9 Oracle Streams AQ & Messaging Gateway Views

This chapter describes the Oracle Streams Advanced Queuing (AQ) administrative interface views and Oracle Messaging Gateway (MGW) views.


All views not detailed in this chapter are described in the Oracle Database Reference.

This chapter contains these topics:

Oracle AQ Views

Oracle Messaging Gateway Views

9.1 DBA_QUEUE_TABLES: All Queue Tables in Database

The DBA_QUEUE_TABLES view contains information about the owner instance for a queue table. A queue table can contain multiple queues. In this case, each queue in a queue table has the same owner instance as the queue table. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_QUEUE_TABLES.

9.2 USER_QUEUE_TABLES: Queue Tables in User Schema

The USER_QUEUE_TABLES view is the same as DBA_QUEUE_TABLES with the exception that it only shows queue tables in the user's schema. It does not contain a column for OWNER.

9.3 ALL_QUEUE_TABLES: Queue Tables Queue Accessible to the Current User

The ALL_QUEUE_TABLES view describes queue tables accessible to the current user.

9.4 DBA_QUEUES: All Queues in Database

The DBA_QUEUES view specifies operational characteristics for every queue in a database. Its columns are the same as those ALL_QUEUES.

9.5 USER_QUEUES: Queues In User Schema

The USER_QUEUES view is the same as DBA_QUEUES with the exception that it only shows queues in the user's schema.

9.6 ALL_QUEUES: Queues for Which User Has Any Privilege

The ALL_QUEUES view describes all queues on which the current user has enqueue or dequeue privileges. If the user has any Advanced Queuing system privileges, like MANAGE ANY QUEUE, ENQUEUE ANY QUEUE or DEQUEUE ANY QUEUE, this view describes all queues in the database.

9.7 DBA_QUEUE_SCHEDULES: All Propagation Schedules

The DBA_QUEUE_SCHEDULES view describes all the current schedules in the database for propagating messages.

9.8 USER_QUEUE_SCHEDULES: Propagation Schedules in User Schema

The USER_QUEUE_SCHEDULES view is the same as DBA_QUEUE_SCHEDULES with the exception that it only shows queue schedules in the user's schema.

9.9 QUEUE_PRIVILEGES: Queues for Which User Has Queue Privilege

The QUEUE_PRIVILEGES view describes queues for which the user is the grantor, grantee, or owner. It also shows queues for which an enabled role on the queue is granted to PUBLIC.

9.10 AQ$Queue_Table_Name: Messages in Queue Table

The AQ$Queue_Table_Name view describes the queue table in which message data is stored. This view is automatically created with each queue table and should be used for querying the queue data. The dequeue history data (time, user identification and transaction identification) is only valid for single-consumer queues.

In a queue table that is created with the compatible parameter set to '8.1' or higher, messages that were not dequeued by the consumer are shown as "UNDELIVERABLE". You can dequeue these messages by msgid. If the Oracle Streams AQ queue process monitor is running, then the messages are eventually moved to an exception queue. You can dequeue these messages from the exception queue with an ordinary dequeue.

A multiconsumer queue table created without the compatible parameter, or with the compatible parameter set to '8.0', does not display the state of a message on a consumer basis, but only displays the global state of the message.


Queues created in a queue table with compatible set to 8.0 (referred to in this guide as 8.0-style queues) are deprecated in Oracle Streams AQ 10g Release 2 (10.2). Oracle recommends that any new queues you create be 8.1-style or newer and that you migrate existing 8.0-style queues at your earliest convenience.

When a message is dequeued using the REMOVE mode, DEQ_TIME, DEQ_USER_ID, and DEQ_TXN_ID are updated for the consumer that dequeued the message.

You can use MSGID and ORIGINAL_MSGID to chain propagated messages. When a message with message identifier m1 is propagated to a remote queue, m1 is stored in the ORIGINAL_MSGID column of the remote queue.

