3 Installing Oracle Database

The Oracle Database software is available on installation media or you can download it from the Oracle Technology Network Web site. In most cases, you use the graphical user interface (GUI) provided by Oracle Universal Installer to install the software. However, you can also use Oracle Universal Installer to complete silent-mode installations, without using the GUI.

See Also:

Appendix A for information about silent-mode installations

3.1 Preinstallation Considerations

After reviewing the information in Chapter 1, "Overview of Oracle Database Installation" and completing the tasks listed in Chapter 2, "Oracle Database Preinstallation Requirements", consider the following case:

3.1.1 Performing Multiple Oracle Database Installations in Noninteractive Mode

If you need to perform multiple installations of Oracle Database, you may want to use noninteractive mode. In noninteractive mode, at each node, you run Oracle Universal Installer from the command line using a response file. The response file is a text file containing the settings you normally enter in the Oracle Universal Installer GUI dialog boxes.

See Also:

Appendix A for information about silent-mode installations

3.2 Reviewing Installation Guidelines

Review the following guidelines before starting Oracle Universal Installer:

  • Oracle Universal Installer

    Do not use Oracle Universal Installer from an earlier Oracle release to install components from this release.

  • Reinstalling Oracle Software

    If you reinstall Oracle software into an Oracle home directory where Oracle Database is already installed, you must also reinstall any components, such as Oracle Partitioning, that were installed before you begin the reinstallation.

  • Products requiring a custom installation

    To install the following products, you must choose the Custom installation type:

    • Oracle Database Vault

    • Oracle Connection Manager

    • Oracle Label Security


      Before you perform a custom installation, make sure all databases in the Oracle home where you want to install Oracle Label Security are shut down.

      To configure Oracle Label Security to use Oracle Internet Directory, choose the Oracle Internet Directory option when running Database Configuration Assistant. If you are installing Oracle Label Security in an existing Oracle home, then shut down each database in the Oracle home.

  • Installations on a Cluster

    If Oracle Clusterware and Oracle RAC are already installed on the system, Oracle Universal Installer displays the Specify Hardware Cluster Installation Mode screen. You must select Local Installation on this screen, unless you want to install Oracle RAC.

    See Also:

    Oracle Real Application Clusters Installation Guide for Linux and UNIX for information on installing Oracle RAC

3.2.1 Selecting the Database Character Set

Oracle Database uses the database character set for:

  • Data stored in SQL character datatypes (CHAR, VARCHAR2, CLOB, and LONG).

  • Identifiers such as table names, column names, and PL/SQL variables.

  • Stored SQL and PL/SQL source code, including text literals embedded in this code.

Once a database is created, changing its character set is usually very expensive in terms of time and resources. Such operation may require converting all character data by exporting the whole database and importing it back. Therefore, it is important that you carefully select the database character set already at installation time.

Oracle recommends Unicode AL32UTF8 as the database character set. Unicode is the universal character set that supports most of the currently spoken languages of the world. It also supports many historical scripts (alphabets). Unicode is the native encoding of many technologies, including Java, XML, XHTML, ECMAScript, and LDAP. Unicode is ideally suited for databases supporting the Internet and the global economy.

As AL32UTF8 is a multibyte character set, database operations on character data may be slightly slower when compared to single-byte database character sets, such as WE8MSWIN1252. Storage space requirements for text in most languages that use characters outside of the ASCII repertoire are higher in AL32UTF8 compared to legacy character sets supporting the language. Note that the increase in storage space concerns only character data and only data that is not in English. The universality and flexibility of Unicode usually outweighs these additional costs.

Legacy character sets should be considered when compatibility, storage requirements, or performance of text processing is critical and the database will ever support only a single group of languages.  The database character set to be selected in such case is the character set of most clients connecting to this database.

The default character set suggested or used by Oracle Universal Installer and Database Configuration Assistant in this release is based on the language configuration of the operating system.

For most languages, the default character set is one of the Microsoft Windows character sets, for example WE8MSWIN1252, even though the database is not installed on Windows. This results from the assumption that most clients connecting to the database run under the Microsoft Windows operating system. As the database should be able to store all characters coming from the clients and Microsoft Windows character sets have richer character repertoire than the corresponding ISO 8859 character sets, the Microsoft Windows character sets are usually the better choice. For example, the EE8MSWIN1250 character set supports the Euro currency symbol and various smart quote characters, while the corresponding EE8ISO8859P2 character set does not support them. In any case, Oracle converts the data between the database character set and the client character sets, which are declared by the NLS_LANG settings.

