11 Stored Procedures and Triggers

The following sections describe how to use either Java, C++, or .Net stored procedures and triggers within the Oracle Database Lite relational model:

11.1 Java Stored Procedure Features in Oracle Database Lite

Oracle Database Lite supports the Oracle database server development model for stored procedures. The "load and publish" development model occurs when you load the Java class into the Oracle Database Lite database instead of attaching the classes to tables. To implement a Java stored procedure in the Oracle Lite database, do the following:

  1. Load the Java class into the Oracle Database Lite database with either the loadjava command-line utility or the SQL statement CREATE JAVA.

  2. Publish the methods in the class that you want to call from SQL with a call specification, which is created with either the CREATE FUNCTION or CREATE PROCEDURE commands.

Oracle Database Lite supports the traditional model of creating stored procedures. In the traditional model, you attach the Java class to a table where:

  • The static methods in the class become table-level stored procedures of the table.

  • The non-static (instance) methods become row-level stored procedures.

The loadjava utility automates the task of loading Java classes into the database. Using loadjava, you can load Java class, source, and resource files, individually or in archives.

11.2 Overview of Java Stored Procedures and Triggers

  • Java stored procedure: A Java stored procedure is a Java method that is stored in Oracle Database Lite. The procedure can be invoked by applications that access the database. Java stored procedures can return a single value, a row, or multiple rows.

  • Trigger: A trigger is a stored procedure that executes when a specific event occurs, such as a row update, insertion, or deletion. An update of a specific column can also fire a trigger. Triggers, however, cannot return a value. A trigger can operate at the statement-level or row-level.

    • A statement-level trigger fires once per triggering statement, no matter how many rows are affected.

    • A row-level trigger fires once for every row affected by the triggering statement.

11.2.1 Creating Java Stored Procedures

To create a stored procedure, perform the following:

  1. Create the class that you want to store in Oracle Database Lite. You can use any Java IDE to write the procedure, or you can simply reuse an existing procedure that meets your needs.

    When creating the class, consider the following restrictions on calling Java stored procedures from SQL DML statements:

    • When called from an INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement, the method cannot query or modify any database tables modified by that statement.

    • When called from a SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE statement, the method cannot execute SQL transaction control statements, such as COMMIT or ROLLBACK.


    Any SQL statement in a stored procedure that violates a restriction produces an error at run time.
  2. Provide your class with a unique name for its deployment environment, since only one Java Virtual Machine is loaded for each Oracle Database Lite application. If the application executes methods from multiple databases, then the Java classes from these databases are loaded into the same Java Virtual Machine. We recommend that you prefix the Java class name with the database name to ensure that the Java class names are unique across multiple databases.

  3. If you are executing any DML statements in your Java stored procedure, then—in order for these statements to exist within the same transaction—you must pass an argument of type java.sql.Connection as the first argument in the method. You must have the Connection object in order to prepare and execute any statements. Oracle Database Lite supplies the appropriate argument value of the Oracle Lite database Connection object for you; the application executing the method does not need to provide a value for this parameter.

11.3 Creating Java Stored Procedures

Oracle Database Lite supports the following development models for creating Java stored procedures:

In addition, see the following sections for additional information about managing your Java stored procedures:

11.3.1 Using the Load and Publish Stored Procedure Development Model

You do not need to publish every procedure that you store in Oracle Database Lite, only those that should be callable from SQL. Many stored procedures are only called by other stored procedures, and do not need to be published. The load and publish model only supports static methods. Perform the following to create Java stored procedures:

  1. Develop a Java class that contains the methods you want to store. Make sure that the class compiles and executes without errors.

  2. Load the Java class into Oracle Database Lite with either the loadjava utility or the SQL CREATE JAVA command.

  3. Publish any static methods in the Java class that you want to make accessible to SQL by creating call specifications for these methods. By publishing a method, you associate a SQL name to the method. SQL applications use this name to invoke the method.

    This model is supported by Oracle database, which enables you to utilize skills and resources you have already developed in implementing Oracle database enterprise applications and data. There is the following difference:

    • In Oracle Database Lite, you cannot publish a method that is mapped to a main method.

    • In the Oracle database, call specs that publish main methods are permitted.

  4. Invoke the stored procedure through a SQL DML statement.

  5. If you no longer intend to use the stored procedure, you can drop it from the database.


The load and publish development model only supports Java static methods. To store static and non-static (instance) methods, you must attach the class to database tables, as described in Section 11.3.2, "Using the Attached Stored Procedure Development Model".

The following sections describe these activities in detail: Loading Java Stored Procedure Classes Into the Oracle Lite Database

To load Java classes into the Oracle Database Lite database, you can use one of the following: loadjava

The loadjava command-line utility creates schema objects from files and loads them into the database. Schema objects can be created from Java source files, class files, and resource files. Resource files may be image files, resources, or anything else a procedure may need to access as data. You can pass files to loadjava individually, or as ZIP or JAR archive files.

Oracle Database Lite does not keep track of class dependencies. Make sure that you load into the database, or place in the CLASSPATH, all supporting classes and resource files required by a stored procedure. To query the classes that are loaded in the database, you can query the okJavaObj meta class.


The table name and column names are case sensitive.
loadjava {-user | -u} username/password[@database]

   [-option_name -option_name ...] filename filename ...

This section discusses the loadjava arguments in detail.


The user argument specifies a username, password, and database directory in the following format:


For example:

scott/tiger@ ORACLE_HOME\Mobile\Sdk\OLDB40\Polite.odb

Oracle Database Lite supports the following options that are listed and described in Table 11-1.

Table 11-1 Options

Option Description

-force | -f

Forces files to be loaded, even if a schema object with the same name already exists in the database.

-verbose | -v

Directs loadjava to display detailed status messages while running.

-meta | -m

Creates the meta information in the database but does not load the classes. This is useful when the classes are in a .jar file and are not loaded into the database.

When specifying multiple options, you must separate the options with spaces. For example:

-force -verbose 

The Oracle database supports additional options. If used with Oracle Database Lite, the additional options are recognized but not supported. Using them does not result in an error.

To view the options supported by Oracle database, see the loadjava help information using the following syntax.

loadjava {-help | -h}

On the command line, you can specify as many class, source, JAR, ZIP, and resource files as you like, in any order. You must separate multiple file names with spaces, not commas. If passed a source file, loadjava invokes the Java compiler to compile the file before loading it into the database. If passed a JAR or ZIP file, loadjava processes each file in the JAR or ZIP. It does not create a schema object for the JAR or ZIP archive. The loadjava utility does not process a JAR or ZIP archive within another JAR or ZIP archive.

The best way to load files is to place them in a JAR or ZIP and then load the archive. Loading archives avoids the complications associated with resource schema object names. If you have a JAR or ZIP that works with the JDK, then you can be sure that loading it with loadjava also works, and you can avoid the complications associated with resource schema object naming.

As it loads files into the database, loadjava must create a name for the schema objects it creates for the files. The names of schema objects differ slightly from filenames, and different schema objects have different naming conventions. Class files are self-identifying, so loadjava can map their filenames to the names of schema objects automatically. Likewise, JAR and ZIP archives include the names of the files they contain.

However, resource files are not self-identifying; loadjava derives the names of Java resource schema objects from the literal names you enter on the command-line (or the literal names in a JAR or ZIP archive). Because classes use resource schema objects while executing, it is important that you specify the correct resource file names on the command line.

The best way to load individual resource files is to run loadjava from the top of the package tree, specifying resource file names relative to that directory. If you decide not to load resource files from the top of the package tree, you must be aware of how loadjava derives a name for your resource.

When you load a resource file, loadjava derives the name of the resource schema object from the file name that you enter on the command line. Suppose you type the following relative and absolute pathnames on the command line:

cd \scott\javastuff

loadjava options alpha\beta\x.properties

loadjava options  \scott\javastuff\alpha\beta\x.properties

Although you have specified the same file with a relative and an absolute pathname, loadjava creates two schema objects:

  • alpha\beta\x.properties

  • \scott\javastuff\alpha\beta\x.properties.

The loadjava utility generates the resource schema object's name from the file names you enter.

Classes can refer to resource files relatively (for example, b.properties) or absolutely (for example, \a\b.properties). To ensure that loadjava and the class loader use the same name for a schema object, pass loadjava the name of the resource that the class passes to the java.lang.Object.getResource or java.lang.Class.getResourceAsStream method.

Instead of remembering whether classes use relative or absolute resource names and changing directories so that you can enter the correct name on the command line, you can load resource files into a JAR file, as follows:

cd \scott\javastuff

jar -cf alpharesources.jar alpha\*.properties

loadjava options alpharesources.jar

Or, to simplify further, put both the class and resource files in a JAR, which makes the following invocations equivalent:

loadjava options alpha.jar 

loadjava options \scott\javastuff\alpha.jar

The following loads a class and resource file into Oracle Database Lite. It uses the force option; if the database already contains objects with the specified names, loadjava replaces them.

c:\> loadjava -u scott/tiger@c:\Olite\Mobile\Sdk\OLDB40\Polite.odb -f Agent.class\
images.dat Using CREATE JAVA

To load Java classes manually, use the following syntax:


   JAVA {CLASS [SCHEMA <schema_name>] |

   RESOURCE NAMED [<schema_name>.]<primary_name>}


   RESOLVER <resolver_spec>]

   USING BFILE ('<dir_path>', '<class_name>') 


The following apply to the CREATE JAVA parameters:

  • The OR REPLACE clause, if specified, recreates the function or procedure if one with the same name already exists in the database.

  • For compatibility with the Oracle database, Oracle Database Lite recognizes but ignores the <resolver_spec> clause. Unlike the Oracle database, Oracle Database Lite does not resolve class dependencies. When loading classes manually, be sure to load all dependent classes.

  • Oracle Database Lite recognizes, but ignores, <invoker_rights_clause>.


The following demonstrates a CREATE JAVA statement. It loads a class named Employee into the database.

CREATE JAVA CLASS USING BFILE ('c:\myprojects\java', 

   'Employee.class'); Publishing Stored Procedures to SQL

After loading the Java class into the Oracle Database Lite database using loadjava or CREATE JAVA, publish any static method in the class that you want to call from SQL by creating a call specification for it. The call spec maps the Java method's name, parameter types, and return types to SQL counterparts.

You do not need to publish every stored procedure, only those that serve as entry points for your application. In a typical implementation, many stored procedures are called only by other stored procedures, not by SQL users.

To create a call spec, use the SQL commands CREATE FUNCTION for methods that return a value or CREATE PROCEDURE for methods that do not return a value. The CREATE FUNCTION and CREATE PROCEDURE statements have the following syntax:


   { PROCEDURE [<schema_name>.]<proc_name> [([<sql_parms>])] |

   FUNCTION [<schema_name>.]<func_name> [([<sql_parms>])]

   RETURN <sql_type> }



   '<java_fullname>  ([<java_parms>])

   [return <java_type_fullname>]';


The following apply to this statement's keywords and parameters:

  • <sql_parms> has the following format:

    <arg_name> [IN | OUT | IN OUT]
  • <java_parms> is the fully qualified name of the Java datatype.

  • For compatibility with the Oracle database, Oracle Database Lite recognizes but ignores the <invoker_rights_clause> clause.

  • <java_fullname> is the fully qualified name of a static Java method.

  • IS and AS are synonymous.

For example, assume the following class has been loaded into the database:

import java.sql.*;

import java.io.*;


public class GenericDrop {

   public static void dropIt (Connection conn, String object_type, 

                       String object_name) throws SQLException {

      // Build SQL statement

      String sql = "DROP " + object_type + " " + object_name;

      try {

         Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();



      } catch (SQLException e) {


   }  // dropIt

}  // GenericDrop  

Class GenericDrop has one method named dropIt, which drops any kind of schema object. For example, if you pass the arguments "table" and "emp" to dropIt, the method drops the database table EMP from your schema.

The following call specification publishes the method to SQL:


      obj_type VARCHAR2,

      obj_name VARCHAR2)


   NAME 'GenericDrop.dropIt(java.sql.Connection, 

      java.lang.String, java.lang.String)';



You must fully qualify the Java datatype parameters.

Given that you have a table named TEMP defined in your schema, you can execute the drop_it procedure from SQL Plus as follows.

Select drop_it('TABLE', 'TEMP') from dual;

You can also execute the drop_it procedure from within a ODBC application using an ODBC CALL statement. For more information, refer Section 11.3.3, "Calling Java Stored Procedures From a Multithreaded C or C++ Application". Calling Published Stored Procedures

After publishing the stored procedure to SQL, call it with a SQL DML statement. For example, assume that this class is stored in the database:

public class Formatter {

   public static String formatEmp (String empName, String jobTitle) {

      empName = empName.substring(0,1).toUpperCase() + 

      jobTitle = jobTitle.trim().toLowerCase();

      if (jobTitle.equals("analyst"))

         return (new String(empName + " is an exempt analyst"));


      return (new String(empName + " is a non-exempt " + jobTitle));



Class Formatter has one method named formatEmp, which returns a formatted string containing an employee's name and job status. Create a call spec for Formatter as follows:




   NAME 'Formatter.formatEmp (java.lang.String, java.lang.String)

   return java.lang.String';


The call spec publishes the method formatEmp as format_emp. Invoke it as follows:



This statement produces the following output:



Adams is a non-exempt clerk

Allen is a non-exempt salesman

Ford is an exempt analyst

James is a non-exempt clerk

Martin is a non-exempt salesman

Miller is a non-exempt clerk

Scott is an exempt analyst

Smith is a non-exempt clerk

Turner is a non-exempt salesman

Ward is a non-exempt salesman


Oracle Database Lite does not support the Oracle database SQL CALL statement for invoking stored procedures.

For information on calling stored procedures from C and C++ applications, see Section 11.3.3, "Calling Java Stored Procedures From a Multithreaded C or C++ Application". Dropping Published Stored Procedures

Oracle Database Lite provides tools and SQL commands for dropping stored procedures. You should use caution when dropping procedures from the database, since Oracle Database Lite does not keep track of dependencies between classes. You must ensure that the stored procedure you drop is not referenced by other stored procedures. Dropping a class invalidates classes that depend on it directly or indirectly.

To remove Java stored procedure classes from Oracle Database Lite that were loaded using the load and publish method, use either of the following:

To drop call specifications, use either DROP FUNCTION or DROP PROCEDURE. Using dropjava

The dropjava command-line utility automates the task of dropping Java classes from Oracle Database Lite and Oracle databases. dropjava converts file names into the names of schema objects and drops the schema objects. Use the following syntax to invoke dropjava:

dropjava {-user | -u} username/password[@database]

  [-option] filename filename ...

This section describes the arguments to dropjava.


The user argument specifies a username, password, and absolute path to the database file in the following format:


For example:



By specifying the verbose option (-verbose | -v), you can direct dropjava to produce detailed status messages while running.

Oracle database supports additional options. If used with Oracle Database Lite, the additional options are recognized but not supported. Using them does not result in an error.

For a complete list of supported and recognized options, from the command prompt type:

dropjava -help

For the filename argument, you can specify any number of Java class, source, JAR, ZIP, and resource files, in any order. JAR and ZIP files must be uncompressed. dropjava interprets most file names the same way loadjava does:

  • For class files, dropjava finds the class name in the file and drops the corresponding schema object.

  • For source files, dropjava finds the first class name in the file and drops the corresponding schema object.

  • For JAR and ZIP files, dropjava processes the archived file names as if they had been entered on the command line.

If a file name has an extension other than .java, .class, .jar, or .zip, or has no extension, then dropjava assumes that the file name is the name of a schema object, then drops all source, class, and resource schema objects with that name. If dropjava encounters a file name that does not match the name of any schema object, it displays an error message and then processes the remaining file names. Using SQL Commands

To drop a Java class from Oracle Database Lite manually, use the DROP JAVA statement, which has the following syntax:

DROP JAVA { CLASS | RESOURCE } [<schema-name> .]<object_name>

To drop a call specification, use the DROP FUNCTION or DROP PROCEDURE statement:

DROP { FUNCTION | PROCEDURE } [<schema-name>.]<object_name>

The schema name, if specified, is recognized but ignored by Oracle Database Lite. Example Using the Load and Publish Model

The following example creates a Java stored procedure using the load and publish model.

In this example, you store the Java method paySalary in the Oracle Database Lite. paySalary computes the take-home salary for an employee.

This example covers the following steps.

More examples of Java stored procedures are located in the <ORACLE_HOME>\Mobile\SDK\samples\jdbc directory.

Step 1: Create the Java Class

Create the Java class Employee in the file Employee.java. The Employee class implements the paySalary method:

import java.sql.*;

public class Employee {

   public static String paySalary(float sal, float fica, float sttax, 

                            float ss_pct, float espp_pct)  {

      float deduct_pct;

      float net_sal;

        // compute take-home salary 

      deduct_pct = fica + sttax + ss_pct + espp_pct;

      net_sal = sal * deduct_pct;

      String returnstmt = "Net salary is " + net_sal;

      return returnstmt;

   } // paySalary


The keyword "public class" should not be used in a comment before the first public class statement.

Step 2: Load the Java Class into the Database

From mSQL, load the Java class using CREATE JAVA, as follows:

CREATE JAVA CLASS USING BFILE ('c:\myprojects\doc', 


This command loads the Java class located in c:\myprojects\doc into the Oracle Database Lite.

Step 3: Publish the Function

Create a call spec for the paySalary method. The following call spec publishes the Java method paySalary as function pay_salary:

CREATE FUNCTION pay_salary (

sal float, fica float, sttax float, ss_pct float, espp_pct float)



'Employee.paySalary(float, float, float, float, float)

return java.lang.String';


Step 4: Execute the Function

To execute pay_salary in mSQL:

SELECT pay_salary(6000.00, 0.2, 0.0565, 0.0606, 0.1)


To execute pay_salary in ODBC:


   "SELECT pay_salary(6000.00,0.2,0.0565,0.0606,0.1)


Because the arguments to pay_salary are constants, the FROM clause specifies the dummy table DUAL. This SELECT statement produces the following output:

Net salary is 2502.6

11.3.2 Using the Attached Stored Procedure Development Model

You can create Java stored procedures by attaching classes to a table and invoking methods in the class by name. Using this model, you can store both class-level (static) methods and object-level (non-static) methods.

For this model, follow these steps:

  1. Develop a Java class with the methods you want to store. Make sure that the class compiles and executes without errors.

  2. Attach the class to a table using the SQL ALTER TABLE command. Once the class is attached, then the methods in the class become table-level or row-level stored procedures of the table.

  3. Invoke methods in the class directly from SQL. Identify the method with table_name.method_name.

This information is specific to Oracle Database Lite; you cannot attach classes to Oracle database tables as described here. The load and publish model for developing stored procedures, described in Section 11.3.1, "Using the Load and Publish Stored Procedure Development Model", only supports class (static) methods. By attaching classes to tables, however, you can store and call Java class and instance methods.

The following sections describe the details for attaching and using Java stored procedures: Attaching a Java Class to a Table

To attach a Java class to a table, use the SQL command ALTER TABLE, which has the following syntax:

ALTER TABLE [schema.]table 

   ATTACH JAVA {CLASS|SOURCE} "cls_or_src_name "

   IN {DATABASE|'cls_or_src_path '}

   [WITH CONSTRUCTOR ARGS (col_name_list )]


You can attach either a source file or a class file. Source files are compiled by the Java compiler found in the system path.


  • The cls_or_src_name variable specifies a fully qualified name of a class or source file. This includes the package name followed by class name, such as Oracle.lite.Customer. Do not include the file extension in the class or source file name. The name is case-sensitive. If you use lowercase letters, enclose the name in double quotes (" "). Make sure that the source or class is in the package specified by cls_or_src_name. For example, the source file of the example class Customer should contain the line "package Oracle.lite;". The class file is stored in the database in the same package. Oracle Database Lite creates the package if it does not already exist.

  • If you have already attached the Java class to another table in the database, you can use the IN DATABASE clause. If the class has not yet been attached, specify the directory location of the class or source file in cls_or_src_path.

  • Prior to executing a row-level stored procedure, Oracle Database Lite creates a Java object for the row, if one does not already exist. If the ALTER TABLE statement includes a WITH CONSTRUCTOR clause, then Oracle Database Lite creates the object using the class constructor that is the best match given the datatypes of the columns included in col_name_list. If the ALTER TABLE statement does not include a WITH CONSTRUCTOR clause, then Oracle Database Lite uses the default constructor.

You can use the ODBC functions SQLProcedures and SQLProcedureColumns to retrieve information about methods defined in a table. Table-Level Stored Procedures

Table-level stored procedures are the static methods of the attached Java class. Therefore, when executing the method, Oracle Database Lite does not instantiate the class to which it belongs. In a call statement, you refer to table-level stored procedures as table_name.method_name.

Statement-level triggers and BEFORE INSERT and AFTER DELETE row-level triggers (see "Section 11.5.1, "Statement-Level vs. Row-Level Triggers") must be table-level stored procedures. Row-Level Stored Procedures

Row-level stored procedures are the non-static methods in the attached Java class. To execute a row-level stored procedure, Oracle Database Lite instantiates the class to which the procedure belongs. The arguments to the class constructor determine which column values the constructor uses as parameters to create the class instances. In a call statement, you refer to row-level stored procedures as method_name (without the table qualifier). Row-level triggers can indirectly execute row-level stored procedures. Calling Attached Stored Procedures

After attaching the class to a table using the ALTER TABLE statement, you can call it with a SELECT statement. Refer to table-level stored procedures as table_name.method_name and row-level procedures as method_name.

For example, to execute a table-level stored procedure:

SELECT table_name.proc_name[arg_list]

   FROM {DUAL|[schema.]table WHERE condition};

The proc_name is the name of the table-level stored procedure. Each argument in arg_list is either a constant or a reference to a column in the table. If all the arguments of arg_list are constants, the FROM clause should reference the dummy table DUAL.

Execute a row-level stored procedure as follows:

SELECT [schema.]proc_name[arg_list]

   FROM [schema.]table

   WHERE condition;

If you call a procedure in the form table_name.method_name, and a table or method with that name does not exist, Oracle Database Lite assumes that table_name refers to a schema name and method_name refers to a procedure name. If you reference method_name only, Oracle Database Lite assumes that the referenced method is a row-level procedure. If there is no such procedure defined, however, Oracle Database Lite assumes that method_name refers to a procedure in the current schema.


Oracle Database Lite does not support the Oracle8i SQL CALL statement for invoking stored procedures.

You can use a callable statement to execute a procedure from ODBC or JDBC applications. For more information, see Chapter 10, "JDBC Programming" or Section 11.3.3, "Calling Java Stored Procedures From a Multithreaded C or C++ Application". Dropping Attached Stored Procedures

Oracle Database Lite provides tools and SQL commands for dropping stored procedures. You should use caution when dropping procedures from the database, since Oracle Database Lite does not keep track of dependencies between classes. You must ensure that the stored procedure you drop is not referenced by other stored procedures. Dropping a class invalidates classes that depend on it directly or indirectly.

You use the ALTER TABLE command to drop stored procedures, which has the following syntax:

ALTER TABLE [schema.]table 



You must enclose the class name in double quotes (" ") if it contains lowercase letters.

Detaching the Java class does not delete it from the database. To delete the Java class file from the database, use the DETACH AND DELETE statement.

If you delete a Java class from the database after invoking it as a stored procedure or trigger, the class remains in the Java Virtual Machine attached to the application. To unload the class from the Java Virtual Machine, commit changes to the database, if necessary, and close all applications connected to the database. To replace a Java class, you must close all connections to the database and reload the class. Example of An Attached Java Stored Procedure

The following example shows how to create a Java stored procedure in Oracle Database Lite. In this example, you attach the Java method paySalary to the table EMP. paySalary computes the take-home salary for an employee.

This example covers the following steps:

Step 1: Create the Table

Create the table using the following SQL command:

CREATE TABLE EMP(Col1 char(10));

Step 2: Create the Java Class

Create the Java class Employee in the file Employee.java. The Employee class implements the paySalary method:

import java.sql.*;

public class Employee {

   public static String paySalary(float sal, float fica, float sttax, 

                            float ss_pct, float espp_pct)  {

      float deduct_pct;

      float net_sal;

        // compute take-home salary 

      deduct_pct = fica + sttax + ss_pct + espp_pct;

      net_sal = sal * deduct_pct;

      String returnstmt = "Net salary is " + net_sal;

      return returnstmt;

   } // paySalary


Step 3: Attach the Java Class to the Table

From mSQL, attach the Java class using the ALTER TABLE command:


This command attaches the Java source file for the Employee class, which resides in the directory C:\tmp, to the EMP table.

Step 4: Execute the Method

To execute the paySalary method in mSQL, type the following statement:

SELECT EMP."paySalary"(6000.00,0.2,0.0565,0.0606,0.1)


To execute paySalary from ODBC, invoke SQLExecDirect:


   "SELECT EMP.\"paySalary\"(6000.00,0.2,0.0565,0.0606,0.1)


This statement produces the following result:

Net salary is 2502.6

11.3.3 Calling Java Stored Procedures From a Multithreaded C or C++ Application

When invoking a Java stored procedure from a multithreaded C or C++ application, you should load jvm.dll from the application's main function. This resolves a problem that occurs with the Java Virtual Machine's garbage collection when a C or C++ application creates multiple threads that invoke a stored procedure directly or indirectly. The Java Virtual Machine runs out of memory because the threads do not detach from the Java Virtual Machine before exiting. Since Oracle Database Lite cannot determine whether the Java Virtual Machine or the user application created the thread, it does not attempt to detach them.

The main function should load the library before taking any other action, as follows:

int main (int argc, char** argv)




The library loads the Java Virtual Machine into the application's main thread. It attempts to detach any thread from the Java Virtual Machine if the thread detaches from the process. The jvm.dll behaves correctly even if the thread is not attached to a Java Virtual Machine.

11.4 Converting Datatypes Between Java and SQL For Stored Procedures

Oracle Database Lite performs type conversion between Java and SQL datatypes according to standard SQL rules. For example, if you pass an integer to a stored procedure that takes a string, Oracle Database Lite converts the integer to a string. For information about row-level triggers arguments, see Section 11.5.5, "Trigger Arguments". For a complete list of Java to SQL datatype mappings, see Section 10.5.1, "Mapping Datatypes Between Java and Oracle".


In Oracle database, DATE columns are created as TIMESTAMP. Also, note that TIMESTAMP WITH TIME ZONE data type is not supported.

You must specify trigger methods accordingly.

Java does not allow a method to change the value of its arguments outside the scope of the method. However, Oracle Database Lite supports IN, OUT, and IN/OUT parameters.

Many Java datatypes are immutable or do not support NULL values. To pass NULL values and use IN/OUT parameters for those datatypes, a stored procedure can use an array of that type or use the equivalent object type. Table 11-2 shows the Java integer datatypes you can use to enable an integer to be an IN/OUT parameter or carry a NULL value.

Table 11-2 The Java Integer Datatypes

Java Argument Can Be IN/OUT Can Be NULL
















You can use mutable Java datatypes, such as Date, to pass a NULL or an IN/OUT parameter. However, use a Date array if a stored procedure needs to change the NULL status of its argument.


Passing a NULL when the corresponding Java argument cannot be NULL causes an error.

11.4.1 Declaring Parameters for Java Stored Procedures

The return value of a Java method is the OUT parameter of the procedure. A primitive type or immutable reference type can be an IN parameter. A mutable reference type or array type can be an IN/OUT parameter. Table 11-3 shows the Java type to use to make the corresponding Oracle Database Lite parameter an IN/OUT parameter.

Table 11-3 Java Types for Oracle Database Lite IN/OUT Parameters

For IN/OUT parameters of type... Use...


Integer[] or int[]


byte[] or byte[][]



If the stored procedure takes a java.sql.Connection, Oracle Database Lite automatically supplies the argument using the value of the current transaction or row. This argument is the first argument passed to the procedure.

11.4.2 Using Stored Procedures to Return Multiple Rows

You can use stored procedures to return multiple rows. You can invoke stored procedures that return multiple rows only from JDBC or ODBC applications, however. For a stored procedure to return multiple rows, its corresponding Java method must return a java.sql.ResultSet object. By executing a SELECT statement, the Java method obtains a ResultSet object to return. The column names of the ResultSet are specified in the SELECT statement. If you need to address the result columns by different names than those used in the table, the SELECT statement should use aliases for the result columns. For example:

SELECT emp.name Name,  dept.Name Dept 

   FROM  emp, dept

   WHERE emp.dept# = dept.dept#;

Because the return type of a stored procedure that returns multiple rows must be java.sql.ResultSet, the signature of that stored procedure cannot be used to obtain the column names or types of the result. Consequently, you should design additional tables to track the column names or result types for the stored procedures. For example, if you embed the preceding SELECT statement in a Java method, the method return type should be java.sql.ResultType, not char Name and char Dept.


You can only create Java stored procedures that return multiple rows using the attached stored procedure development model, described in Section 11.3.2, "Using the Attached Stored Procedure Development Model". Returning Multiple Rows in ODBC

To execute a stored procedure that returns multiple rows in an OBDC application, use the following CALL statement, in which P is the name of the stored procedure and a1 through an are arguments to the stored procedure.

{CALL P(a1,...,an)}

You use a marker (?) for any argument that should be bound to a value before the statement executes. When the statement executes, the procedure runs and the cursor on the result set is stored in the statement handle. Subsequent fetches using this statement handle return the rows from the procedure.

After you execute the CALL statement, use SQLNumResultCols to find the number of columns in each row of the result. Use the SQLDescribeCol function to return the column name and datatype. Example

The following example shows how to use ODBC to execute a stored procedure that returns multiple rows. This example does not use the SQLNumResultCols or SQLDescribeCol functions. It assumes that you have created a stored procedure, which you have published to SQL as PROC. PROC takes an integer as an argument.

rc = SQLPrepare(StmtHdl, "{call PROC(?)}", SQL_NTS);

CHECK_STMT_ERR(StmtHdl, rc, "SQLPrepare");

rc = SQLBindParameter(StmtHdl, 1, SQL_PARAM_INPUT_OUTPUT,

   SQL_C_LONG,SQL_INTEGER, 0, 0, &InOutNum, 0, NULL);

CHECK_STMT_ERR(StmtHdl, rc, "SQLBindParameter");

rc = SQLExecute(StmtHdl);

CHECK_STMT_ERR(StmtHdl, rc, "SQLExecute");

/* you can use SQLNumResultCols and SQLDescribeCol here */

rc = SQLBindCol(StmtHdl, 1, SQL_C_CHAR, c1, 20, &pcbValue1);

CHECK_STMT_ERR(StmtHdl, rc, "SQLBindCol");

rc = SQLBindCol(StmtHdl, 2, SQL_C_CHAR, c2, 20, &pcbValue2);

CHECK_STMT_ERR(StmtHdl, rc, "SQLBindCol");

while ((rc = SQLFetch(StmtHdl)) != SQL_NO_DATA_FOUND) {

   CHECK_STMT_ERR(StmtHdl, rc, "SQLFetch");

   printf("%s, %s\n", c1, c2);


11.5 Using Triggers With Java Stored Procedures

Triggers are stored procedures that execute, or "fire", when a specific event occurs. A trigger can fire when a column is updated, or when a row is added or deleted. The trigger can fire before or after the event.

Triggers are commonly used to enforce a database's business rules. For example, a trigger can verify input values and reject an illegal insert. Similarly, a trigger can ensure that all tables depending on a particular row are brought to a consistent state before the row is deleted.

11.5.1 Statement-Level vs. Row-Level Triggers

There are two types of triggers: row-level and statement-level. A row-level trigger is fired once for each row affected by the change to the database. A statement-level trigger fires only once, even if multiple rows are affected by the change.

The BEFORE INSERT and AFTER DELETE triggers can only fire table-level stored procedures, since a row object cannot be instantiated to call the procedures. The AFTER INSERT, BEFORE DELETE, and UPDATE triggers may fire table-level or row-level stored procedures.

11.5.2 Creating Triggers

Use the CREATE TRIGGER statement to create a trigger. The CREATE TRIGGER statement has the following syntax:


   UPDATE [OF column_list]} [OR ]] ON table_reference 

   [FOR EACH ROW] procedure_ref


In the CREATE TRIGGER syntax:

  • Use the OR clause to specify multiple triggering events.

  • Use FOR EACH ROW to create a row-level trigger. For a table-level trigger, do not include this clause.

  • Use procedure_ref to identify the stored procedure to execute.

You can create multiple triggers of the same kind for a table if each trigger has a unique name within a schema.

In the following example, assume that you have stored and published a procedure as PROCESS_NEW_HIRE. The trigger AIEMP fires every time a row is inserted into the EMP table.



UPDATE triggers that use the same stored procedure for different columns of a table are fired only once when a subset of the columns is modified within a statement. For example, the following statement creates a BEFORE UPDATE trigger on table T, which has columns C1, C2, and C3:


   FOR EACH ROW trigg(old.C1,new.C1,old.C2,new.C2,


This update statement fires T_TRIGGER only once:

UPDATE T SET C1 = 10, C2 = 10 WHERE ... Enabling and Disabling Triggers

When you create a trigger, it is automatically enabled. To disable triggers, use the ALTER TABLE or ALTER TRIGGER statement.

To enable or disable individual triggers, use the ALTER TRIGGER statement, which has the following syntax:


To enable or disable all triggers attached to a table, use ALTER TABLE:


11.5.3 Dropping Triggers

To drop a trigger, use the DROP TRIGGER statement, which has the following syntax:

DROP TRIGGER [schema.]trigger

11.5.4 Trigger Example

This example creates a trigger. It follows the development model described in Section 11.3.2, "Using the Attached Stored Procedure Development Model". For an example of creating triggers using the load and publish model, see Section 11.5.6, "Trigger Arguments Example". In the example, you first create a table and a Java class. Then you attach the class to the table. And finally, you create and fire the trigger.

The SalaryTrigger class contains the check_sal_raise method. The method prints a message if an employee gets a salary raise of more than ten percent. The trigger fires the method before updating a salary in the EMP table.

Since check_sal_raise writes a message to standard output, use mSQL to issue the mSQL commands in the example. To start mSQL, invoke the Command Prompt and enter the following.

msql username/password@connect_string

connect_string is JDBC URL syntax. For example, to connect to the default database as user SYSTEM, at the Command Prompt.

msql system/passwd@jdbc:polite:polite

At the mSQL command line, create and populate the EMP table as follows.