Beginning with Oracle Database 10g, AQ$Queue_Table_Name includes buffered messages. For buffered messages, the value of MSG_STATE is one of the following:


    Buffered messages enqueued by a user


    Buffered messages enqueued by a capture process


    User-enqueued buffered messages that have been spilled to disk


    Capture-enqueued buffered messages that have been spilled to disk


    Expired buffered messages

Table 9-1 AQ$Queue_Table_Name View

Column Datatype NULL Description
QUEUE VARCHAR2(30) - Queue name
MSG_ID RAW(16) NOT NULL Unique identifier of the message
CORR_ID VARCHAR2(128) - User-provided correlation identifier
MSG_PRIORITY NUMBER - Message priority
MSG_STATE VARCHAR2(16) - Message state
DELAY DATE - Time in date format at which the message in waiting state would become ready. Equals ENQUEUE_TIME + user specified DELAY
DELAY_TIMESTAMP TIMESTAMP - Time as a timestamp format at which the message in waiting state would become ready. Equals ENQUEUE_TIMESTAMP + user specified DELAY
EXPIRATION NUMBER - Number of seconds in which the message expires after being READY
ENQ_TIME DATE - Enqueue time
ENQ_USER_ID NUMBER - Enqueue user ID
ENQ_USER_ID (10.1 queue tables) VARCHAR2(30) - Enqueue user name
ENQ_TXN_ID VARCHAR2(30) - Enqueue transaction ID
DEQ_TIME DATE - Dequeue time
DEQ_USER_ID NUMBER - Dequeue user ID
DEQ_USER_ID (10.1 queue tables) VARCHAR2(30) - Dequeue user name
DEQ_TXN_ID VARCHAR2(30) - Dequeue transaction ID
RETRY_COUNT NUMBER - Number of retries
EXCEPTION_QUEUE_OWNER VARCHAR2(30) - Exception queue schema
EXCEPTION_QUEUE VARCHAR2(30) - Exception queue name
USER_DATA - - User data
SENDER_NAME VARCHAR2(30) - Name of the agent enqueuing the message (valid only for 8.1-compatible queue tables)
SENDER_ADDRESS VARCHAR2(1024) - Queue name and database name of the source (last propagating) queue (valid only for 8.1-compatible queue tables). The database name is not specified if the source queue is in the local database.
SENDER_PROTOCOL NUMBER - Protocol for sender address (reserved for future use and valid only for 8.1-compatible queue tables)
ORIGINAL_MSGID RAW(16) - Message ID of the message in the source queue (valid only for 8.1-compatible queue tables)
CONSUMER_NAME VARCHAR2(30) - Name of the agent receiving the message (valid only for 8.1-compatible multiconsumer queue tables)
ADDRESS VARCHAR2(1024) - Queue name and database link name of the agent receiving the message.The database link name is not specified if the address is in the local database. The address is NULL if the receiving agent is local to the queue (valid only for 8.1-compatible multiconsumer queue tables)
PROTOCOL NUMBER - Protocol for address of receiving agent (valid only for 8.1-compatible queue tables)
PROPAGATED_MSGID RAW(16) - Message ID of the message in the queue of the receiving agent (valid only for 8.1-compatible queue tables)
ORIGINAL_QUEUE_NAME VARCHAR2(30) - Name of the queue the message came from
ORIGINAL_QUEUE_OWNER VARCHAR2(30) - Owner of the queue the message came from
EXPIRATION_REASON VARCHAR2(19) - Reason the message came into exception queue. Possible values are TIME_EXPIRATION (message expired after the specified expired time), MAX_RETRY_EXCEEDED (maximum retry count exceeded), and PROPAGATION_FAILURE (message became undeliverable during propagation).


A message is moved to an exception queue if RETRY_COUNT is greater than MAX_RETRIES. If a dequeue transaction fails because the server process dies (including ALTER SYSTEM KILL SESSION) or SHUTDOWN ABORT on the instance, then RETRY_COUNT is not incremented.

9.11 AQ$Queue_Table_Name_S: Queue Subscribers

The AQ$Queue_Table_Name_S view provides information about subscribers for all the queues in any given queue table. It shows subscribers created by users with DBMS_AQADM.ADD_SUBSCRIBER and subscribers created for the apply process to apply user-created events. It also displays the transformation for the subscriber, if it was created with one. It is generated when the queue table is created.

This view provides functionality that is equivalent to the DBMS_AQADM.QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS() procedure. For these queues, Oracle recommends that the view be used instead of this procedure to view queue subscribers. This view is created only for 8.1-compatible queue tables.

