4 Oracle HTML DB Post-installation Tasks

This chapter describes tasks that you need to complete after you install the software.

This chapter contains these topics:


Within the context of this document, the Oracle home directory (ORACLE_HOME) is the location where Oracle HTTP Server is installed.

Required Post-installation Tasks

Before proceeding with other tasks described in this chapter, you need to start all processes such as TNS listener and Oracle HTTP Server that were stopped before installing Oracle HTML DB.

Copying the Images Directory

Whether you are loading a new installation or upgrading from a previous release, you must copy the images directory from the top level of the unzipped htmldb_1.6.0.zip file to the location on the file system containing the Oracle home for Oracle HTTP Server.

Copying the Images Directory When Upgrading

If you are upgrading from a previous version of Oracle HTML DB, you should rename the existing images directory for Oracle HTML DB to reflect the release number (for example, images_1_5). By renaming the images directory, you have the option reverting to it later on.

To locate images directory on the file system, review the following files for the text alias /i/:

  • Oracle9i HTTP Server Release 2, see the httpd.conf file

  • Oracle HTTP Server 10g, see the marvel.conf file

  • Oracle Application Server 10g, see the marvel.conf file

Copying the Images Directory in New Installation

On a Windows system, you can copy the htmldb\images directory using Windows Explorer or execute a command such as the following from a command prompt:

xcopy /E /I htmldb\images ORACLE_BASE\ORACLE_HOME\Apache\Apache\images

On UNIX or Linux based systems, you can copy the htmldb/images directory by executing a command such as the following:

cp -rf htmldb/images ORACLE_BASE/ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache

Configuring Oracle HTTP Server When Upgrading

If you are upgrading Oracle HTML DB from release or and the password you provided during your initial installation differs from the one you specified while executing the htmldbins.sql script, you need to modify the file that contains the Database Access Descriptors (DADs). The following sections describe the parameter you need to modify depending upon the type of Oracle HTTP Server in your environment.

Topics in this section include:


Only perform the tasks that follow if the password you provided during your initial installation differs from the one you specified while executing the htmldbins.sql script.

Oracle HTTP Server Release 9.0.3

If you are upgrading Oracle HTML DB and are running Oracle HTTP Server release 9.0.3 or higher, you must modify the parameter password in the wdbsvr.app file.

To modify the parameter password in the wdbsvr.app file:

  1. Use a text editor and open the wdbsvr.app file.

    • For UNIX and Linux based systems, the file is located at:

    • For Windows based systems, the file is located at:

  2. Find the DAD settings for Oracle HTML DB by searching for the following:

  3. Edit value next to the parameter password to match the password you provided while executing the htmldbins.sql script.

  4. Save your changes.

  5. Stop and restart Oracle HTTP Server.

    • For UNIX and Linux based systems, execute the following commands:

      ORACLE_BASE/ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/bin/apachectl stop
      ORACLE_BASE/ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/bin/apachectl start

      Note that if the Oracle HTTP Server is listening on a port less than 1024, the these commands must be executed as a privileged user (such as root).

    • For Windows based systems:

      • Stop Oracle HTTP Server - From the Start menu, select Programs, Oracle - OraHome, Oracle HTTP Server, and Stop HTTP Server.

      • Restart Oracle HTTP Server - - From the Start menu, select Oracle - OraHome, Oracle HTTP Server, and Start HTTP Server.

See Also:

Oracle HTTP Server Administration Guide

Oracle HTTP Server 10g Release 1 or Oracle Application Server 10g

If you are upgrading Oracle HTML DB and are running Oracle HTTP Server 10g Release 1 or Oracle Application Server 10g, you must modify the parameter PlsqlDatabasePassword in the marvel.conf file.

To modify the parameter PlsqlDatabasePassword in the marvel.conf file:

  1. Use a text editor and open the marvel.conf file:

    • For UNIX and Linux based systems, the file is located at:

    • For Windows based systems, the file is located at:

  2. Find the DAD settings for Oracle HTML DB by searching for the following:

  3. Modify the value of the parameter PlsqlDatabasePassword to match the password you provided while executing the htmldbins.sql script.

  4. Save your changes.

  5. For Oracle Application Server 10g, execute the following commands:

    • For UNIX and Linux based systems:

      ORACLE_BASE/ORACLE_HOME/dcm/bin/dcmctl updateConfig -ct ohs
    • For Windows based systems:

      ORACLE_BASE\ORACLE_HOME\dcm\bin\dcmctl updateConfig -ct ohs
  6. Stop and restart Oracle HTTP Server.

