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Oracle® Identity Manager Design Console Guide
Release 9.0
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3 The Oracle Identity Manager Main Screen

This chapter describes the main screen in Oracle Identity Manager. It contains the following topics:


You can create, track, and analyze a business process by using the main screen in Oracle Identity Manager, as shown in Figure 3-1.

Figure 3-1 Oracle Identity Manager Main Screen

OIM Main Screen
Description of "Figure 3-1 Oracle Identity Manager Main Screen"

The Oracle Identity Manager main screen consists of four regions:

Each of these regions is covered in greater detail in the sections that follow.

The Oracle Identity Manager Menu Bar

The Oracle Identity Manager Menu Bar is located at the top of the Oracle Identity Manager main screen. It contains the menus that enable you to perform all operations within the Oracle Identity Manager GUI.

To select a menu, click it. Once a menu is selected, a list of menu items is displayed. By selecting a menu item, you can perform the action associated with that menu item. For example, to print the contents of the active form, you select the Print item from the File menu.

As an alternative to the mouse, you can use either keyboard shortcuts (for example, ALT+F for the File menu) or shortcuts keys (for example, Ctrl+P to print the active form). The keyboard shortcuts and shortcut keys that are available are displayed in black, and disabled shortcuts and keys appear in gray.

The Oracle Identity Manager Menu Bar provides 4 menus: File, Edit, Toolbar, and Help. This section describes the following topics:

File Menu

The File menu provides the following menu options:

Menu Item Action
Print Print the active form
Login Log out of Oracle Identity Manager, and then log in again
Exit Exit Oracle Identity Manager

Edit Menu

The Edit menu provides the following clipboard options:

Menu Item Action
Cut Cut selected text from editable fields, and copy it to the system Clipboard.
Copy Copy the selected text to system Clipboard.
Paste Paste text from the system Clipboard to the selected field.
Clear Clear the selected text.

Toolbar Menu

The Toolbar menu is made up of menu items that comprise the Oracle Identity Manager Toolbar.

Menu Item Action
New Clear the contents of the active form.
Save Changes Save all changes made to the active form.
Query Execute a query on the active form.
Notes Display any notes that may be attached to the active form.
Refresh Refresh the record of the active form.
Close Close the active form.
Delete Delete the current record.
Next Display the next record, when you have queried more than one record.
Previous Display the previous record, when you have queried more than one record.
First Display the first record, when you have queried more than one record.
Last Display the last record, when you have queried more than one record.
Close All Close all open forms, and clear the Oracle Identity Manager Workspace.

Help Menu

The Help menu provides access to the Oracle Identity Manager Design Console online Help system and about the copyright information.

Menu Item Action
Administrator Guide Display the online Help equivalent of the Oracle Identity Manager Administrative and User Console Guide.
About Display the copyright information about Oracle Identity Manager Design Console.


By accessing the Help menu of the Oracle Identity Manager Web Application, and selecting the User Guide command, you can see the online Help equivalent of the Oracle Identity Manager Administrative and User Console Guide.

The Oracle Identity Manager Toolbar

Figure 3-2 displays the Oracle Identity Manager Toolbar.

Figure 3-2 Oracle Identity Manager Toolbar

OIM Toolbar
Description of "Figure 3-2 Oracle Identity Manager Toolbar"

The Oracle Identity Manager Toolbar is a series of buttons, located below the Oracle Identity Manager Menu Bar. These buttons always provide single-click access to frequently used actions. The Toolbar buttons are always applied to the active form.


When you hold the mouse over a Toolbar button for a few seconds, a tooltip appears, containing a description of that button.

The following table provides a list of the buttons that comprise the Oracle Identity Manager Toolbar, along with descriptions of the actions these buttons perform.

Button Action
First Display the first record, when you have queried more than one record.
Previous Display the previous record, when you have queried more than one record.
Next Display the next record, when you have queried more than one record
Last Display the last record, when you have queried more than one record.
New Clear the active form.
Save Save all changes made to the active form.
Query Execute a query on the active form.
Notes Display any notes that may be attached to the active form.
Refresh Refresh the active form.
Close Close the active form.
Delete Delete the current record.
Prepopulate Populate designated fields with data. These fields are user-defined, and have prepopulate adapters attached to them.

Note: For more information on prepopulate adapters, refer to the Tools Reference Guide.

Oracle Identity Manager Shortcuts

Besides the Oracle Identity Manager Toolbar and Oracle Identity Manager Menu Bar, Oracle Identity Manager provides the following keyboard shortcuts that perform functions quickly or provide you with easy access to menus.

Shortcut Name Keystroke Combination Description
File Menu ALT+F Activate the File Menu.
Edit Menu ALT+E Activate the Edit Menu.
Toolbar Menu ALT+T Activate the Toolbar Menu.
Help Menu ALT+H Activate the Help Menu.
Print CTRL+P Print the active form.
Cut CTRL+X Cut selected text from editable fields, and copy it to the system Clipboard.
Copy CTRL+C Copy the selected text to system Clipboard.
Paste CTRL+V Paste text from the system Clipboard to the selected field.
Clear CTRL+DEL Clear the selected text.
New CTRL+N Clear the active form.
Save Changes CTRL+S Save all changes made to the active form.
Query CTRL+Q Execute a query on the active form.
Notes CTRL+SHIFT+N Display notes that are attached to the active form.
Refresh CTRL+R Refresh the active form.
Close CTRL+W Close the active form.
Delete CTRL+D Delete the current record.
Next Numpad + (plus) Display the next record, when you have queried more than one record.
Previous Numpad - (minus) Display the previous record, when you have queried more than one record.
First CTRL+F Display the first record, when you have queried more than one record.
Last CTRL+L Display the last record, when you have queried more than one record.
Prepopulate CTRL+U Populate designated fields of a customized form with data.
Help F1 Launch context-sensitive Help for the active form.
Explorer F3 Highlight the Oracle Identity Manager icon, which appears at the top of the Oracle Identity Manager Explorer.
Lookup F4 Display the Lookup window for the selected lookup field.
Menu F10 Activate the File menu.

The Oracle Identity Manager Explorer

Figure 3-3 describes the Oracle Identity Manager Explorer.

Figure 3-3 Oracle Identity Manager Explorer

OIM Explorer
Description of "Figure 3-3 Oracle Identity Manager Explorer"

The Oracle Identity Manager Explorer contains a list of form icons. These icons represent the Oracle Identity Manager forms that you have permission to access. To launch a form, click the plus icon, which appears to the left of the folder that contains the desired form. Then, double-click the appropriate icon, and the corresponding form appears in the Oracle Identity Manager Workspace.


The Oracle Identity Manager Explorer is customizable by your System Administrator. Depending on the permissions you were given, different icons appear in the Oracle Identity Manager Explorer. If you do not see a particular form icon, then contact your System Administrator.


When you right-click the Oracle Identity Manager logo at the top of the Oracle Identity Manager Explorer, the Refresh Explorer menu command appears within a pop up window. When you click this command, Oracle Identity Manager updates and refreshes the Oracle Identity Manager Explorer with all forms to which you have access. This is useful when the System Administrator has changed your permissions.


You can adjust the size of the Oracle Identity Manager Explorer by dragging the Split Bar to the right or left. The Split Bar is the vertical line separating the Oracle Identity Manager Explorer from the Oracle Identity Manager Workspace.

The Oracle Identity Manager Workspace

Figure 3-4 describes the Oracle Identity Manager Workspace.

Figure 3-4 Oracle Identity Manager Workspace

OIM Workspace
Description of "Figure 3-4 Oracle Identity Manager Workspace"

The Oracle Identity Manager Workspace is the region of the Oracle Identity Manager main screen in which all forms accessed using the Oracle Identity Manager Explorer appears. If multiple forms are accessed, then Oracle Identity Manager places the active form on top and layers the remaining forms on readily accessible tabs (located along the bottom edge of the main screen). To switch between forms, click the desired form's tab, located at the bottom of the form.

Oracle Identity Manager is capable of displaying each form as two distinct views: a form view and a table view. The differences between the information presented in each view are explaing below:

Form View

A form view provides detailed information about a single record. The form view is the view displayed whenever a form is initially accessed using the Oracle Identity Manager Explorer (for example, before a query has been performed).

Table View

A table view lists general information related to multiple records of a form. When a user submits a query, and that query produces more than one result, Oracle Identity Manager automatically displays a table containing all records that match the criteria of the search.

In the example below, a query of the Organizations form has returned a result containing several records. Notice that both the form and table view tabs of the Organizations form are displayed. Figure 3-5 displays the Table View of Oracle Identity Manager.

There are several standard usage and display conventions that apply to all table views: