6 Upgrade Oracle Database Lite

The following sections describe the steps for upgrading your Oracle Database Lite software:

6.1 Upgrade Your Oracle Database Lite from 5.0.2.x to 10g Release 3

The following sections describe the steps for upgrading your Oracle Database Lite software from 5.0.2.x to 10g Release 3:

6.1.1 What 5.0.2.x Versions Can I Upgrade to 10g Release 3?

When you upgrade your Oracle Database Lite 5.0.2.x version to Oracle Database Lite 10g Release 3, you need to upgrade, as follows:

  1. Upgrade your Oracle Database Lite 5.0.2.x to Oracle Database Lite 10g Release 2. There is no straight upgrade from 5.0.2.x to Oracle Database Lite 10g Release 3.

  2. Upgrade the Oracle Database Lite 10g Release 2 to Release 3. See Section 6.2, "Upgrade Your Oracle Database Lite from 10g Release 1 or 2 to 10g Release 3" for more details.

Upgrading Oracle Database Lite from 5.0.2.x to 10g Release 2 is only supported in a separate ORACLE_HOME from the previous installation; thus, an existing Oracle Database Lite 5.0.2.x installation cannot be upgraded to the Oracle Database Lite 10g Release 2 in the same ORACLE_HOME.

Table 6-1 details what version of Oracle Database Lite and iAS installation can be upgraded to Oracle Database Lite 10g Release 2.

Table 6-1 Upgrading 5.0.2.x Oracle Database Lite to 10g Release 2

10g R2 Standalone (different Oracle Home) 10g R2 on iAS 10.1.2 10g R2 on iAS 10.1.2 with OID 10.1.2

5.0.2.x Standalone



Not Supported

5.0.2.x and iAS 9.0.2



Not Supported

5.0.2.x and iAS 9.0.2 with OID

Not Supported

Not Supported


5.0.2.x and iAS 9.0.3



Not Supported

5.0.2.x and iAS 9.0.3 with OID

Not Supported

Not Supported


6.1.2 Pre-Upgrade Instructions for the 5.0.2.x Version

In order to upgrade your Oracle Database Lite 5.0.2.x installation, perform the following:

  1. If you are upgrading a Mobile Server that uses Oracle9iAS (version 9.0.4), then remove references to the wtgias.conf and wtgapach.conf files from the Oracle9iAS oracle_apache.conf or the HTTP httpd.conf configuration files before you perform the upgrade for the Mobile Server. The following line is an example of the reference to the wtgias.conf file:

    include "c:\olite502\Mobile\Server\bin\wtgias.conf"
  2. If you have multiple Mobile Servers that use the same Mobile Server Repository on a back-end database, you must shut down all of these Mobile Servers before you start the upgrade. Then, upgrade one of these Mobile Servers and the Mobile Server Repository. After this upgrade completes successfully, you can upgrade each additional Mobile Server that uses the Repository. After all of the shared Mobile Servers are upgraded, you can restart them.

  3. Install the current version of Oracle Database Lite in a separate Oracle Home than your 5.0.2.x version.


    Upgrading Oracle Database Lite version 5.0.1.x or previous versions is not supported with this process. You must first upgrade to 5.0.2.x before starting this process.

    See Chapter 4, "Installation of Oracle Database Lite" for instructions on how to install Oracle Database Lite. When the Repository Wizard is executed, see Section 6.1.3, "Upgrade Your 5.0.2.x Version Mobile Server Repository" for directions on how to upgrade the repository on the back-end database.

6.1.3 Upgrade Your 5.0.2.x Version Mobile Server Repository

During installation of Oracle Database Lite 10g Release 2, the Repository Wizard detects if you have a 5.0.2.x version of Oracle Database Lite installed and starts the upgrade process, as follows:


If you need to start the Repository Wizard outside of the install process, execute ORACLE_HOME\Mobile\Server\admin\repwizard
  1. Enter the SYSTEM password. Click Next.

  2. Select the schema that you are going to upgrade. Click Next.

  3. Enter the password for the Mobile Server Repository—MOBILEADMIN—and click Yes for installing sample applications. Click Next.

  4. A summary screen appears. Click Next.

  5. After the repository is upgraded, click Finish.

To upgrade each individual Mobile Server, follow the instructions in Section 6.1.2, "Pre-Upgrade Instructions for the 5.0.2.x Version".

