Numerics - A - B - C - D - E - F - G - H - I - J - L - M - N - O - P - Q - R - S - T - U - V - W - Z



new features   1 ,  2

Back to top


account assessments, performing   1

account category

adding   1

searching for   1

account credit profiles, viewing   1

account plan

highlights, adding   1

reports, generating and account map reports   1


contact, associating with an account   1

creating an account   1

designating as reference   1

manager approval, viewing   1

offerings, adding to Business and Service Units   1

partners, adding for Enterprise Selling Process   1

accounts map reports

generating and account plan reports   1

accounts, global

custom hierarchy, assigning to an organization   1

custom hierarchy, creating   1

custom hierarchy, updating   1

default hierarchy, generating   1

hierarchies, types of   1

process flow for using and administering accounts   1

scenario   1

viewing global accounts   1

accounts, using in Siebel Call Center

about   1

account information, sending to external system   1

Accounts screen, using to manage business data   1

contacts, adding to an account   1

creating an account   1

scenario   1

accounts, using in Siebel Sales

about   1

account assessments, performing   1

account contact, updating an external system with   1

account credit profiles, viewing   1

account information, updating in external systems   1

account, associating with an activity   1

account, associating with an opportunity   1

contact, associating with a new account   1

contact, associating with an existing account   1

creating an account   1

scenario   1

action buttons

background colors, configuring   1

high interactivity, configuring   1

Inbox views, configuring for   1

standard interactivity, configuring   1


best actions, adding   1

possible actions, adding   1

ActivationLoadBalancerConfig system preference   1

ActiveX, browser support of   1


about   1

account, associating with   1

activity plans, creating   1

activity, delegating   1

another user's activities, working with   1

assigning using Assignment Manager   1

assignment methods   1

business objects, associated with   1

create activities asynchronously, configuring   1

Enterprise Selling Process, adding   1

households, adding activity to   1

new activity, creating   1

note, about changing Category value   1

opportunity reroute activity, setting up   1

opportunity, associating with   1

Owner and Employee fields, configuring   1

ownership of an activity, reassigning or removing   1

references, adding to activities   1

service requests, viewing existing activities for   1

target lists, creating from   1

activity assignment, about   1

Activity Hierarchy: Max Levels system preference   1

activity plans

about and activity templates   1

activities, creating associated with activity plan   1

activity assignment, about   1

activity template, creating without grandchild records   1

activity template, deleting   1

process for administering and using   1

sales methodology, defining   1

sales methods, about   1

scenarios   1

TAS Customer Milestone template, creating in a localized application   1

activity templates

about and activity plans   1

activity assignment, about using to create   1

activity plans, using to create   1

creating without grandchild records   1

target lists, setting up for   1

ActivityStatusToCloseVisit system preference   1


activities to household records   1

associated activities to milestones   1

best actions to advance opportunities   1

browser capabilities, adding additional   1

Business and Service Unit information   1

Business and Service Unit offerings   1

buying influence information   1

calendar access and modifying   1

category   1

child Web browser   1

competitive analysis information   1

contact to a synchronization list   1

Contact Us account   1

contacts   1

contacts to a household   1

contacts to an account   1

customer milestones   1

decision issues details   1

default view link to home page   1

email addresses and subjects   1

Enterprise Selling Account plan highlights   1

Enterprise Selling Process activities   1

Enterprise Selling Process contacts   1

Enterprise Selling Process objectives   1

household   1

Inbox translations   1

industries   1

JumpTab capability for Internet Explorer   1

languages   1

list of values, adding new value to   1

new D&B accounts   1

note to a reference   1

notes   1

parent Web browser   1

partners for Enterprise Selling Process   1

position summary information   1

possible actions for strategic selling   1

PRIME activities   1

profile information to a reference   1

reference activity to the calendar   1

related decision issues   1

relationship strategy information   1

Web browser capabilities   1

Web browser, adding additional   1

ZIP codes   1


displaying Households and Contacts screen   1

administration tasks

application-wide case insensitivity, enabling   1

browser, adding additional Web Browsers   1

cancel query, enabling   1

case sensitivity, about and Siebel applications   1

Contact Us account, adding   1

currencies, setting up   1

currency conversions, setting up   1

date formats, about   1

email address and subjects, about adding   1

expense types, setting up   1

field-specific case insensitivity, enabling   1

global time zone support, administering   1

industry, adding   1

InsensitivityFactor parameter, modifying   1

language, adding   1

language, deleting and Mobile Web client synchronization   1

pager companies, setting up   1

payment terms, setting up   1

periods, setting up   1

predefined queries, creating by saving a query   1

Predefined Query view, setting up predefined query in   1

predefined query, about setting up   1

quick fill template, editing   1

quick fill template, making public   1

screen home pages, setting up default view links   1

system preferences, setting   1

telephone formats, specifying   1

Web browser capabilities, adding   1

ZIP Codes, adding   1

Alarm Manager Load Frequency system preference   1


Alarm Manager Load Frequency, about   1

retroactive alarms, about and changing days displayed   1


about and example   1

creating and sending   1

email and screen alerts, about   1

recurring message alert, setting up   1

scenario, using alerts   1

single message alert, sending   1

AllowOverReceipts system preference   1

Always Show Message Bar Alerts system preference   1

AMS AMI Char Conversion system preference   1

AMS AMI Policy Name system preference   1

AMS AMI Receiver Service Name system preference   1

AMS AMI Sender Service Name system preference   1

AMS RefData DB ODBC DataSource system preference   1

AMS RefData DB Password system preference   1