Table 9-2 AQ$Queue_Table_Name_S View

Column Datatype NULL Description
QUEUE VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Name of queue for which subscriber is defined
NAME VARCHAR2(30) - Name of agent
ADDRESS VARCHAR2(1024) - Address of agent
PROTOCOL NUMBER - Protocol of agent
TRANSFORMATION VARCHAR2(61) - Name of the transformation (can be null)

9.12 AQ$Queue_Table_Name_R: Queue Subscribers and Their Rules

The AQ$Queue_Table_Name_R view displays only the subscribers based on rules for all queues in a given queue table, including the text of the rule defined by each subscriber. It also displays the transformation for the subscriber, if one was specified. It is generated when the queue table is created.

This view is created only for 8.1-compatible queue tables.

Table 9-3 AQ$Queue_Table_Name_R View

Column Datatype NULL Description
QUEUE VARCHAR2(30) NOT NULL Name of queue for which subscriber is defined
NAME VARCHAR2(30) - Name of agent
ADDRESS VARCHAR2(1024) - Address of agent
PROTOCOL NUMBER - Protocol of agent
RULE CLOB - Text of defined rule
RULE_SET VARCHAR2(65) - Set of rules
TRANSFORMATION VARCHAR2(61) - Name of the transformation (can be null)

9.13 DBA_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS: All Queue Subscribers in Database

The DBA_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS view returns a list of all subscribers on all queues in the database. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS.

9.14 USER_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS: Queue Subscribers in User Schema

The USER_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS view returns a list of subscribers on queues in the schema of the current user. Its columns are the same as those in ALL_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS except that it does not contain the OWNER column.

9.15 ALL_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS: Subscribers for Queues Where User Has Queue Privileges

The ALL_QUEUE_SUBSCRIBERS view returns a list of subscribers to queues that the current user has privileges to dequeue from.

9.16 DBA_TRANSFORMATIONS: All Transformations

The DBA_TRANSFORMATIONS view displays all the transformations in the database. These transformations can be specified with Advanced Queue operations like enqueue, dequeue and subscribe to automatically integrate transformations in messaging. This view is accessible only to users having DBA privileges.

9.17 DBA_ATTRIBUTE_TRANSFORMATIONS: All Transformation Functions

The DBA_ATTRIBUTE_TRANSFORMATIONS view displays the transformation functions for all the transformations in the database.

9.18 USER_TRANSFORMATIONS: User Transformations

The USER_TRANSFORMATIONS view displays all the transformations owned by the user. To view the transformation definition, query USER_ATTRIBUTE_TRANSFORMATIONS.

9.19 USER_ATTRIBUTE_TRANSFORMATIONS: User Transformation Functions

The USER_ATTRIBUTE_TRANSFORMATIONS view displays the transformation functions for all the transformations of the user.

9.20 DBA_SUBSCR_REGISTRATIONS: All Subscription Registrations

The DBA_SUBSCR_REGISTRATIONS view lists all the subscription registrations in the database.

9.21 USER_SUBSCR_REGISTRATIONS: User Subscription Registrations

The USER_SUBSCR_REGISTRATIONS view lists the subscription registrations in the database for the current user. Its columns are the same as those in DBA_SUBSCR_REGISTRATIONS.

9.22 AQ$INTERNET_USERS: Oracle Streams AQ Agents Registered for Internet Access

The AQ$INTERNET_USERS view provides information about the agents registered for Internet access to Oracle Streams AQ. It also provides the list of database users that each Internet agent maps to.


Column Datatype NULL Description
AGENT_NAME VARCHAR2(30) - Name of the Oracle Streams AQ Internet agent
DB_USERNAME VARCHAR2(30) - Name of database user that this Internet agent maps to
HTTP_ENABLED VARCHAR2(4) - Indicates whether this agent is allowed to access Oracle Streams AQ through HTTP (YES or NO)
FTP_ENABLED VARCHAR2(4) - Indicates whether this agent is allowed to access Oracle Streams AQ through FTP (always NO in current release)

9.23 (G)V$AQ: Number of Messages in Different States in Database

The (G)V$AQ view provides information about the number of messages in different states for the whole database.

