
Description of remainder.gif follows
Description of the illustration remainder.gif


REMAINDER returns the remainder of n2 divided by n1.

This function takes as arguments any numeric datatype or any nonnumeric datatype that can be implicitly converted to a numeric datatype. Oracle determines the argument with the highest numeric precedence, implicitly converts the remaining arguments to that datatype, and returns that datatype.

The MOD function is similar to REMAINDER except that it uses FLOOR in its formula, whereas REMAINDER uses ROUND. Refer to MOD.

See Also:

Table 2-10, "Implicit Type Conversion Matrix" for more information on implicit conversion and "Numeric Precedence" for information on numeric precedence
  • If n1 = 0 or m2 = infinity, then Oracle returns

    • An error if the arguments are of type NUMBER

    • NaN if the arguments are BINARY_FLOAT or BINARY_DOUBLE.

  • If n1 != 0, then the remainder is n2 - (n1*N) where N is the integer nearest n2/n1. If n2/n1 equals x.5, then N is the nearest even integer.

  • If n2 is a floating-point number, and if the remainder is 0, then the sign of the remainder is the sign of n2. Remainders of 0 are unsigned for NUMBER values.


Using table float_point_demo, created for the TO_BINARY_DOUBLE "Examples", the following example divides two floating-point numbers and returns the remainder of that operation:

SELECT bin_float, bin_double, REMAINDER(bin_float, bin_double)
  FROM float_point_demo;

---------- ---------- -------------------------------
1.235E+003 1.235E+003                      5.859E-005