The list of database character sets that is presented to you for selection by Oracle Universal Installer contains only the recommended character sets. Even though Oracle Database supports many more character sets, they are either deprecated or they are binary subsets of another recommended character set. For example, WE8DEC is a deprecated character set and US7ASCII and WE8ISO8859P1 are both binary subsets of WE8MSWIN1252.

If, for compatibility reasons, you need to create a database in one of the non-recommended character sets, choose the Custom installation type or choose the Advanced database configuration option. Database Configuration Assistant in the interactive mode will give you the opportunity to select any of the database character sets supported on Linux.

3.2.2 Installing the Sample Schemas

The Sample Schemas are not available in Basic Installation. There are two instances where the Sample Schemas are available:

  • When a new database instance is created with the Database Configuration Assistant, the Sample Schemas can be installed. However, do not select Custom database. Sample Schemas are not available with a custom installation.

  • When a new database instance is created with the Oracle Universal Installer, select either Enterprise Edition or Standard Edition, then select one of the two templates: General Purpose/Transaction Processing or Data Warehouse. The Sample Schemas can be installed. However, if you select the Advanced option on the Select Database Configuration screen, then the Sample Schemas are not available for installation.

See Oracle Database Sample Schemas for information about manually installing the Sample Schemas in an existing database.

3.3 Accessing the Installation Software

The Oracle Database software is available on installation media or you can download it from the Oracle Technology Network Web site. To install the software from the hard disk, you must either download it from Oracle Technology Network and unpack it, or copy it from the installation media, if you have it.

You can access and install Oracle Database by using one of the following methods:

3.3.1 Downloading Oracle Software from the Oracle Technology Network Web Site

This section describes how to download the installation archive files and extract them on to the hard disk. It contains the following topics: Downloading the Installation Archive Files

To download the installation archive files from Oracle Technology Network:

  1. Use any browser to access the software download page from Oracle Technology Network:

  2. Navigate to the download page for the product that you want to install.

  3. On the download page, identify the required disk space by adding the file sizes for each required file.

    The file sizes are listed next to the file names.

  4. Select a file system with enough free space to store and expand the archive files.

    In most cases, the available disk space must be at least twice the size of all of the archive files.

  5. On the file system that you selected in step 4, create a parent directory for each product, for example OraDB11g, to hold the installation directories.

  6. Download all of the installation archive files to the directory that you created in step 5.

  7. Verify that the files you downloaded are the same size as the corresponding files on Oracle Technology Network.

  8. Extract the files in each directory that you just created.

  9. After you have extracted the required installation files, refer to "Installing the Oracle Database Software" . Extracting the Installation Files

To extract the installation archive files, perform the following steps:

  1. If necessary, change directory to the directory that contains the downloaded installation archive files.

  2. If the downloaded file has the zip extension, use the following command to extract the content:

    unzip file_name.zip

    If the downloaded file has the cpio.gz extension, use the following command:

    $ gunzip filename.cpio.gz

    This command creates files with names similar to the following:


    To extract the installation files, enter a command similar to the following:

    $ cpio -idcmv < filename.cpio


    Refer to the download page for information about the correct options to use with the cpio command.

    Some browsers uncompress files while downloading them, but leave the .gz file extension.

    For each file, this command creates a subdirectory named Diskn, where n is the disk number identified in the file name.

When you have extracted all of the required installation files, refer to "Installing the Oracle Database Software".

3.3.2 Copying the Software to the Hard Disk

Before installing Oracle Database, you might want to copy the software to the hard disk. This enables the installation process to run a bit faster. Before copying the installation media content to the hard disk, you must mount the disk. The following sections describe to mount disk and copy its content to the hard disk. Mounting Disks

On most Linux systems, the disk mounts automatically when you insert it into the installation media. If the disk does not mount automatically, then follow these steps to mount it:

  1. If necessary, enter a command similar to one of the following to eject the currently mounted disk, then remove it from the drive:

    • Asianux, Oracle Linux, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux:

      $ sudo eject /mnt/dvd
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server:

      # eject /media/dvd

    In these examples, /mnt/dvd and /media/dvd are the mount point directories for the installation media.