CREATE TABLE EMP(E# int, name char(10), salary real,

   Constraint E#_PK primary key (E#));

INSERT INTO EMP VALUES (123,'Smith',60000);

INSERT INTO EMP VALUES (234,'Jones',50000);

Place the following class in SalaryTrigger.java:

class SalaryTrigger {

   private int eno;

   public SalaryTrigger(int enum) {

      eno = enum;


   public void check_sal_raise(float old_sal,

      float new_sal)


      if (((new_sal - old_sal)/old_sal) > .10)


         // raise too high  do something here

         System.out.println("Raise too high for employee " + eno);




The SalaryTrigger class constructor takes an integer, which it assigns to attribute eno (the employee number). An instance of SalaryTrigger is created for each row (that is, for each employee) in the table EMP.

The check_sal_raise method is a non-static method. To execute, it must be called by an object of its class. Whenever the salary column of a row in EMP is modified, an instance of SalaryTrigger corresponding to that row is created (if it does not already exist) with the employee number (E#) as the argument to the constructor. The trigger then calls the check_sal_raise method.

After creating the Java class, you attach it to the table, as follows:



This statement directs Oracle Database Lite to compile the Java source file SalaryTrigger.java found in the current directory, and attach the resulting class to the EMP table. The statement also specifies that, when instantiating the class, Oracle Database Lite should use the constructor that takes as an argument the value in the E# column.

After attaching the class to the table, create the trigger as follows:


   "check_sal_raise"(old.salary, new.salary);


This statement creates a trigger called check_raise, which fires the check_sal_raise method before any update to the salary column of any row in EMP. Oracle Database Lite passes the old value and the new value of the salary column as arguments to the method.

In the example, a row-level trigger fires a row-level procedure (a non-static method). A row-level trigger can also fire table-level procedures (static methods). However, because statement-level triggers are fired once for an entire statement and a statement may affect multiple rows, a statement-level trigger can only fire a table-level procedure.

The following command updates the salary and fires the trigger:


This produces the following output:

Raise too high for employee 123

11.5.5 Trigger Arguments

If using attached stored procedures, as described in Section 11.3.2, "Using the Attached Stored Procedure Development Model", row-level triggers do not support Java-to-SQL type conversion. Therefore, the Java datatype of a trigger argument must match the corresponding SQL datatype (shown in section Section 11.4, "Converting Datatypes Between Java and SQL For Stored Procedures") of the trigger column. However, if you are using the load and publish model, Oracle Database Lite supports datatype casting.

Table 11-4 describes how trigger arguments work in each type of column.

Table 11-4 Trigger Arguments

Trigger Argument New Column Access Old Column Access











Triggers that have a java.sql.Connection object as an argument may be used only with applications that use the relational model.

11.5.6 Trigger Arguments Example

The following example shows how to create triggers that use IN/OUT parameters.

  1. First, create the Java class EMPTrigg.

    import java.sql.*;
    public class EMPTrigg {
       public static final String goodGuy = "Oleg";
       public static void NameUpdate(String oldName, String[] newName) 
          if (oldName.equals(goodGuy))
             newName[0] = oldName;
       public static void SalaryUpdate(String name, int oldSalary, 
              int newSalary[])
          if (name.equals(goodGuy))
             newSalary[0] = Math.max(oldSalary, newSalary[0])*10;
       public static void AfterDelete(Connection conn, 
                         String name, int salary) {
          if (name.equals(goodGuy))
             try {
                Statement stmt = conn.createStatement();
                 "insert into employee values('" + name + "', " + 
                           salary + ")");
             } catch(SQLException e) {}
  2. Create a new table EMPLOYEE and populate it with values.

  3. Next, load the class into Oracle Database Lite.

    CREATE JAVA CLASS USING BFILE ('c:\myprojects', 'EMPTrigg.class');
  4. Use the CREATE PROCEDURE statement to publish the EMPTrigg methods that you want to call:

       'EMPTrigger.NameUpdate(java.lang.String, java.lang.String[])';
       'EMPTrigger.SalaryUpdate(java.lang.String, int, int[])';
               java.lang.String, int)';
  5. Now, create a trigger for each procedure:

       NAME_UPDATE(old.name, new.name);
       SALARY_UPDATE(name, old.salary, new.salary);
       AFTER_DELETE(name, salary);
  6. Enter the following commands to fire the triggers and view the results:


11.6 Creating a Java Stored Procedure That Is Invoked With a Trigger

In this tutorial, you create a Java class EMAIL, load the class into Oracle Database Lite, publish its method to SQL, and create a trigger for the method. The EMAIL class appears in the source file EMAIL.java, and is available in the Java examples directory at the following location.


EMAIL has a method named assignEMailAddress, which generates an email address for an employee based on the first letter of the employee's first name and up to seven letters of the last name. If the address is already assigned, the method attempts to find a unique email address using combinations of letters in the first and last name.

After creating the class, you load it into Oracle Database Lite using mSQL. For this example you use the SQL statement CREATE JAVA. Alternatively, you can use the loadjava utility to load the class into Oracle Database Lite. After loading the class, you publish the assignEMailAddress method to SQL.

Finally, you create a trigger that fires the assignEMailAddress method whenever a row is inserted into T_EMP, the table that contains the employee information.

As arguments, assignEMailAddress takes a JDBC connection object, the employee's identification number, first name, middle initial, and last name. Oracle Database Lite supplies the JDBC connection object argument. You do not need to provide a value for the connection object when you execute the method. assignEMailAddress uses the JDBC connection object to ensure that the generated e-mail address is unique.

11.6.1 Start mSQL

Start mSQL and connect to the default Oracle Database Lite. Since the Java application in this tutorial prints to standard output, use the DOS version of mSQL. From a DOS prompt, type:

msql system/mgr@jdbc:polite:polite

The SQL prompt should appear.

11.6.2 Create a Table

To create a table, type:






11.6.3 Create a Java Class

Create and compile the Java class EMAIL in the file EMAIL.java in C:\tmp. EMAIL.java implements the assignEMailAddress method. The code sample given below lists the contents of this file. You can copy this file from the following location.


import java.sql.*;

public class EMAIL {

   public static void assignEMailAddress(Connection conn,

            int eno, String fname,String lname)

            throws Exception


      Statement stmt = null;

      ResultSet retset = null;

      String emailAddr;

      int i,j,fnLen, lnLen, rowCount;

      /* create a statement */

      try { 

         stmt = conn.createStatement();


      catch (SQLException e)


         System.out.println("conn.createStatement failed: " + 

         e.getMessage() + "\n");



      /* check fname and lname */

      fnLen = fname.length(); 

      if(fnLen > 8) fnLen = 8;

      if (fnLen == 0) 

         throw new Exception("First name is required");

      lnLen = lname.length(); 

      if(lnLen > 8) lnLen = 8;

      if (lnLen == 0) 

         throw new Exception("Last name is required");

      for (i=1; i <= fnLen; i++)


         /* generate an e-mail address */

         j = (8-i) > lnLen? lnLen:8-i;

         emailAddr = 

               new String(fname.substring(0,i).toLowerCase()+


         /* check if this e-mail address is unique  */

         try {

            retset = stmt.executeQuery(

                   "SELECT * FROM T_EMP  WHERE email = '"+


            if(!retset.next()) {

               /* e-mail address is unique; 

               * so update the email column */


               rowCount = stmt.executeUpdate(

                   "UPDATE T_EMP SET EMAIL = '"

                   + emailAddr + "' WHERE ENO = "

                   + eno);

               if(rowCount == 0) 

                  throw new Exception("Employee "+fname+ " " +

                          lname + " does not exist");

               else return;



         catch (SQLException e) {

            while(e != null) {


               e = e.getNextException();




      /* Can't find a unique name */

      emailAddr = new String(fname.substring(0,1).toLowerCase() + 

           lname.substring(0,1).toLowerCase() + eno);

      rowCount = stmt.executeUpdate(

           "UPDATE T_EMP SET EMAIL = '"

           + emailAddr + "' WHERE ENO = "

           + eno);

      if(rowCount == 0) 

         throw new Exception("Employee "+fname+ " " +   

              lname + " does not exist");

      else return;



11.6.4 Load the Java Class File

To load the EMAIL class file into Oracle Database Lite, type:


   ('c:\tmp', 'EMAIL.class');

If you want to make changes to the class after loading it, you need to:

  1. Drop the class from the database, using dropjava or DROP JAVA CLASS

  2. Commit your work

  3. Exit mSQL

  4. Restart mSQL

This unloads the class from the Java Virtual Machine.