AMS RefData DB Table Owner system preference   1

AMS RefData DB User Name system preference   1


list applets, enabling target lists on   1

list applets, saving of target lists in   1

ASIs, integrating using

accounts, contacts, and household, using for   1

accounts, contacts, and households ASIs, setting up   1

Get Account ASI   1

Synchronize Account ASI   1

Synchronize Contact ASI   1

Synchronize Household ASI   1

Web service, setting up an inbound service   1

Web service, setting up an outbound service   1

workflow, activating   1

assessment templates

about   1

creating   1


assessment scores, about calculating   1

assessment templates, about   1

assessment templates, creating   1

opportunity, assessing   1

process of administering and using   1

scenario   1

Target Account Selling, assessing an opportunity for   1

TAS coach, using to perform assessment   1

Assignment Manager

using to assign activities   1


contact, associating with   1

decision issue, associating with   1

opportunities, adding to   1

reference attachments, viewing   1

audit scope, about   1

Audit Trail

about   1

application, configuring for   1

audit scope, about   1

Audit Trail Engine business service, about and exposed methods   1

Audit Trail Engine business service, enabling   1

audit trail records and record details, viewing   1

business component and fields, configuring to be audited   1

business component, determining whether it can be audited   1

business component, disabling   1

business component, linking to   1

cache, clearing   1

caution, about purging records   1

content of   1

customer application, configuring for Audit Trail   1

disabling for application   1

object interfaces, about using with   1

parent-child business components, configuring to be audited   1

position, restricting by   1

process flow diagram   1

querying audit trail information   1

records, verifying   1

responsibility, restricting by   1

restrictions, list of   1

Siebel Remote and Siebel Replication users, about using   1

user, restricting by   1

Audit Trail Engine business service

about and exposed methods   1

enabling   1

Auto Mgr Calendar Access system preference   1

Back to top


bcp utility

about loading D&B data on Microsoft SQL server   1

best actions view, adding   1

Blue Sheet report, creating   1

Broadcast Message business component fields   1

BU/SU offering summary, viewing   1

bulk copy process (bcp) utility   1

Business and Service Unit, adding   1

business components

audit trail, disabling for individual business component   1

audit trail, linking to   1

audited, configuring for   1

audited, determining whether it can be audited   1

calendar, based on multiple business components   1

child modifications, disabling   1

child modifications, enabling   1

state models, about configuring for   1

state models, enabling in Siebel Tools   1

business service

Audit Trail Engine, about   1

Audit Trail Engine, enabling   1

CreateInbox method   1

CreateInboxEx method   1

CreateInboxItem method   1

CreateInboxOwner method   1

DeactivateInboxItem method   1

DeactivateInboxOwner method   1

DeleteInboxItem method   1

GetInboxItemInfo method   1

GetInboxOwnerInfo method   1

GetInboxOwnerInfoEx method   1

GetInboxParamInfo method   1

Initialize method   1

IsInboxItemExisted method   1

RouteInboxItem method   1

SetInboxParamInfo method   1

Universal Inbox definitions   1

Universal Inbox, about   1

UpdateInboxItemInfo method   1

UpdateInboxOwnerInfo method   1

Web Engine User Agent   1

buying influence information   1

Back to top



clearing   1

message broadcast caching, configuring   1


Alarm Manager Load Frequency, about system preference   1

calendar access administration scenarios   1

calendar access, about   1

calendar activities, administering resources   1

calendar activity display, starting and end times   1

calendar administration, process of setting up   1

Calendar Detail view, changing controls   1

calendar records, displaying fields for   1

calendars to which an employee has access, viewing   1

data display format, changing   1

Day Summary ToolTip   1

display field drilldown   1

drag-and-drop, about and user properties   1

editing, enabling and disabling   1

employee's Calendar Owner drop-down list, removing all employees from   1

employee's calendar, giving another employee access to   1

employees' Calendar Access List views, removing an employee from   1

field color, displaying   1

first day of the week, changing   1

Life Sciences calendar, hiding side applet   1

multiple business components, based on   1

reference activity, adding to   1

resource administration scenarios   1

resources, about   1

retroactive alarms, about and changing days displayed   1

special date markers   1

ToolTip text, displaying   1

user interface components, showing/hiding   1

user interface strings, changing   1

user preferences, overriding   1

Calendar Access List views

removing an employee from   1

Calendar Detail view

changing controls   1

Calendar Owner drop-down list

removing all employees from   1

canceling queries, enabling   1

case sensitivity

about and Siebel applications   1

case insensitivity, enabling application wide   1

case insensitivity, enabling application wide Siebel Developer Web Client   1

case insensitivity, enabling for Application Object Manager   1

case insensitivity, enabling Siebel Web Client   1

field-specific case insensitivity, enabling   1

InsensitivityFactor parameter, modifying   1

Catalog Administration screen

associating literature with a category   1


about   1

account category, adding   1

scenario   1

searching for a category   1

Category icon, configuring   1


currency conversion, supporting   1

opportunity charts   1

sales pipeline analysis chart, viewing   1

sales pipeline phases analysis chart, viewing   1

child records

child modification, disabling for business components   1

child modification, enabling for business components   1

state models, changing behavior   1

child Web browser, adding   1

Clear Cache button

using to clear cache   1


displaying calendar field color   1

Company Name system preference   1

competitive analysis

company comparisons, viewing   1

competitive analysis information, adding   1

TAS coach, using for   1


competitor comparisons, viewing   1

opportunity, associating with   1

scenario   1

Competitors screen

sharing literature through   1

constrained list of values

See Constrained Lists of Values

constrained pick lists

See Constrained Lists of Values

Contact Us account, adding   1


account contact, updating an external system with   1

account, associating a contact with   1