  2. Insert the appropriate installation media into the disk drive.

  3. To verify if the disk is mounted automatically, enter one of the following commands depending on the platform:

    • Asianux, Oracle Linux, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux:

      # ls /mnt/dvd
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server:

      # ls /media/dvd
  4. Before running the following command, ensure that the /mnt/dvd directory exists on Red Hat Enterprise Linux. If not, create the /mnt/dvd as required, to mount the installation media.

    If this command fails to display the contents of the installation media, enter a command similar to the following to mount it, depending on the platform:

    • Asianux, Oracle Linux, and Red Hat Enterprise Linux:

      # mount -t iso9660 /dev/dvd /mnt/dvd
    • SUSE Linux Enterprise Server:

      # mount -t iso9660 /dev/dvd /media/dvd

    In these examples, /mnt/dvd and /media/dvd are the mount point directories for the installation media.

  5. If Oracle Universal Installer is displaying the Disk Location dialog box, enter the disk mount point directory path, for example:


To continue, go to one of the following sections: Copying the Oracle Database Software to a Hard Disk


If the system does not have a installation media, you can copy the software from the disk to a file system on another system, then either mount that file system using NFS, or use FTP to copy the files to the system where you want to install the software.

To copy the contents of the installation media to a hard disk:

  1. Create a directory on the hard disk to hold the Oracle software:

    $ mkdir OraDb11g
  2. Change directory to the directory you created in step 1:

    $ cd OraDb11g
  3. Mount the disk, if it is not already mounted.

    Some platforms automatically mount the disk when you insert it into the drive. If the disk does not mount automatically, refer to "Mounting Disks" section for platform-specific information about mounting it.

  4. Copy the contents of the mounted disk to the corresponding new subdirectory as follows:

    $ cp -R /directory_path OraDb11g

    In this example, /directory_path is the disk mount point directory.

  5. If necessary, mount the next disk and repeat step 4.

3.4 Database Security Options

During installation, you are prompted to select a database security configuration. The Secure Configuration option configures the database with database auditing options, and password policy and expiration settings.

For new database installations, the default configuration for Oracle Database 11g Release 1 (11.1) includes the Secure Configuration option. If you want to disable these enhanced security controls, then you can check the Disable security settings box. Oracle Database is then installed with default options for Oracle Database 10g Release 2. After installation, you can change security settings by starting Database Configuration Assistant and modifying security settings. You can enable or disable auditing or password security settings, or revert to a previous security setting.

For database upgrades, the upgraded database retains your existing database security configuration, to ensure compatibility with existing applications. After installation, you can use Database Configuration Assistant to enable or disable the Secure Configuration option for testing.


  • Oracle strongly recommends configuring your database with the Secure Configuration option either during installation, or after installation using Database Configuration Assistant.

  • Database Vault is an enhanced Security feature. If it is installed with the database, then you cannot change the Secure Configuration using Database Configuration Assistant option.

3.5 Installing the Oracle Database Software

In most cases, you use the graphical user interface (GUI) provided by Oracle Universal Installer to install Oracle Database. The instructions in this section explain how to run the Oracle Universal Installer GUI to perform most database installations.


If you run Oracle Universal Installer during the time that daily cron jobs run, then you may encounter unexplained installation problems if your cron job is performing cleanup, and temporary files are deleted before the installation is finished. Oracle recommends that you complete installation before daily cron jobs are run, or disable daily cron jobs that perform cleanup until after the installation is completed.

See Also:

  • "Installing Automatic Storage Management" if you want to install Oracle Database and use Automatic Storage Management

  • Appendix A if you want to install Oracle Database by using the noninteractive installation method, without the GUI. This method is useful if you need to perform multiple installations of Oracle Database. This appendix covers other advanced installation topics as well.

3.5.1 Running Oracle Universal Installer

This section describes the Basic Installation as a default setting. For any type of installation process, start Oracle Universal Installer and install the software, as follows:

  1. Log on as a member of the Administrators group to the computer on which you want to install Oracle components.

  2. If you are installing the software from installation media, mount the disk if it is not already mounted.

    If the disk does not mount automatically, refer to "Mounting Disks" section for platform-specific information about mounting it.

    Some platforms automatically mount the disk when you insert the installation media into the drive.