11.6.5 Publish the Stored Procedure

You make the stored procedure callable from SQL by creating a call specification (call spec) for it. Since assignEMailAddress does not return a value, use the CREATE PROCEDURE command, as follows:



   AS LANGUAGE JAVA NAME 'EMAIL.assignEMailAddress(java.sql.Connection,

int, java.lang.String,


11.6.6 Populate the Database

Insert a row into T_EMP:

INSERT INTO T_EMP VALUES(100,'John','E','Smith',null);

11.6.7 Execute the Procedure

To execute the procedure, type:

SELECT ASSIGN_EMAIL(100,'John','Smith')

  FROM dual

11.6.8 Verify the Email Address

To see the results of the ASSIGN_EMAIL procedure, type:


This command produces the following output:

     ENO  FNAME                M LNAME                EMAIL

     ---- ------------------   - -------------------- --------

     100  John                 E Smith                jsmith

11.6.9 Create a Trigger

To make ASSIGN_EMAIL execute whenever a row is inserted into T_EMP, create an AFTER INSERT trigger for it. Create the trigger as follows:



A trigger named EMP_TRIGG fires every time a row is inserted into T_EMP. The actual arguments for the procedure are the values of the columns eno, fname, and lname.

You do not need to specify a connection argument. Testing the Trigger

Test the trigger by inserting a row into T_EMP:

INSERT INTO T_EMP VALUES(200,'James','A','Smith',null); Verify the Email Address

Issue a SELECT statement to verify that the trigger has fired:


   ENO FNAME                M LNAME                EMAIL

   --- -------------------- - -------------------- --------

   100 John                 E Smith                jsmith

   200 James                A Smith                jasmith

11.6.10 Commit or Roll Back

Finally, commit your changes to preserve your work, or roll back to cancel changes.

11.7 Executing Java Stored Procedures from JDBC

After creating a Java stored procedures, you can execute the procedure from a JDBC application by performing one of the following:

  • Pass a SQL SELECT string, which executes the stored procedure, to the Statement.executeQuery method.

  • Use a JDBC CallableStatement.

The executeQuery method executes table-level and row-level stored procedures. CallableStatement currently only supports execution of table-level stored procedures.

11.7.1 Using the executeQuery Method

To call a stored procedure using the executeQuery method, perform the following:

  1. Create a Statement object and assign the value returned by the createStatement method with the current connection object.

  2. Execute the Statement.executeQuery method, passing the SQL SELECT string that invokes the Java stored procedure.

The following example executes a row-level procedure SHIP on a table named INVENTORY with the argument value stored in the variable q. The variable p contains the product ID for the product (row) for which you want to execute the stored procedure.

int res = 0;
Statement s = conn.createStatement();
ResultSet r = s.executeQuery("SELECT SHIP(" + q + ")" + 
if(r.next()) res = r.getInt(1);
return res;

If you need to execute a procedure repeatedly with varying parameters, use PreparedStatement instead of Statement. Because the SQL statements in a PreparedStatement are pre-compiled, a PreparedStatement executes more efficiently. Additionally, a PreparedStatement can accept IN parameters, represented in the statement with a question mark (?). However, if the PreparedStatement takes a long type parameter, such as LONG or LONG RAW, you must bind the parameter using the setAsciiStream, setUnicodeStream, or setBinaryStream methods.

In the preceding example, if the SHIP procedure updates the database and the isolation of the transaction that issues the above query is READ COMMITTED, then you must append the FOR UPDATE clause to the SELECT statement, as follows:

"SELECT SHIP(" + q + ")" +
   p + "FOR UPDATE");

11.7.2 Using a Callable Statement

To execute the stored procedure using a callable statement, create a CallableStatement object and register its parameters, as follows:

CallableStatement cstmt = conn.prepareCall(
   "{?=call tablename.methodname() }");
cstmt.registerOutParameter(1, ...);

The following restrictions apply to JDBC callable statements:

  • JDBC callable statements can only execute table-level stored procedures.

  • Both IN and OUT parameters are supported. However, not all Java datatypes can be used as OUT parameters. For more information, see Section 11.4, "Converting Datatypes Between Java and SQL For Stored Procedures".

  • Procedure names correspond to the Java method names, and are case-sensitive.

  • As with prepared statements, if the callable statement has a "long" type, such as: LONG, LONG VARBINARY, LONG VARCHAR, LONG VARCHAR2, or LONG RAW, you must bind the parameter using the setAsciiStream, setUnicodeStream, or setBinaryStream methods.


    When no longer needed, you should reclaim system resources by closing JDBC objects, such as Resultset and Statement objects.

11.8 Using C++ Stored Procedures

A C++ stored procedure is a C++ procedure or function that exists in a DLL outside of Oracle Database Lite. The procedure can be invoked by applications that access the database. C++ stored procedures can return a single value, a row, or multiple rows.

The following sections describe how to create, build, and publish a C++ stored procedure:

11.8.1 Creating C++ Stored Procedures

When you are creating a C++ stored procedure, you use SODA APIs to access the database and transaction objects. This section demonstrates how to develop your C++ stored procedures. C++ Stored Procedure Include File and Procedure Definition

When you create the C++ source file, remember to do the following:

  • Include the olcsp.h include file.

  • The following defines the stored procedure or function prototypes. For each, you can have up to 32 parameters.

    • C++ stored procedure prototype:

      OL_CSP_CALL void cproc (const DBData &d1, const DBData &d2, ... , DBData &dN)
    • C++ stored function prototype:

      OL_CSP_CALL DBData cproc (const DBData &d1, const DBData &d2, ... , DBData &dN)
  • Use OL_CSP_CALL before all of your procedures and functions, as it defines these as extern "C" __declspec(dllexport). This enables the procedures and functions to be called from outside the DLL. For example, the following sum procedure uses this declaration:

    OL_CSP_CALL void sum (const DBData &a, const DBData &b, DBData &r)
  • You can use the DBData object to represent almost any database type. In addition, it is easily cast to the correct datatype. For input parameters in the procedures, you can use const DBData &. For input/output parameters, use DBData & as the definition of the parameter.

    Once inside the procedure, cast the parameters as shown below:

    OL_CSP_CALL void sum (const DBData &a, const DBData &b, DBData &r)
    {  r = (int)a + (int)b; } Access SODA Objects Within Your C++ Stored Procedure

We use SODA, instead of ODBC, to provide a reliable access to the database and transaction objects. To access the SODA API objects, use the methods defined in the olcsp.h include file, as follows:

  • After you retrieve the session object, do not close the connection in side the procedure.

  • Retrieve the SODA API DBSession object with the olCSPGetSession() method, as follows:

    DBSession &sess = olCSPGetSession();
  • Retrieve the SODA API DBSqlSession object, which is used in preparing and executing SQL statements, with the olCSPGetSqlSession method. Once you retrieve the DBSqlSession object, you can prepare the SQL statement within a DBSqlStmt object. The returned DBSqlSession object is created based on the existing ODBC handle. The following example retrieves the SQL Session, prepares and executes a statement:

    DBSqlSession sess = olCSPGetSqlSession();
    DBSqlStmt stmt = sess.prepare("insert into testsql values(?)");
    stmt.execute(DBDataList() << v);
  • If this procedure was executed within the trigger, you can retrieve the object on which the trigger was invoked with the olCSPGetObject method. This returns a DBObject of the trigger object. This will not work for BEFORE CREATE or AFTER DELETE triggers.

  • If you want to use ODBC instead of SODA, you can retrieve the ODBC connection handle with the olCSPGetODBCHdl method.

  • All C++ stored procedures can throw DBException. This exception is automatically thrown if any SODA/SODASQL operation fails inside your stored procedure. If you are using a WinCE device, then you must use the ALE library for exceptions. See the ALE documentation for more information.

11.8.2 Building Your C++ Stored Procedures

You can either build your stored procedure manually or by using the olsp.mak makefile. The following describes both processes: Linking in Appropriate Libraries

When you build your procedure, link in one or more of the following libraries:

  • For all builds, link in olobj40.lib, which exists in <Mobile_Server>Mobile/SDK/lib.

  • If you are using SODASQL in your stored procedure, then link in sodasql.lib. Automatically Build Your Stored Procedure

If you have only a single source file, then you can use the olsp.mak makefile to build. The resulting DLL is named the same as the source file. This makefile supports building procedures for both the desktop and Windows CE platforms. Set up the following within the makefile before you execute to ensure a proper build:

  1. Place the olsp.mak makefile in the same location as your source file.

  2. If you build C++ stored procedures for a Windows CE device, then before you execute the makefile, you need to run the batch file from embedded visual C++. This sets the appropriate build environment for your windows CE platform. The following example shows execution of the wcearmv4.bat batch file:

  3. Set the MOBILESDK environment variable—which defines the Oracle Lite Mobile SDK directory. For example,

  4. Within the makefile, define CDEFINE (compiler defines) and LFL (linker flags) macros for your Windows CE platform.

  5. If you are building .Net procedures, then set the NETFRKDIR environment variable in the makefile to point to your .Net Framework directory

  6. If building for the Compact Framework, then define the CFK macro and set the CFSDKDIR environment variable in the makefile to point to your Compact Framework SDK directory.