accounts, adding to   1

adding a contact   1

attachments, associating with a contact   1

buying influence information, adding   1

contact information, updating in external systems   1

defined   1

existing account used in Siebel Sales, associating with   1

existing contact, associating with an opportunity   1

household address, specifying for a household contact   1

household contact, storing information related to   1

household, adding contacts to   1

new account used in Siebel Sales, associating with   1

new contact, associating with an opportunity   1

opportunity, associating a contact with   1

organization analysis. adding existing contacts to   1

organization analysis. creating new contacts for   1

organization chart, deleting from   1

organization map, deleting contacts on   1

partners, adding for Enterprise Selling Process   1

personal contact, promoting to a sales contact   1

profile, creating for a contact   1

reference, associating with   1

scenario   1

synchronization list, adding a contact to   1

synchronization list, removing a contact from   1


additional browser capabilities   1

Correspondence screen

sharing literature through   1

Create Activities for List command

using   1

Create Rerouted Oppty Activity workflow

setting up   1

CreateInbox method   1

CreateInboxEx method   1

CreateInboxItem method   1

CreateInboxOwner method   1

CSM Logging system preference   1

currencies, setting up

active, making   1

active, making currencies active   1

currencies, defining   1

currency conversion, setting up

Euro Triangulation method, about   1

exchange rates, setting up   1

Siebel applications, conversion occurs in   1

triangulation conversion, process of   1

current locale

editing   1

custom hierarchy

about   1

creating   1

default hierarchy, creating based on   1

organization, assigning to   1

updating   1

customer milestones

about   1

adding a milestone   1

associated activities, adding to milestones   1

customized views, adding   1

Back to top


D&B Global Integration search

See Using Global Integration to Add New D&B Accounts

D&B integration

account promotion and prospect list creation configuration   1

account promotion and prospect lists, field mappings for   1

aggregate data. viewing   1

company data and report, accessing   1

configuration guidelines   1

D&B account, promoting   1

D&B real-time search and update, setting up symbolic URL for   1

D&B real-time updates, field mapping for   1

D&B report ordering, setting up symbolic URL for   1

D&B report, viewing   1

data, about   1

DB2, loading D&B data on   1

D-U-N-S number, understanding   1

files and format, required   1

global integration, using to add new accounts   1

loading D&B data   1

loading or reloading data   1

Microsoft SQL Server, loading D&B data on   1

multiple D&B update manager processes   1

multiple D&B update manager processes, with first time data loading   1

multiple processes and D-U-N-S number processing   1

Oracle, loading D&B data on   1

process of integrating data   1

prospect list, creating from D&B data   1

sample scripts, caution before running   1

scenarios   1

server components, about updating   1

server components, multiple D&B update manager processes   1

server components, multiple task Siebel update   1

server components, single task Siebel update   1

server components, updating process   1

Siebel update server component, running   1

symbolic URL, setting up   1

update server process configuration   1

D&B Update Manager

account promotion and prospect lists, field mappings for   1

D&B real-time updates, field mapping for   1

D&B server component field mappings   1

D&B server component, running as multiple task process   1

D&B server component, running as single task process   1

D&B server component, running from a command line   1

D&B Siebel server component, running from a command line   1

D&B, running without updating or deleting data   1

Siebel server component field mappings   1

Siebel server component, running as multiple task process   1

Siebel server component, running as single task process   1

Siebel, running without updating account name or location   1

tip, about running   1


import, list of values, considerations   1

seed data, about   1

Data Universal Numbering System number

See About the D&B D-U-N-S Number


sample database, about   1

selecting   1


and timestamps, about   1

calendar date display format, changing   1

formats, about   1

special date markers   1

Day Summary ToolTip   1

DB2, loading D&B data on   1

DB2: Default Opt Level system preference   1

DBX: Vis Rules per Statement 1 system preference   1

DBX: Vis Rules per Statement N system preference   1

DeactivateInboxItem method   1

DeactivateInboxOwner method   1

decision issues

attachments, associating with decision issue   1

decision issue record, creating   1

decision issues details, adding   1

literature, associating with the decision issue   1

opportunity, associating with   1

opportunity, viewing for   1

related issues, adding   1

scenario   1

Decision Issues screen

sharing literature through   1

dedicated Web clients

application-wide case insensitivity, enabling   1

databases, selecting   1

error message, first time logging in   1

license key, entering   1

message broadcasting, enabling or disabling   1

Siebel application, starting from   1

Default Campaign Source Code system preference   1

Default EC Procedure system preference   1

default hierarchy

about   1

generating   1

Default MVG Exists Query system preference   1

Default Offer Code system preference   1

Default Pricing Procedure system preference   1

Default Time Zone system preference   1

DeleteInboxItem method   1


activity template   1

contacts from organization chart   1

contacts on organization map   1

employee from all employee's Calendar Access List views   1

employees from Calendar Owner drop-down list   1

Inbox items   1

languages, about and mobile Web client synchronization   1

lines of influence   1

lines of influence from organization chart   1

lines of influence on the organization map   1

demo user

logging on   1

Display Value field

about modifying and updating records   1

dnbinitial.sql file

using to load D&B data   1

Docking:Transaction Logging system preference   1

dragging and dropping records

into the calendar   1


display field   1

D-U-N-S number

about   1

warning about multiple processes   1

dynamic pick lists

constraining, about   1

using, about   1

Back to top


eAuc: system preferences   1


sharing literature through   1


quick fill template   1

EIM (Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager)