  3. To start Oracle Universal Installer, complete one of the following steps depending on the location of the installation files:


    Start Oracle Universal Installer from the terminal session where you logged in as the oracle user and set the user's environment.
    • If the installation files are on installation media, enter commands similar to the following, where directory_path is the path of the database directory on the installation media:

      $ /directory_path/runInstaller
    • If the installation files are on the hard disk, change directory to the database directory and enter the following command:

      $ ./runInstaller

    If Oracle Universal Installer is not displayed, refer to "X Window Display Errors" for information about troubleshooting.

  4. In the Welcome screen, the Basic Installation is selected by default. If you want to perform an advanced installation, then select Advanced Installation, and then answer the prompts as needed.

    See Also:

    "Oracle Database Installation Methods" for more information on the Basic and Advanced installation methods

    The subsequent screens that appear, which are listed in the following table, depend on the installation method you have chosen. The order in which the screens appear depends on the options you select.

  5. Use the following guidelines to complete the installation:

    • Do not install Oracle Database 11g Release 1 (11.1) software into an existing Oracle home.

    • Follow the instructions displayed on the Oracle Universal Installer screens. If you need additional information, click Help.

      See Also:

      "Reviewing Accounts and Passwords" for details on password guidelines
    • Do not modify the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) except by using a patch provided by Oracle Support Services. Oracle Universal Installer automatically installs the Oracle-supplied version of the JRE. This version is required to run Oracle Universal Installer and several Oracle assistants.

    • If errors are displayed while installing the software, refer to Appendix G for information about troubleshooting.

    • If you chose an installation type that runs Oracle Database Configuration Assistant and Oracle Net Configuration Assistant in interactive mode, you must provide detailed information about configuring the database and network.

      If you need assistance when using the Oracle Database Configuration Assistant or Oracle Net Configuration Assistant in interactive mode, click Help on any screen.


      If you chose a default installation, Oracle Database Configuration Assistant and Oracle Net Configuration Assistant do not run interactively.
  6. When the configuration assistant tasks are complete click finish, click Exit, then click Yes to exit from Oracle Universal Installer.

  7. When Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control opens in a Web browser, enter the user name and password you created during the installation.

    You can log in as SYS, SYSTEM, or SYSMAN. If you log in as SYS, then you must connect as SYSDBA. Enter the password you specified for the account during the installation.

  8. When Oracle Universal Installer prompts you to run a script with root privileges, enter a command similar to the following in a terminal where you are logged in as the root user, then click Continue or OK:

    # /script_path/script_name
  9. See Chapter 4 for information about tasks that you must complete after you have installed Oracle Database.

The following table lists the various screens displayed during database installation:


If you perform a Custom installation, then ensure that you install only the components covered by your license. You cannot install Standard Edition using Custom installation.
Screen Action
Select a Product to Install This screen enables you to install any one of the following products:
  • Oracle Database 11g

  • Oracle Client

  • Oracle Clusterware

Click Next.

Select Installation Method Select one of the following, then click Next:
  • Basic Installation: This installation method is selected by default. It lets you quickly install Oracle Database using minimal input. It installs the software and optionally creates a general-purpose database using the information that you specify on this screen.

  • Advanced Installation: Lets you perform more complex installations, such as creating individual passwords for different accounts, creating specific types of starter databases (for example, for transaction processing or data warehouse systems), using different language groups, specifying e-mail notifications, and so on.

Specify Inventory Directory and Credentials This screen is displayed only during the first installation of Oracle products on a system. Specify the full path of the Oracle Inventory directory. Click Next. The next screen contains the operating system group selected by default.
Select Installation Type Select Enterprise Edition, Standard Edition, or Custom.

You can also specify language translations to be installed by clicking on Product Languages.

Click Next.

Note: This screen is available only with Advanced Installation.

Install Location The Oracle base path appears by default. You can change the path based on your requirement.

In the Software Location section, accept the default values or enter the Oracle home name and directory path in which you want to install Oracle components. The directory path should not contain spaces.

Click Next.

Note: This screen is available only with Advanced Installation.

Available Product Components If you selected Custom for the Installation Type, this screen is displayed. Select the components to be installed from the list and click Next. To learn more about each component, place the mouse over the component name.

Note: This screen is available only with Advanced Installation.

