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Oracle® Application Server Upgrade and Compatibility Guide
10g Release 3 (
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A  B  C  D  E  F  G  H  I  J  L  M  O  P  R  S  T  U  V  W  X 

upgrading from, 1.2
10g Release 3 (10.1.3)
see Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3 (10.1.3)


management tasks you can perform, B.4
using to manage OC4J instances and clusters, B.4
administration OC4J instance
installing as part of a 10.1.3 cluster, A.2.3.1
administration users and roles
changes for, C.9.5
replaced by admin_client.jar in a managed environment, B.4
utility for standalone OC4J environments only, C.3.2
adminstrator account
setting the default password, A.2.3.1
setting the default password for a cluster, A.2.3.1
Advanced Install, A.1.3.1, A.2.3.1
AJP protocol
setting in, 4.3.3
see Apache Ant
Apache 1.3 Web Server, 4.3.4, A.1.3.2, A.2.3.2
Apache Ant
location in 10.1.3 Oracle home, A.1.1, A.2.1
project Web site, A.1.3.4, A.2.1, A.2.3.5
using to rebuild the FAQApp EAR file, A.1.3.4, A.2.3.5
application clustering
configuring during deployment of FAQApp, A.2.3.6
configuring in 10.1.3, B.3.2
for session state replication, B.3
replication methods available in 10.1.3, B.3.2
application files
preserving after upgrade, 4.6.1
Application Server Control
new features for, 2.1.2
Application Server Control Console
browsing the JNDI context, C.8.4
deploying applications with, 4.4.2
Deployment Settings Map Security Roles page, C.9.5.3
displaying, A.1.3.3
managing JNDI MBeans, C.8.2
new version for 10.1.3, 2.1.1
removing source middle tiers from the Farm page, 4.6.2
using to manage OEMS, C.5.3
verifying redeployed applications on, 4.5


backup strategies
during upgrade, 2.5
see Oracle Business Activity Monitoring
see Oracle BPEL Process Manager


cluster topology
new feature for 10.1.3, 2.1.1
Cluster Topology page, A.1.3.3, A.2.3.4
using to view a 10.1.3 cluster, B.1
viewing members of a cluster on, A.2.3.1
deprecated element in server.xml, B.3.1
deprecated attribute of the web-site element in the Web site configuration file, B.3.1
configuring with a multicast address during installation, A.2.3.1
differences between 10.1.3 and previous releases, B.1
installing and configuring for 10.1.3, A.2.3.1
setting the administrator password for, A.2.3.1
using the cluster topology instead of an OracleAS Farm, B.1
using the cluster topology page in 10.1.3, B.1
verifying the installation and configuration of, A.2.3.1
CMP Entity Beans
configuring to use Oracle TopLink, C.10.1
with previous application server releases, 3.3.1, C.9.1.2
between 10.1.3 and previous releases, 3.2
connection caching mechanism
for data sources, C.3.1
connection URL
for JDBC connections, A.1.3.3
context factories
for JNDI, C.8.1


data sources
configuring for a group, A.2.3.4
configuring for FAQApp, A.1.3.3, A.2.3.4
configuring in, 4.3.1
configuring in a clustered environment, A.2.3.4
considerations when redeploying applications on 10.1.3, C.3
converting data-sources.xml to new 10.1.3 format, C.3.2
JDBC-OCI drivers
using with 10.1.3, C.3.3
managed data sources, C.3.1
native data sources, C.3.1
new connection caching mechanism for 10.1.3, C.3.1
new features for 10.1.3, C.3.1
potential problems during application deployment, A.1.3.5
backup strategies during upgrade, 2.5
database transaction coordinator
replaced by two-phase commit (2pc) coordinator in 10.1.3, C.6.1
data-sources.xml, A.1.3.3
converting to new 10.1.3 format, C.3.2
new OC4J login module for, C.9.4
dcmctl leavefarm, 4.6.2
deinstalling 9.0.4 and 10.1.2 Oracle homes after upgrade, 4.6.3
deploying applications
to a OC4J group, 4.4.2
using Application Server Control Console, 4.4.2
deploying applications on 10g Releaes 3 (10.1.3)
Java Naming and Directory (JNDI) considerations, C.8
Java Transaction API (JTA) Considerations, C.6
Oracle TopLink and EJB considerations, C.10
Remote Method Invocation (RMI) considerations, C.7
security considerations, C.9
Deployment Settings Map Security Roles page
in Application Server Control, C.9.5.3
documentation roadmap
for previous Oracle Application Server users, 2.6
document-literal message format
when developing database Web services, C.4.3
dosasprivileged-mode, C.9.1.2


see Enterprise Java Beans
End of Installation Screen, A.1.3.1
Enterprise Java Beans
considerations when deploying applications on 10.1.3, C.10
Example Connection Pool
configuring before deployment of the FAQApp application, A.1.3.3
configuring for a group, A.2.3.4
external.synchronization property (no longer supported), C.9.1.2