importing telephone information   1


address, about adding   1

alerts, about   1

message, using to send   1

opportunity assigned notification process   1

Employee field

configuring for activities   1

employee setup

completing   1

information, additional   1


about activity assignment methods   1

Enterprise Selling Process

account plan and account map reports, generating   1

account plan highlights, adding   1

activities, adding   1

BU/SU offering summary, viewing   1

Business and Service Unit, adding   1

contact, adding   1

manager approval, viewing   1

objectives, adding   1

offerings, adding to Business and Service Units   1

organization chart, printing   1

organization's reporting structure, charting   1

organization's reporting structure, deleting contacts   1

organization's reporting structure, deleting line of influence   1

organization's reporting structure, drawing lines of influence   1

organization's reporting structure, representing   1

organizational analysis   1

overview   1

partners, adding   1

process of   1

scenario   1

Entitlement: Pricing Dates system preference   1

Entitlement: Verify Consumer system preference   1

Entitlement: Verify Dates system preference   1

Entitlement: Verify Product system preference   1



ETL Alignment Version system preference   1

ETL Analysis End system preference   1

ETL Analysis Start system preference   1

ETL Base Exchange Currency system preference   1

ETL Date Format system preference   1

ETL Default Continent system preference   1

ETL Default Country system preference   1

ETL Default Currency system preference   1

ETL Default Language system preference   1

ETL LOV Maximum Value system preference   1

ETL LOV Minimum Value system preference   1

ETL Unknown Exchange Rate system preference   1

Euro Triangulation method

about   1

triangulation conversion, process of   1

exchange rates

multiple currencies, about setting up for   1

setting up   1

expense reports

about currency conversion   1

expense types, setting up

about and pretasks   1


iHelp item as HTML file   1

external system

sending account information   1

sending household information to   1

Back to top


features, new

version 7.8   1 ,  2

field-specific case insensitivity

enabling   1

FINSeBanking Bill Pay Campaign system preference   1

FINSeBanking Campaign system preference   1

FINSeEnrollment Campaign system preference   1

FINSeSales Campaign system preference   1

Forecast: Auto-Forecast system preference   1

Forecast: Use Server Task system preference   1


about currency conversion   1


additional browser capabilities   1

FSAssetSwap SubComponents system preference   1

FSDB:Override Service Region system preference   1

Back to top


Get Account ASI   1

Get Manager Email process

setting up   1

GetInboxItemInfo method   1

GetInboxOwnerInfo method   1

GetInboxOwnerInfoEx method   1

GetInboxParamInfo method   1

global accounts

account hierarchies, types of   1

custom hierarchy, assigning to an organization   1

custom hierarchy, creating   1

custom hierarchy, creating based on default hierarchy   1

custom hierarchy, updating   1

default hierarchy, generating   1

global accounts, viewing   1

process flow for using and administering accounts   1

scenario   1

global integration

search, initiating   1

using to add D&B accounts   1

Global Target List Management

about   1

activity templates, setting up for target lists   1

create activities asynchronously, configuring   1

example process workflow   1

information, for additional   1

list applets, enabling target lists on   1

lists, kinds of   1

scenario   1

target lists, applying   1

target lists, creating activities from   1

target lists, creating by combining lists   1

target lists, creating by querying   1

target lists, editing   1

target lists, saving for a list applet   1

workflows, about   1

Back to top



See About iHelp


custom hierarchy, assigning to an organization   1

custom hierarchy, creating   1

custom hierarchy, creating based on the default hierarchy   1

custom hierarchy, updating   1

default hierarchy, generating   1

[H] high message, severity level   1


additional browser capabilities   1

home pages

setting up default view links   1


activity, adding to   1

adding a household   1

address, specifying for a household contact   1

contact, storing information related to   1

contacts, adding to a household   1

defined   1

external system, sending household information to   1

information, types that can be related to household   1

information, viewing additional information related to   1

note, displaying addresses in Households and Contacts screens   1

scenario   1


exporting iHelp item as   1

importing iHelp item as   1

Back to top



about   1

active iHelp item, revising   1

administering iHelp scenario   1

buttons, about activating, revising, and deactivating   1

designing iHelp   1

example process workflow   1

iHelp Designer, accessing   1

iHelp item records, creating   1

iHelp item, activating   1

iHelp item, deactivating   1

iHelp items, exporting as HTML file   1

iHelp items, importing as HTML file   1

iHelp items, translating   1

iHelp list cache, clearing   1

iHelp step, creating   1

steps, connecting with branches   1

terminology   1


iHelp item as HTML file   1


deleting Inbox items   1

destination view, changing for Inbox type   1

expiration dates and due dates, setting   1

feature objects, interaction with   1

Inbox item, approving or rejecting   1

Inbox items, reviewing all   1

interaction between feature objects figure   1

previously approved items, reviewing   1

process of administering and using   1

remote database, changing downloading to   1

scenario for approving personnel action forms   1

scenario for service request management   1

submitted items, reviewing   1

terminology   1

translations, adding   1

Universal Inbox business service, about   1

Inbox approval translations

setting up   1

Inbox type

about   1

action type   1

category   1

creating   1

Inbox views

action buttons for high interactivity, configuring   1

action buttons for standard interactivity, configuring   1

action buttons, configuring background colors   1

action buttons, configuring for   1

toggle applets, configuring   1

toggle applets, types supported   1

Inbox, configuring

action buttons for high interactivity, configuring   1

action buttons for standard interactivity, configuring   1

action buttons, configuring background colors   1

action buttons, configuring for Inbox views   1

actions, about   1

actions, setting up   1

Category icon, configuring   1

Inbox action type   1

Inbox approval translations, setting up   1

Inbox category   1

Inbox item, deactivating   1

Inbox items, configuring the application to create   1

Inbox trigger used in ESS   1

Inbox trigger used in Server Script   1

Inbox type, creating   1

Inbox types   1

planning an Inbox configuration   1

process of setting up and configuring   1

remote databases, configuring using   1

setting level for troubleshooting   1

toggle applets, configuring for Inbox views   1

Universal Inbox business service methods   1

views and SmartScripts, setting up Inbox links   1


adding an industry   1

Infocenter screen

sharing literature through   1

Initial Plan report   1

Initialize method   1

InsensitivityFactor parameter

modifying   1

INSeService Campaign system preference   1

INSeService Discount Campaign system preference   1


software required   1

Internal DUNS Number system preference   1

international telephone

formats, about entering and format logic   1

numbers, calculating maximum length   1

Internet Explorer 5.0

adding JumpTab capability   1


sorting messages by   1

IsInboxItemExisted method   1

Back to top


JumpTab capability

adding for Internet Explorer 5.0   1

Back to top


Language Independent Code

list of values, about changing   1

list-of-values type, about within the   1

language independent values (LOV)

about changing list of values   1


adding   1

deleting, about and mobile Web client synchronization   1

lead sources

setting up for opportunities   1

leads, rerouting   1

license keys

about   1

additional license key, entering using a Siebel application   1

additional license key, entering using Siebel Tools   1

caution, about entering option-module license key   1

correcting errors   1

fields, table of   1

first license key, entering   1

hiding access to   1

option module license key   1

lines of influence

organization chart, deleting lines of influence   1

organization chart, using to draw   1

organization map, deleting   1

organization map, drawing   1

list applets

target list, saving in an applet   1

target lists, enabling on an applet   1

list of values (LOV)

about   1

cache, clearing   1

caution, modifying seed data   1

inactivating a value, about and procedure   1

items, modifying   1

Language Independent Code values (LOV)   1

list-of-values type, identifying for a display value   1

LOV data, viewing   1

LOV record, fields in   1

new value, adding to an existing list   1

WI_ARG_TYPE, extending for   1

list of values, constrained

about   1

Parent LIC attribute, about changing parent Area   1

Parent LIC attribute, about making values hierarchically dependent   1

Siebel EIM considerations   1


See Literature

Literature Administration screen

associating literature with a category   1

literature files

See Creating and Modifying Literature Files

literature item kits

creating   1

literature records

creating   1

local database, about   1


creating   1

editing current locale   1

setting up, about   1

translation, creating for   1

log files

setting level for troubleshooting   1


demo user, on as   1

LOGMGR:Vis Rules per Statement system preference   1

Lots For Disperse Only system preference   1


See About Lists of Values

Back to top


Management Responsibility Code

about   1

manager approval, viewing   1

Marketing Data file, about   1

marketing resources, balancing tool   1

message broadcasting

Broadcast Message business component fields, table of   1

caching, configuring   1

message broadcast script, sample of   1

message text, about automatically updating   1

messages, creating and sending   1

mobile and dedicated Web clients, enabling or disabling   1

overview   1

process flow example   1

scenario   1

server level, enabling/disabling message broadcasting   1

severity levels   1


email and screen alerts, about   1

email, using to send a message   1

messages created by you, viewing   1

new message, creating   1

recurring message alert, setting up   1

setting up and using, process of   1

setting up scenario   1

single interval, sorting messages by   1

single message alert, sending   1

using, about   1

workflows for Messages screen and views, setting up   1

your messages, viewing   1

Microsoft SQL Server

loading D&B data on   1


adding a milestone   1

associated activities, adding to milestones   1

customer milestones, about   1

mobile users

about activating state models   1

mobile Web clients

enabling or disabling message broadcasting   1

MRC file, about   1

MRG:Docking Timestamp Source system preference   1

MRG:Inter Table Conflict Res system preference   1

MRG:Inter Table Merge Rule system preference   1

MRG:System Conflict Resolution system preference   1

MRG:Txns per Commit system preference   1

MRG:User Friendly Notification system preference   1

multiple currencies

about setting up exchange rates for   1

multiple processes

and D-U-N-S number processing   1

My To Do filter

using to view activity   1

Back to top


new features

version 7.8   1 ,  2

non-North American telephone formats

specifying   1

[N] normal message

severity level   1

North American telephone formats

default format for   1


opportunity, adding private and public notes   1

reference, adding a note to   1

target account selling, adding a note   1

notification workflows

communications profile, setting up   1

delivery of emails, restricting conditions for   1

email notifications, stop sending   1

Get Manager Email process, setting up   1

opportunities lost notification process, about   1

opportunity assigned notification process, about   1

opportunity inactive notification process   1

opportunity won notification process   1

opportunity workflow email, modifying the language of   1

opportunity workflows, setting up   1

setup steps   1

time lapse between lead assignment and email delivery, modifying   1

Back to top



adding Enterprise Selling Process objective   1


BU/SU offering summary, viewing   1

Business and Service Units, adding to   1


about and predefined opportunities, list of   1

account, associating with   1

activities, associated with an opportunity   1

assessing an opportunity   1

assessment, beginning   1

attachments and notes, adding to   1

communications profile, setting up   1

competitors, associating with   1

contact, associating with   1

creating an opportunity   1

decision issue, associating with an opportunity   1

decision issues, viewing for an opportunity   1

defined and examples   1

delivery of emails, restricting conditions for   1

depicting organization hierarchy, using drag and drop   1

email notifications, stop sending   1

existing contact, associating with an opportunities   1

Get Manager Email process, setting up   1

lead qualification, sales methods. and stages   1

lead response, about   1

lead sources, setting up for opportunities   1

lines of influence, deleting   1

lines of influence, drawing   1

new contact. associating with an opportunities   1

notes, adding private and public notes   1

notification workflows, setup steps   1

opportunities by category report, configuring   1

opportunities lead assignment, about   1

opportunity assigned notification process, about   1

Opportunity Audit Trail, enabling and tracking additional fields   1

opportunity charts   1

opportunity inactive notification process, about   1

opportunity lost notification process, about   1

opportunity reports, generating   1

opportunity reroute activity, setting up   1

opportunity revenues, updating   1

opportunity won notification process, about   1

opportunity workflow email, modifying the language of   1

opportunity workflows, setting up   1

organization analysis, adding existing contact   1

organization analysis, creating new contacts   1

organization analysis, viewing and printing   1

position summary information, adding   1

primary team member, changing   1

processes and procedures   1

products, associating to an opportunity   1

quote, creating from an opportunity   1

revenue class and revenue type, about   1

sales pipeline analysis chart, viewing   1

sales pipeline phases analysis chart, viewing   1

scenario   1

significant opportunity transactions, monitoring   1

single sales objectives, adding   1

strategy sessions, adding actions to   1

Target Account Selling, assessing an opportunity for   1

Target Account Selling, sales professionals accessing an opportunity   1

TAS Coach, using   1

TAS coach, using to perform assessment   1

TAS, assessing an opportunity   1

time lapse between lead assignment and email delivery, modifying   1

opportunities by category report

configuring   1


loading data D&B data   1


custom hierarchy, assigning to   1

organization chart, printing   1

reporting structure, charting   1

reporting structure, deleting contacts   1

reporting structure, deleting lines of influence   1

reporting structure, drawing lines of influence   1

reporting structure, representing   1

organization analysis

contacts. adding existing to   1

contacts. creating new   1

depicting organization hierarchy, using drag and drop   1

lines of influence, deleting   1

lines of influence, drawing   1

printing and viewing   1

organization hierarchy

using drag and drop to depict   1

organization map

contacts, deleting   1

creating   1

lines of influence, deleting   1

lines of influence, drawing   1

printing   1

organizational analysis

about   1

about conducting   1

beginning an analysis   1

creating   1

Owner field

configuring for activities   1

Back to top


pager company

setting up   1

Parent LIC attribute

list of values, about making values hierarchically dependent   1

parent Area, about changing   1

parent Web browser

adding   1

parent-child business associations for audit

specifying   1


adding for Enterprise Selling Process   1

password and default user ID   1

payment terms

setting up   1


period units, associating with a period   1

setting up   1

personal contact

promoting to a sales contact   1

pick lists

See About Lists of Values


audit trail, restricting by position   1

summary information, adding   1

predefined queries, setting up

about   1

creating by saving a query   1

Predefined Query view, setting up predefined query in   1


overriding user preferences   1

preferences, system   1

price lists

currency conversion   1

primary team member

changing   1

PRIME activities

adding   1

viewing   1


organization analysis   1

organization chart   1

organization map   1

Priority input argument, about   1

private notes

adding to the opportunity   1


opportunity, associating to   1


contact, creating for   1

profile information, adding to a reference   1

profiles charts, viewing   1

projects, currency conversion   1


creating list from D&B data   1

public notes

adding to the opportunity   1

Back to top



audit trail information   1

canceling   1

predefined query, about setting up   1

predefined query, creating by saving a query   1

predefined query, setting up in Predefined Query view   1

target list, creating by querying   1

telephone number, examples   1

telephone numbers, about using and example   1

quick fill template

editing   1

making public   1

Quick Print Application system preference   1

Quick Print Output Format system preference   1


currency code, about changing   1

opportunity revenues, updating   1

opportunity, creating from   1

Back to top


rate lists

about currency conversion   1

ReadOnlyOrderStatus system preference   1

recurring message alert

setting up   1

reference assets

viewing   1


accounts, designating as reference   1

accounts, managing and references   1

activities, adding   1

attachments, viewing   1

calendar, adding reference activity to   1

contact, associating with   1

note, adding to   1

profile information, adding to a reference   1

reference assets and profiles charts, viewing   1

scenarios   1

searching for references   1

relationship strategy

developing   1

remote databases

configuring Inboxes for use with   1

replication (Siebel Replication)