Product-specific Prerequisite Checks This screen checks that the system meets the minimum requirements for the installation. Correct any errors that Oracle Universal Installer may have found, and then click Next.
Upgrade an Existing Database This screen is displayed if you have a previous updatable version of Oracle Database or Automatic Storage Management installed. For in-place database installations where Automatic Storage Management is running, Automatic Storage Management is upgraded automatically.

Click Yes if you want to upgrade or No if not. If you click Yes, the Summary screen is displayed.

For more information about upgrades, refer Oracle Database Upgrade Guide.

Select Configuration Option Select one of the following:
  • Create a database: Select this option if you are creating a database of the following types: General purpose / Transaction processing, and Data warehousing. The Advanced option lets you perform a custom installation.

  • Configure Automatic Storage Management: Select this option to create an Automatic Storage Management instance only. To create an Automatic Storage Management instance, you must provide an Automatic Storage Management SYS Password. After you provide this password, Oracle Universal Installer lets you create an Automatic Storage Management disk group. After you complete this Oracle Universal Installer session, you can run it again to install and configure one or more Oracle databases that use Automatic Storage Management.

  • Install database Software only: Select this option to install the database software only. This option does not create a database or configure Automatic Storage Management.

Select Automatic Storage Management Option If you selected Configure Automatic Storage Management from the Select Configuration Option screen, and if you have Oracle Enterprise Manager 10g Grid Control installed, then this screen is displayed. Select Yes or No, depending on the requirement to use Grid Control to manage Automatic Storage Management. If you select Yes, then select from the list of Enterprise Management agents to use.
Configure Automatic Storage Management If you selected Configure Automatic Storage Management from the Select Configuration Option screen, this screen is displayed. Enter the disk group name. The disk group list shows both candidate and member disks; you can click Show Candidates or Show All to filter their display. Then, select the redundancy level and member disks for the disk group.

For Redundancy Level, choose one of the following options. If you do not choose a redundancy level, the disk group defaults to normal redundancy.

  • High: With this option, the contents of the disk group are three-way mirrored by default. To create a disk group with high redundancy, you must specify at least three failure groups (a minimum of three devices).

  • Normal: In a normal redundancy level, by default, the data files of the disk group are two-way mirrored and the control files are three-way mirrored. You can choose to create certain files that are three-way mirrored or not mirrored. To create a disk group with normal redundancy, you must specify at least two failure groups (a minimum of two devices) for two-way mirroring.

  • External: If you select this option, Automatic Storage Management does not mirror the contents of the disk group. Choose this redundancy level when the disk group contains devices, such as RAID devices, that provide their own data protection; or the use of the database does not require uninterrupted access to data, for example, in a development environment where you have a suitable backup strategy.

Select Database Configuration Select the database configuration that best meets the requirements: General Purpose / Transaction Processing, Data Warehouse, or Advanced.

See the online Help provided by either Oracle Universal Installer or Oracle Database Configuration Assistant for a description of these preconfigured database types.

Click Next.

Specify Database Configuration Options Specify the following information, then click Next:

Database Naming

Specify the Global Database Name using the following syntax:



  • database_name is the name of the database. It can contain no more than 30 characters (alphanumeric, underscore (_), dollar ($), and pound (#)).

  • domain is the domain used for the database. It can contain no more than 128 characters (alphanumeric, underscore (_), and pound (#)), inclusive of all periods.

For example:


When you enter the Global Database Name, Oracle Universal Installer automatically populates the SID field with the database name, but you can change this SID to another name. The SID can have no more than 64 characters (alphanumeric, dollar ($), and pound (#)).

Specify Database Config Details Specify the following configuration details, then click Next:


Specify the amount of memory (RAM) you want to allocate in the Percentage field.

If you install the database software only, then you can click Show Memory Distribution to check the memory usage by the various processes running on the system.

Character Set

Determine how character data is encoded in the database. The default is based on the operating system language. Select Unicode (AL32UTF8) to store multiple languages.

See Also:


To disable the default enhanced security controls, you can check the Disable security settings box. Oracle Database is then installed with default options for Oracle Database 10g Release 2.

Sample Schema

You can specify if you want to create Oracle Database with or without sample schemas.

Select Database Management Option Select one of the following, then click Next:
  • Use Grid Control for Database Management if you have Oracle Enterprise Manager installed.