6.1.4 Upgrade Your 5.0.2.x Version Existing Applications

Once you have installed the Oracle Database Lite 10g Release 2 in a new Oracle Home and the Repository Wizard has upgraded the Mobile Server Repository successfully, you must execute the Application Upgrade Assistant to upgrade your existing applications.


Before you upgrade the application, you must remove references to the wtgias.conf and wtgapach.conf files from the Oracle9iAS oracle_apache.conf or the HTTP httpd.conf configuration files before you perform the upgrade for the Mobile Server. The following line is an example of the reference to the wtgias.conf file:
include "c:\olite502\Mobile\Server\bin\wtgias.conf"

The Application Upgrade Assistant moves the applications from the 5.0.2.x Oracle Home to your new 10g Release 2 Oracle Home. In addition, the assistant transforms your Mobile applications to the new application model. In previous versions, you could create a single Mobile application for all platforms with a single dataset. In 10g, you must create a single Mobile application for each platform, each with its own dataset. Thus, if you have the myapp application, the Application Upgrade Assistant transforms your myapp application into the following:

  • Web platform: named myapp and exists in the myapp directory

  • Win32 platform: named myapp_win32 and exists in the myapp/win32 directory

  • WinCE platform: named appropriately by the language and in a directory that is also named according to the language, as follows:

    • English: The application is named myapp_wce_Pocket_PC_us_arm and exists in the /myapp/wce/Pocket_PC/us/arm directory.

    • Chinese: The application is named myapp_wce_Pocket_PC_cn_arm and exists in the /myapp/wce/Pocket_PC/cn/arm directory.

    • Japanese: The application is named myapp_wce_Pocket_PC_jn_arm and exists in the /myapp/wce/Pocket_PC/jn/arm directory.

    • Korean: The application is named myapp_wce_Pocket_PC_ko_arm and exists in the /myapp/wce/Pocket_PC/ko/arm directory.


    Only the Mobile Development Kit has the full National Language Support for (Traditional and Simplified) Chinese, Japanese, and Korean (CJK). All other components, including Mobile clients, support CJK without the Traditional Chinese language. However, the Simplified Chinese language is supported.

Each application is upgraded with the dataset and access rights that was in the original application.

In addition, Oracle Database Lite 10g Release 2 uses OC4J for all middle-tier functionality. Thus, all Mobile Web applications must now be contained within a J2EE WAR or JAR file. The Application Upgrade Assistant converts your applications by adding the required XML files and packages your Web applications into a WAR file and publishes these applications. However, for all future applications, you must create the XML files and package them into a WAR or JAR file.

The Application Upgrade Assistant is located in the following locations:

  • On a Windows environment:

  • On a UNIX environment:


On the command-line, supply the Mobile Server Repository Name, the Mobile Server Repository Password, and the old Oracle Home. The new Oracle Home destination is taken from the environment variables. For example, on a Windows system, where the repository name is MOBILEADMIN, its password is manager, the old Oracle Home is c:\oracle\ora502 and the new Oracle Home is c:\oracle\ora10g, execute as follows:

ApplicationUpgradeAssistant mobileadmin manager c:\oracle\ora502 Manual Upgrade Instructions For Web-to-Go Applications in Retrieving the OraUserProfile Class

In previous versions, Web-to-Go applications retrieved the OraUserProfile class as follows:

OraUserProfile p = ((OraHttpServletRequest)req).getUserProfile();

For Oracle Database Lite 10g, all existing and future Mobile applications must retrieve the OraUserProfile class with the following lines:

HttpSession s = request.getSession(true); 
OraUserProfile p = (OraUserProfile)s.getAttribute ("x-mobileserver-user"); 

You must manually modify all existing Mobile applications to use the new method of retrieving the OraUserProfile class and then republish the application to complete the upgrade process for your 5.0.2.x Mobile applications.

6.1.5 Upgrading BC4J Mobile Client 5.0.2.x to Version 10g Release 2

If you have Oracle Database Lite 5.0.2.x, perform the following steps to upgrade your BC4J Mobile client to 10g Release 2:

  1. Upgrade the existing Oracle Database Lite 5.0.2.x to Oracle Database Lite 10g Release 2.

  2. If you have any 5.0.2.x Web-to-Go clients, which are upgrading to the 10g release 2, then first upgrade all your Web-to-Go clients before continuing to step 3.