  7. Execute the makefile, as follows:

    nmake -f olsp.mak MyProc.dll [macros] [options]

    The macros that you can use are as follows:

    • For debug mode, use the macro DEBUG=/DDEBUG.

    • For compact framework, use the macro CFK=1.

  8. Copy the new DLL, such as MyProc.dll, into a directory on the system path. If your platform is a WinCE device, copy this DLL into the \Windows directory.

For example, if your source file is MyProc.cpp or MyProc.cs, then this makefile builds MyProc.dll for you. Manually Building Your Stored Procedure

If you have more than one source file for the stored procedure, then you must manually build. Keep in mind the following:

  1. Because you are using the export "C" declaration on the stored procedure, which supports the procedure being able to throw exceptions, use the /EHc- compiler flag when building the stored procedure.

  2. If you are using the SODASQL in the procedure, then link with either the olobj40.lib and sodasql.lib.

11.8.3 Publish Your C++ Stored Procedure

Publish the methods in the class that you want to call from SQL with a call specification, which is created with either the CREATE FUNCTION or CREATE PROCEDURE commands.

Perform the following to publish C++ stored procedures:

  1. Publish any methods in the C++ class that you want to make accessible to SQL by creating call specifications for these methods. By publishing a method, you associate a SQL name to the method. SQL applications use this name to invoke the method.

  2. Invoke the stored procedure through a SQL DML statement.

Publish any static method in the class that you want to call from SQL by creating a call specification for it. The call spec maps the method's name, parameter types, and return types to SQL counterparts.

To create a call spec, use the SQL commands CREATE FUNCTION for methods that return a value or CREATE PROCEDURE for methods that do not return a value. The CREATE FUNCTION and CREATE PROCEDURE statements have the following syntax:

   { PROCEDURE <proc_name> [([<sql_parms>])] |
   FUNCTION <func_name> [([<sql_parms>])]
   RETURN <datatype> }



  • <proc_name> is a SQL procedure name; <func_name> is the name of the function in the DLL used for this procedure.

  • <sql_parms> can be a maximum of 32 arguments. All arguments passed to the procedures are given as DBData values to the function, which must cast the arguments to the appropriate data type. The syntax has the following format:

    <arg_name> [IN | OUT | IN OUT] <datatype>  
  • <datatype> is the datatype.

  • <lib_name> is the name of the DLL where the function is delcared, without the .dll extension.

For example:

The following call specification publishes the method to SQL:

    oc1 int, 
    nc1 int, 
    oc2 int, 
    nc2 int) 
  NAME 'CSPLib::bu1';


11.8.4 C++ Stored Procedure Example

The following examples show how to create, build and publish the stored procedures. C++ Stored Procedure and Trigger Example One

The following example does the following:

  1. Creates the t1 table.

  2. Creates the call specification of bu1 for the C++ stored procedure bu1 in the CSPLib.dll.

  3. Creates a BEFORE UPDATE trigger, foo, which calls the bu1 C++ stored procedure before the values of c1 and c2 in the table are updated.

create table t1(c1 int, c2 int);
create procedure bu1(oc1 int, nc1 int, oc2 int, nc2 int) 
   as language cplusplus name 'CSPLib::bu1';
create trigger foo before update of c1,c2 on t1 
  for each row bu1(old.c1,new.c1,old.c2,new.c2);  

The following demonstrates how the trigger is executed, which in turn invokes the C++ stored procedure:

insert into t1 values(1,2);
insert into t1 values(10,2);
--trigger fired here
update t1 set c1 = 10, c2 = 20 where c1 = 1;
update t1 set c1 = 100 where c1 = 10; C++ Stored Procedure and Trigger Example Two

The following example does the same as Example 1, but with a more complicated trigger. The trigger and procedure are dropped at the end of this example.

create table t3(c1 int, c2 int);
create procedure bc2(tabref varchar, tranid int, opseq int, c1 int, c2 int) as language cplusplus name 'CSPLib::bc2';
--special trigger columns here
create trigger foo2 before insert on t3 for each row bc2(OL__TABLEREF, OL__TRANSID, OL__OPSEQ, new.c1,new.c2);
--trigger fired here
insert into t3 values(1,2);
insert into t3 values(10,20);
insert into t3(c1) values(100);
insert into t3(c2) values(100);
drop trigger foo2;
drop procedure bc2; JDBC Calling a C++ Stored Procedure Example

The following example shows JDBC invoking a C++ stored procedure through the CallableStatement.

//The following statement creates the procedure TESTINOUT1 with in out parameters
   NAME CSPLib::testInOut");
CallableStatement cstmt =            conn.prepareCall("{call TESTINOUT1(?, ?, ?, ?, ?, ?)}");
cstmt.registerOutParameter(1, Types.INTEGER);
cstmt.registerOutParameter(2, Types.DOUBLE);
cstmt.registerOutParameter(3, Types.VARCHAR);
cstmt.registerOutParameter(4, Types.DATE);
cstmt.registerOutParameter(5, Types.TIME);
cstmt.registerOutParameter(6, Types.BINARY);
//setting parameters to null values
cstmt.setNull(1, Types.INTEGER);
cstmt.setNull(2, Types.DOUBLE);
cstmt.setNull(3, Types.VARCHAR);
cstmt.setNull(4, Types.DATE);
cstmt.setNull(5, Types.TIME);
cstmt.setNull(6, Types.BINARY);
for(int i = 0; i < 5; i++) {
 //executing the procedure. The parameters will be modified inside the procedure
 int a = cstmt.getInt(1);
 double b = cstmt.getDouble(2);
 String c = cstmt.getString(3);
 Date d = cstmt.getDate(4);
 Time e = cstmt.getTime(5);
 byte [] f = cstmt.getBytes(6);

11.9 Using .Net Stored Procedures

The .Net environment enables you to create stored procedures from any .Net language, such as C++, C#, C, and Visual Basic .Net. You create procedures and functions based on methods of a .Net class that is stored in an external DLL. Unlike C++ procedures, you don't need a fixed signature. Instead, the procedure can receive arguments and return values for any supported data type.


Windows CE devices have the following limitations:
  • You cannot pass delegates to native code when using the Compact Framework.

  • You cannot start the .Net runtime from native code. The only way to use .Net on a Windows CE device is to start it within a C# application before the stored procedures are invoked.

The following sections detail how to build your .Net stored procedures:

11.9.1 Creating the .Net Source for Your Stored Procedure

When you are creating a .Net stored procedure, you can use Oracle-specific .Net extension classes to access the database and transaction objects. The .Net extension classes discussed in the following sections are OracleData, OracleDataRow, and OracleSPManager.

The following sections demonstrate how to develop your .Net stored procedures: Defining Methods, Imports and Namespace

  1. When you create your .Net source file, be sure to import the Oracle.DataAccess.Lite namespace.

  2. All stored procedures are declared as public static methods of the class.

The following example defines public static methods and includes the Oracle.DataAccess.Lite namespace:

using System;
using Oracle.DataAccess.Lite;
public class SPClass
 //function which multiplies two integers
  public static int multiply(int a, int b)
   return a * b;
                  //returns string length, as in C++ procedure example
  public static int strlen(string s)
 return s.Length;
                //stores sum of first two arguments in the third argument
                //as in C++ procedure example
                public static void trigSum(int a, int b, out int c)
                    c = a + b;
public static void testInOut1(ref int dInt, ref double dDouble,
                ref string dStr, ref DateTime dDate, ref DateTime dTime,
                ref byte [] dBin)
                dInt += 10;
        dDouble += 12.34;
        dStr += "aaaaa";
        dDate = dDate.AddYears(1);
        dDate = dDate.AddMonths(1);
        dDate = dDate.AddDays(1);
        dTime = dTime.AddMinutes(1);
        dTime = dTime.AddSeconds(1);
        int len = dBin == null ? 0 : dBin.Length;
        byte [] newBin = new byte[len + 5];
        if (dBin != null)
                        Array.Copy(dBin, 0, newBin, 0, len);
        for(int i = len; i < newBin.Length; i++)
                        newBin[i] = (byte)'x';
            dBin = newBin;
} Access and Modify Database Using .Net Extension Classes In Stored Procedures

The following are Oracle-specific .Net extension classes: OracleData

The OracleData object is a .Net version of the SODA DBData class.

Data types that are supported by Oracle Database Lite can be used in the OracleData object. These types can be implicitly cast to other compatible types; the cast must still follow normal database SQL casting rules. Casting between scalar types are implicit; casting to array types are explicit. If you try to cast an incompatible type, and OracleException is thrown.