  • Use Database Control for Database Management. Optionally, select Enable Email Notifications and then enter the outgoing SMTP server and e-mail address.

Specify Database Storage Option Select one of the following, then click Next.
  • File System: Specify the database file location.

  • Automatic Storage Management

Specify Backup and Recovery Options Select one of the following, then click Next.
  • Do not enable Automated backups

  • Enable Automated Backups: Specify the recovery area storage location and backup job credentials

Specify Database Schema Passwords Enter and confirm passwords for the privileged database accounts, then click Next.

Note: Optionally, you can use the same password for all accounts. However, Oracle recommends that you specify a different password for each account. You must remember the passwords that you specify.

Refer to "Unlocking and Changing Passwords" for information on password guidelines.

Privileged Operating System Groups This screen is displayed only during the first installation of Oracle products on a system. The groups are selected by default.

Click Next.

Oracle Configuration Manager Registration Enter the Customer Identification Number,the My Oracle Support (formerly OracleMetalink) User Name, Country code, and Click Next. The new screen prompts you to accept the license agreement. Click Accept license Agreement to accept the agreement.

If you decline this agreement, then Oracle Configuration Manager is installed but not configured.

Summary Review the information displayed on this screen.

Click Install.

Install This screen displays status information while the product is being installed.
Configuration Assistants This screen displays status information for the configuration assistants that configure the software and create a database. When the message is displayed at the end of Database Configuration Assistant process, click OK to continue.
Execute Configuration Scripts When prompted, read the instructions and then run the scripts mentioned on this screen. Click OK to continue.
End of Installation The configuration assistants configure several Web-based applications, including Oracle Enterprise Manager Database Control. This screen displays the URLs configured for these applications. Make a note of the URLs used. The port numbers used in these URLs are also recorded in the following file:

To exit from Oracle Universal Installer, click Exit and then click Yes.

3.6 Installing Automatic Storage Management

Follow the procedures in this section to install and configure Automatic Storage Management, and then to install Oracle Database so that it can use Automatic Storage Management. If you do not plan to use Automatic Storage Management, then follow the procedure given in "Installing the Oracle Database Software" to install Oracle Database.

This section covers the following topics:

3.6.1 Step 1: Reviewing Automatic Storage Management Installation Considerations

Apply these guidelines when you install Automatic Storage Management:

  • You must complete the steps in "Preparing Disk Groups for an Automatic Storage Management Installation" to prepare a disk partition to use for the Automatic Storage Management disk groups.

  • Oracle recommends that you install Automatic Storage Management in its own Oracle home, regardless of whether you plan to only have one or multiple database instances. Installing Automatic Storage Management in its own Oracle home helps ensure higher availability and manageability.

    With separate Oracle homes, you can upgrade Automatic Storage Management and databases independently, and you can remove database software without impacting the Automatic Storage Management instance. Ensure that the Automatic Storage Management version is the same or later than the Oracle Database version.

    If an Automatic Storage Management installation does not already exist and you select the Oracle Universal Installer option to install and configure Automatic Storage Management only, then Oracle Universal Installer installs Automatic Storage Management in its own Oracle home.

  • Each computer that has one or more Oracle Database instances that will use Automatic Storage Management must have one Automatic Storage Management instance. For example, if a computer has two Oracle Database instances that use Automatic Storage Management, you need only one Automatic Storage Management instance for that computer, to manage the two database instances that use Automatic Storage Management.

  • When you install Automatic Storage Management, Oracle Database Configuration Assistant creates a separate server parameter file (SPFILE) and password file for the Automatic Storage Management instance.

3.6.2 Step 2: Installing the Automatic Storage Management Instance and configuring Disk Groups

The following steps explain how to create an Automatic Storage Management instance and a disk group for storing Oracle Database files. You can create multiple disk groups for the Automatic Storage Management instance to manage, if you want. If you plan to use Automatic Storage Management for backup and recovery operations, then Oracle recommends that you create a separate disk group for this purpose.

To install an Automatic Storage Management instance and configure its disk groups:

  1. If you are installing the software from disk, mount the first installation media if it is not already mounted.

    Some platforms automatically mount the disk when you insert the installation media into the drive.

