Applications Administration Guide > Administering and Using Inbox >

Changing the Destination View for an Inbox Type

If the Inbox item is set up to link to a particular view through the Name hyperlink, you can easily change this destination view or add new destination view. (The Name field as a hyperlink is shown in Figure 10.)

For example, if some users do not have responsibilities to see the current destination view, you can add a destination view that they can see.

Multiple views can be associated with one Item type. Each view is assigned a sequence number. When users drill down on the Item hyperlink in the Inbox, they see the first view in the sequence that they have access to (based on their responsibilities).

This task is a step in the Process of Administering and Using the Inbox.


To add or change destination views for an Inbox type from the Views view

  1. Navigate to Administration - Inbox screen > Actions view.
  2. Select the Inbox type.

    NOTE:  If there is a record in the Action list where Action = Name Drilldown, then changing the destination view in the Views view has no effect. You need to change the Name Drilldown instead. For information on how to do this, see Setting Up Inbox Actions.

  3. Click the Views view tab.
  4. In the Views list, do one of the following:
    1. Edit the View name or Sequence # for an existing record.
    2. Create a new record and complete the View and Sequence # fields.

      Make sure that the view you enter belongs to Business Object specified for the Inbox type.

Applications Administration Guide