about using audit trail   1


account plan and account map reports, generating   1

Blue Sheet report, creating   1

currency conversion supported in   1

Initial Plan report   1

opportunities by category report, configuring   1

opportunity reports, generating   1

Satmetrix survey reports, setting up   1

TAS Opportunity Plan report   1


about   1

calendar activities, administering resources   1

calendars to which an employee has access, viewing   1

employee's calendar, giving another employee access to   1

Resources list applet

tip, adding fields   1


restricting audit trail by   1

retroactive alarms

about and changing days displayed   1


updating opportunity revenues   1

RouteInboxItem method   1

RTI configuration file

account locations, edit so not updated   1

caution if modified   1

Back to top


S_audit_item table

purging   1


about modifying responsibility   1

sales contact

promoting a personal contact to   1

sales methods

about   1

sales methodology, defining   1

sales pipeline analysis chart

viewing   1

sales pipeline phases analysis chart

viewing   1

SalesHierarchy:UseServerTask system preference   1

sample database

about and logging in   1

Samples Lots Enabled system preference   1

Satmetrix Key Value system preference   1

Satmetrix survey reports

setting up, about   1

symbolic URL, setting up for access   1

WI_ARG_TYPE, extending list of values for   1


enabling saving target lists for a list applet   1

Sch:Break Time Id system preference   1

Sch:Default Constraint Set system preference   1

Sch:Default Cost Function system preference   1

Sch:Default Parameter Set system preference   1

Sch:Default Time Window system preference   1

screen alerts

about   1

screen home pages

setting up default view links   1


sample message broadcasting script   1


category, searching for   1

for references   1

initiating D&B's Global Integration search   1

SecThickClientExtAuthent system preference   1

seed data

about   1

list of values, modifying   1

server database, about   1

service requests

viewing activities associated with   1

SetInboxParamInfo method   1

setup tasks

summary of application administration tasks   1

setup, initial

about   1

employee setup, additional information   1

employee setup, completing   1

locale name, creating translation for   1

locale, editing current locale   1

locales, about setting up   1

locales, creating   1

Satmetrix survey reports, setting up   1

skills, assigning   1

tasks, summary of   1

views, adding to the application   1

severity levels

about using for message broadcasting   1

SIC (Standard Industrial Classification code) file

about and D&B data   1

Siebel application

license keys, hiding access to   1

Siebel Developer Web Client, starting from   1

Siebel Web Client, starting from   1

Siebel Call Center

See Using Accounts in Siebel Call Center

Siebel Developer Web Client

See Enabling Application-Wide Case Insensitivity

Siebel eBriefings

about ordering D&B reports   1

sharing literature through   1

Siebel Enterprise Integration Manager

importing telephone information   1

Siebel Enterprise Selling Process (ESP)

See Using ESP Methodology to Manage Accounts

Siebel Industry Applications

See About Global Target List Management

Siebel Literature

Competitors screen, sharing literature through   1

Correspondence screen, sharing literature through   1

Decision screen, sharing literature through   1

eBriefings, sharing literature through   1

literature files, about setting up   1

literature files, creating   1

literature files, modifying   1

literature item kits, creating   1

literature kits, about   1

literature or Infocenter, sharing literature through   1

literature records, creating   1

literature, associating with the decision issue   1

literature, making visible to users   1

Products screen, sharing literature through   1

software supported   1

translation records, associating with a literature record   1

Siebel objects

association with activity objects   1

Siebel OLE Automation, about   1

Siebel Remote

audit trail, about using   1

Siebel Replication

about using audit trail   1

Siebel Sales

account contact, updating external system   1

account information, updating in external systems   1

account, associating a contact   1

account, associating with an activity   1

account, associating with an opportunity   1

accounts assessments, performing   1

accounts credit profiles, viewing   1

accounts, about using   1

accounts, associating contact with   1

accounts, creating   1

scenario for accounts   1

Siebel Tools

Audit Trail Engine business service, enabling   1

audit trail, configuring customer application for   1

business component, enabling for state models   1

license keys, entering additional using Tools   1

license keys, hiding access to   1

Siebel Web Client

application-wide case insensitivity, enabling   1

different Application Object Managers, enabling insensitivity   1

Siebel application, starting from   1

single sales objective

entering   1

skills, assigning   1

SM WebIntelligence Server system preference   1


setting up Inbox links   1

software required, table   1

SQL (dnbinitial.sql)