  2. To start Oracle Universal Installer, complete one of the following steps depending on the location of the installation files:


    Start Oracle Universal Installer from the terminal session where you logged in as the oracle user and set the user's environment (described in Chapter 2).
    • If the installation files are on installation media, enter commands similar to the following, where directory_path is the path of the database directory on the installation media:

      $ cd /tmp
      $ /directory_path/runInstaller
    • If the installation files are on the hard disk, change directory to the database directory and enter the following command:

      $ ./runInstaller

    If Oracle Universal Installer does not appear, refer to the "X Window Display Errors" section for information about troubleshooting.

  3. The Select a Product to Install screen enables you to install any one of the following products:

    • Oracle Database 11g

    • Oracle Client

    • Oracle Clusterware

    See Also:

    "Running Oracle Universal Installer" for a detailed description of the screens used in this procedure
  4. On the Select Installation Type screen, select either Enterprise Edition, Standard Edition, or Custom, and then click Next.

  5. On the Install location screen, the Oracle base path appears by default. You can change the path based on your requirement. In the Software Location section, accept the default values or enter an Automatic Storage Management-specific name and directory location for the Automatic Storage Management instance and Click Next.

    For example, you could change name to OraDB11g+ASM and the directory location to the following:

  6. On the Product-Specific Prerequisite Checks screen, check that the requirements have been met and then click Next.

  7. On the Select Configuration Option screen, select Configure Automatic Storage Management (ASM) and then specify and confirm the Automatic Storage Management SYS password. Then, click Next.

  8. On the Configure Automatic Storage Management screen, enter the following settings:


    This screen lets you create the disk groups to use with the Automatic Storage Management instance. You must have an available partition in order to create disk groups.
    • Disk Group Name: Enter a name for the disk group.

    • Redundancy: Select one of the following choices to set the redundancy level for the disks within the disk group. If you do not specify a redundancy level, the disk group defaults to normal redundancy.

      • High: The contents of the disk group are three-way mirrored by default. To create a disk group with high redundancy, you must specify at least three failure groups (a minimum of three devices).

      • Normal: By default, the data files of the disk group are two-way mirrored and the control files are three-way mirrored. You can choose to create certain files that are three-way mirrored or not mirrored. To create a disk group with normal redundancy, you must specify at least two failure groups (a minimum of two devices) for two-way mirroring.

      • External: Automatic Storage Management does not mirror the contents of the disk group. Choose this redundancy level when 1) the disk group contains devices, such as RAID devices, that provide their own data protection; or 2) the use of the database does not require uninterrupted access to data, for example, in a development environment where you have a suitable backup strategy.

    • Add Disks: Enter /dev/rdsk on as the disk discovery path. You can also click Disk Discovery Path and enter the required disk discovery path in the dialog box and click OK.

  9. Click Next.

  10. On the Install screen, check the installed contents, and then click Install.

  11. To create another disk group for this instance, run Oracle Database Control Assistant from the $ORACLE_HOME/bin directory manually, and select the Configure Automatic Storage Management option.

At this stage, subsequent databases that you create are able to use Automatic Storage Management. If you have databases that were created before you installed Automatic Storage Management, then you now can migrate them to Automatic Storage Management by using the Enterprise Manager Migrate Database Wizard. This wizard is available in Enterprise Manager Grid Control or Database Control. Alternatively, you can use Oracle Database Recovery Manager (RMAN) to perform the migration.

See Also:

  • Enterprise Manager Migrate Database Wizard online Help instructions on how to migrate an existing Oracle Database to Automatic Storage Management

  • Oracle Database Backup and Recovery User's Guide for information about migrating an existing Oracle Database to Automatic Storage Management using Oracle Database Recovery Manager

3.6.3 Step 3: Installing Oracle Database to Use Automatic Storage Management

After you have created the Automatic Storage Management instance and Automatic Storage Management disk groups, you are ready to create a database instance that can use Automatic Storage Management.

To create a database instance to use with Automatic Storage Management:

  1. Start Oracle Universal Installer.

  2. The Select a Product to Install screen enables you to install any one of the following products:

    • Oracle Database 11g

    • Oracle Client

    • Oracle Clusterware

  3. On the Select Installation Type screen, select one of the installation types, and then click Next.

  4. On the Install location screen, the Oracle base path appears by default. You can change the path based on your requirement. In the Software Location section, accept the default values or select a different Oracle home from the home used for Automatic Storage Management.