In a Real Application Clusters environment, each instance keeps its own Oracle Streams AQ statistics information in its own System Global Area (SGA), and does not have knowledge of the statistics gathered by other instances. When a GV$AQ view is queried by an instance, all other instances funnel their Oracle Streams AQ statistics information to the instance issuing the query.

9.24 (G)V$BUFFERED_QUEUES: All Buffered Queues in the Instance.

The V$BUFFERED_QUEUES view displays information about all buffered queues in the instance. There is one row per queue.

9.25 (G)V$BUFFERED_SUBSCRIBERS: Subscribers for All Buffered Queues in the Instance

The V$BUFFERED_SUBSCRIBERS view displays information about the subscribers for all buffered queues in the instance. There is one row per subscriber per queue.

9.26 (G)V$BUFFERED_PUBLISHERS: All Buffered Publishers in the Instance

The V$BUFFERED_PUBLISHERS view displays information about all buffered publishers in the instance. There is one row per queue per sender. The values are reset to zero when the database (or instance in an Oracle RAC environment) restarts.

9.27 (G)V$PERSISTENT_QUEUES: All Active Persistent Queues in the Instance

The V$PERSISTENT_QUEUES view displays information about all active persistent queues in the database since the queues' first activity time. There is one row per queue. The rows are deleted when the database (or instance in an Oracle RAC environment) restarts.

9.28 (G)V$PERSISTENT_SUBSCRIBERS: All Active Subscribers of the Persistent Queues in the Instance

The V$PERSISTENT_SUBSCRIBERS view displays information about all active subscribers of the persistent queues in the database. There is one row per instance per queue per subscriber. The rows are deleted when the database (or instance in an Oracle RAC environment) restarts.

9.29 (G)V$PERSISTENT_PUBLISHERS: All Active Publishers of the Persistent Queues in the Instance

The V$PERSISTENT_PUBLISHERS view displays information about all active publishers of the persistent queues in the database. There is one row per instance per queue per publisher. The rows are deleted when the database (or instance in an Oracle RAC environment) restarts.

9.30 (G)V$PROPAGATION_SENDER: Buffer Queue Propagation Schedules on the Sending (Source) Side

The V$PROPAGATION_SENDER view displays information about buffer queue propagation schedules on the sending (source) side. The values are reset to zero when the database (or instance in a Real Application Clusters (RAC) environment) restarts, when propagation migrates to another instance, or when an unscheduled propagation is attempted.

9.31 (G)V$PROPAGATION_RECEIVER: Buffer Queue Propagation Schedules on the Receiving (Destination) Side

The V$PROPAGATION_RECEIVER view displays information about buffer queue propagation schedules on the receiving (destination) side. The values are reset to zero when the database (or instance in a Real Application Clusters (RAC) environment) restarts, when propagation migrates to another instance, or when an unscheduled propagation is attempted.

9.32 (G)V$SUBSCR_REGISTRATION_STATS: Diagnosability of Notifications

The V$SUBSCR_REGISTRATION_STATS view provides information for diagnosability of notifications.

9.33 V$METRICGROUP: Information about the Metric Group

This V$METRICGROUP view displays information about the metric group for each of the four major Streams components: capture, propagation, apply, and queue.

9.34 (G)V$STREAMSMETRIC: Streams Metrics for the Most Recent Interval

This view displays the capture, propagation, and apply metrics for the most recent interval.


Column Datatype Description
INST_ID Instance ID (GV$ only)
BEGIN_TIME DATE Begin time of interval
END_TIME DATE End time of interval
INTSIZE_CSEC NUMBER Interval size (centi-seconds)
COMPONENT_TYPE VARCHAR2(32) Type of the component (either 'CAPTURE', 'PROPAGATION', or 'APPLY')
COMPONENT_NAME VARCHAR2(32) Name of streams component
COMPONENT_START_TIME DATE Time that component started
RATE1_VALUE NUMBER Value of rate 1
RATE1_NAME VARCHAR2(64) Name of rate1
RATE1_UNIT VARCHAR2(64) Unit of measurement of rate1
RATE2_VALUE NUMBER Value of rate 2
RATE2_NAME VARCHAR2(64) Name of rate2
RATE2_UNIT VARCHAR2(64) Unit of measurement of rate2
LATENCY NUMBER Latency from time last message processed by component was written to redo to time the message was processed by this component

9.35 (G)V$STREAMSMETRIC_HISTORY: Streams Metrics Over Past Hour

This view returns all metric values for streams messages over the past hour. It has the same form as (G)V$STREAMSMETRIC: Streams Metrics for the Most Recent Interval.