This includes the following data types:

Table 11-5 Data Type For OracleData Object

Data Type

int, int[]

byte, byte[]database type binary

short, short[]

bool, bool []

long, long[]

double, double[]

string, string[]


DateTime, DateTime[]

OracleDataRow, OracleDataRow[]

OracleBlob, Oracle Blob[] (Oracle Lite Blob object)


For example, the following code shows how you can cast a String to an Integer using the OracleData object:

string s = "10";
OracleData d = new OracleData(s);
int i = d; OracleDataRow

The OracleDataRow object encapsulates and Oracle Lite database row. You can query and modify column values in place, instead of using SQL. The OracleDataRow implements indexes on the row, which returns an OracleData object.

To create an object query on a table, implement OracleDataReader, an Oracle extension of the ADO.Net DataReader object, to return OracleDataRow objects. The following example uses the GetDataRow method of the OracleDataReader object to retrieve the desired rows. To set up the query more efficiently, set the RowQuery attributes of Table and Filter before executing the query, as follows:


For more information on the ADO.Net classes, see Chapter 13, "Oracle Database Lite ADO.NET Provider".
OracleConnection conn =
    new OracleConnection("DSN=POLITE;UID=SYSTEM;PWD=MANAGER");
OracleCommand cmd = (OracleCommand)conn.CreateCommand();
//set properties for row query of table name and where clause
cmd.RowQuery.Table = "T1"; //table name
cmd.RowQuery.Filter = "C1 < 10"; //where clause

//execute the query and retrieve the desired rows
OracleDataReader rd = (OracleDataReader)cmd.ExecuteQuery();

//While there are rows, process each row
{  //Retrieve each row with the GetDataRow method into the OracleDataRow object
    OracleDataRow row = rd.GetDataRow();
    //query and modify in place columns C1 and C2 of the row.
    //implicit conversion to and from OracleData
    // Retrieve the integer in column C1
    int i = row["C1"];
    // Add 5 to the value in C1 and store it in column C2
    row["C2"] = i + 5;
    //convert the value to a string and write it out
    string s = row["C2"];

You can retrieve and modify the row by performing the following:

  1. Retrieve the row with the GetDataRow method of the OracleDataReader class.

  2. Query and modify the retrieved row within the OracleDataRow object. Access and Modify Database Using OracleSPManager Inside Triggers

When you have a stored procedure that is executed by a trigger, the actual row that caused the trigger is accessible through the OracleSPManager. Thus, you do not have to create a SQL statement to retrieve the desired row. Instead, use the GetDataRow method of the OracleSPManager object. Also, you can use the GetConnection method of this object to retrieve the current Connection object.

The OracleSPManager class contains the following static methods, which you can ues to retrieve the connection or the row:

public static OracleConnection GetConnection();
public static OracleDataRow GetDataRow();

The following example uses the OracleSPManager static methods to retrieve the connection and row:

public static void log1(int a, int b, int c)
    //get current connection from .Net procedure manager
    OracleConnection conn = OracleSPManager.GetConnection();
    //get current row for trigger
    OracleDataRow r = OracleSPManager.GetDataRow();
    if (r[0] != a || r[1] != b || r[2] != c)
        throw new OracleException(ÒInvalid rowÓ);
    if (ia == 0 && ib == 0 && ic == 0)
       throw new OracleException(ÒInvalid rowÓ);
    OracleCommand cmd = (OracleCommand)conn.CreateCommand();
            cmd.CommandText = ÒINSERT INTO T1_LOG VALUES(?, ?)Ó;
            cmd.Parameters.Add(new OracleParameter(a));
            cmd.Parameters.Add(new OracleParameter(a + b + c));
            //do not close connection here

11.9.2 Building Your .Net Stored Procedures

You can either build your stored procedure using Visual Studio .Net or by using the olsp.mak makefile. See the Visual Studio documentation for how to build using Visual Studio .Net.

If you want to build using the olsp.mak file, follow the directions as given for the C++ stored procedures in Section, "Automatically Build Your Stored Procedure". There are a few directions in that section that are specific to the .Net environment, as follows:

  1. If you are building .Net procedures, then set the NETFRKDIR environment variable in the makefile to point to your .Net Framework directory

  2. If building for the Compact Framework, then define the CFK macro and set the CFSDKDIR environment variable in the makefile to point to your Compact Framework SDK directory.

  3. When building the SPClass.dll C# class, use the following syntax for the make:

    nmake -f olsp.mak SPClass.dll
  4. Move the resulting DLL into the appropriate place, which is either the application directory or in the global assembly cache. Use the gacutil.exe executable if you want to install this DLL in the global assembly cache.

11.9.3 Publish Your .Net Stored Procedure

When you want to publish your .Net stored procedure, perform the following: Create the .Net Class Object in the Oracle Lite Database

before you can create the call specification for the .Net stored procedure, you must first create the class within the Oracle Lite database. Use the following syntax:



  • AssemblyName is the assembly file name, such as SPClass.DLL.

  • ClassName is the name of the class, such as SPClass. However, if the class is defined within a namespace, prefix the namespace name before the classname, as follows: MyNameSpace.SPClass.

For example, the following creates the SPClass within the Oracle Lite database.

create dotnet class using bfile('SPClass.dll', 'SPClass'); Publish Methods With a Call Specification

Publish the methods in the class that you want to call from SQL with a call specification, which is created with either the CREATE FUNCTION or CREATE PROCEDURE commands.

Perform the following to publish your .Net stored procedures:

  1. Publish any methods in the .Net class that you want to make accessible to SQL by creating call specifications for these methods. By publishing a method, you associate a SQL name to the method. SQL applications use this name to invoke the method.

  2. Invoke the stored procedure through a SQL DML statement.

Publish any static method in the class that you want to call from SQL by creating a call specification for it. The call spec maps the method's name, parameter types, and return types to SQL counterparts.

To create a call spec, use the SQL commands CREATE FUNCTION for methods that return a value or CREATE PROCEDURE for methods that do not return a value. The CREATE FUNCTION and CREATE PROCEDURE statements have the following syntax:

   { PROCEDURE <proc_name> [([<sql_parms>])] |
   FUNCTION <func_name> [([<sql_parms>])]
   RETURN <datatype> }



  • <proc_name> is a SQL procedure name; <func_name> is the name of the function in the DLL used for this procedure.

  • <sql_parms> can be a maximum of 32 arguments. All arguments passed to the procedures are given as DBData values to the function, which must cast the arguments to the appropriate data type. The syntax has the following format:

    <arg_name> [IN | OUT | IN OUT] <datatype>  
  • <datatype> is the datatype.

  • <class_name>.<method_name> is the name of the class and method that is used for the procedure or function.

For example:

The following call specification publishes the method to SQL:

    oc1 int, 
    nc1 int, 
    oc2 int, 
    nc2 int) 
  NAME 'SPClass.bu1';


11.9.4 Dropping .Net Stored Procedures

To drop a .Net class object from the database, delete it with the following drop statement:

drop dotnet class 'ClassName';

11.9.5 .Net Stored Procedure Example

The following examples show how to create, build and publish the stored procedures. .Net Stored Procedure and Trigger Example One

The following example does the following:

  1. Creates the .Net SPClass.

  2. Creates the t1 table.

  3. Creates the call specification of bu1 for the .NET stored procedure bu1 in the class.method: SPClass.bu1.

  4. Creates a BEFORE UPDATE trigger, foo, which calls the bu1 .Net stored procedure before the values of c1 and c2 in the table are updated.

create dotnet class using bfile('SPClass.dll', 'SPClass');
create table t1(c1 int, c2 int);
create procedure bu1(oc1 int, nc1 int, oc2 int, nc2 int) 
   as language dotnet name 'SPClass.bu1';
create trigger foo before update of c1,c2 on t1 
  for each row bu1(old.c1, new.c1, old.c2, new.c2);  

The following demonstrates how the trigger is executed, which in turn invokes the .Net stored procedure:

insert into t1 values(1,2);
insert into t1 values(10,2);
--trigger fired here
update t1 set c1 = 10, c2 = 20 where c1 = 1;
update t1 set c1 = 100 where c1 = 10; .Net Stored Procedure and Trigger Example Two

The following example does the same as Example 1, but with a more complicated trigger. The trigger and procedure are dropped at the end of this example.

create table t3(c1 int, c2 int);
create procedure bc2(tabref varchar, tranid int, opseq int, c1 int, c2 int) as language dotnet name 'SPClass.bc2';
--special trigger columns here
create trigger foo2 before insert on t3 for each row bc2(OL__TABLEREF, OL__TRANSID, OL__OPSEQ, new.c1, new.c2);
--trigger fired here
insert into t3 values(1,2);
insert into t3 values(10,20);
insert into t3(c1) values(100);
insert into t3(c2) values(100);
drop dotnet class 'SPClass';