  3. Add following line in the [WEBTOGO] section of server side webtogo.ora file and restart Mobile Server:

  4. Login into the BC4J mobile client using the 5.0.2.x BC4J mobile client user.

  5. Perform a synchronization.

  6. Select Yes when prompted for "Do you want to upgrade".

  7. The upgrade progran prompts for username and password, use the 5.0.2.x BC4J Mobile client username and password.

  8. After all the BC4J mobile clients are upgraded, remove the CLIENT_502_UPGRADE_TYPE = BC4J parameter from the server side webtogo.ora file and restart the Mobile Server.

6.1.6 Upgrading 5.0.2.x Version Branch Office

To upgrade your 5.0.2.x version Branch Office to the 10g version of Oracle Database Lite, perform the following steps:

  1. Upgrade the existing Oracle Database Lite 5.0.2.x to Oracle Database Lite 10g Release 2.

  2. If you have any 5.0.2.x Web-to-Go clients, which are upgrading to version 10g , then first upgrade all all of these Web-to-Go clients before continuing to step 3.

  3. Add following line in the [WEBTOGO] section of server side webtogo.ora file and restart Mobile Server:

  4. Login into the Branch Office Client using the 5.0.2.x Branch Office user.

  5. Perform a synchronization.

  6. Select Yes when prompted for "Do you want to upgrade".

  7. The upgrade program prompts for a username and password, where you will provide the 5.0.2.x Branch Office username and password.

  8. After all of the Branch Office clients are upgraded, remove the CLIENT_502_UPGRADE_TYPE = BOS parameter from the server side webtogo.ora and restart the Mobile Server.

6.1.7 Use the Appropriate Context for Your Mobile Server

The servlet context that you use for all Web-to-Go applications is changed for this version. You must add the /webtogo/ servlet context to all URLs for your Web-to-Go applications. For example, in the past, you tested your Mobile Server using <hostname:port>/sample1/hello. For Oracle Database Lite 10g, enter <hostname:port>/webtogo/sample1/hello.

6.1.8 Migrate Your 5.0.2.x Version Users From the Mobile Server Repostory to the Oracle Internet Directory

If you want, you can use the Oracle Internet Directory (OID) for storing and retrieving user information instead of the Mobile Server Repository. To facilitate using OID, you must first migrate all user information from the repository into OID. Once migrated, you can use OID instead of the repository.

OID is part of the Oracle9iAS or Oracle Application Server.

When you migrate users from a Mobile Server repository into OID, you cannot have duplicate users in OID. So, if you migrate users from two repositories into a single OID, and you have users with the same name, but different passwords on two separate repositories, the user that is first migrated into OID is the one that is valid. The second attempt to migrate an existing username into OID from a different repository will not migrate and no message is provided. This can be a problem if you have two users in different repositories with different passwords.

Migrate your existing users in the repository to the OID through the oiduser tool, which is located in ORACLE_HOME\mobile\server\bin. The oiduser tool migrates your existing users with either randomly-generated passwords or a common password.

  1. Set the SSO_ENABLED parameter in the webtogo.ora file to YES.

  2. If you are using Oracle9iAS, then explicitly grant permission to the webtogo.jar file to enable calls originating from this JAR file by adding the following content to the jazn-data.xml file, which is located in the ORACLE_HOME/config directory:

  3. Migrate the user information using the oiduser tool with either randomly-generated passwords or a common password, as follows:


    The existing password will not be migrated. Instead, either choose to have the new password randomly generated or to use a common password, such as admin.
    • To use randomly-generated passwords for each user, execute the oiduser tool without the -P option, as follows:

      oiduser <Oracle_Home> <Mobile Server Repository username> <Mobile Server Repository password> <OID port number> <OID host name> <OID password>

      For example, the default setting would be:

      oiduser <Oracle_Home> mobileadmin manager 389 myhost-pc1.com welcome1
    • To use a common password for all users, provide the common password with the -P option, as follows:

      oiduser <Oracle_Home> <Mobile Server Repository username> <Mobile Server Repository password> <-P> <common password> <OID port number> <OID host name> <OID password>

      where the common password is specified by you.

    Executing oiduser generates the mobile_oid_user.bat and oiduserfile.Idif files.

  4. Copy the mobile_oid_user.bat and oiduserfile.Idif files to the same directory in the application infrastructure machine where OID is installed. You can copy them to any directory, as the mobile_oid_user.bat is an executable that uses the oiduserfile.Idif file.


    The mobile_oid_user.bat executable requires that the ldapadd executable is in the PATH. The ldapadd executable is part of the application server installation.
  5. Execute the mobile_oid_user.bat file from the command-line on the application server infrastructure machine. This creates the Oracle Database Lite users in the OID.

    All users from the Mobile Server Repository are now migrated to the OID with the passwords, as designated in step 1.

  6. Set the SSO_ENABLED parameter in the webtogo.ora file to NO.

  7. Login to Mobile Manager as the administrator and select the appropriate server.

  8. Click on the Administration tab.

  9. Click Edit Config File to edit the webtogo.ora file for this server.

  10. If SSO_ENABLED has a hash mark (#) before it, eliminate the hash mark and set SSO_ENABLED to YES.

  11. Click Apply.

  12. Restart both the application server and the Mobile Server.

6.1.9 Post-Upgrade Instructions for 5.0.2.x Version

After upgrading the Mobile Server and before you synchronize, perform the following for your Web-to-Go, BC4J, and Branch Office clients:

  1. Modify the SERVER_URL parameter in the webtogo.ora file on the Mobile client in the WebToGo directory and append the /webtogo context to the end.

  2. Restart the Web-to-Go client and synchronize.

6.1.10 Remove the 5.0.2.x Installation

Once you have completed all of the upgrade exercises, you can now remove the 5.0.2.x version of the Oracle Database Lite from your system. This is not a required step, but is recommended for clarity in the future.

  1. Start up the Oracle Universal Installer by double-clicking on setup.exe.

  2. On the File Locations screen, enter the Oracle Home and path for the 5.0.2.x installation. Click Installed Products.

  3. On the Inventory screen, select the '+' next to the Oracle Home for your 5.0.2.x installation. Then, click the box next to the 5.0.2.x installation that you are going to remove. Click Remove.

  4. On the Confirmation screen, click Yes.

  5. When the removal is complete, click Close.

  6. To exit the Installer, click Exit.

  7. Optionally, you can go into your directories and remove the directory where the 5.0.2.x installation existed.

6.1.11 New Consolidator Sequence Properties Added During Upgrade

Any upgrade from a previous version of the Mobile Server upgrades the Consolidator Sequences to a new Sequence model, which contains additional property information. The new Sequence properties have the following default values:

  • MIN_VALUE: 0

  • WINDOW_SIZE: 1000

  • THRESHOLD: 100



You can modify any of these properties through the Java modifySequence API, which is described fully in the Consolidator Admin API Specification JavaDoc.

6.1.12 Upgrade Oracle Database Lite Release 2 to Release 3

Once you have completed the upgrade to Oracle Database Lite Release 2, then upgrade this version to Release 3, as described in Section 6.2, "Upgrade Your Oracle Database Lite from 10g Release 1 or 2 to 10g Release 3".

6.2 Upgrade Your Oracle Database Lite from 10g Release 1 or 2 to 10g Release 3

If you have Oracle Database Lite 10g Release 1 or 2, you must upgrade to the latest version. The following sections describe the steps for upgrading your software:

6.2.1 To What Versions Can I Upgrade Oracle Database Lite?

Upgrading Oracle Database Lite from 10g Release 1 or 2 to 10g Release 3 is supported in the same or a separate ORACLE_HOME from the previous installation.

Table 6-2 details what versions of Oracle Database Lite and Oracle AS installation can be upgraded to Oracle Database Lite 10g Release 3.

Table 6-2 Upgrading 10g Release 1 or 2 Oracle Database Lite to 10g Release 3

10g R3 Standalone (diff Oracle Home) 10g R3 and iAS 10.1.2 10g R3 and iAS 10.1.2 with OID 10.1.2 10g R3 and iAS 10g R3 and iAS with OID 10.1.4

10g R1 or R2 Standalone



Not Supported


Not Supported

10g R1 using iAS 9.0.2



Not Supported


Not Supported

10g R1 using iAS 9.0.2 with OID

Not Supported

Not Supported


Not Supported


10g R1 using iAS 9.0.3



Not Supported


Not Supported

10g R1 using iAS 9.0.3 with OID

Not Supported

Not Supported


Not Supported


10g R1 or R2 using iAS 9.0.4



Not Supported


Not Supported

10g R1 or R2 using iAS 9.0.4 with OID

Not Supported

Not Supported


Not Supported


10g R2 using iAS 10.1.2



Not Supported


Not Supported

10g R2 using iAS 10.1.2 with OID

Not Supported

Not Supported


Not Supported


6.2.2 Pre-Upgrade Instructions

In order to upgrade your Oracle Database Lite Installation, perform the following:

  1. If you have multiple Mobile Servers that use the same Mobile Server Repository on a back-end database, you must shut down all of these Mobile Servers before you start the upgrade. Then, upgrade one of these Mobile Servers and the Mobile Server Repository. After this upgrade completes successfully, you can upgrade each additional Mobile Server that uses the Repository. After all of the shared Mobile Servers are upgraded, you can restart them.

  2. You can upgrade your existing Database Lite 10g Release 1 or 2 to the Release 3 in the same Oracle Home OR you can install the Release 2 of Oracle Database Lite in a separate Oracle home than your Database Lite 10g Release 1 or 2 home.

    See Chapter 4, "Installation of Oracle Database Lite" for instructions on how to install Oracle Database Lite. When the Repository Wizard is executed, see Chapter 6, "Upgrade Your Mobile Server Repository" for directions on how to upgrade the repository on the back-end database.

6.2.3 Upgrade Your Mobile Server Repository

During installation of Oracle Database Lite 10g Release 3, the Repository Wizard detects if Release 1 or 2 is installed and initiates the upgrade process, as follows:


If you need to start the Repository Wizard outside of the install process, execute ORACLE_HOME\Mobile\Server\admin\repwizard
  1. Enter the SYSTEM password. Click Next.

  2. Select the schema that you are going to upgrade. Click Next.

  3. Enter the password for the Mobile Server Repository—MOBILEADMIN—and click No for installing the sample applications. Click Next.

  4. A summary screen appears. Click Next.

  5. After the repository is upgraded, click Finish.

To upgrade each individual Mobile Server, follow the instructions in Section 6.2.2, "Pre-Upgrade Instructions".

6.2.4 Upgrade Your Existing Applications

You have to upgrade existing applications only if you installed Oracle Database Lite 10g Release 3 in a separate ORACLE_HOME than Oracle Database Lite 10g Release 1 or 2. Thus, once you have installed the Oracle Database Lite 10g Release 3 in a new ORACLE_HOME and the Repository Wizard has upgraded the Mobile Server Repository successfully, execute the Application Upgrade Assistant to upgrade your existing applications.

The Application Upgrade Assistant moves applications from the ORACLE_HOME for Oracle Database Lite 10g Release 1 or 2 to your the new ORACLE_HOME for Oracle Database Lite 10g Release 3.

The Application Upgrade Assistant is located in the following locations:

  • On a Windows environment:

  • On a UNIX environment:


On the command-line, supply the following:

  • Mobile Server Repository Name

  • Mobile Server Repository Password

  • The old ORACLE_HOME

  • The new ORACLE_HOME

For example, on a Windows system, where the repository name is mobileadmin, password is manager, the old ORACLE_HOME is c:\oracle\ora10gR1 and the new ORACLE_HOME is c:\oracle\ora10gR2, execute the Application Upgrade Assistant, as follows:

ApplicationUpgradeAssistant mobileadmin manager 
     c:\oracle\ora10gR1 c:\oracle\ora10gR2

6.2.5 Installing Sample Applications

For the sample applications, you can either upgrade the existing sample applications, use the existing samples in Release 3, or install new sample applications. The Release 1 or 2 samples will still work in Release 3 without any upgrade.

To install samples use following command:

demoinstaller -install
 [Database_Administrator_User_Name] [Database_Administrator_Password] 
 [Repository_Owner] [Repository_Password]  
 [Demo_user_name ][Demo_password]

For Example:

demoinstaller -install system manager mobileadmin manager master master

The demoinstaller utility is located in the following directories:

  • On a Windows environment:

  • On a UNIX environment:


6.2.6 Upgrade Branch Office 10g Release 1 or 2 to version 10g Release 3

If you have Oracle Database Lite 10g Release 1 or 2, then upgrade your Branch Office to 10g Release 3, as follows:


These steps assume that you have a 10g Release 1 or 2 Branch Office environment already configured and synchronized. If you do not have this environment currently configured, you do not need to upgrade.
  1. Install Oracle Lite 10g Release 3 Mobile Server in the same ORACLE_HOME directory where you installed Release 1 or 2.

  2. Stop the Branch Office client executing as a Windows Service.

  3. From the Branch Office client machine, which is being migrated to 10g Release 3, point your browser to http://<hostname>:<port>/webtogo/setup on the Mobile Server 10g Release 3.

  4. Click on "Oracle Lite Branch Office Client" link from the list of Mobile clients. Download and save the setup.exe file into the BO_CLIENT_HOME\bin directory. Overwrite the existing setup.exe file.

  5. Open a command prompt, navigate to the BO_CLIENT_HOME\bin directory, and execute the update.exe command to start the upgrade process. Alternatively, you can open Programs->Oracle Database Lite->Oracle Lite Update.

6.2.7 Migrate Your Users From the Mobile Server Repository to the Oracle Internet Directory (OID)

You can use the Oracle Internet Directory (OID), which is part of the Oracle application server, for storing and retrieving user information instead of the Mobile Server Repository. To use OID, you must migrate all user information from the existing repository into OID.

When you migrate users from a Mobile Server repository into OID, you cannot have duplicate users in OID. So, if you migrate users from two repositories into a single OID, and you have users with the same name, but different passwords on two separate repositories, the user that is first migrated into OID is the one that is valid. The second attempt to migrate an existing username into OID from a different repository will not migrate and no message is provided. This can be a problem if you have two users in different repositories with different passwords.

Migrate existing users in the repository to OID through the oiduser tool, which is located in ORACLE_HOME\Mobile\Server\bin. The oiduser tool migrates existing users with either randomly-generated passwords or a common password.

The following sections describe how to migrate your users based on which Oracle Application Server you have installed: Mobile Server Installed On Oracle Application Server

Perform the following to migrate your users to OID:

  1. Set the IAS_MODE parameter in the webtogo.ora file to YES.

  2. If you are using Oracle9iAS, then explicitly grant permission to the webtogo.jar file, which enable calls originating from this JAR file. Grant this permission by adding the following to the jazn-data.xml file, which is located in the ORACLE_HOME/config directory:

  3. Migrate the user information using the oiduser tool, for either randomly-generated passwords or a common password, as follows:

    • To use randomly-generated passwords for each user, execute the oiduser tool without the -P option, as follows:

      oiduser <ORACLE_HOME> <Mobile Server Repository username> <Mobile Server Repository password> <OID port number> <OID host name> <OID password> <OID admin name> <OID subscriber name>

      For example, the default setting would be:

      oiduser <ORACLE_HOME> mobileadmin manager 389 myhost-pc1.com welcome1 orcladmin dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com
    • To use a common password for all users, provide the common password with the -P option, as follows:

      oiduser <ORACLE_HOME> <Mobile Server Repository username> <Mobile Server Repository password> <-P> <common password> <OID port number> <OID host name> <OID password> <OID admin name> <OID subscriber name>

      where the common password is specified by you.

  4. The oiduser tool generates the mobile_oid_user and oiduserfile.Idif files. Copy these files to the same directory in the application infrastructure machine where OID is installed. You can copy them to any directory, as the mobile_oid_user is an executable that uses the oiduserfile.Idif file.


    The mobile_oid_user executable requires that the ldapadd executable is in the PATH. The ldapadd executable is part of the application server installation.
  5. Execute the mobile_oid_user file from the command-line on the application server infrastructure machine. This creates the Oracle Database Lite users in the OID.

All users from the Mobile Server Repository are now migrated to the OID with the passwords, as designated in step 1.

