3 Installing the Software

This chapter describes how to install Oracle HTML DB release 1.6.

This chapter contains these topics:

Recommended Pre-installation Tasks

If you plan to install Oracle HTML DB, Oracle recommends you complete the following steps to back up the database before beginning the installation:

  1. Shut down Oracle databases.

    Shut down any existing Oracle Database instances with normal or immediate priority. On RAC systems, shut down all instances on each node.

    If Automatic Storage Management (ASM) is running, shut down all databases that use ASM, then shut down the ASM instance on each node of the cluster.

  2. Stop all processes.

    Stop all listener and other processes running in the Oracle home directory where you want to install the patch set.

  3. Back up the Oracle Database installation.

    Oracle recommends that you create a backup of your Oracle Database installation before you install Oracle HTML DB.

  4. Start the Oracle Database instance that contains the target database.

    After backing up the system, you must start the Oracle instance that contains the target Oracle Database. Do not start other processes such as the listener or Oracle HTTP Server.


    If you are connecting to a remote database, then start the listener.

Installing the Oracle HTML DB Software

To install Oracle HTML DB release 1.6 you must download and unzip the file htmldb_1.6.0.zip on a computer where you can connect to the target database using SQL*Plus as the SYS user.

See Also:

PL/SQL User's Guide and Reference for more information about SQL*Plus

To install Oracle HTML DB release 1.6:

  1. Download the file htmldb_1.6.0.zip.

  2. Unzip htmldb_1.6.0.zip as follows, preserving directory names:

    • UNIX and Linux: unzip htmldb_1.6.0.zip

    • Windows: Double click the file htmldb_1.6.0.zip in Windows Explorer

  3. Change your working directory to htmldb.

  4. Connect to SQL*Plus as the SYS user as SYSDBA.

  5. Run htmldbins.sql passing the following six arguments in the order shown:

    @htmldbins password tablespace_htmldb tablespace_files tablespace_temp images connect


    • password is the password for the Oracle HTML DB administrator account, the HTML DB schema owner, and the HTML DB files schema owner.

      The HTML DB schema owner is the user or schema into which Oracle HTML DB database objects will be installed. The HTML DB files schema owner is the user or schema where uploaded files are maintained in Oracle HTML DB.

    • tablespace_htmldb is the name of tablespace for the Oracle HTML DB application user.

    • tablespace_files is the name of tablespace for the Oracle HTML DB files user.

    • tablespace_temp is the name of the temporary tablespace.

    • images is the virtual directory for Oracle HTML DB images. To support future Oracle HTML DB upgrades, define the virtual image directory as /i/.

    • connect is the Oracle Net connect string to the database. If this is a local install, use none or NONE.

      The following examples demonstrate running htmldbins.sql and passing these arguments when the target database is Oracle Database 10g release 1 (10.1):

      Local installation:

      sqlplus "sys/syspass as sysdba" @htmldbins password SYSAUX SYSAUX TEMP /i/ none

      Using a connect string:

      sqlplus "sys/syspass@10g as sysdba" @htmldbins password SYSAUX SYSAUX TEMP /i/ 10g