using to load D&B data   1

SqlStyle system preference   1

SSASqlErrRsltsDiscarded system preference   1

Standard Industrial Classification code

about and D&B data   1


Siebel application, starting from Siebel Developer Web Client   1

Siebel application, starting from Siebel Web Client   1

State Machine, defined   1

state models

activating   1

business component, about configuring   1

business component, enabling in Siebel Tools   1

business component, is it already enabled?   1

child modification, disabling   1

child modification, enabling   1

child records, about changing behavior   1

enforcing state models, about   1

functionality   1

mobile users, about activating   1

new state model, creating   1

scenario   1

setting up state model, process of   1

state model objects, about reading   1

state transitions

defined   1

new state model, creating   1

static pick lists

about   1

constraining, about   1

Strategic Selling

best actions to advance opportunities, adding   1

Blue Sheet report, creating   1

buying influence information, adding   1

position summary information, adding   1

possible actions, adding   1

process of strategic selling   1

scenario   1

selling process, support of   1

single sales objective, entering   1

SubSqlStyle system preference   1

Suppress Side Applets Calendar Types user property   1

symbolic URL

setting up for access to D&B database   1

setting up for Satmetrix reports   1

synchronization list

adding a contact to   1

removing a contact from   1

Synchronize Account ASI   1

Synchronize Contact ASI   1

Synchronize Household ASI   1

external system, about sending household information to   1

Syndicated Data system preference   1

system preferences

setting   1

table of   1

Back to top


Target Account Selling

assessment, beginning   1

associated activities, adding to milestones   1

competitive analysis information, adding   1

competitive analysis, using TAS coach for   1

customer milestones, about   1

customer milestones, adding a milestone   1

notes, adding   1

opportunities, using to manage   1

opportunity, assessing   1

opportunity, sales professionals assessing   1

organization map, creating   1

organization map, deleting contacts   1

organization map, deleting lines of influence   1

organization map, drawing lines of influence   1

organization map, printing   1

organizational analysis, about conducting   1

organizational analysis, beginning   1

PRIME activities, adding   1

PRIME activities, viewing   1

process of   1

relationship strategy, developing   1

reports   1

scenario   1

TAS Coach, using   1

TAS coach, using to perform assessment   1

TAS overview, completing   1

target lists

activities, creating asynchronously   1

activities, creating from   1

activity templates, setting up   1

applying   1

creating by combining lists   1

creating by querying   1

editing   1

list applets, enabling on an applet   1

list applets, saving target lists in an applet   1

Target Lists system preference   1

TAS Coach

competitive analysis, using for   1

using   1

TAS Customer Milestone template

creating in a localized application   1

TAS Opportunity Plan report   1

TAS tools

creating organizational analysis   1

Technical Support (Alt. 1) system preference   1

Technical Support (Alt. 2) system preference   1

Technical Support (FAX) system preference   1

Technical Support (URL) system preference   1

Technical Support (Voice) system preference   1

telephone formats, specifying

caution, entering letters in place of digits   1

default telephone formats, about   1

EIM, about importing information with   1

international telephone formats, about entering and format logic   1

international telephone numbers, calculating maximum length   1

non-North American telephone formats, specifying   1

North American telephone formats, default format for   1

queries using, about and example   1

queries, using, about and example   1

querying for telephone numbers, table of examples   1

telephone number format examples (table)   1

telephone numbers, entering numbers in place of digits   1

unformatted telephone numbers   1

Telocator Alphanumeric Protocol (TAP)

pager support of   1


activities, creating target lists from   1

activity template, deleting   1

activity templates, about activities created using   1

activity templates, about and activity plans   1

activity templates, creating without grandchild records   1

activity templates, using to create activity plans   1

assessment templates, about   1

assessment templates, creating   1

quick fill template, editing   1

quick fill template, making public   1

TAS Customer Milestone template, creating   1

time zone support, administering

about   1

date and timestamps, about   1

time zone settings, modifying   1

translations of time zones, maintaining   1


about and dates   1

toggle applets

Inbox view, types of views supported   1

Inbox views, configuring   1


Day Summary ToolTip   1

text, displaying   1

Training: EAI HTTP Password system preference   1

Training: EAI HTTP Server system preference   1

Training: EAI HTTP User Name system preference   1

Training: Lesson Adapter URL system preference   1

Training: Lesson Security system preference   1

translation records

associating with a literature record   1


Inbox trigger used in ESS   1

Inbox trigger used in Server Script   1


setting Inbox log file level for troubleshooting   1

Back to top


unformatted telephone numbers   1

Universal Inbox business service

about   1

CreateInbox method   1

CreateInboxEx method   1

CreateInboxItem method   1

CreateInboxOwner method   1

DeactivateInboxItem method   1

DeactivateInboxOwner method   1

definitions   1

DeleteInboxItem method   1

GetInboxItemInfo method   1

GetInboxOwnerInfo method   1

GetInboxOwnerInfoEx method   1

GetInboxParamInfo method   1

Initialize method   1

IsInboxItemExisted method   1

RouteInboxItem method   1

SetInboxParamInfo method   1

UpdateInboxItemInfo method   1

UpdateInboxOwnerInfo method   1

Universal Time Coordinated system preference   1

Update External System command

sending household information to   1

UpdateInboxItemInfo method   1

UpdateInboxOwnerInfo method   1

[U] urgent message

severity level   1

UsageTracking Enables system preference   1

UsageTracking Log Time Period system preference   1

UsageTracking LogFile Dir system preference   1

UsageTracking LogFile Encoding system preference   1

UsageTracking LogFile Format system preference   1

UsageTracking Sess Cache Size system preference   1


restricting audit trail by user   1

User Group system preference   1

user ID and password, default   1

user interface components

showing/hiding   1

user interface strings

changing   1

user preferences, overriding   1

Back to top



7.8, new features   1 ,  2


customized views, adding   1

Inbox links, setting up   1

Back to top


Web browser

additional, adding Web browsers   1

capabilities, adding   1

capability, adding JumpTab   1

child Web browser, adding   1

extended capabilities, list of   1

parent Web browser, adding   1

required browser capabilities   1

Web Engine User Agent business service   1


extending list of values for   1


communications profile, setting up   1

Create Rerouted Oppty Activity, setting up   1

delivery of emails, restricting conditions for   1

email notifications, stop sending   1

Get Manager Email process, setting up   1

Global Target List Management workflows   1

opportunity assigned notification process, about   1

opportunity inactive notification process, about   1

opportunity lost notification process, about   1

opportunity notification workflow, setup steps   1

opportunity won notification process   1

opportunity workflow email, modifying the language of   1

opportunity workflows, setting up   1

time lapse between lead assignment and email delivery, modifying   1

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ZIP Codes, adding   1

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Applications Administration Guide