9.36 (G)V$QUEUEMETRIC: Queue Metrics for the Most Recent Interval

This view displays the queue metrics for the most recent interval.


Column Datatype Description
INST_ID Instance ID (GV$ only)
BEGIN_TIME DATE Begin time of interval
END_TIME DATE End time of interval
INTSIZE_CSEC NUMBER Interval size (centi-seconds)
QUEUE_NAME VARCHAR2(32) Name of queue
QUEUE_START_TIME DATE Time when queue started
ENQUEUED_PER_SECOND NUMBER Number of messages enqueue per second
SPILLED_PER_SECOND NUMBER Number of messages spilled per second
NUM_MESSAGES NUMBER Current number of messages in the queue

9.37 (G)V$QUEUEMETRIC_HISTORY: Queue Metrics Over Past Hour

This view returns all queue metric values over the past hour. It has the same shape as (G)V$QUEUEMETRIC: Queue Metrics for the Most Recent Interval.

9.38 DBA_HIST_STREAMSMETRIC: Streams Metric History

This view displays view provides catalog access to streams metric history.


Column Datatype Description
SNAP_ID NUMBER Required by AWR, snapshot ID
DBID NUMBER Required by AWR, database ID
INSTANCE_NUMBER NUMBER Required by AWR, instance number
BEGIN_TIME DATE Begin time of interval
END_TIME DATE End time of interval
INTSIZE NUMBER Interval size (centi-seconds)
COMPONENT_TYPE VARCHAR2(32) Type of the component (either 'CAPTURE', 'PROPAGATION', or 'APPLY')
COMPONENT_NAME VARCHAR2(32) Name of streams component
COMPONENT_START_TIME DATE Time that component started
RATE1_VALUE NUMBER Value of rate 1
RATE2_VALUE NUMBER Value of rate 2
LATENCY NUMBER Latency from time last message processed by component was written to redo to time the message was processed by this component

9.39 DBA_HIST_QUEUEMETRIC: Queue Metric History

This view displays view provides catalog access to queue metric history.


Column Datatype Description
SNAP_ID NUMBER Required by AWR, snapshot ID
DBID NUMBER Required by AWR, database ID
INSTANCE_NUMBER NUMBER Required by AWR, instance number
QUEUE_NAME VARCHAR2(32) Name of queue process
QUEUE_START_TIME DATE Time when queue started
BEGIN_TIME DATE Begin time of interval
END_TIME DATE End time of interval
INTSIZE NUMBER Interval size (centi-seconds)
ENQUEUED_PER_SECOND NUMBER Messages enqueue per second
SPILLED_PER_SECOND NUMBER Messages spilled per second
NUMMESSAGES NUMBER Number of messages in the queue

9.40 MGW_GATEWAY: Configuration and Status Information

This view lists configuration and status information for Messaging Gateway.

Table 9-9 MGW_GATEWAY View Properties

Name Type Description
AGENT_DATABASE VARCHAR2 The database connect string used by the Messaging Gateway agent. NULL indicates that a local connection is used.
AGENT_INSTANCE NUMBER The database instance on which the Messaging Gateway agent is currently running. This should be NULL if the agent is not running.
AGENT_JOB NUMBER [Deprecated] Job number of the queued job used to start the Messaging Gateway agent process. The job number is set when Messaging Gateway is started and cleared when it shuts down.
AGENT_NAME VARCHAR2 Name of the Messaging Gateway agent
AGENT_PING VARCHAR2 Gateway agent ping status. Values:
  • NULL means no ping attempt was made.

  • REACHABLE means ping attempt was successful.

  • UNREACHABLE means ping attempt failed.

AGENT_PING attempts to contact the Messaging Gateway agent. There is a short delay (up to 5 seconds) if the ping attempt fails. No ping is attempted if the AGENT_STATUS is NOT_STARTED or START_SCHEDULED.

