4 Deinstalling Oracle Warehouse Builder

This chapter contains the following topics for deinstalling Oracle Warehouse Builder components:

General Steps for Deinstalling Oracle Warehouse Builder

The steps you take to deinstall Warehouse Builder depends on if you want to remove only the client components from a computer or remove all server and client components from your environment.

To remove a client installation, follow the instructions in "Deinstalling the Oracle Warehouse Builder Software". If you want to deinstall all Warehouse Builder components including the repository, then you must have SYSDBA privileges to the repository database. Follow the order of steps presented in this chapter to avoid the necessity of deleting components manually through a utility such as SQL Plus.

If you are deinstalling multiple or all components, then follow the order presented in this chapter.

To deinstall all components, complete the following steps:

  1. Deleting the Workspace Users

    Use the Advanced Setup option in the Repository Assistant to delete one or more users.

  2. Deleting the Workspace Owner

    Use the Advanced Setup option in the Repository Assistant to delete the workspace owner.

  3. Deinstalling the Oracle Warehouse Builder Software

    Start the Oracle Universal Installer to deinstall the software components.

  4. Deleting the Schema Objects (Optional)

  5. Deleting a Repository from an Oracle 10g Database

Deleting the Workspace Users

Before you can deinstall a workspace owner, you must first delete the associated workspace users. When you delete a workspace user, you unregister and remove the user from the repository. Deleting the user from the Warehouse Builder repository does not delete or alter the user account in the Oracle Database.

To delete workspace users:

  1. Start the Oracle Warehouse Builder Repository Assistant.

    For Windows, select Start, Programs, OWB_ORACLE_HOME, Warehouse Builder, Administration, and then click Repository Assistant.

    For UNIX, locate OWB_ORACLE_HOME/owb/bin/unix and run reposinst.sh.

  2. On the Install Type page, select Advanced Setup, and click Next.

  3. In the Connection Information page, provide the following information to connect to the repository:

    • SYSDBA User Name

    • SYSDBA Password

    • Host Name

    • Port Number (The default Port Number is 1521)

    • Oracle Service Name

  4. On the Choose Operation page, select Manage Warehouse Builder workspace users option and click Next.

  5. In the Manage Workspace Users page, select the option Delete the registration of one or more Warehouse Builder workspace users.

  6. In the Workspace Owner Information page, select the workspace owner from which you want to delete the associated user. Then type the password for that workspace owner and click Next. The Select Workspace Users page is displayed.

  7. Select the workspace users to be deleted, then click the left to right shuttle button to move the user to the Selected: box.

  8. On the Summary page, review your selections and click Finish.

The Deinstallation Successful page appears after the workspace user is deleted.

Deleting the Workspace Owner

After deleting the workspace users, you can delete the workspace owner. When you delete a workspace owner, you unregister and remove the owner from the repository. Deleting the owner from the repository does not delete or alter the owner account in the Oracle Database.

To delete the workspace owner:

  1. Start the Repository Assistant and navigate to the Choose Operation page.

    Repeat steps 1 through 3 in "Deleting the Workspace Users".

  2. In the Choose Operation page, select Manage a Warehouse Builder workspace owner option.

  3. Click Next.

  4. In the Manage Workspace Owner page, select Delete an existing Warehouse Builder Workspace owner option.

  5. Click Next. The Workspace Owner Information page is displayed.

  6. Enter the Workspace Owner Password.

  7. On the Summary page, review your selections and click Finish.

The Deinstallation Successful page appears once the workspace owner is deleted.

Deinstalling the Oracle Warehouse Builder Software

To deinstall the Oracle Warehouse Builder:

  1. Start the Oracle Universal Installer.

    For Windows, select Start, Programs, OWB_ORACLE_HOME, Oracle Installation Products, and then click Universal Installer.

    For UNIX, locate OWB_ORACLE_HOME/oui/bin and run runInstaller.sh.

  2. In the Oracle Universal Installer: Welcome page, click Deinstall Products.

  3. In the Inventory page, on the Contents tab, in the You have the following Oracle products installed box, select the Oracle Warehouse Builder home.

  4. Click Remove.

  5. In the Confirmation page, click Yes to deinstall the Oracle Warehouse Builder. The deinstallation process begins.

  6. After the deinstallation completes, click Close in the Inventory page.

  7. In the Oracle Universal Installer: Welcome page, click Cancel to close the Oracle Universal Installer page.

Deleting the Schema Objects (Optional)

When you delete a workspace user or the workspace owner, you unregister and remove the owner from the repository. Deleting the user or owner from the Warehouse Builder repository does not delete or alter the owner account in the Oracle Database.

If you determine that it is necessary, then you can use Oracle Enterprise Manager to drop the workspace users, workspace owners, and the Warehouse Builder-related roles and synonyms permanently from Oracle Database.


To grant permission to an OWB repository user to use Enterprise Manager for performing tasks, enter the following command in SQL*Plus:
GRANT SELECT any dictionary to "&OWB repository user";

Deleting a Repository from an Oracle 10g Database

You can delete an Oracle Warehouse Builder 11g repository and associated objects from a 10gRelease 2 database using the SQL script clean_owbsys.sql. The script is stored in the OWB_ORACLE_HOME/owb/UnifiedRepos directory.

To delete an 11g Warehouse Builder repository from a10gRelease 2 database:

  1. Change your working directory to OWB_ORACLE_HOME/owb/UnifiedRepos. For example:


  2. Start SQL*Plus with SYSDBA privileges.

    Use the version of the SQL*Plus executable provided with Warehouse Builder 11g Release 1 (11.1). This executable is located in the OWB_ORACLE_HOME/bin directory.

    For example, enter the following command:

    C:>OWB_ORACLE_HOME\bin\sqlplus sys/sys_password as sysdba;

  3. Run the clean_owbsys.sql script. For example:

    SQL> @clean_owbsys.sql

The OWBSYS user and Warehouse Builder-related roles are dropped from the 10gRelease 2 Database.

If you used Repository Assistant to create a workspace, a workspace owner DB user, and workspace user DB users, these objects will still exist in the database after you run clean_owbsys.sql.