh script to specify the SYSMAN password. For example:

$ORACLE_HOME/ccr/admin/scripts/installCCRSQL.sh collectemrep -e SYSMAN PASSWORD

You can add the -s SID command to specify the SID of the Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control Database instance. You must run this script from the ORACLE_HOME in which the Oracle Enterprise Manager Grid Control database has been hosted.

If you are not using operating system authentication to connect to the database, you must use the -r and -p parameters to specify the following:

-r SYSDBA-USER: The login name of the SYSDBA user

-p SYSDBA-PASSWORD: The password for the SYSDBA user

If the -r parameter is specified, the -p parameter is optional and will be prompted for.