  5. If you selected the Custom installation type, then select from the products to install.

  6. On the Product-Specific Prerequisite Checks screen, check that the requirements have been met and then click Next.

  7. On the Select Configuration Option screen, select Create a Database.

  8. On the Select Database Configuration screen, select from the database types displayed and click Next.

  9. On the Specify Database Configuration Options screen, enter the following settings and then click Next.

    • Specify the Global Database Name using the following syntax:



      • database_name with no more than 30 characters (alphanumeric, underscore (_), dollar ($), and pound (#)).

      • domain name with no more than 128 characters (alphanumeric, underscore (_), and pound (#)), inclusive of all periods.

    • Specify the SID with less than 64 characters (alphanumeric, dollar ($), and pound (#)).

  10. On the Specify Database Config Details screen, enter the following settings, then click Next:

    • Memory

    • Character Sets

    • Security

    • Sample Schema

    See Also:

    "Running Oracle Universal Installer" for further information about these fields.
  11. On the Select Database Management Option screen, select either Use Grid Control for Database Management if you have Oracle Enterprise Manager installed, or if you do not have Enterprise Manager, select Use Database Control for Database Management. Optionally, select Enable Email Notifications and then enter the outgoing SMTP server and e-mail address. Then, click Next.

    After you complete the installation, you can use either of these utilities to manage the Automatic Storage Management instance.

  12. On the Specify Database Storage Option screen, select Automatic Storage Management (ASM) and click Next.

  13. On the Specify Backup and Recovery Options screen, perform the following actions:

    • Enable Automated Backups: Select this option, and then select Automatic Storage Management.

    • Backup Job Credentials: Enter the user name and password of the person responsible for managing backups.

  14. Click Next.

  15. On the Select Automatic Storage Management Disk Group screen, select the Automatic Storage Management disk group that you created in "Step 2: Installing the Automatic Storage Management Instance and configuring Disk Groups" for recovery and backups.

    If the Automatic Storage Management disks that you select do not provide enough space, then the Configure Storage Management screen is displayed so that you can select additional disks as needed. As you select the disks, the adjusted sizes are displayed in the Required Storage Space region. Ideally, the Additional Space Needed value should be a negative number.

  16. Click Next.

  17. On the Specify Database Schema Passwords screen, enter and confirm passwords for the privileged database accounts, then click Next.

  18. On the Oracle Configuration Manager screen, enter the Customer Identification Number, Metalink User Name, Country code, and Click Next. The new screen prompts you to accept the license agreement. Click Accept license Agreement to accept the agreement. However, if you decline this agreement, then Oracle Configuration Manager is installed but not configured.

  19. On the Summary screen, check that the contents to be installed are correct, and then click Install.

3.6.4 Step 4: Testing the Automatic Storage Management Installation

To test the Automatic Storage Management installation, try logging in by using the asmcmd command-line utility, which lets you manage Automatic Storage Management disk group files and directories. To do this:

  1. Open a shell window, and temporarily set the ORACLE_SID and ORACLE_HOME environment variables to specify the appropriate values for the Automatic Storage Management instance that you want to use.

    For example, if the Automatic Storage Management SID, which is named +ASM and is located in the asm subdirectory of the ORACLE_BASE directory, then enter the following commands to create the required settings:

    • Bourne, Bash, or Korn shell:

      $ export ORACLE_SID
      $ ORACLE_HOME=/u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/asm
      $ export ORACLE_HOME
    • C shell:

      % setenv ORACLE_SID +ASM
      % setenv ORACLE_HOME /u01/app/oracle/product/11.1.0/asm
  2. By using SQL*Plus, connect to the Automatic Storage Management instance as the SYS user with SYSASM privilege and start the instance if necessary:

    # $ORACLE_HOME/bin/sqlplus 
    Enter password: SYS_password
  3. Enter the following command to view the existing disk groups, their redundancy level, and the amount of free disk space in each one:


See Also:

3.7 Installing Oracle Database Examples

If you plan to use the following products or features, then download and install the products from the Oracle Database Examples media:

  • Oracle JDBC Development Drivers

  • Oracle Database Examples

  • Oracle Text Knowledge Base

  • Various Oracle product demonstrations

You must install the Sample Schemas in order to use Oracle Database Examples.

See Also: