Accessibility Guide for Siebel Business Applications > Using Siebel Accessibility Features >

Keyboard Accelerators for Siebel Analytics

The keyboard shortcuts in Table 3 can be used to navigate Siebel Analytics dashboards. See Navigating Siebel Analytics Dashboards for step-by-step navigation procedures.

NOTE:  Before using the key combinations to navigate the dashboard, you must first disable the virtual PC cursor. The virtual PC cursor should be enabled at other times.

Table 3. Siebel Analytics Keyboard Accelerators

Focus on the page tabs


Navigates to the first dashboard listed on the page, typically the user's personal dashboard (My Dashboard).

Focus on the first dashboard link


Navigates to the first page in the current dashboard.

Move backward through sections on dashboard page


Navigates to the previous section of content in the dashboard. Navigation is from right to left, and then up.

Move forward through sections on dashboard page


Navigates to the next section of content in the dashboard. Navigation is from left to right, and then down.

Move backward through elements of section


Navigates to the previous item within a section of content. If the section is aligned horizontally, navigation is from right to left.

Move forward through elements of a section


Navigates to the next item within a section of content. If the section is aligned horizontally, navigation is from left to right.

Accessibility Guide for Siebel Business Applications