AGENT_START_TIME TIMESTAMP The time when the Messaging Gateway agent job currently running was started. This should be NULL if the agent is not running.
AGENT_STATUS VARCHAR2 Status of the Messaging Gateway agent. Values:
  • NOT_STARTED means the Messaging Gateway agent has not been started

  • START_SCHEDULED means Messaging Gateway agent has been scheduled to start. That is, Messaging Gateway has been started using DBMS_MGWADM.STARTUP, but the queued job used to start the Messaging Gateway agent has not yet run.

  • STARTING means Messaging Gateway agent is starting. That is, Messaging Gateway has been started using DBMS_MGWADM.STARTUP, the queued job has run, and the Messaging Gateway agent is starting up.

  • INITIALIZING means the Messaging Gateway agent has started and is initializing

  • RUNNING means the Messaging Gateway agent is running

  • SHUTTING_DOWN means the Messaging Gateway agent is shutting down

  • BROKEN means an unexpected condition has been encountered that prevents the Messaging Gateway agent from starting. DBMS_MGWADM.CLEANUP_GATEWAY must be called before the agent can be started.

AGENT_USER VARCHAR2 Database username used by the Messaging Gateway agent to connect to the database
COMMENTS VARCHAR2 Comments for the agent
CONNTYPE VARCHAR2 Connection type used by the agent:
  • JDBC_OCI if the JDBC OCI driver is used

  • JDBC_THIN if the JDBC Thin driver is used

INITFILE VARCHAR2 Name of the Messaging Gateway initialization file used by the agent. NULL indicates that the default initialization file is used.
LAST_ERROR_DATE DATE Date of last Messaging Gateway agent error. The last error information is cleared when Messaging Gateway is started. It is set if the Messaging Gateway agent fails to start or terminates due to an abnormal condition.
LAST_ERROR_MSG VARCHAR2 Message for last Messaging Gateway agent error
LAST_ERROR_TIME VARCHAR2 Time of last Messaging Gateway agent error
MAX_CONNECTIONS NUMBER [Deprecated] Maximum number of messaging connections to Oracle Database
MAX_MEMORY NUMBER Maximum heap size used by the Messaging Gateway agent (in MB)
MAX_THREADS NUMBER Maximum number of messaging threads created by the Messaging Gateway agent
SERVICE VARCHAR2 Name of the database service that is associated with an Oracle Scheduler job class used by the agent

9.41 MGW_AGENT_OPTIONS: Supplemental Options and Properties

This view lists supplemental options and properties for a Messaging Gateway agent.


Column Type Description
AGENT_NAME VARCHAR2 Name of the Messaging Gateway agent
ENCRYPTED VARCHAR2 Indicates whether the value is stored as encrypted:
  • TRUE if the value is stored encrypted

  • FALSE if the value is stored as cleartext

NAME VARCHAR2 Name of the option
TYPE VARCHAR2 Option type or usage: JAVA_SYSTEM_PROP if the option is used to set a Java System property
VALUE VARCHAR2 Value for the option. This will be <<ENCRYPTED>> if the value is stored in an encrypted form.

9.42 MGW_LINKS: Names and Types of Messaging System Links

This view lists the names and types of messaging system links currently defined.

Table 9-11 MGW_LINKS View Properties

Name Type Description
AGENT_NAME VARCHAR2 Name of the Messaging Gateway agent that will process propagation jobs for this link
LINK_COMMENT VARCHAR2 User comment for the link
LINK_NAME VARCHAR2 Name of the messaging system link
LINK_TYPE VARCHAR2 Type of messaging system link. Values
  • MQSERIES is for WebSphere MQ links.

  • TIBRV is for TIB/Rendezvous links.

9.43 MGW_MQSERIES_LINKS: WebSphere MQ Messaging System Links

This view lists information for the WebSphere MQ messaging system links. The view includes most of the messaging system properties specified when the link is created.

Table 9-12 MGW_MQSERIES_LINKS View Properties

Name Type Description
AGENT_NAME VARCHAR2 Name of the Messaging Gateway agent that will process propagation jobs for this link
CHANNEL VARCHAR2 Connection channel
HOSTNAME VARCHAR2 Name of the WebSphere MQ host
INBOUND_LOG_QUEUE VARCHAR2 Inbound propagation log queue
INTERFACE_TYPE VARCHAR2 Messaging interface type. Values:
  • BASE_JAVA is for WebSphere MQ Base Java interface

  • JMS_CONNECTION is for WebSphere MQ JMS unified, domain-independent connections

  • JMS_QUEUE_CONNECTION is for WebSphere MQ JMS queue connections

  • JMS_TOPIC_CONNECTION is for WebSphere MQ JMS topic connections

LINK_COMMENT VARCHAR2 User comment for the link
LINK_NAME VARCHAR2 Name of the messaging system link
MAX_CONNECTIONS NUMBER Maximum number of messaging connections
OUTBOUND_LOG_QUEUE VARCHAR2 Outbound propagation log queue
PORT NUMBER Port number
QUEUE_MANAGER VARCHAR2 Name of the WebSphere MQ queue manager

9.44 MGW_TIBRV_LINKS: TIB/Rendezvous Messaging System Links

This view lists information for TIB/Rendezvous messaging system links. The view includes most of the messaging system properties specified when the link was created.

Table 9-13 MGW_TIBRV_LINKS View Properties

Property Name Type Description
AGENT_NAME VARCHAR2 Name of the Messaging Gateway agent that will process propagation jobs for this link
CM_LEDGER VARCHAR2 TIB/Rendezvous CM ledger file name
CM_NAME VARCHAR2 TIB/Rendezvous CM correspondent name
DAEMON VARCHAR2 TIB/Rendezvous daemon parameter for RVD transport
LINK_COMMENT VARCHAR2 User comment for the link
LINK_NAME VARCHAR2 Name of the messaging system link
NETWORK VARCHAR2 TIB/Rendezvous network parameter for rvd transport
SERVICE VARCHAR2 TIB/Rendezvous service parameter for rvd transport

9.45 MGW_FOREIGN_QUEUES: Foreign Queues

This view lists information for foreign queues. The view includes most of the queue properties specified when the queue is registered.

Table 9-14 MGW_FOREIGN_QUEUES View Properties

Name Type Description
DOMAIN VARCHAR2 Queue domain type. Values:
  • NULL means the queue domain type is automatically determined by the messaging system

  • QUEUE is for a queue (point-to-point) model

  • TOPIC is for a topic (publish-subscribe) model

LINK_NAME VARCHAR2 Name of the messaging system link
NAME VARCHAR2 Name of the registered queue
OPTIONS SYS.MGW_PROPERTIES Optional queue properties
PROVIDER_QUEUE VARCHAR2 Message provider (native) queue name
QUEUE_COMMENT VARCHAR2 User comment for the foreign queue

9.46 MGW_JOBS: Messaging Gateway Propagation Jobs

This view lists information for Messaging Gateway propagation jobs. The view includes most of the job properties specified when the propagation job was created, as well as other status and statistical information.

Table 9-15 MGW_JOBS View

Column Type Description
AGENT_NAME VARCHAR2 Name of the Messaging Gateway agent that processes this job
COMMENTS VARCHAR2 Comments for the propagation job
DESTINATION VARCHAR2 Destination queue to which messages are propagated
ENABLED VARCHAR2 Indicates whether the job is enabled or not:
  • TRUE if the job is enabled

  • FALSE if the job is disabled

EXCEPTION_QUEUE VARCHAR2 Exception queue used for propagation logging purposes
EXCEPTIONQ_MSGS NUMBER Option type or usage: JAVA_SYSTEM_PROP if the option is used to set a Java System property
FAILURES NUMBER Number of messages moved to exception queue since the last time the agent was started
JOB_NAME VARCHAR2 Name of the propagation job
LAST_ERROR_MSG VARCHAR2 Message for the last propagation error
LAST_ERROR_DATE DATE Date of the last propagation error
LAST_ERROR_TIME VARCHAR2 Time of the last propagation error
LINK_NAME VARCHAR2 Name of the Messaging Gateway link used by this job
POLL_INTERVAL INTEGER Propagation poll interval (in seconds)
PROPAGATED_MSGS NUMBER Number of messages propagated since the last time the agent was started
PROP_STYLE VARCHAR2 Message propagation style:
  • NATIVE for native message propagation

  • JMS for JMS message propagation

  • OUTBOUND is for Oracle Streams AQ to non-Oracle propagation

  • INBOUND is for non-Oracle to Oracle Streams AQ propagation

RULE VARCHAR2 Subscription rule used for the propagation source
SOURCE VARCHAR2 Source queue from which messages are propagated
  • READY means the job is ready for propagation. The job must be enabled and the Messaging Gateway agent running before messages are actually propagated.