    • For UNIX and Linux based systems, execute the following commands:

      ORACLE_BASE/ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopproc ias-component=HTTP_Server
      ORACLE_BASE/ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl startproc ias-component=HTTP_Server
    • For Windows based systems:

      ORACLE_BASE\ORACLE_HOME\opmn\bin\opmnctl stopproc ias-component=HTTP_Server
      ORACLE_BASE\ORACLE_HOME\opmn\bin\opmnctl startproc ias-component=HTTP_Server

See Also:

"Obfuscating PlsqlDatabasePassword Parameter" and Oracle HTTP Server Administration Guide

Configuring Oracle HTTP Server in a New Installation

Oracle HTML DB must have access to Oracle HTTP Server with mod_plsql. The instructions that follow explain how to configure three different versions of Oracle HTTP Server with mod_plsql.

Topics in this section include:

Oracle HTTP Server Release 9.0.3

The wdbsvr.app file contains information about Database Access Descriptors (DADs). A DAD is a set of values that specify how the Oracle HTTP Server component modplsql connects to the database server to fulfill an HTTP request. You create a DAD to specify how to connect to an Oracle HTML DB instance.

Modifying the Oracle9i wdbsvr.app File

To create the DAD you modify the file wdbsvr.app and add an entry for Oracle HTML DB.

To modify the wdbsvr.app file:

  1. Use a text editor and open the wdbsvr.app file:

    • For UNIX and Linux based systems, the file is located at:

    • For Windows based systems:

  2. Add an entry for Oracle HTML DB using the following syntax. Only change the settings indicated in italics.

     connect_string = localhost:1521:orcl 
     password = htmldb 
     username = htmldb_public_user 
     default_page = htmldb 
     document_table = wwv_flow_file_objects$ 
     document_path = docs 
     document_proc = wwv_flow_file_mgr.process_download 
     reuse = Yes 
     enablesso = No 
     stateful = STATELESS_RESET 
     nls_lang = American_America.AL32UTF8


    • connect_string refers to the host ID, port number, and Oracle9i database where Oracle HTML DB was installed. Use the format host:port:sid.

      If the Oracle9i version of Oracle HTTP Server you want to use is installed in the same Oracle home as the database you specified for use with Oracle HTML DB, leave this parameter blank.

    • password is the HTML DB password you passed as the first argument to the htmldbins.sql script.

    • nls_lang refers to the language setting. It must match the NLS settings of the database. For example:


      If either the territory portion or the language portion of the NLS settings contain a space, you must wrap the value in double quotes, like the following example:

      nls_lang = "ENGLISH_UNITED KINGDOM.AL32UTF8"

      You can find information about your database's NLS settings by querying the view NLS_DATABASE_PARAMETERS as shown in the following example:

       SELECT parameter,value 
       FROM nls_database_parameters 
  3. Leave the remaining settings, including the username setting, as they appear in the previous example.

  4. Save and exit the wdbsvr.app file.

Modifying the Oracle9i httpd.conf File

You need to modify the httpd.conf file to include an alias that points to the file system path where you copied the images directory.

To modify httpd.conf to include an alias that points to the location of the images directory:

  1. Use a text editor and open the httpd.conf file

    • For UNIX and Linux based systems, the file is located at:

    • For Windows based systems:

  2. Add an alias entry that points to the file system path where you copied the images directory. The following examples assume you specified the image directory alias as /i/when you ran the htmldbins.sql script.

    • Windows based system example:

      Alias /i/ "C:\oracle\ora92\Apache\Apache\images/"

      Note you must include the forward slash (/) at the end of the path.

    • UNIX and Linux based system example:

      Alias /i/ "/home/oracle/OraHome1/Apache/Apache/images/" 
  3. Save and exit the httpd.conf file.

  4. Stop and restart Oracle HTTP Server.

    • For UNIX and Linux based systems, execute the following commands:

      ORACLE_BASE/ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/bin/apachectl stop
      ORACLE_BASE/ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/bin/apachectl start

      Note that if the Oracle HTTP Server is listening on a port less than 1024, the these commands must be executed as a privileged user (such as root).

    • For Windows based systems:

      • Stop Oracle HTTP Server - From the Start menu, select Programs, Oracle - OraHome, Oracle HTTP Server, and Stop HTTP Server.

      • Restart Oracle HTTP Server- From the Start menu, select Programs, Oracle - OraHome, Oracle HTTP Server, and Start HTTP Server.

See Also:

Oracle HTTP Server Administration Guide

Oracle HTTP Server 10g Release 1 or Oracle Application Server 10g

You need to modify the dads.conf file to include an alias that points to the file system path where you copied the images directory.

To modify the dads.conf file to include an alias that points to the location of the images directory:

  1. Use a text editor and open the dads.conf file:

    • For UNIX and Linux based systems, the file is located at:

    • For Windows based systems, the file is located at:

  2. Add an alias entry that points to the file system path where you copied the images directory.

    Note you need to use the alias you specified in the fifth positional argument to htmldbins.sql. The following examples assume you specified the image directory alias as /i/.

    • Windows based system example:

      Alias /i/ "C:\oracle\ora101\Apache\Apache\images/"

      Note you must include the forward slash (/) at the end of the path.

    • UNIX and Linux based system example:

      Alias /i/ "/home/oracle/OraHome1/Apache/Apache/images/"
  3. Add an DAD entry for Oracle HTML DB using the following syntax. Replace the values PlsqlDatabasePassword, PlsqlDatabaseConnectString, and PlsqlNLSLanguage with values appropriate values for your environment.

    <Location /pls/htmldb>
     SetHandler pls_handler
     Order deny,allow
     Allow from all
     AllowOverride None
     PlsqlDatabaseUsername      HTMLDB_PUBLIC_USER
     PlsqlDatabasePassword      htmldb
     PlsqlDatabaseConnectString localhost:1521:htmldbdv ServiceNameFormat
     PlsqlDefaultPage           htmldb
     PlsqlDocumentTablename     wwv_flow_file_objects$
     PlsqlDocumentPath          docs
     PlsqlDocumentProcedure     wwv_flow_file_mgr.process_download
     PlsqlAuthenticationMode    Basic
     PlsqlNLSLanguage           AMERICAN_AMERICA.AL32UTF8

    If either the territory portion or the language portion of the NLS settings contain a space, you must wrap the value in double quotes, like the following example:

  4. Save and exit the dads.conf file.

  5. (Oracle Application Server only) Execute the following commands:

    • For UNIX and Linux based systems:

      ORACLE_BASE/ORACLE_HOME/dcm/bin/dcmctl updateConfig -ct ohs
    • For Windows based systems:

      ORACLE_BASE\ORACLE_HOME\dcm\bin\dcmctl updateConfig -ct ohs
  6. Stop and restart Oracle HTTP Server.

    • For UNIX and Linux based systems, execute the following commands:

      ORACLE_BASE/ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl stopproc ias-component=HTTP_Server
      ORACLE_BASE/ORACLE_HOME/opmn/bin/opmnctl startproc ias-component=HTTP_Server
    • For Windows based systems:

      ORACLE_BASE\ORACLE_HOME\opmn\bin\opmnctl stopproc ias-component=HTTP_Server
      ORACLE_BASE\ORACLE_HOME\opmn\bin\opmnctl startproc ias-component=HTTP_Server

See Also:

"Obfuscating PlsqlDatabasePassword Parameter" and Oracle HTTP Server Administration Guide

Installing Oracle HTML DB in Other Languages

The Oracle HTML DB interface is translated into German, Spanish, French, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Brazilian Portuguese, Simplified Chinese, and Traditional Chinese. A single instance of Oracle HTML DB can be installed with one or more of these translated versions. At runtime, each user's Web browser language settings determine the specific language version.

The translated version of Oracle HTML DB should be loaded into a database that has a character set that can support the specific language. If you attempt to install a translated version of Oracle HTML DB into a database that does support the character encoding of the language, the installation may fail or the translated Oracle HTML DB instance may appear corrupt when run. The database character set AL32UTF8 supports all the translated versions of Oracle HTML DB.

You can manually install translated versions of Oracle HTML DB using SQL*Plus. The installation files are encoded in UTF8.


Regardless of the target database character set, to install a translated version of Oracle HTML DB you must set the character set value of the NLS_LANG environment variable to AL32UTF8 prior to starting SQL*Plus.

The following examples illustrates valid NLS_LANG settings for loading Oracle HTML DB translations:


To install a translated version of Oracle HTML DB:

  1. Set the NLS_LANG environment variable, making sure that the character set is AL32UTF8. For example:

    • Bourne or Korn shell:

      export NLS_LANG
    • C shell:

      setenv NLS_LANG American_America.AL32UTF8
    • For Windows based systems:

      set NLS_LANG=American_America.AL32UTF8
  2. Start SQL*Plus and connect to the target database as SYS.

  3. Execute the following statement:

  4. Execute the appropriate language specific script. For example:


    The installation scripts are located in subdirectories identified by a language code in the unzipped distribution /htmldb/builder. For example, the German version is located in /htmldb/builder/de and the Japanese version is located in /htmldb/builder/ja. Within each of these directories, there is a language loading script identified by the language code (for example, load_de.sql or load_ja.sql).

Obfuscating PlsqlDatabasePassword Parameter

The PlsqlDatabasePassword parameter specifies the password for logging in to the database. You can use the the dadTool.pl utility to obfuscate passwords in the dads.conf file.

You can find the dadTool.pl utility in the following directory:

  • For UNIX and Linux based systems:

  • For Windows based systems:


Obfuscating Passwords in a New Installation

In a new installation, the PlsqlDatabasePassword parameter is found in the dads.conf file. To obfuscate passwords in a new installation, run the dadTool.pl utiity by following the instructions in the dadTool.README file.

Obfuscating Passwords if Upgrading

If you have upgraded from a previous release, the DAD information is in the file marvel.conf. Before you can run the the dadTool.pl utiity, you must copy the DAD entry from the marvel.conf file to the dads.conf file.

To obfuscate passwords when upgrading:

  1. Use a text editor and copy the entry for /pls/htmldb from the marvel.conf file into the dads.conf file.

    • For UNIX and Linux based systems, these files are located in:

    • For Windows based systems, these files are located in:

  2. Run dadTool.pl by following the instructions in the dadTool.README file.

  3. Copy the entry for /pls/htmldb from the dads.conf file back into marvel.conf.

  4. Remove the entry for /pls/htmldb from the dads.conf file.

Logging in to Oracle HTML DB

You open the Oracle HTML DB home page in a Web browser. To view or develop Oracle HTML DB applications, the Web browser must support Java Script and the HTML 4.0 and CSS 1.0 standards. The following browsers meet this requirement:

  • Netscape Communicator 7.0 or later

  • Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 or later

  • Mozilla 1.2 or later

Accessing the Oracle HTML DB Login Page

To log in to Oracle HTML DB, open the following URL in a Web browser:



  • hostname is the name of the system where Oracle HTTP Server is installed.

  • port is the is the port number assigned to Oracle HTTP Server. In a default installation, this number is 7777. You can find information about your Oracle HTTP Server installation's port number from either of the following files:

    • ORACLE_BASE\ORACLE_HOME\install\portlist.ini

    • ORACLE_BASE\ORACLE_HOME\Apache\Apache\conf\httpd.conf

  • database_access_descriptor describes how Oracle HTTP Server connects to the database server so that it can fulfill an HTTP request. The default value is htmldb.

See Also:

ORACLE_BASE\ORACLE_HOME\Apache\modplsql\conf\dads.readme for more information on database access descriptors

The Oracle HTML DB Login page appears.

In the Oracle HTML DB development environment, users log in to a shared work area called a workspace. Users are divided into three primary roles:

  • Developer

    A developer can create and edit applications.

  • Workspace administrator

    A Workspace administrator performs administrator tasks specific to their workspace such as managing user accounts, monitoring workspace activity, and viewing log files.

  • Oracle HTML DB administrator

    An Oracle HTML DB administrator is a superuser that manages the entire hosted instance. To perform these tasks, an Oracle HTML DB administrator logs into the Oracle HTML DB Administration Services application.

If you are a developer, an administrator must grant you access to a workspace. If you are an Oracle HTML DB administrator, you need to:

  • Log into Oracle HTML DB Administration Services. Oracle HTML DB Administration Services is a separate application for managing an entire Oracle HTML DB instance.

  • Specify a provisioning mode. In Oracle HTML DB Administration Services you need to determine how the process of creating (or provisioning) a workspace will work in your development environment.

  • Create a Workspace. A workspace is a shared work area within the Oracle HTML DB development environment that has a unique ID and name. An Oracle HTML DB administrator can create a workspace manually or have users submit requests.

  • Log in to a Workspace. Once you create a workspace in Oracle HTML DB Administration Services, return to the Oracle HTML DB Login page and log in to that workspace.

See Also:

"Managing an Oracle HTML DB Hosted Service" in Oracle HTML DB User's Guide for more information on logging in to and using the Oracle HTML DB Administration Services application