If you want to enable Oracle Single Sign on on the Mobile Server, then perform the following:

  1. Login to Mobile Manager as the administrator and select the appropriate server.

  2. Click on the Administration tab.

  3. Click Edit Config File to edit the webtogo.ora file for this server.

  4. If SSO_ENABLED has a hash mark (#) before it, then eliminate the hash mark and set SSO_ENABLED to YES. Click Apply.

  5. Restart both the application server and the Mobile Server. Mobile Server Installed on Oracle Application Server or Higher

Perform the following to migrate your users to OID:

  1. Set the IAS_MODE parameter in the webtogo.ora file to YES.

  2. Migrate the user information using the oiduser tool, for either randomly-generated passwords or a common password, as follows:

    • To use randomly-generated passwords for each user, execute the oiduser tool without the -P option, as follows:

      oiduser <ORACLE_HOME> <Mobile Server Repository username> <Mobile Server Repository password> <OID port number> <OID host name> <OID password> <OID admin name> <OID subscriber name>

      For example, the default setting would be:

      oiduser <ORACLE_HOME> mobileadmin manager 389 myhost-pc1.com welcome1 orcladmin dc=us,dc=oracle,dc=com
    • To use a common password for all users, provide the common password with the -P option, as follows:

      oiduser <ORACLE_HOME> <Mobile Server Repository username> <Mobile Server Repository password> <-P> <common password> <OID port number> <OID host name> <OID password> <OID admin name> <OID subscriber name>

      where the common password is specified by you.

All users from the Mobile Server Repository are now migrated to the OID with the required passwords.

If you want to enable Oracle Single Sign on on the Mobile Server then perform the following:

  1. Login to Mobile Manager as the administrator and select the appropriate server.

  2. Click on the Administration tab.

  3. Click Edit Config File to edit the webtogo.ora file for this server.

  4. If SSO_ENABLED has a hash mark (#) before it, then eliminate the hash mark and set SSO_ENABLED to YES. Click Apply.

  5. Restart both the application server and the Mobile Server.

6.2.8 Remove the 10g Release 1 or 2 Installation

Once you have completed all of the upgrade exercises, you can now remove the Oracle Database Lite 10g Release 1 or 2 from your system. Only perform these steps if you have installed Oracle Database Lite 10g Release 3 in a separate ORACLE_HOME. In addition, this is not required, but is recommended for clarity.

  1. Start the Oracle Universal Installer by double-clicking on setup.exe.

  2. On the File Locations screen, enter the ORACLE_HOME and PATH for the 10g Release 1 or 2 installation. Click Installed Products.

  3. On the Inventory screen, select the '+' next to the ORACLE_HOME for your 10g Release 1 or 2 installation. Then, click the box next to the installation that you are going to remove. Click Remove.

  4. On the Confirmation screen, click Yes.

  5. When the removal is complete, click Close.

  6. To exit the Installer, click Exit.

6.2.9 Remove Duplicate Mobile Server IDs from the Repository

After migrating Oracle Database Lite 10g Release 1 or 2 to Release 3, you will see duplicate entries in the Mobile Manager Farms page. To delete these entries from the repository, use the unregistermobileserver utility:

unregistermobileserver  <MobileServerId>

Following is the location of unregistermobileserver:

  • On a Windows environment:

  • On a UNIX environment:


6.3 Upgrade the Mobile Client

The following sections describe how to upgrade each Mobile client platform:

6.3.1 Upgrade Mobile Client Version to Version 10g Release 3

Table 6-3 shows how each Mobile client platform updates to the latest version.

Table 6-3 Upgrade Mobile Client to 10g Release 3

Mobile Client Platform Upgrade Instructions


Automatic. User is prompted for username/password.

Branch Office

Supported, but manual steps required. See Section 6.1.6, "Upgrading 5.0.2.x Version Branch Office".


Supported, but manual steps required. See Section 6.1.5, "Upgrading BC4J Mobile Client 5.0.2.x to Version 10g Release 2".


Not supported


Supported from and higher. Run update.exe or msync.exe, which launches update.exe after the synchronization completes.

Linux native clients

Not applicable

Linux Web-to-Go clients

Not applicable

6.3.2 Upgrade Mobile Client 10g Release 1 or 2 to 10g Release 3

Table 6-4 shows how each Mobile client platform updates to the latest version.

Table 6-4 Upgrade Mobile Client to 10g Release 3

Mobile Client Platform Upgrade Instructions



Branch Office

Supported, but manual steps required. See Section 6.2.6, "Upgrade Branch Office 10g Release 1 or 2 to version 10g Release 3".




Supported. Run update.exe or msync.exe, which launches update.exe after the synchronization completes.


Supported. Run update.exe or msync.exe, which launches update.exe after the synchronization completes.

Linux native clients

Not applicable for 10.0; for the 10.2 version, run update.

Linux Web-to-Go clients

Not applicable for 10.0; for the 10.2 version, it is automatic.