FAQ database schema
for the FAQApp sample application, A.1.3.3
configuring application clustering for, A.2.3.6
creating a group for, A.2.3.3
deploying in a clustered environment, A.2
overview, A.2.2
procedure, A.2.3
starting point, A.2.1
deploying on a 10.1.3 clustered environment, A.2.3.6
deploying to a single 10.1.3 instance, A.1
overview, A.1.2
procedure, A.1.3
starting point, A.1.1
location on OTN, A.1.1
rebuilding the FAQApp EAR file, A.1.3.4
required database schema, A.1.3.3
screen shot of successful deployment on 10.1.3, A.1.3.6
testing after deployment, A.1.3.6, A.2.3.7
troubleshooting, A.1.3.5, A.2.3.6
locating in the 9.0.4 or 10.1.2 Oracle home, A.1.3.4, A.2.3.5
location after using Apache Ant, A.1.3.4, A.2.3.5
rebuilding with required JSP libraries, A.2.3.5
in the FAQApp working directory, A.1.3.4, A.2.3.5
in the FAQApp working directory, A.1.3.4, A.2.3.5
flow chart
of the upgrade process, 1.1
table describing steps in the upgrade flowchart, 1.2


Group Administration page
using in 10.1.3, B.2.1
Group page
using in 10.1.3, B.2.1
as an equivalent to OracleAS Clusters, 4.1
compared to OracleAS clusters, B.2
configuring data sources for, A.2.3.4
creating a group, A.2.3.3
differences from OracleAS Clusters, B.2.2
new OC4J feature for 10.1.3, 2.1.1
performing administration tasks on a group, B.2.1
restarting, A.2.3.4


sample application
deploying on, C.9.5.3
HTTP protocol
setting in, 4.3.3
httpd.conf, 2.3, A.1.3.2, A.2.3.2
applying configuration changes to, 4.3.4


of a new environment, 4.2
installation options
Advanced Install, A.2.3.1
installation types
J2EE Server and Web Server, A.1.3.1
no longer supported in 10.1.3, B.3.1


J2EE Application Deployment API (JSR-88), C.1
J2EE applications, 2.1
J2EE Server and Web Server installation type, A.1.3.1
installation types
J2EE Server and Web Server, A.2.3.1
Java 2, Enterprise Edition (J2EE) 1.4, 2.1
Java Management Extensions (JMX)
support for, 2.1.1
Java Messaging Service (JMS)
considerations when deploying applications on 10.1.3, C.5
considerations when redeploying on 10.1.3, C.5
nomenclature changes for 10.1.3, C.5.1
see also Oracle Enterprise Messaging Service (OEMS), C.5.1
Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI)
browsing the JNDI context in the Application Server Control Console, C.8.4
considerations when deploying applications on 10.1.3, C.8
deprecated context factories, C.8.1
MBeans available in the Application Server Control Console, C.8.2
new package names for initial JNDI context factories, C.8.1
performing inter-application JNDI lookups, C.8.3
Java options
setting in, 4.3.3
Java Single Sign-On
new feature for, 2.1.2
see also OracleAS Single Sign-On, Oracle Access Manager
Java Transaction API (JTA)
considerations when deploying applications on 10.1.3, C.6
database transaction coordinator
replaced by two-phase commit (2pc) coordinator in 10.1.3, C.6.1
support for two-phase commit (2pc) coordinator, C.6.1
transaction propagation support, C.6.2
JAX-RPC 1.1 specification, C.4.2
jazn-data.xml, C.9.1.2
configuring data sources for a group, A.2.3.4
configuring data sources for FAQApp, A.1.3.3, A.2.3.4
connection URL, A.1.3.3
setting the JDBC connection URL, A.2.3.4
JDBC connection pools
configuring in, 4.3.1
JDBC Resources
accessing from the Group Administration page, A.2.3.4
accessing from the OC4J Administration page, A.1.3.3
JDBC-OCI Drivers
using with 10.1.3, C.3.3
see Java Messaging Service (JMS)
JMS Connector
resource adapter for OEMS, C.5.2.1
changes in 10.1.3, C.5.4
see Java Management Extensions (JMX)
see Java Naming and Directory Interface (JNDI)
setting the oracle.j2ee.rmi.loadBalance property, C.7.2
including standard tag libraries in an application EAR file, A.1.3.4, A.2.3.5
new location of standard tag libraries, C.2.2
rebuilding the FAQApp with, A.1.3.4, A.2.3.5
standard tag libraries
jstl.jar, A.2.3.5
standard.jar, A.1.3.4, A.2.3.5
standard.jarJSP, A.1.3.4
see J2EE Application Deployment API
including in application EAR file before deployment, A.1.3.4, A.2.3.5
new location in 10.1.3, C.2.2
configuring the number of JVMs, 4.3.3


LDAP directory
backup strategies during upgrade, 2.5
load balancing
RMI requests, C.7.2
no longer supported in 10.1.3, B.3.1
log files
preserving after middle tier upgrade, 4.6.1


managed data sources, C.3.1
middle tiers
10.1.2 compatibility with 10.1.3, 3.2
9.0.4 compatibility with 10.1.3, 3.2
installing 10.1.3 middle tiers in an existing application server environment, 3.3.1
preserving application and log files after upgrade, 4.6.1
removing the source middle tier from the Farm page, 4.6.2
multicast discovery address
specifying during installation, A.2.3.1
valid range, A.2.3.1


see Oracle Containers for J2EE
setting the default password, A.2.3.1, A.2.3.1
security role, C.9.5.3
see Oracle Enterprise Messaging Service (OEMS)
see Oracle Enterprise Messaging Service (OEMS)
see Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server
Oracle Access Manager compatibility with 10.1.3, 3.2
security features for, C.9.1.2
Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3 (10.1.3)
definition, 2.1
determining a 10.1.3 topology to install and configure, 4.1
differences between 10.1.3 and previous releases, B
flow chart of the upgrade process, 1.1
installing a cluster, A.2.3.1
installing in an existing application server environment, 3.3.1
new features introduced in, 2.1.1
overview of the upgrade process, 1
redeploying existing J2EE applications on, C
summary of changed features, B.5
supported upgrade paths, 2.2
version compatibility, 3.2
Oracle Application Server 10g Release 3 (
new features introduced in, 2.1.2
upgrading from, 1.2
Oracle Application Server Release 2 (9.0.2), 2.2
Oracle BPEL Process Manager, 5.1
installing, 5.2.2
upgrading, 1.2, 5.4
Oracle Business Activity Monitoring, 5.1
installing, 5.2.2
upgrading, 1.2, 5.4
Oracle Business Rules, 5.1
installing, 5.2.2
upgrading, 5.4
Oracle Containers for J2EE
configuring server properties, 4.3.3
groups, 2.1.1
new version for 10.1.3, 2.1.1
restarting the OC4J instance, A.1.3.3
Oracle Enterprise Messaging Service (OEMS), C.5.1
changes to jms.xml in 10.1.3, C.5.4
creating connection factories and destinations, C.5.3
Database option, C.5.5
In-Memory and File-Based options, C.5.2.2, C.5.5
JAR files required when redeploying on 10.1.3, C.5.5
Managing with Application Server Control, C.5.3
redeploying a JMS application on 10.1.3, C.5.4
Oracle Enterprise Service Bus (ESB), 5.1
installing, 5.2.2
upgrading, 5.4
Oracle HTTP Server
applying site-specific configuration settings, A.1.3.2
in a clustered environment, A.2.3.2
using existing installations with 10.1.3, 3.3.3
Oracle Identity Management compatibility with 10.1.3, 3.2
Oracle Internet Directory
required security accounts, C.9.1.2
using as an application security provider, C.9.3
Oracle Process Manager and Notification Server, B.1
new version for 10.1.3, 2.1.1
Oracle SOA Suite
definition, 5.1
developing SOA applications, 5.3
included components, 5.1
installing, 5.2
upgrading from previous versions, 5.4
Oracle Technology Network
location of FAQApp sample application, A.1.1, A.2.1
Oracle TopLink
configuring CMP Entity Beans to use Oracle TopLink, C.10.1
considerations when deploying applications on 10.1.3, C.10
upgrading TopLink Workbench projects, C.10.2
Oracle Universal Installer, 2.4, A.1.3.1
Oracle Web Services Manager, 5.1
installing, 5.2.2
upgrading, 1.2, 5.4
OracleAS Clusters
determining an equivalent 10.1.3 topology, 4.1
OracleAS Farm
equivalent cluster topology in 10.1.3, B.1
removing the source middle tier from the Farm page, 4.6.2
OracleAS Identity Management
10.1.2 compatibility with 10.1.3, 3.2
9.0.4 compatibility with 10.1.3 middle tiers, 3.2
using as a security provider, 3.3.2
using with 10.1.3 middle tiers, 3.2, 3.3.2
OracleAS Infrastructure
using with 10.1.3 middle tiers, 3.3.2
OracleAS JMS
see Oracle Enterprise Messaging Service (OEMS)
OracleAS Metadata Repository
not required for 10.1.3, 3.3.2
not required in 10.1.3, 3.2
OracleAS Single Sign-On, C.9.3
see also Java Single Sign-On, Oracle Access Manager
configuring for deployed applications, 3.3.2
using to authenticate Web services, 3.3.2
using with 10.1.3 middle tiers, 3.3.2
OracleAS Web Cache
using as a reverse proxy for 10.1.3, 3.3.4
resource adapter for OEMS, C.5.2.1
OracleDS data source
configuring, A.1.3.3, A.2.3.4
system property for RMI load balancing, C.7.2
orion-application.xml, C.9.5.2
orion-ejb-jar.xml, C.9.5.2, C.10.1
orion-web.xml, C.9.5.2, C.9.5.3
see Oracle Technology Network
see Oracle Web Services Manager


setting the default administrator password
during installation, A.2.3.1
for a cluster, A.2.3.1
for JMS, 4.3.3
for RMI and RMIS, 4.3.3
principals.xml, C.9.1.2
converting to new 10.1.3 JAAS security model, C.9.2


readme.txt, A.2.3.1
for 10.1.3 installation details, A.1.3.3
Real Application Clusters (RAC)
when using data sources for 10.1.3, C.3.1
redeploying applications on 10g Release 3 (10.1.3), C
data source considerations, C.3
general considerations, C.1
classloading and shared library support, C.2.1
new location of JSP tag libraries, C.2.2
Java Messaging Service (JMS) considerations, C.5
overview, C.1
Web services considerations, C.4
Release 2 (9.0.2), 2.2
Remote Method Invocation (RMI)
applying compatibility patches for 10.1.3, C.7.1
configuring secure connections with RMIS and SSL, C.7.4
considerations when deploying applications on 10.1.3, C.7
new implementation of ORMI tunnelling through HTTP, C.7.3
new system property for configuring ORMI request load balancing, C.7.2
resource adapters
configuring in, 4.3.2
RPC-encoded message format
when developing database Web services, C.4.3
runas-mode, C.9.1.2


considerations when deploying applications on 10.1.3, C.9
converting principals.xml to new JAAS security model, C.9.2
significant changes for 10.1.3, C.9.1
using OracleAS Identity Management as a security provider, 3.3.2
Security Assertion Markup Language
using to authenticate Web services, 3.3.2
security provider
using Oracle Internet Directory, C.9.3
security role mapping
from Application Server Control, C.9.5.2
security roles
oc4j-administrators, C.9.5.3
entry in orion-web.xml, C.9.5.3
server properties
configuring in, 4.3.3
server.xml, 2.3
Service Oriented Architecture (SOA), 2.1
components introduced for, 2.1.2
installing or upgrading SOA components, 5
optionally installing or upgrading SOA components, 1.2
see also Oracle SOA Suite
session state replication
configuring with 10.1.3 application clustering, A.2.3.6
Single Sign-On
see OracleAS Single Sign-On, Java Single Sign-On, Oracle Access Manager
single sign-on
Oracle Access Manager compatibility with 10.1.3, 3.2
responding to SQL error messages during application deployment, A.1.3.5, A.2.3.6
including in application EAR file before deployment, A.1.3.4, A.2.3.5
new location in 10.1.3, C.2.2
supported upgrade paths, 2.2
system availability during upgrade, 2.5
system-jazn-data.xml, C.9.1.2


see Oracle TopLink
toplink-ejb-jar.xml, C.10.1
for RMI through HTTP, C.7.3
two-phase commit (2PC) coordinator
for Java Transaction API (JTA), C.6.1


UDDI registry, 5.1
upgrade process
backup strategy, 2.5
deinstalling 9.0.4 and 10.1.2 Oracle homes, 4.6.3
installing a new environment, 4.2
redeploying applications on, 4.4
required pre-deployment tasks, 4.3
reviewing compatibility with other application server releases, 3
reviewing your current application server environment, 2.3
rules to follow, 2.4
system availability during upgrade, 2.5
tools for upgrade, 2.4
verifying redeployed applications on, 4.5
UserManager, C.9.1.2


redeployed applications on, 4.5


Web services
considerations when assembling from Java Classes in 10.1.3, C.4.2
considerations when redeploying on 10.1.3, C.4
developing database Web services in 10.1.3, C.4.3
Web Services Assembler
new version (wsa.jar) for 10.1.3, C.4.1
Web Services Inspection Language (WSIL)
new support for, 2.1.2
compatibility with new wsa.jar, C.4.1
compatibility with WebServicesAssembler.jar, C.4.1
new Web Services Assembler for 10.1.3, C.4.1
using to develop database Web services, C.4.3


XMLUserManager, C.9.1.2
XMLUserManager security class
converting to new JAAS security model, C.9.2