  • RETRY means the agent encountered errors when attempting to propagate messages for the job and will retry the operation

  • FAILED means the job has failed and agent has stopped trying to propagate messages. Usually this is due to an unrecoverable error or the propagation failure limit being reached. The job must be reset before the agent will attempt to propagate messages. The job is automatically reset each time the agent is started and can be manually reset by DBMS_MGWADM.RESET_JOB.

  • DELETE_PENDING means that job removal is pending. DBMS_MGWADM.REMOVE_JOB has been called but certain cleanup tasks for this job are still outstanding.

  • SUBSCRIBER_DELETE_PENDING means that removal is pending for the subscriber associated with the job. DBMS_MGWADM.REMOVE_SUBSCRIBER has been called but certain cleanup tasks are still outstanding.

TRANSFORMATION VARCHAR2 Transformation used for message conversion

9.47 MGW_SUBSCRIBERS: Information for Subscribers

This view lists configuration and status information for Messaging Gateway subscribers. The view includes most of the subscriber properties specified when the subscriber is added, as well as other status and statistical information.

Table 9-16 MGW_SUBSCRIBERS View Properties

Name Type Description
DESTINATION VARCHAR2 Destination queue to which messages are propagated
EXCEPTIONQ_MSGS NUMBER Number of messages moved to the propagation exception queue since the last time the agent was started
EXCEPTION_QUEUE VARCHAR2 Exception queue used for logging purposes
FAILURES NUMBER Number of propagation failures
LAST_ERROR_DATE DATE Date of last propagation error
LAST_ERROR_MSG VARCHAR2 Message for last propagation error
LAST_ERROR_TIME VARCHAR2 Time of last propagation error
PROP_STYLE VARCHAR2 Message propagation style. Values:
  • NATIVE is for native message propagation

  • JMS is for JMS message propagation

PROPAGATED_MSGS NUMBER Number of messages propagated to the destination queue since the last time the agent was started
PROPAGATION_TYPE VARCHAR2 Propagation type. Values:
  • OUTBOUND is for Oracle Streams AQ to non-Oracle propagation

  • INBOUND is for non-Oracle to Oracle Streams AQ propagation

QUEUE_NAME VARCHAR2 Subscriber source queue
RULE VARCHAR2 Subscription rule
STATUS VARCHAR2 Subscriber status. Values:
  • ENABLED means the subscriber is enabled

  • DELETE_PENDING means subscriber removal is pending, usually because DBMS_MGWADM.REMOVE_SUBSCRIBER has been called but certain cleanup tasks pertaining to this subscriber are still outstanding

SUBSCRIBER_ID VARCHAR2 Propagation subscriber identifier
TRANSFORMATION VARCHAR2 Transformation used for message conversion

9.48 MGW_SCHEDULES: Information about Schedules

This view lists configuration and status information for Messaging Gateway schedules. The view includes most of the schedule properties specified when the schedule is created, as well as other status information.

Table 9-17 MGW_SCHEDULES View Properties

Name Type Description
DESTINATION VARCHAR2 Propagation destination
LATENCY NUMBER Propagation window latency (in seconds)
NEXT_TIME VARCHAR2 Reserved for future use
PROPAGATION_TYPE VARCHAR2 Propagation type. Values:
  • OUTBOUND is for Oracle Streams AQ to non-Oracle propagation

  • INBOUND is for non-Oracle to Oracle Streams AQ propagation

PROPAGATION_WINDOW NUMBER Reserved for future use
SCHEDULE_DISABLED VARCHAR2 Indicates whether the schedule is disabled. Y means the schedule is disabled. N means the schedule is enabled.
SCHEDULE_ID VARCHAR2 Propagation schedule identifier
SOURCE VARCHAR2 Propagation source
START_DATE DATE Reserved for future use
START_TIME VARCHAR2 Reserved for future use